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Teacher: Chicka, chicka Students: Boom, boom!

Teacher: King Bidgoods in the bathtub Students: And he wont get out! Teacher: Who ya gonna call? Students: Ghostbusters! Teacher: Are you ready, kids? Students: Aye, aye, Captain! Teacher: Second graders, second graders, what do you see? Students: I see my teacher looking at me! Teacher: To infinity Students: and beyond! Teacher: (singing) Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Students: Spongebob Squarepants! Teacher: Chitty, Chitty Students: Bang, bang!

Teacher: Peanut, peanut butter (singing) Students: and jelly! Teacher: (singing) And its 1, 2, 3 strikes youre out, Students: at the ol ball game! Teacher: (singing) Zippety doo-dah, Students: Zippety aye! Teacher: ToMAto Students: ToMAHto! Teacher: L-I-SStudents: T-E-N Teacher: Everyone in the house, Students: Quiet as a mouse! Teacher: Zip, zip, zap Students: Were all that! Teacher: Woo, Pig, Students: Sooie! (Razorback chant) Teacher: No more monkeys Students: jumpin on the bed! Teacher: (singing) Its raining. Its pouring. Students: The old man is snoring.

Teacher: 1 - 2 - 3, Eyes on me. Students: 1 - 2, Eyes on you! Teacher: Q-U-I-E-T Students: Quiet, quiet! Thats what Ill be! Teacher: Ba da ba ba baa Students: Im lovin it! (McDonalds theme) Teacher: (singing) Head, shoulders, knees, and toes Students: knees and toes Teacher: Mickey Mouse Students: Donald Duck Teacher: Hanhah Students: Montana Teacher: Justin Students: Bieber

Teacher: na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na ( Batman theme song) Students: Batman! Teacher: www dot Students: zip it dot com! Teacher: Hi-ho! Hi-ho! Students: Its off to work we go!

Teacher: Zip, zap Students: Mosquito goes SPLAT! (clap hands on splat) Teacher: Hakuna Students: Matata! Teacher: Macaroni and cheese Students: Everybody freeze! Teacher: Monkey see, Students: Monkey do! Teacher: Touchdown! Students: Field goal!

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