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I don't usually talk about myself, so I'll make this short and sweet. If you're
still interested then message me and I'll tell you more.
I'm a loyal best friend. A devoted lady to the man in my life. I'm disciplined and
hardworking to my hobbies & interests at hand. I'm a bodybuilder at heart, but I
still love my cheat meals. I'm a great cook (so I've been told) and I can even whip
up a mean batch of your favorite cookies if you're having a rough day. I am looking
for that special man with his own goals and dreams that I can support. In return
I'd like him by my side while I go after my own.
Hmmm, where to start? While I can work long hours at times, I'm always aware of the
fact that work is a very important, but still only one, part of life. I try to
explore life to its fullest, and I have many interests that keep it interesting. I
enjoy athletic activity, and try to stay fit. I like to mountain bike and sail in
the summer and I like to ski and play tennis in the winter. I enjoy traveling and
it's fun to go somewhere new for vacation, whether it's a weekend in california or
a ski trip to Italy.
Most important to me is family. I've been blessed with a close and loving family,
and they are the foundation of my success and are responsible for who I am today
(who am I, you ask? Why...a pretty cool lady!) Other interests include lots of
reading, both fiction and non-fiction, listening to NPR, and discussing a variety
of topics, from politics to history to current events. I even enjoy playing the
piano and have taken Latin dance lessons. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do
it's usually news or TLC, Discovery, History, etc. and the occasional sporting
event. I am as comfortable in a tux at a formal event as I am in shorts and flip
flops at the beach.
I think it's important to try and live by the Golden Rule: Treat people like you'd
like to be treated. My friends would describe me as funny yet reserved, open minded
yet with conviction, intelligent yet grounded. I believe in honesty and treating
people with respect at all times.
My ideal match is someone who I find attractive (both physically and in
personality), has a variety of interests (not necessarily mine but that would be a
plus, I guess) and enjoys trying new things. he needs to be kind, happy and highly
values and enjoys a close family. he needs to be fit, active and independent and is
looking to build a life-long partnership.
I love the outdoors and enjoy all kinds of physical activity; a good book,
breakfast anytime, spirited conversation, spontaneity, romance, the mountains, the
beach (on/off season), the woods, water, life inquiries, a good sense of humor,
intimacy, live music,.... the arts, science, cooking, home repair, weather, the
human body and all talent in general. I am content and independent and I thrive on
challenges. I am open minded, respectful, focused and compassionate. I have a
beautiful daughter and she is doing well.

