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This reviewer was created to serve as my study material for the 2022 Bar Examination. This is not intended
to be a secret reviewer; anyone is free to utilize it. Please use at your own risk.

In God’s Perfect Time


“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

se, it does not follow that prohibited acts done in

violation of special laws are always mala prohibita.
(Revised Penal Code – Book 1)
Even if the crime is punished under a special law, if the
A. General principles act punished is one which is inherently wrong, the same
1. Mala in se and mala prohibita is malum in se, and therefore, good faith and the lack of
criminal intent is a valid defense; unless it is the product
of criminal negligence or culpa (Arsenia Garcia v. CA)
(Evil in itself) (Prohibited Evil) Plunder is mala in se which requires proof of criminal
intent. (Estrada v. Sandiganbayan)
A crime or an act that is An act that is considered
inherently immoral, such a crime because it is Q: Can an act mala in se absorb an act mala
as murder, arson, or prohibited by statute, prohibita? And vice versa?
rape. although the act itself is
not necessarily immoral A: NO. Acts mala in se cannot absorb acts mala
prohibita. What makes an act malum in se is the
Good faith is a valid Good faith is not a presence of intent, deceit or dolo or fault or culpa. On
defense, unless the defense. the other hand, what makes an act malum prohibitum is
crime is the result of the fact that it’s in violation of a special penal law.
culpa. Therefore, one cannot absorb the other.
Criminal intent is Criminal intent is not
2. Applicability and effectivity of the RPC
necessary. necessary.
a. Generality
The degree of The act gives rise to a
accomplishment of the crime only when Article 14, Civil Code. Penal laws and those of public
crime is taken into consummated. security and safety shall be obligatory upon all those
account in punishing the who live or sojourn in the Philippine territory, subject to
offender. the principles of public international law and to treaty
Mitigating and Mitigating and
aggravating aggravating GENERAL RULE: The criminal law of the country
circumstances are taken circumstances are not governs and applies to all persons in Philippine Territory,
into account in taken into account in regardless of nationality, age, gender or other personal
determining the determining the circumstances.
imposable penalty. imposable penalty,
unless provided for Therefore, whoever you are, if you are in the Philippines,
by special law. you have to comply with Philippine penal laws. You are
obligated, bound to comply, to follow Philippine penal
Penalty is determined on Degree of participation law. Otherwise, you can be arrested, you can be
the basis of the degree of each offender is not prosecuted, you can be punished.
of participation of the taken into account and
offender. all who participated in This characteristic is not absolute. It admits exceptions.
the act are punished to
There are three stages: No stages of execution
attempted, frustrated &
1) Treaty Stipulations
2) Laws of Preferential Application
Penalties may be divided There is no division of
into degrees and penalties. ■ Parliamentary Immunity under Section 11,
periods. Article VI of the Constitution — Members of
Congress are immune from arrest for all
NOTE: Not all violations of special laws are mala offenses punishable by not more than 6 years
prohibita. While intentional felonies are always mala in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

imprisonment while Congress is in session. assigned. (Minucher v. CA)

So if, in a privileged speech, Sen. Lacson made Therefore, a consul can be prosecuted before
defamatory remarks against a well-known the courts of the host country the moment he
successful and influential businessman, that commits a violation of the penal laws of said
businessman cannot file against of libel, oral host country. EXCEPT: (1) when the act
defamation, or slander against him because it is committed by said consul is in the performance
a law of preferential application, the Constitution of his functions, and (2) if there is a treaty
itself provides, said Senator cannot be stipulation between the mother country of the
prosecuted. consul and the host country saying that this
particular consul is immune from suit.
NOTE: Doctrine of State Immunity from suit will
not apply and may not be invoked where the 4) Warship Rule
public official is being sued in his private and
personal capacity as an ordinary citizen. ■ a foreign country’s warship is considered an
extension of the territory of the country that it
■ An example of a law of preferential application represents. Similar to an embassy, it cannot be
would be R.A. No. 75, which penalizes acts subject to the laws of another country.
which would impair the proper observance by
the Republic and inhabitants of the Philippines
of the immunities, rights, and privileges of duly b. Territoriality
accredited foreign diplomatic representatives in
the Philippines. R.A. No. 75 exempts from arrest GENERAL RULE: The law is applicable to all crimes
and imprisonment, as well as from distrain, committed within the limits of the Philippine territory,
seizure or attachment of property, Public which includes its atmosphere, interior waters and
Ministers, Ambassadors and Domestic Servants maritime zone.
of Ambassadors and Public Ministers except (a)
when such person is a citizen or an inhabitant of EXCEPTION: Art. 2 of the Revised Penal Code provides
the Philippines and the writ issued against him situations where the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the
is founded upon a debt contracted before he Revised Penal Code may be applied:
entered such service; or (b) when said domestic
servant is not registered with the DFA. Article 2. Application of its provisions. — Except as
provided in the treaties and laws of preferential
3) Principles of Public International Law application, the provisions of this Code shall be enforced
not only within the Philippine Archipelago, including its
■ Persons exempt from the operation of our atmosphere, its interior waters and maritime zone, but
criminal laws by virtue of the principles of public also outside of its jurisdiction, against those who:
international law:
1. Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship
1) Sovereigns and other chiefs of state.
or airship;
2) Ambassadors, ministers,
plenipotentiary, ministers resident, and 2. Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note
charges d’affaires. of the Philippine Islands or obligations and securities
issued by the Government of the Philippine Islands;
While they are in the host country, they cannot
be arrested, prosecuted, nor punished for 3. Should be liable for acts connected with the
having violated the laws of the said country introduction into these islands of the obligations and
because they enjoy diplomatic immunity from securities mentioned in the presiding number;
4. While being public officers or employees, should
A consul is not entitled to the privileges and commit an offense in the exercise of their functions; or
immunities of an ambassador or minister.
5. Should commit any of the crimes against national
Consuls, vice-consuls, and other commercial security and the law of nations, defined in Title One of
representatives of foreign nations are NOT Book Two of this Code.
diplomatic officers. Consuls are subject to the
penal laws of the country where they are
1. Crimes committed aboard merchant vessels

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

(Article 2[1]) t hem, could not be reconciled, they decided to divorce.

This was granted by the Dutch court. Thereafter X told
REQUISITES: Y that she is going back to the Philippines. Y said, he
will be giving support to their son. Y promised X that he
1) Crime is committed while the ship is treading in: will send support. X left, and went back to the
Philippines. However, no support ever came from Y. 4
a) Philippine waters (intra-territorial), or years later, Y went to the Philippines. While visiting, he
fell in love with a Filipina. And decided to marry the
b) The high seas (extraterritorial)
said Filipina and began settling in the Philippines now
2) The ship or airship must not be within the that he is married with the Filipina, Z. They put up a
territorial jurisdiction of another country successful business. This came to the knowledge of X
and so X iled sent a demand letter asking for support
3) The ship or airship must be registered in the to their son. But Y wouldn’t receive the said demand
Philippines under Philippine laws letter. So X was forced to ile a case before the of ice of
the public prosecutor for the violation of R.A. 9262 for
There are two rules as to jurisdiction over crimes failure to give support. The Investigating Public
committed aboard merchant vessels while in the Prosecutor sent a subpoena to Y to ile his
territorial waters of another country: counter-af idavit. In his counter-af idavit, Y said that he
is not liable due to these grounds: (1) he is a foreigner
a) French Rule – It is the flag or nationality of the therefore Philippine laws do not apply to him; (2) the
vessel which determines jurisdiction unless the act of failing to give support happens in a foreign
crime violates the peace and order of the host country. Therefore, based on these two grounds, he
country. moved for the dismissal of the complaint. If you were
the prosecutor, how would you resolve the case based
b) English Rule – The location or situs of the crime
on the arguments raised by Y?
determines jurisdiction unless the crime merely
relates to the internal management of the
: Both arguments have no merit, the prosecutor must
resolve the case in favor of the complainant and should ile a
case of violation of R.A. 9262 against Y.
The Philippines adheres to the English Rule.
The irst argument has no merit. Even if he is a foreigner,
Philippine courts have no jurisdiction over offenses
since he is in the Philippine territory, based on the generality
committed on board foreign warships in territorial
characteristic of criminal law, R.A. 9262 would apply.
waters. Warships are always reputed to be the territory
of the country to which they belong and cannot be
The second argument has no merit. The said act of failure to
subjected to the laws of another state. (US v. Fowler)
give support may have started in the Netherlands, but it was
continuing in the Philippines. While he was in the
2. When public officers or employees commit an
Philippines, still, he failed to give support to the son. Based
offense in the exercise of their functions (Article
on the territoriality characteristic, our penal laws would
apply to him because the failure to give support was
Offense committed by a public officer abroad must refer committed in the Philippines. Therefore, the case should be
to the discharge of one’s functions. iled against him.

A crime committed within the grounds of a Philippine : What if X and Y are happily married in the
embassy on foreign soil shall be subject to Philippine Philippines? They have been married for 5 years. X the
penal laws, although it may or may not have been husband, needed to go to Japan to undergo a 1 year
committed by a public officer in relation to one’s official training together with other employees in the
duties. Embassy grounds are considered as extensions corporation. And so X left Y in the Philippines, X left for
of the sovereignty of the country occupying them. training together with the other employees. While X
was undergoing such training in Japan, X fell in love
: X and Y, X is a Filipina who went to the Netherlands.
Q with a fellow employee who was also undergoing
While she was there, she met a Dutch man Y. They fell in training. They fell so in love that they cohabited in
love and they decided to get married. After, X gave birth Japan. They are living together under the same room.
to a baby boy. When the said child was 6 months old, X And, the other concerned employees who were friends
and Y decided to go separate ways. They iled for of Y would take photos of X and that other woman Z and
divorce. Because of some cultural differences, which, to would send it to Y in the Philippines. Y was so mad,
hurt. And so after 1 year, X arrived in the Philippines,

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

t he said woman Z arrived in the Philippines, Y A bill of attainder is a legislative act which inflicts
immediately iled a complaint for concubinage under punishment without judicial trial (Montenegro v.
Art. 334 against the husband and the mistress. Will the Castaneda). It is essentially a usurpation of judicial
case prosper? power by a legislative body.

: NO. If you were the public prosecutor, you would have to

A : Public of icer X was charged with malversation.
dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. Reason is, the act of Based on the evidence established in Court, he
cohabitation took place not in the Philippines but in Japan. appropriated 11,000 from his collections. And so as a
Since the act was committed outside of the Philippine result, the incident happened in 2015. The judgment is
territory, therefore, our penal laws cannot apply, the said now to be promulgated and the judge found him guilty
accused cannot be prosecuted before the Philippine courts. beyond reasonable doubt of Malversation. However,
Territoriality characteristic of criminal law. before the promulgation of judgment, a new law was
passed by Congress, which lowers the penalty to be
: What if in the very same problem the case iled by Y
Q imposed based on damages and injuries caused on the
against X is not concubinage but a violation of R.A. offended party. Can the said judge consider and apply
9262. Will the case prosper? this new law in imposing the penalty on X whom the
judge found guilty?
: YES. Reason is, under R.A. 9262, in case of psychological
violence, even if the husband or even if a spouse committed : YES. The said new law is favorable to X. It will lower the
the act of cohabitation in a foreign country, the psychological imposable penalty. It is favorable to him therefore it can be
violence being felt by the other spouse in this case is in the applied by the court. The penalty should be based on this
Philippines. The Supreme Court said, psychological violence new law and not on the RPC.
under R.A. 9262 is a continuing offense. Therefore, since it is
a continuing offense, the offender can be prosecuted before : What if the judge has already rendered his decision
the courts of the place where any of the elements of the against X, convicting him of malversation, imposing
crime happened. Although the cohabitation happened in upon him the penalty of reclusion temporal in its
Japan, the psychological violence felt by the wife happened minimum period. The judgment is already inal and
in the Philippines. Therefore, X can be prosecuted for executory. When suddenly, here comes R.A. 10951
violation of R.A. 9262. This time, the case will prosper. taking into effect. Can the judge still consider R.A.
10951 despite the fact that his judgment on the
c. Prospectivity malversation case has already become inal and
GENERAL RULE: Acts or omissions will only be subject
to a penal law if they are committed AFTER a penal law : YES. Although there is this so-called immutability of
had already taken effect. judgment, since it is for the bene it of the accused, since the
penalty would be lowered, the case can still be opened.
An act or omission which has been committed before
the effectivity of a penal law could not be penalized by NOTE: Only insofar as changing the penalty is
such penal law because penal laws operate only concerned and not regarding the merits of the accused.
Ex post facto law is prohibited
1) If the repeal makes the penalty lighter in the new
Ex post facto law is one that is specifically made to law, the new law shall be applied, except when the
retroact to cover acts before it became effective to the offender is a habitual delinquent or when the new
prejudice of the accused; or to make a certain crime law is made not applicable to pending action or
graver or prescribe a heavier penalty for it (The Matter existing causes of action.
Of The Petition For The Declaration Of The Petitioner's
Rights And Duties Under Section 8 Of R.A. No. 6132). 2) If the new law imposes a heavier penalty, the law in
force at the time of the commission of the offense
The law does not have any retroactive effect EXCEPT if shall be applied.
it favors the offender unless he is a habitual delinquent
or the law otherwise provides. 3) If the new law totally repeals the existing law so that
the act which was penalized under the old law is no
Bill of Attainder is prohibited longer punishable or fails to penalize the offense
under the old law , the crime is obliterated and the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

accused cannot be convicted under the new law. convict is serving the same.

■ People v. Sindiong - if a law repeals a previous

law and decriminalizes the act published by the B. Felonies
latter, the court loses jurisdiction to punish 1. Criminal liabilities and felonies
persons charged with the decriminalized act.
Hence, criminal cases for decriminalized act ELEMENTS OF FELONIES
should be dismissed without precondition.
1) There must be an act or omission;
○ The applicable principle is nullum
■ Act – It must be at least an overt act of
crimen nulla poena sine lege. Since
that felony, that is, an external act which
the intention of the new law is to
has direct connection with the felony
decriminalize an act punishable by the
intended to be committed (mere
repealed law, the accused should be
criminal thought or intent is not
acquitted or released if already
convicted, even if the accused is a
habitual delinquent. ■ Omission – The failure to perform a
positive duty which one is bound to do
4) A person erroneously accused and convicted under under the law. There must be a law
a repealed statute may be punished under the requiring the performance of an act,
repealing statute. without such law, there is no liability.
2) That the act or omission must be punishable by
3. Interpretation of penal laws the RPC; and
EQUIPOISE DOCTRINE 3) That the act is performed by means of dolo or
the omission incurred by means of culpa.
When the evidence of the prosecution and the defense
are equally balanced, the scale should be tilted in favor DOLO (deceit) CULPA (fault)
of the accused, according to the constitutional
presumption of innocence. (Tin v. People) Involves malice or Results from negligence,
deliberate intent imprudence, lack of
RULES ON CONSTRUCTION OF PENAL LAWS foresight or lack of skill

a) Criminal statutes are liberally construed in favor of Intentional Intent is replaced by

the offender. This means that no person shall be fault.
brought within their terms of the law who is not
clearly within them, nor should any act be
pronounced criminal which is not clearly made so INTENTIONAL FELONIES (DOLO)
by statute.
The act or omission of the offender is malicious. The act
b) The original text in which a penal law is approved is performed with deliberate intent. The offender, in
will govern in case of a conflict with an official performing the act or in incurring the omission, has the
translation. Hence, the RPC, which was approved in intention to cause an injury to another.
Spanish text, is controlling over its English
translation. An intentional felony is a voluntary act because it is
committed by means of deliberate intent.
c) No interpretation by analogy.
4. Retroactive effect of penal laws
1) Freedom – that the act or omission was
voluntary and without external compulsion.
Article 22. Retroactive effect of penal laws. — Penal
laws shall have a retroactive effect in so far as they favor 2) Intelligence – knowledge needed to determine
the person guilty of a felony, who is not a habitual the morality and consequences of an act. The
criminal, as this term is defined in Rule 5 of Article 62 of imbecile, insane and minors have no criminal
this Code, although at the time of the publication of such liability.
laws a final sentence has been pronounced and the
3) Intent – Intent to commit the act with malice is

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

a purely mental process, and is presumed from injury caused by the offender to another person is
the proof of the commission of an unlawful act. “unintentional, it being simply the incident of another act
Intent presupposes the exercise of freedom and performed without malice.”
the use of intelligence.
Under Art. 365, a culpable felony is defined as one
■ Presumption of Criminal Intent — wherein the offender, although without malice or
Criminal intent is presumed from the deliberate intent, caused an injury to another by the
commission of an unlawful act BUT the means of negligence or imprudence. Therefore, even a
presumption of criminal intent does not culpable felony is a voluntary act.
arise from the proof of the commission
of an act, which is not unlawful. REQUISITES:

Since dolo or criminal intent is an element of intentional 1) Freedom;

felonies, they are mala in se. However, there is an 2) Intelligence; and
exception; technical malversation is an intentional 3) Imprudence, negligence or lack of foresight and
felony, and yet, the Supreme Court declared it as malum lack of skill

failure to foresee lack of precaution to
The purpose is to use a The reason which impels impending danger, avoid injury, usually
particular means to one to commit an act for usually involves lack of involves lack of skill.
effect such result. a definite result. foresight.
Generally, it is an It is NOT an essential
essential element of a element of a crime. Voluntariness is actually the concurrence of the 3
crime. Hence, it need NOT be elements of intentional felony and the concurrence of
proved for purposes of the 3 elements of culpable felony. Therefore, without
conviction. voluntariness, there can neither be an intentional felony
nor a culpable felony.
Motive is not an essential element of a crime, and hence
Q: Can the judge convict a person of a culpable
need not be proved for purposes of conviction. (People
felony in an information that charges him of
v. Aposaga)
intentional felony?
Motive is essential only when there is doubt as to the
A: Yes. The reason is that a culpable felony is
identity of the assailant. It is immaterial when the
necessarily included in an intentional felony because a
accused has been positively identified. (People v.
culpable felony is of lesser offense than that of
intentional felony.
Proof of motive alone is not sufficient to support a
conviction but lack of motive may be an aid in showing
the innocence of the accused (People v. Corput)
It is a misapprehension of fact on the part of the person
who caused injury to another. He is not, however,
Q: Can a crime be committed without criminal
criminally liable, because he did not act with criminal
A: YES. There are 2 instances wherein intent is not an
essential element of a crime:
1) That the act done would have been lawful had
1. Culpable Felony
the facts been as the accused believed them to
2. When the crime is in violation of special penal
laws (Acts Mala prohibita)
2) That the intention of the accused in performing
the act should be lawful; and
The act or omission of the offender is not malicious. The
3) That the mistake must be without fault or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

carelessness on the part of the accused offender.

A mistake of fact will exempt a person from criminal Instances when the felony committed is not the
liability so long as the alleged ignorance or mistake of proximate cause of the resulting injury:
fact was not due to negligence or bad faith. (Baxinela v.
People) 1. When there is an efficient intervening cause
between the felony committed and the resulting
While an honest mistake of fact could be used to injury; or
excuse a person from the legal consequences of his
acts as it negates malice or evil motive, a mistake of law 2. When the resulting injury or damage is due to
cannot be utilized as a lawful justification, because the intentional act of the victim.
everyone is presumed to know the law and its
consequences. Ignorantia facti excusat; ignorantia legis EFFICIENT INTERVENING CAUSE
neminem excusat. (In Re: Petition to sign in the roll of
Attorneys Michael M. Medado) It is an intervening active force which is a distinct act or
fact absolutely foreign from the felonious act of the
Q: Can a mistake of fact be used as a defense accused.
against culpable felony?
In order that an act is considered an Efficient
A: NO. One of the elements of Mistake of Fact is that Intervening Cause, it is necessary that it is totally foreign
the intent must be lawful. Since intent is not an element from the felonious act that is performed by the offender.
in culpable felonies, then mistake of fact cannot be used
as a defense. : On January 23, 2002, there was a stabbing incident.
Cruz was stabbed by Villacorta on the left side of his
Article 4. Criminal liability. — Criminal liability shall body with a sharpened bamboo stick. He was brought to
be incurred: the Tondo Medical Center. He was released on the very
same day as an out-patient because his wound was not
1. By any person committing a felony (delito) although fatal. On February 14, 2002, he was brought to San
the wrongful act done be different from that which he Lazaro Hospital. He was already suffering from tetanus
intended. infection. A day after or on February 15, he died. The
cause of his death was tetanus infection. Villacorta was
2. By any person performing an act which would be an prosecuted for the crime of homicide for the death of
offense against persons or property, were it not for the Cruz. What is the proximate cause for the death of Cruz?
inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or an
account of the employment of inadequate or ineffectual : The proximate cause of Cruz’s death is the tetanus
means. infection, and not the stab wound. There had been an interval
of 22 days between the date of the stabbing and the date
when Cruz was rushed to San Lazaro Hospital, exhibiting
symptoms of severe tetanus infection. If Cruz acquired
severe tetanus infection from the stabbing, then the
That cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence,
symptoms would have appeared a lot sooner than 22 days
unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces
later. Cruz’s stab wound was merely the remote cause, and its
the injury, and without which the result would not have
subsequent infection with tetanus might have been the
occurred. (Vda. De Bataclan v. Medina)
proximate cause of Cruz’s death. The infection of Cruz’s stab
wound by tetanus was an ef icient intervening cause later or
As a rule, the offender is criminally liable for all the
between the time Cruz was stabbed to the time of his death.
consequences of his felonious act, although not
(People v. Villacorta)
intended, if the felonious act is the proximate cause of
the felony.
: Javier was hacked by Urbano on his right palm. Javier
suffered an incised wound and was brought to the
hospital. There was a settlement. Thereafter he was
released. However, after 22 days he was brought to the
1. The intended act is a felonious act;
hospital, he was already suffering from tetanus
2. The resulting act is a felony;
poisoning. The next day he died. Is the accused liable
3. The resulting act is the direct, natural and
for homicide?
logical consequence of the felonious act of the
A: NO. Taking into account the incubation period of tetanus

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

bacteria, medical evidence was presented that tetanus LIGHT FELONIES

bacteria is good for only two weeks. That if, indeed, the
victim had incurred tetanus infection out of the wound Those infractions of law in which the penalty is arresto
in licted by A, he would not have lasted two months. What menor or a fine not exceeding ₱40,000 or both.
brought about tetanus to infect the body of B was his
working in his farm using his bare hands. Because of this, Article 7. When light felonies are punishable. — Light
the SC ruled that the act of B of working in his farm where the felonies are punishable only when they have been
soil is ilthy, using his own hands, is an ef icient supervening consummated, with the exception of those committed
cause which relieves A of any liability for the death of B. A, if against person or property.
at all, is only liable for physical injuries in licted upon B.
(Urbano v. IAC)
b. Aberratio ictus, error in personae, and
a. Classification of felonies (grave, less grave praeter intentionem
and light felonies)
ABERRATIO ICTUS (Mistake in blow)
Article 9. Grave felonies, less grave felonies and light
felonies. — Grave felonies are those to which the law Aberratio Ictus is a situation wherein the offender
attaches the capital punishment or penalties which in directed a blow at his intended victim but because of
any of their periods are afflictive, in accordance with poor aim, the blow landed on another victim.
Article 25 of this Code.
A person is criminally responsible for committing an
Less grave felonies are those which the law punishes intentional felony although the actual victim is different
with penalties which in their maximum period are from the intended victim due to a mistake of blow.
correctional in accordance with above mentioned article.
The crimes committed against the target victim and the
Light felonies are those infractions of law or the 3rd person, who was hit by reason of aberratio ictus,
commission of which the penalty of arresto menor or a were produced by a single act, the accused is therefore
fine not exceeding Forty thousand pesos (₱40,000) or liable for a compound crime. (People v. Talampas)
both is provided.
HOWEVER, the accused is liable for separate crimes
despite the application of the aberratio ictus rule, and
not a compound crime if the bullet that killed the target
victim is different from the bullet that killed the 3rd
Those to which the law attaches the capital punishment
person, who was hit by reason of aberratio ictus.
or penalties which in any of their periods are afflictive. It
(People v. Flora)
includes those punishable by:
ERROR IN PERSONAE (Mistake in identity)
1. Reclusion perpetua
2. Reclusion temporal
A felony is intended, but there is a mistake in the identity
3. Perpetual or Absolute Disqualification
of the victim; injuring one person mistaken for another.
4. Perpetual or Temporary Special Disqualification
5. Prision mayor
The effect of error in personae depends on the variance
6. Fine more than ₱1,200,000.00
between the intended crime and the actual crime
a) Mitigating - If there is variance between the
Less grave felonies are those which the law punishes
penalty of the intended crime and the penalty of
with penalties which in their maximum period are
the actual crime committed, the lesser penalty
correctional. It includes those punishable by:
between the two shall apply;
1. Prisión correccional b) If there is no variance between the penalty of
2. Arresto mayor the intended crime and the crime actually
3. Suspension committed, then it will not affect the criminal
4. Destierro liability of the offender.
5. Fine not exceeding ₱1,200,000 but is not less
than ₱40,000 Q: A and B were ighting. A punched B so hard, he fell on

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

t he ground, his face facing the ground. A left the scene

of the crime. At that precise moment when A left, here An act which would have been an offense against
comes the father of B who saw his poor son boxed by A person or property, were it not for the inherent
so he came to the rescue of his son and went near him. impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of the
To retaliate, B took out his balisong and stabbed the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means.
person next to him thinking that it was still his
opponent A but in truth it was already his father. Let's Impossible crime is not a real crime since the accused
say the father died. Of what crime will you prosecute B? did not commit the crime against person or property for
What penalty as a Judge would you impose on him? it is impossible to do so. The offender is being punished
because of his criminality and dangerousness. So
: B should be prosecuted for Parricide because that is the
A although objectively, no crime is committed, still the
crime he actually committed. However, the judge should offender shall be punished that is why he is convicted
impose the penalty for homicide. The penalty for parricide only of Impossible Crime.
under Art. 246 is reclusion perpetua to death whereas the
penalty for homicide under Art. 249 is reclusion temporal. REQUISITES:
Although he committed parricide, you have to impose upon
him the penalty which is lesser and that is reclusion 1) Act performed would be an offense against
temporal but in its maximum period. persons or property;

PRAETER INTENTIONEM Felonies Against Persons are:

Praeter intentionem occurs when the consequence went a. Murder

beyond the intention or when the injurious result is b. Homicide
greater than that intended. It is a situation wherein the c. Infanticide
offender directed the blow at his actual victim, the d. Abortion
victim received the blow. However, the injurious result is e. Duel
far greater than what is intended by the victim. f. Physical Injuries
g. Rape
For Praeter intentionem to be considered as a mitigating
circumstance, the prime element or requisite is that Felonies Against Property:
there must be a notable disparity between the means
employed by the offender and the resulting felony. This a. Robbery
means that the resulting felony cannot be foreseen from b. Brigandage
the acts of the offender. c. Theft
d. Usurpation
: Accused Garcia was having a karaoke with his friends
Q e. Culpable Insolvency
late at night when deceased Chy requested the accused f. Swindling and other deceits
to quiet down. Thereafter, the accused vowed to kill Chy g. Chattel Mortgage
one day. In one instance, the accused saw the deceased h. Arson and other crimes involving
in a sari-sari store. Suddenly, the accused hit the victim destruction
in the nape with a bottle of beer and thereafter mauled i. Malicious Mischief
him. The deceased was able to escape and called his
2) Act was done with evil intent;
wife to call for police. When his wife returned, Chy was
already lying on the loor lifeless. Autopsy report 3) Accomplishment is inherently impossible or
concludes that Chy died from a heart attack brought means employed is either inadequate or
about by emotional stress. The accused was charged ineffectual; and
with the crime of homicide. Should the accused be
convicted for the crime of homicide? 4) Act performed should not constitute a violation
of another provision of the RPC.
: YES. His act of mauling him was the proximate cause of
his heart attack. However, he was given the bene it of Praeter NOTE: It is necessary that the act done must not
intentionem. Who would have anticipated that the mere act constitute any other violation of the Revised Penal
of mauling or boxing him, death would result. Therefore, Code, otherwise, that person would be held liable of
there was Praeter intentionem. that crime and not of an Impossible crime.

c. Impossible crime

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

KINDS OF INHERENTLY IMPOSSIBILITY other than this own spontaneous desistance.

According to jurisprudence, there are two kinds of PHASES IN THE COMMISSION OF THE CRIME
inherent impossibility:
1. Subjective phase
1. Legal Impossibility – when all the intended 2. Objective phase
acts even if committed would not have
amounted to a crime.
Example: X saw his enemy Y lying on a bench.
the portion in the The result of the acts of
He went to Y and stabbed Y 10 times not
commission of the act execution, that is, the
knowing that Y had already long been dead for
wherein the offender accomplishment of the
2 hours due to a heart attack. Even if X
commences the crime.
performed all the acts amounting to murder, still
commission of the crime
murder would not arise which is a crime against
after the time that he still
persons because the victim is already
has control over his
deceased. He is no longer a person in the eyes
of criminal law. Therefore there is an Impossible
Crime and what we have is legal impossibility.
If the offender reaches From the moment the
the point where he has offender loses control
2. Physical Impossibility – when an extraneous
no more control over his over his acts, it is
circumstance unknown to the offender
acts, the subjective already in the objective
prevented the consignation of the crime. Here,
phase is passed. phase of the
there are circumstances unknown to the
commission of the
offender, the inadequate control of the offender
which prevented the consignation of the crime.
If it is already passed
Example: A person placed his hands inside the but the felony is not
pocket of another's polo, intended to get the produced, it is
wallet of the said person but the pocket was frustrated.
empty. It is an Impossible Crime. Extraneous
Circumstances unknown to the offender
prevented the consignation of the crime. DEVELOPMENT OF A CRIME
Unknown to him the wallet was not inside his
pocket. It is an IC because it would have a) Internal acts – such as mere ideas in the mind of a
amounted to theft, a crime against property. person; they are not punishable. Mere criminal
thoughts will never give rise to criminal liability.
There must be an external act.
d. Stages of execution
b) External acts – cover a) preparatory and b) acts of
Article 6. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted execution.
felonies. — Consummated felonies as well as those
which are frustrated and attempted are punishable. 1. Preparatory – acts tending toward the crime;
ordinarily not punishable unless specifically
A felony is consummated when all the elements provided for; these acts do not yet constitute
necessary for its execution and accomplishment are even the first stage of the acts of execution;
present; and it is frustrated when the offender performs intent not yet disclosed.
all the acts of execution which would produce the felony
as a consequence but which, nevertheless, do not 2. Acts of execution – acts directly connected to
produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of the intended crime; varies with the crime and is
the perpetrator. punishable under the code; usually overt acts
with a logical relation to a particular concrete
There is an attempt when the offender commences the offense.
commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does
not perform all the acts of execution which should STAGES OF EXECUTION
produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident
1. Attempted;

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

2. Frustrated; and owner of the store. Therefore, it is not an act directly

3. Consummated connected to robbery. (People v. Lamahang)


It is one where the purpose of the offender in performing

There is an attempt when the offender commences the an act is not certain. Its nature in relation to its objective
commission of a felony directly by over acts, and does is ambiguous. The intention of the accused must be
not perform all the acts of execution which should viewed from the nature of the acts executed by him, and
produce the felony by reason of some cause or accident not from his admission.
other than this own spontaneous desistance.
People v. Jugueta – If one inflicts physical injuries on
The offender is still in the subjective phase, the offender another but the latter survives, the crime committed is
has still control over his acts, he may proceed in the either consummated physical injuries, if the offender
commission of the crime or he may desist. had no intention to kill the victim, or frustrated or
attempted homicide or frustrated murder or attempted
The moment he desists on his own spontaneous murder if the offender intends to kill the victim.
desistance then he will no longer be held criminally
liable. Colinares v. People – The main element of attempted
or frustrated homicide is the accused’s intent to take his
ELEMENTS: victim’s life; The intent to kill is often inferred from,
among other things, the means the offender used and
1) The offender commences the commission of the nature, location and number of wounds he inflicted
the felony directly by overt acts; on his victims.
2) He does not perform all the acts of execution When the accused intended to kill his victim, as shown
which should produce the felony; by his use of a deadly weapon and the wounds he
inflicted, but the victim did not die because of timely
3) The offender’s act is not stopped by his own medical assistance, the crime is frustrated murder or
spontaneous desistance; frustrated homicide. If the victim’s wounds are not fatal,
the crime is only attempted murder or attempted
4) The non-performance of all acts of execution homicide.
was due to cause or accident other than his
own spontaneous desistance.
The commission of the felony is deemed commenced
directly by overt acts when 1) there be external acts; 2) There is frustrated felony when the offender performs all
such external acts have direct connection with the crime the acts of execution which would produce the felony as
intended to be committed. a consequence but which, nevertheless, do not produce
it by reason of causes independent of the will of the
Overt Act refers to any external act which if allowed to perpetrator.
continue will naturally and logically ripen into a crime.
ELEMENTS: (People v. Badriago)
: A person intending to rob a store made an opening
on the wall of the store suf icient for his body to enter. 1) The offender performs all the acts of execution;
His intention was to rob. Before he could enter he was
already apprehended. Can he be liable for attempted 2) All the acts performed would produce the felony
robbery?? as a consequence;

: NO. Because his overt act of making an opening on the

A 3) But the felony is not produced;
wall of the store is not an overt act directly connected to
robbery. It is only an overt act directly connected to 4) By reason or causes independent of the will of
trespassing. Hence, he can only be held liable for attempted the perpetrator.
No Frustrated Theft
Although his intention was to commit robbery, once inside
he may rob, he may rape, he may kill, he may injure the In the case of People vs. Valenzuela, the Supreme Court

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

held that there is no such thing as frustrated theft. in another, in which case, the rule is settled that the
Under Art. 308, theft is committed when the person court of either province where any of the essential
takes the personal property of another with intent to ingredients of the crime took place has — jurisdiction to
gain without violence, force or intimidation upon try the case. (Parulan v. Director of Prisons, 1968)
persons or things without the consent of the owner.
Theft can admit only either an attempted and
consummated stage because the moment the offender A continued crime is a single crime consisting of a
gains possession of the personal property of another, series of acts but all arising from one criminal resolution.
unlawful taking is already committed. It is a continuous, unlawful act or series of acts set on
foot by a single impulse and operated by an
Even if he has no opportunity to dispose of the property unintermittent force, however long a time it may occupy.
and the moment the unlawful taking is complete, theft is Although there are series of acts, there is only one crime
already consummated. Hence, there can be no instance committed. Hence, only one penalty shall be imposed.
of frustrated theft. (Mallari v. People, 1988)

No Frustrated Rape f. Complex crimes and composite crimes

In the case of People v. Pareja, the Supreme Court held COMPLEX CRIMES
that rape is consummated by the slightest penile
penetration of the labia majora or pudendum of the Article 48. Penalty for complex crimes. — When a
female organ. Without any showing of such penetration, single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave
there can be no consummated rape; at most, it can only felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for
be attempted rape or acts of lasciviousness. committing the other, the penalty for the most serious
crime shall be imposed, the same to be applied in its
Frustrated Felony v. Attempted Felony maximum period.
➔ In both, the offender has not accomplished his
criminal purpose. In complex crimes, although two or more crimes are
actually committed, they constitute only one crime in
➔ While in frustrated felony, the offender has the eyes of the law as well as in the conscience of the
performed all the acts of execution which would offender. The offender has only one criminal intent. Even
produce the felony as a consequence, in in the case where an offense is a necessary means for
attempted felony, the offender merely committing the other, the evil intent of the offender is
commences the commission of a felony directly only one.
by overt acts and does not perform all the acts
of execution. 2 Kinds of Complex Crime

1. Compound Crime;
CONSUMMATED STAGE 2. Complex Crime Proper

A felony is consummated when all the elements In both kinds, only one (1) information is filed and the
necessary for its execution and accomplishment are accused shall suffer the penalty for the most serious
present. crime in its maximum period.


1) All the acts of execution are present; and Compound Crime is present when the offender
2) The result is achieved. performs a single act which constitutes two or more
grave or less grave felonies.
e. Continuing crimes
1) Offender performs single act;
There are crimes which are called transitory or 2) That the single act produces (a) 2 or more grave
continuing offenses because some acts material and felonies, or (b) one or more grave and one or
essential to the crime occur in one province and some more less grave felonies, or (c) two or more less

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

grave felonies. The following are examples of complex crime

Light felonies produced by the same act should be
treated and punished as separate offenses or may be 1. Rape with forcible abduction
absorbed by the grave felony. 2. Estafa thru falsification of public document

Example of compound crime: Aberratio ictus Article 48 does not apply if:

■ If the crimes committed against the target victim 1) One of the offenses is a light offense;
and third person, who was hit by reason of aberratio
ictus, were produced by a single act, the accused is 2) One of the offenses is punishable under a
liable for a complex crime. special penal law;

■ Thus, single act of throwing a grenade killing one 3) The Revised Penal Code provides one single
and injuring another constitutes a complex crime of penalty for special complex crimes (e.g. robbery
murder and attempted murder. (People v. Julio with homicide);
4) The doctrine of common elements applies
■ The accused is liable for separate crimes despite
the application of the aberratio ictus rule, and ■ There are two crimes but both of them
not a complex crime in the following cases: have a common element. This is best
exemplified in estafa through
1) If the bullet that killed the target victim is falsification of private documents, the
different from the bullet that killed the third common element involved in these
person, who was hit by reason of aberratio offenses is damage or prejudice, that if
ictus you use damage or prejudice in estafa,
you cannot use it anymore for
2) If the crime committed against the third falsification of private documents or
person, who was hit by reason of aberratio vice versa.
ictus, is merely a light felony such as slight
physical injuries ■ NOTE: there is estafa through
falsification of public documents.
3) If the components of a complex crime are
alleged in two different informations. 5) The doctrine of absorption applies

4) If the crime committed against the third ■ The best illustration is rebellion which
person, who was hit by reason of aberratio absorbs common crimes like robbery,
ictus, is child abuse, which is an offense homicide, and even arson. Rebellion
punishable under special law. Components absorbs common crimes for as long as
of complex crime must be felonies. the common crimes mentioned are
committed to attain the purposes of
COMPLEX CRIME PROPER rebellion. If there is no nexus in the
commission of the rebellion, and the
Complex crime proper is present when the offense is a common crimes are not committed for
necessary means to commit another offense. purposes of achieving the goals of
rebellion, then the absorption does not
ELEMENTS: apply.

1) That at least two offenses are committed; People v. Hernandez (1956)

2) That one or some of the offenses must be
necessary to commit the other; Amado V. Hernandez, et. al., were accused of the crime
3) That both or all the offenses must be punished of rebellion with multiple murder, arsons and robberies.
under the same statute. The prosecution maintained that Hernandez is charged
with rebellion complexed with murders, arsons and
■ No complex crime where one of the
robberies, for which the capital punishment may be
offenses is penalized by a special law.
imposed. The defense contends, among other things,
that rebellion can not be complexed with murder, arson,

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

or robbery.
The following circumstances affects the criminal liability
HELD: Under the allegations of the amended of the offender:
information, the murders, arsons and robberies
described therein are mere ingredients of the crime of 1. Justifying circumstances; (Art. 11)
rebellion allegedly committed by HERNANDEZ, as 2. Exempting circumstances; (Art. 12)
means “necessary” for the perpetration of said offense 3. Mitigating Circumstances; (Art. 13)
of rebellion and that the crime charged in the amended 4. Aggravating Circumstances; (Art. 14)
information is, therefore, simple rebellion, not the
complex crime of rebellion with multiple murder, arsons a. Justifying circumstances
and robberies. Under Article 134 and 135, these five (5)
classes of acts constitute only one offense, and no Justifying circumstances are those where the acts of the
more, and are, altogether, subject to only one penalty. actor are in accordance with the law, thus he incurs no
Inasmuch as the acts specified in Article 135 constitute criminal liability. Since there is no crime, there is no
one single crime, it follows that said acts offer no criminal and civil liability.
occasion for the application of Article 48 which requires
therefore the commission of at least 2 crimes. Article 11. Justifying circumstances. — The following
do not incur any criminal liability:
Enrile v. Salazar (1990)
1. Anyone who acts in defense of his person or rights,
The Hernandez doctrine remains binding and operates provided that the following circumstances concur;
to prohibit the complexing of rebellion with another
offense committed on the occasion thereof, either as a First, Unlawful aggression
means necessary to its commission or as an unintended
effect of an activity that constitutes rebellion. Second, Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
prevent or repel it.
The penalty for complex crime is the penalty for the
most serious crime, the same to be applied in its Third, Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
maximum. person defending himself.

One information should be filed when a complex crime 2. Any one who acts in defense of the person or rights of
is committed. his spouse, ascendants, descendants, or legitimate,
natural or adopted brothers or sisters, or his relatives by
When a complex crime is charged and one offense is affinity in the same degrees and those consanguinity
not proven, the accused can be convicted of the other. within the fourth civil degree, provided that the first and
second requisites prescribed in the next preceding
COMPOSITE CRIMES circumstance are present, and the further requisite, in
case the provocation was given by the person attacked,
Also known as SPECIAL COMPLEX CRIMES. Special that the one making defense had no part therein.
complex crimes are those which are treated as single
indivisible offenses, although comprising more than one 3. Anyone who acts in defense of the person or rights of
specific crime and with specific penalty. a stranger, provided that the first and second requisites
mentioned in the first circumstance of this Article are
It is the law which provides what crimes would be present and that the person defending be not induced by
complexed and what crimes go together. revenge, resentment, or other evil motive.

Examples: 4. Any person who, in order to avoid an evil or injury,

does an act which causes damage, provided that the
1. Robbery with Homicide (Article 294 (1)) following requisites are present:
2. Robbery with Rape (Article 294 (2))
3. Kidnapping with serious physical injuries (Article First, That the evil sought to be avoided actually exists.
267 (3))
4. Rape with Homicide (Article 335) Second, That the injury feared be greater than that done
to avoid it;
2. Circumstances affecting criminal liability
Third, That there be no other practical and less harmful

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

means of preventing it. There must be an actual, sudden, unexpected

attack or imminent danger thereof, which puts
5. Any person who acts in fulfillment of a duty or in the the defendant’s life in real peril.
lawful exercise of a right or office.
■ Retaliation is different from an act of self
6. Any person who acts in obedience to an order issued defense. In retaliation, the aggression that was
by a superior for some lawful purpose. begun by the injured party already ceased to
exist when the accused attacked him. In self
defense, the aggression was still existing when
The moment the offender or the accused invokes any of
the aggressor was injured or disabled by the
the acts amounting to justifying circumstance, he is in
person making a defense.
effect admitting the commission of the crime. But he
wanted to evade criminal liability by invoking justifying ■ A slap on the face constitutes unlawful
circumstances. aggression since the face represents a person
and his dignity. Slapping it is a serious personal
Inverted Trial attack. (People v. Sabio)
As a rule it is the prosecution that must first present : X was walking along the street. Suddenly, Y
evidence, it is only after the prosecution has presented went up to him. Y pointed a gun towards X. Y
evidence that the defense would present evidence. commanded X to give him his wallet, watch, and
cellphone otherwise he will stab him. X gave his
If however the defense invokes any of the justifying cellphone and his wallet. When X was about to
circumstances, the trial will be inverted. It is the defense give his watch, he suddenly grabbed the gun
that must first present evidence. Therefore the burden of from Y. Now with the possession of the gun, X
evidence is upon the defense to prove all the elements, ordered Y to give him back his cellphone and
all the requisites of the justifying circumstance that he is wallet. Instead of giving X back his belongings,
invoking. Y ran away. Thereafter, X ired a shot against Y,
hitting Y in his knee. Unable to run, X
If the defense failed to prove the evidence or requisites approached Y and thereafter took his
of justifying circumstance that he is invoking, that will belongings. X left. Thereafter, X was charged
amount to conviction because he already admitted to with physical injury. X argued self-defense. Is X
the commission of the crime. liable for physical injury?

