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Holy Cross College

Sta. Ana, Pampanga





Answer the following: (10 points each)

1. What was the socio- political context when the Kartilya was written? How crucial was this
document in the 19th century Philippines?

The KKK (Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan or

Kataastaasan, Kagalaang- galang ng Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan) in English, Supreme
and Honorable Association of the Children of the Nation, colonized thee Philippines. Kartilya was
founded as a social organization, and Kartilya was written as its code of coduct. The country
was ruled by Spaniards at the time, who abused their power and treated Filipinos cruelly and
unfairly. Filipinos were physically abused and denied the right to make their own decisions,
leaving them dependent on but fearful of the Spanish government. There was also a significant
increase in racial discrimination against Spanish and Filipinos. The graft and corruption of the
country’s former rulers have also surfaced. Filipinos were severely oppressed and had no
freedom at the time.

2. How would you describe the Kartilya in terms of its form/writing style and content? What are its
main teachings and how are they presented?

The Kartilya is the KKK's code of conduct. It contains the KKK's principles and teachings. It is four
times longer in terms of form, writing style, and content than Andres Bonifacio's Decalogue,
which presents twelve guiding principles and fourteen ethical values that those who aspire to
join Katipunan and those who are already Katipunero must follow. The main teaching of the
Kartilya is to express true love of the native land and genuine compassion for others, because
everyone should be treated as an equal and true brother.

3. Research on why Andres Bonifacio, who was then the Supremo Leader of the Katipunan, opted
to adopt Emilio Jacinto’s teachings of the Katipunan instead of his own draft of the Dekalogo
ng Katipunan (Katipunan code of conduct). Do you find this decision sound? How are their
perspective different and alike?

Andres Bonifacio had intended for his Decalogue to be printed and distributed to new recruits,
but after reading Jacinto's Kartilya, he decided it was superior, owing to his admiration for
Jacinto's literary style. The two texts, however, are not really comparable because Bonifacio
simply enumerated the Katipunan's duties, with only ten obligations, whereas Emilio Jacinto's
was four times longer, as a statement of aspiration and ethical values with twelve guiding
principles and fourteen teachings.

4. Why can the Kartilya be considered timeless and relevant to the industrializing and globalizing

Karilya as the leader of a revolutionary organization tasked with maintaining order and liberating
the country from Spaniards. Nowadays, the Kartilya serves as a reminder of the nation's inherent
solidarity and strength, as it binds Filipinos by increasing their nationalism. It exists as a reminder
and guide for how industrialization and globalization should occur. While industrializing the
country and undergoing uncontrollable globalization, it should still consider the people's rights,
such as equality and exercising the right way of treating others in all situations, while not denying
their own culture and tradition in order to demonstrate genuine love for it. And it is lessons like
this that are found in the Kartilya.

5. Discuss the role of women during the revolution as stated in Kartilya ng Katipunan, and compare
their role with that of the present.

The role of women before are women not only cared for the sick and injured, as well as solicited
food and money for the revolution, but they also performed more dangerous tasks such as
message transmission and document concealment. And another important battle was for
women's right to education, specifically for a school where they could learn Spanish. Such
schools were deemed significant because the ability to communicate in Spanish was essential
for educational mobility. We know the new type of women's organization in during the height
of anti-dictatorship activism. The Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (Free Movement of
New Women) was founded in 1970 with an explicitly feminist agenda, as - an all-women picket
of the Bb. On April 18, 1970, the Philippines celebrated their coronation. Unfortunately, when
Martial Law was imposed in 1971, Makibaka abandoned such an agenda and merged with the
Communist Party of the Philippines to fight for class issues and national liberation. Despite her
brief existence, Makibaka had a significant impact on the women's movement. It was able to
"create a model for Philippine women's liberation... the strategic importance of women's
organizing toward defeating both elite and male rule," and as a result, it began to forge a
comprehensive alliance with peasant, working-class, and urban poor women on the basis of
gender oppression. On October 28, 1983, women from these organizations marched in the first
broad-based women's march. To prepare for such an event, an organizing committee
comprised of representatives from across the political spectrum was formed. This committee
later paved the way for the formation of the General Assembly of Women for Reforms, Integrity,
Equality, Leadership, and Action (GABRIELA) in March 1984 settle the woman role in a period.

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