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Moor = amarrar
Disembark = exit a boat one is moored
Crossing = from mainland to island
Fleet = big company of boats that owns a lot of them
Gangway = bridge to cross a boat
Steered = more smthg in on direction or another (?
Deck = level of boat
Board = a bordo
Ran aground = when a boat gets stack in the ground
Drift = more slowly where the current takes you

Cabin pressure
Passport control
Breathtaking view
Guided tour
ocean liner – ship, smthg bigger that can cross oceans, similar to a direct flight
luggage handler – person work at aeroport moving suitcases + bags
upper deck – piso de arriba
departure lounger – aeroport waiting room, zona de preembarque
in-flight magazine
travel insurance

to take sb for a ride

to walk on air – extremely happy
to go to great lengths – try very hard to achieve, esforzarse al maximo
to swim against the tide
to be in the same boat
to let thing ride
wheeling and dealing – use diff methods, even dishonest
to drive sb round the bend – mske sb very bored or angry
to fly off the handle – suddenly become very angry
to rock the boat – to cause problems

slid – windows + doors move to side to side, deslizarse (objects)

slip – resbalar (persona)
skid – lost control car + change direction, used for vehicles

reverse – move backwards, dar marcha atras

return – go back, colocar cosa en su sitio anterior
retract – your words, but also umbrella + old mobile phones, fold it back

adjust – adapt to conditions road

shorten – length
modify – a document
alter – clothes

swing – moving in circles, cm un columpio (swing), de lado a lado o de delante hacia atrás
veer – change direction but bcs it is planned
swerve – avoid smthg, change direction, sudden

Leg of the commute = commute has diff legs – walk, train, walk again
Commute divided into diff stages, each one = leg

no end of hassle
hassle = synonym of trouble
thing/pers not stop giving you problems

weekend drivers
only take car at weekends
but also a second meaning – domingueros: molestan, en el carril de en medio, muy lentos, etc

car pooling – sharing car w other people to the same place (not friends)
playing through the roof = very expensive, exaggerate
a seasonal ticket – ticket that can be used for a long time
a petrol head – person that uses the acr for everything
to ferry the children – go to fetch the children + bring them to extraesc act
success mum – amer women only worried for extraesc + sandwiches
road tax – amount money you pay a year in order to drive your car
breakneck speed too fast

mishaps = accidents
sojoun = hard, diff experience

dual carriageway
hard shoulder
middle lane
otside lane
slip road
central reservation
crash barriers
lay by

In the long run = a la larga, eventually, after a long period of time

Drive sb up the wall = irritate, sacar a alguine de quicio
Up in the air = en el aire, existing but undecided
In the driving seat = dirigir
Get your walking papers = get fired from a job
Go the extra mile = rompers el lomo, make an exceptional effort
Dry run = ensayo
Take to one’s heels = run away, flee, huir
Drive a hard bargain = saber negociar, be though negotiator
In the same boat = in the same sit
Seasoned traveller – viajero inagotable
Scenic tour
Transatlantic flight
Pebbly beach
On the jetty
Change the itinerary

Come out – desmayarse

Put off – posponer
Come down – desmorornarse
Turn down – rechazar
Took off – despegar
Spread out
Pick up
Pass on – pasa info
Wrapped up
Kick off – start play, hacer el saque inicial

Take no notice
Soaked to the skin – empapado hasta los huesos

Teoria en my grammar lab y mas practica en la acrpeta de tercero
Never have I ever …
Little did she know …
2 main types of conversion

Don’t cross the road before looking both ways

ONLY AFTER looking both ways, can/should you cross the road
Under no circumstances must you cross the road without looking both ways

NO SOONER had she finished her exam THAN she went to a part
In + on when transports
I got in his car – private = IN
She got on the plane – public = ON

Shin – espinilla
Sole – bottom feet, planta del pie
Retina – in the eye
Adam’s apple – nuez
Sternum – bone btw costillas, donde te dan cuando tienes q aplicar primeros auxilios
Shoulder Blade –
Calf – back of the bottom part of the leg, …
Cheekbone – bone under cheek
Tonsils –
Knuckels – nudillos, bones connect fingers to palm hand
Ribcage – cage for ribs
Ache – pain
Clot – tapon sangre, can stop your blood reign, coagulo
Concussion – after hitting your head really really hard
Condition – diff from illness, long term smthg – illness dispaerar, as a flu / condition is w you
for ever
Cramp –
Deficiency – lack of
Discomfort – not threatening, smthg that wprries you, make your life a bit discomfort
Disorder – diff from illness + condition / rel to be mental, rel to behaviour, mental type of
problem, most common eating disorder
Exhaustion – extreme tired
Fractured – a bone is fractured, broken
Dislocated – out from his natural place
Infection –
Inflammation –
Injury – get accidently, a cut
Irritation –
Sprain – esguince, from his limit, you force it by passing its nat limit, not broken
Wound –
Predisposition – genetic tendency to suffer from an illness
Sharp pain – muy directo, mas fuerte q dull pain