1. SELF DEFENSE : NO. Although X already gained possession of the

gun, the unlawful aggression did not cease. The
unlawful aggression continued because Y still had
Self-defense includes not only the defense of the the property of X. Had X not shot Y in the knee, Y
person or body of the one assaulted but also that of his would have gotten away with the property of X.
rights, that is, those rights the enjoyment of which is
protected by law, i.e. Right to Honor and Defense of B) Reasonable necessity of the means employed to
Property Rights. prevent or repel it.

ELEMENTS: ■ The means employed by the person making a

defense must be rationally necessary to prevent
A) There must be unlawful aggression. or repel an unlawful aggression.

■ Unlawful aggression is the primordial requisite ■ The reasonableness of the means used will
which must at all times be present. When depend upon the NATURE and QUALITY of the
unlawful aggression is absent, there is no self weapon used by the aggressor, his PHYSICAL
defense whether complete or incomplete. CONDITION, SIZE and other circumstances,
and those of the person defending himself, and
■ Unlawful aggression is an actual physical also the PLACE and LOCATION of the assault.
assault or at least a threat to attack or inflict
physical injury upon a person. A mere C) Lack of sufficient provocation on the part of the
threatening or intimidating attitude is not person defending himself.
considered unlawful aggression, unless the
threat is offensive and menacing, manifestly ■ The following circumstances show that there is
showing the wrongful intent to cause injury. no sufficient provocation on the part of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

person defending himself: 1) Unlawful aggression.

2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed
◆ When no provocation at all was given; to prevent or repel it.
3) The person defending be not induced by
◆ When although provocation was given, revenge, resentment or other evil motive.
it was not sufficient;
Unlike in self-defense where the motive of the person
◆ When although the provocation was
defending himself is immaterial, in defense of strangers,
sufficient, it did come from the person
the person defending must not be motivated by
defending himself; and
revenge, resentment, or other evil motive.
◆ Although provocation came from the
person defending himself, it is not 4. STATE OF NECESSITY
immediate or imminent to the
aggression. As a rule, it is noted that justifying circumstances are
exempt from criminal as well as civil liability. However,
BATTERED WOMAN DEFENSE this paragraph of Article 11 is an exception when it
comes to civil liability. Although he is not criminally
Victim-survivors who are found by the courts to be liable, he is civilly liable.
suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur
any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the Civil liability is born not only by the accused, but all
absence of any of the elements for justifying those people who benefitted in this state of emergence.
circumstances of self defense under the RPC. (People v.

2. DEFENSE OF A RELATIVE 1) That the evil sought to be avoided actually

2) That the injury feared be greater than that done
Relatives that can be defended:
to avoid it;
3) That there be no other practical and less
1. Spouse
harmful means of preventing it.
2. Ascendants
3. Descendants
: In a taxi, a family was on board. Said taxi was
4. Legitimate, natural or adopted brothers and
traversing ESDA during night time. Suddenly, without
sisters, or relatives by affinity in the same
any warning, a truck appeared in front of him. If he
would go forward, he would be hitting the buses. If he
5. Relatives by consanguinity within the fourth civil
swerved to the right, he would be hitting bystanders. If
he swerved to the left, he would hit a store. So the taxi
driver chose to swerve to the left, hit the store thereby
causing damage. Prosecuted for reckless imprudence
resulting to damage to property, the taxi driver invoked
1) Unlawful aggression;
the 4th justifying circumstances. Is the taxi criminally
2) Reasonable necessity of the means employed
liable for reckless imprudence resulting to damage to
to prevent or repel it;
3) In case the provocation was given by the
person attacked, the one making the defense
: NO. The elements are all present. 1st, the evil sought to be
had no part therein.
avoided actually exists because there was a collision. 2nd,
the injury feared (death) was greater than that done. Lastly,
Even if the relative, who was defended by the offender,
there was no other practical and less harmful means of
was the one provoked by the offended party, the
preventing it. Aside from these 3 requisites stated by the law,
offender should take no part in the provocation in said
it should be added that the necessity must not be due to the
situation so as to justify the defense of a relative.
negligence or violation of the law by the actor. In this case,
there was a warning to the taxi driver not to enter the street,
3. DEFENSE OF A STRANGER yet he proceeded. It is through his negligence that caused the
state of necessity, therefore he is criminally and civilly
ELEMENTS: liable.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

5. FULFILLMENT OF A DUTY OR LAWFUL EXERCISE 2. A person under 9 years of age.

3. A person over 9 years of age and under 15, unless he
has acted with discernment, in which case, such minor
ELEMENTS: shall be proceeded against in accordance with the
provisions of Article 80 of this Code.
1) Accused acted in the performance of a duty or
in the lawful exercise of a right or office; When such minor is adjudged to be criminally
irresponsible, the court, in conformably with the
2) Injury caused or offense committed be the provisions of this and the preceding paragraph, shall
necessary consequence of the due commit him to the care and custody of his family who
performance of duty or the lawful exercise of shall be charged with his surveillance and education
such right or office. otherwise, he shall be committed to the care of some
institution or person mentioned in said Article 80.
LAWFUL PURPOSE 4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with
due care, causes an injury by mere accident without
ELEMENTS: fault or intention of causing it.

1) That an order has been issued by a superior. 5. Any person who acts under the compulsion of
2) That such order must be for some lawful irresistible force.
3) That the means used by the subordinate to 6. Any person who acts under the impulse of an
carry out said order is lawful. uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater injury.

When the order is not for a lawful purpose, the 7. Any person who fails to perform an act required by
subordinate who obeyed it is criminally liable. However, law, when prevented by some lawful insuperable cause.
the subordinate is not liable for carrying out an illegal
order of his superior, if he is not aware of the illegality of One who acts by virtue of any of the exempting
the order and he is not negligent. circumstances commits a crime, although by the
complete absence of any of the conditions which
b. Exempting circumstances constitute free will or voluntariness of the act, no
criminal liability arises.
Exempting circumstances are those grounds for
exemption from punishment because there is wanting in 1. INSANITY AND IMBECILITY
the agent of the crime any of the conditions which
makes the act voluntary or negligent.
Imbecility is exempting under any circumstance.
Whereas, insanity is not exempting under any
While the act is criminal, the actor is not liable. There is,
circumstance. If it can be shown that he committed the
however, civil liability.
crime in lucid interval, he is liable.

Article 12. Circumstances which exempt from criminal When the person is sane at the time of the commission
liability. — The following are exempt from criminal of the crime but he becomes insane at the time of the
liability: trial, he is liable criminally. The trial, however, shall be
suspended until the mental capacity of the accused be
1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the latter has restored to afford him a fair trial. Evidence of insanity
acted during a lucid interval. must refer to the time preceding the act under
prosecution or to the very moment of its execution. If
When the imbecile or an insane person has committed the evidence points to insanity subsequent to the
an act which the law defines as a felony (delito), the commission of the crime, the accused cannot be
court shall order his confinement in one of the hospitals acquitted.
or asylums established for persons thus afflicted, which
he shall not be permitted to leave without first obtaining Feeblemindedness is not imbecility because a
the permission of the same court. feeble-minded person can distinguish right from wrong.

Q: A killed B. A stated that a week prior to the killing, he

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

c ould not sleep and there was a voice that kept nagging Under Sec. 38 of R.A. 9344, once the child who is under
him, “Kill B, kill B.” And so he killed B, so he followed the 18 years of age at the time of the commission of the
voice. He pleaded guilty but his defense was insanity. crime was found guilty of the offense charged the court
Will A be acquitted due to insanity? shall determine and ascertain any civil liability which
may have resulted from the offense committed.
: NO. In the case of People v. Antonio (G.R. No. 14426,
A However, instead of pronouncing the judgment of
November 27, 2002), the Supreme Court held that mere conviction, the court shall place the child in conflict with
mental disturbance, mere craziness is not the insanity the law under suspended sentence, without need of
contemplated by the law. It is the insanity which would application. Provided however, that the suspension of
deprive the offender the capacity to distinguish right from the sentence shall still be applied even if the juvenile is
wrong and the consequences of his act. already 18 years of age or more at the time of the
pronouncement of his guilt. Therefore, as long as he is
2. & 3. MINORITY 18 years and below at the time of the commission of the
crime, even if he is above 18 at the promulgation of the
judgment, he can still benefit from the suspended
The second and third circumstance was already sentence.
amended by R.A. 9344 or the Juvenile Justice and
Welfare Act of 2006. This refers to a child in conflict with Under Section 40 of R.A. 9344, if a child is under
the law. A child in conflict with the law is a child who is suspended sentence, the court shall decide to
alleged as, accused of, or adjudged as, having discharge or to extend the sentence for a specific period
committed an offense under Philippine laws. of time or until the child attains the maximum age of 21.
Although there is automatic suspension, it is tempered
R.A. No. 9344, Section 6 (Juvenile Justice and by Section 40. Therefore, the maximum limit is 21 years
Welfare Act of 2006) old.

15 or below exempted from criminal liability; 4. ANY PERSON WHO, WHILE PERFORMING A
shall be subjected to an BY MERE ACCIDENT WITHOUT FAULT OR
intervention program. INTENTION OF CAUSING IT.

over 15 but exempted from criminal liability;

below 18 (did
not act with shall be subjected to an
1) A person performing a lawful act;
discernment) intervention program.
2) With due care;
over 15 but not exempted from criminal 3) He causes an injury to another by mere
below 18 (acted liability and he will be accident;
with prosecuted just like any other 4) Without fault or intention of causing it.
discernment) criminal
Note that although exempting, as a rule, there is no
criminal liability but there is civil liability. However,
NOTE: A child 15 years of age or under at the time of paragraph 4 (accident) is an exception. There are no
the commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal liability and civil liability. Accident is akin to
criminal liability. A child is deemed to be 15 years of age justifying circumstance because the offender was
on the day of the 15th anniversary of his/her birthdate. performing a lawful act with due care.

In the case of Madali v. People (G.R. No. 180380,

August 4, 2009), there is an act of discernment when
the minor knows the consequences and circumstances
of his act. Discernment is that mental capacity of a
minor to fully appreciate the consequences of his ELEMENTS:
unlawful act. Such capacity may be known and should
be determined by taking into consideration all the facts 1) There must be Compulsion is by means of
and circumstances. physical force;
2) Physical force must be irresistible;
Suspension of Sentence 3) Physical force must come from a third person.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Before force can be considered to be an irresistible one, shows lesser perversity or criminality of the offender.
it must produce such an effect upon the individual that,
in spite of all resistance, it reduces him to a mere Mitigating circumstances need not be alleged in the
instrument, that he is not acting in his will and, as such, information in order to be appreciated by the court
incapable of committing a crime. provided that such circumstance is shown and proven
during the trial.
OF AN UNCONTROLLABLE FEAR OF AN EQUAL OR There is a lesser criminality on the part of the offender
GREATER INJURY because the offender acted with the diminution of any of
the elements of voluntariness.
Article 13. Mitigating circumstances. — The following
1) Existence of an uncontrollable fear; are mitigating circumstances:
2) Fear must be real and imminent;
3) Fear of an injury is greater than or equal to that 1. Those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all
committed. the requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from
criminal liability in the respective cases are not
A threat of future injury is not enough. The compulsion attendant.
must be of such a character as to leave no opportunity
to the accused for escape or self-defense in equal 2. That the offender is under eighteen year of age or over
combat. seventy years. In the case of the minor, he shall be
proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of
It is necessary that such fear must be of imminence that Art. 80.
an ordinary man cannot stand. When there is an
existence of uncontrollable force or fear there is lack of 3. That the offender had no intention to commit so grave
freedom of action—an element of voluntariness. a wrong as that committed.
Therefore, the person totally has no free will.
4. That sufficient provocation or threat on the part of the
Even if there was force employed but the person has a offended party immediately preceded the act.
choice to do the act or not, this exempting provision will
not lie. 5. That the act was committed in the immediate
vindication of a grave offense to the one committing the
felony (delito), his spouse, ascendants, or relatives by
7. ANY PERSON WHO FAILS TO PERFORM AN ACT affinity within the same degrees.
LAWFUL OR INSUPERABLE CAUSE 6. That of having acted upon an impulse so powerful as
naturally to have produced passion or obfuscation.
7. That the offender had voluntarily surrendered himself
1) That an act is required by law to be done; to a person in authority or his agents, or that he had
2) That a person fails to perform such act; voluntarily confessed his guilt before the court prior to
3) That his failure to perform such act was due to the presentation of the evidence for the prosecution;
some lawful or insuperable cause.
8. That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or
Note that it is one of the instances in exempting otherwise suffering some physical defect which thus
circumstances that the actor is exempt from both restricts his means of action, defense, or communications
criminal and civil liability. It is akin to a justifying with his fellow beings.
circumstance because what prevented the offender
from performing a lawful act is a lawful cause. 9. Such illness of the offender as would diminish the
exercise of the will-power of the offender without
c. Mitigating circumstances however depriving him of the consciousness of his acts.

Mitigating Circumstances are those circumstances 10. And, finally, any other circumstances of a similar
which if present or attendant in the commission of a nature and analogous to those above mentioned.
felony would reduce the imposable penalty because it

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”


Not considered in the Always considered
determination of the regardless of the penalty
1. Ordinary Mitigating Circumstance
proper penalty when the imposed
penalty prescribed by
■ one which may be offset by a generic
law for the single crime
aggravating circumstance. If an ordinary
is a single indivisible
mitigating circumstance is not offset by
a generic aggravating circumstance, it
would reduce the imposable penalty to
its minimum period.
2. Privilege Mitigating Circumstance CIRCUMSTANCE

■ One that mitigates criminal liability of

the crime being modified to one or two Incomplete Justifying or exempting circumstances are
degrees lower. These circumstances those mentioned in the preceding chapter, when all the
cannot be off-set by aggravating requisites necessary to justify or to exempt from criminal
circumstances. liability in the respective cases are not attendant.

The following are the privilege mitigating Privilege Mitigating or Ordinary Mitigating?
a) If majority of the elements necessary to justify
i. Incomplete justification or the act or to exempt from liability are present,
exemption (when majority of the the privileged mitigating circumstance of
conditions are present) incomplete justification or exemption shall be
ii. Minority (if the child above 15
years of age acted with People v. Oanis and Galanta - if a
discernment) circumstance has:

■ The presence of privilege mitigating ■ 3 elements: presence of 2 elements is

circumstances takes preference over all majority;
other things. ■ 2 elements: presence of 1 is tantamount
to majority
★ Special Mitigating Circumstance — When there are
b) If less than the majority is present, the
two or more mitigating circumstances and no
ordinary mitigating circumstance of
aggravating circumstances are present, the court shall
incomplete justification or exemption shall be
impose the penalty next lower in degree to that
prescribed by law. This is called as special mitigating
Incomplete Self-Defense

ORDINARY PRIVILEGE In case of incomplete self-defense, incomplete defense

MITIGATING MITIGATING of a relative, incomplete defense of a stranger, there
must always be unlawful aggression in order for the
Can be offset by generic Cannot be offset by any mitigating circumstance to mitigate.
aggravating kind of aggravating
circumstance; circumstance Incomplete self-defense is only ordinary mitigating if
only the element of unlawful aggression is present. If
Lowers the penalty to Lowers the penalty by another element is present aside from unlawful
the minimum period one or two degrees; aggression, it will be treated as a privilege mitigating
except when there are circumstance.
two ordinary mitigating
circumstance in which 2. MINORITY/SENILITY
case the penalty is
lowered by one degree
only; That the offender is under eighteen year of age or over

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

seventy years. In the case of the minor, he shall be iven the bene it of praeter intentionem that he has no
proceeded against in accordance with the provisions of intention to commit so grave a wrong as that
Art. 80. committed?

Minority — Remember that if minority is not exempting, : YES. When A boxed B, he was committing a felonious act.
it is always and always a privilege mitigating Therefore he is criminally liable for the resulting felony
circumstance. Never an ordinary mitigating although it is different from which he intended. Nonetheless,
circumstance. So if the offender is over 15 but below he can be given the bene it of praeter intentionem. There was
18, and he acted with discernment, it is not exempting a notable disparity between the means employed by the
but it is a privilege mitigating circumstance . offender and the resulting felony. Who could have anticipated
that by the mere act of boxing death would result. Therefore,
Senility — Senility (a person over age 70) is generally an he should be given the bene it of praeter intentionem.
ordinary mitigating circumstance.
: In the same problem A and B were ighting by means
■ People v. Reyes - seniority as a mitigating of ist, then suddenly, A who was losing pulled out a
circumstance can only be considered if the balisong or a fan knife and stabbed B on the neck, a
offender is over 70 years of age at the time of fatal wound. B died. A was prosecuted for homicide. He
the commission of the crime and not at the time said he had no intention to commit a wrong so grave as
of the promulgation of the decision. that committed, no intention to kill B. Can A bene it
from praeter intentionem that he has no intention to
■ People v. Reantillo and Ruiz - but even though commit so grave a wrong as that committed?
the accused at the time of the commission of
the crime is not over 70 years of age, if his : No, because there was no notable disparity in the between
condition by reason of his age affects his means employed – stabbing on the neck using a balisong or
discernment in committing the crime, analogous fan knife resulting to death. In fact, the act of the victim of
circumstances of seniority can be considered. stabbing would produce, and did produce the death of the
victim. Therefore, praeter intentionem would not lie in favor

This circumstance can be taken into account only when There must be a sufficient provocation or threat on the
the facts proven show that there is a notable and part of the offended party and it must immediately
evident disproportion between the means employed to precede the commission of the crime.
execute the criminal act and its consequences—that is,
out of the means employed by the offender, no one Provocation - any unjust or improper conduct or act of
could have anticipated that the resulting felony would the offended party, capable of exciting, inciting or
come. irritating anyone.

The intention, as an internal act, is judged not only by Requisites to be considered as a mitigating
the proportion of the means employed by him to the evil circumstance:
produced by his act, but also by the fact that the blow
was or was not aimed at a vital part of the body. 1) The provocation must be sufficient;

Intention must be judged by considering the weapon ■ Provocation is sufficient if it is adequate

used, the injury inflicted and the attitude of the mind to stir a person to commit a wrongful
when the accused attacked the deceased. act, and it is proportionate to the gravity
of the crime.
This mitigating circumstance is not applicable when the
offender employed brute force. 2) It must be immediate to the commission of the
: A and B were ighting, A boxed B, B boxed A, A
retaliated and boxed B again. When A boxed B, B’s head ■ There must be no lapse of time between
hit a cemented wall and so he suffered cerebral the provocation and the commission of
hemorrhage and thereafter caused his death. Is A the crime.
criminally liable for the death of B? If yes, can he be

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

3) It must originate from the offended party.

The vindication of the It is necessary that the
grave offense may be provocation or threat
: There was this long line of evacuees, victims of Pablo
proximate which admits immediately preceded
who are to be given reliefs. A was 5th on the line,
of interval of time the act. There must be
suddenly, X inserted himself in front of A. This angered
between the grave no interval of time
A, A told X to place himself at the end of the line but X
offense committed by between the
didn’t want to because he was so hungry. This angered
the offended party and provocation and the
A, and so A pulled out his bolo and hacked X at the back.
the commission of the commission of the crime
A was prosecuted for homicide. Is the mitigating
crime of the accused
circumstance of suf icient provocation on the part of the
offended party justi ied?

: NO. Although the act of X in inserting himself to the line is

A : While having a drinking spree in a cottage, Anthony
an act adequate to stir a person to commit a wrongful act, the tried to let Dennis Torpio drink gin and as the latter
2nd element is absent – it is not proportionate to the gravity refused, Anthony bathed Dennis with gin and mauled
of the act. The act of killing is not proportionate to the act of him several times. Dennis crawled beneath the table
X of placing himself in front of A in a long line. Therefore, and Anthony tried to stab him with a 29 fan knife but
suf icient provocation as a mitigating circumstance is not did not hit him. Dennis got up and ran towards their
present so as to reduce the imposable penalty. home. Upon reaching home, he got a knife. He went
back to the cottage by another route and upon arrival
5. IMMEDIATE VINDICATION OF A GRAVE OFFENSE Anthony was still there. Upon seeing Dennis, Anthony
avoided Dennis and ran by passing the shore towards
the creek but Dennis met him, blocked him and
ELEMENTS: stabbed him. When he was hit, Anthony ran but got
entangled with a ishing net beside the creek and fell
1) That there be a grave offense to the one on his back. Dennis then mounted on him and
committing the felony, his spouse, ascendants, continued stabbing him resulting in the latter's death.
descendants, legitimate, natural, or adopted Thereafter, Dennis left and slept at a grassy meadow
brothers or sister, or relatives by affinity within near a Camp. In the morning, he went to Estrera, a
the same degree; police of icer to whom he voluntarily surrendered.
2) It requires that the said act or grave offense : The mitigating circumstance of having acted in the
must be the proximate cause of the commission immediate vindication of a grave offense is properly
of the crime. appreciated. Dennis was humiliated, mauled and almost
stabbed by Anthony. Although the unlawful aggression had
Q: Is it necessary that the grave offense need be a ceased when Dennis stabbed Anthony, it was nonetheless a
punishable act? grave offense for which Dennis may be given the bene it of a
mitigating circumstance. However, the mitigating
A: NO. It suffices that it be any unjust act or immoral act circumstance of suf icient provocation cannot be considered
which causes the offender sleepless nights and moves apart from the circumstance of vindication of a grave offense.
him to vindicate himself. These two circumstances arose from one and the same
incident, i.e., the attack on the appellant by Anthony, so that
Vindication of grave Sufficient threat or they should be considered as only one mitigating
offense provocation circumstance. (People v. Torpio)

The grave offense may It is made directly only 6. PASSION OR OBFUSCATION

be committed also to the person
against the offender’s committing the felony
relatives mentioned in
the law
a) There was an act that was both unlawful and
The offended party must The cause that brought sufficient to produce such condition (passion or
have done a grave about the provocation obfuscation) of the mind.
offense to the offender need not be a grave
b) Such act was not far removed from the
or his relatives offense.
commission of the crime by a considerable
mentioned in the law.
length of time, during which the perpetrator

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

might have recovered his normal equanimity; If both are present, you have to consider always two
and mitigating circumstances. They have different elements
and would always arise from different sets of facts and
c) Passion must arise from lawful sentiment of the circumstances. Therefore, they are always separate and
offender and not from spirit of lawlessness or distinct from each other.
Voluntary Surrender
People v. Lopez — passion or obfuscation to be
properly appreciated must arise from lawful sentiments. Elements of voluntary surrender:
The act of the victim, of demanding that they vacate her
land and transfer elsewhere and discontinue their 1. The offender had not actually arrested;
excavation thereat was not unlawful and unjust as she 2. The offender had voluntarily surrendered himself
was exercising her right to her land. The exercise of a to a person in authority or his agent;
lawful right cannot be the proper source of obfuscation 3. Such surrender must be voluntary.
that may be considered a mitigating circumstance.
So it is necessary that the offender has not yet been
People v. Lobino — There is passion and obfuscation arrested. It is necessary that he surrender to a person in
when the crime was committed due to an uncontrollable authority or his agent. The surrender must be voluntary.
burst of passion provoked by prior unjust or improper
acts, or due to a legitimate stimulus so powerful as to Surrender is considered voluntary when it is
overcome reason. spontaneous, demonstrating intent to submit himself
unconditionally to the person in authority or his agent.
The crime committed must be the result of a sudden Whether a warrant of arrest had been issued against
impulse of natural and uncontrollable fury. the offender is immaterial and irrelevant. Mere filing
of an information and/or the issuance of a warrant of
: What if A attempted on the virtue of the wife of B, B
Q arrest will not automatically make the surrender
learned about this from a neighbor. When B learned involuntary. The accused may still be entitled to the
about this, 4 days later, he went to A and hacked A to mitigating circumstance in case he surrenders,
death. Is the mitigating circumstance of sudden depending on the actual facts surrounding the very fact
impulse of passion and obfuscation and immediate of giving himself up.
vindication of grave offense present?
For voluntary surrender to be appreciated, the surrender
: NO. 4 days had already lapsed. According to the SC, 4 days
A must be spontaneous, made in such a manner that it
is already a long time for the said offender to have recovered shows the interest of the accused to surrender
from his normal equanimity. unconditionally to the authorities, either because he
acknowledges his guilt or wishes to save them the
TAKE NOTE! trouble and expenses that would be necessarily incurred
in his search and capture. (Andrada v. People)
As a GR, if the offender is given the benefit of
provocation, vindication, and passion or obfuscation, : After the accused-appellant Malinis had been
only one of the 3 mitigating circumstances should be informed that the accused-appellant Lita was a suspect
given in favor of the offender. in Hipolito’s killing, both appeared at the municipal
hall and were later detained. Upon arraignment, they
As an XPN, if the mitigating circumstances of both pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder and
provocation, vindication, and passion or obfuscation continued to maintain their innocence. Will the
arise from different sets of facts, they may be mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender apply
appreciated together, although they may have arisen in this case?
from one and the same case.
: No. It cannot be said that they surrendered themselves as
an acknowledgement of guilt. Without this element, the
7. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER AND VOLUNTARY surrender cannot be deemed spontaneous to be appreciated
PLEA OF GUILT as a mitigating circumstance. (People v. Lita and Malinis)

There are 2 mitigating circumstances here: (1) Voluntary Voluntary Plea of Guilt
surrender; and (2) Voluntary plea of guilt.
Elements of voluntary plea of guilt:

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

1. That guilt tendered is confessed spontaneously as thereafter arrested. Will his physical defect of
and unconditionally; being crippled, a man with no legs, be mitigating?
2. That he confesses guilt in open court that is
before the court tried his case; : NO. His physical defect has no relation at all to the crime
3. The confession that was made before the he has committed.
presentation of the evidence for the
prosecution. 9. ILLNESS

: A was charged with the crime of frustrated murder.

During the plea bargaining, with the consent of the It is necessary that the said illness must diminish the
judge, the iscal and the offended party, he said that he exercise of the will-power of the offender. But it must
had plead guilty to attempted murder. And so he not deprive him of his consciousness of his act because
pleaded guilty to attempted murder. The judge if it will deprive him of consciousness of his act, then it
rendered judgment without considering voluntary plea is exempting, not merely mitigating.
of guilt so as to reduce his penalty. Is the judge correct?
: A is a kleptomaniac, he has this urge to steal. Now, his
: YES. For said plea of guilty to be considered voluntary, it
A urge is to steal diamonds. So one time he was at a party,
must be done spontaneously. Spontaneously, it must be the he was talking to a lady with diamond earrings,
original crime charged. diamond necklace, diamond watch, diamond bracelet.
Then after the conversation, the lady went to the
: May the mitigating circumstance of voluntary plea of
Q restroom. Upon looking at the mirror, she shouted, she
guilt be appreciated in confessions before the media? was shocked, the diamond earring, necklace, watch and
bracelet were all gone. It was already taken by the said
: NO. Confessions before the media are considered
A accused. A was prosecuted for theft. Will his illness
extra-judicial confessions. For voluntary plea of guilt to be mitigate his criminal liability?
appreciated, the confession must be made before the court.
: Yes. It diminishes his exercise of his will-power without
: If the offender voluntarily confessed his guilt to a
Q however depriving him of consciousness. He knew that he
court which has no jurisdiction and later on pleaded was committing theft, he knew that he was taking the
guilty before the proper court, will the voluntary plea of personal property of another but he cannot control, he has a
guilt still be appreciated? diminished self-control to prevent the commission of the
crime. It will only mitigate, reduce the imposable penalty but
: YES. Since the proceedings before the former court was
A it will not exempt from criminal liability.
void, the voluntary plea of guilt may still be appreciated in
the court with proper jurisdiction. 10. ANALOGOUS CIRCUMSTANCE

8. PHYSICAL DEFECT Any other circumstance which is similar in nature from

the 1st to the 9th paragraph is also considered as a
That the offender is deaf and dumb, blind or otherwise mitigating circumstance.
suffering some physical defect which thus restricts his
means of action, defense, or communications with his Examples of analogous circumstances
fellow beings.
■ The act of the offender of leading the law
For this mitigating circumstance to lie in favor of the enforcers to the place where he buried the
accused, it is necessary that there must be a instrument of the crime has been considered as
connection, a relation between the physical defect and equivalent to voluntary surrender;
the crime committed. It is necessary that the said
■ People v. Macbul - stealing by a person who is
physical defect must have restricted his use of action,
driven to do so out of extreme poverty is
defense or communication with his fellow being.
considered as analogous to incomplete state of
necessity, unless he became impoverished
; A is a cripple, he has no legs, he always positions
because of his own way of living his life.
himself near the Quiapo church. He was on board a
skateboard. He often stayed there, and his work was to ■ People v. Reantillo and Ruiz - defendant who
snatch the handbags of any churchgoers. And so one is 60 years old with failing eyesight is similar to
time, he snatched the handbag of a churchgoer and a case of a person over 70 years of age.
thereafter, he sped away on board his skateboard. He

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

■ Impulse of jealous feeling, similar to passion 5. That the crime be committed in the palace of the Chief
and obfuscation. Executive, or in his presence, or where public authorities
are engaged in the discharge of their duties, or in a place
■ Emilio Cimafranca v. Sandiganbayan - dedicated to religious worship.
Voluntary restitution of the property stolen by
the accused or immediately reimbursing the 6. That the crime be committed in the nighttime, or in an
amount malversed. uninhabited place, or by a band, whenever such
circumstances may facilitate the commission of the
■ Outraged feeling of the owner of animal taken offense.
for ransom is analogous to vindication of grave
offense. Whenever more than three armed malefactors shall have
acted together in the commission of an offense it shall be
■ Esprit de corps is similar to passion and
deemed to have been committed by a band.

○ Esprit de corps - a feeling of pride, 7. That the crime be committed on the occasion of a
fellowship, and common loyalty shared conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic or other
by the members of a particular group. calamity or misfortune.

■ People v. Quemuel - wartime state of 8. That the crime be committed with the aid of armed
confusion resulting in illegal possession of men or persons who insure or afford impunity.
firearms after the liberation, as being similar to
lack of intent to commit so grave a wrong. 9. That the accused is a recidivist.

■ People v. Narvasca - testifying for the A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one
prosecution without being discharged from the crime, shall have been previously convicted by final
information, as being like a plea of guilt. judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of
this Code.
■ People v. Ong - acting out of embarrassment
and fear caused by the victim because of 10. That the offender has been previously punished for
gambling debts of the accused, as akin to an offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater
passion or obfuscation. penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches a
lighter penalty.
■ People v. Libria - retaliating for having been
assaulted during a public dance where the 11. That the crime be committed in consideration of a
accused was well known and respected, as price, reward, or promise.
similar to vindication
12. That the crime be committed by means of
d. Aggravating circumstances inundation, fire, poison, explosion, stranding of a vessel
or intentional damage thereto, derailment of a
ARTICLE 14. Aggravating Circumstances. — The locomotive, or by the use of any other artifice involving
following are aggravating circumstances: great waste and ruin.

1. That advantage be taken by the offender of his public 13. That the act be committed with evident
position. premeditation.

2. That the crime be committed in contempt of or with 14. That craft, fraud, or disguise be employed.
insult to the public authorities.
15. That advantage be taken of superior strength, or
3. That the act be committed with insult or in disregard means be employed to weaken the defense.
of the respect due to the offended party on account of
his rank, age, or sex, or that it be committed in the 16. That the act be committed with treachery (alevosia).
dwelling of the offended party, if the latter has not given
provocation. There is treachery when the offender commits any of the
crimes against the person, employing means, methods,
4. That the act be committed with abuse of confidence or or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly
obvious ungratefulness. and specially to insure its execution, without risk to
himself arising from the defense which the offended

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

party might make. 2. Specific Aggravating — Those that apply only

to particular crimes;
17. That means be employed or circumstances brought
about which add ignominy to the natural effects of the 3. Inherent Aggravating — Those which of
act. necessity follow the commission of the crime
because they are considered as elements in the
18. That the crime be committed after an unlawful entry. commission of the crime;

There is an unlawful entry when an entrance is effected 4. Qualifying Aggravating — Those which either
by a way not intended for the purpose. change the nature of the crime to bring about a
more serious for a higher penalty or even
19. That as a means to the commission of a crime a wall, without changing the nature of the crime it
roof, floor, door, or window be broken. would impose a higher penalty;

20. That the crime be committed with the aid of persons 5. Special Aggravating — Those which arise
under fifteen years of age or by means of motor vehicles, under special conditions to increase the penalty
airships, or other similar means. for the offense to its maximum period, but the
same cannot increase the penalty to the next
21. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime higher degree. (People v. De Leon, 2009) Note
be deliberately augmented by causing other wrong not that this CANNOT be offset by an ordinary
necessary for its commission. mitigating circumstance.

AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE Generic Aggravating Qualifying Aggravating

Aggravating Circumstances are those which, if Can be offset by an Cannot be offset by an

attendant in the commission of the crime, serve to ordinary mitigating. ordinary mitigating.
increase the penalty without, however, exceeding the
maximum of the penalty provided by law for the offense. It can be offset by a
privileged mitigating
They are based on the greater perversity of the offender circumstance.
manifested in the commission of the felony as shown
Affects only the Affects the nature of the
imposition of the penalty crime or brings about a
prescribed, but not the penalty higher in degree
a. motivating power itself;
nature of the crime than that ordinarily
b. the place of commission;
committed prescribed
c. the means and ways employed;
d. the time; or
The effect is to increase The effect is not only to
e. the personal circumstances of the offender, or
the penalty which should give the crime its proper
of the offended party.
be imposed upon the and exclusive name but
accused to the also to place the author
Remember: In order for aggravating circumstances to
maximum period. thereof in such a situation
be appreciated, all the aggravating circumstances must
as to deserve no other
be alleged in the information and must be proven during
penalty than that
the trial. Even if they are proven in trial but they are not
prescribed by law for said
alleged in the information, they cannot be considered
against the person. They must be both alleged and
likewise proven during trial, so as not to deprive the
accused of the right to know the nature of the
accusation against him.
Kinds of aggravating Circumstances: 1. Taking Advantage of public position

1. Generic Aggravating — Those that can 2. Contempt of or with insult to the public authorities
generally apply to all crimes. It can be offset by
an ordinary mitigating circumstance. 3. Disrespect of rank, age or sex, or dwelling of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

offended party, if the latter has not given provocation 2. Quasi-recidivism under Article 160

4. Abuse of confidence 3. Complex Crimes under Article 48

5. Crime be committed in the palace of the Chief Executive 4. When homicide or murder is committed with the use of
or in his presence, or where public authorities are an unlicensed firearm under P.D. 1866 as amended by
engaged in the discharge of their duties, or in a place R.A. 8294
dedicated to religious worship.
5. When in the omission of the crime, advantage was taken
6. Nighttime, uninhabited place, or by a band by the offender of his public position under Article 62

7. Recidivist
Effect of more than one Qualifying Circumstance
8. Reiteracion
If there are more than one qualifying aggravating
9. Craft, fraud or disguise be employed circumstance as for example, homicide qualified to
murder, only one will qualify the felony to murder and
10. Unlawful entry
the others shall be considered as a generic aggravating
11. Breaking of wall, roof, floor, door, or window circumstance.

12. Crime committed with aid of minors and use of motor Example: In case of qualifying aggravating
vehicles circumstances, for example, A killed B there was
treachery, it was done in consideration of a price,
SPECIFIC AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES reward or promise, there was also cruelty, so there are
three qualifying aggravating circumstances present.
1. Treachery Only one of them will qualify the killing to murder. So if
treachery is already proven, the crime committed is
already murder. Cruelty and the other circumstance of in
consideration of a price, reward or promise shall only be
In Art. 248 of the RPC, the circumstances therein present
would qualify the killing of a person from homicide to considered as generic aggravating circumstances.
1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength,
with the aid of armed men, or employing means to
weaken the defense or of means or persons to insure or
afford impunity. Taking advantage of public position means that the
offender [public officer] uses the prestige, influence or
2. In consideration of a price, reward or promise. ascendency of his office in the commission of the crime
or to facilitate the commission of the crime.
3. By means of inundation, fire, poison, explosion,
shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, derailment or assault
upon a streetcar or locomotive, fall of an airship, by When a public officer commits a common crime
means of motor vehicles, or with the use of any other independent of his official functions and does acts that
means involving great waste and ruin. are not connected with the duties of his office, he
should be punished as a private individual without this
4. On occasion of any of the calamities enumerated in the aggravating circumstance.
preceding paragraph, or of an earthquake, eruption of a
volcano, destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other Even if the defendant did not abuse his office, if it is
public calamity. proven that he has failed in his duties as such public
officer, this circumstance would warrant the aggravation
5. With evident premeditation.
of his penalty.
6. With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly augmenting
the suffering of the victim, or outraging or scoffing at his Taking advantage of public position, cannot be taken
person or corpse. into consideration in offenses where it is made by law
an integral element of the crime such as in malversation
SPECIAL AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES or in falsification of documents committed by public
1. Taking Advantage of public position
: Police of icer A was having a drinking spree with his
friends outside his house. In the course thereof, they

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ere discussing the alleged shootout in Quezon.

w whether an individual or some members
According to the police of icer, since he was a police of court or governmental commissioner.
of icer, it was a shootout. But according to his friend it It is necessary that he has the duty to
was a rub-out. They were arguing, exchanging views govern and execute the laws.
until the police of icer got mad. At that time, he had
with him his pistol. He used his service pistol and shot ■ Example: Mayors, barangay chairman.
his friend who thereafter died. Is the said act of killing
done by taking advantage of his public position? ■ Police officer is merely an agent of a
person in authority. Agents of public
: NO. The said offender, public of icer, did not use or
A authority are not included.
misuse his public of ice. He did not use the in luence, the
ascendency or the prestige of his of ice in order to commit 2) That the public authority is not the person
the crime. Even not being a public of icer he could have against whom the crime is committed;
killed his friend in the same situation . He could even have
used another weapon, not necessarily his service pistol. ■ If the offender is the person against
whom the crime is committed, such fact
Taking advantage of public position as Special that the crime was committed in
Aggravating contempt of the public authority is an
element because the crime committed
Under Art. 14, taking advantage of his public position is would be direct assault. In direct
a generic aggravating circumstance. However, under assault, in contempt of or with insult to
Art. 62 (as amended by RA 7659), the fact the crime public authority is an element, no longer
was committed by taking advantage of his public an aggravating circumstance.
position is a special aggravating circumstance because
the maximum penalty prescribed by law shall be the one 3) That the offender knows him to be a public
imposed. authority;

■ There must be knowledge on the part of

: Police of icer X was assigned as a traf ic enforcer. X
the offender that the said person is a
was always demanding a toll in the amount of ifty
public authority. Otherwise, it cannot be
pesos from jeepney drivers, otherwise he would not let
said that he disrespected the said
them enter a certain street. One day, jeepney driver Y
person as a public authority if he has no
got mad at X for extorting toll on him because Y had no
knowledge that he is a public authority.
earning that day. He iled a case for robbery against X.
the information alleged that in order to perpetrate the
4) That the presence of the public authority did not
crime of robbery, X took advantage of his public
prevent the offender from the commission of the
position. How do we appreciate the aggravating
circumstance of taking advantage of public position in
this case?
: The barangay chairman was in a restaurant having
dinner with his wife because it was their wedding
: Taking advantage of public position should be appreciated
anniversary. Suddenly here comes A, B and C who are
as a special aggravating circumstance. Article 62 of the RPC
constituents of the barangay chairman. Upon seeing the
states that the maximum penalty shall be imposed if the
chairman, they greeted him and even congratulated
offender took advantage of his public position as a means to
him and his wife upon learning that they were
facilitate the commission of the crime.
celebrating their wedding anniversary. They sat next to
the table of the chairman and ordered food. In the
2. CONTEMPT OF OR WITH INSULT TO THE PUBLIC giving of the food, there was an argument between A
AUTHORITIES. and the waiter. The argument immediately became a
heated one. A took the table knife and stabbed the
ELEMENTS: waiter. The waiter suffered serious physical injuries.
Prosecuted for frustrated homicide. In the prosecution
1) That the public officer or public authority is for said crime, is the aggravating circumstance of in
engaged in the exercise of his function; contempt of or with insult to public authority present?

■ Public authority refers to Justice of the : NO. The irst element is absent. The irst element is that
peace, persons in authority, or any the public of icer or public authority is engaged in the
person directly vested with jurisdiction exercise of his function. At the time of the commission of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

crime, yes he was there but he was in a private act. He was of the said professor. An employee
not engaged in the exercise of his function, hence it cannot be attacking his employer. There was a
said that the said offender insulted the said public authority. disregard of rank of the said employer.

: The public authority was the city mayor who was

Q 2. Disregard of age
inside his of ice. Suddenly he heard commotion on the
ground loor. He looked out his window, he saw his two ■ Age here refers to both minority and
supporters having an argument. A and B were having seniority.
an argument over a parking space. The mayor went
■ Example 1: The offended party is 95
down the building and talked to both A and B. He told
years old. A killed him by hitting his
them to shake hands and forget everything. Then he
head for 25 times with a lead pipe.
told A to just allow B to park his car anyway there was
Obviously, there was disregard of his
another parking space available. This angered A
age. Considering his age, whereas even
because he thought that the mayor was siding with B. A
one hit of the lead pipe could have
took out his balisong and stabbed the mayor. Is the
already killed the said old man but he
aggravating circumstance of in contempt of or with
was hit 25 times showing disregard of
insult to public authority present?
the age of the old man.
: YES. It is present but it is not an aggravating circumstance
A ■ Example 2: A child is 4 years old. He
but an element of the crime because the crime committed is was stabbed 25 times, thereafter his
direct assault. It is direct assault because the public body was placed inside a dram filled
authority at the time of the attack was engaged in the with water and then the dram was
performance of his functions. Since the crime committed covered. There was disregard of age.
was against the public authority himself, the fact that it was The victim was a minor and therefore
committed in contempt of or with insult to the said public any attack, just 1 stab, could have killed
authority is an ingredient of the crime. the minor.

: If in the same problem instead of stabbing the said

Q 3. Disregard of sex
mayor, A felt insulted with the mayor’s words that he is
giving the parking space to B so this angered A. A ■ This refers to the female sex. This is
stabbed B. B died. Is the aggravating circumstance of in inherent in the crime of rape and in
contempt of or with insult to public authority present? certain crimes involving chastity.

