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Gabriel, Kyle Danielle H.

Understanding the Self

Module 1
Learning Outcomes

1. What is the meaning of Philosophy?

Thinking about questions like morality, consciousness, existence, time, meaning, and value
is what philosophy is all about. Responsiveness, contemplation, reason, and re-evaluation are all
parts of that "style of thinking." The aim is to improve understanding. Philosophy is based on the
concept that by practicing it, we can improve our capacity for critical thought and make more
informed judgments in our daily lives.
Philosophy is not a matter of selecting whatever school of thought one wishes to adhere to
or identify with, it is a choice based on feelings or individual preferences. Philosophy is an activity.
One can choose to be philosophical. One can choose to become a philosopher. One cannot choose
a philosophy. Philosophy is a mode of thinking that recommends a course of action or manner of
living, to the extent that it can be connected to a "way of Life." Someone who thinks that action is
best directed when philosophical study has given it that direction might be seen as having a
philosophical way of life.

2. Role of Philosophy in understanding the concept of the self.

Understanding oneself is a result of the very act of describing philosophy as it relates to
oneself. It is impossible to understand one's own hows and whys without a philosophical
framework, a set of guiding principles, or a thought-processing system.
Since it is important to understand more abstract concepts, philosophy should and must
examine the self. We could better understand this if we were to understand the self in terms of the
many philosophical traditions. Before they can comprehend the need for morality, philosophers
must first comprehend that the self is selfish, a faulty mirror of a defective entity. It is difficult to
appreciate beauty without a judge, and the judge establishes beauty by applying his own standards.
Information is only considered important when it pertains to the individual.

3. Appreciating the contributions of philosophers in understanding the self.

We are endowed with skills by philosophy. It develops more effective critical, creative,
and communicative thinkers. By thoroughly investigating the evolution of thought, philosophy,
among other things, helps us expand our minds to new ways of comprehending even well-known
concepts. Anyone interested in the fundamental questions that have captivated the greatest minds
should study philosophy.
The fact that philosophy is challenging but pleasurable is one of its many benefits. A crucial
part of philosophy is the effort to comprehend complex problems as well as the evaluation of the
merits of various proposed solutions. By addressing fundamental issues in ethics, science, religion,
politics, and logic, philosophy helps people become more responsible. This aids in our
understanding of the most pressing societal issues of the present.

4. Reflection about the biblical philosophy of the self.

For spiritual maturity, ministry, our ability to lead others, and most significantly, our ability
to serve, it is essential to have a biblical view of oneself that develops out of our knowledge of
God and His grace. Without a biblical perspective of who we are, we wind up acting as spiritual
kings of the mountain and advancing our own agendas in an effort to inflate our egos. By relying
on God's grace through position, power, and acclaim, we attempt to accomplish what we ought to.
Therefore, we need to think biblically about who we are in order to properly lead or
minister to others. This means that regardless of our strengths or shortcomings, we must be aware
of our limitations while also maintaining a biblical perspective on God, His grace toward us in
Christ, and the knowledge that God is always sufficient for us.

5. My own Philosophy in Life

My life's guiding principle is to live each moment to the fullest and treat others with the
same respect. Because we all periodically take bad actions, we shouldn't judge other people for
their choices. As long as it makes you happy and has no negative effects on others, you should live
your life whatever you want. The best way for people to live is to strive hard and to succeed. People
should be nice to each other and live their lives to the utmost. We must create and maintain
friendships. We must work hard to advance our careers while raising families.
A respectable person is sensitive and thinks through the consequences of their actions as
well as how their actions may influence other people. Good people emphasize their relationships
with other people while also looking out for themselves and their friends. Good people are more
likely to take the high path and prevail in conflicts. In general, they will work hard to meet
important deadlines and help out when they can. They are dedicated to their profession and treat
it seriously. They try to be great friends to others and treat everyone with respect.

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