Medicinal Chemistry

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NAME:_________________________________________ DATE:____________________________


-Drug -Efficacy -Reduction -Intrinsic Activity

Dependence -Agonist -Potency -Hydrolysis
-Receptor -Tolerance -Antagonist
-Affinity and Intrinsic -Absorption -Organoleptic -Physiologic
Activity -Metabolism Medicinal Chemistry Antagonist
-Pharmacodynamics -Pharmacokinetics -Bioavailability
-Partial Agonist -Lent Insulin -Affinity -Plasma Protein
- Methylation -SEMI Lente -Distribution Bindintg
- Sulfate - Glucoronidation -Excretion
Conjugation -Prodrugs

-Receptor Antagonist Antagonist -Oxidation -Glucoronidation

- Acetylation - Sulfation / Sulfate -Methylation - Liberation,
- Acetylation Conjugation - ENTEROHEPATIC Absorption,
-Passive Diffusion -Convective RECIRCULATION Distribution,Metaboli-
-Carrier Mediated Transport -Pinocytosis sm, Excretion
Transport -Ion-Pair Transport -Biomolecule -Carbohydrates
-Vesicular Transport -Pinocytosis -Proteins -Nucleic acids
-Carbohydrates -Lipids

Allosteric Site -Ultra Lente Chemical Antagonist -Inverse Agonist


_______________1. The practice of medicinal chemistry that is devoted to the discovery and
development of new drugs.
_________________2. An agent intended for use in the diagnosis, mitigation,
treatment, cure, or prevention of disease in humans or in other animals.
________________3.A substance to which a drug needs to interact with to elicit a
pharmacological response. 90% proteins, some are nucleic acids and lipids
________________4.RECEPTOR AS DRUG TARGET._____&______
________________5.Ability of drug to bind to the receptor.
________________6.Ability of a drug to exert a pharmacologic action.
________________7.What are the 4 drug targets interactions.
________________8.Affinity + Intrinsic activity
________________9.Affinity only
________________10.3Types Of Antagonist
________________11.Binds to a receptor but does not activate it
________________12.Effects opposite that of the agonist by binding to a different receptor
________________13.Does not use a receptor
_______________14.Drug showing both agonist and antagonist activities
________________15.Receptors have active and inactive forms
________________16.Site other than the binding sit
________________17.It is determined by measuring the maximum possible effect
. resulting from receptor-ligand binding.
________________18.Relates how effective a drug is in producing a cellular effect. is a situation where increase doses of a drug are required over time to
achieve same effect
________________20.Compulsion to take the drug repeatedly and experiences unpleasant
symptoms if discontinued.
________________21.Study how drug interacts with their target to produce a pharmacologic
effect.What drugs do to the body
________________22. What the body does to the drug./It includes absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion. (ADME)
________________24.the transfer of a drug from its site of administration to the systemic
circulation (or to the bloodstream)
________________25.100% crystalline (long-acting)
________________26.70% crystalline, 30% amorphous (intermediate)
________________27.100% amorphous (short-acting)
________________28. aka Biotransformation/the fraction of administered drug that reaches
the systemic circulation in a chemically unchanged form
________________29.the process by which a drug reversibly leaves the bloodstream and
enters the interstitium (extracellular fluid) and/or the cells of the tissues
________________30serves as a reservoir Albumin - binds acidic drugs α-1-acid
glycoprotein - binds basic drugs/ may limit access to certain body
compartments/Prolongs drug duration of action
________________31.converts drugs into polar form, water-soluble products that are readily
excretable/detoxification process but not all the time
________________32.This is a GENERAL PATHWAY OF DRUG METABOLISM Phase 1
(Functionalization) (3 types)
________________33. This is a GENERAL PATHWAY OF DRUG METABOLISM Phase 2

(Conjugation) (4 types)
________________34. Reactions resulting in the addition of oxygen and/or the removal of
hydrogen.CYP3A4 - most dominant form of CYP450 in liver
________________35.Reactions resulting in the addition of hydrogen and/or the removal of
________________36. Drug containing ester/a bond in the compound is broken, resulting in
two compounds.
________________37. most common phase II reaction
________________38. well developed in infant
________________39.important for drugs containing primary amino group
________________40.It is common among catecholamines
________________41.compounds that are inactive in their native form, but are easily
metabolized to the active agent
________________42. the main route of excretion of a drug and its metabolite is through the
kidney (for LMW & polar drugs)/ Other types: Biliary/Fecal, Breastmilk,
Sweat (for HMW & lipophilic drugs)
________________43.drugs emptied via the bile duct into the small intestine can be
reabsorbed in the intestinal lumen back to systemic circulation
________________44.L.A.D.M.E stands for
________________45.5 MODES OF DRUG TRANSPORT
________________46. Process by which molecules spontaneously diffuse from a region of
high concentration to a region of lower concentration.
________________47. aka Pore Transport
________________48. Describes the movement of transport of large ions.

________________49. Process of engulfing particles or dissolved materials by the cell.

________________50. engulfment of small solutes or fluid/requires energy/“cell drinking”
________________51. A molecule that is produced by a living organism.