Lab tests
Medical history
Passive smoking
Allergic reaction
Respiratory infection
Vitamin intake – ingesta
Strenuous activity - extenuante

Stabbing -
Holistic – balance btwn mind + body
Recurring – happens every now and then, dolor de garganta por ej
Niggling – keeps coming back to bother you, cada vez q giras el cuelo hace clac
Cavity – caries
Petty – smthg unimportant, chorradas, si alguien es Petty es q le da imp a cosas tontas,
Noxious – smthg that is bothering you, not threatening your life, noise of the professor next
class, neigbour renovate their house

EX 14b
1) cut accidental, incidental gen done by surgeon, planned
2) pain sharp feeling after hitting x, reaction to a hit / tenderness felt after an operation,
everytime you put pressure on it, area not fully recovered yet, mlestia, discomfort
3) dizzy feeling everything is moving, you are there, awake / faint is when you fall, not consent
4) hoarse voice almosta no voice when you go to a ocnert / sore thrpoat throath hurts
5) nausea – feeling through up after feeling dizzy, bcs of your stomack / vertigo dizzy but bcs of
the space, need to lie down and not move
6) diagnosis undergo an examination, results of what is wrong about your body / prescription
the solution, piece of paper stating which medicine you need to recover
7) consultation when you go for a specific request / examination when general practitioner
(medico de familia), general test
8) exhaustion more physical / exertion mor mental
9) midwife help you to give birth, has to do w the coming of the baby / matron is the head
nurse, not rel to babies, enfermera jefe
10) recuperate completely okey now / improve okey but maybe nog completely, u are better
than before but not the best you can be

1) B (sub marillo) 28-32
2) B (sub verde) 1-4
3) C (sub azul) 23-26
4) A (boli rosa)
5) C (sub rosa) 15
6) C (boli verde) the beggining
7) A (sub rojo) > feasibility = factibilidad - last line
8) B (boli azul)
9) D (boli rojo)
10) A (boli anarillo)


Up in the air

In the same boat

Goes/went the extra mile

Drive a hard bargain

Took to HIS heels

Drives me up the wall

Got her walking papers

Dry run
In the long run

In the driving seat

In the long run = a la larga, eventually, after a long period of time

Drive sb up the wall = irritate, sacar a alguine de quicio
Up in the air = en el aire, existing but undecided
In the driving seat = dirigir
Get your walking papers = get fired from a job
Go the extra mile = rompers el lomo, make an exceptional effort
Dry run = ensayo
Take to one’s heels = run away, flee, huir
Drive a hard bargain = saber negociar, be though negotiator
In the same boat = in the same sit

Get your foot in the door – tener un pie dentro, you are halfway, your on way
Take comments to heart – a peach, take things seriously
Put your foot down – it’s enough, dar un golpe en la mesa (idiom in esp)
Have eyes in the back of their heads – see everything
Have eyes for each other – continue to love each other
Rush of their feet – make run so fast, rush
Hand over fist – do nothing, easily, sin mover un dedo
Brought the country to its knees – if you are in your knees you are in no position of pwr, looser
in a battle, destroyed
Take to your heels -
Have a leg to stand on –
Keep your hand in –
Win the match hands down –
A strong stomach –
Fall head over heels in love –

Ex 17

Ex 18

Ex 26
1) texto c > in some foods … room temperature
2) texto b > leftover … urine
3) texto c > typically … disorders
4) texto d > signs … subtle
5) texto a > a number … interfere
6) texto c > vitamin e not harmful … high doses
7) texto a > plays … damage
8) text d > ultima frase
9) texto d >
10) texto b > among …

Most people agree – overwheming consensus
Manifest itself – it can appear, it can show
Detrimental factors – negative factors, disadvantages, harmful effects
Neutralize the effects – reduce, cancel
Supplementation – vitamins, usage of vitamins, vitamin intake
Scant – scarce, too little, not good enough

Enriched – fprtofy
Indistinct – subtle
Manufacture – synthsis
Gross - overall
Ailments – disorders
residual - Leftoiver
Impede - interfere

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UIB students + Mediterranean diet. Myth or reality?
Exam performance and vitamin/mineral supplementation
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