I attained a certification for personal training about 12 years ago and have always
has a passion for nutrition and an awareness of how you can heal through natural
I love many different physical activities but not anyone to excess. One day a long
bike ride, the next a good run, tennis or golf, hiking or skiing...anything to be
outside and getting fresh air and exercise.
I have a serious side but love to clown around, I am naturally happy, will to pick
you up when you are down, value friendships and would like to meet someone that has
a life balanced around family and friends, health and spirituality. I am a
supportive sort, who will usually rearrange a schedule anytime to help someone or
do something more fun than yard work...which I don't really mind either:). I have a
knack for massage and most of my family-the willing ones-will tell you I can
usually work the kinks out of your neck or back with a little TLC.
I have a lot of energy, get up early and read till the candle burns out. I am in
search of you, a self starter, fun loving, outdoorsy type who can't pass up a
chance to shoulder up and exert a little! Hah, you will probably run circles around
I live in california but am all for relocating when the right time comes.
There are so many activities I enjoy doing. What's most important to me is whom I'm
sharing my time with, and not so much what we're doing. In addition to what I have
mentioned, I enjoy fishing, golfing, bowling, table tennis, tennis, softball, and
playing frisbee. Of course, being a Personal Trainer, I like to work out doing a
variety of exercises mostly using my body weight, and free weights. I am looking to
share my life with a man who has similar interests and values, and will be my best
friend. I am a very honest, loyal, and faithful lady, and follow the Golden Rule. I
love to cook and enjoy all different kinds of cuisine. Raised in California, I did
a lot of fishing, and ate plenty of seafood. Crab and lobster are two of my
favorites. Hopefully you'll enjoy a fine bottle of wine with me, as well. I also
have a passion for music, and enjoy listening to almost everything, but rap. Being
a child of the 70's I love classic rock, and motown, and even the oldies. Jazz,
blues, reggae, pop, and country are also favorites.... I believe in a strong mind,
body, and spirit, and have a very positive attitude on life. I wear a big smile on
my face most of the time, and wear my heart on my sleeve. I try to make a
difference in other peoples' lives, and am blessed to have few friends who are
worthy of being friends, some of which are old childhood friends. I am a hopeful
romantic, and still believe a soul mate is out there for me. I've never been
married but had a beautiful daughter. Yes, I am very affectionate, and especially
love to touch, kiss and hold hands. Communication between us will also be a very
important part of our chemistry because I like to talk. : ) Overall chemistry is an
intangible that can only be achieved when we're together, so if you like what
you've read about me, and like who you see, please say hello. We'll let the
universe take care of the rest. Take care of yourself, and have a glorious day!
Fitness is extremely important in my life. But so are great friends, career and
I love martial arts, and have a black belt in kick boxing from a renowned school
and sensei. I also instruct and am the women s kickboxing coach at my school.
I truly enjoy an active life. And have other interests that keep me amused.
Including a very successful investing business. But nothing is more fun for me than
to have a beautiful woman that I can spoil a little; tease a little; verbally spar
with a little and love a lot. Oh yea... give a lot of space when needed. And have
your back when you hit life's speed bumps.
I feel like there is so much to do. And not enough hours in the day to do them all.
But I know one thing... I am absolutely having a blast! And I would love for the
right woman to join in the fun.
I love to travel. Anywhere and everywhere.
Museums, concerts and speaker engagements.
And am told that I am the most adaptable man in
the world. So, black tie... cocktail party or barbecues
are all good!
I am sincere, spiritual, empathetic, romantic, affectionate and loving lady. I am
an idealist in the way that I look at life. Anything great can happen but you have
to be proactive. I am expressive and playful as well. We are as young as we think
we are. I also believe in the power of gratitude in the simplest things in life -
time with my daughter and hearing her laugh, relationships with the love one, a
deep connection with a special person, watching the sparkles of sunlight on the
water, watching the patterns of lightning bugs, hearing the ruffle of Aspen leaves,
the wind swirling and making waves in the meadow grass. Watching shooting stars,
seeing, then hearing far away planes in the night sky. Hearing the roar of wood
frogs and peepers in march and seeing the exodus of the spotted salamanders.
Listening to the ocean and feeling its power and peace. The glow of the afternoon
leaves in the sun, and the glow of mutual touch. I am very active with hiking,
running, martial arts, tai chi, meditation, drawing, painting, all kinds of sports.
I am always open to learning something new. I would like to eventually be in a
loving relationship with a sincere, spiritual, empathetic, affectionate man with
good attributes. We are deeply at home with eachother wherever we are. Someone can
be super silly and expressive, is kind, loves children and animals. Has his own
individuality and a lot to share - like two wholes that make a larger whole - not
like two halves. Appreciates the depth and beauty of nature, understands the power
of undying love, and the feeling of how Love making can empower a loving
relationship. Someone to grow spiritually with in all walks of life - we form a
