Himanshu NTPC

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1.Certificate 2.Acknowledgement 3.TrainingatBTPS 4.Introduction

NTPC BadarpurThermalPowerStation

5.Operation 6.Control&Instrumentation
ManometerLab ProtectionandinterlockLab AutomationLab WaterTreatmentPlant FurnaceSafeguardSupervisorySystem ElectronicTestLab

AboutITdepartment HMSProject


This is to certify that BK SUMIT (Enroll no.0201502808)student of B.tech Electronics &Communication , IIIrd Year; M. S. I. T. Janakpuri, (G.G.S.I.P.U.) has successfully completed his industrial training at Badarpur Thermal Power Station, New Delhi for eight week from 31st May to 6th July 2011. He has completed the whole training as per the training report submitted by him.

TrainingIncharge BTPS/NTPC


With profound respect and gratitude, I take the opportunity to convey my thanks to complete the training here. I do extend my heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Rachna Singh for providing me this opportunity to be a part of this esteemed organization. I am extremely grateful to all the technical staff of BTPS/NTPC for their co-operation and guidance that helped me a lot during the course of training. I have learnt a lot working under them and I will always be indebted of them for this value addition in me. I would also like to thank the training in charge of M.S.I.T , Janakpuri (G.G.S.I.P.U.) and all the faculty member of Electronics & Communication department for their effort of constant co-operation. Which have been significant factor in the accomplishment of my industrial training.

I was appointed to do eight-week training at this esteemed organization from 7th June to 17th July 2010.In these eight weeks I was assigned to visit various division of the plant which were 1.Operation 2.Control and instrumentation (C&I) 3.Information Technology This six-week training was a very educational adventure for me. It was really amazing to see the plant by your self and learn how electricity, which is one of our daily requirements of life, is produced. This report has been made by self-experience at BTPS. The material in this report has been gathered from my textbooks, senior student report, and trainer manual provided by training department. The specification & principles are at learned by me from the employee of each division of BTPS.


NTPCLimitedisthelargestthermalpowergenerating companyofIndia.Apublicsectorcompany,itwas incorporatedintheyear1975toacceleratepower developmentinthecountryasawhollyownedcompanyof theGovernmentofIndia.Atpresent,GovernmentofIndia holds89.5%ofthetotalequitysharesofthecompanyand FIIs,DomesticBanks,Publicandothersholdthebalance 10.5%.Withinaspanof31years,NTPChasemergedasa trulynationalpowercompany,withpowergenerating facilitiesinallthemajorregionsofthecountry.

NTPCscorebusinessisengineering,constructionandoperationofpower generatingplants.Italsoprovidesconsultancyintheareaofpowerplant constructionsandpowergenerationtocompaniesinIndiaandabroad.Ason datetheinstalledcapacityofNTPCis27,904MWthroughits15coalbased (22,895MW),7gasbased(3,955MW)and4JointVentureProjects(1,054 MW).NTPCacquired50%equityoftheSAILPowerSupplyCorporationLtd. (SPSCL).ThisJVCompanyoperatesthecaptivepowerplantsofDurgapur(120 MW),Rourkela(120MW)andBhilai(74MW).NTPCalsohas28.33%stakein RatnagiriGas&PowerPrivateLimited(RGPPL)ajointventurecompany betweenNTPC,GAIL,IndianFinancialInstitutionsandMaharashtraSEBCo Ltd. NTPChassetnewbenchmarksforthepowerindustrybothintheareaofpower plantconstructionandoperations.Itsprovidingpoweratthecheapestaverage tariffinthecountry. NTPCiscommittedtotheenvironment,generatingpoweratminimal environmentalcostandpreservingtheecologyinthevicinityoftheplants. NTPChasundertakenmassiveaforestationinthevicinityofitsplants. Plantationshaveincreasedforestareaandreducedbarrenland.Themassivea forestationbyNTPCinandarounditsRamagundamPowerstation(2600MW) havecontributedreducingthetemperatureintheareasbyabout3c.NTPChas alsotakenproactivestepsforashutilisation.In1991,itsetupAshUtilization Division A"CentreforPowerEfficiencyandEnvironmentProtection(C.P.E.E.P.)has beenestablishedinNTPCwiththeassistanceofUnitedStatesAgencyfor InternationalDevelopment.(USAID).Cenpeepisefficiencyoriented,eco

friendlyandeconurturinginitiativeasymbolofNTPC'sconcerntowards environmentalprotectionandcontinuedcommitmenttosustainablepower developmentinIndia. Asaresponsiblecorporatecitizen,NTPCismakingconstanteffortstoimprove thesocioeconomicstatusofthepeopleaffectedbyitsprojects.Throughits rehabilitationandreconstructionhttp://www.ntpc.co.in/infocus/socialcomm.shtml _blankprogrammes,thecompanyendeavorstoimprovetheoverallsocio economicstatusProjectAffectedPersons. NTPCwasamongthefirstPublicSectorEnterprisestoenterintoa MemorandumofUnderstanding(MOU)withtheGovernmentin198788. NTPChasbeenplacedunderthe'Excellentcategory'(thebestcategory)every yearsincetheMOUsystembecameoperative. Harmonybetweenmanandenvironmentistheessenceofhealthylifeand growth.Therefore,maintenanceofecologicalbalanceandapristine environmenthasbeenofutmostimportancetoNTPC.Ithasbeentakingvarious measuresdiscussedbelowformitigationofenvironmentpollutionduetopower generation. EnvironmentPolicy&EnvironmentManagementSystem Drivenbyitscommitmentforsustainablegrowthofpower,NTPChasevolveda welldefinedenvironmentmanagementpolicyandsoundenvironmentpractices forminimizingenvironmentalimpactarisingoutofsettingupofpowerplants andpreservingthenaturalecology.

Atthenationallevel,theMinistryofEnvironmentandForestshadprepareda draftEnvironmentPolicy(NEP)andtheMinistryofPoweralongwithNTPC activelyparticipatedinthedeliberationsofthedraftNEP.TheNEP2006has sincebeenapprovedbytheUnionCabinetinMay2006. NTPCEnvironmentPolicy: AsearlyasinNovember1995,NTPCbroughtoutacomprehensivedocument entitled"NTPCEnvironmentPolicyandEnvironmentManagementSystem". Amongsttheguidingprinciplesadoptedinthedocumentarecompany's proactiveapproachtoenvironment,optimumutilizationofequipment,adoption oflatesttechnologiesandcontinualenvironmentimprovement.Thepolicyalso envisagesefficientutilizationofresources,therebyminimizingwaste, maximizingashutilizationandprovidinggreenbeltallaroundtheplantfor maintainingecologicalbalance. EnvironmentManagement,OccupationalHealthandSafetySystems: NTPChasactivelygoneforadoptionofbestinternationalpracticeson environment,occupationalhealthandsafetyareas.Theorganizationhaspursued

theEnvironmentalManagementSystem(EMS)ISO14001andtheOccupational HealthandSafetyAssessmentSystemOHSAS18001atitsdifferent establishments.Asaresultofpursuingthesepractices,allNTPCpowerstations havebeencertifiedforISO14001&OHSAS18001byreputednationaland internationalCertifyingAgencies. PollutionControlsystems: Whiledecidingtheappropriatetechnologyforitsprojects,NTPCintegrates manyenvironmentalprovisionsintotheplantdesign.Inordertoensurethat NTPCcomplywithallthestipulatedenvironmentnorms,variousstateofthe artpollutioncontrolsystems/devicesasdiscussedbelowhavebeeninstalledto controlairandwaterpollution.

ElectrostaticPrecipitators :
Theashleftbehindaftercombustionofcoalisarrestedinhighefficiency ElectrostaticPrecipitators(ESPs)andparticulateemissioniscontrolledwell withinthestipulatednorms.TheashcollectedintheESPsisdisposedtoAsh Pondsinslurryform. FlueGasStacks: TallFlueGasStackshavebeenprovidedforwidedispersionofthegaseous emissions(SOX,NOXetc)intotheatmosphere. LowNOXBurners: IngasbasedNTPCpowerstations,NOxemissionsarecontrolledbyprovision ofLowNOxBurners(dryorwettype)andincoalfiredstations,byadopting bestcombustionpractices. NeutralisationPits: NeutralisationpitshavebeenprovidedintheWaterTreatmentPlant(WTP)for pHcorrectionoftheeffluentsbeforedischargeintoEffluentTreatmentPlant (ETP)forfurthertreatmentanduse.

InthesePits,coaldustandoilareremovedfromtheeffluentsemanatingfrom theCoalHandlingPlant(CHP),coalyardandFuelOilHandlingareasbefore dischargeintoETP. DE&DSSystems: DustExtraction(DE)andDustSuppression(DS)systemshavebeeninstalledin allcoalfiredpowerstationsinNTPCtocontainandextractthefugitivedust releasedintheCoalHandlingPlant(CHP). CoolingTowers: CoolingTowershavebeenprovidedforcoolingthehotCondensercoolingwater inclosedcycleCondenserCoolingWater(CCW)Systems.Thishelpsin

reductioninthermalpollutionandconservationoffreshwater. AshDykes&AshDisposalsystems: AshpondshavebeenprovidedatallcoalbasedstationsexceptDadriwhereDry AshDisposalSystemhasbeenprovided.AshPondshavebeendividedinto lagoonsandprovidedwithgarlandingarrangementsforchangeoveroftheash slurryfeedpointsforevenfillingofthepondandforeffectivesettlementofthe ashparticles. Ashinslurryformisdischargedintothelagoonswhereashparticlesgetsettled fromtheslurryandcleareffluentwaterisdischargedfromtheashpond.The dischargedeffluentsconformtostandardsspecifiedbyCPCBandthesameis regularlymonitored. AtitsDadriPowerStation,NTPChassetupauniquesystemfordryash collectionanddisposalfacilitywithAshMoundformation.Thishasbeen envisagedforthefirsttimeinAsiawhichhasresultedinprogressive developmentofgreenbeltbesidesfarlessrequirementoflandandlesswater requirementascomparedtothewetashdisposalsystem. AshWaterRecyclingSystem: Further,inanumberofNTPCstations,asaproactivemeasure,AshWater RecyclingSystem(AWRS)hasbeenprovided.IntheAWRS,theeffluentfrom ashpondiscirculatedbacktothestationforfurtherashsluicingtotheashpond. Thishelpsinsavingsoffreshwaterrequirementsfortransportationofashfrom theplant. Theashwaterrecyclingsystemhasalreadybeeninstalledandisinoperationat Ramagundam,Simhadri,Rihand,TalcherKaniha,TalcherThermal,Kahalgaon, KorbaandVindhyachal.Theschemehashelpedstationstosavehugequantity offreshwaterrequiredasmakeupwaterfordisposalofash. DryAshExtractionSystem(DAES): Dryashhasmuchhigherutilizationpotentialinashbasedproducts(suchas bricks,aeratedautoclavedconcreteblocks,concrete,Portlandpozzolana cement,etc.).DAEShasbeeninstalledatUnchahar,Dadri,Simhadri, Ramagundam,Singrauli,Kahalgaon,Farakka,TalcherThermal,Korba, Vindhyachal,TalcherKanihaandBTPS.

LiquidWasteTreatmentPlants&ManagementSystem :
Theobjectiveofindustrialliquideffluenttreatmentplant(ETP)istodischarge lesserandcleanereffluentfromthepowerplantstomeetenvironmental regulations.Afterprimarytreatmentatthesourceoftheirgeneration,the effluentsaresenttotheETPforfurthertreatment.Thecompositeliquideffluent treatmentplanthasbeendesignedtotreatallliquideffluentswhichoriginate withinthepowerstatione.g.WaterTreatmentPlant(WTP),Condensate PolishingUnit(CPU)effluent,CoalHandlingPlant(CHP)effluent,floor washings,servicewaterdrainsetc.Theschemeinvolvescollectionofvarious

effluentsandtheirappropriatetreatmentcentrallyandrecirculationofthe treatedeffluentforvariousplantuses. NTPChasimplementedsuchsystemsinanumberofitspowerstationssuchas Ramagundam,Simhadri,Kayamkulam,Singrauli,Rihand,Vindhyachal,Korba, JhanorGandhar,Faridabad,Farakka,KahalgaonandTalcherKaniha.These plantshavehelpedtocontrolqualityandquantityoftheeffluentsdischarged fromthestations.

