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Short Story Setting Characters

Raymond, Hazel Elizabeth

Unkown place that has
Deborah Parker (Squeaky),Rosie,
Raymond's Run a race track and school
George,Gretchen, Mary Louise,
Mr. Pearson, Mother, Father

Unknown village with

Blood Brothers casaurina trees
paul, Benjy, father, mechanic

The Man of the House

Rural Jamaica,
Narrator, Grandma Dell,
The Two Grandmothers Kingston and
Grandma Elaine (Towser)
Clearwater, USA

Georgia And Them There

United States

What Happened?

United States, Jersey Berry, Mrs osborn, Dr Renfield,

Berry City Children

Mint Tea
Mom Luby And The Social United states, Division mom luby, elijah, puddin, miss
Worker street rushmore

Barbados, New York Da-duh, gradaughter(narrator),

To Da-Duh, In Memoriam City mother

Point of View(POV) Conflict Themes

Family relationship
Children were bullying her Heroism
First person Friendship
brother/ she was challenged

paul envies his carefree brother fear, love, childhood, love and family
third person Omnisient
Benjy relationship, man

Racial Prejudice, Love and Family

First person (narrator) Relationship, Social prejudice, Women in
Society, Innocence vs Loss of Innocence

Racism towards berry and

Third person Omnisient racism, poverty, Apperance vs reality, Injustice
children are being illtreated,
Mom Luby is unable to childhood innocence, Education, Love and
First Person(Elijah) financially provide for both Family relationship, Poverty, Appearance vs
Elijah, Puddin Reality

Her unwillingness to to accept

change. The clash of both Death, man vs Nature, love and family
First person
worlds (they both think they relationship, Appearance vs reality, Colourism
are right

Narrative Techniques Climax Major Events

Conversational tone Her training, The
Her Brother was running as
Literary devices confruntations, the admiration
fast as she was in her race
Humour she showed Raymond
Dialect (black American)

Symbol- casaurina tree

symbolises paul's fears, Paul attacts his brother with Paul noticed the fear in his
Contrast, Dialogue, Contrast, an awl brother
Language- discriptive

Narrator hits Moreen, narrator

Description, Flashback
calls her father a Bastard

Berry plays and sings to the

Child fell out of the children. They pretended to
Dialogue, description wheelchair causing him to get treat the children good when
fired parents were around. Berry was
Miss rushmore realized that
The interview between Mom
mom lubyhad accumplished
Satire, humor, Survival, Irony Luby& the compliment of miss
a lot and denied the request
due to the illegal activities

When the grandaughter

Flashback, Foreshadowing, prooved to Da-duh that she The Death of da-duh, The
Symboism was wrong, Her Spirit began argument
to fall
Resolution Points of Comparison

She made Raymond Win

and she realized that she
needed to train him

Paul walks away

He walked into the

darkness very sad
Mom Luby laughed, Ms
Rushmore to scorn until
she left the store

When the planes flew

overhead, Do-Duh was in
her chair and later was
found dead

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