: YES. The mayor’s act of pacifying A and B was engaged in

A ■ Disregard of sex absorbed in treachery.
his of icial functions. He was not the person against whom
the crime was committed. A was a supporter, therefore he 4. Crimes committed in dwelling of the
knew the mayor was a person in authority. Yet, the presence offended party
of the mayor did not prevent A from committing the crime
against B. Hence, the aggravating circumstance is present. ■ Dwelling is considered as aggravating
circumstance if the crime is committed
inside the dwelling of the offended
3. DISRESPECT OF RANK, AGE OR SEX, OR party, that is, the offended party was
DWELLING OF THE OFFENDED PARTY, IF THE inside his dwelling at the time of the
LATTER HAS NOT GIVEN PROVOCATION. commission of the crime and he has not
given any provocation.
There are four aggravating circumstances under this
paragraph: ■ The dwelling need not be owned by the
offended party. It suffices that the
1. Disregard of rank offended party uses it for rest and
■ For this to be considered as an
aggravating circumstance, it is ■ People v. Magnaye - the store, which
necessary that the offender be of lower is used as a house, where the crime
rank than that of the offended party. was committed cannot be considered
as dwelling within the meaning of Art.
■ Example: A student attacking a 14(3). This building, although being
professor. There was a disregard of rank used for rest and comfort, is imbued

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

with public character, and thus, the law 2) That the offender abuse such trust by
does not accord it the sanctity of committing a crime against the offended party;
3) That the abuse of confidence facilitated the
■ People v. Perreras - for the commission of the crime.
circumstance of dwelling to be
considered, it is not necessary that the Obvious ungratefulness — must be clear and manifest
accused should have actually entered ingratitude on the part of the accused.
the dwelling of the victim to commit the
offense; it is enough that the victim was Elements:
attacked inside his own house, although
the assailant might have devised means 1) That the offended party had trusted the
to perpetrate the assault from the offender;
2) That the offender abuse such trust by
■ Treachery does not absorb dwelling. committing a crime against the offended party;

■ Even if a crime is committed inside 3) That the act be committed with obvious
dwelling, it cannot be considered as ungratefulness.
aggravating if the following
circumstances are present: 5. THE PALACE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE, OR IN
i. offended has given provocation; ARE ENGAGED IN THE DISCHARGE OF THEIR
ii. If the offender and the offended WORSHIP.
party are living in the same
If the crime is committed in any of these places it is
considered as an aggravating circumstance because it
iii. Dwelling is inherent in the
shows on the part of the offender lack of respect in
commission of the crime.
these places:
These four aggravating circumstances can be
1. Malacañang Palace or any place whenever
appreciated singly or collectively if present in the
the President was present;
commission of the crime. There must be deliberate
intent on the part of the offender to disrespect the ■ It is not necessary that the Chief
offended party on account of the latter’s age, sex, or Executive is engaged in his official
rank. functions. The presence of the Chief
Executive alone in any place where the
Note: Disregard of rank, disregard of age and disregard crime is committed is enough to
of sex can only be considered in crimes against persons constitute the aggravating
and crimes against chastity. You do not consider these circumstance, but the offender must be
in crimes against property; you do not consider these in aware of the presence of the president.
crimes against public interest.
2. Public authorities engaged in the discharge
■ It is not only necessary that the said
places are where public authorities are
Abuse of Confidence — this circumstance exists only engaged in the discharge of their duties,
when the offended party has trusted the offender who it is also necessary that at the time of
later abuses such trust by committing the crime. the commission of the crime, the public
authorities are actually engaged in the
Elements: performance of their duties.

1) That the offended party had trusted the 3. Place dedicated to religious worship;
■ Applies even if there is no religious

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ceremony going on. commission of the crime.

■ Cemeteries are not places dedicated for ■ Uninhabited place is a special

religious worship. aggravating circumstance in cases of
robbery by means of violence or
■ The place must be permanently intimidation.
dedicated to public religious worship.
Private chapels are not included. 3. Band

People v. Jaurigue — to be considered aggravating, ■ There are at least 4 armed malefactors

the accused must have purposely sought the place for acting together in the commission of the
the commission of the crime and that he committed it offense.
there notwithstanding the respect to which it was
entitled, and not where it was only an accidental or ■ At least 4 of them took part or acted
incidental circumstance. together in the commission of the crime
as principals by direct participation.

6. NIGHTTIME, UNINHABITED PLACE, OR BY A These 3 circumstances may be considered separately

BAND when their elements are distinctly perceived and can
subsist independently, revealing a greater degree of
There are three aggravating circumstances in this case: perversity.

1. Nighttime : A induced B, C, and D wanted to kill W. A, B, C, and D

planned to commit the crime at 11pm so that the
■ Period from after sunset to sunrise. The community was fast asleep. At 11pm, B, C, and D
commission of the crime must begin entered the house of W. They directly proceeded to his
and be accomplished in the nighttime. room. W’s room was fully lighted. Thereafter, B, C, and D
stabbed W. W died. A, B, C, and D was charged murder
■ It is necessary that the offender quali ied by treachery with the aggravating
deliberately sought the darkness of the circumstance of nighttime, uninhabited place, and by a
night either to facilitate the commission band.
of the crime or to insure or afford
impunity. Is the aggravating circumstance of nighttime present?
■ When the place is illuminated by light,
: YES. Although the room of W was fully lighted, the
nighttime is not aggravating.
accused deliberately sought the darkness and silence of the
■ Nighttime is absorbed in treachery night in order to facilitate the commission of the crime.

2. Uninhabited place Is the aggravating circumstance of ‘by a band’ present?

■ It is not determined by the distance of : NO. A band is present whenever more than three armed
the nearest house to the scene of the malefactors come together in the commission of the crime.
crime but whether or not in the place of All of the armed malefactors must be a principal by direct
the commission of the offense, there participation. In this case, A is a principal by inducement.
was a reasonable possibility of the
victim receiving some help. I s the aggravating circumstance of ‘uninhabited place’
■ Requisites:
: NO. In order for an uninhabited place to be present, the
i. That in the place where the
offender deliberately sought a place isolated from the others
crime was committed there was
or located far from others so that there is a remote
a remote possibility for the
possibility that the victim may receive help.
victim to receive some help;

ii. That the offender deliberately 7. ON THE OCCASION OF A CONFLAGRATION,

sought the uninhabited place in SHIPWRECK, EARTHQUAKE, EPIDEMIC, OR OTHER
order to facilitate the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

CALAMITY OR MISFORTUNE. between the first crime for which he has been
convicted by final judgment and the second crime
That the crime be committed on the occasion of a for which he is also convicted.
conflagration, shipwreck, earthquake, epidemic, or other
calamity or misfortune is a generic ordinary ➔ Recidivism can still be appreciated despite pardon
circumstance. in the prior conviction because pardon does not
erase the effects of the prior conviction of the crime
It is a qualifying circumstance in murder and theft. [like murder].

➔ Recidivism will not be appreciated if the accused

8. AID OF ARMED MEN was granted amnesty in the prior conviction.
Amnesty erases the effects of the crime as if no
The aid given by the armed men may be a direct or crime happened and no crime was committed by
indirect participation in the commission of the crime. the accused. It totally obliterates and erases the
former conviction.
This aggravating circumstance shall not be considered
when both the attacking party and the party attacked 10. REITERACION OR HABITUALITY
were equally armed.

People v. Enoja — in aid of armed men, the men act as The offender has been previously punished for an
accomplices only. They must not be acting in the offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater
commission of the crime under the same purpose as the penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches a
principal accused, otherwise, they are to be regarded as lighter penalty.
co-principals or co-conspirators.

BY A BAND AID OF ARMED MEN 1) The offender must have been previously
punished or has served his sentence previously.
Must have acted together The armed men may
in the actual commission have direct or indirect 2) The first offense was punished with an equal or
of the crime; (conspiracy) participation. They are greater penalty; or he committed two or more
mere accomplices of the crimes previously where he was meted a lighter
offender. penalty.

3) That he is convicted of the new offense.

If there are 4 armed men, aid of armed men is absorbed
in the employment of a band. If there are 3 armed men
: A has been convicted of the crime of homicide.
or less, aid of armed men may be the aggravating
Convicted by inal judgment, he was placed behind
bars. He served out his sentence. Once out of prison, he
committed forcible abduction. Homicide is punished by
9. RECIDIVISM reclusion temporal. Forcible abduction is now on trial.
The penalty prescribed by law for forcible abduction is
A recidivist is one who at the time of his trial for one also reclusion temporal. The judge found him guilty for
crime, shall have previously been convicted by final forcible abduction. Can the judge consider reiteracion
judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of as an aggravating circumstance in imposing the penalty
this Code. for forcible abduction?

ELEMENTS: : YES. The penalty for the crime of homicide where he has
already served out his sentence is equal to the penalty for
1) That the offender is on trial for an offense; forcible abduction, both reclusion temporal. Therefore,
2) He was previously convicted by final judgment reiteracion can be considered.
of another crime;
3) Both the first and second offense are embraced : B committed falsi ication of public document.
in the same title of the RPC; and Convicted, served out the sentence. After service of
4) Offender is convicted of the new offense. sentence, he was released from prison He engaged in a
ight and killed his opponent. He is now on trial for
➔ Recidivism is imprescriptible. There is no time limit homicide. The judge found him guilty beyond

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

r easonable doubt. Can the judge consider reiteracion as consideration in the commission of a crime or felony.
an aggravating circumstance?
US v. Flores — circumstance of price, reward or
: NO. The crime for which he has served out his sentence
A consideration shall not be appreciated if there was no
carries a penalty lighter than that of the second crime. The offer prior to the killing and the money was given
law requires that if it is only one crime, it must carry a voluntarily by the accused after the crime had been
penalty equal to or greater than the second crime he committed as a sort of expression of his appreciation of
committed. their sympathy and aid.

: X was convicted of homicide with the privilege

mitigating circumstance of incomplete self-defense. The
judge imposed upon him the penalty of Prision
correccional (6 years). X applied for probation and it The offender must make use of inundation, fire or
was granted. While under probation, X forcibly explosion in order to commit the crime. It is a means to
abducted his neighbor. As a result, an information for commit the crime.
forcible abduction was charged against X with the
aggravating circumstance of reiteracion. Is the If these means are used in killing a person, it is not a
aggravating circumstance of reiteracion present in this generic aggravating circumstance, it is a qualifying
case? aggravating circumstance under Article 248. It qualifies
the killing to murder.
: NO. In order for reiteracion to be appreciated as an
aggravating circumstance, the offender must have previously 13. EVIDENT PREMEDITATION
served his sentence. By applying for probation, the accused
admitted to the commission of the crime, however, he Evident premeditation implies a deliberate planning of
avoided serving sentence. The Supreme Court held that the act before executing it.
probation is not the same as serving one sentence. In this
case, there was no reiteracion. The essence of premeditation is that the execution of
the criminal act must be preceded by cool thought and
11. IN CONSIDERATION OF A PRICE, REWARD, OR reflection upon the resolution to carry out the criminal
PROMISE. intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a
calm judgment. (People v. Alinao)
Circumstance of price, reward or consideration is an
ordinary aggravating circumstance. However, it is a ELEMENTS:
qualifying circumstance in murder.
1) The time when the offender determined to
This aggravating circumstance should be considered commit the crime;
both against the person who made the offer and the
2) An act manifestly indicating that the culprit has
person who accepted the price, reward or promise.
clung to his determination;
Therefore, it is to be considered both against the
principal by inducement and the principal by direct
3) Sufficient lapse time between the determination
and execution, to allow him to reflect upon the
consequences of his acts.
To be considered against the principal by inducement, it
is necessary that the price, reward or promise must be
■ The offender must have an opportunity
the prime reason for the principal by direct participation
to coolly and serenely think and
to commit the crime; without the price, reward or
deliberate on the meaning and the
promise, the principal by direct participation would not
consequences of what he planned to
have committed the crime.
do, an interval long enough for his
conscience and better judgment to
People v. Paredes — if the accused were already
overcome his evil desire and scheme.
decided in the commission of the crime, and the
promised reward is just an additional inducement, the
People v. Racaza — evident premeditation is inherent
aggravating circumstance of reward shall not be
in treason because adherence and the giving of aid and
appreciated. For the aggravating circumstance of
comfort to the enemy is a long-continued process
reward to be considered, reward must be the primary
requiring persistent determination and planning for the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

successful consummation of the traitor’s purpose. the offender do the crime easily.

People v. Trinidad — to appreciate evident ■ Example: To enter the house, one of the
premeditation, it is important that the victim is the object accused shouted from the outside that they
of premeditation. In sum, the victim killed must be the wanted to buy cigarettes.
person who the accused premeditated to kill.
Disguise are ways and means resorted to by the
: A slapped B two times in front of the public. B felt so
Q accused to conceal his identity.
humiliated so he told A “the next time I see you, I will
kill you!” B went home and searched for his gun. He ■ Example: Wearing of masks or bonnet so that
found the same and kept it under his pillow, waiting for one could not be recognized.
the time to kill A. One month has lapsed. B while
walking saw A. Upon seeing A, he immediately ran to his ■ People v. Pingol — if despite the mask, the
house, went to his bedroom and took the gun under his identity of the offender was recognizable,
pillow. He raised back to A and shot him. Is the disguise will not be appreciated. The fact that
aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation the identity of the offender is recognizable
present? negates the existence of intent to hide his
identity to afford impunity.
: YES. First, the time when the offender is determined to
commit the crime, that is the time when B told A “the next 15. ABUSE OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH AND
time I see you, I will kill you!” Second, an overt act EMPLOYMENT OF MEANS TO WEAKEN DEFENSE
manifestly indicating that he has clung to his determination.
He brought a gun. It is an overt act showing that he has clung
a) Abuse of superior strength — is intentionally
to his determination. Third, a suf icient lapse time between
employing excessive force out of proportion to
the determination and execution. One month has passed.
the means of defense available to the offended
That is suf icient for him to cool off, to re lect upon the
consequences of his acts. Therefore, evident premeditation
was present in the commission of the crime.

14. THAT THE CRAFT, FRAUD OR DISGUISE BE 1) That there be a notorious inequality of
EMPLOYED. forces between the offender and the
offended party in terms of their age, size
Craft means intellectual trickery or cunning resorted to and strength;
by the accused.
2) That the offender took advantage of this
■ Example 1: Where the defendants pretended to inequality of forces to facilitate the
be constabulary soldiers to gain entry into the commission of the crime.
place of the victims.
The mere fact that there was numerical
■ Example 2: The act of the accused in superiority does not automatically mean that
pretending to be bona fide passengers of the there is abuse of superior strength. Under the
taxicab driven by the deceased, when they were second element, evidence must show that the
not so in fact, in order not to arouse his offender deliberately took advantage of their
suspicion, and then killing him, constituted craft. strength to facilitate the commission of the
■ People v. Lab-eo — craft may be absorbed in
treachery if it is deliberately adopted as the People v. Dadao — when the circumstance of
means, method or form for the treacherous abuse of superior strength concurs with
strategy. It may co-exist independently from treachery, the former is absorbed by the latter.
treachery only when both circumstances are
adopted for different purposes in the b) Employment of means to weaken defense —
commission of the crime. is applicable only to crimes against persons and
sometimes against person and property, such
Fraud or deceit is manifested by the use of insidious as robbery with physical injuries or homicide.
words or machinations resorted to by the accused so
that the offended party will perform an act that will make Example: One who, while fighting with another,
suddenly casts sand or dirt upon the latter’s

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

eyes and then wounds or kills him, evidently rule out treachery. The qualifying
employs means which weaken the defense of circumstance may still be appreciated if
his opponent. the attack was so sudden and so
unexpected that the deceased had no
16. TREACHERY time to prepare for his or her defense.
(People v. Matibag)
There is treachery or alevosia when the offender When Victim is a Minor
commits any of the crimes against the person,
employing means, methods, or forms in the execution Whenever the offended party is a minor, there is always
thereof which tend directly and specially to insure its treachery because a minor is always defenseless.
execution, without risk to himself arising from the
defense which the offended party might make. ■ Minority here does not refer to the statutory
definition of minority, that is, being below 18
ELEMENTS: years of age. Minority here is with reference to
the sense of helplessness of the victim. So it is
1) That the offender deliberately adopted the necessary that the victim is helpless.
particular means, method or form of attack
employed by him. ■ Example: If the victim is 17 years old with a
masculine physique and was able to put up a
2) That at the time of the attack, the victim was not defense, there is no treachery. But if the victim
in a position to defend himself. is 6 years old, then there is treachery.

The essence of treachery is the suddenness and Treachery must be present at the commencement of
unexpectedness of the act to an unexpecting and the attack
unarmed victim who has not even the slightest
provocation. The victim must be totally without defense. For treachery to arise, it is necessary that he must be
present at the commencement of the attack in order to
There is no treachery when the attack is preceded by a know whether the offended party was totally
warning or the accused gave the deceased a chance to defenseless.
: The witness saw the deceased Pasion enter the room
If the victim was able to put out any defense, no matter of Bokingco. The witness peeped through the window of
how minor, treachery is not present. Bokingco who was seen hitting something on the loor.
Bokingco was charged with murder quali ied by
A treacherous attack is one in which the victim was treachery. Is the aggravating circumstance of treachery
not afforded any opportunity to defend himself or resist present?
the attack. The existence of treachery is not solely
determined by the type of weapon used. If it appears : NO. For treachery to be appreciated, the prosecution must
that the weapon was deliberately chosen to insure the prove that at the time of the attack, the victim was not in a
execution of the crime, and to render the victim position to defend himself, and that the offender consciously
defenseless, then treachery may be properly adopted the particular means, method or form of attack
appreciated against the accused (People v. Labiaga) employed by him. Nobody witnessed the commencement
and the manner of the attack. While the witness Vitalicio
Treachery is inherent in murder by poisoning. managed to see Bokingco hitting something on the loor, he
failed to see the victim at that time. (People v. Bokingco)
Treachery cannot co-exist with passion and
obfuscation. There is treachery in Robbery with Homicide

Attacks showing intention to eliminate risk:

People v. Escote (2003)
a. Victim asleep.
FACTS: At around midnight, a bus going to
b. Victim half-awake or just awakened.
Pangasinan was boarded by the accused in
c. Victim grappling or being held.
Balintawak. A few minutes after, the suspects
d. Attacked from behind.
declared a holdup and fired shots at the roof of the
○ A frontal attack does not necessarily bus to wake up the passengers. They began taking

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

the passenger’s valuables. SPO1 Mario was among 17. IGNOMINY

the passengers. He was disarmed and was shot dead
by one of the robbers even after he pled for his life. Ignominy is a circumstance pertaining to the moral
The suspects were arrested at a checkpoint when order, which adds disgrace and obloquy to the material
they presented the dead officer’s identification card. injury caused by the crime.
They were convicted of robbery with homicide.
This is only applicable to crimes against chastity and
ISSUE: Whether or not treachery can be used to persons.
qualify the robbery with homicide committed.
The means employed or the circumstances brought
HELD: No. Treachery is not an element of robbery about must tend to make the effects of the crime MORE
with homicide. Neither does it constitute a crime HUMILIATING or TO PUT THE OFFENDED PARTY TO
specially punishable by law nor is it included by the SHAME.
law in defining the crime of robbery with homicide
and prescribing the penalty therefore. Treachery is : Accused Bumidang went into the house of Melencio
likewise not inherent in the crime of robbery with Imbat in the middle of the night. Accused threatened to
homicide. Hence, treachery should be considered as kill Melencio and her unmarried daughter Gloria if the
a generic aggravating circumstance in robbery with door was not opened. When Melencio opened the door,
homicide for the imposition of the proper penalty for the accused asked where Gloria's room is. Melencio
the crime. thereafter pointed to the room of Gloria. The accused
went inside the room of Gloria. The accused threatened
In the application of treachery as a generic to kill her with a spear if she resisted. The accused
aggravating circumstance to robbery with homicide, removed the garments of Gloria, inspected her genitals
the law looks at the constituent crime of homicide with a lashlight and proceeded to have carnal
which is a crime against persons and not at the knowledge in front of Melencio. Was there ignominy in
constituent crime of robbery which is a crime against this case?
property. Treachery is applied to the constituent crime
of homicide and not to the constituent crime of : YES. The Supreme Court held that it was established that
robbery of the special complex crime of robbery with Bumidang used the lashlight and examined the genitals of
homicide. Gloria before he ravished her. He committed his bestial deed
in the presence of Gloria's old father. These facts clearly
The crime of robbery with homicide does not lose its show that Bumidang deliberately wanted to further humiliate
classification as a crime against property or as a Gloria, thereby aggravating and compounding her moral
special complex and single and indivisible crime sufferings. (People v. Bumidang, 2000)
simply because treachery is appreciated as a generic
aggravating circumstance. Treachery merely : Accused Saylan raped Eutropia Agno ive times. In
increases the penalty for the crime conformably with one of those times, Saylan gained entry to the genitals
Article 63 of the RPC absent any generic mitigating of the Eutropia from behind in dog-style position.
circumstance. Eutropia iled a complaint for rape against Saylan. Does
the dog-style position adds ignominy to rape?
In sum then, treachery is a generic aggravating
circumstance in robbery with homicide when the : YES. The entry of the penis was from behind. Although
victim of homicide is killed by treachery. this position was not novel and in fact normal in case of two
consenting partners, such act adds ignominy in rape cases.
(People v. Saylan, 1984)
Circumstances that may be absorbed by treachery:
: Rebecca Soriano is employed as a house helper.
● Abuse of superior strength; Rebecca had just taken a shower in the house of her
● Aid or armed men; master when suddenly, accused went inside the house
● By a band; and raped her. She added that after the ape, the
● Means to weaken the defense; accused grabbed a handful of mud and smeared it on
● Nighttime and craft are absorbed in treachery her vagina. Is there ignominy in this case?
except if treachery rests upon an independent
factual basis. : YES. The act of "plastering" mud on the victim's vagina
right after she was raped, is adequately and properly

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

described as "ignominy". (People v. Fernandez, 1990) in killing a person, it is a qualifying aggravating

circumstance under Article 248. If the motor vehicle is
18. UNLAWFUL ENTRY used in the commission of any other crime, it is a mere
generic aggravating circumstance.
There is an unlawful entry when an entrance is effected : X was walking along the road. Suddenly two men
by a way not intended for the purpose. riding in tandem in a motorcycle snatched the handbag
of X. X was able to identify the plate number of the
Unlawful entry is inherent in robbery with force upon motorcycle and reported the matter to the police. The
things. police made an investigation which resulted to the
arrest of the two men. Is the use of motor vehicle an
: A was passing by the house of B. Suddenly he saw
Q aggravating circumstance?
through the window, two cellphones being charged.
Interested in the cellphones, he broke the window, : YES. The two men used the motor vehicle to snatch the
entered his hand and took the cellphones. Is the handbag of X. Thereafter, the two men utilized the motor
aggravating circumstance that as a means to the vehicle to facilitate their escape. Thus, the aggravating
commission of the crime the window was broken circumstance of use of motor vehicle is present because it
present? facilitated the commission of the crime.
: YES. The crime committed is theft only and not robbery
because the offender did not enter the house. In the case of 21. CRUELTY
People v. Jaranilla (1974), it was held that one essential
requisite of robbery with force upon things is that the There is cruelty when the culprit enjoys and delights in
malefactor should enter the building or dependency, where making his victim suffer slowly and gradually, causing
the object to be taken is found. If the culprit did not enter the him unnecessary physical pain in the consummation of
building, there would be no robbery with force upon things. the criminal act.
The crime committed is only theft. In this case, the offender
only broke the window, entered his hand and took the ELEMENTS:
cellphones. Therefore, the crime committed is theft. In theft,
the fact that a window was broken is not inherent, it is an 1) That at the time of the infliction of the physical
aggravating circumstance. pain, the offended party is still alive;

19. AS A MEANS TO THE COMMISSION OF A 2) That the offender enjoys and delights in seeing
CRIME, A WALL, ROOF, FLOOR, DOOR, OR his victim suffer gradually by the infliction of the
WINDOW BE BROKEN physical pain.

Plurality of wounds alone does not show cruelty. It is

It is only aggravating in cases where the offender necessary to determine, whether first, he was still alive
resorted to any of said means TO ENTER the house. If at the time the physical pain was inflicted; second, did
the wall, etc. is broken in order to get out of the place, it the offender enjoy and delight in seeing his victim suffer
is not aggravating. gradually by the infliction of the physical pain. If there
were defense wounds, cruelty cannot be appreciated.
USE OF MOTOR VEHICLES People v. Lacao — The numerousness of wounds is
not the criterion for appreciating cruelty. The test is
Aid of persons under 15 years whether the accused deliberately and sadistically
augmented the wrong by causing another wrong not
If the crime committed makes use of minors under 15 necessary for its commission or inhumanly increased
years of age, it shows the greater perversity of the the victim’s suffering or outraged or scoffed at his
offender because he knows that minors cannot be person or corpse.
arrested. Persons below 15 years of age cannot be
prosecuted, it is among the exempting circumstances. IGNOMINY CRUELTY
Therefore, it shows greater perversity.
Moral suffering Physical suffering
By means of motor vehicle

If the crime is committed with the use of a motor vehicle e. Alternative circumstances

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Relationship as aggravating → it is aggravating in

Art. 15. Their concept. — Alternative circumstances are crimes against persons in cases where the offended
those which must be taken into consideration as party is a relative of a higher degree than the offender,
aggravating or mitigating according to the nature and or when the offender and the offended party are
effects of the crime and the other conditions attending its relatives of the same level, as killing a brother, a
commission. They are the relationship, intoxication and brother-in-law, a half-brother or adopted brother. When
the degree of instruction and education of the offender. the crime committed is serious physical injuries or less
The alternative circumstance of relationship shall be serious physical injuries, relationship is aggravating.
taken into consideration when the offended party in the Relationship is inherent in the crime of parricide and
spouse, ascendant, descendant, legitimate, natural, or qualified seduction to a sister.
adopted brother or sister, or relative by affinity in the

The intoxication of the offender shall be taken into There is intoxication when the offender has taken such
consideration as a mitigating circumstance when the amount of liquor of sufficient quantity as to affect his
mental capacity to determine the consequences of his
offender has committed a felony in a state of act.
intoxication, if the same is not habitual or subsequent to
the plan to commit said felony but when the intoxication Intoxication as mitigating → Intoxication is considered
is habitual or intentional, it shall be considered as an as a mitigating circumstance if it is not habitual or
aggravating circumstance. subsequent to the plan to commit the felony.

Intoxication as aggravating → if intoxication is

Alternative circumstances are those circumstances
habitual; or if it is intentional (subsequent to the plan to
which can either be aggravating or mitigating,
commit a felony). It is intentional when the offender
depending on their effect in commission of the crime.
drinks liquor fully knowing its effects, to find in the liquor
a stimulant to commit a crime or a means to suffocate
1. Relationship;
any remorse.
2. Intoxication;
3. Degree of Instruction or Education
People v. Renejane (1988)
The accused was convicted for the crime of murder of 1
This is taken into consideration when the offended party policeman and his companion. It was found that
is the: Renejane was with these 2 persons and some other
people and they were having a drinking session when
a) spouse the incident took place. It was also found that the
b) ascendant policeman apprehended Renejane a month before the
c) descendant incident for illegal possession of marijuana.
d) legitimate, natural or adopted brother or sister
e) relative by affinity in the same degree of the HELD: Drunkenness is not necessarily an aggravating
offender circumstance. The fact that the accused drank liquor
prior to the commission of the crime did not necessarily
In certain crimes against property, the relationship of the qualify such action as an aggravating circumstance.
offender with the offended party is exempting. Intoxication is aggravating if it is habitual or intentional.
There is no finding of either by the lower court. The
Example: affair was an ordinary drinking party. Neither can this be
considered as a mitigating circumstance in the absence
1. Theft; of proof that the intake of alcoholic drinks was of such
2. Estafa or swindling; and quantity as to blur the appellant’s reason and deprive
3. Malicious mischief; him of a certain degree of control.

Under Article 332, if the crime committed is theft, estafa DEGREE OF EDUCATION AS ALTERNATIVE
or swindling, and malicious mischief, relationship CIRCUMSTANCE
exempts the offender from criminal liability. Intent is to
ensure harmony within the family. The mere lack of instruction or illiteracy of the appellant
cannot be considered as a mitigating circumstance.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

One does not have to be educated or intelligent to be exceptional circumstances

able to know that it is unlawful to take the life of another
person even if it is to redress a wrong committed Instigation
against him.
In instigation, the mens rea originated from the mind of
As a rule, a low degree of education or instruction is the public officer who only lured the offender to commit
considered as a mitigating circumstance unless the the crime. By public policy, the officer is criminally liable
crime committed is inherently evil or wrong. (principal by inducement) and not the supposed
accused, who is exempted.
Example: Killing a person, molesting a woman, taking
the personal property of another. Such is as wrong as to Entrapment
a learned man as it is to an ignorant man.
Entrapment is not an absolutory cause because
Low degree or lack of instruction is not mitigating in entrapment refers to ways and means resorted to by the
the following cases: public officer in order to trap and capture a criminal in
flagrante delicto.
1) crimes against property such as estafa, theft,
robbery, arson except theft of large cattle and Here, the mens rea originated from the mind of the
robbery with homicide. offender
2) crimes against chastity
3) treason : X was charged with illegal possession of dangerous
4) murder drugs. The judge acquitted X of illegal possession. He
was released after spending 2 years in jail. Police
High degree of education is considered as an of icers went to him and asked for help to catch W for
aggravating circumstance → if the offender makes drugs through a buy bust operation. The police chief
use of his high degree of education in facilitating the also begged for his help. X will act as a poser-buyer. Buy
commission of the crime. bust ensued. However, the moment X “bought” the
shabu, he was arrested. and once again X was charged
: A lawyer was driving on the way home. His neighbor
Q with illegal possession of dangerous drugs. X defense is
invited him to a party. He obliged. He hardly drinks, but that he was instigated.
because of many glasses, he became drunk. The waiter,
because of the lawyer shouting, lost his grip and the : He is instigated, in this case because were it not for the
glass fell and broken glasses hit Atty. Atty became mad convincing of Y, through that trickery, he will not be able to
and stabbed the waiter who died. He was prosecuted for do the overt act.
homicide, and a high degree of education was attendant
to the crime. Is it mitigating? People v. Doria (1999)

: Yes. Intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in a person

A Entrapment refers to the ways and means resorted to
not a habitual drinker. No plan to kill the waiter. High degree for trapping and capturing the lawbreaker in the
of education will not aggravate the crime because his law execution of a criminal plan. The perpetrator is caught in
degree has nothing to do with the stabbing of the waiter. the act or in flagrante delicto. On the other hand, there
is instigation when the officer induces the would-be
f. Absolutory causes accused into the commission of the crime. As a result,
the officer becomes a co-principal. The arrest is illegal
Absolutory causes are those where the act committed is and contrary to public policy and the suspect is deemed
a crime but for reasons of public policy and sentiment innocent.
there is no penalty imposed. Absolutory causes
exempts a person from criminal liability but not from civil
3. Persons liable and degree of participation
a. Principals, accomplices, and accessories
ARTICLE 16. Who are Criminally Liable. — The
1. Mistake of fact; following are criminally liable for grave and less grave
2. Instigation; felonies:
3. Accessories in Light felonies;
4. Death or serious physical injuries under 1. Principals.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

2. Accomplices. ■ When there is no conspiracy, each of

the offenders is liable only for the act
3. Accessories.
performed by him.
The following are criminally liable for light felonies:
2) They carried out the plan and personally took
part in the execution by acts, which directly
1. Principals.
tend to the same end.
2. Accomplices.
■ The principals by direct participation
must be at the scene of the crime,
personally taking part in its execution.

ARTICLE 17. Principals. — The following are ■ One serving as guard pursuant to the
considered principals: conspiracy is a principal by direct
1. Those who take a direct part in the execution of the
■ When the second requisite is lacking,
2. Those who directly force or induce others to commit there is only conspiracy.
3. Those who cooperate in the commission of the offense
by another act without which it would not have been
Principal by inducement is that who directly force or
induce others to commit it.

Kinds of Principals The principal by induction becomes liable only when the
principal by direct participation committed the act
1. Principal by direct participation induced.
2. Principal by inducement
3. Principal by indispensable cooperation Ways of becoming principal by induction

PRINCIPALS BY DIRECT PARTICIPATION 1) by directly forcing another to commit a crime.

The principal by direct participation PERSONALLY a) by using irresistible force

constituting the crime. b) by causing uncontrollable fear

The principal by direct participation must necessarily be 2) by directly inducing another to commit a crime.
present in the scene of the crime because he is the one
who actually executed the crime. Without him, the crime a) by giving a price, or offering reward or
will not be committed. promise.

Two or more persons who took part in the ■ Requisites:

commission of the crime are principals by direct
participation, when the following requisites are i. Inducement must be made directly
present: with the intention of procuring the
commission of the crime; and
1) They participated in the criminal resolution.
ii. Such inducement be the
■ Two or more persons are said to have determining cause of the
participated in the criminal resolution commission of the crime by the
when they were in conspiracy at the material executor.
time of the commission of the crime.
■ A person, who gave, offered or
■ The conspiracy contemplated in the first promised to the chief actor a valuable
requisite is not a felony, but only a consideration, which was the
manner of incurring criminal liability. determining cause of the commission of
the crime, is liable as principal by

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

inducement, because without such offer resolution;

or promise, the criminal act would never
have been committed. The person, who 2) Performance by him of another act
actually commits the crime by reason of indispensable to the accomplishment of the
such promise, remuneration, or reward, crime.
is liable as principal by direct
participation. The liability of both the ACCOMPLICE
induced and the inducer is aggravated
by circumstance of reward, promise or
consideration. This circumstance is ARTICLE 18. Accomplices. — Accomplices are those
qualifying in murder. persons who, not being included in article 17, cooperate
in the execution of the offense by previous or
b) by using words of command. simultaneous acts.

i. The one uttering the words of command The accomplice merely cooperates in the commission of
must have the intention of procuring the the crime by previous or simultaneous acts. The
commission of the crime; participation is only minor in character. It only provides
material and moral aid in an efficacious manner but not
ii. He must have an ascendancy or in an indispensable manner.
influence over the person who acted
If the act performed by the offender facilitated the
iii. Words of command must be uttered commission of the crime, but it is not indispensable in
prior to the commission of the crime the commission of the crime, with or without said act
nevertheless, the crime had been committed, the
Effect of the acquittal of the principal by direct offender is merely an accomplice.
participation on the liability of the principal by
inducement: The participation of an accomplice presupposes the
commission of the crime by the principal by direct
■ Conspiracy is negated by the acquittal of the participation.
co-defendant; and
An accomplice does not have a previous agreement or
■ One cannot be held guilty of having instigated understanding or is not in conspiracy with the principal
the commission of a crime without first being by direct participation.
shown that the crime has been actually
committed by another. Requisites to be an accomplice:

PRINCIPAL BY INDISPENSABLE COOPERATION 1) There must be a community of design; that is,

knowing the criminal design of the principal by
Principal by indispensable cooperation are those who direct participation, he concurs with the latter in
cooperate in the commission of the offense by another his purpose;
act without which it would not have been accomplished.
2) The performance by the accomplice of previous
The principal by indispensable cooperation must be at or simultaneous acts that are not indispensable
the scene of the crime because he must perform to the commission of the crime; and
another act without the crime would not have been.
3) That there be a relation between the acts done
People v. Abina - to be a principal by indispensable by the principal and those attributed to the
cooperation, one must participate in the criminal person charged as an accomplice.
resolution, a conspiracy or unity in criminal purpose and
cooperation in the commission of the offense by Community of design
performing another act without which it would not have
been accomplished. The accomplice had been informed of the criminal
design of the offender and having been informed, he
Requisites: concurs with the said criminal design. He is not part of
the conspiracy but he knows and concurs with the
1) The accused participated in the criminal design because he was informed of the same only after

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

the principal had come up with agreement. oor to the dorm allowing X to enter. Upon entering, X
immediately went to the room of Y. Thereafter, X
Accomplices come to know about the criminal stabbed Y. Y died. What is the liability of X? What is the
resolution of the principal by direct participation after liability of W?
the principal has reached the decision to commit the
felony and only then does the accomplice agree to : X is liable as a principal by direct participation in the
cooperate in its execution. Accomplices do not decide crime of homicide regarding the death of Y. X is the one who
whether the crime should be committed; they merely performed all the acts of execution by stabbing Y resulting to
assent to the plan of the principal by direct the death of the latter.
participation and cooperate in its accomplishment.
However, where one cooperates in the commission of W is liable as an accomplice. Although W knew of the plan to
the crime by performing overt acts which by themselves kill X, he did not participate in the criminal resolution
are acts of execution, he is a principal by direct thereof. X merely informed W of the plan, and W merely
participation, and not merely an accomplice. (People v. concurred. Likewise, the acts of W in opening the gate for X
Pilola) is not an indispensable act in order to consummate the
homicide of Y. X could have easily asked another person to
: A, B, C, D, and E decided to rob a bank. Based on their
Q open the gate of the dorm for him.
agreement, A, B, and C will be the ones to enter the
bank. D will serve as a lookout. E will serve as the driver : Lucia Chan was abducted and brought to a resort in
of the vehicle. They committed the crime on the date Laguna. The abductors demanded P20 million as
agreed upon. What are the liabilities of A, B, C, D, and E? ransom. The police eventually rescued Chan and
arrested the perpetrators. Among those arrested was
: All of them are liable as principals by direct participation
A Perpenian, who was 17 years old at the time of the
because all of them are authors of the criminal design. commission of the crime. She chatted with the
abductors and claimed that she thought that there was
; What if, A, B and C decided to rob the bank. At the
Q only a swimming party.
agreed time and place, they were already about to go to
the bank, but suddenly they realized they had no : An accomplice cooperates in the execution by supplying
vehicle. So they lagged down a taxi. They informed the material and moral aid in relation to the acts done by the
taxi driver of their criminal design, to which the taxi principal. In this case, her presence gave moral support to
driver agreed for his car to be used as a getaway the abductors as she kept quiet and didn’t tell the police even
vehicle. While on their way to the bank, they realized when there was obviously a crime being committed. She is
that they needed a lookout. They saw a balut vendor an accomplice to the kidnapping. (People v. Gambao, 2013)
and asked him, “Can you be our lookout? The moment
you see a police coming, shout baluuuuut!” The said ACCESSORY
vendor agreed to the said criminal design. After
robbing the bank, A B C and the balut vendor boarded
the taxi. What is the criminal liability of each? ARTICLE 19. Accessories. — Accessories are those who,
having knowledge of the commission of the crime, and
: A, B, and C, are liable as principal by direct participation,
A without having participated therein, either as principals
while the taxi driver and the balut vendor are liable as or accomplices, take part subsequent to its commission
accomplices. They are accomplices since A, B, and C already in any of the following manners:
agreed on the criminal design before they informed the two
of the same and the latter concurred by performing 1. By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to
simultaneous acts or subsequent to the commission of the profit by the effects of the crime.
2. By concealing or destroying the body of the crime, or
So no matter how minor the participation is of an the effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its
offender, if he is an author of the criminal design, even if discovery.
he only acted as a lookout, still he is liable as a principal
by direct participation 3. By harboring, concealing, or assisting in the escape of
the principal of the crime, provided the accessory acts
: X wanted to kill Y. X knows that Y is living in a dorm.
Q with abuse of his public functions or whenever the
In order to execute his plan, X contacted W who is also author of the crime is guilty of treason, parricide,
living in the same dorm as Y. X told W of his plan to kill murder, or an attempt to take the life of the Chief
Y. X asked W to open the gate of the dorm at exactly 1 Executive, or is known to be habitually guilty of some
am so that X could enter. At exactly 1am, W opened the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

other crime. W.

Remember: The accessory does not know the What is the liability of X?
criminal design. What he knows is the commission of
the crime. Despite knowledge that the crime has been : X is a principal by direct participation in the crime of
committed, he takes part subsequent to its commission. homicide of Y, because it was X who executed the acts of
execution which lead to the death of Y. Likewise, X, is a
1. BY PROFITING FROM THE EFFECTS OF THE principal by inducement in the crime of arson. Were it not
CRIME. for the consideration given by X to W, the latter would not
have burned the house of Y with the body of Y inside for the
The accomplice profited themselves or assisted the purpose of concealing the crime of homicide.
offender to profit from the effects of the crime.
What is the liability of W?
The accessory must receive the property from the
principal. He should not take it without the consent of : W is an accessory of the crime of homicide of Y. W
the principal, or else, he is not an accessory but a assisted in the concealing and destroying the corpse of Y by
principal in the crime of theft. burning it in Y’s own house. However, W is a principal by
direct participation in the crime of arson. W executed the
: A, by means of deceit, was able to take the diamond
Q acts of execution of arson in burning the house of Y with the
ring of his friend. So A swindled his friend by means of body of Y inside.
deceit. After taking the ring, she went to B. A told B “B, I
have here a diamond ring, I swindled it from my friend : X and Y were ighting. Y kicked and punched X. X lost
and I’m selling it to you for only 10k. B bought the said the ight and fell down. W, who saw the ight, gave X a
ring and displayed it to his shop to have it sold. Later B gun and ordered to shoot Y. S, another bystander, also
was found in possession of the said ring. Is B liable as an told X to shoot Y. X shot Y who died immediately. X went
accessory? home. Feeling guilty of the crime that he committed,
confessed to his father what he had done. X gave the
: YES. B assisted A, the principal of the crime of swindling,
A gun that he used to his father. The father hid the gun to
in pro iting from the effects of the crime by buying the stolen prevent its discovery by the police.
diamond ring. Furthermore, B later sold the diamond ring for
pro it. Thus, B is considered as an accomplice. What is the liability of X?

2. DESTROYING THE BODY OF THE CRIME TO : X is guilty of homicide as a principal by direct

PREVENT ITS DISCOVERY participation. X completed all the acts of execution for
homicide by pulling the trigger of the gun which
Body of the crime immediately resulted to the death of Y.

The body of the crime does not mean the corpse of a What is the liability of W?
deceased person in murder, or the item stolen in case of
robbery or theft. It means that a fact has been : W is considered as a principal by indispensable
committed by someone. It is the “corpus delicti”. cooperation in the crime of homicide. W gave a gun to X
which the latter used to shoot and kill Y. Were it not for the
Misleading the investigating police officer to prevent the gun which W gave, X would not have used said gun to kill Y
discovery of the crime or to help the offender escape is thereby committing homicide.
also to destroy the corpus delicti.
What is the liability of S?
: X and Y were engaged in a ight. In the course of the
said ight, X killed Y. Thereafter, X told his friend W to : S is not criminally liable. Even though S also told X to
bring the body of Y to the house of Y and burn it to shoot Y, he did not provide the gun to complete the acts of
conceal and destroy the body of Y in exchange for 100k. the execution. Likewise, absence of any inding of
Needing the money, W took the body of Y and brought it conspiracy, or that S participated in the criminal resolution
in the house Y. Thereafter, W burned down the house of of homicide, such words of encouragement does not make
Y. Thereafter, the relatives of Y reported to the police him criminally liable.
that he has been missing for a long time. The police
made an investigation which led to the arrest of X and What is the liability of the father?

A: The father is liable as an accessory. By concealing the gun

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

which X, his son, used to commit the crime of homicide, he 2. ascendant,

assisted by concealing the effects or the instrument of the 3. descendant,
crime of homicide in order to prevent its discovery. 4. legitimate, natural or adopted brother, sister or
However, by virtue of Article 20, the father is exempted from relative by affinity within the same degree.
the criminal liability because X was his son. However, he is
liable for obstruction of justice because he assisted in ○ a nephew or niece is not included.
preventing the discovery of the crime of homicide.
An accessory is NOT EXEMPT from criminal liability
3. HARBORING, CONCEALING OR ASSISTING even if the principal is related to him, if such accessory
THE ESCAPE OF THE PRINCIPAL (1) PROFITED by the effects of the crime, or (2) assisted
the offender to profit by the effects of the crime.
The third act of the accessory is by harboring,
concealing, or assisting in the escape of the principals b. Conspiracy and proposal
of the crime, provided that he either:
Article 8. Conspiracy and proposal to commit felony. -
1) Acts with abuse of his public functions; (the Conspiracy and proposal to commit a felony are
accessory here is a public officer and the crime punishable only in the cases in which the law specially
committed by the principal is any crime, provides a penalty therefor.
provided it is not a light felony according to
RSE) A conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to
an agreement concerning the commission of a felony
2) The author of the crime is guilty of treason, and decide to commit it.
parricide, murder, or an attempt to take the
life of the Chief Executive, or is known to be There is proposal when the person who has decided to
habitually guilty of some other offense. (the commit a felony proposes its execution to some other
accessory here is a private individual according person or persons.
to RSE)
Conspiracy exists when two or more persons come to
If the accessory who harbored and concealed or
an agreement concerning the commission of a felony
assisted in the escape of the principal is a private
and decide to commit it. Conspiracy may be inferred
individual, the law specifies the crime committed, which
from the acts of the accused before, during, and after
is P.D. 1829, otherwise known as Obstruction of Justice.
the commission of the crime which indubitably point to,
(Prosec Garcia Notes)
and are indicative of, a joint purpose, concert of action
and community of interest.
For conspiracy to exist, it is not required that there be an
Obstruction of Justice is committed by any person who
agreement for an appreciable period prior to the
willfully and lawfully obstructs, impedes, frustrates or
occurrence; it is sufficient that at the time of the
delays the apprehension of suspects and the
commission of the offense, the malefactors had the
investigation and prosecution of criminal cases.
same purpose and were united in its execution. (People
v. Dillatan, 2018)
ARTICLE 20. Accessories Who are Exempt from
Criminal Liability. — The penalties prescribed for In determining the existence of conspiracy, it is not
accessories shall not be imposed upon those who are necessary to show that all the conspirators actually hit
such with respect to their spouses, ascendants, and killed the victim. The presence of conspiracy among
descendants, legitimate, natural, and adopted brothers the accused can be proven by their conduct before,
and sisters, or relatives by affinity within the same during or after the commission of the crime showing
degrees, with the single exception of accessories falling that they acted in unison with each other, evincing a
within the provisions of paragraph 1 of the next common purpose or design. There must be a showing
preceding article. that appellant cooperated in the commission of the
offense, either morally, through advice, encouragement
An ACCESSORY is exempt from criminal liability, when or agreement or materially through external acts
the crime committed is a light felony and when the indicating a manifest intent of supplying aid in the
principal is his: perpetration of the crime in an efficacious way. In such a
case, the act of one becomes the act of all, and each of
1. spouse, the accused will thereby be deemed equally guilty of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

crime committed. (People v. Ramos, 2004) When the conspiracy is only a basis of incurring criminal
liability, there must be an overt act done before the
REQUISITES OF CONSPIRACY: co-conspirators become criminally liable.

