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[MADRINAN] Capt:- this is capt. speaking calling chief engr.

[MENDOZA] chief: yes capt. over
[MADRINAN]capt.: kindly do the pre start of the main engine chief: aye sir!
[MENDOZA] chief: calling all the engine personnel onboard we're about to pre start
the main engine 4th,3rd,2nd, ratings(3),
[SANTOS] cadet: aye sir
[MENDOZA] chief: kindly check the lube oil, generator, fuel oil tanks, and main
[OLEDAN, GALANG, SETENTA] all ratings: aye sir!
[OLEDAN, GALANG, SETENTA] all ratings: all the instructions are acknowledge
and everything was in good condition chief
[MENDOZA] chief: okay good thank you!calling capt. this is chief speaking
[MADRINAN] capt.: this is capt. over
[MENDOZA] chief: the pre starting procedures are done and ready for starting the
main engine
[MADRINAN] capt.: okay chief thank you! start the main engine over
[MENDOZA] chief: aye sir
[MADRINAN] capt: this is capt. speaking were gonna test the propeller
[MENDOZA] chief:aye sir!

(dagdag 5 mins.)chief engr. record padin doing the propeller testing including dead
slow astern, slow astern, dead slow ahead, etc.

[MENDOZA] chief: this is chief speaking over

[MADRINAN] capt.: yes chief this is capt. over
[MENDOZA] chief: the propeller test is okay and in good condition now i will
transfer the control to the bridge another 2 minutes( captain testing ng propeller)

[MADRINAN] capt.: this is capt. speaking everything is good

[MENDOZA] chief: okay thank you!
[MENDOZA] chief calling all the ratings kindly check all the parameters and tanks
[OLEDAN, GALANG, SETENTA] all ratings: aye sir!
[LANGUB] 2nd engr.: calling chief engr. this is 2nd engr. speaking over all the
parameters valves and tanks was good and stable
[MENDOZA] chief: okay good thank you, calling 4th engr. kindly check your
purifiers if it is in good condition
[LUAREZ] 4th: aye sir! this is 4th speaking all the purifiers was check and are in
good condition
[MENDOZA] chief: okay good thank you
[MENDOZA] chief: calling 3rd engr.
[KIAN M.] 3rd.: this is 3rd speaking over
[MENDOZA] chief: kindly check the boiler if it is working in a good condition
[KIAN M.] 3rd : aye sir
[KIAN M.] 3rd: this 3rd speaking, chief the boiler is in good condition
[MENDOZA] chief: okay thank you
[MENDOZA] chief: calling 2nd engr. please check the electrical equipment if there
has a problem and kindly report it thank you!
[LANGUB] 2nd: chief this is 2nd engr. speaking everything was good and maintain
[MENDOZA] chief: okay thank you
Another 2 mins. (black screen)

[OLEDAN, GALANG, SETENTA] ratings: calling chief over

[MENDOZA] chief: yes sir
[OLEDAN, GALANG, SETENTA] ratings: some tanks are rusty and some
pipelines are no paints
[MENDOZA] chief: okay kindly paint it , calling cadet this is chief speaking
[SANTOS] cadet: aye sir!
[MENDOZA] chief: kindly get some paint and paint brush and help them to paint the
tanks and other pipelines
[SANTOS] cadet: aye sir;
[MENDOZA] chief: and also kindly mop this area in the engine control room okay
thank you!
[SANTOS] cadet: aye sir! thank you!

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