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Performance task in physical education and health


Submitted by:

Charlstone C. Lopez

Student-grade 12- St. Maria goretti

Submitted to :

Ms. Fhil-Angelica A. Ijalo, LPT

In this times we are still struggling because of pandemic that we are experiencing this struggles maybe
stress, depression, anxiety, Isolation and other mental health problem that is dangerous to us That’s
why we need to engage in recreational activities so that we can experience some freedom, strengthen
our body, reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, encourage social interaction increase personal
confidence and self-awareness and improve quality of life

Recreational activity

Recreation refers to all those activities that people choose to do to refresh their bodies and minds and
make their leisure time more interesting and enjoyable. Examples of recreation activities are walking,
swimming, meditation, reading, playing games and dancing.

Activities Indoor/outdoor Duration Who can Benefits

participate in this
Morning walk Outdoor 20 to 30 minutes Family members  Feeling better.
 Lower the risk
of heart
diabetes, and
certain types
of cancer.
 Clear your
 Lower blood
 Increase
 Improve
memory and
lower your risk
of dementia.
 Boost your
mental and
 Prevent
weight gain.
Stretching Indoor 60 sec Family member  Improve your
in physical
 Decrease your
risk of injuries.
 Help your
joints move
through their
full range of
 Increase
muscle blood
 Improve your
ability to do
daily activities.
 Enable your
muscles to
work most
Zumba Both 1 hour Family members  It’s fun. The
more you
enjoy your
routine, the
more likely
you are to
stick with it.
 Great for
weight loss
 Tones your
entire body.
 Boosts your
heart health.

 Makes you
 Helps you de-
Board games Indoor 11 to 14 hours Family members  Board games
for early
 They get older
kids’ brains
buzzing, too.
 They boost
their language
 They sharpen
your child’s
 They teach the
value of
 Board games
are an
alternative to
time out.
 Board games
Hiking Outdoor half a day or 1 Family members This is good for out
day door activities it
 Lower your
risk of heart
 Improve your
blood pressure
and blood
sugar levels.
 Boost bone
density, since
walking is a
 Build strength
in your glutes,
and the
muscles in
your hips and
lower legs.
 Strengthen
your core.
Meditation Both 10 minutes Family members  Gaining a new
perspective on
 Building skills
to manage
your stress.
 Increasing self-
 Focusing on
the present
 Reducing
 Increasing
and creativity.
 Increasing
patience and
Reading Indoor 30 minutes Family members  Cognitive
and Brain
Exercising. ...
 Vocabulary
Expansion. ...
 Stress and
Tension Relief.
 Helps With
Dysthymia. ...
 Memory
and Better
Focus. ...
 Strengthens
Your Writing
Abilities. ...
 Enhances Your
Empathy. ...
 Boosts Your
Dancing Both Depends on the Family members  improved
person condition of
your heart and
 increased
endurance and
 increased
 improved
muscle tone
and strength.
 weight
 stronger
bones and
reduced risk of
 better
agility and
Swimming Both 30 minutes Family members  Health
benefits of
 builds
strength and
fitness. helps
you maintain a
healthy heart
and lungs.
tones muscles
and builds
provides an
all-over body
workout, as
nearly all of
your muscles
are used
Cycling Outdoor 30-60 minutes Family members  increased
 increased
strength and
 improved joint
 decreased
stress levels.
 improved
posture and
 strengthened
 decreased
body fat
 prevention or
of disease.
Recreational activities are always a good idea. They provide social, physical, and mental benefits. These
types of activities are used as an effective form of therapeutic treatment for individuals struggling with
mental health issues. Sometimes it can be difficult for one to realize the positive impact recreational
activities have as they just deem it a way to pass time or something that feels forced. However, this is
simply not the case. By looking at recreational activities through the scope of social, physical, and mental
benefits, we can better understand the importance of practicing recreational activities.

Short story

Little cub

There was an adventurous boy who dreams of exploring the beauty of the world. In his
journey, he came across an ominous dark forest. Deep in the forest an encounter with a large bear,
wolves and other ferocious beasts are imminent. Aa he treaded the dark forest, he stumbles upon a
little bear cub, staring, cautiously approaching him. The cub caught a whiff of honey inside the boy’s
backpack. The cub seems to have realized that the boy was carrying something edible. So the cub
started following the boy. As the cub was tailing the boy, six wolves were watching them from the
shadows lurking at a distance.