1) That 2 or more persons came to an agreement; In order to hold an accused guilty as co-principal by
2) That the agreement concerned the commission reason of conspiracy, it must be established that he
of a felony; and performed an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy,
3) That the execution of the felony be decided either by actively participating in the actual commission
upon. of the crime, or by lending moral assistance to his
co-conspirators by being present at the scene of the
General rule: As a rule, conspiracy and proposal to crime, or by exerting moral ascendancy over the rest of
commit a felony are not punishable acts. They are mere the conspirators as to move them to executing the
preparatory acts. In Article 6, to commit a crime, there conspiracy.
must at least be the commencement of an overt act to
amount to at least an attempted felony. Here, there is no Ways of committing conspiracy:
overt act yet. There is only a conspiracy, a proposal.
1) Direct or Express conspiracy
Exception: When the law specially provides a penalty
for merely conspiring or proposing to commit a felony, There is direct or express conspiracy when the
they become crimes by themselves. offenders or conspirators met, planned, agreed, decided
to commit a crime. There is a preconceived plan prior to
the commission of the crime.
If conspiracy or proposal to commit a crime are
provided in penalties by law, it is not necessary that
i. There is a prior agreement or preconceived
there be an overt act committed. The mere act of
conspiring or proposing will already give rise to a crime.
ii. Presence at the time of the commission of the
The following are conspiracies as a crime:
Even if he is part of the agreement if at the time of the
1. Conspiracy to commit treason;
commission of the crime he failed to appear, such
2. Conspiracy to commit coup d'etat, rebellion or
failure on his part to appear at the scene of the crime
would be construed by law as a desistance. Therefore,
3. Conspiracy to commit sedition;
even if he is part of the agreement he will not be liable
4. Conspiracy to commit terrorism;
as a conspirator.
5. Conspiracy or combination in restraint of trade;
6. Conspiracy to commit arson;
: A, B and C decided to kill X on a particular date and
7. Conspiracy to commit importation, sale, trading,
time. On the said date and time, A and B arrived and
administration, dispensation, delivery,
killed X. However, C failed to appear. Is C liable for the
distribution, transportation, manufacture,
death of X?
cultivation of dangerous drugs and maintenance
of a den, dive or resort where any dangerous
: NO. Although C was part of the agreement, he cannot be
drug is used in any form.
held criminally liable as a conspirator for the crime of
murder because he failed to appear at the scene of the crime.
: A, B, C, D, and E come to an agreement to kidnap X
His failure to appear is construed by law as a desistance on
and thereafter exchange him for ransom. However,
his part.
before they could execute their plan, all of them were
arrested. Did A, B, C, D, and E incur criminal liability?
General Rule: Conspirators are liable only for the crime
agreed upon. They are not liable for any crime which is
: NO. There is no crime of conspiracy to commit
not agreed upon.
kidnapping for ransom. A, B, C, D, and E did not incur
criminal liability.
a. When the other crime was committed in the
presence of the other conspirators and they did

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

not perform acts to prevent its commission; manner, their acts complementing one another towards
a common criminal objective or design.
b. When the other crime committed was the
natural consequence of the crime agreed upon; It may happen that the conspirators do not know each
and other. Since the offenders acted in a synchronized and
coordinated manner, a conspiracy was established
c. When the resulting crime is a composite crime instantly, impulsively, at the spur of the moment.
or a special complex crime or a single indivisible
complex crime. : X was trying to stab Y. Y evaded all the blows. Z saw
that X was having a hard time stabbing Y. Z was an
: A, B and C decided to kill X. They went to the place
enemy of Y. So Z went to the back of Y and held both
where X will be passing at night time. When they saw X,
hands of Y at the back and told X to stab Y which X did.
A B and C surrounded X and they all stabbed X. When X
Was there a conspiracy between Z and X?
was lying on the ground, A and B left. C remained and
took the valuables of X. What is or are the criminal
: YES. An implied conspiracy was established, instantly,
liabilities of A, B and C?
impulsively, at the spur of the moment. There was no
: A, B and C are all liable for the crime of murder as
A preconceived plan but the act of Z of holding the hands of Y
conspirators because it is the crime agreed upon. However, is a direct and positive overt act showing that he has the
only C will be liable for the crime of theft. A and B cannot be same criminal design as That of X which is to kill Y.
held liable for the crime of theft because theft was not a
crime agreed upon by all of them. Also, theft was committed In case of implied conspiracy, for one to be considered
in the absence of A and B. There was no opportunity for A as a conspirator, it is necessary that the offender have
and B to stop C in theft. Therefore, only C will be held liable an active participation in the commission of the crime.
for theft.
Mere presence at the scene of the crime, mere
I n the same problem, C took the valuables of X in the approval, mere acquiescence, mere knowledge of the
presence of A and B. While he was taking them, A said commission of the crime will not make one a
what about the cellphone, B said what about the ring, conspirator absent any active participation. Because the
here take it also. What is or are the criminal liabilities basis is the acts performed by the offender. Unlike a
of A, B and C? preconceived plan there was a prior agreement,
therefore mere presence or exercise of moral
: Although theft was not a crime agreed upon, all of them
A ascendancy will make one a conspirator. In implied the
will be held liable for the crime of theft because although conspiracy is established based on the acts performed.
theft was not agreed upon, it was committed in the presence Therefore, if you do not perform an act, if you are merely
of A and B and they did not perform acts to prevent C from present then you cannot be held a conspirator.
committing theft.
: X was trying to stab Y. When Z saw that X was
: A, B and C decided to injure X to teach him a lesson.
Q stabbing Y he shouted "sige tirahin mo pa, sa kaliwa sa
When X arrived, they surrounded him, boxed, punched, kanan..." X kept on stabbing Y. Was there a conspiracy
hit X. While X was lying on the ground, seriously between Z and X?
wounded, A in licted a fatal wound by kicking the neck
of X. X died. Who is liable for the death of X? : NO. Absent any active participation, mere approval, mere
acquiescence, mere knowledge of the commission of the
: All of them are criminally liable for the death of X. They
crime will not make one a conspirator in case of implied or
all agreed to injure X. That was their agreement. The death of
inferred conspiracy.
X however was the natural consequence of their agreement to
injure X. Therefore, even if it is not their intended act, since it
is the natural consequence of the crime, they are all
criminally liable for the death of X.
When conspiracy is established whether direct or
express, implied or inferred, the act of one is the act of
2) Implied or Inferred conspiracy all. Therefore, all the perpetrators in the crime will have
one and the same penalty. The same penalty will be
Implied or inferred conspiracy is deduced from the imposed regardless of the quantity and quality of the
mode and manner of committing the crime, there is no participation. The moment conspiracy is established, it
preconceived plan but the offenders acted is immaterial to determine who inflicted because all of
simultaneously in a synchronized and coordinated them will have the same penalty.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

If however, conspiracy is not established, the penalty There is no proposal to commit sedition; but there is a
will be individual in nature depending on the act that proposal to commit treason, rebellion or coup d’etat.
they performed.
There is no criminal proposal when:
People v. Peralta (1968)
a. The person who proposes is not determined to
Once an express or implied conspiracy is proved, all of commit the felony.
the conspirators are liable as co-principals regardless of b. There is no decided, concrete and formal
the extent and character of their respective active proposal.
participation in the commission of the crime or crimes c. It is not the execution of a felony that is
perpetrated in furtherance of the conspiracy because in proposed
contemplation of law the act of one is the act of all.
c. Multiple offenders
: Bokingco killed Pasyon inside the apartment. At the
Q [Forms of criminal repetition]
time that he was killing, Reynante was inside the main i. Recidivism
house, he was asking the wife to open the vault of the
pawnshop. After killing the husband, Bokingco called RECIDIVISM
Reynante and said "tara na, patay na siya!" They led at
the same time. They were both charged and convicted A recidivist is one who, at the time of his trial for one
for the crime of murder. Was there a conspiracy crime, shall have been previously convicted by final
between Bokingco and Reynante? judgment of another crime embraced in the same Title
of the RPC.
: NO. The Supreme Court held that there was no conspiracy
between Bokingco and Reynante in killing the husband. ELEMENTS:
While one is killing the victim the other was trying to
commit another crime. They did not act in a synchronized 1) That the offender is on trial for an offense;
and coordinated manner. There was no evidence that there
was a preconceived plan because one was committing 2) He was previously convicted by final judgment
another crime different from the other. of another crime;
They are one in escaping but not in the commission of the 3) Both the first and second offense are embraced
crime. Since conspiracy was not established, the most that is in the same title of the RPC; and
established is that they planned to commit 2 crimes
simultaneously at the same time. But the charge was only 4) Offender is convicted of the new offense.
murder, there was no charge for robbery. Therefore, Bokingco
was convicted, Reynante was acquitted of the crime of In recidivism, the number of intervening years between
murder. So absent any evidence of conspiracy, the liability is that conviction and his subsequent convictions is
individual. (People vs. Bokingco, 2011) immaterial, provided that the accused was convicted by
final judgment.
Even if the accused was granted pardon for the first
Conspiracy may be appreciated in Special Penal Laws if offense, but he commits another felony embraced in the
the law specifically provides therein. same title of the Code, the first conviction is still
counted to make him a recidivist since pardon does not
REQUISITES OF PROPOSAL TO COMMIT FELONY obliterate the fact of his prior conviction.
1) That a person has decided to commit a felony; Is a habitual delinquent necessarily a recidivist?
2) That he proposes its execution to some other A: Not necessarily. There are crimes in habitual
person or persons. delinquency that will require the commission of three or
more crimes although not embraced in the same title of
Proposal per se is not punishable within the the Code which is the essence of recidivism. (Possible
contemplation of Article 8. It is because the proposal prelim qs - RSE)
was not followed by any overt act that will tend to
accomplish the purpose of the utterance.
ii. Habituality

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”


The offender has been previously punished for an A person shall be deemed to be habitual delinquent if
offense to which the law attaches an equal or greater within a period of ten years from the date of his release
penalty or for two or more crimes to which it attaches a or last conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious
lighter penalty. physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa or falsification, he is
found guilty of any of said crimes a third time or oftener.
1) The offender must have been previously
punished or has served his sentence previously. 1) The offender must have been convicted of any
of the crimes of serious or less serious physical
2) The first offense was punished with an equal or injuries, robbery, theft, estafa or falsification;
greater penalty; or he committed two or more
crimes previously where he was meted a lighter 2) There should be at least three convictions;
3) Each conviction must come within ten years
3) That he is convicted of the new offense. from the date of release or last conviction of the
previous crime.
iii. Quasi-recidivism
Article 62 (5). Habitual delinquency shall have
QUASI-RECIDIVISM the following effects:

Any person who shall commit a felony after having been Third Conviction The culprit is sentenced to
convicted by final judgment, before beginning to serve the penalty for the crime
such sentence or while serving the same, shall be committed and to the
punished by the maximum period of the penalty additional penalty of
prescribed by law for the new felony. prision correccional in its
medium and maximum
The first crime may be any crime. The second crime period.
must be a felony.
Fourth Conviction The penalty is that
ELEMENTS: provided by law for the
last crime and the
1) The offender must have been previously additional penalty of
convicted by final judgment; and prision mayor in its
minimum and medium
2) Before beginning to serve such sentence or periods.
while serving the same he committed a felony.
Fifth Conviction or The penalty is that
: A, while serving a inal judgment, he was found in
Q additional conviction provided by law for the
possession of illegal drugs. Is A a quasi-recidivist? last crime and the
additional penalty of
A: NO. The second crime is not a felony, it is a special law. prision mayor in its
maximum period to
: If A was serving sentence for possession of illegal
Q reclusion temporal in its
drugs and then inside a crime he killed a co-inmate. Is minimum period.
A a quasi-recidivist?
● In no case shall the total of the 2 penalties
: YES. Maximum period prescribed by law shall be
A imposed upon the offender exceed 30 years.
● The imposition of such additional penalties is
iv. Habitual delinquency mandatory and is not discretionary.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Recidivism and Habitual Delinquency Delinquency. X is a habitual delinquent, within 10 years from
the date of his last release or conviction of the crime of theft,
Recidivism and Habitual Delinquency may be he committed another theft. He has been found guilty three
simultaneously considered because they have different times of the crime of theft. Therefore, he is a Habitual
effects on criminal liability of the offender. Delinquent.

: X committed robbery and he was convicted by inal

Q He is also a Recidivist because he has been previously
judgment. He served out sentence and was released. convicted by inal judgment of the crime of Theft, and
Within six years from the date of his release he another crime of robbery which is embraced in the same title
committed theft, prosecuted and convicted by inal of the code. Therefore, he is also a recidivist.
judgment, served out the sentence and was released.
Within six months he committed another crime of Both aggravating circumstances may be considered by the
Theft, convicted by inal judgment, served out his court because they have different effects on the criminal
sentence and released. Within two months from the liability of the offender. The fact that he is a recidivist,
date of his release, he again committed a crime of Theft, recidivism will be considered. If recidivism is not offset by a
so the judge found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt mitigating circumstance it would mean the imposition of the
of this Theft. In imposing the penalty for this Theft, maximum period of penalty for the crime of theft. But for
which of the four forms of habituality as aggravating being a Habitual delinquent an additional penalty will be
circumstances may be considered by the court? imposed. So both may be considered by the court in the
imposition of penalty.
A: The court may consider both Recidivism and Habitual


A person shall be deemed The offender has been When a person, who, while Any person who shall
to be habitual delinquent if previously punished for an on trial for one offense, has commit a felony after
within a period of ten offense to which the law been previously convicted having been convicted by
years from the date of his attaches an EQUAL OR by final judgment of final judgment, before
release or last conviction of GREATER PENALTY another crime embraced beginning to serve such
the crimes of SERIOUS OR or within the SAME TITLE OF sentence or while serving
ROBO, HURTO, ESTAFA A LIGHTER PENALTY. period of the penalty
OR FALSIFICATION, he is prescribed by law for the
found guilty of any of said new felony.
crimes a third time or

At least 3 convictions. Two convictions. At least two convictions. Offender must have been
previously convicted by
Within a period of 10 years It is necessary that the Final judgment rendered in final judgment and before
from the date of release or offender shall have served the first offense is beginning to serve such
last conviction of the out his sentence for the sufficient. sentence or while serving
crimes a third time or first offense. the same, he committed a
oftener. felony.

Both crimes should only be Previous and subsequent The two offenses must be First and subsequent
serious or less serious offenses must not be embraced in the same title conviction may or may not
physical injuries, robo, embraced in the same title of the Revised Penal Code. be embraced in the same
hurto, estafa or falsification. of the RPC. title.

May include offenses under The first crime may be any

SPL. crime. The second crime
must be a felony.

Extraordinary Aggravating Generic Aggravating Generic Aggravating Special Aggravating

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Circumstance. Circumstance. Circumstance. Circumstance.

Cannot be offset by a May only be offset by

mitigating circumstance. special privileged mitigating

Imposes additional penalty. Not always an aggravating Increases penalty to Maximum period of the
circumstance. Discretionary maximum period. penalty prescribed by the
upon the court. new felony.

4. Penalties Afflictive penalties:

a. Imposable penalties Reclusion perpetua,
Reclusion temporal,
Kinds of penalties; Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification,
Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
1. Principal; and Prision mayor.
2. Accessory
Correctional penalties:
Principal penalties
Prisión correccional,
■ Principal penalties are penalties prescribed by Arresto mayor,
law or prescribed by the court. Suspension,
Accessory penalties Light penalties:
Arresto menor,
■ Accessory penalties are those which are Public censure.
necessarily included in the imposition of
principal penalties. Penalties common to the three preceding classes:
Fine, and
Penalties that may be imposed Bond to keep the peace.

Only that penalty prescribed by law prior to the ACCESSORY PENALTIES

commission of the felony may be imposed. No
person shall be subject to criminal prosecution for any Perpetual or temporary absolute disqualification,
act of his until after the State has defined the crime and
has fixed a penalty therefore. It is a guaranty to the Perpetual or temporary special disqualification,
citizens that no act of his will be considered criminal Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be
until the government has made it so by law and has voted for, the profession or calling.
provided a penalty.
Civil interdiction,
b. Classification Indemnification,
Forfeiture or confiscation of instruments and proceeds of
Article. 25. Penalties which may be imposed. - The the offense,
penalties which may be imposed according to this Code,
and their different classes, are those included in the Payment of costs.
ARTICLE 26. When Afflictive, Correctional or Light
SCALE Penalty. — A fine, whether imposed as a single or as an
PRINCIPAL PENALTIES alternative penalty, shall be considered an afflictive
penalty, if it exceeds One million two hundred thousand
Capital punishment: (₱1,200,000); a correctional penalty, if it does not exceed
One million two hundred thousand pesos (₱1,200,000)
Death. but is not less than Forty thousand pesos (₱40,000); and a
light penalty, if it be less than Forty thousand pesos

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

(₱40,000). duration of the penalties of prisión mayor and

temporary disqualification shall be from six years and
c. Duration and effects one day to twelve years, except when the penalty of
disqualification is imposed as an accessory penalty, in
which case its duration shall be that of the principal
1) Reclusion perpetua — 20 years and 1 day to 40 ARTICLE 41. Reclusión Perpetua and Reclusión
years. Temporal — Their accessory penalties. — The penalties
of reclusión perpetua and reclusión temporal shall carry
2) Reclusion temporal — 12 years and 1 day to 20 with them that of civil interdiction for life or during the
years. period of the sentence as the case may be, and that of
perpetual absolute disqualification which the offender
3) Prisión mayor and temporary disqualification — shall suffer even though pardoned as to the principal
6 years and 1 day to 12 years except when penalty, unless the same shall have been expressly
disqualification is accessory penalty; in which case remitted in the pardon.
its duration is that of the principal penalty.
ARTICLE 42. Prisión Mayor — Its Accessory Penalties.
4) Prision correccional, suspension and destierro — The penalty of prisión mayor shall carry with it that
— 6 months and 1 day to 6 years except when of temporary absolute disqualification and that of
suspension is an accessory penalty, in which case perpetual special disqualification from the right of
its duration is that of the principal penalty. suffrage which the offender shall suffer although
pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same
5) Arresto Mayor — 1 month and 1 day to 6 months. shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
6) Arresto Menor — 1 day to 30 days.
Reclusion perpetua is not synonymous with Life

Under RA 9346, death penalty cannot be imposed. Reclusion perpetua Life imprisonment

In lieu of death penalty, it shall be reclusion perpetua in Penalty is imposed in Penalty is imposed in
case of violation of the RPC and life imprisonment in case of violation of the case of violation of
case of violation of Special Penal Laws. (Sec. 2 of RA Revised Penal Code special penal laws
Carries a duration of 20 No fixed duration
Person convicted of offenses punished with reclusion to 40 years
perpetua, or whose sentences will be reduced to
reclusion perpetua, by reason of this Act, shall not be For purposes of pardon:
eligible for parole under Act No. 4180, otherwise known Entails an imprisonment
as the Indeterminate Sentence Law. (Sec. 3 of RA 9346) of at least 30 years after
which the convict
AFFLICTIVE PENALTIES becomes eligible for
pardon although the
maximum period shall in
ARTICLE 27. Reclusión Perpetua. — Any person
no case exceed 40 years.
sentenced to any of the perpetual penalties shall be
pardoned after undergoing the penalty for thirty years,
Carries with it an Does not carry an
unless such person by reason of his conduct or some
accessory penalty accessory penalty
other serious cause shall be considered by the Chief
Executive as unworthy of pardon.
Is Reclusion perpetua a divisible penalty?
Reclusión temporal. — The penalty of reclusión
temporal shall be from twelve years and one day to A: NO. In People v. Lucas (1995), had the Congress
twenty years. intended that Reclusion perpetua be a divisible penalty,
the application of two indivisible penalties under Article
Prisión mayor and temporary disqualification. — The 63 of the Revised Penal Code will be meaningless and

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

there would be no statutory rules for determining when CORRECTIONAL PENALTIES

either reclusion perpetua or death should be the
imposable penalty. ARTICLE 27. xxx Prisión correccional, suspensión, and
destierro. — The duration of the penalties of prision
If reclusion perpetua is an indivisible penalty, then correccional, suspensión and destierro shall be from six
what is the reason for fixing the duration of reclusion months and one day to six years, except when
perpetua? suspension is imposed as an accessory penalty, in which
case, its duration shall be that of the principal penalty.
A: In the same case as mentioned above, the Supreme
Court held that the duration of thirty (30) years for Arresto mayor. — The duration of the penalty or arresto
reclusion perpetua is necessary to serve as the basis for mayor shall be from one month and one day to six
determining the convict's eligibility for pardon or for the months. xxx
application of the three-fold rule in the service of
multiple penalties. ARTICLE 43. Prisión Correccional — Its Accessory
Penalties. — The penalty of prisión correccional shall
RECLUSION PERPETUA carry with it that of suspension from public office, from
the right to follow a profession or calling, and that of
Duration: 20 years and 1 day to 40 years perpetual special disqualification from the right of
suffrage, if the duration of said imprisonment shall
Accessory Penalties: exceed eighteen months. The offender shall suffer the
disqualification provided in this article although
1. Civil interdiction for life or during the period of pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same
the sentence as the case may be; shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.

2. Perpetual Absolute Disqualification which the ARTICLE 44. Arresto — Its Accessory Penalties. — The
offender shall suffer even though pardoned as penalty of arresto shall carry with it that of suspension
to the principal penalty, unless the same shall of the right to hold office and the right of suffrage
have been expressly remitted in the pardon. during the term of the sentence.


Duration: 12 years and 1 day to 20 years Duration: 6 months and 1 day to 6 years

Accessory Penalties: Accessory Penalties:

a. Civil interdiction for life or during the period of the a. Suspension from public office;
sentence as the case may be;
b. Suspension from the right to follow a profession
b. Perpetual Absolute Disqualification which the or calling;
offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to
the principal penalty, unless the same shall have c. Perpetual Special Disqualification for the right of
been expressly remitted in the pardon. suffrage, if the duration of the imprisonment shall
exceed 18 months..
Duration: 6 years and 1 day to 12 years
Duration: 1 month and 1 day to 6 months
Accessory Penalties:
Accessory Penalties:
a. Temporary Absolute Disqualification;
a. Suspension of right to hold office;
b. Perpetual Special Disqualification from the right to
suffrage which the offender shall suffer although b. Suspension of the right of suffrage during the
pardoned as to the principal penalty unless the term of the sentence..
same shall have been expressly remitted in the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

LIGHT PENALTIES graduated scales of Article 71 is a degree.

ARTICLE 27. xxx Arresto menor. — The duration of the ➔ When there is a mitigating or aggravating
penalty of arresto menor shall be from one day to thirty circumstance, the penalty is lowered or increased
days. by PERIOD only, except when the penalty is
divisible and there are two or more mitigating and
ARTICLE 44. Arresto — Its Accessory Penalties. — The without aggravating circumstances, in which case
penalty of arresto shall carry with it that of suspension the penalty is lowered by degree.
of the right to hold office and the right of suffrage
during the term of the sentence. ➔ A PERIOD is one of the three equal portions called
the minimum, medium and maximum of a divisible
ARTICLE 61. Rules for Graduating Penalties. — For
Duration: 1 day to 30 days the purpose of graduating the penalties which,
according to the provisions of articles 50 to 57, inclusive,
Accessory Penalties: of this Code, are to be imposed upon persons guilty as
principals of any frustrated or attempted felony, or as
a. Suspension of right to hold office;
accomplices or accessories, the following rules shall be
b. Suspension of the right of suffrage during the observed:
term of the sentence..
1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single
and indivisible, the penalty next lower in degree shall be
Public Censure — A principal and indivisible penalty that immediately following that indivisible penalty in
that has no fixed duration. the scale prescribed in article 71 of this Code.

d. Application and graduation of penalties 2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
composed of two indivisible penalties, or of one or more
SUMMARY OF ARTS. 50-57 divisible penalties to be imposed to their full extent, the
penalty next lower in degree shall be that immediately
CONSUMMATED FRUSTRATED ATTEMPTED following the lesser of the penalties prescribed in the
above mentioned scale.
3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
ACCOMPLICES 1 2 3 composed of one or two indivisible penalties and the
maximum period of another divisible penalty, the
ACCESSORY 2 3 4 penalty next lower in degree shall be composed of the
medium and minimum periods of the proper divisible
penalty and the maximum period of that immediately
“0” represents the penalty prescribed by law in defining
following in said scale.
a crime, which is to be imposed on the PRINCIPAL in a
CONSUMMATED OFFENSE, in accordance with the
4. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is
provisions of Article 46. The other figures represent the
composed of several periods, corresponding to different
degrees to which the penalty must be lowered, to meet
divisible penalties, the penalty next lower in degree shall
the different situation anticipated by law.
be composed of the period immediately following the
minimum prescribed and of the two next following,
EXCEPTION: Articles 50 to 57 shall not apply to cases
which shall be taken from the penalty prescribed, if
where the law expressly prescribes the penalty for
possible; otherwise, from the penalty immediately
frustrated or attempted felony, or to be imposed on
following in the above mentioned scale.
accomplices or accessories.
5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime in some
➔ A DEGREE is one entire penalty, one whole penalty
manner not specially provided for in the four preceding
or one unit of the penalties enumerated in the
rules, the courts, proceeding by analogy, shall impose
graduated scales provided for in Article 71. Each of
corresponding penalties upon those guilty as principals
the penalties of reclusion perpetua, reclusion
of the frustrated felony, or of attempt to commit the
temporal, prision mayor, etc., enumerated in the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

same, and upon accomplices and accessories. periods.

Rule No. 1: The “several” periods contemplated in this rule

correspond to different divisible penalties.
● When the penalty is single and indivisible (ex.
RP), the penalty next lower shall be reclusion Example: penalty for the crime is arresto mayor
temporal. in medium to prision correccional in minimum.
Penalty next lower in degree is arresto menor in
Rule No. 2: medium to arresto mayor in minimum because
this is the penalty immediately following the
● When the penalty is composed of two indivisible minimum prescribed and arresto menor in
penalties medium and maximum are the two periods
immediately following.
Example: penalty for parricide is reclusion
perpetua to death, the next lower penalty is Rule No. 5:
reclusion temporal
● When the penalty has only 2 periods.
● Penalty prescribed consists of only one divisible
penalty to be imposed in its full extent. Example: Abduction punishable by prision
correccional in its medium and minimum. The
Example: Penalty prescribed for simple penalty next lower in degree following prision
homicide is Reclusion temporal. Penalty next correccional in its medium and minimum shall
lower in degree is prision mayor. be arresto mayor in its medium and maximum.

● When the penalty is composed of two or more ● When penalty has one period
divisible penalties to be imposed to their full
extent Example: penalty for the crime is reclusion
temporal in medium, the next lower penalty is
Example: Penalty prescribed for the crime is reclusion temporal in minimum.
prision correccional to prision mayor. Penalty
next lower in degree is arresto mayor. The rules provided for in Article 61 should also apply in
determining the MINIMUM of the indeterminate penalty
Rule No. 3: under the Indeterminate Sentence Law. The MINIMUM
of the indeterminate penalty is within the range of the
● When the penalty is composed of one indivisible penalty next lower than that prescribed by the RPC for
penalty and the maximum period of another the offense.
divisible penalty
Those rules also apply in lowering the penalty by one or
Example: penalty for the crime is reclusion two degrees by reason of the presence of privileged
temporal in its maximum to reclusion perpetua. mitigating circumstances (Articles 68 and 69), or when
Penalty next lower in degree is Prision mayor in the penalty is divisible and there are 2 or more
maximum to Reclusion temporal in medium. mitigating circumstances (generic) and no aggravating
circumstance (Article 64).
● When the penalty is composed of two indivisible
penalties and the maximum period of another The lower penalty shall be taken from the graduated
divisible penalty scale in Article 71.

Example: penalty for the crime is reclusion ARTICLE 71. Graduated scales. - In the case in which
temporal in maximum to [RP and] Death. the law prescribed a penalty lower or higher by one or
Penalty next lower in degree is Prision mayor in more degrees than another given penalty, the rules
maximum to Reclusion temporal in medium. prescribed in Article 61 shall be observed in graduating
such penalty.
Rule No. 4:
The lower or higher penalty shall be taken from the
● When the penalty is composed of several graduated scale in which is comprised the given penalty.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

The courts, in applying such lower or higher penalty, accordance with the provisions of Articles 76 and 77, the
shall observe the following graduated scales: court shall observe for the application of the penalty the
following rules, according to whether there are or are
SCALE NO. 1 not mitigating or aggravating circumstances:

1. Death, 1. When there are neither aggravating nor mitigating

2. Reclusion perpetua, circumstances, they shall impose the penalty prescribed
3. Reclusion temporal, by law in its medium period.
4. Prision mayor,
5. Prisión correccional, 2. When only a mitigating circumstances is present in
6. Arresto mayor, the commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty
7. Destierro, in its minimum period.
8. Arresto menor,
9. Public censure, 3. When an aggravating circumstance is present in the
10. Fine. commission of the act, they shall impose the penalty in
its maximum period.
4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances
1. Perpetual absolute disqualification, are present, the court shall reasonably offset those of one
2. Temporal absolute disqualification class against the other according to their relative weight.
3. Suspension from public office, the right to vote and be
voted for, the right to follow a profession or calling, 5. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances
4. Public censure, and no aggravating circumstances are present, the court
5. Fine. shall impose the penalty next lower to that prescribed by
law, in the period that it may deem applicable,
Article 71 is important. In the computation of penalty according to the number and nature of such
you have to remember the scale. This is how penalties circumstances.
are increased by degrees or decreased by degrees. If
we talk about the penalty on a lower degree, look at the 6. Whatever may be the number and nature of the
scale. One degree lower of reclusion perpetua is aggravating circumstances, the courts shall not impose a
reclusion temporal. Yan yung by degrees. Hindi ito by greater penalty than that prescribed by law, in its
periods which we have taken up under Art. 64. maximum period.

The INDIVISIBLE PENALTIES are: 7. Within the limits of each period, the court shall
determine the extent of the penalty according to the
1. death number and nature of the aggravating and mitigating
2. reclusion perpetua circumstances and the greater and lesser extent of the
3. public censure evil produced by the crime.

The DIVISIBLE PENALTIES are: Computation to determine the legal duration of the
minimum, medium, and maxim periods of each
1. reclusion temporal penalty
2. prision mayor
3. prisión correccional Illustration:
4. arresto mayor
5. destierro Prision mayor = 6 years and 1 day to 12 years
6. arresto menor
● Subtract the minimum - 6 years (disregard the 1
The divisible penalties are divided into three periods: day) from the maximum - 12 years.
Thus: 12 - 6 = 6 years
Article 64. Rules for the application of penalties which
contain three periods. - In cases in which the penalties ● Divide the difference of 6 years by 3 periods
prescribed by law contain three periods, whether it be a
single divisible penalty or composed of three different Thus: 6 ÷ 3 = 2 years
penalties, each one of which forms a period in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

● To get the minimum period: Add 2 years to the DISQUALIFICATIONS UNDER THE ISL
start of the minimum period of 6 years.
The general rule is that everyone is entitled to the
2 + 6 = 8 years [this is the last day of the Indeterminate Sentence law. However, this act shall not
minimum period] apply to the following persons:

Thus: minimum period of Prision mayor is 6 1) Persons convicted of offense punished with
years and 1 day to 8 years. death penalty or life imprisonment. (Reclusion
perpetua as held by the Supreme Court in
● To get the medium period: Add 2 years to the People v. Enriquez, 2005)
end of the minimum period which is 8 years.
2) Those convicted of treason, conspiracy or
2 + 8 = 10 years [this is the last day of the proposal to commit treason.
medium period]
3) Those convicted of misprision of treason,
1 day is added to the start of the medium period rebellion, sedition or espionage.
to distinguish it from the last day of the
minimum period. 4) Those convicted of piracy.

Thus: medium period of Prision mayor is 8 years 5) Those who are habitual delinquents.
and 1 day to 10 years.
6) Those who shall have escaped from
● To get the maximum period: Add 2 years to confinement or evaded sentence.
the end of the medium period which is 10 years.
7) Those who violated the terms of conditional
2 + 10 = 12 years [this is the last day of the pardon granted to them by the Chief Executive.
maximum period]
8) Those whose maximum term of imprisonment
1 day is added to the start of the maximum does not exceed 1 year.
period to distinguish it from the last day of the
medium period. 9) Those who, upon the approval of the law, had
been sentenced by final judgment.
Thus: maximum period of Prision mayor is 10
years and 1 day to 12 years. 10) Those sentenced to the penalty of destierro or
i. Indeterminate Sentence Law (Act No. 4103)
Reclusion perpetua cannot avail Indeterminate

Indeterminate Sentence Law modifies the imposition of Parole is extended only to those convicted of divisible
penalty. It is applied both to the Revised Penal Code penalties. Under Section 5 of the Indeterminate
and Special Penal Laws. It provides for a minimum and Sentence Law, it is after 'any prisoner shall have served
maximum term, such that the moment the offender the minimum penalty imposed on him, that the Board of
serves the minimum of the sentence, he shall be eligible Indeterminate Sentence may consider whether such
for parole. If granted, he will serve the remainder of the prisoner may be granted parole. There being no
sentence out of prison, but subject to the supervision of 'minimum penalty imposable on those convicted to
the parole officer. reclusion perpetua, it follows that persons sentenced by
final judgment to reclusion perpetua could not have
The indeterminate sentence is composed of: availed of parole under the Indeterminate Sentence Law.
(People v. Tubongbanua)
1. a MAXIMUM taken from the penalty imposable
under the penal code Effect of disqualification

2. a MINIMUM taken from the penalty next lower If the offender is disqualified for the application of the
to that fixed in the code. indeterminate sentence law, he shall be given a straight
penalty. The offender must serve the entire term of his

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

sentence and he is not eligible for parole. - Medium Period

b. One Mitigating
: A inal judgment was rendered against X. He was
granted conditional pardon by the Chief Executive. He - Minimum Period
violated the terms and conditions of the said pardon.
c. One Aggravating
He was charged with evasion of service of sentence. He
was found guilty by the court. Can the court impose - Maximum Period
upon him an indeterminate sentence?
d. Mitigating and Aggravating Present
: NO. X is among those disquali ied under the law. By
A - Offset Each Other According To Relative Weight
violating the condition of his pardon he cannot avail of an
e. 2 or more Mitigating, No Aggravating
indeterminate sentence law.
- One degree lower
: X has been convicted of inal judgment of serious
physical injuries, thereafter he committed homicide
and the judge found him guilty of homicide. Can the People v. Saley
judge impose upon him an indeterminate sentence?
Under the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the maximum
: YES. X is a recidivist. Under the Indeterminate Sentence
A term of the penalty shall be "that which, in view of the
Law, only habitual delinquents are disquali ied from availing attending circumstances, could be properly imposed"
indeterminate sentence. A recidivist is quali ied under the under the RPC, and the minimum shall be "within the
law from availing the Indeterminate Sentence Law. range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed" for
the offense. The penalty next lower should be based on
: X is a minor who was charged and convicted for
Q the penalty prescribed by the Code for the offense,
kidnapping with ransom, the penalty of which is without first considering any modifying circumstance
reclusion perpetua to death. Since minority is a attendant to the commission of the crime. The
privilege mitigating circumstance, we will lower the determination of the minimum penalty is left by law to
imposable penalty by one degree. Is X quali ied for the sound discretion of the court and it can be
indeterminate sentence? anywhere within the range of the penalty next lower
without any reference to the periods into which it might
: YES. In applying the indeterminate sentence law, we
A be subdivided. The modifying circumstances are
should consider the imposable penalty rather than the considered only in the imposition of the maximum term
penalty prescribed by law. In this case, since the penalty of of the indeterminate sentence.
reclusion perpetua was lowered to reclusion temporal, then
X is quali ied for indeterminate sentence. The fact that the amounts involved in the instant case
exceed P22,000 should not be considered in the initial
Computation for Indeterminate Sentence Law determination of the indeterminate penalty; instead, the
matter should be taken as analogous to modifying
1) Get first the maximum term of sentence with all circumstances in the imposition of the maximum term of
the attendant circumstances in accordance with the full indeterminate sentence. This interpretation of the
Article 64 of the RPC; Apply first the effect of law accords with the rule that penal laws should be
privileged mitigating circumstances then construed in favor of the accused. Since the penalty
consider the effects of aggravating and ordinary prescribed by law for the estafa charge against
mitigating circumstances. accused-appellant is prision correccional maximum to
prision mayor minimum, the penalty next lower would
2) The minimum depends upon the court’s then be prision correccional minimum to medium. Thus,
discretion with the limitation that it must be the minimum term of the indeterminate sentence should
within the range of the penalty next lower in be anywhere within 6 months and 1 day to 4 years and
degree to that prescribed by the Code for the 2 months.
offense committed.
People v. Temporada (2008)
ARTICLE 64. Rules for the Application of Penalties
Which Contain Three Periods. (SIMPLIFIED) The RPC provides for an initial penalty as a general
prescription for the felonies defined therein which
a. No Aggravating, No Mitigating consists of a range of period of time. This is what is
referred to as the "prescribed penalty." For instance,
under Article 249 of the RPC, the prescribed penalty for

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

homicide is reclusión temporal which ranges from 12 : NO. The Indeterminate sentence law states that in case of
years and 1 day to 20 years of imprisonment. Further, violation of special penal law and when the said special
the Code provides for attending or modifying penal law does not use the enumeration of penalties in the
circumstances which when present in the commission RPC, the maximum term of the sentence shall not exceed the
of a felony affects the computation of the penalty to be maximum penalty prescribed by law and the minimum term
imposed on a convict. This penalty, as thus modified, is of sentence shall not be less than the minimum penalty
referred to as the "imposable penalty." In the case of prescribed by law. In this case, since the penalty prescribed
homicide which is committed with one ordinary by law is 20 years to life imprisonment, it means that the
aggravating circumstance and no mitigating penalty to be imposed upon the convict must be an
circumstances, the imposable penalty under the RPC indeterminate sentence. SC said the penalty must be 20 years
shall be the prescribed penalty in its maximum period. (minimum term) to 25 years (maximum term) (Argoncillo v.
From this imposable penalty, the court chooses a single CA, 1998)
fixed penalty (also called a straight penalty) which is the
"penalty actually imposed" on a convict, i.e., the prison Article 64 and Indeterminate Sentence law
term he has to serve.
The indeterminate sentence law did not repeal Article 34
With the passage of the ISL, the law created a prison of the Revised Penal Code. On the contrary, they are
term which consists of a minimum and maximum term related.
called the indeterminate sentence. Thus, the maximum
term is that which, in view of the attending : A abducted B with lewd design. His intention was
circumstances, could be properly imposed under the rape. But before A raped B, A was arrested. A was
RPC. In other words, the penalty actually imposed charged with the crime of forcible abduction
under the pre-ISL regime became the maximum term punishable by reclusion temporal.
under the ISL regime. Upon the other hand, the
minimum term shall be within the range of the penalty hat is the penalty imposed if there is no mitigating or
next lower to the prescribed penalty. aggravating circumstance?

Violation of Special Penal Laws : The maximum term will be reclusion temporal in the
medium period since there are no mitigating or aggravating
If the offense is punished by special laws, the court shall circumstances. The minimum term is 1 degree lower in any
sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence, the of its periods according to the sound discretion of the court.
maximum term of which shall not exceed the maximum Thus, the imposable penalty is prison mayor in any of its
fixed by said law and the minimum shall not be less period to reclusion temporal.
than the minimum term prescribed by the same.
hat if there is only one ordinary mitigating
: X was charged and convicted of the anti-carnapping
Q circumstance present?
law. Section 14 of R.A. 6539 (Anti-Carnapping law)
provides a penalty for 17 years and 4 months to 30 : Maximum term will be reclusion temporal in minimum
years if a person committed carnapping by means of period and the minimum term is Prision mayor in any of its
violence against or intimidation of any person, or force period according to the sound discretion of the court.
upon things. Under the indeterminate sentence law,
what is the duration of the penalty for the violation of hat if there is only one aggravating circumstance
the anti-carnapping law? present?

: Under the indeterminate sentence law, if a special law is

A : The maximum term will be reclusion temporal in its
violated, the courts may sentence the accused to an maximum period and the minimum term is Prision mayor in
indeterminate sentence provided that it shall not be less than any of its period according to the sound discretion of the
the minimum or more than the maximum according to the court.
sound discretion of the judge. Thus, anywhere from 17 years
and 4 months to 30 years may be imposed upon X. hat if both aggravating and mitigating circumstances
are present?
: The crime committed is illegal ishing with the use of
explosives. The penalty prescribed by law is 20 years to : The maximum term shall be reclusion temporal in its
life imprisonment. The judge imposed the penalty of medium period because under article 64 you should offset
straight 30 years. Is the judge correct? the circumstances. The minimum term will be one degree
lower than reclusion temporal which is Prision mayor in any

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

of its period according to the sound discretion of the court. one degree?

hat if there are 2 aggravating circumstances and 1

W : NO. Reclusion perpetua is an indivisible penalty. Under
ordinary mitigating circumstance present? Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code, if the penalty
prescribed by law is a single invisible penalty you shall
: The maximum term shall be reclusion temporal in its
A impose it as it is regardless of any aggravating or mitigating
maximum period applying the last aggravating circumstance circumstance.
after offsetting the aggravating circumstance and mitigating
circumstance. The minimum term is Prision mayor in any of hat is the penalty of A if, in addition to the 2
its period according to the sound discretion of the court. mitigating circumstances above mentioned, A is a
minor at the time of the offense?
hat if there are two mitigating circumstances and no
aggravating circumstances present? : privilege mitigating circumstance must irst be applied
prior to the ordinary mitigating circumstance. Since minority
: The maximum term shall be prision mayor in its medium
A is a privilege mitigating circumstance which lowers the
period. Since there are two ordinary mitigating penalty by one degree, the maximum term is prision mayor
circumstances, we lower the imposable penalty by one in its medium period and the minimum term prision
degree. The minimum term is prision correccional in any of correccional in any of its range according to the sound
its periods according to the sound discretion of the court. discretion of the court.

hat if there are three mitigating circumstances with

W The only circumstance that can defeat an indivisible
no aggravating circumstance present? penalty is a privilege mitigating circumstance.