________________52. 4 types of biomolecule

________________53Very important source of energy
________________54. Commonly known as “Fats”
________________55. Working in the immune system by acting as enzyme
________________56. DNA and RNA (involved in genetic information)
-Ubiquitous. -Joseph Lister -Taxonomy -Mycology -Sailborne -pH

-Bacteriology -Franz -Media/ -Stationary -Death Phase

Schulze Cultured Phase
-Rudolf -Microbiology -Martinus -Temperature -Paul Ehrlich -Fomites
Virchow -H20/ Wilem -Air Pressure -Halophiles
-Gases Hydration Beijerinck

-Virology -Airborne -Foodborne -Log Phase

-Selman -Robert Koch -Animalia -Lopotrichus -August von -Robert Koch
Waksman -Theodor -Fungi -Ampitrichus Wasermann
-Atrichus Schwann -Monotrichus -Lag Phase

-Contact -Anton Van -Howard -Human -Alexander -Insects

Infections Leeuwenhoe Florey & Ernst Carriers Fleming -Plantae
-Lazzaro k Bohr Chain -John -Cyano
Spallanzani -Bacteria -Protozoan Needham bacteria
-Ignaz -Emil Von -Animal -Edward -John Tyndall -Protista
Semmelweis Behring Sources Jenner -Peritrichus

Protozoology -Domagk -Louis -John Tyndal -Phycology


_______________1. Microorganisms are said to be____

_______________2. scientific study of the microorganisms’
Importantly, microorganisms may be carried from one host to another as
follows :
_______________3. Certain organisms are pathogenic for humans as well as animals and may
becommunicated to humans via direct, indirect, or intermediary animal
_______________4.Pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory track may be discharged
from the mouth or nose into the air and usually settle on food, dishes or
clothing. They may carry infection if they resist drying.
_______________5. Direct transmission of bacteria from one host to another viz., sexually
transmitted diseases (STD).
_______________6. Food as well as water may contain pathogenic organisms usually acquired
from the handling the food by infected persons or via fecal or insect
_______________7. Inanimate objects e.g., books, cooking utensils, clothing or linens that can
harbor microorganisms and could serve to transport them from one
location to another.
_______________8. Persons who have recovered from an infectious disease do remain
carriers of the organism causing the infection and may transfer the
organism to another host.
_______________9. Insects may be the physical carriers, for instance : housefly (Musca
domestica), or act as intermediate hosts, such as : the Anopheles
_______________10. Spore-forming organisms in the soil may enter the body via a cut or
wound. Invariably fruits and vegetables, particularly root and tuber crops,
need thorough cleansing before being eaten raw.
_______________11. study of organism (bacteria)
_______________12. study of fungi,
_______________13. study of algae,
_______________14. study of protozoans
_______________15. study of viruses
_______________16.Father of Microbiology Father of Microscopy/ 1st to observe
microorganisms (“animalcules”)/ “animalcules” – sperm is motile
_______________17. Father of Chemotherapy “Salvarsan” or Arsphenamine or Compund 606
(contains As) treat syphillis T. pallidum (causative agent)
_______________18. Penicillin : 1st Antibiotic/ P. notatum (old) in S. aureus medium
P.chrysogenum (new)
_______________19. -Isolate and introduce penicillin
_______________20. Surgical handwashing/ Puerperal fever – mothers dying from post-
partum due to infection/sepsis. Chlorinated lime = antiseptic for cleaning
hand before and after procedure.
_______________21.Vaccine against small pox/ cow pox
_______________22. -DTP (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertusis)
_______________23. Protonsil (red dye) as source of Sulfonamides
_______________24. Tyndallization - intermittent sterilization for complete removal of all
forms of organisms. There are microorganisms that are very resistant to
extreme heat and dehydration (Spores)
_______________25. - Theory of Biogenesis (Spontaneous Generation)/ Proved the germ
theory of fermentation/Father of Immunology/Swan Neck Theory/
Experiment – with broth to ensure growth of microorganism/Vaccine:
Rabies, Anthrax, Cholera/ Pasteurization .
_______________26.discovered Streptomycin from soil bacteria/ Streptomyces
_______________27.Father of Aseptic Technique = methods to prevent contamination &
carbolic acid as wound disinfectant
_______________28. Father of Virology, 1st to recognize viruses
_______________29. Developed complement-fixation test for syphilis

_______________30. Discovered B. anthracis / Father of Modern Microbiology/ Father of

Bacteriology/ Discovered TB, Helicobacter, Petri dish, Pure Culture
Technique and Agar Presented the Koch’s postulates
_______________31.5 Proponents of the theory of Abiogenesis.
_______________32. Way of classifying organisms
_______________33. (2) Higher Protista
_______________34. (3) Lower Protista
_______________35.5 types of Flagella
_______________36.5 Factors for Microbial Growth
_______________37. Used to grow microorganisms
_______________38. 4 Stages Of Microbial Growth increase in the number of living bacterial cell
_______________40. exponential increase in the number of living bacterial cell
_______________41.stable state rate of cell division & death is roughly equal
_______________42.exponential decrease in the number of living bacterial cell

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