SewageTreatmentPlants&Facilities : SewageTreatmentPlants(STPs)sewagetreatmentfacilitieshavebeen
providedatallNTPCstationstotakecareofSewageEffluentfromPlant andtownshipareas.InanumberofNTPCprojectsmoderntypeSTPswith Clarifloculators,MechanicalAgitators,sludgedryingbeds,GasCollection Chambersetchavebeenprovidedtoimprovetheeffluentquality.The effluentqualityismonitoredregularlyandtreatedeffluentconformingto theprescribedlimitisdischargedfromthestation.Atseveralstations, treatedeffluentsofSTPsarebeingusedforhorticulturepurpose.

EnvironmentalInstitutionalSetup :
Realizingtheimportanceofprotectionoftheenvironmentwithspeedy developmentofthepowersector,thecompanyhasconstituteddifferent groupsatproject,regionalandCorporateCentreleveltocarryoutspecific environmentrelatedfunctions.TheEnvironmentManagementGroup,Ash UtilisationGroupandCentreforPowerEfficiency&Environment Protection(CENPEEP)functionfromtheCorporateCentreandinitiate measurestomitigatetheimpactofpowerprojectimplementationonthe environmentandpreserveecologyinthevicinityoftheprojects. EnvironmentManagementandAshUtilisationGroupsestablishedateach station,lookaftervariousenvironmentalissuesoftheindividualstation. EnvironmentReviews: Tomaintainconstantvigilonenvironmentalcompliance,Environmental Reviewsarecarriedoutatalloperatingstationsandremedialmeasureshave beentakenwherevernecessary.Asafeedbackandfollowupofthese EnvironmentalReviews,anumberofretrofitandupgradationmeasures havebeenundertakenatdifferentstations. SuchperiodicEnvironmentalReviewsandextensivemonitoringofthe facilitiescarriedoutatallstationshavehelpedincompliancewiththe environmentalnormsandtimelyrenewaloftheAirandWaterConsents.

Upgradation&retrofittingofPollutionControl Systems: WasteManagement

VarioustypesofwastessuchasMunicipalordomesticwastes,hazardous wastes,BioMedicalwastesgetgeneratedinpowerplantareas,plant hospitalandthetownshipsofprojects.Thewastesgeneratedareanumberof solidandhazardouswasteslikeusedoils&wasteoils,grease,leadacid batteries,otherleadbearingwastes(suchasgarketsetc.),oil&clarifier sludge,usedresin,usedphotochemicals,asbestospacking,ewaste,metal scrap,C&Iwastes,electricialscrap,emptycylinders(refillable),paper, rubberproducts,canteen(biodegradable)wastes,buidlingmaterialwastes, silicagel,glasswool,fusedlamps&tubes,fireresistantfluidsetc.These wastesfalleitherunderhazardouswastescategoryornonhazardouswastes categoryasperclassificationgiveninGovernmentofIndiasnotificationon

HazardousWastes(ManagementandHandling)Rules1989(asamendedon 06.01.2000&20.05.2003).Handlingandmanagementofthesewastesin NTPCstationshavebeendiscussedbelow.

NTPChasgainedexpertiseinoperationandmanagementof200MWand 500MWUnitsinstalledatdifferentStationsalloverthecountryandis lookingaheadforhighercapacityUnitsizeswithsupercriticalsteam parametersforhigherefficienciesandforassociatedenvironmentalgains.At Sipat,highercapacityUnitsofsizeof660MWandadvancedSteam Generatorsemployingsupercriticalsteamparametershavealreadybeen implementedasagreenfieldproject. HigherefficiencyCombinedCycleGasPowerPlantsarealreadyunder operationatallgasbasedpowerprojectsinNTPC.Advancedcleancoal technologiessuchasIntegratedGasificationCombinedCycle(IGCC)have higherefficienciesoftheorderof45%ascomparedtoabout38%for conventionalplants.NTPChasinitiatedatechnoeconomicstudyunder USDOE/USAIDforsettingupacommercialscaledemonstrationpower plantbyusingIGCCtechnology.Theseplantscanuselowgradecoalsand havehigherefficiencyascomparedtoconventionalplants. Withthemassiveexpansionofpowergeneration,thereisalsogrowing awarenessamongallconcernedtokeepthepollutionundercontroland preservethehealthandqualityofthenaturalenvironmentinthevicinityof thepowerstations.NTPCiscommittedtoprovideaffordableandsustainable powerinincreasinglylargerquantity.NTPCisconsciousofitsroleinthe nationalendeavourofmitigatingenergypoverty,heraldingeconomic prosperityandtherebycontributingtowardsIndiasemergenceasamajor globaleconomy.


Coalfromthecoalwagonsisunloadedwiththehelpofwagontipplersinthe C.H.P.thiscoalistakentotherawcoalbunkerswiththehelpofconveyorbelts. Coalisthentransportedtobowlmillsbycoalfeederswhereitispulverizedand groundinthepoweredform.

Thiscrushedcoalistakenawaytothefurnacethroughcoalpipeswiththehelp ofhotandcoldmixtureP.Afan.Thisfantakesatmosphericair,apartofwhich issenttopreheaterswhileapartgoestothemillfortemperaturecontrol. AtmosphericairfromF.Dfanintheairheatersandsenttothefurnaceas combustionair. Waterfromboilerfeedpumppassesthrougheconomizerandreachestheboiler drum.Waterfromthedrumpassesthroughthedowncomersandgoestothe bottomringheader.Waterfromthebottomringheaderisdividedtoallthefour sidesofthefurnace.Duetoheatdensitydifferencethewaterrisesupinthe waterwalltubes.Thissteamandwatermixtureisagaintakentotheboilerdrum wherethesteamissenttosuperheatersforsuperheating.Thesuperheatersare locatedinsidethefurnaceandthesteamissuperheated(540degreeCelsius) andfinallyitgoestotheturbine. Fuelgasesfromthefurnaceareextractedfromtheinduceddraftfan,which maintainsbalancedraftinthefurnacewithF.Dfan.Thesefuelgasesheat energytothevarioussuperheatersandfinallythroughairpreheatersandgoes toelectrostaticprecipitatorswheretheashparticlesareextracted.Thisashis mixedwiththewatertofromslurryispumpedtoashperiod. Thesteamfromboilerisconveyedtoturbinethroughthesteampipesand throughstopvalveandcontrolvalvethatautomaticallyregulatethesupplyof steamtotheturbine.Stopvalvesandcontrolsvalvesarelocatedinsteamchest andgovernordrivenfrommainturbineshaftoperatesthecontrolvalvesthe

Steamfromcontrolledvalvesenterhighpressurecylinderofturbines,whereit passesthroughtheringofbladesfixedtothecylinderwall.Theseactasnozzles anddirectthesteamintoasecondringofmovingbladesmountedonthedisc securedintheturbineshaft.Thesecondringturnstheshaftasaresultofforce ofsteam.Thestationaryandmovingbladestogether.

AThermalPowerStationcomprisesalloftheequipmentandasubsystem requiredtoproduceelectricitybyusingasteamgeneratingboilerfiredwith fossilfuelsorbefoulstodriveanelectricalgenerator.Someprefertousethe termENERGYCENTERbecausesuchfacilitiesconvertformsofenergy,like nuclearenergy,gravitationalpotentialenergyorheatenergy(derivedfromthe combustionoffuel)intoelectricalenergy.However,POWERPLANTisthe

mostcommontermintheunitedstate;WhilePOWERSTATIONprevailsin manyCommonwealthcountriesandespeciallyintheUnitedKingdom. Suchpowerstationsaremostusuallyconstructedonaverylargescaleand designedforcontinuousoperation. Typicaldiagramofacoalfiredthermalpowerstation 1.Coolingwaterpump 2.Threephasetransmissionline 3.Stepuptransformer 4.ElectricalGenerator 5.Lowpressuresteam 6.Boilerfeedwaterpump 7.Surfacecondenser 8.Intermediatepressuresteamturbine 9.Steamcontrolvalve 10.Highpressuresteamturbine 11.DeaeratorFeedwaterheater 12.Coalconveyor 13.Coalhopper 14.Coalpulverizer 15.boilersteamdrum 16.Bottomashhoper 17.Superheater 18.Forceddraught(draft)fan 19.Reheater 20.Combustionairintake 21.Economizer 22.Airpreheater 23.Precipitator 24.Induceddraught(draft)fan 25.Fuelgasstack Thedescriptionofsomeofthecomponentswrittenaboveisdescribedas follows:

CoolingTowersareevaporativecoolersusedforcoolingwaterorotherworking mediumtoneartheambivalentwebbulbairtemperature.Coolingtoweruse evaporationofwatertorejectheatfromprocessessuchascoolingthe circulatingwaterusedinoilrefineries,Chemicalplants,powerplantsand buildingcooling,forexample.Thetowervaryinsizefromsmallrooftopunits toverylargehyperboloidstructuresthatcanbeupto200meterstalland100

metersindiameter,orrectangularstructurethatcanbeover40meterstalland 80meterslong.Smallertowersarenormallyfactorybuilt,whilelargeronesare constructedonsite. Theprimaryuseoflarge,industrialcoolingtowersystemistoremovetheheat absorbedinthecirculatingcoolingwatersystemsusedinpowerplants, petroleumrefineries,petrochemicalandchemicalplants,naturalgasprocessing plantsandotherindustrialfacilities.Theabsorbedheatisrejectedtothe atmospherebytheevaporationofsomeofthecoolingwaterinmechanical forceddraftorinduceddrafttowersorinnaturaldrafthyperbolicshaped coolingtowersasseenatmostnuclearpowerplants.

Threephaseelectricpowerisacommonmethodofelectricpowertransmission. Itisatypeofpolyphasesystemmainlyusedtopowermotorsandmanyother devices.AThreephasesystemuseslessconductormaterialtotransmitelectric powerthanequivalentsinglephase,twophase,ordirectcurrentsystematthe samevoltage.Inathreephasesystem,threecircuitsreachtheirinstantaneous peakvaluesatdifferenttimes.Takingoneconductorasthereference,theother twocurrentaredelayedintimebyonethirdandtwothirdofonecycleofthe electricalcurrent.Thisdelaybetweenphaseshastheeffectofgivingconstant powertransferovereachcycleofthecurrentandalsomakesitpossibleto producearotatingmagneticfieldinanelectricmotor. Atthepowerstation,anelectricgeneratorconvertsmechanicalpowerintoaset ofelectriccurrents,onefromeachelectromagneticcoilorwindingofthe generator.Thecurrentaresinusoidalfunctionsoftime,allatthesamefrequency butoffsetintimetogivedifferentphases.Inathreephasesystemthephasesare spacedequally,givingaphaseseparationofonethirdonecycle.Generators outputatavoltagethatrangesfromhundredsofvoltsto30,000volts.Atthe powerstation,transformers:stepupthisvoltagetoonemoresuitablefor transmission. Afternumerousfurtherconversionsinthetransmissionanddistributionnetwork thepowerisfinallytransformedtothestandardmainsvoltage(i.e.the householdvoltage). Thepowermayalreadyhavebeensplitintosinglephaseatthispointoritmay stillbethreephase.Wherethestepdownis3phase,theoutputofthis transformerisusuallystarconnectedwiththestandardmainsvoltagebeingthe phaseneutralvoltage.AnothersystemcommonlyseeninNorthAmericaisto haveadeltaconnectedsecondarywithacentertapononeofthewindings supplyingthegroundandneutral.Thisallowsfor240Vthreephaseaswellas threedifferentsinglephasevoltages(120Vbetweentwoofthephasesand neutral,208Vbetweenthethirdphase(knownasawildleg)andneutraland


AnElectricalgeneratorisadevicethatconvertskineticenergytoelectrical energy,generallyusingelectromagneticinduction.Thetaskofconvertingthe electricalenergyintomechanicalenergyisaccomplishedbyusingamotor.The sourceofmechanicalenergymaybeareciprocatingorturbinesteamengine,, waterfallingthroughtheturbinearemadeinavarietyofsizesrangingfrom small1hp(0.75kW)units(rare)usedasmechanicaldrivesforpumps, compressorsandothershaftdrivenequipment,to2,000,000hp(1,500,000kW) turbinesusedtogenerateelectricity.Thereareseveralclassificationsformodern steamturbines. Steamturbinesareusedinallofourmajorcoalfiredpowerstationstodrivethe generatorsoralternators,whichproduceelectricity.Theturbinesthemselvesare drivenbysteamgeneratedinBoilersorsteamgeneratorsastheyare sometimescalled. Electricalpowerstationuselargestemturbinesdrivingelectricgeneratorsto producemost(about86%)oftheworldselectricity.Thesecentralizedstations areoftwotypes:fossilfuelpowerplantsandnuclearpowerplants.Theturbines usedforelectricpowergenerationaremostoftendirectlycoupledtotheir generators.Asthegeneratorsmustrotateatconstantsynchronousspeeds accordingtothefrequencyoftheelectricpowersystem,themostcommon speedsare3000r/minfor50Hzsystems,and3600r/minfor60Hzsystems. Mostlargenuclearsetsrotateathalfthosespeeds,andhavea4polegenerator ratherthanthemorecommon2poleone. Energyinthesteamafteritleavestheboilerisconvertedintorotationalenergy asitpassesthroughtheturbine.Theturbinenormallyconsistsofseveralstage witheachstagesconsistingofastationaryblade(ornozzle)andarotating blade.Stationarybladesconvertthepotentialenergyofthesteamintokinetic energyintoforces,causedbypressuredrop,whichresultsintherotationofthe turbineshaft.Theturbineshaftisconnectedtoagenerator,whichproducesthe electricalenergy.