: The maximum term shall be prision mayor in its

A : X was charged with the crime of frustrated homicide.
minimum period. The two ordinary mitigating X voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. In the
circumstances shall operate to lower the imposable penalty trial, the mitigating circumstance of immediate
by one degree, the remaining ordinary mitigating vindication to a grave offense was attendant. What
circumstance shall operate to make the penalty in its should be the penalty imposed on X?
minimum period. The minimum term is prision correccional
in any of its periods according to the sound discretion of the : Since the penalty for frustrated homicide is prision mayor
court. and there are two other ordinary mitigating circumstances
present, the maximum term of sentence is Prision
hat if there are four mitigating circumstances and no
W correccional in its medium period while the minimum term
aggravating circumstance? of sentence is within the range of Arresto mayor.

: The maximum term shall still be prision mayor in its

A hat is the penalty if, in addition to the facts above
minimum period. In case of ordinary mitigating mentioned, X is a minor committing with discernment?
circumstances, you can only lower the penalty by one
degree. You cannot lower the penalty by two degrees. The : Since the penalty already imposed upon X is prision
two ordinary mitigating circumstances shall operate to make correccional, we lower it by one degree more because
the penalty in its minimum period. The minimum term is minority is a privilege mitigating circumstance. Thus,
prision correccional in any of its periods according to the according to Article 64, the maximum term is Arresto mayor
sound discretion of the court. in its medium period. Indeterminate sentence law is not
applicable if the penalty imposed upon the offender does not
Note: In order that the penalty will be lowered by one exceed one year. In this instance we cannot give him an
degree, it is necessary that there is NO aggravating indeterminate sentence because the duration of arresto
circumstance. Even if there are many mitigating mayor is 1 month to 6 months.
circumstances, for as long as there is one aggravating
circumstance, you cannot lower the penalty by degrees. If the maximum term of sentence does not exceed one
Only by periods. year, a straight penalty shall be imposed upon him.

: A was charged with the information of rape with

mitigating circumstance of passion and obfuscation, e. Accessory penalties
against B. thereafter, A voluntarily surrendered. A
convicted of rape and was punished with the penalty of 1. PERPETUAL OR TEMPORARY ABSOLUTE
reclusion perpetua. Since there are two mitigating DISQUALIFICATION
circumstances, should the judge lower his penalty by

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Effects: Effects:

a. The deprivation of the public officers and a. Disqualification from holding such office or the
employments which the offender may have exercise of such profession or right of suffrage
held even if conferred by popular election; during the term of the sentence;

b. The deprivation of the right to vote in any b. Cannot hold another office having similar
election for any popular elective office, or to functions during the period of suspension.
be elected to such office;
c. The disqualification for the offices or public
employments and for the exercise of any of Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender during the
the rights mentioned; and time of his sentence the following rights;

d. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or a. Rights of parental authority;

other pension for any office formerly held. b. Guardianship, either as to the person or
property of any ward;
All these effects last during the lifetime of the convict c. Marital authority,
and even after the service of the sentence except as d. The right to manage his property; and
regards paragraphs b and c above in connection with e. The right to dispose of such property by any act
temporary absolute disqualification. or any conveyance inter vivos.
2. PERPETUAL OR TEMPORARY SPECIAL The offender sentenced to civil interdiction may make a
DISQUALIFICATION last will and testament because the prohibition to
dispose of property extends only to inter vivos and not
Effects: to mortis causa.
For public office, profession or calling: Donation may also be made by the offender provided
that it shall take effect after death or mortis causa.
a. Deprivation of the office, employment,
profession or calling affected; Civil Interdiction is always an accessory penalty in case
of the following principal penalties:
b. Disqualification holding similar offices or
employments during the period of a. Death;
disqualification; b. Reclusion perpetua;
c. Reclusion temporal
For the exercise of right to suffrage:
a. Deprivation of the right to vote or to be elected
in an office. Every penalty imposed for the commission of a felony
shall carry with it the forfeiture of the proceeds of the
b. Cannot hold any public office during the period crime and the instruments or tools with which it was
of disqualification committed.

The penalty for disqualification if imposed as an Such proceeds and instruments or tools shall be
accessory penalty is imposed for PROTECTION and confiscated and forfeited in favor of the Government,
NOT for the withholding of a privilege. unless they are property of a third person not liable for
the offense, but those articles which are not subject of
Temporary disqualification or suspension if imposed as lawful commerce shall be destroyed.
an accessory penalty, the duration is the same as that
of the principal penalty. 6. PAYMENT OF COST
Costs shall include fees and indemnities in the course of
the judicial proceedings, whether they be fixed or
unalterable amounts previously determined by law or
regulations in force, or amounts not subject to schedule.

If an accused is convicted of a crime, cost shall be

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

adjudged against him. However, in case of acquittal, Why must there be an express statement by the
each party must bear his own loss. court imposing subsidiary penalty?

f. Subsidiary Imprisonment A: Because it is only a substitute penalty. A subsidiary

penalty is not a principal penalty nor an accessory
Art. 39. Subsidiary penalty. If the convict has no penalty, but only a substitute penalty for fine.
property with which to meet the fine mentioned in
paragraph 3 of the next preceding article, he shall be Limitations of Subsidiary Penalty
subject to a subsidiary personal liability at the rate of one
day for each eight pesos, subject to the following rules: Subsidiary penalty cannot be imposed on the following
1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision
correccional or arresto and fine, he shall remain under 1) If the judgment of the court did not impose fine
confinement until his fine referred in the preceding as a penalty;
paragraph is satisfied, but his subsidiary imprisonment
2) If the judgment of the court did not expressly
shall not exceed one-third of the term of the sentence,
state that in case of nonpayment of fine, the
and in no case shall it continue for more than one year,
convict shall suffer subsidiary penalty;
and no fraction or part of a day shall be counted against
the prisoner. 3) If the principal penalty that goes with fine
exceeds prision correccional or higher than 6
2. When the principal penalty imposed by only a fine, years;
the subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed six
months, if the culprit shall have been prosecuted for a 4) If the principal penalty that goes with fine does
grave or less grave felony, and shall not exceed fifteen not have fixed duration;
days, if for a light felony.
5) If what the convict thinks to pay is not fine but
3. When the principal penalty imposed is higher than damages and cost;
prision correccional no subsidiary imprisonment shall be
imposed upon the culprit. was convicted of reckless imprudence causing
damage to property. Penalty imposed on him is ine and
4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed public censure. Lower portion of the decision “in case of
by confinement in a penal institution, but such penalty is insolvency to pay the ine, he shall suffer subsidiary
of fixed duration, the convict, during the period of time penalty”. Is the court correct?
established in the preceding rules, shall continue to
suffer the same deprivations as those of which the : NO. The principal penalty that goes with ine is public
principal penalty consists. censure is not to be executed in a penal institution and is an
indivisible penalty.
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict
may have suffered by reason of his insolvency shall not ccused was convicted of prision mayor and ine. The
relieve him from the fine in case his financial decision of the court includes a statement that in case
circumstances should improve. of insolvency to pay the ine, he shall suffer subsidiary
penalty. Q: Is the court correct?
: NO. Subsidiary penalty cannot be imposed if the principal
Subsidiary Penalty is a substitute penalty for fine in case penalty is higher than the prision correccional. Since prision
of insolvency by the accused. mayor is more than 6 years, subsidiary penalty cannot be
If the accused is insolvent and cannot pay the fine,
may he be imposed a subsidiary penalty of was convicted of a felony. The penalty imposed on him
imprisonment? is ine alone. The judgment became inal and executory.
A writ of execution was issued by the court, however
A: NO. Absent any express statement of subsidiary such writ was unsatis ied. The judge ordered for his
penalty by the court, subsidiary penalty cannot be arrest to suffer subsidiary penalty. Is the court correct?
imposed even if the accused is insolvent and cannot
pay the fine. A: NO. Failure to state that in case of insolvency to pay the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ine, convict cannot be made to suffer subsidiary penalty. out.

was convicted of a ine with a subsidiary penalty.

X For the purpose of applying the provisions of the next
However, X was insolvent so he was imprisoned. When preceding paragraph the respective severity of the
he was released he bought lottery tickets and won the penalties shall be determined in accordance with the
lottery. X is now a multimillionaire. Thereafter, the following scale:
court issued a writ of execution against him. X argues
that his ine is now satis ied because he was 1. Death,
subsidiarily imprisoned in lieu thereof. Can the court 2. Reclusion perpetua,
issue a writ of execution against X despite serving the 3. Reclusion temporal,
subsidiary penalty of imprisonment? 4. Prision mayor,
5. Prisión correccional,
: YES. Even if X already served the prison term for
A 6. Arresto mayor,
subsidiary imprisonment, the court may still hold him 7. Arresto menor,
liable for the fine unsatisfied. 8. Destierro,
9. Perpetual absolute disqualification,
People v. Alapan (January 2018) 10 Temporal absolute disqualification.
11. Suspension from public office, the right to vote and
FACTS: In an Information dated 26 May 2006, be voted for, the right to follow a profession or calling,
respondent Salvador Alapan and his wife Myrna Alapan and
(Myrna) were charged with eight (8) counts of violation 12. Public censure.
of B.P. Blg. 22. They were convicted. They filed a
petition seeking the imposition of subsidiary Notwithstanding the provisions of the rule next
imprisonment for non-payment of fine in eight (8) cases preceding, the maximum duration of the convict's
of violation of B.P. Blg. 22. sentence shall not be more than three-fold the length of
time corresponding to the most severe of the penalties
ISSUE: Whether Alapan may undergo subsidiary imposed upon him. No other penalty to which he may
imprisonment for failure to pay the fine. be liable shall be inflicted after the sum total of those
imposed equals the same maximum period.
HELD: No. Administrative Circular No. 13-2001 provides
that "should only a fine be imposed and the accused be Such maximum period shall in no case exceed forty
unable to pay the fine, there is no legal obstacle to the years.
application of the Revised Penal Code provisions on
subsidiary imprisonment." However, the Circular does In applying the provisions of this rule the duration of
not sanction indiscriminate imposition of subsidiary perpetual penalties (pena perpetua) shall be computed
imprisonment for the same must still comply with the at thirty years.
law. Here, the judgment of conviction did not provide
subsidiary imprisonment in case of failure to pay the SIMULTANEOUS SERVICE OF SENTENCE
penalty of fine. Thus, subsidiary imprisonment may not
be imposed without violating the RPC and the Under Article 70, as a rule, when the convict has to
constitutional provision on due process. serve two or more penalties, he shall serve them
simultaneously if the nature of the penalties will so
5. Execution and service of sentence permit.

The penalties which can be simultaneously served

ARTICLE 70. Successive service of sentence. - When are:
the culprit has to serve two or more penalties, he shall
serve them simultaneously if the nature of the penalties 1. Perpetual absolute disqualification
will so permit otherwise, the following rules shall be 2. Perpetual special disqualification
observed: 3. Temporary absolute disqualification
4. Temporary special disqualification
In the imposition of the penalties, the order of their 5. Suspension
respective severity shall be followed so that they may be 6. Destierro
executed successively or as nearly as may be possible, 7. Public Censure
should a pardon have been granted as to the penalty or 8. Fine and Bond to keep the peace
penalties first imposed, or should they have been served 9. Civil interdiction

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

10. Confiscation and payment of costs. 40 years.

The above penalties, except destierro, can be served HELD: Petitioner is mistaken in his application of the
simultaneously with imprisonment. 3-fold rule as set forth in Article 70 of the RPC. This
article is to be taken into account not in the imposition
SUCCESSIVE SERVICE OF SENTENCE of the penalty but in connection with the service of the
sentence imposed. Article 70 speaks of “service” of
Penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty cannot be sentence, “duration” of penalty and penalty “to be
served simultaneously by reason of the nature of such inflicted”. Nowhere in the article is anything mentioned
penalties. about the “imposition of penalty”. It merely provides that
the prisoner cannot be made to serve more than three
xample : X was convicted of two counts of homicide. A
E times the most severe of these penalties, the maximum
penalty of reclusion temporal was imposed upon him for which is 40 years.
each count of homicide. Reclusion temporal has a duration
of 12-20 years. X will satisfy the irst 12-20 years of : X raped her daughter 5 times. He was charged and
imprisonment. Thereafter, he shall serve another 12-20 years convicted of 5 counts of rape. The penalty for 1 count of
of reclusion temporal for the second count of homicide. rape is reclusion perpetua. What penalty shall the court
impose on him?
Order of Severity
A: 5 counts of reclusion perpetua.
In the imposition of penalties, the convict shall first
serve the most severe penalty imposed upon him in ince reclusion perpetua is 20-40 years, does that
accordance with the scale provided for in Article 70. mean X will serve 200 years in prison?

a. Three-fold rule : NO. Under the three-fold rule, when the offender is serving
multiple successive sentences, the maximum duration of the
THREE-FOLD RULE offender’s sentence shall not exceed three folds of the length
of the most severe penalty, provided that such penalty will
The three-fold rule provides that when multiple not be more than 40 years. In this case, since the penalty
successive penalties are imposed upon the offender, the imposed upon X is 5 reclusion perpetua, his service of
maximum duration of the convict's sentence shall not sentence will not be more than three-folds of the length of
be more than three-fold the length of time reclusion perpetua which is the most severe penalty
corresponding to the most severe of the penalties imposed upon him. However, since three counts of reclusion
imposed upon him. However, such maximum period perpetua is 120 years which exceeds the maximum penalty
shall in no case exceed forty years. of 40 years, X will serve the maximum sentence of 40 years.

The three-fold rule applies only when the convict has to : X was charged and convicted of 5 counts of rape
serve at least four sentences. punishable by reclusion perpetua and a civil liability of
P50,000.00. The judge, applying the three-fold rule,
All the penalties, even if by different courts at different sentenced X of 40 years of imprisonment and a civil
times, cannot exceed three-fold the most severe. liability of P50,000.00. Is the judge correct?

Court must impose all the penalties for all the crimes of : NO. The three-fold rule is not for the judge to impose. The
which the accused is found guilty, but in the service of 40 years imprisonment in accordance to three-fold rule
the same, they shall not exceed three times the most refers to service of sentence, NOT to the imposition of
severe and shall not exceed 40 years. penalties.

Mejorada v. Sandiganbayan (1987) I f the judge will not impose the three-fold rule? Who
will impose it?
FACTS: The petitioner was convicted of violating
Section 3(E) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. : The three-fold rule is for the Director of Prisons to apply
One of the issues raised by the petitioner concerns the and compute, and not for the judge to impose.
penalty imposed by the Sandiganbayan which totals 56
years and 8 days of imprisonment. He impugns this as How should the judge impose 5 counts of rape?
contrary to the three-fold rule and insists that the
duration of the aggregate penalties should not exceed A: The judge shall impose upon him a penalty of reclusion

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

perpetua for each count of rape, the penalty prescribed by is committing a violation of Anti-money
law for the crime of rape. Likewise, the judge shall impose laundering law and was convicted because of
upon the convict the civil liability of P50,000.00 for each such malicious filing.
count of rape.
May probation be availed even if the penalty
oes the three-fold rule also apply to civil liabilities of
D imposed upon the offender is only a fine?
the offender?
A: YES. Under Section 4 of P.D. 968 as Amended by
: NO. Each count of rape is a violation of the person of the
A R.A. 10707, Probation may be granted whether the
victim therefore, civil indemnity is separate and distinct sentence imposes a term of imprisonment or a fine only.
from the criminal offense of rape. The civil indemnity shall
be the number of times the victim was raped. Appeal and Probation

b. Probation Law (P.D. No. 968, as amended) Generally, under P.D 968, appeal and probation are
mutually exclusive remedies. This is because the reason
PROBATION LAW (P.D. 968 as Amended by R.A. behind appeal and the reason behind probation are
10707) diametrically opposed.

Probation is a disposition by which a convict after If a person appeals, it means that he is questioning the
conviction and sentence is released subject to the decision of the court. He is insisting on his innocence.
conditions imposed by the court under the supervision On the other hand, if a person applies for probation, it
of a probation officer. means that he is accepting the judgment of the court.
He, however, does not want to serve his sentence
Probation is not a right but a privilege. Thus, even if a behind bars.
convict is not among those disqualified of probation, the
judge can still deny the application. This denial is not Exceptions:
appealable. The grant or denial of application is
dependent solely on the sound discretion of the judge. 1. However, Section 4 of R.A. 10707 which
amended the probation law, states that when a
The following are disqualified to avail probation: judgment of conviction imposing a
non-probationable penalty is appealed or
1) Those whose maximum term of imprisonment is reviewed, and such judgment is modified
more than 6 years; through the imposition of a probationable
penalty, the defendant shall be allowed to apply
2) Those who have been convicted of subversion for probation based on the modified decision
and crimes against national security; before such decision becomes final. The
application for probation based on the modified
3) Those who have previously been convicted by decision shall be filed in the trial court where the
final judgment of an offense punished by judgment of conviction imposing a
imprisonment of more than six (6) months and non-probationable penalty was rendered, or in
one (1) day and/or a fine of more than one the trial court where such case has since been
thousand pesos (P1,000.00); re-raffled. This notwithstanding, the accused
shall lose the benefit of probation should he
4) Those who have already availed the benefit of seek a review of the modified decision which
probation; already imposes a probationable penalty.

5) Those who have perfected an appeal from 2. Section 42 of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare
judgment of conviction; act provides that the court may, after it shall
have convicted and sentenced a child in conflict
6) Those convicted of an election offense under with the law, and upon application at any time,
the Omnibus Election Code; place the child on probation in lieu of service of
his/her sentence taking into account the best
7) Those convicted of drug trafficking or drug interest of the child. For this purpose, Section 4
pushing; of Presidential Decree No. 968, otherwise
known as the "Probation Law of 1976", is
8) Those who filed a malicious report that a person hereby amended accordingly.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

: Colinares hit Ru ino twice in the head with a stone.

Q The only limitation on the discretionary conditions is that
Thereafter, Colinares was charged and convicted for they must not be so restrictive to the rights of the
frustrated homicide in the regional trial court. He was accused such that they will no longer be in consonance
sentenced to 2 years and 4 months of prision with his freedom.
correccional to 6 years and 1 day of prision mayor.
Colinares appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Example: In the case of Baclayon v. Mutia
purpose of modifying his conviction from frustrated (1984) the trial court prohibited the offender,
homicide to attempted homicide thereby lowering the who is a teacher by profession, to teach as a
penalty so that he can avail probation. The Court of condition during the period of probation. This is
Appeals af irmed the decision of the RTC. Thus, a restrictive condition. It deprives the offender
Colinares elevated the case to the Supreme Court. The his means of livelihood.
Supreme Court held that Colinares is only liable for
attempted homicide because the prosecution failed to Period of Probation
prove that the wound of Ru ino was fatal. Thus the
penalty imposed on him should be lowered to SENTENCE PERIOD OF PROBATION
imprisonment of four months of arresto mayor, as
minimum, to two years and four months of prision Imprisonment of not Will not exceed two years
correccional, as maximum. Can Colinares avail more than 1 year
probation after the perfection of appeal to modify his
conviction? All other cases of Will not exceed 6 years
: YES. Colinares did not appeal from a judgment that would
have allowed him to apply for probation. He did not have a Fine subsidiary Not less than nor more
choice between appeal and probation. He was not in a imprisonment in case than twice the total
position to say, "By taking this appeal, I choose not to apply of insolvency number of days of
for probation." The stiff penalty that the trial court imposed subsidiary imprisonment,
on him denied him that choice. Besides, in appealing his taking into account the
case, Colinares raised the issue of correctness of the penalty highest minimum wage
imposed on him. He claimed that the evidence at best rate at the time of the
warranted his conviction only for attempted, not frustrated, rendition of the judgment.
homicide, which crime called for a probationable penalty. In
a way, therefore, Colinares sought from the beginning to
bring down the penalty to the level where the law would Effect of Probation
allow him to apply for probation. (Colinares v. People, 2011)
Probation will suspend the execution of the sentence.
When and where do you apply for probation However, it will not extinguish civil liability.

A grant of probation is applied before the Trial Court Under Section 16 of P.D. 968 as amended by R.A.
which heard the case within the period of perfecting an 10707, the final discharge of the probationer shall
appeal or within 15 days from promulgation of operate to restore to him all civil rights lost or
judgment. suspended as a result of his conviction and to totally
extinguish his criminal liability as to the offense for
Conditions imposed upon offender under probation which probation was granted.

The following are mandatory conditions imposed by the : Moreno ran for the public of ice of punong barangay.
court to the probationer: However, a petition for disquali ication was iled against
him because he was convicted by inal judgment of the
1. Appear before the probationary officer within 72 crime of Arbitrary Detention and was sentenced to
hours from the receipt of the order; suffer imprisonment of Four (4) Months and One (1)
2. Report once a month. Day to Two (2) Years and Four (4) Months. Moreno
argues that the disquali ication under the Local
Discretionary or special conditions are dependent upon Government Code is for those who have served sentence
the sound discretion of the court. It usually involves for more than 1 year. Since Moreno applied and was
engaging in a vocation, not drinking alcohol, not going granted probation, he did not serve his sentence
to the house of ill-reputes. because probation suspends the service of the offender.
Can a person who was convicted by inal judgment but

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

was granted probation run for public of ice? SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. – A
child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the
: YES. The phrase service of sentence, understood in its
A commission of the offense shall be exempt from criminal
general and common sense, means the con inement of a liability. However, the child shall be subjected to an
convicted person in a penal facility for the period adjudged intervention program pursuant to Section 20 of this Act.
by the court. During the period of probation, the probationer
does not serve the penalty imposed upon him by the court A child is deemed to be fifteen (15) years of age on the
but is merely required to comply with all the conditions day of the fifteenth anniversary of his/her birthdate.
prescribed in the probation order. Furthermore, he accessory
penalties of suspension from public of ice, from the right to A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18)
follow a profession or calling, and that of perpetual special years of age shall likewise be exempt from criminal
disquali ication from the right of suffrage, attendant to the liability and be subjected to an intervention program,
penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision unless he/she has acted with discernment, in which
correccional in its minimum period imposed upon Moreno case, such child shall be subjected to the appropriate
were similarly suspended upon the grant of probation. proceedings in accordance with this Act.

: Lindsay Lohan, after conviction, applied for

Q The exemption from criminal liability herein established
probation and was granted the same. Thereafter, she does not include exemption from civil liability, which
iled an appeal questioning the civil indemnity imposed shall be enforced in accordance with existing laws.
upon her. The judge denied the appeal on the ground
that Lindsay already applied for probation. Therefore,
Simply put, a minor nine (9) years and above but under
the appeal cannot be granted. Is the judge correct?
fifteen (15) years of age at the time of the commission of
the offense shall be committed to the care of his father
: NO. The only effect of probation is to suspend the
or mother, or nearest relative or family friend, in the
execution of the sentence. It has nothing to do with the civil
sound discretion of the court and subject to its
aspect of the case. Insofar as the civil aspect is concerned,
the convict can still appeal it.
However, if the minor is 15 years old and 1 day to 18
: D, under probation for two years, was imposed the
years old and if the he has acted with discernment in
condition that he could not change his residence. For
the commission of a particular offense, he shall be
two years, he complied with this condition. After the
proceeded against in accordance with Sections 24 to
lapse of two years, D now changed his residence. The
28, or 36 to 40 of the aforesaid Rule, as the case may
probation of icer learned about this and iled for a
be, and subjected to a delinquency prevention program
Motion to Revoke the probation. D contended that the
as determined by the court.
period of probation (2 years) has already been
completed, so he is already allowed to change
Exemption from criminal liability does not include
residence. The trial court granted the revocation. Is the
exemption from civil liability which shall be enforced in
trial court correct?
accordance with the provisions of Article 221 of the
Family Code in relation to Article 101 of the Revised
: YES. The expiration of the period of probation does not
Penal Code and Rule 111 of the Revised Rules of
ipso facto mean the termination of probation. Probation is
Criminal Procedure.
only terminated upon the issuance of the court of a inal
discharge of probation. This happens when after the lapse of
Is a child liable for a crime committed by him?
the period of probation, the probation of icer will ile a
Motion before the court with a recommendation stating that
As a rule, when a child has committed a crime, the
the convict has complied with the conditions imposed and
following shall be observed in accordance with Section
therefore, he should be discharged. The court will then issue
6 [as amended by Section 6 of RA 10630], and Section
a inal discharge of probation. Only then will probation be
7 of the Republic Act No. 9344.

c. Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act (R.A. No. SEC. 7. Determination of Age. – The child in conflict
with the law shall enjoy the presumption of minority.
9344, as amended)
He/She shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict
with the law until he/she is proven to be eighteen (18)
Can you file a case against a minor in the
years old or older. The age of a child may be determined
from the child's birth certificate, baptismal certificate or
any other pertinent documents. In the absence of these

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

documents, age may be based on information from the municipality where the crime was committed;
child himself/herself, testimonies of other persons, the and
physical appearance of the child and other relevant
evidence. In case of doubt as to the age of the child, it The person rendering community service must be under
shall be resolved in his/her favor. the supervision of a probation officer.

Any person contesting the age of the child in conflict The courts must consider the following in the
with the law prior to the filing of the information in any discretionary exercise of imposing Community
appropriate court may file a case in a summary Service:
proceeding for the determination of age before the
Family Court which shall decide the case within 1) The terms must be commensurate to the gravity
twenty-four (24) hours from receipt of the appropriate of the offense and the circumstances of the
pleadings of all interested parties. case;

If a case has been filed against the child in conflict with 2) The welfare that the service will bring to society;
the law and is pending in the appropriate court, the and
person shall file a motion to determine the age of the
child in the same court where the case is pending. 3) The reasonable probability that the person
Pending hearing on the said motion, proceedings on the sentenced shall not violate the law while
main case shall be suspended. rendering the service.

In all proceedings, law enforcement officers, If the convict violates the terms of the community
prosecutors, judges and other government officials service, he shall serve the full term of his penalty in jail,
concerned shall exert all efforts at determining the age of or be placed on house arrest if the penalty is arresto
the child in conflict with the law. menor. Conversely, if he completes the terms of the
community service, the court shall order his release,
unless detained for another offense.
e. Community Service Act (R.A. No. 11362; A.M.
No. 20-06-14-SC) 6. Extinction of criminal liability (as amended by
R.A. No. 10592)
Republic Act 11362 or the Community Service Act
(CSA) allows courts, in the exercise of their discretion, to
How is criminal liability extinguished?
require community service and rehabilitative counseling
in lieu of jail time were the penalties imposed are arresto
1. Total
mayor (imprisonment from one (1) month and one (1)
2. Partial
day to six (6) months) and arresto menor (imprisonment
from one (1) to thirty (30) days).
Community service is "any actual physical activity
which inculcates civic consciousness and is intended ARTICLE 89. How Criminal Liability is Totally
towards the improvement of a public work or promotion Extinguished. — Criminal liability is totally
of a public service." This privilege may be availed of extinguished:
only once.
1. By the death of the convict, as to the personal
The Community Service must observe the following penalties; and as to pecuniary penalties, liability therefor
guidelines: is extinguished only when the death of the offender
occurs before final judgment.
1) It must be served in the place where the crime
was committed; 2. By service of the sentence.

2) The number of hours ordered by the courts 3. By amnesty, which completely extinguishes the
must be completed within the period likewise penalty and all its effects.
prescribed by the courts;
4. By absolute pardon.
3) The person sentenced must undergo
rehabilitative counseling under the Social 5. By prescription of the crime.
Welfare and Development Officer of the city or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

6. By prescription of the penalty.

conviction by final proceedings, before
judgment during or after final
7. By the marriage of the offended woman, as provided
in article 344 of this Code.
May be given to all kinds Generally granted to a
DEATH of offenders class or group of persons
who have committed
Death extinguishes criminal liability at any stage of the political offenses
proceedings, be it before or after conviction. This is
because the moment the offender dies, there is no one Private act of the Public act of President.
to serve the personal penalty. President.
Granted with the
Extinguishment of Civil liability through Death As such, the person concurrence of the
pardoned must plead and Congress. Courts may
Death of the accused pending appeal of his conviction prove it before the courts. take judicial notice of it.
extinguished his criminal liability as well as the civil No judicial notice of
liability based solely on the offense committed. Pardon.

Corollarily, the claim for civil liability survives Does not extinguish civil liability
notwithstanding the death of the accused, if the same
may also be predicated on a source of obligation other
than delict such as law, contracts, quasi-contracts and
A valid marriage between the offender and the offended
party extinguishes criminal liability only in relation to
private crimes, i.e. seduction, abduction, acts of
lasciviousness and one public crime which is rape.
Service of sentence means satisfaction of the penalty
imposed. If it is imprisonment, it means that he has
Marriage must be made in good faith.
served his sentence behind bars. If it is fine, it means
that he has paid the amount. Service of sentence does
: Jack raped Rose. Rose iled a case of rape against
not extinguish civil liability.
Jack. Trial on the merits ensued. During trial, Jack and
Rose would often see each other and because of this,
they fell in love with each other. Later on, they got
married. Will the criminal liability be extinguished if
Amnesty is an act of grace from the power entrusted
the marriage took place after the offender was
with the execution of the law which does not only
convicted by inal judgment?
exempt the offender from the service of penalty for the
crime committed, but also obliterates the effects of the
: YES. Even if there is already a inal and executory
judgment, such as when the offender is already behind bars,
a valid marriage between the offender and the offended will
still extinguish criminal liability and the penalty imposed.
Absolute Pardon is an act of grace received from the
power entrusted with the execution of the law which ARTICLE 90. Prescription of Crimes. — Crimes
exempts the offender from the penalty prescribed by punishable by death, reclusión perpetua or reclusión
law for the crime committed. temporal shall prescribe in twenty years.

Crimes punishable by other afflictive penalties shall

PARDON AMNESTY prescribe in fifteen years.
Merely suspends the Obliterates all effects of Those punishable by a correctional penalty shall
execution of the crime as if no crime was prescribe in ten years; with the exception of those
sentence. It erases the committed. punishable by arresto mayor, which shall prescribe in
penalty to be imposed. five years.
Granted only after Granted at any stage of
The crime of libel or other similar offenses shall

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

prescribe in two years. such proceedings terminate without the accused being
convicted or acquitted, or are unjustifiably stopped for
The offenses of oral defamation and slander by deed any reason not imputable to him.
shall prescribe in six months.
The term of prescription shall not run when the offender
Light offenses prescribe in two months. is absent from the Philippine Archipelago.

When the penalty fixed by law is a compound one the COMPUTATION OF PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD
highest penalty shall be made the basis of the
application of the rules contained in the first, second and The running of the prescriptive period shall be from the
third paragraphs of this article. time of the commission of the crime, if known. If not
known, from discovery by the offended party,
PRESCRIPTION OF CRIME authorities and agents.

Prescription of Crime is the loss or forfeiture of the right If the offender is a fugitive, the prescription of offense
of State to prosecute an act prohibited by law. The will not run.
moment that a crime has already prescribed, the court
has to dismiss the case even if the accused has not : X and Y had a quarrel. In the course thereof, X killed
moved for its dismissal. The courts lose their jurisdiction Y. Thereafter, X buried the body of Y in his backyard.
to try the case. Unknown to X, neighbor A witnesses A bury the body in
his backyard. After 25 years from the commission of the
In computing the period of prescription, the first day is crime, the neighbor became old and sickly. He then told
to be excluded and the last day included. the police what he witnessed 25 years ago. The police
then went to the backyard, dug the ground and saw the
Where the last day of the prescriptive period for filing an bones of Y. Can the State still prosecute H for parricide?
information falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the
information can no longer be filed on the next day as the : YES. The crime has not yet prescribed. The authorities and
crime has already prescribed. their agents only came to know the crime 25 years from its
commission. This is the only time when the prescriptive
period for the crime shall commence to run. Also, the
neighbor who knew the commission of the crime is not the
person required by law to discover the crime in order to start
Death, Reclusion perpetua, 20 years
the running of the prescriptive period. Therefore, the State
reclusion temporal;
can still ile the case of parricide.
Other afflictive penalties 15 years
Correctional penalties 10 years
The Prescriptive period shall be suspended upon filing
Arresto mayor 5 years of complaint or info before the fiscal’s office or before
the court/public prosecutor for purposes of preliminary
Libel and other similar 1 year investigation. It remains suspended until the accused is
offenses convicted or acquitted or the case is terminated without
the fault of the accused.
Oral defamation and slander 6 months
by deed RSE: The period is not interrupted by the mere act of
reporting the case to the fiscal. The preliminary
Light felonies 2 months investigation conducted by the municipal mayor in the
absence of the justice of peace partakes of the nature of
a judicial proceeding and it does not interrupt the
running of the period of prescription.
ARTICLE 91. Computation of Prescription of Offenses.
— The period of prescription shall commence to run ■ In continuing crimes — prescriptive period will
from the day on which the crime is discovered by the start to run only at the termination of the intended
offended party, the authorities, or their agents, and shall result;
be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or
information, and shall commence to run again when ■ In crimes against false testimony — prescriptive

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period is reckoned from the day final judgment is 3. Correctional penalties, in ten years; with the exception
rendered in the proceeding where such false of the penalty of arresto mayor, which prescribes in five
testimony is utilized, not when the false testimony is years;
4. Light penalties, in one year.
■ In Election offenses:
ARTICLE 93. Computation of the Prescription of
○ If discovery of the offense is incidental to
Penalties. — The period of prescription of penalties shall
judicial proceedings, prescription begins
commence to run from the date when the culprit should
when such proceedings terminate; or
evade the service of his sentence, and it shall be
interrupted if the defendant should give himself up, be
○ From the date of the commission of the
captured, should go to some foreign country with which
this Government has no extradition treaty, or should
commit another crime before the expiration of the period
punished by a fine or 1 year
imprisonment not more
Prescription of penalty is the loss of the right of the
than 1 month or both
State to execute the sentence.
punished by imprisonment 4 years
less than 2 years
Death, Reclusion perpetua 20 years
punished by imprisonment 8 years
for 2 years but less than 6 Afflictive penalties 15 years
Correctional penalties 10 years
punished by imprisonment 12 years
for 6 years or more Arresto mayor 5 years

Internal Revenue offenses 5 years Light penalties 1 year

Municipal ordinances 2 months COMMENCEMENT PERIOD

Prescription shall begin to run from the day of the The running of the period shall commence from the time
commission of the violation of the law, and if the same the convict evaded the service of his sentence. It is
be not known at the time, from the discovery thereof necessary therefore that the convict is serving his
and the institution of judicial proceeding for its sentence and while serving, he escaped. It is from the
investigation and punishment. time of escape that the prescriptive period runs.\

: Garcia was convicted of homicide. The judgment

The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings
became inal and executory. He was brought to
are instituted against the guilty person, and shall begin
Muntinlupa to serve sentence. While serving sentence,
to run again if the proceedings are dismissed for
he escaped. Police failed to capture and ind him. It was
reasons not constituting jeopardy. (Section 2, Act No.
only after 20 years that Garcia was located and brought
behind bars. Garcia’s counsel iled a Petition for Habeas
Corpus contending that the penalty prescribed and
ARTICLE 92. When and How Penalties Prescribe. — therefore, Garcia could not be imprisoned. Is the
The penalties imposed by final sentence prescribe as counsel correct?
: YES. The penalty has prescribed. Homicide prescribes in
1. Death and reclusión perpetua, in twenty years; 15 years. Here, Garcia was captured 20 years from escape.

2. Other afflictive penalties, in fifteen years; : Cuenca was charged with homicide. Being a bailable
offense, Cuenca posted bail. During the arraignment

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

nd pre-trial, Cuenca appeared before the court.

However, during the trial proper, he did not appear.
Trial in absentia ensued. Judgment was for conviction. Conditional Pardon is an act of grace received from a
Warrant of arrest was issued against Cuenca. It was only power entrusted with the authority to execute the law,
20 years thereafter that the police were able to arrest but the pardon herein is subject to strict conditions.
Cuenca and bring him behind bars. Cuenca’s counsel
iled a petition for habeas corpus contending that the Because of these strict conditions, there must be
penalty has prescribed. Is the counsel correct? acceptance on the part of the offender. The moment he
accepts, it becomes incumbent upon him to comply
: NO. The penalty has not prescribed. In fact, prescription
A with the strict terms and conditions of the pardon.
has not even commenced to run. For the period to run, it is
necessary that the offender is serving sentence and while Failure to comply with any of the strict conditions, the
serving sentence, he escaped. The running of prescriptive State can file a criminal case under Art 159 - evasion of
period only starts from the escape of offender. In this case, service of sentence. In addition, the Chief Executive can
the offender has not even served his sentence. order the immediate incarceration of the offender under
the Administrative Code.

The following are the grounds when the prescriptive In commutation of sentence, a new sentence imposed
period of penalty is suspended: shall be in lieu of the original sentence.

1. When offender surrenders; a. reduce degree of penalty

b. decrease the length of imprisonment
2. When offender went to a country which has no c. decrease the amount of fine
extradition treaty with the Philippines;
Example: Death penalty commuted to Reclusion
3. When convict commits a crime before the perpetua.
expiration of period of prescription;
4. When the offender is captured.
Good conduct allowance is awarded to the offender if
PARTIAL EXTINCTION he has been behaving properly in prison. The Director of
Prisons shall compute the good conduct allowance in
ARTICLE 94. Partial extinction of criminal liability. – favor of the offender so that he will be immediately
Criminal liability is extinguished partially: released.

1. By conditional pardon; PERIOD OF DEDUCTION

2. By commutation of the sentence; and
first two years 20 days for each month
3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may
of good behavior during
earn while he is undergoing preventive imprisonment or
serving his sentence..
Third to fifth year 23 days for each month
Modes for partially extinguishing criminal liability
of good behavior during
The following are the modes for extinguishing criminal detention
Sixth until the tenth year 25 days for each month
1. Conditional Pardon; of good behavior during
2. Commutation of sentence; detention
3. Good conduct of allowance;
4. Special Time Allowance for Loyalty; Eleventh and successive 30 days for each month
5. Parole under the Indeterminate Sentence Law; years of good behavior during
6. Implied repeal or amendment of penal law detention
lowering the penalty
At any time during the period of imprisonment, he
shall be allowed another deduction of fifteen days,

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

in addition to numbers one to four hereof, for each 7. Civil liability in criminal cases
month of study, teaching or mentoring service time
rendered. ARTICLE 100. Civil Liability of Person Guilty of
Felony. — Every person criminally liable for a felony is
also civilly liable.
Whenever lawfully justified, the Director of the Bureau of
Corrections, the Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management
and Penology and/or the Warden of a provincial, district, As a general rule, every person criminally liable is also
municipal or city jail shall grant allowances for good civilly liable. For every criminal action filed in court, the
conduct. Such allowances once granted shall not be civil action for the recovery of civil liability is deemed
revoked. (Article 99) impliedly instituted.

SPECIAL TIME ALLOWANCE FOR LOYALTY In crimes against persons, like the crime of physical
injuries, the injured party is entitled to be paid for
ARTICLE 98. Special time allowance for loyalty. – A whatever he spent for the treatment of his wounds,
deduction of one fifth of the period of his sentence shall doctor’s fees etc. as well as for loss or impairment of
be granted to any prisoner who, having evaded his earning capacity.
preventive imprisonment or the service of his sentence
under the circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of this Moral damages may be recovered as well.
Code, gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours
following the issuance of a proclamation announcing the Exemplary damages as part of the civil liability may be
passing away of the calamity or catastrophe referred to imposed when the crime was committed with one or
in said article. A deduction of two-fifths of the period of more aggravating circumstances.
his sentence shall be granted in case said prisoner chose
to stay in the place of his confinement notwithstanding But if there is no damage caused by the commission of
the existence of a calamity or catastrophe enumerated in the crime, the offender is not civilly liable.
Article 158 of this Code.
Exceptions to Implied Institution of Civil Action
This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether
undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving The following are the exemption to the general that a
sentence. civil action is impliedly instituted in a criminal case:

This article does not apply to prisoners who did not 1. When offended party waives the civil action;
escape. The deduction is based on the original
sentence. 2. When the offended party reserves the right to
file a separate civil action, which must be made
Example: During the time Bin Laden was serving his prior to the presentation of evidence of the
sentence behind bars, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake prosecution;
suddenly occurred prompting Bin Laden to escape. He
then went to the house of his mother. While Bin Laden 3. When the offended party files the civil action
was watching TV in the house of his mother, he saw the prior to the criminal action.
President announcing that the earthquake subsided.
Within 48 hours from announcement, Bin Laden Reservation of the right to file a separate civil action
surrendered. Because of this surrender, Bin Laden is
entitled to the special allowance for loyalty for being so A reservation of the right to file a separate civil action
loyal to the government. only gives the party aggrieved the right to choose under
which body of laws he must bring the civil action, either
If Bin Laden remained in prison despite the 8.9 under the:
magnitude earthquake, he is entitled to a deduction of
2/5 from the period of his sentence. a) RPC – where the recovery may be defeated by
proof that the acts on which the action is based
However, if Bin Laden did not return, there will be an do not exist, or
additional ⅕ to the term of his sentence.
b) Civil Code – where the same proof is required to
If Bin Laden merely remained in prison, there would be
preclude recovery, or proof of diligence in the
neither deduction nor addition to his sentence.
selection and employment of the employee.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ACQUITTAL; EFFECT ON CIVIL LIABILITY benefit which they may have received.

■ In the following cases, acquittal in a criminal The courts shall determine, in their sound discretion, the
action bars recovery in a civil action: proportionate amount for which each one shall be liable.

1. If the judgment of acquittal states that When the respective shares can not be equitably
the alleged criminal acts of the offender determined, even approximately, or when the liability
were not committed by him; also attaches to the Government, or to the majority of the
inhabitants of the town, and, in all events, whenever the
2. If the judgment of acquittal states that damage has been caused with the consent of the
the accused is not guilty of criminal or authorities or their agents, indemnification shall be
civil damages. made in the manner prescribed by special laws or
■ In the following cases, the acquittal of the
accused in a criminal case is not a bar to Third. In cases falling within subdivisions 5 and 6 of
recover civil liability: article 12, the persons using violence or causing the fears
shall be primarily liable and secondarily, or, if there be
1. When judgment of acquittal is based on no such persons, those doing the act shall be liable,
reasonable doubt; saving always to the latter that part of their property
exempt from execution.
2. When judgment of acquittal states that
the liability of accused is not criminal INSANE, IMBECILE, MINOR
but civil in nature;
In case the offender is insane, imbecile or minor, the
3. When the judgment of acquittal states civil liability arising from their acts shall be shouldered
that the civil liability does not arise from by the persons who have custody of the insane,
the crime but from other sources of imbecile or minor.
Secondary liability falls on the property of the insane,
ARTICLE 101. Rules Regarding Civil Liability in imbecile or minor, except those properties which are
Certain Cases. — The exemption from criminal liability prohibited from being attached.
established in subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of article 12
and in subdivision 4 of article 11 of this Code does not STATE OF NECESSITY
include exemption from civil liability, which shall be
enforced subject to the following rules: All persons who have been benefited during the state of
necessity shall bear the civil liability. If there are many
First. In cases of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of article 12, the persons benefited, the liability shall be divided by the
civil liability for acts committed by an imbecile or insane court proportionately.
person, and by a person under nine years of age, or by
one over nine but under fifteen years of age, who has IRRESISTIBLE FORCE OR UNCONTROLLABLE
acted without discernment, shall devolve upon those FEAR
having such person under their legal authority or
control, unless it appears that there was no fault or Borne by the person who enforced the threats to the
negligence on their part. offender. Secondary liability falls upon the principal by
direct participation, who is the one who acted under the
Should there be no person having such insane, imbecile compulsion of irresistible force or uncontrollable fear.
or minor under his authority, legal guardianship, or
control, or if such person be insolvent, said insane, ARTICLE 102. Subsidiary Civil Liability of
imbecile, or minor shall respond with their own Innkeepers, Tavernkeepers and Proprietors of
property, excepting property exempt from execution, in Establishments. — In default of the persons criminally
accordance with the civil law. liable, innkeepers, tavernkeepers, and any other persons
or corporations shall be civilly liable for crimes
Second. In cases falling within subdivision 4 of article 11, committed in their establishments, in all cases where a
the persons for whose benefit the harm has been violation of municipal ordinances or some general or
prevented shall be civilly liable in proportion to the special police regulation shall have been committed by

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

them or their employees. owever, during nighttime, a robbery occurred inside

the hotel. Among those taken were the valuables of
Innkeepers are also subsidiarily liable for the restitution Paris. The offender was arrested, convicted and civil
of goods taken by robbery or theft within their houses liability was imposed upon him. In case of insolvency of
from guests lodging therein, or for the payment of the the offender, does the proprietor of the hotel or
value thereof, provided that such guests shall have establishment have subsidiary civil liability?
notified in advance the innkeeper himself, or the person
representing him, of the deposit of such goods within : YES. The guest complied with the rules and regulations as
the inn; and shall furthermore have followed the to the care and vigilance of the goods. He also informed the
directions which such innkeeper or his representative representative of the hotel of the presence of his valuables.
may have given them with respect to the care of and
vigilance over such goods. No liability shall attach in ame situation as above. The guard of the hotel tried to
case of robbery with violence against or intimidation of ight the robbers. One of the robbers shot the guard.
persons unless committed by the innkeeper’s employees. Prosecuted for robbery with homicide and was
convicted. In case of insolvency, is the proprietor of the
Elements of Par. 1: hotel subsidiarily liable?

