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Activity #3-Baseline Survey

Name: Jasmin Barco

Profession: Student

"What is the importance of being an information literate person in your own field?".

For me, the importance of being an information literate person is to promote problem
solving approaches and to own thinking skills. For asking questions and seeking answers,
finding information, forming opinions, evaluating sources and to make decisions to foster
successful learners and to confident individuals, and for the responsible citizens.

Name: Angelito Tiongson

Profession: N/A
"What is the importance of being an information literate person in your own field?".

For me the importance of being an information literate is important owing to the amount
of information that is available in contemporary society. Simply being exposed to a
great deal of information will not make people informed citizens; they need to learn how
to use this information effectively.

Julienne Jade Christencen P. Ramos
Age: 21 years old.
Profession: Accountant
Being Information Literate in my field is relevant as we face and talk to different kinds of
people on a regular basis, we have to be updated and mindful of what we say, and avoid
topics about religion, race, politics, or any personal matter that people might see as
offensive, in order to do that, we use media, especially those that are reliable sources to
be informed and updated.

Based on their answer about the importance of being informed as an individual literate
person is to promote problem solving approaches and to own thinking skills.they need to
learn how to use this information effectively, and it is relevant as we face and talk to
different kinds of people on a regular basis, we have to be updated and mindful of what
we say, and avoid topics about religion, race, politics, or any personal matter that people
might see as offensive, in order to do that, we use media, especially those that are
reliable sources to be informed and updated.

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