ABoilerfeedwaterpumpisaspecifictypeofpumpusedtopumpwaterintoa steamboiler.Thewatermaybefreshlysuppliedorretuningcondensationofthe steamproducedbytheboiler.Thesepumpsarenormallyhighpressureunitsthat usesuctionfromacondensatereturnsystemandcanbeofthecentrifugalpump typeorpositivedisplacementtype.


Feedwaterpumpsrangeinsizeuptomanyhorsepowerandtheelectricmotoris usuallyseparatedfromthepumpbodybysomeformofmechanicalcoupling. Largeindustrialcondensatepumpsmayalsoserveasthefeedwaterpump.In eithercase,toforcethewaterintotheboiler;thepumpmustgeneratesufficient pressuretoovercomethesteampressuredevelopedbytheboiler.Thisisusually accomplishedthroughtheuseofacentrifugalpump. Feedwaterpumpsusuallyrunintermittentlyandarecontrolledbyafloatswitch orothersimilarlevelsensingdeviceenergizingthepumpwhenitdetectsa loweredliquidlevelintheboilerissubstantiallyincreased.Somepumpscontain atwostageswitch.Asliquidlowerstothetriggerpointofthefirststage,the pumpisactivated.Iftheliquidcontinuestodrop(perhapsbecausethepump hasfailed,itssupplyhasbeencutofforexhausted,oritsdischargeisblocked); thesecondstagewillbetriggered.Thisstagemayswitchofftheboiler equipment(preventingtheboilerfromrunningdryandoverheating),triggeran alarm,orboth.

Steamlocomotivesandthesteamenginesusedonshipsandstationary applicationssuchaspowerplantsalsorequiredfeedwaterpumps.Inthis situation,though,thepumpwasoftenpoweredusingasmallsteamenginethat ranusingthesteamproducedbytheboiler.Ameanshadtobeprovided,of course,toputtheinitialchargeofwaterintotheboiler(beforesteampowerwas availabletooperatethesteampoweredfeedwaterpump).thepumpwasoftena positivedisplacementpumpthathadsteamvalvesandcylindersatoneendand feedwatercylindersattheotherend;nocrankshaftwasrequired. Inthermalplants,theprimarypurposeofsurfacecondenseristocondensethe exhauststeamfromasteamturbinetoobtainmaximumefficiencyandalsoto converttheturbineexhauststeamintopurewatersothatitmaybereusedinthe steamgeneratororboilerasboilerfeedwater.Bycondensingtheexhauststeam ofaturbineatapressurebelowatmosphericpressure,thesteampressuredrop betweentheinletandexhaustoftheturbineisincreased,whichincreasesthe amountheatavailableforconversiontomechanicalpower.Mostoftheheat liberatedduetocondensationoftheexhauststeamiscarriedawaybythe coolingmedium(waterorair)usedbythesurfacecondenser.

Controlvalvesarevalvesusedwithinindustrialplantsandelsewheretocontrol operatingconditionssuchastemperature,pressure,flow,andliquidLevelbyfully partiallyopeningorclosinginresponsetosignalsreceivedfromcontrollersthat

comparesasetpointtoaprocessvariablewhosevalueisprovidedby sensorsthatmonitorchangesinsuchconditions.Theopeningorclosingof controlvalvesisdonebymeansofelectrical,hydraulicorpneumaticsystems

ADearatorisadeviceforairremovalandusedtoremovedissolvedgases(an alternatewouldbetheuseofwatertreatmentchemicals)fromboilerfeedwater tomakeitnoncorrosive.Adearatortypicallyincludesaverticaldomed deaerationsectionasthedeaerationboilerfeedwatertank.ASteamgenerating boilerrequiresthatthecirculatingsteam,condensate,andfeedwatershouldbe devoidofdissolvedgases,particularlycorrosiveonesanddissolvedor suspendedsolids.Thegaseswillgiverisetocorrosionofthemetal.Thesolids willdepositontheheatingsurfacesgivingrisetolocalizedheatingandtube rupturesduetooverheating.Undersomeconditionsitmaygivetostress corrosioncracking. Deaeratorlevelandpressuremustbecontrolledbyadjustingcontrolvalvesthe levelbyregulatingcondensateflowandthepressurebyregulatingsteamflow.If operatedproperly,mostdeaeratorvendorswillguaranteethatoxygeninthe deaeratedwaterwillnotexceed7ppbbyweight(0.005cm3/L)

AFeedwaterheaterisapowerplantcomponentusedtopreheatwater deliveredtoasteamgeneratingboiler.Preheatingthefeedwaterreducesthe irreversibleinvolvedinsteamgenerationandthereforeimprovesthe thermodynamicefficiencyofthesystem.[4]Thisreducesplantoperatingcosts andalsohelpstoavoidthermalshocktotheboilermetalwhenthefeedwateris introducesbackintothesteamcycle. Inasteampower(usuallymodeledasamodifiedRankingcycle),feedwater heatersallowthefeedwatertobebroughtuptothesaturationtemperaturevery gradually.Thisminimizestheinevitableirreversibilitysassociatedwithheat transfertotheworkingfluid(water).Abeltconveyorconsistsoftwopulleys, withacontinuousloopofmaterialtheconveyorBeltthatrotatesaboutthem. Thepulleysarepowered,movingthebeltandthematerialonthebeltforward. Conveyorbeltsareextensivelyusedtotransportindustrialandagricultural material,suchasgrain,coal,oresetc.



SteamDrumsarearegularfeatureofwatertubeboilers.Itisreservoirof water/steamatthetopendofthewatertubesinthewatertubeboiler.Theystore thesteamgeneratedinthewatertubesandactasaphaseseparatorforthe steam/watermixture.Thedifferenceindensitiesbetweenhotandcoldwater helpsintheaccumulationofthehotterwater/andsaturatedsteamintosteam drum.Madefromhighgradesteel(probablystainless)anditsworkinginvolves temperatures390Candpressurewellabove350psi(2.4MPa).Theseparated steamisdrawnoutfromthetopsectionofthedrum.Saturatedsteamisdrawn offthetopofthedrum.Thesteamwillreenterthefurnaceinthroughasuper heater,whilethesaturatedwateratthebottomofsteamdrumflowsdowntothe muddrum/feedwaterdrumbydowncomertubesaccessoriesincludeasafety valve,waterlevelindicatorandfuseplug.Asteamdrumisusedinthecompany ofamuddrum/feedwaterdrumwhichislocatedatalowerlevel.Sothatitacts asasumpforthesludgeorsedimentswhichhaveatendencytothebottom.

ASuperheaterisadeviceinasteamenginethatheatsthesteamgeneratedby theboileragainincreasingitsthermalenergyanddecreasingthelikelihoodthat itwillcondenseinsidetheengine.Superheatersincreasetheefficiencyofthe steamengine,andwerewidelyadopted.Steamwhichhasbeensuperheatedis logicallyknownassuperheatedsteam;nonsuperheatedsteamiscalledsaturated steamorwetsteam;Superheaterswereappliedtosteamlocomotivesinquantity fromtheearly20thcentury,tomoststeamvehicles,andsostationarysteam enginesincludingpowerstations.

Economizer,orintheUKeconomizer,aremechanicaldevicesintendedto reduceenergyconsumption,ortoperformanotherusefulfunctionlike preheatingafluid.Thetermeconomizerisusedforotherpurposesaswell. Boiler,powerplant,andheating,ventilatingandairconditioning.Inboilers, economizerareheatexchangedevicesthatheatfluids,usuallywater,uptobut notnormallybeyondtheboilingpointofthefluid.Thepulleysarepowered, movingthebeltandthematerialonthebeltforward.Conveyorbeltsare extensivelyusedtotransportindustrialandagriculturalmaterial,suchasgrain, coal,oresetc. Apulverizerisadeviceforgrindingcoalforcombustioninafurnaceinafossil

fuelpowerplant SteamDrumsarearegularfeatureofwatertubeboilers.Itisreservoirof water/steamatthetopendofthewatertubesinthewatertubeboiler.Theystore thesteamgeneratedinthewatertubesandactasaphaseseparatorforthe steam/watermixture.Thedifferenceindensitiesbetweenhotandcoldwater helpsintheaccumulationofthehotterwater/andsaturatedsteamintosteam drum.Madefromhighgradesteel(probablystainless)anditsworkinginvolves temperatures390Candpressurewellabove350psi(2.4MPa).Theseparated steamisdrawnoutfromthetopsectionofthedrum.Saturatedsteamisdrawn offthetopofthedrum.Thesteamwillreenterthefurnaceinthroughasuper heater,whilethesaturatedwateratthebottomofsteamdrumflowsdowntothe muddrum/feedwaterdrumbydowncomertubesaccessoriesincludeasafety valve,waterlevelindicatorandfuseplug.Asteamdrumisusedinthecompany ofamuddrum/feedwaterdrumwhichislocatedatalowerlevel.Sothatitacts asasumpforthesludgeorsedimentswhichhaveatendencytothebottom.

Airpreheaterisageneraltermtodescribeanydevicedesignedtoheatairbefore anotherprocess(forexample,combustioninaboiler).Thepurposeoftheair preheateristorecovertheheatfromtheboilerfluegaswhichincreasesthe thermalefficiencyoftheboilerbyreducingtheusefulheatlostinthefuelgas. Asaconsequence,thefluegasesarealsosenttothefluegasstack(orchimney) atalowertemperatureallowingsimplifieddesignoftheductingandthefluegas stack.Italsoallowscontroloverthetemperatureofgasesleavingthestack.

AnElectrostaticprecipitator(ESP)orelectrostaticaircleanerisaparticulate devicethatremovesparticlesfromaflowinggas(suchAsair)usingtheforceof aninducedelectrostaticcharge.Electrostaticprecipitatorsarehighlyefficient filtrationdevices,andcaneasilyremovefineparticulatemattersuchasdustand smokefromtheairsteam. ESPscontinuetobeexcellentdevicesforcontrolofmanyindustrialparticulate emissions,includingsmokefromelectricitygeneratingutilities(coalandoil fired),saltcakecollectionfromblackliquorboilersinpumpmills,andcatalyst collectionfromfluidizedbedcatalyticcrackersfromseveralhundredthousand ACFMinthelargestcoalfiredboilerapplication. TheoriginalparallelplateWeightedwiredesign(describedabove)hasevolved asmoreefficient(androbust)dischargeelectrodedesignsweredeveloped, todayfocusingonrigiddischargeelectrodestowhichmanysharpenedspikes

areattached,maximizingcoronaproduction.Transformerrectifiersystems applyvoltagesof50100Kilovoltsatrelativelyhighcurrentdensities.Modern controlsminimizesparkingandpreventarcing,avoidingdamagetothe components.Automaticrappingsystemsandhopperevacuationsystemsremove thecollectedparticulatematterwhileonlineallowingESPstostayinoperation foryearsatatime.