1. That the INNKEEPER, TAVERNKEEPER OR : NO. The crime committed is robbery with homicide,
PROPRIETOR of establishment or his employee which is a crime under robbery with violence against or
committed a violation of municipal ordinance or intimidation of persons. If the crime committed is robbery
some general or special police regulation. with violence against or intimidation of persons, the
proprietor is not liable, except if the offender is the employee
2. That a crime is committed in such inn, tavern or of the hotel or establishment.
ARTICLE 103. Subsidiary Civil Liability of Other
3. That the person criminally liable is insolvent. Persons. — The subsidiary liability established in the
next preceding article shall also apply to employers,
When all the above elements are present, the innkeeper, teachers, persons, and corporations engaged in any kind
tavernkeeper or any other person or corporation is civilly of industry for felonies committed by their servants,
liable for the crime committed in his establishment. pupils, workmen, apprentices, or employees in the
discharge of their duties.
Elements of Par. 2:
1. The guests notified in advance the innkeeper or
the person representing him of the deposit of 1. Employer, teacher, person or corporation is
their goods within the inn or house. engaged in some kind of industry;
2. Any of their servants, pupils, workmen,
2. The guest followed the directions of the
apprentices or employees commits a felony
innkeeper or his representative with respect to
while in the discharge of his duties.
the care of the vigilance over such goods.
3. The said employee is insolvent and has not
satisfied his civil liability.
3. Such goods of the guests lodging therein were
taken by robbery with force upon things or theft
The moment the employee was found insolvent, the
committed within the inn or house.
liability of the employer now becomes absolute.
When all the above elements are present, the innkeeper
Private persons without business or industry are not
is subsidiarily liable.
subsidiarily liable.
No liability shall attach in case of robbery with violence
against or intimidation of persons, unless committed by ARTICLE 104. What is Included in Civil Liability. —
the innkeeper’s employees. The civil liability established in articles 100, 101, 102, and
103, of this Code includes:
: Paris Hilton, a guest in a hotel, told the
representative of the hotel that she carries valuables. 1. Restitution;
The representative of the hotel told Paris about the 2. Reparation of the damage caused;
rules regarding the care and vigilance of the valuables. 3. Indemnification for consequential damages.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

damages may be recovered when the court finds that

The first remedy granted by law is RESTITUTION of the some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its amount
thing taken away by the offender; if restitution cannot be cannot, from the nature of the case, be provided with
made by the offender or by his heirs, the law allows the certainty.
offended party REPARATION. In either case, indemnity
for consequential damages may be required. First, civil indemnity ex delicto is the indemnity
authorized in our criminal law for the offended party, in
When property taken away is not recovered, the court the amount authorized by the prevailing judicial policy
must order the accused to restore it to its owner or, as and apart from other proven actual damages, which
an alternative, to pay its just value. itself is equivalent to actual or compensatory damages
in civil law. This award stems from Article 100 of the
Where the crime committed is not against property, no RPC which states, "Every person criminally liable for a
restitution nor reparation of the thing damaged can be felony is also civilly liable.“
done, although the offended party is entitled to
indemnification under Article 107. Civil indemnity is, technically, not a penalty or a fine;
hence, it can be increased by the Court when
ARTICLE 105. Restitution — How Made. — The appropriate. (People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124, 5
restitution of the thing itself must be made whenever April 2016)
possible, with allowance for any deterioration or
diminution of value as determined by the court. Civil indemnity is awarded to the offended party as a
kind of monetary restitution or compensation to the
The thing itself shall be restored, even though it be victim for the damage or infraction that was done to the
found in the possession of a third person who has latter by the accused, which in a sense only covers the
acquired it by lawful means, saving to the latter his civil aspect. Precisely, it is civil indemnity. Thus, in a
action against the proper person, who may be liable to crime where a person dies, in addition to the penalty of
him. imprisonment imposed to the offender, the accused is
also ordered to pay the victim a sum of money as
This provision is not applicable in cases in which the restitution. xxx Although the minimum amount imposed
thing has been acquired by the third person in the under Article 2206 of the Civil Code for the award
manner and under the requirements which, by law, bar cannot be changed, increasing the amount awarded as
an action for its recovery. civil indemnity can be validly modified and increased
when the present circumstance warrants it. (People v.
ARTICLE 106. Reparation — How Made. — The court Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124, 5 April 2016)
shall determine the amount of damage, taking into
consideration the price of the thing, whenever possible, Second, moral damages, which are also compensatory
and its special sentimental value to the injured party, in nature. They may be awarded to compensate one for
and reparation shall be made accordingly. manifold injuries such as physical suffering, mental
anguish, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation,
ARTICLE 107. Indemnification — What is Included. — wounded feelings and social humiliation. These
Indemnification for consequential damages shall include damages must be understood to be in the concept of
not only those caused to the injured party, but also those grants, not punitive or corrective in nature, calculated to
suffered by his family or by a third person by reason of compensate the claimant for the injury suffered.
the crime. Although incapable of exactness and no proof of
pecuniary loss is necessary in order that moral damages
may be awarded, the amount of indemnity being left to
Indemnification includes moral damages, civil indemnity,
the discretion of the court, it is imperative, nevertheless,
exemplary damages.
that (1) injury must have been suffered by the claimant,
and (2) such injury must have sprung from any of the
Generally, in criminal cases, there are three (3) kinds of
cases expressed in Article 2219 and Article 2220 of the
damages awarded by the Court:
Civil Code. (People v. Jugueta, citing Del Mundo v. CA,
G.R. No. 104576, 20 January 1995)
1. Civil indemnity;
2. Moral damages; and
Third, exemplary damages. Also known as "punitive"
3. Exemplary damages
or "vindictive" damages, exemplary or corrective
damages are intended to serve as a deterrent to serious
N.B.: Actual damages may be awarded or temperate
wrong doings, and as a vindication of undue sufferings
damages in some instances. Temperate or moderate
and wanton invasion of the rights of an injured or a

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

punishment for those guilty of outrageous conduct.

Exemplary damages are awarded to account for injury II. For Simple Rape/Quali ied Rape:
to feelings and for the sense of indignity and humiliation
suffered by a person as a result of an injury that has 1.1. Where the penalty imposed is Death but reduced to
been maliciously and wantonly inflicted, the theory
reclusion perpetua because of RA 9346:
being that there should be compensation for the hurt
caused by the highly reprehensible conduct of the a. Civil indemnity – ₱100,000.00
defendant – associated with such circumstances as b. Moral damages – ₱100,000.00
willfulness, wantonness, malice, gross negligence or c. Exemplary damages– ₱100,000.00
recklessness, oppression, insult or fraud or gross fraud
– that intensifies the injury. (People v. Jugueta, supra) 1.2. Where the crime committed was not consummated
but merely attempted:
SUMMARY OF INDEMNITY & DAMAGES a. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00
People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124, 5 April 2016 b. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00
c. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00
I. or those crimes like, Murder, Parricide,
Serious Intentional Mutilation, Infanticide, and 2.1. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua,
other crimes involving death of a victim where other than the above-mentioned:
the penalty consists of indivisible penalties: a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00
b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00
1.1. Where the penalty imposed is death but reduced to c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00
reclusion perpetua because of R.A. No. 9346:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱100,000.00 2.2. Where the crime committed was not consummated,
b. Moral damages – ₱100,000.00 but merely attempted:
c. Exemplary damages – ₱100,000.00 a. Civil indemnity – ₱25,000.00
b. Moral damages – ₱25,000.00
1.2. Where the crime committed was not consummated: c. Exemplary damages – ₱25,000.00
a. Frustrated:
i. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00 III. or complex crimes under Article 48 of the
ii. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00 Revised Penal Code where death, injuries, or
iii. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00 sexual abuse results, the civil indemnity, moral
b. Attempted: damages and exemplary damages will depend
i. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00 on the penalty, extent of violence and sexual
ii. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00 abuse; and the number of victims where the
iii. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00 penalty consists of indivisible penalties:

2.1. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua , 1.1. Where the penalty imposed is Death but reduced to
other than the above-mentioned: reclusion perpetua because of R.A. No. 9346:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00 a. Civil indemnity – ₱100,000.00
b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00 b. Moral damages – ₱100,000.00
c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00 c. Exemplary damages – ₱100,000.00

2.2. Where the crime committed was not consummated: 1.2. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua,
a. Frustrated: other than the above-mentioned:
i. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00 a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00
ii. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00 b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00
iii. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00 c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00
b. Attempted:
i. Civil indemnity – ₱25,000.00 The above Rules apply to every victim who
ii. Moral damages – ₱25,000.00 dies as a result of the crime committed. In other
iii. Exemplary damages – ₱25,000.00 complex crimes where death does not result, like in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Forcible Abduction with Rape, the civil indemnity,

moral and exemplary damages depend on the 2.2. For the victims who suffered mortal/fatal wounds
prescribed penalty and the penalty imposed, as the and could have died if not for a timely medical
case may be. intervention, the following shall be awarded:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00
IV. or Special Complex Crimes like Robbery with
F b. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00
Homicide, Robbery with Rape, Robbery with c. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00
Intentional Mutilation, Robbery with Arson,
Rape with Homicide, Kidnapping with Murder, 2.3. For the victims who suffered non-mortal/non-fatal
Carnapping with Homicide or Carnapping with injuries:
Rape, Highway Robbery with Homicide, a. Civil indemnity – ₱25,000.00
Quali ied Piracy, Arson with Homicide, Hazing b. Moral damages – ₱25,000.00
with Death, Rape, Sodomy or Mutilation and c. Exemplary damages – ₱25,000.00
other crimes with death, injuries, and sexual
abuse as the composite crimes, where the In Robbery with Physical Injuries, the
penalty consists of indivisible penalties: amount of damages shall likewise be dependent on
the nature/severity of the wounds sustained,
1.1. Where the penalty imposed is death but reduced to whether fatal or non-fatal.
reclusion perpetua because of R.A. No. 9346: The above Rules do not apply if in the
a. Civil indemnity – ₱100,000.00 crime of Robbery with Homicide, the robber/s or
b. Moral damages – ₱100,000.00 perpetrator/s are themselves killed or injured in the
c. Exemplary damages – ₱100,000.00 incident.
Where the component crime is rape, the
In Robbery with Intentional Mutilation, the above Rules shall likewise apply, and that for every
amount of damages is the same as the above if the additional rape committed, whether against the
penalty imposed is Death but reduced to reclusion same victim or other victims, the victims shall be
perpetua although death did not occur. entitled to the same damages unless the other
crimes of rape are treated as separate crimes, in
1.2. For the victims who suffered mortal/fatal wounds which case, the damages awarded to simple
and could have died if not for a timely medical rape/quali ied rape shall apply.
intervention, the following shall be awarded:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00 V. I n other crimes that result in the death of a
b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00 victim and the penalty consists of divisible
c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00 penalties, i.e., Homicide, Death under
Tumultuous Affray, Infanticide to conceal the
1.3. For the victims who suffered non-mortal/non-fatal dishonor of the offender, Reckless Imprudence
injuries: Resulting to Homicide, Duel, Intentional
a. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00 Abortion and Unintentional Abortion, etc.:
b. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00
c. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00 1.1. Where the crime was consummated:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00
2.1. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua, b. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00
other than the above-mentioned:
a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00 1.2. Where the crime committed was not consummated,
b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00 except those crimes where there are no stages, i.e .,
c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00 Reckless Imprudence and Death under tumultuous
In Robbery with Intentional Mutilation, the a. Frustrated:
amount of damages is the same as the above if the i. Civil indemnity – ₱30,000.00
penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua . ii. Moral damages – ₱30,000.00

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

b. Attempted: 3) third, against that of the accessories

i. Civil indemnity – ₱20,000.00
ii. Moral damages – ₱20,000.00 The person who made the payment when liability is in
solidum or subsidiary liability has been enforced, will
have a right of action against the others for the amount
If an aggravating circumstance was proven
of their respective shares. (Art. 110, RPC)
during the trial, even if not alleged in the
Information, in addition to the above-mentioned : X, Y and Z were charged in the case of robbery. They
amounts as civil indemnity and moral damages, the were all charged as principals. But the judge ruled that
amount of ₱50,000.00 exemplary damages for X is a principal, Y is an accomplice and Z is a mere
consummated; ₱30,000.00 for frustrated; and accessory. The judge divided the civil liability
₱20,000.00 for attempted, shall be awarded. proportionately. Their liabilities among themselves are
in solidum. Against whom can the private complainant
recover said civil liability?
VI. . In the crime of Rebellion where the
imposable penalty is reclusion perpetua and : The private complainant can recover the entire civil
death occurs in the course of the rebellion, the liability from X, the principal but X now has a right of action
heirs of those who died are entitled to the against Y and Z insofar as their respective civil liabilities are
following: concerned. If X cannot pay, the private complainant can go
a. Civil indemnity – ₱100,000.00 against Y. Y can now go against X and Z because their
b. Moral damages – ₱100,000.00 liabilities are in solidum but subsidiary insofar as the
c. Exemplary damages – ₱100,000.00 private complainant is concerned.


. For the victims who suffered mortal/fatal
wounds in the course of the rebellion and could Civil Liability shall be extinguished by the following acts:
have died if not for a timely medical
intervention, the following shall be awarded: 1. By pardon of the offended party;
a. Civil indemnity – ₱75,000.00 2. Other modes for extinguishing civil liability
b. Moral damages – ₱75,000.00 under Civil Code (payment, Condonation, etc)
c. Exemplary damages – ₱75,000.00
Civil liability is personal and cannot be extinguished by
pardon, amnesty, probation, commutation of sentence,
C For the victims who suffered etc. Civil liability can only be extinguished in the same
non-mortal/non-fatal injuries: manner as in Civil Law, by the extinguishment of
a. Civil indemnity – ₱50,000.00 obligations, i.e., payment, loss of the thing,
b. Moral damages – ₱50,000.00 remuneration, compensation, etc.
c. Exemplary damages – ₱50,000.00

VII. In all of the above instances, when no

documentary evidence of burial or funeral
expenses is presented in court, the amount of
₱50,000.00 as temperate damages shall be



Each within their respective class is liable in solidum

among themselves for their quotas and subsidiarily for
those of the other persons liable.

Subsidiary liability is enforced:

1) first, against the property of the principals;

2) second, against that of the accomplices;

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

II. CRIMES UNDER THE RPC NOTE: These circumstances are separate and distinct
from each other. It is not necessary that all of them must
(Revised Penal Code – Book 2)
be present. The presence of one will qualify piracy.
🞶 I only included the crimes that are part of the top 50 FAQS by Atty. Notice the conjunction OR. These are qualifying
Esguerra circumstances which are prejudicial to the accused
therefore they must be strictly construed.
A. Crimes against national security and laws of
nations : What if the vessel is on Philippine waters, and there
comes a second vessel. Four men from the second vessel
ARTICLE 123 – QUALIFIED PIRACY boarded the irst vessel and at gunpoint, they asked the
passengers to give to them all their valuables. One
woman didn’t want to give her wedding ring because it
ELEMENTS: was so precious to her and so one of the men forcibly
took the wedding ring from the inger such that the
1) The vessel is on the high seas or Philippine inger was severed from it. What crime is committed?
: QUALIFIED PIRACY because piracy was accompanied by
2) Offenders may or may not be members of its
physical injuries.
complement, or passengers of the vessel;

3) Offenders either: (a) attack or seize the vessel; : What if in the same problem, the woman didn’t want
or (b) seize the whole or part of the cargo, its to give the ring, one of the men slapped the woman on
equipment, or personal belongings of the the face three times and the face of the woman became
crew or passengers; reddish. She suffered slight physical injuries. What
about the fact that the injury suffered was only slight?
4) The preceding were committed under any of
the following circumstances: (a) whenever : It will not make a difference although the injury suffered
they have seized a vessel by boarding or firing was only slight. In the third circumstance which will qualify
upon the same; (b) whenever the pirates have piracy, the word “physical injuries” is used in its generic
abandoned their victims without means of sense. Therefore, whatever kind of physical injuries, whether
saving themselves; or (c) whenever the crime serious or slight for as long as it was accompanied by piracy,
is accompanied by murder, homicide, it will be considered as quali ied piracy.
physical injuries or rape.
: What if in the same problem, the woman didn’t want
to give the ring and one of the men touched the private
Under Article 122, the following circumstances will parts of the said woman and after touching the private
qualify piracy: parts of the said woman with lust, he forcibly took the
ring. What crime is committed by the said men?
1) Whenever the offender have seized a vessel by
boarding or firing upon; or : All of them will be liable for piracy. However, the man
who touched the private part of the woman will be liable for
2) Whenever the offenders have abandoned their two crimes: piracy and acts of lasciviousness. Acts of
victims without means of saving themselves; or lasciviousness is not mentioned in Article 123. Therefore, its
presence will not qualify piracy. It will bring about a
■ There is intent to kill.
separate and distinct charge of acts of lasciviousness.
3) Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder,
homicide, physical injuries or rape. B. Crimes against the fundamental law of the
■ Whenever these four crimes
accompanied the act of piracy, it will ARTICLE 124 – ARBITRARY DETENTION
not bring about a separate and distinct
crime or a separate and distinct charge
of murder, homicide, physical injuries or ELEMENTS:
rape. These crimes are absorbed
because they are circumstances which 1) Offender is a public officer or employee;
will qualify the penalty to death.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

2) He detains a person; and a) If the person does not receive and is detained
by virtue of a warrant of arrest.
3) The detention is without legal grounds.
b) If a person was arrested and detained under any
of the circumstances for a valid warrantless
The offender is a public officer or employee. But not all c) If a person was suffering violent insanity or any
public officers or employees can commit arbitrary illness which requires compulsory confinement.
detention. The public officer or employee who can
commit arbitrary detention are only those who have : If a person, driving his vehicle entered a one way
been vested with authority to effect arrest and detain a street and in violation of the LTO rules and regulation,
person or at least to cause the detention of a person. was stopped by a police of icer, his license was taken
and he was given a ticket and was brought to the
Public officers who have been vested with authority to nearest PNP station and was placed behind bars. He
effect arrest and detain a person are POLICE was detained. That was 8 o’clock in the morning then
OFFICERS. On the other hand, public officers vested the arresting of icer left. And in the afternoon, the
with authority to cause the detention of a person are police of icer returned to the police station. Upon his
MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. They can order the arrival, he immediately released the incarcerated
detention of a person who has been cited of contempt person whom he detained for entering a one way street.
for failing to accurate their proof, or we have JUDGES Is the said police of icer liable for arbitrary detention
they can order the summary detention of persons cited under Article 124?
in contempt of court.
: YES, he is liable for ARBITRARY DETENTION. He is a
WHEN IS THERE DETENTION? public of icer vested with authority to effect arrest and
detain a person. If he detained the person, the detention was
There is detention when the offended party is placed in without legal ground. It is without legal ground because
incarceration. When the offended party is placed behind entering a one way street and violating the traf ic rules and
bars or when the offended party is restrained of his regulation is not a ground for incarceration. It is not a ground
person or liberty. for a person to be placed behind bars. If a person committed
a violation of traf ic rules and regulation like entering a one
In order to amount to arbitrary detention there must be way street or beating the red light, he should only be given a
an act of restraint on the person or liberty of the ticket. There should not even be a con iscation of license.
offended party. Absent that intent, absent the actual After that, he should be allowed to leave but that is not a
restraint on the person or liberty of the offended party. It ground for him to be placed under detention. Since the of icer
can be any other crime but not arbitrary detention. detained the person without any legal ground He is liable for
Therefore, the Supreme Court said that intent to detain arbitrary detention.
must be manifest, it must be evident. Absent that, it can
be any other crime but not arbitrary detention. : What if X is suspected to be a snatcher and many
complaints were iled against him. One time, when the
WHEN IS DETENTION WITHOUT LEGAL GROUNDS police of icers were conducting a patrol they saw X who
UNDER ARTICLE 124? was perhaps waiting for a ride. When the police of icers
saw X they immediately arrested X and brought him to
1) When the said offended party was arrested the nearest police station. They told X that he is to be
without a warrant of arrest. investigated for he is said to be a cellphone snatcher. So
he was brought to the investigation room however, the
2) When the said offended party was arrested and
investigation of icer was not around so the arresting
his arrest and detention does not fall under any
of icer told him that he needs to be investigated and
of the circumstances or a valid warrantless
that he can leave but he must make sure to come back
for purposes of investigation otherwise if he does not
come back the next time they see him they will kill him.
3) When he is not suffering from violent insanity or
So because of that, X would get out of the precinct but
any other ailment which requires compulsory
would immediately return. Are the police of icers liable
for arbitrary detention?
What are the valid grounds for detention?
A: NO, the police of icers are not liable for arbitrary

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

detention. There is no intent to restrain or detain the person are committed, and these common crimes are in
or liberty of X, the offended party. In order to amount to furtherance of, incident to, or in connection with
arbitrary detention it is necessary that the intent of the Rebellion is considered as absorbed in the crime of
public of icer to restrain the person or liberty of the offended Rebellion. Therefore, only one charge of Rebellion
party ust be manifest and it must be evident. In this case should be charged against the said offender. (People v.
however, it is not. Hernandez)

C. Crimes against public order A violation of a special penal law if it is committed in

furtherance of Rebellion, can still be absorbed in the
ARTICLE134 - REBELLION OR INSURRECTION crime of Rebellion. (Enrile v. Salazar)

Exception: Killing, robbing etc. for private purposes or

ELEMENTS: profit, without any political motivation, would be
separately punished and would not be absorbed in
1) That there must be public uprising, and rebellion (People v. Geronimo)
taking arms against the Government
: What if a police of icer was on his way to the of ice,
2) That the purpose of the uprising or movement suddenly here comes a member of the NPA, he saw the
is either – police of icer and shot him. What crime is committed? is
it Rebellion or murder?
a) to remove from the allegiance to said
Government or its laws the territory : In the case, the proper charged would be murder. It is
of the Philippines or any part thereof; necessary that there must be evidence shown in what way
or any body of land, naval or other the said killing has promoted, fostered the idea of the Rebels.
armed forces; or Absent any connection with the commission of the common
crime and the furtherance of rebellion, the appropriate
b) to deprive the Chief Executive or
charge is only murder, homicide, arson or physical injuries
Congress, wholly or partially, of any
as the case maybe.
of their powers or prerogatives.
Here, there was no evidence showing in what way the said
■ Rebellion is more frequently used where the NPA has promoted the ideas of the Rebels in killing the said
object of the movement is completely to police of icer. Absent of that evidence, it would be a charge of
overthrow and supersede the existing murder and not rebellion. Rebellion is a continuing crime.
government. Therefore, these NPA who rebelled against the Government,
to overthrow the Government, that one time uprising is
■ Insurrection is more commonly employed in suf icient, they are already considered as rebels because it is
reference to a movement which seeks merely to a continuing offense.
effect some change of minor importance, or to
prevent the exercise of governmental authority ARTICLE 134-A – COUP D’ETAT
with respect to particular matters or subjects.

■ The essence or the gravamen of REBELLION is ELEMENTS:

the armed uprising against the Philippine
Government. It is a public uprising with the 1) Offender is a person or persons belonging to
taking up of arms. AN ARMED PUBLIC the military or police or holding any public
UPRISING. office or employment;

■ In case of Rebellion, it can be committed by any 2) It is committed by means of a swift attack

person, or with the participation of the public. accompanied by violence, intimidation, threat,
strategy or stealth;
■ It is not necessary that the purpose of the
rebellion be accomplished. 3) The attack is directed against the duly
constituted authorities of the Republic of the
THEORY OF ABSORPTION IN REBELLION Philippines, or any military camp or
installation, communication networks, public
Whenever in the course of committing rebellion, murder, utilities or other facilities needed for the
homicide, arson, physical injuries, other common crimes

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

exercise and continued possession of power; 1. Without public uprising, by employing force
and or intimidation for the attainment of any of
the purposes enumerated in defining the
4) The purpose of the attack is to seize or crimes of rebellion and sedition; or
diminish state power.

■ Committed by any person or persons belonging a) Offender employs force or

to the military or police or holding any public intimidation;
office or employment, with or without civilian
support, carried out singly or simultaneously b) The aim of the offender is to attain
anywhere in the Philippines for the purpose of any of the purposes of the crime of
seizing or diminishing state power. rebellion or any of the objects of the
crime of sedition; and
■ The essence of coup d’etat is a swift attack
directed against the duly constituted authorities, c) There is no public uprising.
with or without civilians.
2. Without public uprising, by attacking, by
employing force or by seriously intimidating
REBELLION COUP D’ETAT or by seriously resisting any person in
authority or any of his agents, while engaged
Essence – an Armed Essence – swift attack in the performance of official duties, or on
public Uprising against against the duly occasion of such performance.
the Government constituted
authorities ELEMENTS:

Crime of the Masses, it It can be committed with a) Offender makes an attack, employs
involves a multitude of or without the force, makes a serious intimidation, or
people participation of the public makes a serious resistance;
because it says, with or
without civilian support, b) The person assaulted is a person in
provided it has been authority or his agent;
committed by any
member of the military, c) At the time of the assault, the person
the police or those in authority or his agent is engaged in
holding public office or the actual performance of official
employment. duties, or that he is assaulted by
reason of the past performance of
Purpose – Overthrow the Purpose – only to official duties;
Government of the diminish state power, to
d) Offender knows that the one he is
Philippines and replace it destabilize the
assaulting is a person in authority or
with the Government of government, not entirely
his agent in the exercise of his duties;
the Rebels to overthrow the
e) There is no public uprising.
Can only be committed Can be committed not
by means of force and only by means of force
violence and violence but also by First type of direct assault
means of intimidation,
threat, strategy or stealth ■ The law says that there is no public uprising,
therefore whenever there is actual commission
of rebellion or sedition, direct assault can never
ARTICLE 148 – DIRECT ASSAULT be committed because the element of direct
assault in whatever form is that there be no
public uprising, on the other hand, a necessary
element in the crime of sedition or rebellion is

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

there be public uprising. the maintenance of public order and the

protection and security of life and
■ In the first type of direct assault, it is not property (e.g. police officer, councilors).
necessary that the offended party is a person in Likewise, it is stated that any person
authority or his agent. who comes to the aid of a person in
authority is deemed an agent of person
Second type of direct assault in authority.

■ If the offended party is a person in authority, the ■ Knowledge of the accused that the victim is a
attack or the employment of force need not be person in authority or his agent is essential. The
serious because under Article 148, the mere act information must allege such knowledge.
of laying hands on the person in authority is
already qualified direct assault. Therefore, the ■ It is not necessary that the person in authority or
mere act of pushing a person in authority is his agent be in the actual performance of official
already qualified direct assault because the duty when attacked or seriously intimidated.
offender already laid hands upon a person in
authority. Hence, it need not be serious. ■ If a person in authority or his agent is engaged
However, if the offended party is a mere agent in the performance of his official duty at the time
of a person in authority, it is necessary that the of the assault, regardless of the motive of the
employment of force must be serious. The offender, direct assault will always arise.
reason is that in order to show defiance of law
against a mere agent of a person in authority, it But if the person in authority or his agent is not
is necessary that the attack or force employed engaged in the performance of his official duty
must be serious in nature. at the time of the assault, motive on the part of
the offender becomes material.
■ If what has been done is intimidation or
resistance, to amount to direct assault, it must If the motive on the part of the offender is a
always be serious whether the offended party is personal vendetta, the crime committed is
a person in authority or a mere agent of a murder, homicide, serious physical injuries or
person in authority. less serious physical injuries, as the case may
be. But if the motive is by reason of the
■ Who are these so-called persons in authorities’ past performance of his official duty,
authority? the crime committed is direct assault.

1. Any person directly vested with ■ The crime of slight physical injuries is absorbed
jurisdiction, whether as an individual or in direct assault, because it is the necessary
as a member of some court or consequence of the force or violence used.
government-owned and controlled Serious physical injuries, murder or homicide
corporation, board or commission may be complexed with direct assault.

2. A barangay captain and a barangay QUALIFIED DIRECT ASSAULT

Direct assault of the second form is qualified when:
3. Teachers, professors, or persons
charged with the supervision of public 1. The assault is committed with a weapon, or
or duly recognized private schools, 2. The offender is a public officer of employee, or
colleges or institutions 3. The offender lays hands upon a person in
4. Lawyers while engaged in their
professional duties or while in the act of The first two qualifying circumstances affect both a
their professional duties person in authority and agent of a person in authority.
However, the third qualifying circumstance (laying hands
■ Who is an agent of a person in authority?? upon a person in authority) will only lie if the offended
party is a person in authority. Mere laying of hands to an
○ A person who, by direct provision of agent of a person in authority is not qualified. It will only
law, by election or by appointment by qualify if the laying of hands is upon a person in
competent authority, is charged with

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

authority. : X committed a crime of MURDER. Obviously, there was

treachery on the part of X. It is not direct assault because the
: The city mayor attended the lag ceremony. It was a
Q mayor was not engaged in the performance of his of icial
mandate. So there was this lag ceremony attended by duty and the reason behind the assault was personal
the city mayor. After the lag ceremony, the mayor went vendetta. Therefore it cannot be said that the attack was on
to the platform and was making an announcement to occasion of such performance of of icial duty.
the city hall employees. Suddenly here comes X. X went
near the mayor and shot the mayor on the head. The D. Crimes against public interest
mayor died. What crime is committed by X?
mayor was engaged in the performance of his of icial duty at ECCLESIASTICAL MINISTER
the time of the assault therefore it is direct assault. Because
the city mayor was engaged in the performance of his of icial
duty regardless of the motive of X, even if it is by mayor’s ELEMENTS:
past performance of of icial duty or by reason of personal
vendetta, regardless of the motive of X, the offender, since the 1) Offender is a public officer, employee, or
mayor is engaged in the performance of his of icial duty, it is notary public;
direct assault. Now, the mayor died. Therefore there is a
resulting felony of murder because obviously there was 2) He takes advantage of his official position;
treachery; therefore, it is direct assault with murder. Now, the
offender made use of a weapon, he made use of a pistol gun, 3) He falsifies a document by committing any of
a irearm which is a qualifying circumstance, therefore, the the following acts:
crime committed is quali ied direct assault with murder.
a) Counterfeiting or imitating any
: What if the city mayor has just attended a Sunday
Q handwriting, signature or rubric;
mass. He and his wife and children were getting out of
b) Causing it to appear that persons
the church when suddenly X came. X, onboard the
have participated in any act or
motorcycle went straight to the city mayor and ired at
proceeding when they did not in fact
the head of the city mayor. The city mayor died. It was
so participate;
found that X was a former employee of the city hall, who
was dismissed by the city mayor because he engaged in c) Attributing to persons who have
an anomalous transaction. What crime is committed by participated in an act or proceeding
X? statements other than those in fact
made by them;
mayor was not engaged in the performance of his of icial d) Making untruthful statements in a
duty. Since the city mayor was not engaged in the narration of facts;
performance of his of icial duty, he is a person in authority,
you have to know the motive of the offender. The offender e) Altering true dates;
was a city hall employee who was dismissed by the city
mayor, therefore the motive was by reason of the past f) Making any alteration or intercalation
performance of the said person in authority. So it is by in a genuine document which
reason of the past performance of his of icial duty, the attack, changes its meaning;
the iring was done on occasion of such performance of
of icial duty therefore the crime committed is direct assault. g) Issuing in an authenticated form a
The mayor died. Obviously there was treachery therefore it document purporting to be a copy of
is direct assault with murder. The offender made use of a an original document when no such
irearm, which is a qualifying circumstance in direct assault original exists, or including in such a
therefore it is quali ied direct assault with murder. copy a statement contrary to, or
different from, that of the genuine
: What if in the same problem, X happened to be a
Q original; or
former gardener who was dismissed from the service of
h) Intercalating any instrument or note
the household because he performed a wrongful act
relative to the issuance thereof in a
while gardening. Therefore his reason was a personal
protocol, registry, or official book.
vendetta. What crime is committed by X?

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

as therein solemnly proclaimed. (Ong v. People,

4) In case the offender is an ecclesiastical 2011)
minister who shall commit any of the offenses
enumerated, with respect to any record or ■ The falsification of public document may be a
document of such character that its means to commit estafa because before the
falsification may affect the civil status of falsified document is actually used to defraud
persons. another, the crime of falsification is already
consummated and damage or intent to cause
■ If the offender is an ecclesiastical minister, for damage is not an element of falsification. The
him to be liable under Article 171, it is damage to another is caused by the
necessary that the document that he falsifies commission of estafa. (People v. Villalon)
must affect the civil status of a person.
■ Falsification of a public document is
If the document falsified by an ecclesiastical consummated upon the execution of the false
minister will not affect the civil status of a document. Criminal intent is presumed since the
person, he is still liable for falsification, but not making such documents undermines public
under Art. 171, rather under Art. 172. faith and destroys the truth solemnly proclaimed
therein. (Goma v. CA)
Example: If a priest falsified the communion
certificates of one of the students/pupils a) Counterfeiting or imitating any handwriting,
receiving the first communion, the crime signature or rubric;
committed is falsification under Art. 172, not
under Art. 171 because a certificate of ■ The offender is said to have
communion will not affect the civil status of the counterfeited a signature, handwriting
said child. or rubric if he has imitated an official
handwriting, signature or rubric.
■ Even if the offender is a public officer but the
falsification committed by him is upon a So there is an original handwriting or
document which does not pertain to his office, it signature and the offender imitated or
was committed without abuse of his office. copied the said original handwriting or
Thus, it will not fall under Article 171, but Article signature.
■ Counterfeiting is not the same as
■ A private person who cooperates with a public feigning — When you say feigning, it
officer in the falsification of public documents is means “simulating” a handwriting,
guilty under Article 171 and incurs the same signature or rubric. That is, making a
liability and penalty as the public officer as there handwriting, signature or rubric out of
is conspiracy. nothing which does not exist. It is an
imaginable, inexistent handwriting,
■ It is required that the offender takes advantage signature or rubric.
of his official position. The offender is said to
have taken advantage of his position or office b) Causing it to appear that persons have
when he has the duty to make or prepare or to participated in any act or proceeding when they
otherwise intervene in the preparation of the did not in fact so participate;
document; or he has the official custody of the
document which he falsifies. ■ : What if a notary public issued, he
prepared or issued an extrajudicial
■ Necessarily, the document being falsified in Art. settlement of an estate. In the said
171 is a public official or official document. extrajudicial settlement of an estate, it
is stated that all the heirs of a certain
■ In falsification of public or official documents, it decedent can already agree by
is not necessary that there be present the idea themselves to partition the property. So
of gain or the intent to injure a third person it is an extrajudicial settlement of an
because in the falsification of a public estate and in it, the notary public made
document, what is punished is the violation of it appear that all the 12 heirs of the
the public faith and the destruction of the truth decedent had participated, but in truth
and in fact, two of the heirs where in

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nother country and they did not

a in a narration of facts;
participate in the execution of this
extrajudicial settlement of the estate. Is ii) That he has legal obligation to
the notary public liable? disclose the truth of the facts
narrated by him
: YES. The notary public is LIABLE under
the second act of falsi ication. He caused it iii) The facts narrated by the
to appear that A and B participated in the offender are absolutely false
execution of the extrajudicial settlement of
the estate, when they did not in fact so iv) The untruthful narration must be
participate. such as to effect the integrity of
the document and that the
c) Attributing to persons who have participated in offender does so with the intent
an act or proceeding statements other than to injure or prejudice another
those in fact made by them; person

■ Under the third act, persons ■ It is necessary that the intention of the
participated in an act or proceeding, intention of the offender must be to
they made statements therein, however, INJURE ANOTHER PERSON.
the offender in a document makes it
appear that these persons have made ■ The narration of facts must be
certain statements which were not in absolutely false and the person making
fact made by them. such narration must be aware of the
falsity of the facts narrated by him.
■ : An ordinance was being passed.
There was a votation, the majority of ■ In case of making false statements in a
the councilors voted, two of the narration of facts, it is necessary that
councilors dissented and their vote was the offender must have the legal
NO. They just stated that they were obligation to disclose the truth in the
voting in the negative, but, they did not said narration of facts. Absent such
give any explanation for their dissent or legal obligation, then it cannot be said
the vote of NO. However, in the minutes that he is liable for falsification.
prepared by the Sangguniang
Secretary, the latter made it appear ■ When you say legal obligation, there is a
that the two councilors made law which requires him to state nothing
statements that they voted NO because but the truth in the said document.
the said ordinance is contrary to law. Is
the said secretary liable for ■ : What if the offender, a public of icer,
falsi ication? falsi ied the statement in his residence
certi icate or community tax certi icate.
: YES. He is a public of icer. He is the one
A Although he stated his true name, he
who prepared the minutes for the did not state his address, citizenship,
Sangguniang Panglungsod and he made it etc. He makes false statement of facts in
appear that the 2 councilors stated that the his residence certi icate or community
said ordinance is contrary to law and in tax certi icate, otherwise known as
truth and fact, they did not make those cedula. So he was charged with
statements. So the said secretary is liable falsi ication. He contended that there is
for falsi ication. no law which requires him to state the
truth in his residence certi icate. Is his
d) Making untruthful statements in a narration of contention correct?
: His contention is wrong. According to a
■ The evidence of this act of falsification ruling in the Supreme Court, if it is a
requires: residence certi icate or community tax
certi icate, there need not be a law which
i) That the offender makes in a requires a person to state the truth in the
document untruthful statement said residence certi icate, it is inherent in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

the kind of document. Since it is a : YES. He is liable under the second act of
residence certi icate or cedula, it is falsi ication in the seventh act of the 3rd
inherent that in this document, nothing but element in Art. 171. Because he included in
the truth must be stated – no falsity. the said copy a statement contrary to or
Because it requires identi ication. different from that of a genuine original.

e) Altering true dates; h) Intercalating any instrument or note relative to

the issuance thereof in a protocol, registry, or
■ Date must be essential. official book.

■ It is necessary that what has been ★ So these acts, under ARTICLE 171, are also the very
altered must be a true date and in the same acts punished under Art. 172.
alteration of the said true date, the
document will no longer have any ARTICLE 172 – FALSIFICATION BY PRIVATE

f) Making any alteration or intercalation in a

genuine document which changes its meaning; ACTS PUNISHABLE

■ Alteration which speaks the truth is not 1. Falsification of public, official or commercial
falsification. document by a private individual;

■ The alteration must affect the integrity ELEMENTS:

or change the effects of the documents.
a) Offender is a private individual or
g) Issuing in an authenticated form a document public officer or employee who did
purporting to be a copy of an original document not take advantage of his official
when no such original exists, or including in such position;
a copy a statement contrary to, or different from,
that of the genuine original; or b) He committed any act of falsification
under Article 171; and
■ : What if a notary public issued a deed
of absolute sale and he said that it is an c) The falsification was committed in a
original copy of a deed of absolute sale public, official, or commercial
between A and B. A selling his property document or letter of exchange.
to B, but in truth and in fact, no such
deed of absolute sale was executed 2. Falsification of private document by any
between A and B. Is the notary public person; and
: YES. He is liable under the irst act of
a) Offender committed any of the acts of
falsi ication in the seventh act of the 3rd
falsification except Article 171(7), that
element in Art. 171.
is, issuing in an authenticated form a
document purporting to be a copy of
■ : What if a civil registrar issued a
an original document when no such
certi icate of live birth. So here comes A.
original exists, or including in such a
A was asking that he should be given a
copy a statement contrary to, or
certi ied copy of a certi icate of live
different from, that of the genuine
birth. In the said certi icate of live birth
issued by the said civil registrar, there
was a statement that A was an b) Falsification was committed in any
illegitimate child, but in the original private document; and
copy of the certi icate of live birth
submitted to the of ice of the Of ice of c) Falsification causes damage to a third
the Civil Registrar, there was no such party or at least the falsification was
statement. Is the civil registrar liable? committed with intent to cause such

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

■ Falsification is consummated at the time and

place where the document was falsified. It is
when the document is falsified actually, with
3. Use of falsified document.
intent to prejudice a third person regardless if it
was used as intended.
In introducing in a judicial proceeding —
■ There is no complex crime of estafa through
falsification of a private document because the
a) Offender knew that the document
immediate effect of falsification of a private
was falsified by another person;
document is the same as that of estafa.
b) The false document is in Articles 171
or 172 (1 or 2); and Third punishable act

c) He introduced said documents as ■ If the one who used the falsified document is
evidence in any judicial proceeding. the same person who falsified it, the crime is
only falsification and the use of the same is not
In use in any other transaction — a separate crime.
■ If the falsified document is used in a judicial
a) Offender knew that a document was proceeding, again, damage or intent to cause
falsified by another person; damage is not an element because it is a
judicial proceeding. but if the said falsified
b) The false document is embraced in document is used in any other transaction, this
Articles 171 or 172 (1 or 2); time, damage or intent to cause damage is an
c) He used such document; and
E. Crimes against public morals
d) The use caused damage to another or
at least used with intent to cause
F. Crimes committed by public officers
First punishable act
■ The document falsified is a public, official or
commercial document, but, the offender is a
private individual even if the offender is a private ACTS PUNISHABLE
individual, since the document falsified is a
public, official or commercial document, 1. Agreeing to perform, or performing, in
DAMAGE OR INTENT TO CAUSE DAMAGE IS consideration of any offer, promise, gift or
NOT AN ELEMENT. present — an act constituting a crime, in
connection with the performance of his
Second punishable act official duties;

■ The document falsified is a PRIVATE 2. Accepting a gift in consideration of the

DOCUMENT. The offender is any person. He execution of an act which does not constitute
can be a private individual, he can be a private a crime, in connection with the performance
officer or employee for as long as the document of his official duty; and
falsified is a private document, it is necessary
that there must be damage caused to a third 3. Agreeing to refrain, or by refraining, from
person or at least the intention of the offender is doing something which it is his official duty
to CAUSE DAMAGE. to do, in consideration of gift or promise.