mutual sanctuary - there for eachother on all levels no matter what happens. This
is what I seek on here.
Real happiness is found in relationships with people that we love and respect.
I also serve in the Army Reserve as an instructor and it�s definitely my more
rewarding job. Over eight years with the military so I'm always wondering where the
time went.
Physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle are important to me. I may be 38 years old
but don�t be fooled. I work out in the gym and/or cycle 5-6 days a week, as weather
allows. I take my fitness and health seriously. It's a long-term committed way of
life. That doesn�t mean that I won�t treat myself on occasion, but everything in
moderation, except fun. There can never be too much fun. I was once asked what I
was training for and I simply said �life�. My goal has always been to be fit enough
to do anything that I want and I have no plans to slow down. Life is too much fun
and there are too many things yet to be done. I hope you share my lifestyle
I believe in kindness. I value honesty and the genuine warmth that can only come
from a big heart. I admire people who are strong and independent but not afraid to
let go and be cared for when needed. Someone with a sense of humor who can make me
laugh and hopefully understands my funny bone when I'm being playful, which is
often. I also love adventure and adventurous spirits, someone who's not afraid to
explore new activities and discover new passions. I'm always looking for someone to
share activities with, having fun indoors and out. Just about anything especially
with someone who shares a similar sense of adventure and passion for a fit, healthy
and active lifestyle. If friendship grows into something more over time then we are
the lucky ones.
Lastly, I'm confident and secure about who I am. Yet, even at this stage in my
life, I am constantly humbled by the truth that the more I learn; the more I
realize how little I know. I enjoy learning and experiencing new things with the
best shared with others. I may never see your profile, like ships passing in the
night so if you share my views and have any interest in meeting, let me know at
gjanet49 at yahoO dot com, If it seems like a good catch for you, I would enjoy
your company. Life should be embraced and shared, one day at a time. Hope to get to
meet anyone between the age of 42-60 only thanks.
My Ideal Person: I'd like to meet someone that loves the ocean and time upon it.
Exploration under sail with a new friend would be a welcome addition in my life. I
want to meet someone who wants many of the same things I want. Someone that enjoys
going for the gusto when the mood strikes. Lets explore together. I own a large
sailboat and need crew. I am excited to meet someone new to sail with me as crew.
I'm a caring, hard-working intellectual with a down-to-earth personality, a love of
laughter, and a keen sense of living life for all it's worth. My parents call me
intelligent, a good listener, witty, chivalrous...and a fitness nut. I love to
interval training, do yoga, bike on the beach, hike, play basketball...or really
about anything. I'm also a big car/racing nut, enjoy family/friends, have a desire
to travel more often (love Europe), and have the worst habit of falling into ruts.
I'm not big on bars or clubs but look forward to more simple nights be them out or
in! Adventure is better when it's shared, isn't it? I'm big on romance and the
little things, and I'm passionate about strong relationships and good people. Be it
cooking a dinner together, going for a hike, shopping, hitting the gym, learning
something new, sharing a glass of wine with conversation, or picking out an exotic
adventure somewhere...there's so much about life to enjoy and share. The who is so
much more important than the what. Are you out there?
I will happily take the longer, more scenic route somewhere. In fact, I try to do
that on a daily basis.
Of course, that's a lot about me when what matters here is the we. Chemistry is so
vitally important. In the end, like everyone else I am seeking a true best friend
and lover (cliche, I know), but for now I would like to meet someone I really enjoy
spending time and sharing with and then take things from there.
If you are intelligent, independent, live a true fitness/health-oriented lifestyle,
adventurous, sharing/giving, diligent in your passions, optimistic or realistic,
and looking for long/short term relationship. Email me & let's get to know each
other. I'm Ready LET'S GO!
"If life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you
can get up. And if you get up, you can stand up. And if you stand up, you can fight
for your dream once again. You have something special. We all got GREATEST in us"
That's just a bit of whom I am, I never give up on dreams, life and my personally
being. Just like everyone else, I love the outdoors and enjoy all kinds of physical
activity; a good book, breakfast anytime, spirited conversation, spontaneity,
romance, the mountains, the beach (on/off season), the woods, water, life
inquiries, a good sense of humor, intimacy, live music,.... the arts, science,
cooking, home repair, weather, the human body and all talent in general, I am
content and independent and I thrive on challenges. I am open minded, respectful,
focused and compassionate. I have a beautiful daughter and she is doing well and I
am living life to the fullest, just looking to had some more fun to my life, and
hoping meet that man who can spark things up in my life, I have been out of serious
relationship in about three years now and my body, heart, spirit and soul is
willing, ready & confident of giving LOVE another try. "They say LOVE is the
greatest gift of all" So why not give it a short. Oops! I'm only interested in MEN
BETWEEN THE AGE OF 40's to 60's MOST BE MATURED MINDED MAN. Thank you for reading
my profile.