AFuelgasstackisatypeofchimney,averticalpipe,channelorsimilar structurethroughwhichcombustionproductgasescalledfuelgasesare exhaustedtotheoutsideair.Fuelgasesareproducedwhencoal,oil,naturalgas, woodoranyotherlargecombustiondevice.Fuelgasisusuallycomposedof carbondioxideandwatervapouraswellasnitrogenandexcessoxygen remainingfromtheintakecombustionair.Italsocontainsasmallpercentageof pollutantssuchasparticulatesmatter,carbonmonooxide,nitrogenoxidesand sulphuroxides.Thefluegasstacksareoftenquitetall,upto400meters(1300 feet)ormore,soastodispersetheexhaustpollutantsoveragreaterariaand therebyreducetheconcentrationofthepollutantstothelevelsrequiredby governmentalenvironmentalpoliciesandregulations. Whenthefuelgasesexhaustedfromstoves,ovens,fireplacesorothersmall sourceswithinresidentialabodes,restaurants,hotelsorotherstacksarereferred toaschimneys.

CurrentlyNTPCowns15CoalBasedPowerPlantswithageneratingcapacityof24,395MW, and7Gas/LiquidFuelBasedPowerPlantswithageneratingcapacityof3,955MW. Apart from this it has 4 other Coal and Gas Based Power Plants with powergenerating capacityof2,294MWasjointventureswithotherorganizations.

REGION Northern Western Southern Eastern JointVentures TOTAL COAL 7,035 6,360 3,600 7,400 814 25,209 GAS 2,312 1,293 350 1,480 5,435 TOTAL 9,347 7,653 3,950 7,400 2,294 30,644

NTPC has increased thrust on hydro development for a balanced portfolio for long term sustainability. The first step in this direction was taken by initiating investment in Koldam Hydro Electric Power Project (800 MW capacity) located on Satluj river in Bilaspur district of Himachal Pradesh. Two other hydro projects under construction are Tapovan Vishnugad (600 MW capacity) and Loharinag Pala (520 MW capacity) in Uttarakhand. On all these projects construction activities are in full swing.

Intermsofoperations,NTPChasalwaysbeenconsiderablyabovethenationalaverage.The availabilityfactorforcoalbasedpowerstationshasincreasedfrom89.32%in199899to 92.47%in200809,whichcomparesfavourablywithinternationalstandards.ThePLFhas increasedfrom76.6%in199899to91.14%duringtheyear200809.

OPERATIONALPERFORMANCEOFCOALBASEDNTPCSTATIONS Unit 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 Generation BU 106.2 109.5 118.7 130.1 133.2 140.86 149.16 PLF % 75.20 76.60 80.39 81.8 81.1 83.6 84.4 Availability % 85.03 89.36 90.06 88.54 81.8 88.7 88.8 Factor

0405 0506 0607 159.11 170.88 188.67 87.51 87.54 89.43 91.20 89.91 90.09

In a thermal power plant, one of coal, oil or natural gas is used to heat the boiler to convert the water into steam. The steam is used to turn a turbine, which is connected to a generator. When the turbine turns, electricity is generated and given as output by the generator, which is then supplied to the consumers through high-voltage power lines.

Process of a Thermal Power Plant Detailed process of power generation in a thermal power plant: 1) Water intake: Firstly, water is taken into the boiler through a water source. If water is available in a plenty in the region, then the source is an open pond or river. If water is scarce, then it is recycled and the same water is used over and over again. 2) Boiler heating: The boiler is heated with the help of oil, coal or natural gas. A furnace is used to heat the fuel and supply the heat produced to the boiler. The increase in temperature helps in the transformation of water into steam. 3) Steam Turbine: The steam generated in the boiler is sent through a steam

turbine. The turbine has blades that rotate when high velocity steam flows across them. This rotation of turbine blades is used to generate electricity. 4) Generator: A generator is connected to the steam turbine. When the turbine rotates, the generator produces electricity which is then passed on to the power distribution systems. 5) Special mountings: There is some other equipment like the economizer and air pre-heater. An economizer uses the heat from the exhaust gases to heat the feed water. An air pre-heater heats the air sent into the combustion chamber to improve the efficiency of the combustion process. 6) Ash collection system: There is a separate residue and ash collection system in place to collect all the waste materials from the combustion process and to prevent them from escaping into the atmosphere. Apart from this, there are various other monitoring systems and instruments in place to keep track of the functioning of all the devices. This prevents any hazards from taking place in the plant. There are basically two main units of a thermal power plant: 5.1. Steam Generator or Boiler 5.2. Steam Turbine and Electric Generator We have discussed about the processes of electrical generation further. A complete detailed description of two (except 2) units is given further. Coal is conveyed (14) from an external stack and ground to a very fine powder by large metal spheres in the pulverised fuel mill (16). There it is mixed with preheated air (24) driven by the forced draught fan (20). The hot air-fuel mixture is forced at high pressure into the boiler where it rapidly ignites. Water of a high purity flows vertically up the tube-lined walls of the boiler, where it turns into steam, and is passed to the boiler drum, where steam is separated from any remaining water. The steam passes through a manifold in the roof of the drum into the pendant super heater (19) where its temperature and pressure increase rapidly to around 200 bar and 540C,

sufficient to make the tube walls glow a dull red. The steam is piped to the high pressure turbine (11), the first of a three-stage turbine process. A steam governor valve (10) allows for both manual control of the turbine and automatic set-point

following. The steam is exhausted from the high pressure turbine, and reduced in both pressure and temperature, is returned to the boiler reheater (21). The reheated steam is then passed to the intermediate pressure turbine (9), and from there passed directly to the low pressure turbine set (6). The exiting steam, now a little above its boiling point, is brought into thermal contact with cold water (pumped in from the Cooling tower) in the condenser (8), where it condenses rapidly back into water, creating near vacuum-like conditions inside the condensor chest. The condensed water is then passed by a feed pump (7) through a deaerator (12), and prewarmed, first in a feed heater (13) powered by steam drawn from the high pressure set, and then in the economiser (23), before being returned to the boiler drum. The cooling water from the condensor is sprayed inside a cooling tower (1), creating a highly visible plume of water vapour, before being pumped back to the condensor (8) in cooling water cycle. The three turbine sets are sometimes coupled on the same shaft as the three-phase electrical generator (5) which generates an intermediate level voltage (typically 20-25 kV). This is stepped up by the unit transformer (4) to a voltage more suitable for transmission (typically 250-500 kV) and is sent out onto the three-phase transmission system (3). Exhaust gas from the boiler is drawn by the induced draft fan (26) through an electrostatic precipitator (25) and is then vented through the chimney stack (27).

5.1.Steam Generator/Boiler
The boiler is a rectangular furnace about 50 ft (15 m) on a side and 130 ft (40 m) tall. Its walls are made of a web of high pressure steel tubes about 2.3 inches (60 mm) in diameter. Pulverized coal is air-blown into the furnace from fuel nozzles at the four corners and it rapidly burns, forming a large fireball at the center. The thermal radiation of the fireball heats the water that circulates through the boiler tubes near the boiler perimeter. The water circulation rate in the boiler is three to four times the throughput and is typically driven by pumps. As the water in the boiler circulates it absorbs heat and changes into steam at 700 F (370 C) and 3,200 psi (22.1MPa). It is separated from the water inside a drum at the top of the furnace. The saturated steam is introduced into superheat pendant tubes that hang in the hottest part of the combustion gases as they exit the furnace. Here the steam is superheated to 1,000 F (540 C) to prepare it for the turbine. The steam generating boiler has to produce steam at the high purity, pressure and temperature required for the steam turbine that drives the electrical generator. The generator includes the economizer, the steam drum, the chemical dosing equipment, and the furnace with its steam generating tubes and the superheater coils. Necessary safety valves are located at suitable points to avoid excessive boiler pressure. The air and flue gas path equipment include: forced draft (FD) fan, air preheater (APH),

boiler furnace, induced draft (ID) fan, fly ash collectors (electrostatic precipitator or baghouse) and the flue gas stack. For units over about 210 MW capacity, redundancy of key components is provided by installing duplicates of the FD fan, APH, fly ash collectors and ID fan with isolating dampers. On some units of about 60 MW, two boilers per unit may instead be provided.

Schematic diagram of a coal-fired power plant steam generator

Boiler Furnace and Steam Drum

Once water inside the boiler or steam generator, the process of adding the latent heat of vaporization or enthalpy is underway. The boiler transfers energy to the water by the chemical reaction of burning some type of fuel. The water enters the boiler through a section in the convection pass called the economizer. From the economizer it passes to the steam drum. Once the water enters the steam drum it goes down the down comers to the lower inlet water wall headers. From the inlet headers the water rises through the water walls and is eventually turned into steam due to the heat being generated by the burners located on the front and rear water walls (typically). As the water is turned into steam/vapour in the water walls, the steam/vapour once again enters the steam drum.

The steam/vapour is passed through a series of steam and water separators and then dryers inside the steam drum. The steam separators and dryers remove the water droplets from the steam and the cycle through the water walls is repeated. This process is known as natural circulation. The boiler furnace auxiliary equipment includes coal feed nozzles and igniter guns, soot blowers, water lancing and observation ports (in the furnace walls) for observation of the furnace interior. Furnace explosions due to any accumulation of combustible gases after a tripout are avoided by flushing out such gases from the combustion zone before igniting the coal. The steam drum (as well as the superheater coils and headers) have air vents and drains needed for initial start-up. The steam drum has an internal device that removes moisture from the wet steam entering the drum from the steam generating tubes. The dry steam then flows into the superheater coils. Geothermal plants need no boiler since they use naturally occurring steam sources. Heat exchangers may be used where the geothermal steam is very corrosive or contains excessive suspended solids. Nuclear plants also boil water to raise steam, either directly passing the working steam through the reactor or else using an intermediate heat exchanger.

Fuel Preparation System

In coal-fired power stations, the raw feed coal from the coal storage area is first crushed into small pieces and then conveyed to the coal feed hoppers at the boilers. The coal is next pulverized into a very fine powder. The pulverisers may be ball mills, rotating drum grinders, or other types of grinders. Some power stations burn fuel oil rather than coal. The oil must kept warm (above its pour point) in the fuel oil storage tanks to prevent the oil from congealing and becoming unpumpable. The oil is usually heated to about 100C before being pumped through the furnace fuel oil spray nozzles.

Boiler Side of the Badarpur Thermal Power Station, New Delhi

Boilers in some power stations use processed natural gas as their main fuel. Other power stations may use processed natural gas as auxiliary fuel in the event that their main fuel supply (coal or oil) is interrupted. In such cases, separate gas burners are provided on the boiler furnaces.

Fuel Firing System and Igniter System

From the pulverized coal bin, coal is blown by hot air through the furnace coal burners at an angle which imparts a swirling motion to the powdered coal to enhance mixing of the coal powder with the incoming preheated combustion air and thus to enhance the combustion. To provide sufficient combustion

temperature in the furnace before igniting the powdered coal, the furnace temperature is raised by first burning some light fuel oil or processed natural gas (by using auxiliary burners and igniters provide for that purpose).

Air Path
External fans are provided to give sufficient air for combustion. The forced draft fan takes air from the atmosphere and, first warming it in the air preheater for better combustion, injects it via the air nozzles on the furnace wall. The induced draft fan assists the FD fan by drawing out combustible gases from the furnace, maintaining a slightly negative pressure in the furnace to avoid backfiring through any opening. At the furnace outlet and before the furnace gases are handled by the ID fan, fine dust carried by the outlet gases is removed to avoid atmospheric pollution. This is an environmental limitation prescribed by law, and additionally minimizes erosion of the ID fan.

