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1122, 995 aM Mictorm Quiz 1: Atonptredow Home / My courses / UGRD-GE6117.21331 / Wack 7 Midterm Quiz 1 / Midterm Quiz + Started on Saturday, 2 July 2022, 922 AM State Finished ‘Completed on Saturday, 2 July 2022, 935 AM ime taken 13 mins 27 secs Marks 10000/10.00 Grade 100.00 out of 10000 cuerion Nenk09 oof .80 Multiple Choice: When was the La Liga Filipina established? Select one: a.duly 6, 1982 b. October 6, 1896 December 30, 1896 duly 3, 1892 Your answer is core cuwsion nk 10 out of 100 Multiple Choice: \What was the real motive ofthe governar-genera in asigning Jose Rizal a personal escort? Select one: a. Te help Jose Rizal in his clinic To spy on Jose Rizal's plans and activities €-To keep Jose Rizal away from Filipino revolutionaries «To ensure that Jose Rizal wll not escape once investigated Your answer is care ‘vimest al araesonline con/2134mediquizrovou phpalompt=257521Bemride7883 18 1122, 295 AM Mictorm Quiz 1: Atonptredow cuesien Multiple choice: Which DOES NOT describe the Noli Me Tangere according to the report of the committee appointed by the governor-general to review the contents of the novel? Ii Select one: 2. Anti-institution b.Ant-Spain c-Anti-revolution Anti-government Your answer is corract. sion comet nk 199 ost 1.90 Multiple Choice: \who accompanied Jose Rizal in going back o the Philippines on June 21, 18927 Select one: 2. Paciano Rizal Lucia Rizal «Josephine Bracken d.Jose Maria Basa Your answer is correct. ‘vimest al araesonline con/2134mediquizrovou phpalompt=257521Bemride7883 1122, 295 AM Mictorm Quiz 1: Atonptredow cuesien Multiple choice: Arrange the events chronologically, | Rizal’ exile in Dapitan 1. Founding of the Katipunan I Founding of the La Liga Filipina IV. Artest and detention of Rizal in Fort Santiago Select one: abv bait eta tetany Your answer is correct. Monk Lop owtet 1.20 Multiple Choice: \Which was an implication of the Noli Me Tangere? Select one: ‘The banishment of the Calamba people from Calamba b. The exile of ose Rizal to Dapitan «Jose Rizal's pettion regarding the increase rents in the hacienda of Dominican friars 4. The manifesto demanding the ouster of the Spanish friars Your answer is corrct. ‘vimest al araesonline con/2134mediquizrovou phpalompt=257521Bemride7883 as 1122, 295 AM cuesien Multiple choice: Who helped Jose Rizal inthe printing of the El Flibusterismo? Select one: a. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera b. Maxime Viola «Juan Luna 4. Valentin Ventura Your answer is correct. amin ak 100 out of 1.00 Multiple choice ‘What country or place impressed Jose Rizal because of its people's courtesy cleanliness and industy? Select one: a. Hong Kong busapan USA 4. Borneo Your answer is correct. cuesien nk 00 out of 100 deny what is asked: Mictrm Quz 1: Atonptresew ‘What grouped continued to waged a revahtion after the dbandment of the La Liga Fin? ‘Answer Katipunan ‘vimest al araesonline con/2134mediquizrovou phpalompt=257521Bemride7883 4 1122, 295 AM Mictorm Quiz 1: Atonptredow cusion 10 deny wat is uses ‘What isthe tle ofthe poem writen by Jose Riza which reflects his contentment of hs fe in Dupin? ‘Answer Mi Retiro “= W6:La Liga Filipina and Life in Dapitan - Video Jump to. ‘vimest al araesonline con/2134mediquizrovou phpalompt=257521Bemride7883 \W8: Lesson 7 Trial and Martyrdom of Jose Rizal - Module = 5s.

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