I am sorry for the late email regarding to my text. I had a been working all day
with some top officials that visit that was the reason I couldn't write you this
short mail as promised time, I hope you can forgive me. I'm working on getting out
of the Army soon and at this point, Am really working hard, quick and smart in
order for me to able to get through with some other paper works. How was your
night? Hope you had a good day? Here is just a little more of my pictures that I
did thought I should share with you and my email with the hopes of us getting to
know each other better.
Anyway, Attached are pictures are with some colleagues at work, I'm sure you can
see that, We are at women NBA final's and other last two in uniform was with the
Vice P - J. Biden & with his Family and also with my daughter. Cece... Am a total
complete normal lady when am not on uniform, just a normal old fashion lady and am
sure you can see that from the other pictures as well... I'm fun loving single
lady, who happens to be new on this internet dating & you are the first am
communicating with. I really hope that we get to be on the same page by giving each
other a bit attention in order to know ourselves. I must confess it was your cute
smiles that caught my attention & I feel you are going to be a mature minded man
with good personality that was the main reason why I showed interest in you. I need
to let you know am an open book please feel free to ask me anything you did like to
know about me.

OK! I will leave it there with the hope to hear from you and possible get to see
more pictures of whom I'm relating with. Please kindly confirm you received this
email and that I haven't got your email address wrong then in my next email...

Always love,



Thanks for your quick reply. I am so sorry I haven't been able to write you on
time, I have been busy all the morning doing some cleaning around the house and
gardening all day also went shopping with my daughter, by the time I got back
yesterday we knock off to the bed and wake up late today. Anyway; it's good to hear
from you on here, I feel we could have a little bit more privacy on here than OKC.

I am going to put an effort in this letter, in order to give clear understanding

that, when I am interested in something I give it all my full attention and that
includes you, just know that I will do everything possible to make my man's heart
smile like I was telling you yesterday via text and even if that means relocating.
I want you to know that my personality is being open mind, feel free to ask me
anything regarding your questions on getting to know me and I hope you will also
write me back & share more about you with me.

Well; I have already told you a little about my background, I have lived most of my
life in Los Angeles, California... A bit of my background, Mom was mixed
Irish/Austrialian/Asia & she was an international business woman who deals in
diamond stones, gold, and all sort of fashion wears traveling around the world for
business met with my Dad�while on duty in South East Asia, Singapore... Dad�was in
the US Marines before he passed away months ago, lost him to heart failure... I
joined the US army after 2 years in college, I also got diploma in Management,
spent first two years in the army as Fitness trainer/Instructor before futher
becoming Special Security Assistant to commanding officer on all matters pertaining
to special security. I am a single mom with 3 years old beautiful daughter she's my
life, Her name is Cece,�I hope you are not bothered about me having a daughter?�I
am just being straight with you, am the type that never hides my feelings, "Tell it
as it is" My daughter�is my happiness and no one will take that pride away from me.
Anyways, Have�been living my life to the fullest since I got out of the Military,
looking to start a new life fresh start, find a man who is honest, caring,
reliable, God fearing, a man that I can call my own, someone who isn't afraid to be
free with me, sharing out thoughts together, passionate, affectionate,
understanding, romantic, I want it all with the man of my dream and who knows it
could be you reading this letter now :) I really like you and that's why I am
sharing this part of my life with you. I had a bad experience with Cece Dad but
right now, I am over him and I never regret having Cece because she's the centre of
my happiness right now until I found that loving, caring, romantic, affectionate
and passionate man that I can call my love once again. Don't let you bore you with
my long stories.

On the other hand,, I got wide range of interest. I like camping, exercises,
traveling, swimming, road trips, sight seeing, wine tasting, foods, mountain
climbing, you can lay it on me anything I am so free at soul, I love movies, music,
jazz, soul, r&b, classic, country and I am off the chains, I like concerts, I like
watching the sun set, feeling the good weather with a good company of my man. Gosh!
That's the only puzzle in my life, a man that I can share that perfect moment.
Someone who we can go out together and get back home, have a cold shower, cook
together, make love anywhere in the house, a man that will make me wants to climb
the wall, screaming his name and never get tired of making love and falling in love
with his woman. I want to have all this in a long term relationship that will last
forever because I want to be loved and love back. I want to have a fulfilled life.
in with right man and I best believe you are a man in a good caliber but I just
want to see a bit of more from you. So your turn, tell me more about what you and
what you are actually seeking.... Have you been married before? What happened? Just
share more with me.�

I have attached more photos with this letter, with hopes that you like me more
because I feel like an old fashion lady and am a bit shy that you may not like me
for not being the model type. Attached are more pictures with my princess Cece.