Auxiliary Systems
Fly Ash Collection
Fly ash is captured and removed from the flue gas by electrostatic precipitators or fabric bag filters (or sometimes both) located at the outlet of the furnace and before the induced draft fan. The fly ash is periodically removed from the collection hoppers below the precipitators or bag filters. Generally, the fly ash is pneumatically transported to storage silos for subsequent transport by trucks or railroad cars.

Bottom Ash Collection and Disposal

At the bottom of every boiler, a hopper has been provided for collection of the bottom ash from the bottom of the furnace. This hopper is always filled with water to quench the ash and clinkers falling down from the furnace. Some arrangement is included to crush the clinkers and for conveying the crushed clinkers and bottom ash to a storage site.

Boiler Make-up Water Treatment Plant and Storage

Since there is continuous withdrawal of steam and continuous return of condensate to the boiler, losses due to blow-down and leakages have to be made up for so as to maintain the desired water level in the boiler steam drum. For this, continuous make-up water is added to the boiler water system. The impurities in the raw water input to the plant generally consist of calcium and magnesium salts which impart hardness to the water. Hardness in the make-up

water to the boiler will form deposits on the tube water surfaces which will lead to overheating and failure of the tubes. Thus, the salts have to be removed from the water and that is done by a Water Demineralising Treatment Plant (DM). A DM plant generally consists of cation, anion and mixed bed exchangers. The final water from this process consists essentially of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions which is the chemical composition of pure water. The DM water, being very pure, becomes highly corrosive once it absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere because of its very high affinity for oxygen absorption. The capacity of the DM plant is dictated by the type and quantity of salts in the raw water input. However, some storage is essential as the DM plant may be down for maintenance. For this purpose, a storage tank is installed from which DM water is continuously withdrawn for boiler make-up. The storage tank for DM water is made from materials not affected by corrosive water, such as PVC. The piping and valves are generally of stainless steel. Sometimes, a steam blanketing arrangement or stainless steel doughnut float is provided on top of the water in the tank to avoid contact with atmospheric air. DM water make-up is generally added at the steam space of the surface condenser (i.e., the vacuum side). This arrangement not only sprays the water but also DM water gets deaerated, with the dissolved gases being removed by the ejector of the condenser itself.

5.2.Steam Turbine and Electric Generator

The steam turbine-driven generators have auxiliary systems enabling them to work satisfactorily and safely. The steam turbine generator being rotating equipment generally has a heavy, large diameter shaft. The shaft therefore requires not only supports but also has to be kept in position while running. To minimize the frictional resistance to the rotation, the shaft has a number of bearings. The bearing shells, in which the shaft rotates, are lined with a low friction material like Babbitt metal. Oil lubrication is provided to further reduce the friction between shaft and bearing surface and to limit the heat generated.

Barring Gear (or Turning Gear)

Barring gear is the term used for the mechanism provided for rotation of the turbine generator shaft at a very low speed (about one revolution per minute) after unit stoppages for any reason. Once the unit is "tripped" (i.e., the turbine steam inlet valve is closed), the turbine starts slowing or "coasting down". When it stops completely, there is a tendency for the turbine shaft to deflect or bend if allowed to remain in one position too long. This deflection is because the heat inside the turbine casing tends to concentrate in the top half of the casing, thus making the top half portion of the shaft hotter than the bottom half.

The shaft therefore warps or bends by millionths of inches, only detectable by monitoring eccentricity meters. But this small amount of shaft deflection would be enough to cause vibrations and damage the entire steam turbine generator unit when it is restarted. Therefore, the shaft is not permitted to come to a complete stop by a mechanism known as "turning gear" or "barring gear" that automatically takes over to rotate the unit at a preset low speed. If the unit is shut down for major maintenance, then the barring gear must be kept in service until the temperatures of the casings and bearings are sufficiently low.

The surface condenser is a shell and tube heat exchanger in which cooling water is circulated through the tubes. The exhaust steam from the low pressure turbine enters the shell where it is cooled and converted to condensate (water) by flowing over the tubes as shown in the adjacent diagram. Such condensers use steam ejectors or rotary motor-driven exhausters for continuous removal of air and gases from the steam side to maintain vacuum. A Typical Water Cooled Condenser For best efficiency, the temperature in the condenser must be kept as low as practical in order to achieve the lowest possible pressure in the condensing steam. Since the condenser temperature can almost always be kept significantly below 100 C where the vapour pressure of water is much less than atmospheric pressure, the condenser generally works under vacuum. Thus leaks of noncondensible air into the closed loop must be prevented. Plants operating in hot climates may have to reduce output if their source of condenser cooling water becomes warmer; unfortunately this usually coincides with periods of high electrical demand for air conditioning. The condenser generally uses either circulating cooling water from a cooling tower to reject waste heat to the atmosphere, or once-through water from a river, lake or ocean.

A typical water cooled condensor

Feedwater Heater
A Rankine cycle with a two-stage steam turbine and a single feedwater heater. In the case of a conventional steam-electric power plant utilizing a drum boiler, the surface condenser removes the latent heat of vaporization from the steam as it changes states from vapour to liquid. The heat content (btu) in the steam is referred to as Enthalpy. The condensate pump then pumps the condensate water through a feedwater heater. The feedwater heating equipment then raises the temperature of the water by utilizing extraction steam from various stages of the turbine. Preheating the feedwater reduces the irreversibilitys involved in steam generation and therefore improves the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. [9] This reduces plant operating costs and also helps to avoid thermal shock to the boiler metal when the feedwater is introduced back into the steam cycle.

A Rankine cycle with a 2-stage steam turbine and a single feedwater heater

As the steam is conditioned by the drying equipment inside the drum, it is piped from the upper drum area into an elaborate set up of tubing in different areas of the boiler. The areas known as superheater and reheater. The steam vapour picks up energy and its temperature is now superheated above the saturation temperature. The superheated steam is then piped through the main steam lines to the valves of the high pressure turbine.

A steam generating boiler requires that the boiler feed water should be devoid of air and other dissolved gases, particularly corrosive ones, in order to avoid corrosion of the metal. Generally, power stations use a deaerator to provide for the removal of air and other dissolved gases from the boiler feedwater. A deaerator typically includes a vertical, domed deaeration section mounted on top of a horizontal cylindrical vessel which serves as the deaerated boiler feedwater storage tank.

Boiler Feed Water Deaerator There are many different designs for a deaerator and the designs will vary from one manufacturer to another. The adjacent diagram depicts a typical conventional trayed deaerator. If operated properly, most deaerator manufacturers will guarantee that oxygen in the deaerated water will not exceed 7 ppb by weight (0.005 cm3/L).

Oil System
An auxiliary oil system pump is used to supply oil at the start-up of the steam turbine generator. It supplies the hydraulic oil system required for steam turbine's main inlet steam stop valve, the governing control valves, the bearing and seal oil systems, the relevant hydraulic relays and other mechanisms. At a preset speed of the turbine during start-ups, a pump driven by the turbine main shaft takes over the functions of the auxiliary system.

Generator Heat Dissipation

The electricity generator requires cooling to dissipate the heat that it generates. While small units may be cooled by air drawn through filters at the inlet, larger units generally require special cooling arrangements. Hydrogen gas cooling, in an oil-sealed casing, is used because it has the highest known heat transfer coefficient of any gas and for its low viscosity which reduces windage losses. This system requires special handling during start-up, with air in the chamber first displaced by carbon dioxide before filling with hydrogen. This ensures that the highly flammable hydrogen does not mix with oxygen in the air. The hydrogen pressure inside the casing is maintained slightly higher than atmospheric pressure to avoid outside air ingress. The hydrogen must be sealed against outward leakage where the shaft emerges from the casing. Mechanical seals around the shaft are installed with a very small annular gap to avoid rubbing between the shaft and the seals. Seal oil is used to prevent the hydrogen gas leakage to atmosphere. The generator also uses water cooling. Since the generator coils are at a potential of about 15.75kV and water is conductive, an insulating barrier such as Teflon is used to interconnect the water line and the generator high voltage windings. Demineralised water of low conductivity is used.

Generator High Voltage System

The generator voltage ranges from 10.5 kV in smaller units to 15.75 kV in larger units. The generator high voltage leads are normally large aluminum channels because of their high current as compared to the cables used in smaller machines. They are enclosed in well-grounded aluminum bus ducts and are supported on suitable insulators. The generator high voltage channels are connected to step-up transformers for connecting to a high voltage electrical substation (of the order of 220 kV) for further transmission by the local power grid. The necessary protection and metering devices are included for the high voltage leads. Thus, the steam turbine generator and the transformer form one unit. In smaller units, generating at 10.5kV, a breaker is provided to connect it to a common 10.5 kV bus system.

Other Systems
Monitoring and Alarm system
Most of the power plants operational controls are automatic. However, at times, manual intervention may be required. Thus, the plant is provided with monitors and alarm systems that alert the plant operators when certain operating parameters are seriously deviating from their normal range.

Battery Supplied Emergency Lighting & Communication

A central battery system consisting of lead acid cell units is provided to supply emergency electric power, when needed, to essential items such as the power plant's control systems, communication systems, turbine lube oil pumps, and emergency lighting. This is essential for safe, damage-free shutdown of the units in an emergency situation.


HOW ELECTRICITY IS GENERATED? Thermal power station burns fuel and uses the resultant heat to raise steam which drives the TURBO GENERATOR. The fuel may be fossil(coal,oil,natural gas) or it may be fissionable, whichever fuel is used, the objective is same to convert the mechanical energy into electricity by rotating a magnet inside a set of winding. COAL TO STAEM Its other raw materials are air and water. The coal brought to the station by trains or by other means, travels handling plant by conveyer belts, travels from pulverizing mills, which grind it as fine as the face powder of size upto 20 microns. The finely produced coal mixed with preheated air is then blown into the boiler by a fan called primary air fan where it burns more like a gas than as a solid, in the conventional domestic or industrial grate, with additional amount of air, called secondary air supply, by forced draft fan. As coal is ground so finally the resultant ash is also a fine powder. Some of it binds together to form pumps, which falls into ash pits at the bottom of the furnace. The water-quenched ash from the bottom is conveyed to pits for subsequent disposal or sale. Most of ash, still in fine partical form is carried out of boilers to the precipitator as dust, where electrodes charged with high voltage electricity trap it. The dust is then conveyed to water to disposal area or to bunker for sale while the clean flue gases are passed on through IP fans to be discharged through chimneys. The heat released from the coal has been absorbed by the many kilometers tubing which line the boiler walls. Inside the tubes the boiler feed water, which is transformed by heat into staemat high temperature and pressure.. The steam superheated in further tubes (superheaters) passes to turbine where it is discharged through the nozzle on the turbine blades. Just as the energy of wind turns the sail of the windmill, the energy of steam striking the blade makes the turbine rotate. Coupled to the end of the turbine is the rotor of the generator. The rotor is housed inside the stator having heavy coils of the bars in which electricity is produced through the movement of magnetic field created by the rotor.

Electricity passes from stator windings to step-up transformer which increases its voltage so that it can be transmited efficiently over lines of grid. The staem which has given up its heat energy is cahnged back into water in a condenser so that it is ready for re-use. The condenser contains many kilometers of tubing through which cold water is constantly pumped. The staem passing around the tubes looses heat.Thus it is rapidly changed back into water. But, the two lots of water, that is, the boiler feed and cooling water must never mix. Cooling water is drawn from river- bed, but the boiler feed water must be absolutely pure, far purer than the water we drink (de-mineralized water), otherwise it may damage the boiler tubes.

Iwasassignedtodotrainingincontrolandinstrumentationfrom 10thJune2010to28th2010 CONTROLANDINSTRUMENTATION
Thisdivisionbasicallycalibratesvariousinstrumentsandtakescareofany faultsoccurinanyoftheauxiliariesintheplant. Thisdepartmentisthebrainoftheplantbecausefromtherelaysto transmittersfollowedbytheelectroniccomputationchipsetsandrecorders andlastlythecontrollingcircuitry,allfallunderthis. Ithasfollowinglabs: 1. MANOMETRYLAB 2. PROTECTIONANDINTERLOCKLAB 3. AUTOMATIONLAB 4. WATERTREATEMENTLAB 5. FURNACESAFETYSUPERVISORYSYSTEM(FSSS) 6. ELECTRONICSTESTLAB

Itisusedforpressuremeasurementsofgasesandliquids,itsworkingprinciple isthattheinputpressureisconvertedintoelectrostaticcapacitanceandfrom thereitisconditionedandamplified.Itgivesanoutputof420mAdc.Itcanbe mountedonapipeorawall.Forliquidorsteammeasurementtransmittersis mountedbelowmainprocesspipingandforgasmeasurementtransmitteris placedabovepipe.


