Calo Rey Hypothesis-Testing-Activities

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Activity 1.
1. There is no significant influence of students’ level of social media utilization on their
study habit.
2. There is no significant difference in the use of social media by students of Grade 12
HUMSS on the basis gender.

3. There is no significant difference in the study habit of male and female students of
Grade 12 HUMSS.

4. There is no significant relationship between students’ level of use of social media and
study habit.

Activity 2. Find the critical values for each situation and draw the appropriate figure.

A left-tailed test with α = 0.10 Answer: Between z = -1.28 or z = -1.29

or z = -1.285

A right -tailed test with α = 0.04 Answer: Between z = 1.75 or z = 1.76

or z = 1.755

A two-tailed test with α = 0.05 Answer: Between z = ± 1.96

Activity 3. Answer as directed:

1. A researcher reports that the average salary of assistant professors is more than
P42,000.00. A sample of 30 assistant professors has a mean salary of P43,260.00. At
α=0.05, test the claim that assistant professors earn more than P42,000 an year.
The σ= P5230.00

Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: µ = P42,000.00

Alternate hypothesis: H1 µ> P42,000.00

Step 2. Select the level of significance: α= 0.05

Step 3. Select appropriate test statistics:

Under these conditions the test statistic is the standard normal distribution with the sample
standard deviation s substituted for σ .
Thus we use text formula [5-1].


z    is the value of the test statistic.

    is the sample mean.

μ    is the population mean.

σ is the standard deviation of population.

s is the sample standard deviation

n    is the number in sample.

So, substituting the values:

z= s
z= 5230
√ 30

z = 1.32
Step 4. Find the area of rejection by finding the critical value. At α A right -tailed test with α
= 0.05, z critical = 1.65.

Step 5. Make a decision regarding the null hypothesis based on the sample information.
Interpret the results of the test. Draw your conclusion.

Since computed value of z = 1.32 less than the critical value of 1.65, then we fail to reject
the null hypothesis. The researcher’s hypothesis is true. It can be concluded that the
difference in the salaries is not significant

2. A national magazine claims that the average college student watches less television
than the general public. The national average is 29.4 hours per week, with σ =2
hours. Is there enough evidence to support the claim at α=.01?


Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: µ = 29.4

Alternate hypothesis: H1 µ < 29.4

Step 2. Select the level of significance: α= 0.01

Step 3. Select appropriate test statistics:

Under these conditions the test statistic is the standard normal distribution with the sample
standard deviation s substituted for σ .
Thus we use text formula [5-1].


z    is the value of the test statistic.

    is the sample mean.

μ    is the population mean.

σ is the standard deviation of population.

s is the sample standard deviation

n    is the number in sample.

So, substituting the values:

z= σ

z= 2


Step 4. Find the area of rejection by finding the critical value. At α A left -tailed test with α =
0.01, z critical = -2.33.

Step 5. Make a decision regarding the null hypothesis based on the sample information.
Interpret the results of the test. Draw your conclusion.

Since computed value of z = 0 greater than the critical value of -2.33, then we reject the
null hypothesis. It can be concluded that the difference in watching television is significant

3. The Medical Foundation reports that the average cost of rehabilitation for stroke
victim is P24,672. The average cost of rehabilitation of a sample of 35 victims is
25,226. σ =P3,251. At α=0.1, can it be concluded that the average cost at a large
hospital is different from P24,672?


Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: µ = P24,672

Alternate hypothesis: H1 µ ≠ P25,226.
Step 2. Select the level of significance: α= 0.1

Step 3. Select appropriate test statistics:

Under these conditions the test statistic is the standard normal distribution with the sample
standard deviation s substituted for σ .
Thus we use text formula [5-1].


z    is the value of the test statistic.

    is the sample mean.

μ    is the population mean.

σ is the standard deviation of population.

s is the sample standard deviation

n    is the number in sample.

So, substituting the values:

z= s
z= 3,251

z = −1.01

Step 4. Find the area of rejection by finding the critical value. At α A two -tailed test
with α = 0.1, z critical = ± 1.65.

Step 5. Make a decision regarding the null hypothesis based on the sample
information. Interpret the results of the test. Draw your conclusion.
Since computed value of z = -1.01 greater than the critical value of -1.65, then we
reject the null hypothesis. It can be concluded that the difference of the average
cost at a large hospital is different is significant

Activity 4. Answer as required.

1. A mobile phone company claim that their products have a mean life span of 5 years with a
standard deviation of 3 years. Test the null hypothesis that µ = 5
years against the alternative hypothesis that µ ≠ 5 years if a random sample of 50 phones was
tested and found to have a mean life span of only 4 years.
Use a 0.05 level of significance.


Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: µ = 5

Alternate hypothesis: H1: µ ≠ 5
Step 2. Select the level of significance: α= 0.05

Step 3. Select appropriate test statistics:

z= s
z= 3
√ 50

z = −2.36

Step 4. Find the area of rejection by finding the critical value. At α A two -tailed test
with α = 0.05, z critical = ± 1.96..

Step 5. Make a decision regarding the null hypothesis based on the sample
information. Interpret the results of the test. Draw your conclusion.

Since computed value of z = -2.36 less than the critical value of -1.96, then we fail to reject
the null hypothesis. It can be concluded that the life span mobile phone is 5 years and
is not significant

2. The average length of time for a doctor to diagnose a throat illness using an old procedure is
30 minutes. Using a computerization method, a random sample
of 30 patients was used and found to have a mean length of 18 minutes with the standard
deviation of 1.5 minutes. Test the significance of the difference
between the population mean and the sample mean at 0.01 level of significance.


Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: µ = 30

Alternate hypothesis: H1: µ ≠ 30
Step 2. Select the level of significance: α= 0.01

Step 3. Select appropriate test statistics:

z= s
z= 1.5

z = −43.82

Step 4. Find the area of rejection by finding the critical value. At α A two -tailed test
with α = 0.01, z critical = ± 2.58..

Step 5. Make a decision regarding the null hypothesis based on the sample
information. Interpret the results of the test. Draw your conclusion.

Since computed value of z = -43.82 less than the critical value of -2.58, then we fail to
reject the null hypothesis. It can be concluded that The average length of time for a doctor
to diagnose a throat illness using an old procedure is 30 minutes and is not significant

3. If 80% of the nation are catholics does the Misamis Oriental environment reflect the national
proportion?  Test the hypothesis that Misamis Oriental residents differ from the rest of the
nation in their religion , if of 200 locals surveyed, 115 are catholics.


Step 1: Null hypothesis: Ho: p  =  .8    

Alternate hypothesis: H1: p ≠ .8

We have that

^p = 120 = 0.96
Next we compute the z-score

^p − p
z = √ p(1− p)/n
z = √ 0.8(0.2)/200 = 5.66
to test @ 0.05 significance level                

Since computed value of z = 5.66 greater than the critical value of 1.96, then we reject the
null hypothesis. Thus, more than 80% of the nation are catholics and it is significant.

Activity 5

A researcher claims that male students are better in mathematics than female students.
He gathered the results of the recent Math Achievement test. The data below shows the
scores of the students. Is there a sufficient evidence to believe the researcher’s
statement at α = 0.05?
Male 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Students 0 0 5 7 2 0 7 1 6 2 3 1 6 2 8 0 6 2 4 4
3 2 2 3 3 2 2 4 3 1 4 2 3 1 9 1 9 1 2 1
1 8 5 4 7 8 2 1 2 9 2 8 8 6 2 0 3 6
Female 1 2 4 3 1 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3
Students 4 2 1 6 8 4 9 6 5 6 1 6 5 8 9 3 1 8 7 7
1 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 2 3 4 1 1
4 6 5 4 6 7 8 3 5 7 2 5 8 9 9 7 9 0 2 1
F-Test Two-Sample for Variances
Male Students Female Students
  Variable 1 Variable 2
Mean 24.4 27.825
Variance 104.2974359 89.73782051
Observations 40 40
df 39 39
F 1.162246144
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.320513228
F Critical one-tail 1.704465067  
Conclusion: We do a one -tail test (inequality). lf t Stat < -t Critical one -tail or t Stat > t Critical one-tail, we
reject the null hypothesis. Since 1.704465067 >1.65, we reject the null hypothesis . The observed
difference between the sample means (24.4 (27.825) is convincing enough to say that there is not enough
evidence that the male students are better in mathematics than female students.

Activity 6. Interpret the following results.
1. Null Hypothesis: Number of years in school does not impact crime rate.


Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.73000000
R Square 0.53290000
Adjusted R Square 0.5014371
Standard Error 10.5979778
Observations 40

  df SS MS F Significance
Regression 1 2526.833485 2526.8335 12.78503 0.005000
Residual 28 3766.366515 134.51309
Total 29 6293.2      

  Coefficients Standard t Stat P-value

Intercept 14.4722624 5.740918609 2.6144018 0.000528
Number of years of -0.630256 0.104357342 1.234171 0.000170
education 5
Crime Rate

In the ANOVA table, the p-value is 0.005000. Because this value is less than our
significance level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. We reject H0. Our sample data
does provided strong evidence to conclude that the three mean scores are not equal.
Thus we conclude there is significant on umber of years in school does impact crime


Interpreting the weight of If the p value is less than

evidence against H0. (a)  0.10, we have some evidence that H0 is not true.
(b)  0.05, we have strong evidence that H0 is not true.
(c)  0.01, we have very strong evidence that H0 is not true.
(d)  0.001, we have extremely strong evidence that H0 is
not true.

2. Null Hypothesis: Organizational Commitment is not influenced by employee


Regression Statistics
Multiple R -0.5210000
R Square 0.2714410
Adjusted R Square 0.1801431
Standard Error 5.5979778
Observations 50

  df SS MS F Significance
Regression 1 256.833485 256.8335 10.78503 0.004300
Residual 28 3766.366515 134.51309
Total 48 6293.2      

  Coefficients Standard t Stat P-value

Employee Satisfaction 1.4722624 3.740918609 1.1144018 0.007284
0.450256 0.104357342 1.034171 0.000270
Organizational 5

Interpret the results

1. Multiple R. The correlation coefficient is -0.5210000. It means the linear

relationship is negatively strong.

2. R Squared (r2) is 0.2714410. This is the coefficient of determination. It implies

that 27% of the Organizational Commitment influenced Employee Satisfaction.

3. Significance F and P-values

To check if your results are statistically significant, look at Significance F
(10.785038). The P-value (less than 0.05). Thus the null hypothesis is

4. Coefficients
The regression line is: y = Organizational Commitment = 1.4722624+ 0.450256
Employee Satisfaction. In other words, for each unit increase in Employee Satisfaction, it
increases by 0.45 units.

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