Love Always,

Morning to you. Thanks for your reply, it was nice to get up in the morning and
read from you as well. I really like everything you said in this email and I will
do my best to answer your questions as well. I best believe I am not attractive
like the other ladies you have met before on Match right? But I am sure I could
have a better beauty on the inside because I know that I have a good heart and I am
very open minded person. Trust me she is very painful sometimes pain in my ass to
mom :D, I wish you could be here to be help me with her sometimes but I am so proud
to have her in my life, I just want to have that lovely family that I can allow her
to grow up with because it has only been me and her. Since my dad departed from us
9months ago which makes me quit the military and focus on her alone, my life has
been with the up's and down's. Most time I feel so alone that I feel like giving up
but you know Cece kept me going on and everytime I see that beautiful smiles on her
face, I felt like I can't give up and that was the main reason why I joined Match
to see if I can find that loving, good man who isn't perfect but willing to do the
best in having a family with love, A man who knows what he wants. That wants a
serious relationship that will last as long as possible. To look back on our lifes
together and give thanks to God for bringing us together, probably have kids if he
wants and if not OK with me as well. Someone that we can share our good deeds
together, share the bad moment together, most men that I have came across says, I
am too old fashion that I live in the world of 100 years back where ladies can be
treat as queens, and that is what my parents love was all about and I STILL BELIEVE
IN FINDING THAT MAN, hopefully it can be you because I am beginning to sense that
you have a good sense of humor & You are very calm totally different from others. I
really wish that we can have a good chat tonight since its Friday and we have the
own weekend to ourselves what do you think?

Yes I really feel the same and I felt like we have that connection in us together,
because you are looking for what I am looking for, and that makes the both of us.
Gosh! I am very much adventurous lady, I love traveling and I am open to anything
with my man. I have a lot of activities. Trust me, you will never get tired with me
in any way. I have wide range of interest.

Yes I was in the Military for six good years, I spent a years in Iraq but didn't go
to the conflicts zone, just within the camp and was returned to the Base in Ft.
Bliss - El Paso, TX and my final was Presidio of Monterey, CA. I had to leave
because of my dad passed away & he was the best baby sitter for Cece, I then decide
that I moved back to my normal life, start all over again, I miss my parents like
crazy, I wish there are here because they are my greatest support and now I am
doing all this by myself, I want a man who is matured, Understanding enough to know
that I need him to be my lover, my soulmate, my happiness and not a troublemaker,
liar or cheat and I am not looking to through divorce because it seems like 90% of
marriages in the states comes to divorce after two or three years. I want to have
that long lasting relationship until death do us path like my parents had theirs.
Oh my Goodness, I didn't know I have talked so much. I am going to stop here.

I am willing to chat more with you. Please let me have your cell phone, I can be
able to text and maybe if you are willing to learn how to use a Yahoo Instant
messenger on the computer, we can fix a time to chat if you can tell me your work
schedule and hopefully tonight or this weekend, we can have a long chat. I am not
going to be busy, I will surely create more time for you because you seems like
that special one and hopefully if we chat better we can know each other better.

Have a great day at work, I will be waiting on your next letter.

Love Always,


My Dearest,

I'm writing you this short message to confess what I feel for you because honestly,
I don't know what is going on with me, I can't understand myself, I can't explain
the feelings probably because I haven't felt this feelings in a very long time.
Before I go head telling you all about what I am feeling, I want you to please
understand my point of view.

Sweetie, I just hope you read this letter with understanding. I'm sure you would
have know I've tried every other thing to tell you how I feel about you except the
phrase: "I love you." I'm doing this to avoid you being embarrassed. I can say I'm
not 100% sure you feel the same way as I do, but I know that existed in my heart,
Or maybe the distance between us now is making things more difficult. However, I
believe, my feelings for you are true, that if by coincidence you read this mail to
an understand, you know I am saying this to you. I really adore you and I like you
and always will. I can't help but tell you this. You stole my heart, and made it
skip. You have been the highlight of my life. When I sleep, I dream of you, when I
work, we work together, when your heart beats, mine beats with yours. We have met
for some time now but we didn't talk but all of the sudden you came back; and ever
since not one day has gone by without me thinking of you. I think of you, and the
biggest smile comes across my face, I feel warm all over and my heart still skips a
beat for you whether we're on the text or just being all in my room thinking of.
Michael, just looking into your eyes through your pictures still makes me feel like
we have know each other from a very long time. I have the same dream we both want,
and that's to fall in love with you my bestfriend. I fell for you since the day we
had a long conversation. Do you feel the same way about me? Or is it that is
getting things confused with myself? I need you to tell me because You are always
on my mind. It's middle of the night now! I'm going to hit the bed now! I still
know that I will be dreaming of you all night.

I will be waiting on you patiently until I can finally find the courage to say the
WORD. But I want you to know that my heart longs for you and you have a special
place in my heart.

Love Always,


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