Itsatubewhichisbent,inUshape.Itisfilledwithaliquid.Thisdevice correspondstoadifferenceinpressureacrossthetwolimbs.

Itsanovalsectiontube.Itsoneendisfixed.Itisprovidedwithapointerto indicatethepressureonacalibratedscale.Itisof2types: (a)Spiraltype:forLowpressuremeasurement. (b)HelicalType:forHighpressuremeasurement.

Itisbasicallyinterconnectingtwoormoreequipmentssothatifoneequipments failsotheronecanperformthetasks.Thistypeofinterdependenceisalso createdsothatequipmentsconnectedtogetherarestartedandshutdowninthe specificsequencetoavoiddamage. Forprotectionofequipmentstrippingareprovidedforalltheequipments. TrippingcanbeconsideredastheseriesofinstructionsconnectedthroughOR GATE.Whenafaultoccursandanyoneofthetrippingissatisfiedasignalis senttotherelay,whichtripsthecircuit.Themainequipmentsofthislabare relayandcircuitbreakers.Someoftheinstrumentusesforprotectionare:
Itisaprotectivedevice.Itcandetectwrongconditioninelectricalcircuitsby constantlymeasuringtheelectricalquantitiesflowingundernormalandfaulty conditions.Someoftheelectricalquantitiesarevoltage,current,phaseangle andvelocity.
Itisashortpieceofmetalinsertedinthecircuit,whichmeltswhenheavy currentflowsthroughitandthusbreaksthecircuit.Usuallysilverisusedasa fusematerialbecause: a)Thecoefficientofexpansionofsilverisverysmall.Asaresultnocritical fatigueoccursandthusthecontinuousfullcapacitynormalcurrentratingsare assuredforthelongtime.

b)Theconductivityofthesilverisunimpairedbythesurgesofthecurrentthat producestemperaturesjustnearthemeltingpoint. c)Silverfusibleelementscanberaisedfromnormaloperatingtemperatureto vaporizationquickerthananyothermaterialbecauseofitscomparativelylow specificheat.

Theyareusedwithcombinationofthecontrolcircuitsto. a)Enablethestaringofplantanddistributors. b)Protectthecircuitincaseofafault. Inconsistsofcurrentcarryingcontacts,onemovableandotherfixed.Whena faultoccursthecontactsseparateandareisstuckbetweenthem.Thereare threetypesof MANUALTRIP THERMALTRIP SHORTCIRCUITTRIP

ForhightensionsystemthecontrolsystemareexcitedbyseparateD.Csupply. Forstartingthecircuitconditionsshouldbeinserieswiththestartingcoilofthe equipmenttoenergizeit.Becauseifevenasingleconditionisnottruethen systemwillnotstart.

Forlowtensionsystemthecontrolcircuitsaredirectlyexcitedfromthe0.415 KVA.Csupply.Thesamecircuitachievesbothexcitationandtripping.Hence thetrippingcoilisprovidedforemergencytrippingiftheinterconnectionfails.

Thislabdealsinautomatingtheexistingequipmentandfeedingroutes. Earlier,theoldtechnologydealtwithonly(DAS)DataAcquisitionSystemand cametobeknownasprimarysystems.Themoderntechnologyorthesecondary systemsarecoupledwith(MIS)ManagementInformationSystem.Butthislab universallyappliesthepressuremeasuringinstrumentsasthecontrollingforce. However,therelaysarealsoprovidedbuttheyareusedonlyforprotectionand interlocks. Oncethemeasurediscommoni.e.pressurethecontrolcircuitscaneasilybe designedwithsinglechipshavingmultipleapplications.Anotherpointisthe universalityofthesupply,thelawsofelectronicstatethatitcanbeanywhere between12Vand35Vintheplant.Allthecontrolinstrumentsareexcitedby 24Vsupply(420mA)becausevoltagecanbemathematicallyhandledwithease thereforeallcontrolsystemsusevoltagesystemforcomputation.Thelatest technologyistheuseofETHERNETforcontrolsignals.5.3 PYROMETERLAB


Mercuryintheglassthermometerboilsat340degreeCelsiuswhichlimitsthe rangeoftemperaturethatcanbemeasured.ItisLshapedthermometerwhichis designedtoreachallinaccessibleplaces.

Thisdeviceisusedinfurnaceanditmeasurestheintensityofultravioletrays thereandaccordingtothewavegeneratedwhichdirectlyindicatesthe temperatureinthefurnace.

ThisdeviceisbasedonSEEBACKandPELTIEReffect.Itcomprisesoftwo junctionsatdifferenttemperature.Thentheemfisinducedinthecircuitdueto theflowofelectrons.Thisisanimportantpartintheplant.

Itperformsthefunctionofthermocouplebasicallybutthedifferenceisofa resistance.Inthisduetothechangeintheresistancethetemperaturedifference ismeasured. Inthislab,alsothemeasuringdevicescanbecalibratedintheoilbathorjust

boilingwater(forlowrangedevices)andinsmallfurnace(forhighrange devices).

Thislabhastheresponsibilityofstartingfireinthefurnacetoenablethe burningofcoal.Forfirststagecoalburnersareinthefrontandrearofthe furnaceandforthesecondandthirdstagecornerfiringisemployed.Unburnt coalisremovedusingforceddraftorinduceddraftfan.Thetemperatureinside theboileris1100degreeCelsiusanditsheightis18to40m.Itismadeupof mildsteel.Anultravioletsensorisemployedinfurnacetomeasuretheintensity ofultravioletraysinsidethefurnaceandaccordingtoitasignalinthesame orderofsamemVisgeneratedwhichdirectlyindicatesthetemperatureofthe furnace. Forfiringthefurnacea10KVsparkplugisoperatedfortensecondsovera sprayofdieselfuelandpreheaterairalongeachofthefeedermills.The furnacehassixfeedermillseachseparatedbywarmairpipesfedfromforced draftfans.Infirststageindirectfiringisemployedthatisfeedermillsarenotfed directlyfromcoalbutarefedfromthreefeedersbutarefedfrompulverized coalbunkers.Thefurnacecanoperateontheminimumfeedfromthreefeeders butundernotcircumstancesshouldanyonebeleftoutunderoperation,to preventcreationofpressuredifferentwithinthefurnace,whichthreatensto blastit.

Thislabundertakesthecalibrationandtestingofvariouscards.Ithouses varioustypesofanalyticalinstrumentslikeoscilloscopes,integratedcircuits, cardsautoanalyzersetc. Variousprocessesundertakeninthislabare: 1.TransmitterconvertsmVtomA. 2.Autoanalyzerpurifiesthesamplebeforeitissenttoelectrodes.Itextractsthe magneticportion. 3.ANNUNCIATIONCARDS Theyareusedtokeepanyparameterliketemperatureetc.withinlimits.Itgetsa signalifparametergoesbeyondlimit.Ithasaswitchingtransistorconnectedto relaythathelpsinalertingtheUCB.

Pressure can be monitored by three types of basic mechanisms Switches Gauges Transmitter type For gauges we use Bourden tubes : The Bourdon Tube is a non liquid pressure measurement device. It is widely used in applications where inexpensive static pressure measurements are needed. A typical Bourdon tube contains a curved tube that is open to external pressure input on one end and is coupled mechanically to an indicating needle on the other end, as shown schematically below.

Typical Bourdon Tube Pressure Gages For Switches pressure swithes are used and they can be used for digital means of monitoring as swith being ON is referred as high and being OFF is as low. All the monitored data is converted to either Current or Voltage parameter. The Plant standard for current and voltage are as under Voltage : 0 10 Volts range Current : 4 20 milliAmperes We use 4mA as the lower value so as to check for disturbances and wire breaks. Accuracy of such systems is very high . ACCURACY : + - 0.1 % The whole system used is SCADA based.

Programmable Logic Circuits ( PLCs) are used in the process as they are the heardt of Instrumentation .

Start Level low Level High pump Stop


Pressure in line

Pressure Electricity AN D High level Electricity OR


We can use Thernocouples or RTDs for temperature monitoring Normally RTDs are used for low temperatures. Thermocoupkle selection depends upon two factors: Temperature Range Accuracy Required

Normally used Thermocouple is K Type Thermocouple: Chromel (Nickel-Chromium Alloy) / Alumel (Nickel-Aluminium Alloy) This is the most commonly used general purpose thermocouple. It is inexpensive and, owing to its popularity, available in a wide variety of probes. They are available in the 200 C to +1200 C range. Sensitivity is approximately 41 V/C. RTDs are also used but not in protection systems due to vibrational errors. We pass a constant curre t through the RTD. So that if R changes then the Voltage also changes RTDs used in Industries are Pt100 and Pt1000 Pt100 : 0 0C 100 ( 1 = 2.5 0C ) Pt1000 : 0 0C - 1000 Pt1000 is used for higher accuracy The gauges used for Temperature measurements are mercury filled Temperature gauges. For Analog medium thermocouples are used And for Digital medium Switches are used which are basically mercury switches.

Flow measurement does not signify much and is measured just for metering purposes and for monitoring the processes

A Rotameter is a device that measures the flow rate of liquid or gas in a closed tube. It is occasionally misspelled as 'rotometer'. It belongs to a class of meters called variable area meters, which measure flow rate by allowing the cross sectional area the fluid travels through to vary, causing some measurable effect. A rotameter consists of a tapered tube, typically made of glass, with a float inside that is pushed up by flow and pulled down by gravity. At a higher flow rate more area (between the float and the tube) is needed to accommodate the flow, so the float rises. Floats are made in many different shapes, with spheres and spherical ellipses being the most common. The float is shaped so that it rotates axially as the fluid passes. This allows you to tell if the float is stuck since it will only rotate if it is not. For Digital measurements Flap system is used. For Analog measurements we can use the following methods : Flowmeters

Venurimeters / Orifice meters Turbines Massflow meters ( oil level ) Ultrasonic Flow meters Magnetic Flowmeter ( water level ) Selection of flow meter depends upon the purpose , accuracy and liquid to be measured so different types of meters used. Turbine type are the simplest of all. They work on the principle that on each rotation of the turbine a pulse is generated and that pulse is counted to get the flow rate.


Referring to the diagram, using Bernoulli's equation in the special case of incompressible fluids (such as the approximation of a water jet), the theoretical pressure drop at the constriction would be given by (/2)(v22 - v12). And we know that rate of flow is given by:

Flow = k (D.P)
Where DP is Differential Presure or the Pressure Drop.

A valve is a device that regulates the flow of substances (either gases, fluidized solids, slurries, or liquids) by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Valves are technically pipe fittings, but usually are discussed separately. Valves are used in a variety of applications including industrial, military, commercial, residential, transportation. Plumbing valves are the most obvious in

everyday life, but many more are used. Some valves are driven by pressure only, they are mainly used for safety purposes in steam engines and domestic heating or cooking appliances. Others are used in a controlled way, like in Otto cycle engines driven by a camshaft, where they play a major role in engine cycle control. Many valves are controlled manually with a handle attached to the valve stem. If the handle is turned a quarter of a full turn (90) between operating positions, the valve is called a quarter-turn valve. Butterfly valves, ball valves, and plug valves are often quarter-turn valves. Valves can also be controlled by devices called actuators attached to the stem. They can be electromechanical actuators such as an electric motor or solenoid, pneumatic actuators which are controlled by air pressure, or hydraulic actuators which are controlled by the pressure of a liquid such as oil or water. So there are basically three types of valves that are used in power industries besides the handle valves. They are : Pneumatic Valves they are air or gas controlled which is compressed to turn or move them Hydraulic valves they utilize oil in place of Air as oil has better compression Motorised valves these valves are controlled by electric motors


FSSS is also called as Burner Management System (BMS). It is a microprocessor based programmable logic controller of proven design incorporating all protection facilities required for such system. Main objective of FSSS is to ensure safety of the boiler. The 95 MW boilers are indirect type boilers. Fire takes place in front and in rear side. Thats why its called front and rear type boiler. The 210 MW boilers are direct type boilers (which mean that HSD is in direct contact with coal) firing takes place from the corner. Thus it is also known as corner type boiler.