Meanwhile, a large full-grown bear was in a search for its cub. The mother of the cub
began to worry about the cub, the mother desperately searches for her cub but she couldn’t find the
cub anywhere. There was a glint of something shiny. A lighter that seemed to have belong to a human.
The object carried more than one scent. The scent of her cub

At the thought of her cub’s scent to be found from a tool used by a human. She
remembered about the humans that destroyed their home and killed her family, leaving her without a
family. Alone, her sadness grows as days passed. At the sight of a bear with her cubs, it reminded her of
her loneliness. Not long after, she encountered a cub, alone without a family, they are the same. She felt
pity and decided to raise the cub as if it was her own. Days passed, their bond grew stronger becoming a
real family.

At the discovery of the lighter, she felt unease, rage grew at the scent of a human, she
assumed the worst that could happen. She hurriedly ran towards the trail of scent. But another scent
appears to have disrupted her focus. Smoke. In the direction of the smoke there’s light in the dark
forest. Noises could be heard. Upon closer inspection, she sees the little cub playing with the boy. She
emerges from the bush and starts dashing towards the boy, closing in for the kill. Then a sudden turn of
events, the little cub put itself between her and the boy. Trying to show that the boy isn’t a threat. The
mother couldn’t believe him when she sees that the boy has a weapon on his backpack. Adrenaline of
rage surges, and tried to pounce on the boy. The boy dodges, quickly grabbing his backpack and flees.
The mother’s anger recedes for now.

The wolves, took advantage of the situation, and attacked the mother once she drops her
guard. Six against one, a fight with the wolves by herself whilst desperately trying to protect her cub at
all cost. The cub hid under one of the tree’s roots. One of the wolves tries to attack in the front. The
mother swung her claw forward. But then after she had swung, another from the left side attacked.
Following the right side after that. She could not help but groan loudly at the pain. The boy heard it from
afar. He could sense that something was wrong.

Filled with courage the boy ran back towards his camp. The mother fights with all her
might and took down three wolves. She was at her limit, she couldn’t take it anymore. All that time
searching and fighting without rest. Her fatigue caught up to her. The remaining three started their
attack. Dealing painful wounds on to her claws and legs. The cub felt helpless. There was nothing that
can be done. Severally wounded, she could barely stand, there was little that the mother could do now.
One of the wolves tried to attack the cub, the cub was frightened. Just when all hope was lost. Bang. An
ear-splitting noise was made. The wolf dropped motionless. The boy came back. The cub felt relieved
that the boy came back and to help them and the mother could never imagine of a human helping them.

At the sound of gun shot, the wolves fled with their tails between their legs. The mother
bear passed out. When she woke up, she found the human boy was tending to her wounds and taking
care of her cub. The mother bear finally realize that, not all humans are the same as the ones who
destroyed their home and killed her parents. Carrying a burden all alone will only break one’s self, one
must learn to rely on others to become stronger.
Short scene

One day, a shepherd went to the pas-

Tures for grazing his sheep. He was

Looking after them, when suddenly he

Saw a wolf approaching him and his

Herd of animals. He got scared.

But the wolf didn’t do anything

He kept moving around the sheep

As if to guard them. The shepherd

Thought that the wolf had changed

With the time. Now he had become a


So, the shepherd gave him the

Responsibility of guarding his sheep

And went to take a nap. When he woke

Up, he was shocked to see that the

Wolf had eaten all his sheep and had

Fled the scene.

Dwayne Johnson Jackie Chan

He has recorded and released more

than 20 albums in several languages.
He’s a Canadian citizen. He has also dubbed many Disney
classic movies, singing in Chinese in
Wrestling runs in his family. place of the English lyrics. Jackie Chan
His classmates thought he was an was working on a movie called
undercover cop. Nosebleed in 2001. It was about a
window washer at the World Trade
He was arrested a lot as a teen. Center who stops a terrorist attack.
He has a degree in criminology.

He holds two world records.

He was in Star Trek: Voyager.

His manager is his ex-wife.

Tom cruise

Arnold Schwarzenegger

He Won a Golden Globe For One of

His First Roles. …

He’s the Youngest Mr. …

He Had a Legendary Career as a

Bodybuilder. …
Disney modeled a certain beloved
character after Cruise. … He had a Successful Bricklaying
Business. …
He divorced all of his wives when they
were 33 years-old. … He Was the Governor of California. …

He’s credited with saving the He Had a Difficult Home Life. …

sunglasses company Ray-Ban. …
He Was Originally a Soccer Player.
He improvised the Risky Business
dance. …

Cruise could’ve been Iron Man.

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