■ Absence of damage or intent to cause damage, ELEMENTS:

then falsification of a private document will not
arise. 1) Offender is a public officer within the scope of

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

bribery, in order to amount to direct bribery, it

Article 203;
must always be in connection with the
2) Offender accepts an offer or a promise or performance of his official duty. If it is not in
receives a gift or present by himself or connection with his official duty, it could other
through another; and crime like estafa or swindling, but NOT DIRECT
3) Such offer or promise be accepted, or gift or
present received by the public officer — ■ In Maniego v. People, the Supreme Court ruled
that for the purpose of punishing bribery, the
a) With a view to committing some temporary performance of public functions is
crime; or sufficient to constitute a person a public officer.

b) In consideration of the execution of an : What if a mother wanted her daughter to work in

act which does not constitute a crime, another country. The daughter was still a minor, 16
but the act must be unjust; or years old. So what the mother did was to ask the civil
registrar to alter the birth date or the date in the
c) To refrain from doing something
certi icate of live birth with a promise that the irst 2
which it is his official duty to do.
months of the salary of the daughter will be given to the
civil registrar. The civil registrar altered the date in the
4) The act which the offender agrees to perform
birth certi icate. What crime/crimes is/are committed
or which he executes is connected with the
by the civil registrar and by the mother?
performance of his official duties.
: The civil registrar is liable for direct bribery because he
■ Under the first punishable act, if the thing agreed to perform an act constituting a crime in
which the public officer is required to do is an consideration of a promise that the 2 months salary will be
act which will constitute a crime, a mere given to him. The said act is in connection with his
agreement to do so will already give rise to performance of his of icial duty. Therefore he is liable for
direct bribery. It is not necessary that he direct bribery. He actually performs the act, he actually
actually commits the crime, it is not necessary committed a crime, therefore he is also liable for the
that he actually receives the gift or present. A falsi ication of a public document because he actually altered
MERE AGREEMENT WILL SUFFICE. the birth date which is a very important date in the birth
certi icate so he is also liable for the falsi ication of a public
■ In the third punishable act, if the thing that a document. Without the said bribe, the mother would not
public officer is required to do is to refrain from have committed falsi ication.
doing an act which is his official duty to do, a
MERE AGREEMENT TO REFRAIN FROM Are you going to complex them?
DIRECT BRIBERY. It is not necessary to refrain No. Even if in reality, they should be complex because
from doing an act, it is not necessary to receive direct bribery is a necessary means to commit
the said gift. falsification, you cannot complex them because
■ Under the second punishable act, MERE CRIMES.
be actual acceptance of the thing. There must Under Article 210, it is expressly provided that the
be acceptance of the gift, in consideration of penalty for direct bribery shall be in addition to the
the execution of an act which does not liability for the crime committed. Here, he actually
constitute a crime in connection with the altered, actually committed the crime, therefore his
performance of his official duty. This is because liability for falsification is in addition to his liability for
the thing that he is being required to do is not a direct bribery. Therefore, 2 separate and distinct
criminal act. It is his official thing to do but he charges have to be filed against the civil registrar, we
does not want to do it without the bribe first to have direct bribery and the other one is falsification of
be given to him. So it is only upon the public document.
liability for direct bribery will arise
■ Whatever may be the act constituting direct There is an agreement No agreement between

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

between the officer and the officer and the 1) Offender is a public officer;
the gift-giver. gift-giver.
2) He had the custody or control of funds or
Offender agrees to It is enough that the property by reason of the duties of his office;
perform an act or refrains offender accepted the gift
from doing something by reason of his office; it 3) Those funds or property were public funds or
because of the gift or is unnecessary that he property for which he was accountable; and
promise. should do or promise
4) He appropriated, took, misappropriated or
said act.
consented or, through abandonment or
negligence, permitted another person to take
■ This crime is also known as embezzlement.

ELEMENTS: ■ The offender is an accountable public officer. An

accountable public officer is an officer in the
1) Offender makes offers or promises or gives
course of the performance of his duties,
gifts or presents to a public officer; and
receiving funds or property from the
2) The offers or promises are made or the gifts or government which he has the obligation to
presents given to a public officer, under account for later. So he has in his custody,
circumstances that will make the public public funds or public property and he has the
officer liable for direct bribery or indirect obligation to account these to the Government.
■ Malversation of Public Funds and Property can
be committed either through a positive act, that
■ The offender in Article 212 is the gift-giver or is, that the said public officer is the one who
offeror of promise, even if the gift was misappropriates, takes or appropriates the
demanded by the public officer and the offer public funds and property, OR, through a
was not made voluntarily prior to said demand; passive act, that is, through his abandonment or
public officer is not liable unless he accepts the negligence, he permitted others to
gift or consents to the promise. misappropriate the same.

ARTICLE 217 – MALVERSATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS ■ Under Article 217, there arises prima facie
OR PROPERTY (PRESUMPTION OF presumption of malversation of public funds or
MALVERSATION) property when demand is made by a duly
authorized officer to an accountable public
officer to account for public funds or property,
ACTS PUNISHABLE and the same is not forthcoming.
1. Appropriating public funds or property; ■ Mere shortage in audit will not suffice. For the
Prima facie presumption to arise it is necessary
2. Taking or misappropriating the same;
that there must be complete, thorough and
3. Consenting, or through abandonment or reliable audit.
negligence, permitting any other person to
take such public funds or property; and ■ In the crime of malversation, all that is
necessary for conviction is proof that the
4. Being otherwise guilty of the accountable officer had received the public
misappropriation or malversation of such funds and that he did not have them in his
funds or property. possession when demand therefore was made
and he could not satisfactorily explain his failure
ELEMENTS COMMON TO ALL ACTS OF so to account. An accountable public officer
MALVERSATION UNDER ARTICLE 217 may be convicted for malversation even if there
is no direct evidence of personal
misappropriation, where he has not been able to

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explain satisfactorily the absence of the public

funds involved. (Estepa v. Sandiganbayan)
■ Malversation may be committed either through ELEMENTS:
a positive act of misappropriation of public
funds or property, or passively through 1) Offender is a public officer
negligence.To sustain a charge of malversation,
there must either be criminal intent or criminal 2) He has in his custody or charge a prisoner,
negligence, and while the prevailing facts of a either detention prisoner or prisoner by final
case may not show that deceit attended the judgment
commission of the offense, it will not preclude
the reception of evidence to prove the existence 3) Such prisoner escaped from his custody
of negligence because both are equally
4) That he was in connivance with the prisoner
punishable under Article 217 of the RPC. (Torres
in the latter’s escape, or is with his consent
v. People, 2011)
Classes of prisoners involved
■ The fact that petitioner did not personally use
the missing funds is not a valid defense and will a) If the fugitive has been sentenced by final
not exculpate him from his criminal liability. judgment to any penalty; and
(Ilogon v. Sandiganbayan)
b) If the fugitive is held only as a detention
: After the COA auditor found out that Php 2000 was
Q prisoner for any crime or violation of law or
missing, A was charged with Malversation of public municipal ordinance.
funds and property through dolo. So, in the
information, it was stated that he is the one who
misappropriates, appropriates or has taken the said ■ Whether it be under Art. 223, 224, 225, the
public funds, and so he was charged with Malversation offender is one who has been entrusted with the
through dolo, through deliberate intent. That was the custody and charge of the prisoner. He must be
case iled against him because they did not know that it in charge, he must be the custodian of the said
was B who took the money. So, the presumption is that prisoner because the essence of the crime is
he is the one who took the money, who appropriated it. the violation of the trust reposed on him
During the trial of the merits, during the presentation because prisoners are accountabilities of the
of the defense evidence, when it was already A’s term to Government.
testify, it was divulged or disclosed to the court that it
was in fact another cashier, B who misappropriated the ■ Release of a detention prisoner who could not
said funds through the negligence of A. And by reason of be delivered to the judicial authority within the
this evidence presented in court, the said judge, time fixed by law is not infidelity in the custody
convicted A of Malversation through culpa, in an of the prisoner.
information of malversation through dolo. Is the judge
correct? Can he convict A? ■ Leniency or laxity is not infidelity.

: Yes, the judge is correct. The reason is that, according to

A ■ Relaxation of imprisonment is considered
the Supreme Court, whether Malversation is committed infidelity.
through deliberate intent or culpa, DOLO and CULPA are
merely modalities of committing the crime. Nevertheless, it ■ Can a private individual commit infidelity?
is still malversation, and if you look at Article 217, whether
malversation is committed through deliberate intent or Yes, under Art. 225. If he is entrusted with the
through negligence, they just have one and the same custody of this prisoner and the prisoner
penalties. Further, the Supreme Court said, Malversation escapes, either in connivance with him or
through negligence or culpa is NECESSARILY INCLUDED in through his negligence, then his liability is
Malversation through deliberate intent or dolo. Hence, even infidelity in the custody of prisoners.
if the information is Malversation through dolo, one can be
convicted of Malversation through Culpa or Negligence.

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relieve herself. As a police officer who was charged with

the duty to return the prisoner directly to jail, the
1) Offender is a public officer deviation from his duty was clearly a violation of the
regulations. It is the duty of any police officer having
2) He is charged with the conveyance or custody custody of a prisoner to take necessary precautions to
of a prisoner, either detention prisoner or assure the absence of any means of escape. A failure to
prisoner by final judgment undertake these precautions will make his act one of
definite laxity or negligence amounting to deliberate
3) Such prisoner escapes through his negligence non-performance of duty. His tolerance of arrangements
whereby the prisoner and her companions could plan
and make good her escape should have aroused the
■ Only the positive carelessness that is short of
suspicion of a person of ordinary prudence.
deliberate non-performance of his duties as a
guard that is the gravamen of the crime under
Article 224. G. Crimes against persons

■ The fact that the public officer recaptured the ARTICLE 246 - PARRICIDE
escaped prisoner does not afford complete
Rodillas v. Sandiganbayan (1988)
1) A person is killed;
Rodillas was a Patrolman when he was directed by his 2) The deceased is killed by the accused; and
superior to escort prisoners to face trial. While waiting
for the arrival of the judge, Pat Andres, a relative of the 3) The deceased is the father, mother, or child,
husband of detention prisoner Zenaida, approached the whether legitimate or illegitimate; or a
accused and requested the latter if he could permit legitimate other ascendant or other
Zenaida to talk to her husband. The accused consented descendant, or the legitimate spouse, of the
and Zenaida had a short talk with her husband. He accused.
consented to the request that they eat at the canteen.
While eating, the husband of Zenaida asked accused if
he could accompany his wife to the comfort room as ■ Parricide is committed when a person kills his
she was not feeling well and felt like defecating. The father, mother, child, whether legitimate or
accused accompanied Zenaida and a lady companion illegitimate, legitimate other ascendant,
to the ladies' comfort room. Zenaida and her lady legitimate other descendant, or legitimate
companion entered the comfort room, while he stood spouse. Therefore the offended party or
guard near the ladies' comfort room facing the door. Not deceased or the victim is specified, he must be
long after, the lady companion of Zenaida came out of the father, mother, child whether legitimate or
the comfort room and told him that she was going to illegitimate, legitimate other ascendant,
buy sanitary napkins for Zenaida. After ten minutes legitimate other descendant, or legitimate
elapsed without the lady companion of Zenaida coming spouse.
back, the accused became suspicious and entered the
comfort room. To his surprise, he found Zenaida no ■ Parricide is a crime based on relationship: (1) It
longer inside the comfort room. He immediately went must be a legitimate relationship except in the
out to look for the escapee inside the building but they case of parent and child; (2) The said
were not able to see her. Accused was unable to relationship must be in the direct line; (3) The
recapture Zenaida. relationship must be by blood.

Ruling: The negligence referred to in the RPC is such : A father killed an illegitimate son. What
definite laxity as all but amounts to a deliberate crime is committed?
non-performance of duty on the part of the guard. It is
evident from the records that the petitioner acted : It is parricide. Although the crime is based on
negligently and beyond the scope of his authority when legitimate relationship, the exception is in the case
he permitted his charge to create the situation which led of children, whether legitimate or illegitimate.
to her escape. The petitioner contends that human
considerations compelled him to grant Zenaida Andres' Q: A brother killed another brother. Is the
requests to take lunch and to go to the comfort room to

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

crime committed parricide? accused could still be held criminally liable since at the
time of the commission of the alleged crime, he was still
: No, the crime committed is murder or homicide,
A married to complainant.
as the case may be and not parricide because the
relationship between a brother and another brother : A husband wanted to kill his wife. So he had a
is in the collateral line and not in the direct line. mistress, the husband wanted to dispose of his wife.
However, he cannot do it on his own and so the husband
Q: What if a stepfather killed his stepson? hired a high pro ile killer, he paid the man 100,000
pesos to kill the wife. And so the man conducted
: The stepfather is not liable for parricide. It can
A surveillance on the wife, checked the itinerary of the
either be murder or homicide, as the case may be, wife and so when the wife was getting out of the
because their relationship is not based on blood. grocery, here comes the killer. The killer, on board a
motorcycle, went directly to the wife, shot her and off he
■ In Parricide, the circumstance which will qualify went. The wife died. What crime/crimes is/are
is the relationship, therefore the relationship committed?
between the offender and the offended party
must be stated in the information. Offender’s : The husband is liable for principal but said killer is liable
relationship with the victim is an essential for murder. Conspiracy will not lie. Although they conspired
element of this crime. for the killing of the wife, the husband, being the principal by
inducement and the killer, being the principal by direct
■ If a person wanted to kill a stranger but killed participation, conspiracy will not lie. This is because the
his own father by mistake, is this parricide? circumstance which quali ies parricide, the relationship, is
YES, but Article 49 applies as regards the personal to the husband and cannot be transferred to a
proper penalty to be imposed. stranger. That is why there will two informations iled, one is
parricide as against the husband as a principal by
■ If a person killed another, not knowing that inducement and the other one is murder as against the killer.
the latter was his son, will he be guilty of
parricide? YES, because the law does not
require knowledge of the relationship between
■ A stranger who cooperates and takes part in the
commission of the crime of parricide is not ELEMENTS:
guilty of parricide, but only homicide or murder,
as the case may be. 1) That a legally married person or a parent
surprises his spouse or his daughter, the latter
Pimentel v. People (2010) under 18 years of age and living with him, in
the act of committing sexual intercourse with
For allegedly trying to kill her, complainant filed another person.
frustrated parricide charges against her husband, herein
accused, in 2004. In the following year, accused filed a 2) That the said legally married spouse he or she
petition to have his marriage declared null and void due kills any or both of them or inflicts upon any
to psychological incapacity. He also moved that the or both of them any serious physical injury in
criminal case be held in abeyance until the annulment the act or immediately thereafter
case has been resolved.
3) That he has not promoted or facilitated the
prostitution of his wife or daughter, or that he
HELD: The Supreme Court disagreed with accused, and
or she has not consented to the infidelity of
opined that there was no prejudicial question in this
the other spouse.
case. For one, the criminal case was instituted before
the annulment petition was filed. Second, at the time of
the commission of the alleged crime, complainant and
accused were married. The subsequent dissolution of ■ Under the first element, it is required that the
their marriage, in case the annulment petition is granted, legally married spouse surprises the other
will have no effect on the alleged crime that was spouse while in the actual act of sexual
committed at the time of the subsistence of the intercourse with another person. So note the
marriage. In short, even if the marriage is annulled, surprising must be in the actual act of sexual

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

intercourse and NOT before, NOT after. affair. So one time, he went home unannounced. Upon
his arrival, he saw his wife in sexual intercourse with
■ The second element requires that the said another man. The man jumped out the window. The
legally married spouse kills any or both of them husband wanted to kill the man but he had no weapon
or he inflicts serious physical injuries upon any at the time. The man went away. It took the husband an
or both of them. hour before he was able to find a weapon and upon
finding a weapon, he went directly to the whereabouts
■ The Supreme Court said, “immediately of the man, the lover of the wife and killed the man. It
thereafter” means there must not be a lapse of took him one hour. The killing took place an hour, not in
time between the surprising and the killing or the actual sexual intercourse, but is it immediately
infliction of serious physical injuries. Therefore, thereafter? Despite the fact that one hour had lapsed,
the surprising and the killing or infliction of would it be within the meaning of immediately
serious physical injuries must be a continuing thereafter?
The Supreme Court, in this special case, said yes.
■ Article 247 of the RPC does not define and According to the Supreme Court, when the law uses the
provide for a specific crime but grants a phrase “immediately thereafter”; that the killing or the
privilege or benefit to the accused for the killing infliction of serious physical injuries must take place
of another or the infliction of serious physical immediately thereafter, the law did not say that the
injuries under the circumstances mentioned killing must be done instantly. According to the
therein. (People v. Araquel) Supreme Court, it suffices that the proximate cause for
the said killing is the said pain and the look on the said
: What if the husband arrived home and the wife
Q husband upon chancing his wife in the basest act of
arrived home from the market. She was about to go the infidelity.
kitchen when suddenly, she heard voices in the
master’s bedroom and so she opened the said master’s This is an exceptional case because henceforth, after
bedroom and saw her legal husband in actual sexual People v. Abarca, the Supreme Court has already
intercourse with another person. Notice that the law interpreted “immediately thereafter”, as there must be
says, “other person” which means it could be a man or a no lapse of time between the surprising and the killing.
woman. Upon seeing that, the wife, who still has a knife The surprising and the killing must be continuous.
in the basket, immediately went towards the husband
and stabbed him. The woman led. The husband died.
Of what crime would you prosecute the said wife? The
wife is liable for parricide under Article 246 for having
killed her husband. If you are the counsel of the said
wife, what defense would you put up in order to free ELEMENTS
your client from criminal liability?
1) A person was killed;
: Article 247 or Death under exceptional circumstances.
The Supreme Court said that Article 247 is not a felony. 2) The accused killed him;
Article 247 is a privilege, in fact is it a defense. If Article 247
is invoked, the accused is free from criminal liability. It is an 3) The killing was attended by any of the
absolutory cause, an exempting circumstance. The Supreme qualifying circumstances mentioned in Article
Court said that the penalty stated therein, destierro, is not 248 of the RPC; and
really a penalty on the legally married spouse who killed the
other spouse. It is not a penalty but it is more of a guard, a 4) The killing is not parricide or infanticide.
privilege for him so that he may be free from any retaliation
from any of the family of the victim. So destierro here is not
really a penalty. Again, Article 247 is not a felony. It is a QUALIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER
defense, a privilege; it is an exempting circumstance or an ARTICLE 248
absolutory cause.
a) With treachery, taking advantage of superior
strength, with the aid or armed men, or
People v. Abarca (1987)
employing means to weaken the defense, or of
means or persons to insure or afford
In this case, there was this student reviewing for the bar.
There were already rumors that his wife was having an

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

b) In consideration of a price, reward or promise; People v. Labiaga (2013)

c) By means of inundation, fire, poison, If the evidence failed to convince the court that the
explosion, shipwreck, stranding of a vessel, wound sustained would have caused the victim’s death
derailment or assault upon a railroad, fall of without timely medical attention, accused should be
an airship, by means of motor vehicles, or convicted of attempted murder and not frustrated
with the use of any other means involving murder.
great waste and ruin;
In the instant case, since the victim’s gunshot wound
d) On occasion of any of the calamities was not mortal, accused should be convicted of
enumerated in the preceding paragraph, or of attempted murder and not frustrated murder.
an earthquake, eruption of a volcano,
destructive cyclone, epidemic, or any other People v. Angeles (2019)
public calamity;
As to the crime of attempted murder:
e) With evident premeditation;
If one inflicts physical injuries on another but latter
f) With cruelty, by deliberately and inhumanly
survives, the crime committed is either consummated
augmenting the suffering of the victim, or
physical injuries if the offender had no intention to kill
outraging or scoffing at his person or corpse.
the victim, or frustrated or attempted homicide or
frustrated or attempted murder if the offended party
■ Murder is the unlawful killing of any person intends to kill the victim.
which is neither parricide nor infanticide,
provided any of the qualifying circumstances Here, the attendant circumstances showed that
are present. appellant and his companions intended to kill Eric and
his brothers. Eric was spared because he sustained a
■ Murder will exist with only one of the non-fatal wound. But this does not dissolved appellant’s
circumstances described in this article. When liability for attempted murder.
more than one of the circumstances is present,
the others must be considered as generic As to the crime of frustrated murder:
As for Mark, the wounds that he sustained were fatal
○ Example: If in the information, A killed B and could have led to his death were it not for the timely
and it was attended by treachery, in medical intervention. Killing becomes frustrated when
consideration of a price, reward or the offender performs all the acts of execution which
promise, by means of a motor vehicle, could have produced the felony but did not produce it
so there are three qualifying for reasons independent of his or her will.
circumstances. Only one will suffice to
qualify the murder to killing, all the other People v. Oloverio (2015)
aggravating circumstances will be
considered not as qualifying For treachery to be appreciated, the following elements
circumstances but as mere generic must be proven: (a) the employment of means of
aggravating circumstances. execution that gives the person attacked no opportunity
to defend himself or retaliate, and (b) the means of
■ However, when the other circumstances are execution was deliberately or consciously adopted. As a
absorbed or included in one qualifying rule, a sudden attack by the assailant, whether frontally
circumstance, they cannot be considered as or from behind, is treachery if such mode of attack was
generic aggravating. Example: abuse of superior coolly and deliberately adopted by him with the purpose
strength is absorbed by treachery. of depriving the victim of a chance to either fight or
■ The qualifying circumstance must be alleged, in
order to qualify the killing to murder. If not The mere suddenness of an attack should not be the
alleged, it is only a generic aggravating sole basis in finding treachery. There must be evidence
circumstance. to show that the accused deliberately or consciously
adopted the means of execution to ensure its success.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Since treachery has not been proven, the crime is incompatible with negligence or imprudence.
merely homicide.
■ If homicide or murder is committed with the use
People v. Padal (2019) of an unlicensed firearm, such use of an
unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an
Murder requires the following elements: 1) a person was aggravating circumstance. It is clear from the
killed; 2) the accused killed him or her; 3) the killing was foregoing that where murder or homicide results
attended by any of the qualifying circumstances from the use of an unlicensed firearm, the crime
mentioned in Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code; is no longer qualified illegal possession, but
and 4) the killing is not parricide or infanticide. murder or homicide, as the case may be. In
such a case, the use of the unlicensed firearm is
As regards the third element, although treachery cannot not considered as a separate crime but shall be
be appreciated in this case because it was not alleged appreciated as a mere aggravating
in the Information, the use of motor vehicle qualified the circumstance. (People v. Avecilla)
killing to murder. Records show that appellants on
board a motorcycle chased the victim while the latter ■ It is settled that "where there is nothing in the
was running away for his life. Appellants later left the evidence to show that the wound would be fatal
scene of the crime together on board the same motor if not medically attended to, the character of the
vehicle. Clearly, therefore, the motorcycle was used as a wound is doubtful," and such doubt should be
means to facilitate the commission of the crime and to resolved in favor of the accused. (Etino v.
enable appellants' escape after they accomplished their People)
mission to kill the victim.
(1) There is a pregnant woman;
1) A person was killed;
(2) Violence is used upon such pregnant woman
2) The accused killed him without any justifying without intending an abortion;
(3) The violence is intentionally exerted; and
3) The accused had the intention to kill, which is
(4) As a result of the violence, the fetus dies, either in
presumed; and
the womb or after having been expelled therefrom.
4) The killing was not attended by any of the
qualifying circumstances of murder, or by ■ Unintentional abortion is committed only by
that of parricide or infanticide. violence, which must be intentionally exerted.

■ When a person kills another person, and it is not ■ In unintentional abortion, the force employed
attended by any qualifying circumstance under was physically exerted on a pregnant woman.
Article 248, the killing is considered as The intention of the offender is not against the
Homicide under Article 249. baby or the fetus but against the mother. His
intention is against the mother but in doing so,
■ When death resulted, intent is conclusively since the mother is pregnant, the baby/fetus
presumed (crime is consummated). was also aborted. So abortion was
unintentionally caused.
■ Evidence of intent to kill is important only in
attempted or frustrated homicide (to ■ Unintentional abortion may be committed
differentiate it from physical injuries). In such through imprudence. Example: Negligent driver
cases, intent to kill must be proved beyond gets into a car crash, causing a pregnant
reasonable doubt. passenger to get thrown off the car, killing the
fetus inside her.
■ There is no offense of frustrated homicide
through imprudence because the element of ■ Is the accused liable for abortion even if he
intent to kill in frustrated homicide is did not know that the woman was pregnant?

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

NO. For the crime of abortion, even if

unintentional, to be held committed, the
accused must have known of the pregnancy. 1) When the injured person becomes insane,
imbecile, impotent or blind in consequence of
■ Is there a crime of frustrated unintentional the physical injuries inflicted;
abortion? NO. There is no crime of frustrated
unintentional abortion because in unintentional 2) When the injured person —
abortion, the intention is against the woman and
abortion only happens unintentionally. a) Loses the use of speech or the power
to hear or to smell, or loses an eye, a
: The husband arrived home at 5 o’clock in the
Q hand, a foot, an arm, or a leg;
morning. He saw his wife looking at the children and
was making breakfast. Suddenly the cellphone of the b) Loses the use of any such member; or
wife rang, the pregnant wife answered the cellphone
c) Becomes incapacitated for the work in
and she began giggling. When she began giggling, the
which he was theretofore habitually
husband took the cellphone from the said wife and
engaged, in consequence of the
listened to the cellphone. He heard a voice of a man on
physical injuries inflicted;
the other line of the cellphone. Since he heard the voice
of the man and he just arrived from work, he became 3) When the person injured —
jealous and with the use of a knife he stabbed the wife.
The wife died and the fetus died. What crime/s is/are a) Becomes deformed;
b) Loses any other member of his body;
: In so far as the wife is concerned, the crime committed is
parricide. In so far as the baby is concerned, the crime c) Loses the use thereof; or
committed is unintentional abortion. The crimes resulted
from one single act of stabbing the wife therefore it will give d) Becomes ill or incapacitated for the
rise to a COMPLEX CRIME OF PARRICIDE WITH performance of the work in which he
UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION. was habitually engaged for more than
90 days in consequence of the
physical injuries inflicted;
People v. Salufrania (1988)
4) When the injured person becomes ill or
After quarreling with his pregnant wife, Salufrania incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days
punched her on the stomach and strangled her to death. (but must not be more than 90 days), as a
He was convicted of the complex crime of parricide with result of the physical injuries inflicted.

HELD: There is no evidence to show that the accused ■ In physical injuries, there must not be intent to
had the intention to commit an abortion. Mere punching kill, otherwise the crime is frustrated / attempted
on the stomach, taken together with the immediate murder or homicide as the case may be.
strangling of the victim is not sufficient to show an intent
to cause an abortion. Thus, Salufrania should be First category
convicted of the crime of parricide with
UNINTENTIONAL ABORTION. ■ Impotence under first type means an inability to
copulate. It is used synonymously with ‘sterility’.

ARTICLE 263 – SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES ■ Penalty under the first type is one degree higher
when the victim is under 12 years of age.
■ Blindness requires loss of vision of both eyes by
1. By wounding; reason of the injury inflicted. Mere weakness in
2. By beating; vision is not contemplated.
3. By assaulting; or
4. By administering injurious substance. Second category

■ Blindness under the first type must be of two

eyes. If there is loss of one eye only, the serious

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

physical injuries is of the second type. process.

■ Loss of power to hear under the second type ○ : A poured muriatic acid on the face of
must be of both ears. If hearing in only one ear another person whom he hates and so
is lost, it falls under the third type. because of that, the face of that person
became deformed, it became ugly.
■ Loss of the use of hand, or incapacity for work Later, she went on a plastic surgeon.
under the second type, must be permanent. When he got out of the plastic surgery
clinic, she now looks like Vilma Santos.
■ All the body parts mentioned in the second type Is the accused person liable for serious
are principal members of the body (eye, hand, physical injuries?
foot, etc.)
: Yes. Even if she became prettier than
Third category before, it is still a fact that by reason of the
said injury it cannot be healed through the
■ The third type covers any other part of the body natural healing process. It will require the
which is not a principal member of the body. attendance of a medical surgeon. Therefore,
it is considered as a deformity.
■ DEFORMITY — physical ugliness, permanent
and definite abnormality. It must be Fourth category
conspicuous and visible.
■ Under serious physical injuries of the fourth
○ Elements of deformity: (1) physical type, illness or incapacity is required, NOT
ugliness; (2) permanent and definite medical attendance.
abnormality; and (3) it must be
conspicuous and visible. All must ■ Injury requiring hospitalization for more than 30
concur. days is serious physical injuries under
paragraph 4.
○ : A hacked B with the use of a bolo on
his stomach. So there was a big mark on ■ When the category of the offense of serious
his stomach despite the fact that it was physical injuries depends on the period of
already healed, there was a big scar on illness or incapacity for labor, there must be
the said stomach. The doctor said that evidence of the length of that period; otherwise,
the said injury requires medical the offense is only slight physical injuries.
treatment for 2 weeks. What crime is
committed? Is it serious physical injury When is serious physical injuries qualified?
or is it less serious physical injury?
1) If it is committed against any of the persons
: The crime committed is only LESS
A enumerated in Parricide.
deformity. Although there was a big scar on ■ That is when serious physical injuries is
the stomach, it would not amount to committed against the father, mother,
deformity. An injury in order to amount to child, whether legitimate or illegitimate;
deformity which would bring about serious legitimate other ascendant or other
physical injury must result to a physical descendant and legitimate spouse of
ugliness on a person. the accused.

○ : A boxed B. He lost his 2 front teeth

Q 2) If in the infliction of serious physical injuries, it is
permanently. What crime was attended by any of the qualifying circumstances
committed? for murder.

: The crime committed was SERIOUS

A ■ That is, if it is done with treachery,
PHYSICAL INJURY. Because it is a deformity evident premeditation, the crime
even if the doctor says that he can still committed is qualified serious physical
replace it, the fact still remains that it injuries.
cannot be healed through a natural healing

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ARTICLE 265 – LESS SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURIES shall require medical attendance during the
same period." Indeed, although the charge in
the instant case is for attempted murder, a
MATTERS TO BE NOTED IN THIS CRIME finding of guilt for the lesser offense of slight
physical injuries is proper, considering that the
1. Offended party is incapacitated for labor for latter offense is necessarily included in the
10 days or more (but not more than 30 days), former, as the essential ingredients of slight
or needs medical attendance for the same physical injuries constitute and form part of
period of time; and those constituting the offense of murder. (Garcia
Yap v. People)
2. The physical injuries must not be those
described in the preceding articles. ■ When the offender shall ill-treat another by deed
without causing any injury, and without causing
dishonor, the offense is Maltreatment under
Article 266,98 par. 3 of the Revised Penal Code.
1) When there is manifest intent to insult or It was beyond reasonable doubt that by hitting
offend the injured person Piamonte, appellant ill-treated the latter, without
causing any injury. (People v. Mapalo)
2) When there are circumstances adding
ignominy to the offense ARTICLE 266-A – RAPE
3) When the victim is the offender’s parents,
ascendants, guardians, curators, or teachers RAPE BY CARNAL KNOWLEDGE (paragraph 1)

4) When the victim is a person of rank or person ELEMENTS:

in authority, provided the crime is not direct
assault. 1) Offender is a man;

2) Offender had carnal knowledge of a woman;

■ Medical attendance OR incapacity for labor is
required in less serious physical injuries. 3) Such act is accomplished under any of the
following circumstances:
■ It is only slight physical injury when there is no
medical attendance or incapacity for labor. a) By using force or intimidation;

ARTICLE 266 – SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES AND b) When the woman is deprived of
MALTREATMENT reason or otherwise unconscious;

c) By means of fraudulent machination

ACTS PUNISHABLE or grave abuse of authority; or

1) Physical injuries incapacitated the offended d) When the woman is under 12 years of
party for labor from 1 to 9 days, or required age or demented.
medical attendance during the same period;
■ The law is specific in this type of rape that the
2) Physical injuries which did not prevent the
offender is a man and the victim is a woman.
offended party from engaging in his habitual
work or which did not require medical
■ The offender has carnal knowledge of a woman
attendance; and
against her will and it is committed by using
3) Ill-treatment of another by deed without force, threat, or intimidation. When the offended
causing any injury. party is deprived of reason or otherwise

■ Article 266 of the RPC provides that "[t]he crime ■ It is rape when the man had a carnal knowledge
of slight physical injuries shall be punished by of a woman who is sleeping or even if she was
arresto menor when the offender has inflicted half asleep.
physical injuries which shall incapacitate the
offended party for labor from 1 to 9 days, or ■ Force employed against the victim of the rape

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

need not be of such character as could be

resisted. It is enough that the force used is
sufficient to consummate the purpose of 1) Offender commits an act of sexual assault;
copulating with the offended woman.
2) The act of sexual assault is committed by any
■ When the offender in rape has an ascendancy of the following means:
or influence over the girl, it is not necessary that
she put up a determined resistance. a) By inserting his penis into another
person's mouth or anal orifice; or
Q: A is 11 years old. He is cohabiting with a man who
is 20 years old. They are living together as if they are b) By inserting any instrument or object
husband and wife. Of course, they had carnal into the genital or anal orifice of
knowledge. Is the man liable for rape? another person;

3) The act of sexual assault is accomplished

A: Yes. The man is liable for STATUTORY RAPE. The
under any of the following circumstances:
number of times that he had carnal knowledge of the
said woman, that is the number of the counts of rape. a) By using force or intimidation; or
So if he had carnal knowledge of the woman 5 times
during the time that they were together – 5 counts of b) When the woman is deprived of
statutory rape. That is because the child, the victim, is reason or otherwise unconscious; or
below 12 years of age. Insofar as criminal law is
concerned, she does not have a mind of her own, she c) By means of fraudulent machination
cannot give a valid consent. or grave abuse of authority; or

Q: A father raped his daughter. The daughter did not d) When the woman is under 12 years of
put up a fight, the father did not use force, threat, or age or demented.
intimidation in the said carnal knowledge of a
daughter. Is the crime committed rape?
What if it was the finger which was inserted in the
A: Yes. The crime committed is rape. It is INCESTUOUS genitalia of a person? Is it acts of lasciviousness or
RAPE. In case of incestuous rape, it is the overpowering rape by sexual assault?
and overbearing moral influence or moral ascendency of
an ascendant over a descendant which takes place of Supreme Court said it is RAPE BY SEXUAL ASSAULT.
force, threat, or intimidation. That is why in case of According to the Supreme Court, it would be so weird if
inceuous rape, force, threat, or intimidation is not what has been inserted is an instrument or object, it
indispensable; it is not necessary. Because it is the would be rape by sexual assault, but if it was finger, it
overpowering and overbearing moral influence or moral would be rape by acts of lasciviousness. The finger is
ascendency which a father has over his daughter which within the mean of an instrument or object insofar as
takes place of force, threat or intimidation. rape by sexual assault is concerned.


Buado v. People (2013)
In the crime of rape, from the moment the offender has
The presence or absence of injury or laceration in the
carnal knowledge of his victim he actually attains his
victim’s genitalia is not decisive of whether rape has
purpose and, from that moment also all the essential
been committed. Such injury or laceration is material
elements of the offense have been accomplished. Any
only if force or intimidation were an element of the rape
penetration of the female organ by the male organ is
charged. Otherwise, it is merely circumstantial evidence
sufficient. Entry of the labia or lips of the female organ,
of the commission of the rape.
without rupture of the hymen or laceration of the vagina
is sufficient to warrant conviction. Necessarily, rape is
People v. Vitero (2013)
attempted if there is no penetration of the female organ
(People v. Orita)
In rape committed by close kin, such as the victim’s
father, stepfather, uncle, or the common-law spouse of
RAPE BY SEXUAL ASSAULT (paragraph 2) her mother, it is not necessary that actual force or
intimidation be employed. Moral influence or
ascendancy takes the place of violence and

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

intimidation. anal orifice.

In the instant case, that the daughter did not shout for People v. Batalla (2019)
help should not be taken against her. In the first place,
different people react differently to different situations The fact that AAA failed to shout for help and to
and there is no standard form of human behavioral immediately report the rape incident does not affect her
response when one is confronted with a frightful case. Settled is the rule that delay in reporting the
experience. incident does not weaken AAA's testimony especially in
view of the threats Batalla made to kill her. Furthermore,
People v. Quintos (2014) the absence of physical injuries or fresh lacerations
asserted by Batalla does not negate the rape, and
The presence of lacerations is not an element of rape. although medical results may not indicate physical
An accused may be found guilty of rape regardless of abuse, rape can still be established since medical
the existence or inexistence of lacerations. The absence findings or proof of injuries are not among the essential
of lacerations is not a sufficient defense. However, the elements in the prosecution for rape.
presence of lacerations may be used to sustain
conviction of an accused by corroborating testimonies People v. Bay-od (2019)
of abuse and documents showing trauma upon the
victim's genitals. Carnal knowledge, as an element of rape under Article
266-A(l) of the RPC, is not synonymous to sexual
Resistance is also not an element of the crime of rape. intercourse in its ordinary sense; it implies neither the
Neither is it necessary to convict an accused. The main complete penetration of the vagina nor the rupture of
element of rape is “lack of consent.” Article 266-A the hymen. Indeed, jurisprudence has held that even the
recognizes that rape can happen even in circumstances slightest penetration of the victim's genitals -i.e., the
when there is no resistance from the victim. "touching" by the penis of the vagina's labia -is enough
to satisfy the element.
Resistance is not necessary to establish rape, especially
when the victim is unconscious, deprived of reason, MARITAL RAPE
manipulated, demented, or young either in chronological
age or mental age. In the case of People vs. Jumawan, rape exists even in
case of marital relationship because rape is not about
The information charging accused of this crime lacked sex. Rape a is violation of the human dignity of a
the allegation of any mental disability on the part of woman. Therefore, when the husband penetrates the
AAA. This is not necessary to convict accused of the wife by means of violence, threats or intimidation, by
crime of rape provided that sexual congress and mental means of force, rape exists because it must be
incapacity and, therefore, the incapacity to give consensual.
consent, are proved by clear and convincing evidence.
: The father arrived home from a drinking spree. The
However, to qualify the crime of rape and increase the father went directly to the bedroom of his daughter. He
penalty of accused from reclusion perpetua to death undressed his daughter and penetrated his own
under Article 266-B in relation to Article 266-(A)(1) of the daughter. The daughter did not put up any struggle but
Revised Penal Code, an allegation of the victim's the daughter was crying all along. She knew she could
intellectual disability must be alleged in the information. not do anything, she just kept on crying. Thereafter, the
If not alleged in the information, such mental incapacity daughter informed her relatives, particularly the sister
may prove lack of consent but it cannot increase the of her mother. Together, they went to DSWD and a case
penalty to death. Neither can it be the basis of of rape was iled against the father. The defense of the
conviction for statutory rape. father was that the said act of carnal knowledge was
consensual. According to the father, his daughter
Ricalde v. people (2015) allowed it, his daughter didn't put up any struggle and
he did not employ force on his own daughter. Therefore,
Rape under the second paragraph of Article 266-A is according to the father it was consensual.
also known as “instrument or object rape,” “gender-free
rape,” or “homosexual rape.” The gravamen of rape : The argument of the father is wrong. What is present here
through sexual assault is the insertion of the penis into is the so-called Incestuous Rape.
another person’s mouth or anal orifice, or any
instrument or object, into another person’s genital or In case of Incestuous Rape, a father having carnal

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

knowledge of his own daughter, do not look for force, c rime. Hence, the said act of carnal knowledge was
threat or intimidation because in case of incestuous against the will of the accused”. During trial on the
rape, the overpowering and overbearing moral influence merits, it was also proven by the prosecution that this
and ascendancy of the father over the daughter takes accused knew all along at the time of the carnal
the place of force, threat and intimidation. Therefore, knowledge that his victim was suffering from mental
there is no need to prove force, threat or intimidation. retardation. What crime is committed by the accused?

Just by the mere fact that he is the father and the victim : The accused is liable for quali ied rape. Under Article 266-
is the daughter, there is rape because of the B, if the offender knows of the mental retardation, mental
overpowering and overbearing moral ascendancy and disability, physical disability of the victim at the time of the
moral influence that a father has over his owned commission of the crime, the penalty is death. Therefore, it
daughter. is quali ied.

: X is a mental retardate. Based on the clinical

Q What will qualify the rape if the victim is a mental
diagnosis of the doctor, X is already 25 years old but she retardate, if the victim is suffering from mental
only has the mental capacity of a 10 year old child. X disability?
was raped by Y. In the information, it was alleged that
“X being a woman, 25 years old but has only the mental It is the fact that the said offender knows of the mental
age of 10 years old was raped by the above-stated disability of the victim at the time of the commission of
accused. Therefore, the said act of rape was deemed to the crime and such backup knowledge must be alleged
be against her will and by means of force, threat or in the information and proven during trial.
intimidation.” If the victim is already of age but has the
mental capacity of a child under 12 years of age, what Both must be alleged in the Information and it must be
crime is committed? Is it simple rape or is it statutory proven during trial. Absent that, it would be statutory
rape? rape.

A: The Supreme Court's decision varies. : X and Y are boyfriend and girlfriend. X was only 11
years old and Y was 22 years old. Since they love each
First, according to the Supreme Court in the case of People other, they cohabited with each other. They cohabitated
vs. Baay, the determining factor is the chronological age of for two weeks until the mother of X discovered where
the victim. Therefore, in this case since the victim was 25, they were and the mother of X forcibly took her
the crime committed is simple rape. daughter from the said place. Based on the statement
given by X, during those two weeks of cohabitation,
However, in the case of People vs. Deniega, the Supreme they would always have carnal knowledge every night,
Court said that the basis is not the chronological age of the for two weeks. What crime if any has been committed
victim but the basis is the mental age of the victim. by the boyfriend Y?
Therefore, in the case of People vs. Deniega, the Supreme
Court said the crime committed is statutory rape under : The boyfriend, Y, is liable for 14 counts of statutory rape.
article 266-A(d). Each act of carnal knowledge, each act of sexual intercourse
is equals to one count of rape. Since in this case they
In the case of People vs. Castillo and People vs. Avina, the cohabited for 14 days, for two weeks and according to X, the
Supreme Court said that the determining factor is the mental 11 year old girl, they would have sexual intercourse every
age of the victim. The Supreme Court in People vs. Avina night for 14 days. Therefore, the said boyfriend would be
(2021) stated that it is the mental age that determines what is liable for 14 counts of statutory rape under article 266-B.
the crime committed if the victim is suffering from mental
retardation and is under 12 years of age because it is the ARTICLE 266-B — PENALTIES
mental age that gives the victim the capacity to give her
consent or not. Therefore, at present the basis would be the
mental age. In the case, the crime committed would be WHEN RAPE IS PUNISHED BY DEATH
statutory rape.
1) Where the victim is under 18 years of age and
: But what if in the same problem it was stated in the
Q the offender is her ascendant, stepfather,
Information that “the undersigned public prosecutor guardian, or relative by affinity or
hereby accuses the above named accused for having consanguinity within the 3rd civil degree, or
carnal knowledge of X, 25 years old and is suffering the common law husband of the victim’s
from mental retardation, whose mental retardation is
known to the accused at a time of the commission of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

the occasion of rape.

mother; or

2) Where the victim was under the custody of 5) When rape is committed with any of the
the police or military authorities, or other law enumerated qualifying or aggravating
enforcement agency; circumstances (death penalty is imposed).