Igniter system is an automatic system, it takes the charge from 110kv and this spark is brought in front of the oil guns, which spray aerated HSD on the coal for coal combustion. There is a 5 minute delay cycle before igniting, this is to evacuate or burn the HSD. This method is known as PURGING.

PRESSURE SWITCH Pressure switches are the devices that make or break a circuit. When pressure is applied, the switch under the switch gets pressed which is attached to a relay that makes or break the circuit. Time delay can also be included in sensing the pressure with the help of pressure valves. 1. Manual valves (tap) 2. Motorized valves (actuator) works on motor action 3. Pneumatic valve (actuator) _ works due to pressure of compressed air 4. Hydraulic valve

Iwasassignedtodotrainingincontrolandinstrumentationfrom 30thJune2010to17thJuly2010

1. Development,Implementation&SupportforLocalApplications
2.Procurement&MaintenanceofITInfrastructure(PCs,Printers, Servers&NetworkLAN,WANetc) 3.SupporttousersforERP&modulestosupplementERP. 4.Customization&ImplementationsupportforBTPSApplications tootherprojects.


PowerGenerationisacomplexbusiness.Itinvolvesoperationandmaintenance ofmorethan15,000equipments.Thereareabout40,000differentmaterialsand sparesrequiredforsmoothoperationofpowerplantapartfromcoalwhichisa major raw material, apart from Human Resources & Finance. In todays,

competitive environment, it is important to maintain high availability of the PowerPlantatlowercosttosurviveandmaintainprofitability. At BTPS, Information Technology has been used extensively for effective managementofvariousbusinessprocessesandresources. Major Innovation in this direction has been, in house Development & Implementation of an Integrated Suite of Online Applications BCOMIT on Oracledatabase,tomanagefollowingbusinessprocesses; 1 MaintenanceManagementSystem 2 MaterialsManagementSystem 3 FinancialAccountingSystem. 4 ContractsManagementSystem 5 Operations&ABTMonitoringSystem 6 CoalMonitoring&AccountingSystem. 7 HospitalManagementSystem 8 HR,T/S&TrainingManagementSystem 9 OfficeAutomation&CommunicationSystem 10 ESamadhancomplaintsmonitoringsystem SomeoftheaboveapplicationsreplacedbyERP. BCOMIT@BTPSProvidesOnlineuptominuteinformationandtransaction ability,ofallbusinessprocesses,forefficientpowerplantmanagement.It providesforEffectivemanagementofbasicresources,i.e.Men,Machines, Materials&Money.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SingleLoginscreenforallsystems. PassWord&Rolebasedsecuredaccess. G.U.Interface,Easyinformationretrieval&searchfacility. Informationcapturedonceatsource. Automationofroutineactivities. CosteffectiveITInfrastructure. Rapidresponse&changecapability. EmpoweringPeoplewithdecisionsupportsystem.

BenefitsofITInnovations@BTPS 1 Operations Important&criticalparametersofPowerPlantoperationaremonitored

onlinetoenableeffectivecontrolonoperationofvariousequipmentsand reduce down time. Online load analysis & Generation values are monitored to have optimum load balance of various units. Auxiliary power consumption monitored and controlled. Meritorial operation practicingenabled. 2 Maintenance Better control over maintenance cost by way of online information available through the system.Based on failure analysis and equipment history,modifiedmaintenancestrategyofPreventive,PredictiveandRisk Based maintenance is implemented. Equipment spares planning are streamlined by way of Annual requirement, Vendor wise, linked to Equipment.Standardizationofdefectsandrepaircodesforeasyfillingof WorkOrderCard,forfutureanalysis. Materials Material Planning and Procurement system streamlined, resulting in reductioninAdministrativeleadTime.Further,procurementonAnnual RateContractbasisenabledthroughthesystem.Orderingonactualneed basis(justintime).ThisfurtherreducesleadtimeandInventorycarrying. Detection of duplicate and obsolete items, standardization of material descriptionandspecification.CleaningandWeedingofredundantdata, resultinginoverallsystemimprovementandfunctionalities.Availability ofcoalstockstatusonline,reductionindemurragespaidtorailways.

4OfficeAutomationandCommunication WithimplementationofeDesk/ebroadcast,ealerts,automailandBTPS website,informationisavailableinstantlytoallandalltime,resultingin tremendousreductioninpapercommunicationandcost. ConcepttoImplementationofITInnovations@BTPS 1. ITInfrastructureselection After detailanalysis and survey, Oracle 9i RDBMS on Intel Unix Platform with IDS asfront enddevelopment tool waschosen,asit is latestandcosteffectivetechnology. 2. ApplicationDevelopment DesignanddevelopmentofNewApplications,wastakenupinhouse. Thisinvolvedunderstandingvariousbusinessprocesses,interactionwith user groups of various department, defining computerization needs,





developmentandtrialoftheapplications,consideringcompanypolicies andprocedures. ProcurementofHardware&Software. Intel LAN Server with Oracle 9i RDBMS software and Pentium IV ComputerswereprocuredanddeployedinvariousdepartmentsofBTPS toprovideappropriateITInfrastructure.AllPCswereconnectedinPlant wideLocalareaNetworkusingcosteffectivetechnology. ImplementationofApplications VariousOnlineApplicationsasmentionedaboveweredevelopedtested andimplementedinphasedmanneroveraperiodoftime.Anyinnovation involvesmajorchangeoveranddisturbanceduringtransitionphase.This wasmanagedwithsupportofmanagement,commitmentandexpertiseof ITteamandcooperationofusers. Training For effective implementation and utilization of new IT Applications, major thrust was given on training and retraining. Everybody from Operator to General Manager was covered. Young Computer Professionals were deployed for short period to provide on the table trainingtousersonneedbasistosupplementITdepartmentefforts. DataMigration DataMigrationfromoldlegacysystemsofvariousdepartmentswasa major exercise for effective implementation of new systems. Old historical data is valuable for reporting, analysis and decision support system.ItwashandledeffectivelybyITteaminassociationwithusers.

MaintenanceManagementsystem,Anurakshan@BTPS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 WorkOrderCardregistrationforPM,BD&OH. PermittoWorkIssue,ClosureofWOCwithdetailedfeedback. DailyPlantMeetingandCHPMeetingminutesgeneratedonline. Trendsofdefectsprioritywise/departmentwiseforaperiod. EquipmenthistorywithdetailedWOCfeedbackavailable. Analysisofrepeatedequipmentfailureforcorrectiveaction. Standardizationofdefects&repaircodes. InterfacewithMaterialsManagementSystem&CMSforWOCcost.

ABT&OperationPerformanceMonitoringSystem (WithFrequencytrendanalysis)

1 2 3 4 5

Materials&ContractManagementSystem(CMS) InitiationandapprovalofContractProposal. PreparationofTenderDocumentsandapprovals. BidsEvaluationandpreparationofCS. IssueofLOI,LOAandApprovals. PreparationofMBandprocessingofBills.

FINANANCIALACCOUNTINGSYSTEM(FAS) 1 ProactivePayrollProcess.Transactionseffectvisibleinprovisionalpay slip. 2 StatusofIncomeTaxDetails,PFslip,Leave,AccruedInterest,Earning Cardavailableonline. 3 FundFlowStatements&otherReportsfordaytodayfunctioning. 4 BankReconciliation. 5 AutomaticmaintenanceofTrialBalance,GL,Subledgersandschedules fromvouchers. CoalAccountingSystem(CAS) 1 OnlineuploadingofWagonwiseWeightfromWagonTipplers. 2 LinkageofCoalBillstoGRSWeight. 3 CoalandRailFreightbillpaymentsaccounting&reconciliation. 4 Tariff Summary, coal accounting and MIS reports generated from the system.

HUMANRESOURCESMANAGEMENTSYSTEM 1 ComputerizedAttendancerecordingsystem. 2 Employeedatabasetorecord/updateinformationofemployees 3 Township/Quartermanagementsystem. 4 PerformanceManagementanalysis&evaluationsystem.

REWARDS&RECOGNITION Badarpurhasachieved uniquedistinctionofbeing,FirstsiteinNTPC, with independent initiative of Development & Implementation of new OraclebasedintegratedonlineApplications,withinhouseeffort.Thishas beenappreciatedbyNTPChighermanagement.

BTPSReceivedGoldenPeacockawardforITInnovationin2004. Adoption of Best Practices : BTPS IT strives to provide value added services and features thru best practices, to support management initiatives and meet user requirements. Conclusion: The BTPS IT has come a long way to leading position in IT enablement among NTPC power stations. IT Vision realized, making BTPS highlyInformationenabledPlant. SuccessFactor Inhousedevelopment using latesttechnology,effectivechangemanagement, training&usingsynergizedforceofPeopleofBTPS(Management,ITTeam& Users). BTPC COMPUTER SOFTWARE HIGHLIGHTS
1. Oracle 9i based integrated online system, 2. Single login screen through comit@btps, 3. Password and roll based secured access, 4. Graphical user interface, easy navigation,

5. Information captured once at source, 6. Data flow through seamless System Interface, 7. Automation of routine activities 8. Easy information retrieval/search facilities, 9. Rapid change/response capability, 10. MIS for information management decisions.


Software has to be developed for automating the manual Hospital Management System (HMS). The system should stand alone in the nature. Software should work as follow .when patient enter into the hospital so he should be registered at the reception desk than he will be provided an registration id using this he will make the appointment and get the OPD or IPD card on which the patient details and the allotted staff/doctor details are mentioned after that doctor will write the test and medicines, patient will go to the pathology lab or pharmacy respectively and where they will ask for his id and add the bill to his account and at the despatch he will be provided the bill including all the facilities provided to him ,patient will pay the bill and in return will get the receipt. It should be designed to provide functionality as explained below:

Work Scheduling
Assigning nurses to doctors and doctors to patients

Admitting and registering patients, assigning the patients to appropriate wards

Patient Care
Monitoring patients while they are in the hospital

Staff Management
Monitoring and organizing the data related to staff like editing ,updating and deleting the staff from the database.

Department Management
Planning and coordinating the management of different department like Pathology, Pharmacy and etc.

Payroll Management
Monitoring and manipulating the salary of the Staff/Doctor.



1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe all the requirements for the Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS). The intended audience includes all stakeholders in the potential system. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: administrative staff, doctors, nurses, surgeons and developers. Developers should consult this document and its revisions as the only source of requirements for the project. They should not consider any requirements statements, written or verbal as valid until they appear in this document or its revision. The hospital management and its team members should use this document and its revisions as the primary means to communicate confirmed requirements to the development team. The development team expects many face-to-face conversations that will undoubtedly be about requirements and ideas for requirements. Please note that only the requirements that appear in this document or a future revision, however, will be used to define the scope of the system. 1.2 Scope

The proposed software product is the Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS). The system will be used to assign doctors to patients in designated wards as need arises. Doctors will also use the system to keep track of the patients assigned to them. Nurses who are in direct contact with the patients will use the system to keep track of available beds, the patients in the different wards, and the types of medication required for each patient. The current system in use is a paper-based system. It is too slow and cannot provide updated lists of patients within a reasonable timeframe. Doctors must make rounds to pick up patients treatment cards in order to know whether they have cases to treat or not. The intentions of the system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients that can be treated accurately. Requirements statements in this document are both functional and nonfunctional.

1.3 HMS

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations Hospital Management System an account of patients


OPD IPD Database Logon ID Password Registration ID SRS Pharmacy Pathology lab

out patient department in patient department collection of information in a structured form a user identification number to enter the system a word that enables one to gain admission into the system Patient Identification number Software Requirements specification from where medicines and surgical instruments are purchased different human body test takes place here like xray.



