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● This test is often done to check for cancer and allows the doctor to look at tissue from

your bladder.
Bladder Biopsy

● This test is the first diagnostic procedure used to assess the urinary system. This also
assess the causes of abdominal pain, organs and structures of the urinary and/or
gastrointestinal (GI) system.

Kidney, Ureter, & Bladder X-ray

● In what position is the patient placed in doing a bladder biopsy?

Lithotomy Position

● The following are the signs of serious complications in a doing a bladder biopsy
Correct answer

● The ___________is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the
Correct answer

● This test is used to identify and treat a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, renal
disease, and urogenital infections

Correct answer

● In what position is the patient placed in doing a kidney, ureter, bladder x-ray?
Correct answer

● A certified nursing assistant is collecting a 24-hour urine specimen from a client. Which
statement by the assistant indicates that the specimen collection will need to be

Correct answer
"The client voided in it right away, and I wrote the time on the container."
● The following are some geriatric considerations when doing blood extraction for kidney
function test EXCEPT:
Correct answer
Use adhesive bandages.

● A clean-catch urine is submitted to the lab for routine UA and culture. The routine UA is
done first, and 3 hours later, the specimen is sent to the micro dept for culture. The
specimen should:
Correct answer
be rejected due to the time delay

● Upon standing at room temp, a urine pH typically


● What is hematuria?
Correct answer
Blood in the urine

● Urine osmolality is related to:

Correct answer
Specific Gravity

● The following are true about Intravenous Pyelogram X-ray EXCEPT:

Correct answer
Cathartics are usually given an hour before the examination

● Protein produced by normal and malignant cells of the prostate gland

Correct answer
Prostate-specific antigen

● The following are true about KUB X-ray EXCEPT:

Correct answer
Patient is placed in semi fowler's position with hands over the head or relaxed at the side

● Using a small needle, the nurse will take a blood sample from the patient’s arm. Then, a
small amount of blood will be collected into a test tube or vial
Prostate specific antigen blood test

● The following are true about Prostate Antigen Test EXCEPT:

The patient is allowed to ejaculate 2 days before the procedure

● What kind of material is used in an intravenous pyelogram x-ray?

Correct answer
Contrast material

● Among these substances what is being used for a IVP X-ray

Correct answer
Diatrizoate sodium

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