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K V NO. 1 BALASORE   (CLASS - 9TO 12) Switch accounts

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Raman Biswal

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1.  Chemically, Plaster of Paris (POP) is calcium sulphate hemihydrate, i.e.,

containing half molecule of water of crystallization. It is represented by the
formula, CaSO4 ·1/2H2O. Half molecule of water of crystallization means that one
water molecule is shared by two formula units of CaSO4. Hence, we also represent
its formula as (CaSO4)2·H2O. The name, plaster of Paris, was given to this
compound because for the first time, it was made from gypsum which was mainly
found in Paris.

1-The difference of water molecules in gypsum and plaster of Paris is *




2-Plaster of Paris hardens by *

combining with water

giving out water

giving off CO2

changing into CaCO3

3-Which of the following statements is incorrect? *

Plaster of Paris is used to ornate designs on walls and ceilings

On heating gypsum above 373 K, CaSO4 is obtained

Dead burnt plaster is CaSO4 ·2H2O

Setting of plaster is due to its hydration into gypsum

4- Select the incorrect statement with respect to gypsum

It is slightly soluble in water

It is also known as alabaster

On heating gypsum at 373 K, it loses water molecules and becomes calcium

sulphate hemihydrate

Chemical formula of gypsum is CaSO4 ·1/2H2O

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5-Plaster of Paris is obtained by

adding water to calcium sulphate

adding sulphuric acid to calcium hydroxide

heating gypsum to a very high temperature

heating gypsum to 100° C

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You must have heard the story of the hare and tortoise. ‘Good morning, tortoise’ said the
hare very slowly, mocking the tortoise of his speed. ‘Why do you talk like that, hare? Is there
something wrong with you?’ questioned the tortoise. ‘No, but you talk very slow’ said the
hare to the tortoise. And he started laughing. ‘I challenge you to a race’ the hare said to the
tortoise. He got out of the pond and shook the water from his shell. The first one to arrive
at the apple tree on top of that hill would be the winner. The hare wouldn’t believe that he
was challenged by a slow tortoise. And he was not merely a slow tortoise; he was an old
tortoise, too. They both started the race from the resting position. The race started at 7.00
pm and the tortoise reached the destination by 9.00 pm .The average speed of the tortoise
remained 85 Km/h. When the race began, both accelerated forward. The hare accelerated
uniformly at a rate of 1 m/s2 for 5 sec. (4.7 seconds). It then continued at a constant
speed for 12.5 sec. (11.9 seconds), before getting tired and slowing down with constant
acceleration coming to rest 85 (82) meters from where they started. The tortoise
accelerated uniformly for the entire distance, finally catching the hare just as the hare
comes to a stop.

6-1What is the acceleration of the tortoise? *

a. 12 m/s2

b 1 / 2
b. 1m/s2

c. 0.1 m/s2

d. 2 m/s2

7-What is the distance covered by the tortoise? *

100 km

150 km

170 km

190 km

8-How fast is the hare going 2.4 seconds after it starts? *

2.4 m/s

3 m/s

4 m/s

5 m/s

9-How far does the hare travel before it begins to slow down? *

a. 63.23 M

b. 75.0M

c. 66.97 M

d. 56.76 M
10-The area under velocity -time graph represents *





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