No formal documents have been referenced in this document. 1.5 Overview

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is the requirements work product that formally specifies Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS). It includes the results of both business analysis and systems analysis efforts. Various techniques were used to elicit the requirements and we have identified your needs, analyzed and refined them. The objective of this document therefore is to formally describe the systems high level requirements including functional requirements, non-functional requirements and business rules and constraints. The detail structure of this document is organized as follows: Section 2 of this document provides an overview of the business domain that the proposed Hospital Patient Management System (HPMS) will support. These include a general description of the product, user characteristics, general constraints, and any assumptions for this system. This model demonstrates the development team's understanding of the business domain and serves to maximize the team's ability to build a system that truly does support the business. Section 3 presents the detail requirements, which comprise the domain model. Picture 1 shows an overview of the Hospital Patient Management System and the relationships between requirements.


General Description
2.1 Product Perspective This Hospital Patient Management System is a self-contained system that manages activities of the hospital as staff assignment, operations scheduling, personnel management and administrative issues. Various stakeholders are involved in the hospital system. 1. System Interface None 2. User Interface (i) A login screen for entering the username, password and role Will be provided. Access to different screen will be available based upon role of the user. (ii) There will be a screen for capturing and displaying information regarding availability and occupancy of rooms. The links provided on the screen can be used by receptionist for allotting a new room to a patient while admission. (iii) There will be a screen for capturing and displaying information regarding availability of Doctors. (iv) Cashier will be provided with a screen, from where he/she can get all the information regarding patients due balances, medical bill , doctor fees etc. Later information regarding patients remaining dues etc. can be updated from same. (vi) A screen is provided for creating new appointments , edit existing appointments or just for watching the doctors schedule. (vii) A screen will be provided for data entry operators from where he/she can control all the info about patients , rooms and staff. 3. Hardware Interface (i) Screen resolution of at least 1024 X 768 required for proper viewing of screens. Higher resolutions will not pose any problem . (ii) Support for Printer ( Inkjet / Laser ) i.e. Appropriate drivers are installed and printer is connected. (iii) Minimum system requirements: 1.8Ghz processor ( Amd/intel ) 256 MB ram

400 MB free space for installation 20 GB free space for proper database management. Recommended system requirements: 2 Ghz processor ( Amd/intel ) 384 MB ram 400 MB free space for installation 20 GB free space for proper database management. (iv) Can run on standalone or network connected system

4 . Software Interfaces
(i) Any windows base OS ( Windows 7 /vista/xp and older )

(ii) MS access 2007 as the DBMS. (iii) Visual basic 7 for coding/developing the software/

5. Communication interfaces Working internet connection required to back up the database on Web cloud and to for facilitating inter branches communication. .
2.2 Product Functions The system functions can be described as follows: Registration: When a patient is admitted, the front-desk staff checks to see if the patient is already registered with the hospital. If he is, his/her Personal Health Number (PHN) is entered into the computer. Otherwise a new Personal Health Number is given to this patient. The patients information such as date of birth, address and telephone number is also entered into computer system.

Consultation: The patient goes to consultation-desk to explain his/her condition so that the consulting nurse can determine what kind of ward and bed should be assigned to him/her. There are two possible circumstances: a) If there is a bed then the patient will be sent to the bed to wait for the doctor to come. b) If there is no bed, the patient is put on a waiting list until a bed becomes available. Patient check out. If a patient checks out, the administrative staff shall delete his PHN from the system and the just evacuated bed is included in available-beds list.

Report Generation: The system generates reports on the following information: patients, bed availability and staff schedules after every six hours. It prints out all the information on who has used which bed, when and the doctor that is taking care of a given patient as well as expected medical expenses. 2.3 User Characteristics The system will be used in the hospital. The administrators, doctors, nurses and front-desk staff will be the main users. Given the condition that not all the users are computer-literate. Some users may have to be trained on using the system. The system is also designed to be user-friendly. It uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Front-desk staff: They all have general reception and secretarial duties. Every staff has some basic computer training. They are responsible for patients check-in or notification of appropriate people (e.g. notify administrator or nurse when an event occurs). Administrators: They all have post-secondary education relating to general business administration practices. Every administrator has basic computer training. They are responsible for all of the scheduling and updating day/night employee shifts. Administrators in the wards are responsible for assigning doctors and nurses to patients. Nurses: All nurses have post-secondary education in nursing. Some nurses are computer literate. Consulting nurses to whom patients give short descriptions of their conditions are also responsible for assigning patients to appropriate wards if the beds are available, otherwise putting patients on the waiting list. Nurses in wards will use the HPMS to check their patient list. Doctors: All doctors have a medical degree. Some have further specialized training and are computer literate. Doctors will use the HPMS to check their patients list. 2.4 General Constraints The system must be delivered by May 1st 2010. The existing Telecommunication infrastructure is based on IEEE100802.3 standards and the system must conform to this standard using category 5 cables for networking The system must be user-friendly

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies It is assumed that one hundred IBM compatible computers will be available before the system is installed and tested. It is assumed that the Hospital will have enough trained staff to take care of the system


Specific Requirements
This section contains the software requirements to a level of details sufficient to enable designers to design the system and testers to test that system 3.1 External interface requirements 3.1.1 User interfaces The following screens will be provided: Login screen: This will be the first screen that will be displayed.it will allow user to access different screens based upon the user role.various fields are: o User id o Password o Role Home Page: This page contains explanation about the Hospital achievements, infrastructure and various awards. Patient registration screen: Various fields available on this screen are o Personel information o Contact information o Registration id Doctor scheduling screen: Various fields available on this screen are o Department name o Doctor name o Doctor id Inpatient daily repot screen: Various fields available on this screen are o Patient information o Doctor name

o Bed no. o prescription salary information screen: Various fields available on this screen are o personel information o id o basic salary o gross salary Staff information screen: Various fields available on this screen are o personel information o id o education qualification o department 3.2 Performance requirement None 3.3 Design constraints None 3.4 Software system attributes 3.4.1 Security The application will be password protected.user will have to enter correct user name, password and role. 3.4.2 Maintainability The application will be designed in a maintainable manner. It will be easy to incorporate new requirements in the individual modules. 3.4.3 Portability The application will be easily portable on any window based system that has MS access 2000 installed. 3.5 Other requirements None

To defie the system functionalities,we can view the system as a collection of following use cases

1. Login 2. Regestration 3 Department allocation/doctor appointment

4. Check Appointments 5. Enquiry 6. Payroll 7. Update Staff 8. Pathology 9. Pharmacy 10. Bill manupilation
From the problemdescription,we can see the system has following actors:

1. Receptionist 2. Doctors 3. Staff/Nurses 4. Patient 5. Records System 6. Information System 7. Cashier





Information system(mainta...



PHARMACY & PATHOLOGY Record system Staff / Nurse BILLING


Use case description 1. LOGIN introduction

This usecase documents theprocedure for logging into the hospital management system based on user privileges receptionist(admission,doctor appointment,test appointment) doctor (draw salary,prescribe test) information system(patient info.,ward status,report generaton) record system(add staff) This use case check the person is a Doctor/Staff and handles various activities such as draw Salary and give Salary.


Receptionist,staff ,doctor,record system,information system.



If use case is successful,the user is logged into the system,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor enter his/her user id and password o The actor enters user id and password o The system validate the user id and passwoed and check for his/her privileges o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case




This use case documents the procedure for monitoring information about patients and handles patients query. A unique ID is generated for each patient after registration. This helps in implementing customer relationship m anagement and also maintains medical history of the





Receptionist should logged into the system.


If use case is successful,the patient is regestered,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o Receptionist ask for the details o Fill up the registration form o System generate the registration id o Generate the OPD/IPD card

Special requirements

Related use case



This Module Deals with, when the ID is generated the patient receives the Appointment time & number from the Receptionist and accordingly visit the doctor.




Receptionist should logged into the system.


If use case is successful,the patient will get the appointment,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor enter his/her registration id o Patient specify the doctor or the disease o System will appoint the date for the patient o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case


4. ENQUIRY Introduction Actors

This use case documents the procedure for making the enquiry about the doctor/staff or the patient. Receptionist, doctor, record system and information system


Operator should logged into the system.


If use case is successful,the user is logged into the system,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor enter the id o System will compare this with the existing ids o If there found any match than it will show the details o The use case ends o None

Special requirements Related use case


5. PAYROLL Introduction Actors

This Module checks whether the person is a Doctor/Staff and draws salary based on the information. Receptionist, doctor, staff and other hospital personal


Operator should logged into the system.


If use case is successful,the user will draw the salary to his

account,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor enter his/her user id o The actor enters user id o The system validate the user id and draw the salary o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case



UPDATE STAFF Introduction

This Module handles the activities such as adding Doctor/Staff information into the database.


Record system


Operator should logged into the system


If use case is successful,the staff information is updated succesfully,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor enter information o The actor enters role and id additionaly o The system update the database o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case


7. PATHOLOGY Introduction
This module help in maintaining the record about the test and pass it to

the bill department.




Operator should be logged in to the system If use case is successful,the system will generate the report successfully, otherwise system state is unchanged


Basic flow

This use case starts when actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor, enter the patient id o The system will generate the report o The system will pass the bill to bill department o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case


8. PHARMACY Introduction
The Pharmacy Module deal with the Retail Sale of medicines to OPD patients and Issue of medicines to the In-patients in the hospital. Its function includes, online drug prescription, inventory management and billing of drugs, consumables and sutures. This module is closely linked to the Billing Module and In-patient Module. All the drugs required by the patient can be indented from the various sub stores operator

Actors Precondition

Operator should be logged in to the system


If use case is successful, the systemwill maintain the record easily, otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor, enter the patient id o The system will update the database o The system will pass the bill to bill department

o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case




Indoor billing module has a supervisory role. The entries for billing are automatically transferred to the patient bill by the respective departments, which provide the service. The services are charged as per the category/panel/package applicable.



Operator should be logged in to the system


If use case is successful,the system will generate the bill and receipt sussecfully,otherwise system state is unchanged

Basic flow

This use case startswhen actor wishes to log into the system o The system request the actor, enter the patient id o The system will generate the bill o The system will receive the cash and make the reciept o The use case ends

Special requirements

Related use case



LOGIN DETAILS user_id user_name password user_role add() delete() update()

REGESTRATION or PATIENT DETAILS assign_regestration_id() prepare_opd_card() prepare_ipd_doc()

PERSONEL INFORMATION name date of birth father_name gender age

ENQUIRY DETAIL role name person_id display_details()

CONTACT DETAILS address city state country mobile_no email_id

STAFF DETAILS role add() update() delete()

PHARMACY DETAILS patient_id ipd_bill() opd_bill() vendor_detail() item_record()

BILLING patient_id payment_collection() reciept() final_bills()

PATHOLOGY LAB patient_id generate_report() make_bill() opname2()

PAYROLL role name person_id draw_salary() opname2()



: US E R




1.enter user_id and pass word 2.s ubm it details 3.get login data

5.error or s uc c es s m s g. 4.c hec k login


: P a tie n t

: R e c e p t io n is t



1 .g ive p e rs o n a l d e t a ils s u b m it p e rs o n a l d e t a ils s u b m it id t o p a tie n t g e n e ra te p a tie n t id

s u b m it c o n t a c t d e t a ils g ive c o n ta c t d e t a ils


: P atient

: R ec eptionis t



1 .give pers on al deta ils

s ubm it pe rs onal de tails s ubm it id to p atien t g en erate patient id

s ub m it c ont ac t d et ails give c onta c t d et ails





1.login 2.enter the details 4.error msg or show details 3.check the details






submit details check details draw salary


: US E R



s ubm it details and role

return id s tore details and genera...


: Patient




show his id and requirement submit the detail add bill to his account

sub the reptort

genrate report


: Patient




show his id and requirement sumit the details check for the availability show error msg. add bill to his account


: P atient s how his id s bm it bill t o us er

: US E R


s ubm t t he details

s ubm it b ill us ing c as h or c redit c ard is s uing the rec ipt generae bill



Enter Hospital

Takes Appointm ent

Undergo Diagnosis

Takes Treatm ent

not cured

Undergo lab Tests& Buy Medicines

gets cured


Takes Details os patient

Checks availabilty of doctor

gives appointm ent

gives bill

takes bill am ount


Diagonise patient

Gives Treatm ent

Prescribes Medicines & tests

Cures the patient

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