3) Where the rape is committed in full view of People v. Vañas y Balderama

the victim’s husband, the parents, any of the
children or relatives by consanguinity within Appellant must be convicted of qualified rape under
the 3rd civil degree; Article 266-B of the RPC in Criminal Case No. 6072
since the Information alleged, and it was proved during
4) Where the victim is a religious, that is, a trial, that the victim was a 16-year old minor and
member of a legitimate religious vocation and appellant was the live-in partner or common-law spouse
the offender knows the victim as such before of her mother. Appellant also admitted that he and the
or at the time of the commission of the victim's mother were living as husband and wife.
People v. XXX (June 2019)
5) Where the victim is a child under 7 years of
Appellant liable for qualified rape. Here, the prosecution
6) Where the offender is a member of the AFP, had established beyond moral certainty the element of
its paramilitary arm, the PNP, or any law carnal knowledge. Complainant positively identified
enforcement agency and the offender took appellant, her own flesh and blood, as the man who had
advantage of his position; carnal knowledge of her against her will. The
Information properly alleged that complainant was only
7) Where the offender is afflicted with AIDS or thirteen years old at the time of rape and the offender
other sexually transmissible diseases, and he was her own father, herein appellant. Complainant's
is aware thereof when he committed the rape, minority and her relationship with appellant were
and the disease was transmitted; sufficiently proved by complainant's birth certificate on
8) Where the victim has suffered permanent
9) Where the pregnancy of the offended party is
1. Attempted rape with homicide
known to the rapist at the time of the rape; or
■ When the rape is attempted and a
10) Where the rapist is aware of the victim’s
homicide is committed by reason or on
mental disability, emotional disturbance or
the occasion thereof [RPC, art. 266-B]
physical handicap.
2. Rape with homicide
Rape under the first type is punished by reclusion
perpetua. Rape under the second type is punished by ■ When by reason or on the occasion of
reclusion temporal. the rape, homicide is committed, the
penalty shall be death. [RPC, art. 266-B]
Penalties are increased in these instances:
■ In the special complex crime of rape
with homicide, the following elements
1) When it is committed with the use of a deadly
must concur:
weapon or by two or more persons.
1) the appellant had carnal
2) When the victim becomes insane. knowledge of a woman;

3) When there is attempted rape and homicide is 2) carnal knowledge of a woman

committed by reason or on the occasion was achieved by means of
thereof. force, threat or intimidation; and

4) When homicide is committed by reason or on 3) by reason or on occasion of

such carnal knowledge by

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

means of force, threat or provided that their marriage is not void ab initio.
intimidation, the appellant killed
a woman. (People v. Reyes, H. Crimes against personal liberty and security
: X and Y were on their way to town when suddenly
they were waylaid by a man named Z. Z suddenly
appeared in front of X and Y. Z boxed both girls and
then thereafter personally brought them behind a tree, ELEMENTS:
in the grass, in the area where in there were tall
grasses. Z undressed X forcibly after slapping her 1) Offender is a private individual;
several times, pinned her down and because of this, Y
kept on crying and shouting. Z got mad at Y for 2) He kidnaps or detains another, or in any other
repeatedly shouting and crying and so Z repeatedly hit manner deprives the latter of his liberty;
Y with a lead pipe until Y died. After Y died, Z went back
to X and placed himself on top of X and had carnal 3) The act of detention or kidnapping must be
knowledge of X. Thereafter, he told too hit X repeatedly illegal; and
with the lead pipe. Thinking that X was already dead, Z
4) In the commission of the offense, any of the
left. What crime/crimes are committed by Z?
following circumstances is present:
: What was Z’s original criminal intent? To rape. Since Z’s
a) The kidnapping lasts for more than 3
original criminal intent was to rape, the crime is rape. By
reason or on the occasion of the said rape, homicide is
committed. Z has repeatedly hit Y with a lead pipe until Y b) It is committed by simulating public
died. Therefore, on the occasion of the said rape, homicide authority;
was committed. Therefore, the crime committed is Special
Complex Crime of Rape with Homicide. c) Any serious physical injuries are
inflicted upon the person kidnapped
In the case of People vs. Laoag and in the case of People vs. or detained or threats to kill him are
Villa lores, the Supreme Court said that the law used the made; or
phrase “by reason or on the occasion of rape, homicide is
committed”. d) The person kidnapped or detained is
a minor, female, or a public officer.
“ By reason of rape, homicide is committed” → it means
that the original criminal intent of the accused is to rape the
victim and in the course of the said rape, he has to kill the ■ The essential element of kidnapping is the
very victim of rape. deprivation of the offended party’s liberty under
any of the four instances enumerated. But when
" On occasion of rape, homicide is committed” → it the kidnapping was committed for the purpose
means that the original criminal intent of the offender is to of extorting ransom, it is not necessary that one
rape the victim and on the occasion of the said rape, he has or any of the circumstances enumerated be
to kill someone. That someone may be the rape victim present.
herself or another person. For as long as said act of killing
occurred on the occasion of the said act of rape. The law ■ The offended must be a private individual. —
does not require it to be the victim of rape, it could be any If the offender is a public officer, the crime is
person. arbitrary detention. The public officer must have
a duty under the law to detain a person to be
ARTICLE 266-C — EFFECT OF PARDON liable for arbitrary detention. If he has no such
duty, and he detains a person, he is liable under
this article.
Subsequent valid marriage between the offender and
the offended party shall extinguish the criminal action or
■ Can a public officer commit kidnapping and
the penalty imposed.
serious illegal detention? Yes if the said public
officer has not been vested by law with the
In case it is the legal husband who is the offender, the
authority to effect arrest and to detain a person
subsequent forgiveness by the wife as the offended
then the said public officer is acting in his
party shall extinguish the criminal action or the penalty,
private capacity. Although a public officer; since

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

he is acting in his private capacity, the crime confinement itself.

committed is kidnapping and serious illegal
detention under Art 267 and not arbitrary ■ People v. Mamantak — SC ruled that
detention under Art 124. the crime committed is kidnapping and
serious illegal detention for ransom.
■ There is detention if the offender restrains a Even if it is only 5 centavos; if it was
person or the liberty of another person. He must given in exchange for the liberty of a
be detained, incarcerated. There must be a person who has been detained, by
showing that there is a restraint on his person or whose liberty has been restricted; it is
liberty; otherwise, if there is no restraint on the already considered as ransom. There is
person or liberty on the part of the offended no such thing as a small amount in so
party, it could be any other crime but not far as ransom is concerned.
kidnapping and serious illegal detention. It is
essential in the crime of illegal detention that ■ : A is indebted to B; B was asking
there be actual confinement or restriction of the payment from A, A however said that he
person of the offended party. has no money until B got fed up so what
B did is he kidnapped and detained the
minor child of A. He then called A telling
the same: “I will only release your
minor child the moment you give your
indebtedness in the amount of a million
Committed by a private Committed by a public
pesos”. Is the crime committed
individual, who unlawfully officer or employee, who
kidnapping and serious illegal
deprives a person of his detains a person
detention for ransom?
liberty. without legal ground.

Crime against personal Crime against the : Yes it is already kidnapping and serious
liberty. fundamental laws of the illegal detention for ransom even if the
state. amount being asked by the kidnapper is the
indebtedness of the father of the said child.
Any amount demanded in exchange for the
CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH WILL QUALIFY THE liberty of the person detained; that is
PENALTY already considered as ransom.

The presence of any of these circumstances will bring 2) When the victim is killed or dies as a
about the imposition of maximum penalty of death: consequence of the kidnapping or detention.

1) If the purpose of the kidnapping is to extort ■ Kidnapping and Serious Illegal

ransom from the victim or from any other Detention with Homicide.
■ This is a special complex crime.
Therefore, since it is a special complex
■ Kidnapping and Serious Illegal
crime; regardless of the number of
Detention for Ransom.
victims killed; it is still kidnapping and
serious illegal detention with homicide.
■ When the kidnapping is done for the
purpose of extorting ransom from the ■ Note however that it is required that the
victim or any other person, actual victim himself is the one who has been
demand for ransom is not necessary, as killed. If it is another person; it will result
long as it can be proven that the to a separate and distinct crime
kidnapping was done for the purpose of because the law is particular that the
extorting ransom. person detained/ kidnapped must be
the one who is killed or died as a
■ Ransom is any money, price, consequence thereof.
consideration paid or demanded for
redemption of a captured person. No ■ : The father learned about t he
specific form of ransom is required. The kidnapping of his daughter so the
gist of the crime is the felonious act of father informed the NBI agents. The
holding for ransom and not the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

BI agents were able to track down the

N inducement without which the victim would not have
place where the said child was being done so.
hidden so the NBI agents together with
the said father went to the hideout. People v. Padica (1993)
There was an exchange of gun ires
between A (the kidnapper) and the NBI Where the evident purpose of taking the victim was to
agents. While there was an exchange of kill him, and from the acts of the accused it cannot be
gun ires, the father saw his child so the inferred that the latter’s purpose was to actually detain
father rushed towards the son, carry or deprive the victim of his liberty, the subsequent killing
the son and they were able to leave the of the victim constitute the crime of murder. Hence, the
said hideout. While they were leaving, A crime of kidnapping does not exist and cannot be
the kidnapper saw them and A the considered as a component felony to produce a
kidnapper shot the father. What complex crime of kidnapping with murder. Although the
crime/s is/are committed? accused had planned to kidnap the victim for ransom
but they first killed him and it was only later that they
: In so far as the minor is concerned; the
A demanded and obtained the money, such demand for
crime committed is Kidnapping and ransom did not convert the crime into kidnapping since
serious illegal detention even if it did not no detention or deprivation of liberty was involved,
last for a period of more than 3 days, the hence the crime committed was only murder.
fact that the offended party is a minor, it is
already kidnapping and serious illegal Fenix v. People (2016)
The act of holding a person for an illegal purpose
In so far as the father who has been killed; necessarily implies an unlawful physical or mental
since he is not the victim of serious illegal restraint against the person's will, coupled with a willful
detention, it will constitute a separate and intent to confine the victim. The culprit must have taken
distinct crime of homicide. the victim away against the latter's will, as lack of
consent is a fundamental element of the offense, and
Therefore, there are 2 crimes committed by
the involuntariness of the seizure and detention is the
the said kidnapper. Kidnapping and serious
very essence of the crime.
illegal detention in so far as the child is
concerned and homicide in so far as the
People v. Mirandilla (2011)
father who has been killed is concerned.

3) When the victim is raped. Emphatically, the last paragraph of Article 267 of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended by R.A. No. 7659,
■ Kidnapping and Serious Illegal states that when the victim is killed or dies as a
Detention with Rape. consequence of the detention or is raped, or is
subjected to torture or dehumanizing acts, the
■ It is necessary that the victim is the one maximum penalty shall be imposed. This provision gives
who has been raped. rise to a special complex crime. As the Court explained
in People v. Larrañaga, this arises where the law
■ Again, since this is a special complex provides a single penalty for two or more component
crime, regardless of the times that the offenses.
victim has been raped, the crime
committed is only kidnapping and Notably, however, no matter how many rapes had been
serious illegal detention with rape. There committed in the special complex crime of kidnapping
is no kidnapping and serious illegal with rape, the resultant crime is only one kidnapping
detention with multiple rape. with rape. This is because these composite acts are
regarded as a single indivisible offense as in fact R.A.
4) When the victim is subjected to torture or any No. 7659 punishes these acts with only one single
dehumanizing acts. penalty. In a way, R.A. 7659 depreciated the
seriousness of rape because no matter how many times
People v. Avancena (2017) the victim was raped, like in the present case, there is
only one crime committed – the special complex crime
The fact that the victim voluntarily went with the of kidnapping with rape.
accused does not remove the element of deprivation of
liberty if the victim went with the accused on a false However, for the crime of kidnapping with rape, as in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

this case, the offender should not have taken the victim applicable
with lewd designs, otherwise, it would be complex
crime of forcible abduction with rape. In People v. 1) When the purpose of the entrance is to prevent
Garcia, we explained that if the taking was by forcible serious harm to himself, the occupant or third
abduction and the woman was raped several times, the persons;
crimes committed is one complex crime of forcible
abduction with rape, in as much as the forcible 2) When the purpose of the offender in entering is
abduction was only necessary for the first rape; and to render some service to humanity or justice;
each of the other counts of rape constitutes distinct and
separate count of rape. 3) Anyone who shall enter cafes, taverns, inns and
other public houses while they are open.


1. Preventing another, by means of violence,
1) Offender is a private person; threats or intimidation, from doing something
not prohibited by law; (Preventive coercion)
2) He enters the dwelling of another; and

3) Such entrance is against the latter’s will. 2. Compelling another, by means of violence,
threats or intimidation, to do something
■ The crime is committed by a private individual. If against his will, whether it be right or wrong.
the offender is a public officer or employee, the (Compulsive coercion)
entrance into the dwelling against the will of the
occupant is violation of domicile under Art. 128.
1) A person prevented another from doing
■ When the law says against the will, there must something not prohibited by law, or that he
be a prohibition or opposition from entering compelled him to do something against his
whether express or implied. will; be it right or wrong;

■ Mere entry without consent will not bring about 2) The prevention or compulsion be effected by
QUALIFIED TRESPASS TO DWELLING. violence, threats or intimidation; and

■ If the door is open therefore it means that 3) The person that restrained the will and liberty
anyone could enter even without the consent of of another had not the authority of law or the
the owner and the moment he enters, he is not right to do so, or in other words, that the
liable for qualified trespass to dwelling because restraint shall not be made under authority of
there is no prohibition or opposition from law or in the exercise of any lawful right.
Preventive coercion
■ It is necessary that there is an opposition or
prohibition from entering. It can be expressed ■ In grave coercion, the act of preventing by force
prohibition (e.g. A note which states: “Do Not must be made at the time the offended party
Enter” or the door was closed and a person was doing or about to do the act to be
knocked so the owner got up and opened the prevented. If the act was already done when
door but upon seeing the person he immediately violence is exerted, the crime is unjust vexation.
closed the door) or implied prohibition (e.g.
Door is closed even if it is not locked) ■ Instances when the act of preventing another is
classified as another crime:
■ Proof of express prohibition to enter is not
necessary when violence or intimidation is ○ A public officer preventing by means of
employed by the offender. violence or threats the ceremonies or
manifestations of any religion is guilty of
Cases wherein the provisions of this article are not

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

interruption of religious worship (Article The most telling proof of the absence of intimidation
132) was the fact that the complainant refused to sign the
promissory note in spite of the alleged threats of the
○ Any person who, by force, prevents the petitioner.
meeting of a legislative body (Article
○ Any person who shall use force or
intimidation to prevent any member of ELEMENTS:
Congress from attending the meetings
thereof, expressing his opinions, or 1) Offender must be a creditor;
casting his vote (Article 145)
2) He seizes anything belonging to his debtor:
Compulsive coercion
3) The seizure of the thing be accomplished by
■ Compelling another to do something includes means of violence or a display of material
the offender’s act of doing it himself while force producing intimidation;
subjecting another to his will.
4) The purpose of the offender is to apply the
same to the payment of the debt.
■ A person who is in actual possession of a thing,
even if he has no right to that possession,
cannot be compelled by means of violence to It is committed by a creditor who shall seize anything
give up the possession, even by the owner belonging to his debtor by means of violence or
himself. This will amount to grave coercion. intimidation in order to apply the same to the
■ Instances when the act of compelling is another
offense: UNJUST VEXATION (other light coercion, 2nd
paragraph of Art. 287)
○ A public officer not authorized by law
who compels a person to change his ■ Includes any human conduct which, although
residence (Article 127) not productive of some physical or material
harm, would, however, unjustly annoy or vex an
○ Kidnapping a debtor to compel him to innocent person. The act must cause
pay his debt (kidnapping for ransom annoyance, irritation, vexation, torment, distress
under Article 267) or disturbance.

Timoner v. People (1983) ■ The paramount question to be considered in

determining whether the crime of unjust
Grave coercion is committed when “a person who, vexation is committed is — whether the
without authority of law, shall by means of violence, offender’s act caused annoyance, irritation,
prevent another from doing something not prohibited by vexation, torment, distress, or disturbance to the
law or compel to do something against his will, either it mind of the person to whom it is directed.
be right or wrong.” In the case at bar, the Mayor is not
guilty of grave coercion as the element that the restraint ■ There is no violence or intimidation in unjust
made by the Mayor upon complainant, the owner of the vexation.
barbershop considered as a public nuisance, was not
made under authority of law or in the exercise of a ■ NOTE: Light coercion under the 1st paragraph
lawful right, is absent. will be unjust vexation if the third element
(violence, threats or intimidation) is absent.
Lee v. CA (1991)
■ Kissing a girl, without acts of lasciviousness, is
There is nothing unlawful when petitioner demanded unjust vexation.
that the private respondent return the proceeds of the
check accompanied by a threat to file criminal charges. I. Crimes against property
Her lengthy stay in the bank and return of money was
not due to petitioner’s threat but to show good faith.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

is inflicted;
4) When by reason or on occasion of robbery,
any of the physical injuries resulting in the
ELEMENTS OF ROBBERY IN GENERAL loss of the use of speech or the power to hear
or to smell, or the loss of an eye, a hand, a
1) There is personal property belonging to
foot, an arm, or a leg or the loss of the use of
any such member or incapacity for the work
2) There is unlawful taking of that property; in which the injured person is theretofore
habitually engaged is inflicted;
3) The taking must be with intent to gain; and
5) If the violence or intimidation employed in
4) There is violence against or intimidation of the commission of the robbery is carried to a
any person, or force upon anything. degree unnecessary for the commission of the
■ Robbery is committed by any person, who with 6) When in the course of its execution, the
intent to gain shall take any personal property offender shall have inflicted upon any person
belonging to another by means of violence not responsible for the commission of the
against, or intimidation of any person, or using robbery any of the physical injuries in
force upon anything. consequence of which the person injured
becomes deformed or loses any other member
■ The property taken must be personal property, of his body or loses the use thereof or
for if real property is occupied or real right is becomes ill or incapacitated for the
usurped by means of violence against or performance of the work in which he is
intimidation of person, the crime is habitually engaged for more than 90 days or
USURPATION. the person injured becomes ill or
incapacitated for labor for more than 30 days;
■ The phrase “belonging to another” means that
the property taken does not belong to the 7) If the violence employed by the offender does
offender. The person from whom the property is not cause any of the serious physical injuries
taken need not be the owner. Possession of defined in Article 263, or if the offender
the property is sufficient. employs intimidation only.

■ The unlawful taking of personal property is an

essential part of the crime of robbery. “Taking”
as an element of robbery, means depriving the
■ Robbery with homicide is a special complex
offended party of ownership of the thing taken
crime or a composite crime or a single
with the character of permanency.
indivisible offense. In reality two or more crimes
have been committed, the robbery and the
ARTICLE 294 — ROBBERY WITH VIOLENCE homicide yet, in the eyes of the law only one
AGAINST OR INTIMIDATION OF PERSONS crime, a single indivisible offense of robbery
with homicide.
■ Where the original design comprehends
1) When by reason or on occasion of the robbery robbery, and homicide is perpetrated by reason
(taking of personal property belonging to or on the occasion of the consummation of the
another with intent to gain), the crime of former, the crime committed is robbery with
homicide is committed; homicide.

2) When the robbery is accompanied by rape or ■ There is no such crime as robbery with
intentional mutilation or arson; murder. The treachery which attended the
commission of the crime must be considered
3) When by reason of on occasion of such not qualifying but merely as a generic
robbery, any of the physical injuries resulting aggravating circumstance.
in insanity, imbecility, impotency or blindness

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

■ There is still robbery with homicide even if the (1) The taking of personal property is committed with
person killed is another robber or an innocent violence or intimidation against persons;
bystander. Thus, the person killed need not be
the person robbed. (2) The property taken belongs to another;

■ It is immaterial that aside from the homicide, (3) The taking is animo lucrandi; and
rape, is committed by reason or on the occasion
of the crime. The felony would still be robbery (4) By reason of the robbery or on the occasion thereof,
with homicide. Once a homicide is committed homicide is committed.
by or on the occasion of the robbery, the felony
committed is robbery with homicide. All the Essential for conviction of robbery with homicide is
felonies committed by reason of or on the proof of a direct relation, an intimate connection
occasion of the robbery are integrated into one between the robbery and the killing, whether the latter
and indivisible felony of robbery with homicide be prior or subsequent to the former or whether both
(People v. Diu, 2013) crimes are committed at the same time.

■ When the special complex crime of robbery with People v. Cachuela (2013)
homicide is accompanied by another offense
like rape or intentional mutilation, such Homicide is said to have been committed by reason of
additional offense is treated as an aggravating or on the occasion of robbery if, for instance, it was
circumstance which would result in the committed:
imposition of the maximum penalty of death.
(1) To facilitate the robbery or the escape of the culprit;
When should the killing or the homicide take place?
(2) To preserve the possession by the culprit of the loot;
In case of robbery with homicide, for as long as the
original intent of the offender is to commit robbery or to (3) To prevent discovery of the commission of the
rob, the killing may take place before, during or after the robbery; or
said robbery provided that the original intent/ original
criminal design is to commit robbery or to rob. (4) To eliminate witnesses in the commission of the
Since it is a special complex crime, regardless of the
number of the persons killed there is only a single People v. Espia (2016)
indivisible offense of robbery with homicide. Even if the
killing is an unintentional killing or accidental killing still, The Supreme Court held that homicide may precede the
it is a single indivisible offense of robbery with homicide. robbery or may occur after the robbery, as what is
Even if the victim of the said robbery is different from essential is that there is a direct relation, an intimate
the victim of the killing, it is still robbery with homicide. connection between the robbery and the killing. A
conviction requires certitude that the robbery is the
People v. Quiñones (1990) main purpose and objective of the malefactor, and the
killing is merely incidental to the robbery.
There is no such crime as robbery with multiple
homicide. There is only the special complex crime of People v. Domasig (2018)
robbery with homicide, regardless of the fact that 3
persons were killed in the commission of the crime. In In charging robbery with homicide, the onus probandi is
robbery, all homicides and murders are merged in the to establish: (a) the taking of personal property with the
composite. As such, the single indivisible penalty of use of violence or intimidation against a person; (b) the
reclusion perpetua should be imposed only once even if property belongs to another; (c) the taking is
multiple killings accompanied the robbery. characterized with animus lucrandi or with intent to gain;
and (d) on the occasion or by reason of the robbery, the
People v. Aminola (2010) crime of homicide, which is used in the generic sense,
was committed. A conviction requires that robbery is the
The following elements must be established for a main purpose and the killing is merely incidental to the
conviction in the special complex crime of robbery with robbery. The intent to rob must precede the taking of
homicide: human life, but the killing may occur before, during or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

after the robbery. must have the intent to take the personal property of
another under circumstances that makes the taking one
ROBBERY WITH RAPE of robbery, and such intent must precede the rape. If the
original plan was to commit rape, but the accused after
■ Just like robbery with homicide, is also a special committing the rape also committed robbery when the
complex crime or a single indivisible offense. opportunity presented itself, the robbery should be
So, for as long as the intention of the offender is viewed as a separate and distinct crime.
to commit robbery, rape may be committed
before, during or after the commission of People v. Verceles (2002)
robbery. Since it is a special complex crime,
regardless of the number of times the victim Once conspiracy is established between two accused in
was raped, the crimecommitted is only robbery the commission of the crime of robbery, they would be
with rape. There is no such crime as robbery both equally culpable for the rape committed by one of
with multiple rapes. There is only robbery with them on the occasion of the robbery, unless any of
rape. them proves that he endeavored to prevent the other
from committing the rape. The rule in this jurisdiction is
■ There is no such crime as robbery with that whenever a rape is committed as a consequence,
attempted rape. It must be consummated. or on the occasion of a robbery, all those who took part
Otherwise, they are separate offenses. therein are liable as principals of the crime of robbery
with rape, although not all of them took part in the rape.
■ When the taking of personal property of a
woman is an independent act following ARTICLE 297 — ATTEMPTED AND FRUSTRATED
defendant’s failure to consummate the rape, ROBBERY COMMITTED UNDER CERTAIN
there are two distinct crimes committed: CIRCUMSTANCES
attempted rape and theft.
■ “Homicide” here is used in a generic sense. It
■ When rape and homicide co-exist in the
includes multiple homicides, murder, parricide,
commission of robbery, the crime is robbery
infanticide, etc.
with homicide and rape under par 1 of Article
294, the rape to be considered as an ■ The penalty is the same, whether the robbery is
aggravating circumstance only. attempted or frustrated.

People v. Dinola (1990) ■ “Unless the homicide committed shall deserve a

higher penalty under the Code” may be
Dinola saw victim Marilyn’s watch after he had raped illustrated as follows: In an attempted or
her. She refused to give him the watch so he took it frustrated robbery, the killing of the victim is
forcibly from her and left. Dinola was convicted of qualified by treachery or relationship. The
robbery with rape. proper penalty for murder or parricide shall be
imposed because it is more severe.
HELD: The crime of robbery and rape should be
punished as 2 separate offenses. If the original design ARTICLE 308 — WHO ARE LIABLE FOR THEFT
was to commit rape but the accused after committing
rape also committed robbery (more of an afterthought,
even accidental) because the opportunity presented PERSONS LIABLE
itself, the criminal act should be viewed as 2 distinct
offenses. If the intention of the accused was to commit 1. Those who with intent to gain, but without
robbery but rape was also committed even before the violence against or intimidation of persons
robbery, the crime of robbery with rape was committed. nor force upon things, take personal property
of another without the latter’s consent;
People v. Moreno (2002)
2. Those who having found lost property, fails to
deliver the same to the local authorities or to
The special complex crime of robbery with rape defined
its owner;
in Article 293 in relation to paragraph 2 of Article 294 of
the RPC, as amended, employs the clause "when the 3. Those who, after having maliciously damaged
robbery shall have been accompanied with rape." In the property of another, remove or make use
other words, to be liable for such crime, the offender

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

and without consent of Tina. – This is THEFT.

of the fruits or objects of the damage caused
by them;
■ But if the accused received the thing from
4. Those who enter an enclosed estate or a field another person in trust or on commission, or for
where trespass is forbidden or which belongs administration, or under a quasi-contract or a
to another and, without the consent of its contract of bailment, and later misappropriated
owner, hunt or fish upon the same or gather or converted the thing to the prejudice of
fruits, cereals or other forest or farm products. another, the crime is ESTAFA, because under
those transactions, the juridical possession of
ELEMENTS: the thing is transferred to the offender. (note:
thus, the distinction between juridical and mere
1) There is taking of personal property; physical possession is important.)

2) The property taken belongs to another; ■ For robbery to exist, it is necessary that there
should be a taking against the will of the owner;
3) The taking was done with intent to gain;
for theft, it suffices that consent on the part of
4) The taking was done without the consent of the owner is lacking.
the owner;
Del Rosario v. People (2019)
5) The taking is accomplished without the use of
violence against or intimidation of persons of Petitioner should have been convicted of the crime of
force upon things. theft, not of robbery. The testimonies of the witnesses
reveal that the snatching of the personal property was
without violence or intimidation of persons or with force
■ Theft is consummated when the culprits were
upon things. For the requisite of violence to be satisfied
able to take possession of the thing taken by
in cases of simple robbery, the victim must have
them. It is not an indispensable element of theft
sustained less serious physical injuries or slight physical
that the thief carries, more or less far away, the
injuries in the occasion of the robbery. The fact that the
thing taken by him from its owner.
necklace was grabbed did not automatically mean that
force attended the taking.
■ The Supreme Court held that asportation is
complete from the moment the offender had full
possession of the thing, even if he did not have
an opportunity to dispose of the same.
Valenzuela v. People (2007)
■ The taking in theft must have the character of
The RPC provisions on theft have not been designed in
permanency. Thus, the offender must have the
such fashion as to accommodate the Adiao, Dino and
intention of making himself the owner of the
Empelis rulings. Again, there is no language in Article
thing taken.
308 that expressly or impliedly allows that the “free
disposition of the items stolen” is in any way
■ The unlawful taking may occur at or soon after
determinative of whether the crime of theft has been
the transfer of physical possession (not juridical
produced. The Court thus concludes that under the
possession) of the thing to the offender. The
RPC, there is no crime of frustrated theft.
actual transfer of possession may not always
and by itself constitute the unlawful taking, but
an act done soon thereafter by the offender
which may result in unlawful taking or
People v. Concepcion (2012)
asportation. In such case, the article is deemed
to have been taken also, although in the
Article 293 of the RPC defines robbery as a crime
beginning, it was in fact given to, and received
committed by “any person who, with intent to gain, shall
by, the offender.
take any personal property belonging to another, by
means of violence against or intimidation of any person,
Illustration: Tina gave Rey her Rolex watch for
or using force upon anything.” xxx
the purpose of having it examined since Rey
has a pawnshop. Rey subsequently
Theft, on the other hand, is committed by any person
appropriated the Rolex watch with intent to gain
who, with intent to gain but without violence against or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take force in snatching her shoulder bag. Given the facts,
the personal property of another without the latter’s Concepcion’s snatching of Acampado’s shoulder bag
consent. constitutes the crime of theft, not robbery.

By definition in the RPC, robbery can be committed in

three ways, by using: (a) violence against any person; (b)
intimidation of any person; and/or (c) force upon
anything. Theft is QUALIFIED if —

The main issue is whether the snatching of the shoulder 1) Committed by a domestic servant;
bag in this case is robbery or theft. Did Concepcion
employ violence or intimidation upon persons, or force 2) Committed with grave abuse of confidence;
upon things, when he snatched Acampado’s shoulder
bag? 3) The property stolen is a motor vehicle, mail
matter, or large cattle;
In People v. Dela Cruz, this Court found the accused
4) The property stolen consists of coconuts taken
guilty of theft for snatching a basket containing jewelry,
from the premises of a plantation;
money and clothing, and taking off with it, while the
owners had their backs turned. 5) The property stolen is fish taken from a
fishpond or fishery; or
In People v. Tapang, this Court affirmed the conviction
of the accused for frustrated theft because he stole a 6) If property is taken on the occasion of fire,
white gold ring with diamond stones from the victim’s earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, or
pocket, which ring was immediately or subsequently any other calamity, vehicular accident, or civil
recovered from the accused at or about the same time it disturbance.
was stolen.

In People v. Omambong, the Court distinguished ■ Penalties for qualified theft are now next
robbery from theft. The Court held: HIGHER BY 2 DEGREES.

Had the appellant then run away, he would undoubtedly ■ Theft by domestic servant is always qualified. It
have been guilty of theft only, because the asportation is not necessary to prove grave abuse of
was not effected against the owner’s will, but only confidence.
without his consent; although, of course, there was
some sort of force used by the appellant in taking the ■ The abuse of confidence must be grave. There
money away from the owner. must be allegations in the information and proof
of a relation, by reason of dependence,
xxxx guardianship or vigilance, between the accused
and the offended party, that has created a high
What the record does show is that when the offended degree of confidence between them, which the
party made an attempt to regain his money, the accused abused.
appellant’s companions used violence to prevent his
succeeding. ■ The grave abuse of confidence need not be
premeditated. Its presence in the commission of
xxxx theft is sufficient.

The crime committed is therefore robbery and not theft, ■ The confidence gravely abused must be that
because personal violence was brought to bear upon existing between the offended party and the
the offended party before he was definitely deprived of offender.
his money.
: A is a domestic servant. When his master was out of
The prosecution failed to establish that Concepcion the house, A went to the masters’ bedroom and took the
used violence, intimidation or force in snatching jewelry. The information cited that he was a domestic
Acampado’s shoulder bag. Acampado herself merely servant but the information did not state that A took
testified that Concepcion snatched her shoulder bag the jewelry with grave abuse of con idence. Is A liable
which was hanging on her left shoulder. Acampado did for quali ied theft?
not say that Concepcion used violence, intimidation or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

: Yes, according to the Supreme Court, the law uses the

A and maximum periods.
conjunction OR. The fact that the accused is a domestic
servant, it will suf ice. The law does not require that abuse of Igdalino v. People (2018)
con idence to be established. It will suf ice that the accused
is a domestic servant. For the crime of theft to prosper, it must be established
beyond doubt that the accused had the intent to steal
: A was a security guard. The owner of the house left
Q personal property. This animus furandi pertains to the
his key to the security guard. However, the security intent to deprive another of his or her ownership or
guard used the key to open the house of the owner and possession of personal property, apart from but
took the valuables. What crime is committed? concurrent with the general criminal intent which is an
essential element of dolo malus. The intent to steal is
: The Security Guard is liable for quali ied theft because of
A presumed from the taking of personal property without
grave abuse of con idence. the consent of the owner or its lawful possessor. As in
all presumptions, this may be rebutted by evidence
Empelis v. IAC (1984) showing that the accused took the personal property
under a bona fide belief that he owns the property.
Four accused were seen carrying away 50 coconuts Clearly, jurisprudence has carved out an instance when
from a plantation. They dropped the coconuts after the act of taking of personal property defeats the
being seen by the owner. They were convicted of presumption that there is intent to steal -when the
qualified theft. SC held that they are guilty only of taking is open and notorious, under an honest and in
FRUSTRATED qualified theft as they were not able to good faith belief of the accused of his ownership over
carry away the coconuts from the plantation that is the the property.
gravamen of the offense under Article 310.
People v. Mejaras (2018)

This Court has been consistent in holding that “intent to THREE WAYS OF COMMITTING ESTAFA
gain or animus lucrandi is an internal act that is
presumed from the unlawful taking by the offender of 1. Estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of
the thing subject of asportation. [Thus,] [a]ctual gain is authority (Art. 315 [1])
irrelevant as the important consideration is the intent to
gain.” 2. Estafa by means of false pretenses or
fraudulent acts executed prior to or
It is established that Mejares opened the drawer in the simultaneously with the commission of the
masters' bedroom and took away the cash and crime (Art. 315 [2])
valuables it contained. Therefore, the burden is on the
3. Estafa through fraudulent means (Art. 315 [3])
defense to prove that intent to gain was absent despite
actual taking of her employer's valuables. This ELEMENTS OF ESTAFA IN GENERAL:
conclusion has the following bases: (1) the surreptitious
way accused handled the incoming calls; (2) her failure 1) The offender defrauded another by reason of
to heed the warnings of persons around her; (3) her abuse of confidence or by means of deceit.
inability to make use of the opportunities available to
verify the alleged vehicular accident where her mistress 2) Damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary
figured in. estimation is caused to the offended party or
to a third person.
Accused-appellant was a domestic helper working for
the Spouses Gavino when she committed the crime, by ■ It does not necessarily mean that there must
this fact alone, the offense committed is qualified. always be deceit. DECEIT is NOT an essential
requisite of estafa with abuse of confidence.
Since the penalty in theft is dependent on the value of
stolen personal properties, the valuation should be ■ It is necessary that there must be damage or
based on the value proven during trial, and not merely prejudice caused to the offended party or to a
on the Information or uncorroborated testimonies third person.
presented by the prosecution. However, since this is
qualified theft, Mejares must be meted a penalty two (2) ■ The law requires that this damage or prejudice
degrees higher, i.e., prision correccional in its medium must be capable of pecuniary estimation

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

because the penalty in estafa is dependent on personal property received by the offender in
the damage caused to the offended party. trust or on commission, or for administration, or
Hence, it is necessary that the said damage or under any other obligation involving the duty to
prejudice must be capable of pecuniary make delivery of or to return the same, even
estimation. You can estimate its value because though such obligation be totally or partially
the penalty is dependent on the value of the guaranteed by a bond; or by denying having
damage caused. received such money, goods, or other property.

■ No estafa through negligence. ■ Article 314, paragraph 1(b) is the ONLY kind
of estafa where demand is necessary.
ESTAFA WITH UNFAITHFULNESS OR ABUSE OF Although it is not required by law, it is
CONFIDENCE (paragraph 1) necessary because failure to account upon
demand, is circumstantial evidence of
Three punishable acts:
■ It is necessary that the offender received
a) By altering the substance, quantity, or quality or from the offended party money, goods or
anything of value which the offender shall other personal property. When the said
deliver by virtue of an obligation to do so, even offender receives from the offended party
though such obligation be based on an immoral money, goods or personal property, what
or illegal consideration. has been transferred to the offender was
■ There must be an onerous obligation. property.
■ If the thing delivered had not yet been fully ■ If only material possession has been
paid or just partially paid, NO ESTAFA even transferred to the offender, and the offender
if there was alteration. misappropriated or converted the same, the
crime committed is only theft or qualified
■ When there is no agreement as to the
theft but not estafa. So in order for the
quality of the thing to be delivered, delivery
crime of estafa to arise, it is necessary that
of a thing unacceptable to the complainant
the offender has juridical possession of
is NOT estafa.
the money, goods or personal property.
■ It can either be based on legal or illegal
■ Juridical Possession is a possession in the
consideration. The law does not take into
concept of an owner; it is a real right over
consideration that it must always be legal.
the property during the time that the
Even if the consideration is immoral or
property is in his possession, he has better
illegal, still, estafa is committed if there is an
right even than that of the owner of the said
alteration or substitution.
: A and B entered into an agreement, A has to deliver
: What if A rented a bicycle from B. A will use the
to B premium quality of marijuana. B paid. A delivered
bicycle for three hours and shall pay B 500 pesos for
two boxes of marijuana to B. When B reviewed the said
the use of the said bicycle. Upon payment, A is now
boxes of marijuana, B discovered that on the uppermost
using the bicycle. Three hours had lapsed, A failed to
portion, they were premium quality marijuana but on
deliver the bicycle to B. B demanded the return of the
the lower portion, they were of poor quality marijuana.
bicycle. A did not return the bicycle. Can B ile a case of
Can B ile a case of estafa against A?
estafa against A?
: Yes, B can ile a case of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse
: B can ile a case of estafa against A. Estafa is the crime
of con idence against A. This is because the law says that
committed by A because when B gave the bicycle to A, it was
even if it is based on an illegal or immoral consideration,
based on a contract of lease (a contract of rent), hence,
there must be a substitution of the quality or quantity, in this
juridical possession had been transferred from B to A. A,
case, of the said dangerous drugs which have been delivered
during the threehour period has juridical possession over the
by A to B.
said bicycle and during this period, A has better right to the
property than B, the owner thereof. When A failed to return
b) By misappropriating or converting, to the
the said bicycle to B after three hours, then he committed
prejudice of another, money, goods, or any other

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

estafa. liable with Agbulos. There can be no ex post facto

conspiracy to do that which has already been done and
: What if A told B to obtain a loan in his favor in a bank
Q consummated.
and then he gave B his diamond ring as collateral for
the said loan. However, B, instead of using the ring as Gamaro v. People (2017)
collateral for the loan, B sold the ring and
misappropriated the proceeds of sale. What case, if any, In proving the element of conversion or
may A ile against B? Is B liable for estafa? misappropriation, a legal presumption of
misappropriation arises when the accused fails to
: B is not liable for Estafa. When A gave the ring to B, what
A deliver the proceeds of the sale or to return the items to
has been transferred to B is only material possession of the be sold and fails to give an account of their
ring. It is not juridical possession because B is merely an whereabouts.
agent of A so that B will be the one to use the said ring as
collateral in order to obtain a loan in favor of A. Juridical The failure to account upon demand, for funds or
possession remains with the owner, A, hence the crime property held in trust, is circumstantial evidence of
committed is only quali ied theft. misappropriation.

: What if A is an employee in a company, XYZ

Q Here, Norma Gamaro failed to account for, upon
corporation. He was a ield worker and whenever he demand, the jewelry which was received by her in trust.
goes to the ield to work, he has this cash advance given This already constitutes circumstantial evidence of
by the company. One time, he went to work with a cash misappropriation or conversion to petitioner's own
advance, however, upon returning to work, he failed to personal use. The failure to return upon demand the
liquidate the cash advance. A, despite notices by the properties which one has the duty to return is
company, failed to liquidate the cash advance. So the tantamount to appropriating the same for his own
corporation iled a case against A. Will the case personal use. In fact, in this case, Fineza, herself
prosper? redeemed the pieces of jewelry using her own money.

: The case will not prosper. The Supreme Court said that a
A Ibañez v. People (2019)
cash advance is equivalent to a loan, therefore when the
company gave cash advance to the employee, there is not The crime of estafa with unfaithfulness or abuse of
only transfer of the said money to the employee but transfer confidence requires the following elements to concur,
of ownership of the said money. The employee is now the namely: (1) receipt of items in trust or under an
owner of the said money. When you say liquidate, it means obligation to return them or the proceeds of an
that he is paying his indebtedness to the company, therefore authorized transaction; (2) misappropriation, conversion
their relationship as employer and employee, insofar as the for personal benefit or denial of such receipt; (3)
cash advance is concerned, is that of a creditor-debtor and entrustor or owner was prejudiced; and (4) demand was
not that of entrustor-entrustee. Hence, there is no estafa made by the offended party.
committed, there is no theft committed. The liability of the
employee is only civil in nature. The company can only ile a Legaspi v. People (2018)
case of sum of money against the employee for failing to pay
his indebtedness in the form of cash advance to the company. Article 315, paragraph 1(b) requires proof of receipt by
the offender of the money, goods, or other personal
Benito v. People (2015) property in trust or on commission, or for administration,
or under any other obligation involving the duty to make
Generally, demand for the return of the thing delivered in delivery of or to return the same. In other words, mere
trust is necessary before an accused is convicted of receipt of the money, goods, or personal property does
estafa. However, if there is an agreed period for the not satisfy the first element, it must be demonstrated
accused to return the thing received in trust and the that the character of such receipt must either be in trust,
accused fails to return it within the agreed period, on commission or for administration or that the accused
demand is unnecessary. Failure to return the thing within has the obligation to deliver or return the same money,
the agreed period consummates the crime of estafa, i.e, goods or personal property received. It is therefore
the misappropriation of the thing received in trust. essential to prove that the accused acquired both
material or physical possession and juridical possession
The Estafa had already been consummated when of the thing received. he Information itself is bereft of
“Linda Chua” allegedly pawned the jewelry. Benito, who any indication that petitioners received private
was allegedly “Linda Chua,” cannot be held criminally complainant's money in such manner as to create a

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

fiduciary relationship between them. ELEMENT, and one and the same damage cannot give rise to
two crimes therefore you can never complex estafa and
falsi ication of a private document. It is either estafa or
falsi ication of a private document.
c) By taking undue advantage of the signature of
the offended party in blank, and by writing any When is it estafa?
document above such signature in blank, to the
prejudice of the offended party or of any third ■ If estafa can be committed without falsifying the
person. private document but the falsification of a
private document merely facilitated the
■ The paper with the signature in blank MUST commission of the crime, then the appropriate
BE DELIVERED by the offended party to the charge is estafa because the falsification of a
offender. Otherwise crime is falsification of private document is merely incidental.
■ If estafa cannot be committed without falsifying
: The manager of a company has a blank document
Q the private document, the crime committed is
which contains only the signature. The manager gave it falsification of a private document because
to the secretary and told the secretary to use the estafa is a mere consequence.
document for emergency purposes. When the manager
left, the secretary wrote in the document stating that ■ There is no such crime as estafa through
the manager will shoulder or pay his entire loan in a falsification of a private document. But there is
lending irm. What crime is committed by the said such a thing as estafa through falsification of a
secretary? Is the said secretary liable for estafa or public document because in falsification of a
estafa through falsi ication of a private document or public document, damage is not an element.
falsi ication of a private document. Which of the three
crimes is committed by the secretary? ESTAFA BY MEANS OF FALSE PRETENSES OR
: The crime committed is Estafa. This is because the
manager entrusted to the secretary the document in blank FRAUD (paragraph 2)
which contains his signature.
Five punishable acts:
: What if the secretary placed the blank document on
top of his table. Here comes B, a customer of the said a) By using fictitious name, or falsely pretending to
company. B while talking to the secretary saw the possess power, influence, qualifications,
document with the signature of the manager and so he property, credit, agency, business or imaginary
surreptitiously took one of those documents, brought it transactions, or by means of other similar
home and wrote in the document above the signature deceits.
that the manager shall be the one to pay all his
indebtedness in a lending irm. What crime is ■ Fictitious name: when a person found a
committed by the said customer? Is the customer liable pawnshop ticket in the name of another
for estafa or estafa through falsi ication of a private and, using the name of that person,
document. redeemed the jewelry.

: The customer is liable for Falsi ication of a Private

A ■ Pretending to possess power: "pretend to
Document under Art 172. This is because he caused that the be a magician who can find gold, but pay
manager participated in an act or proceeding when he did not me to find the gold under your house" trick.
so participate, one of the acts of falsi ication punished in
Article 171 and 172. ■ Pretending to possess influence: I have
connections in Malacañang so pay me if
hy not estafa through falsi ication of a private
W you want to get your documents approved"
document? trick.

Because there is no such crime as estafa through falsi ication : What if there were four licensed nurses who all want
of a private document. You cannot complex estafa with to work in Canada. Here comes X. X learned that A, B, C
falsi ication of a private document because both estafa and and D passed the board so he went to their house and
falsi ication of a private document HAVE DAMAGE AS told them that X has a placement agency that has all

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

t he quali ications to help them ind work in Canada. A, pretenses, upon which the complainant relied when he
B, C and D believed X, and X demanded that they give X paid the premium.
100k for processing fees. They gave the money to X. A,
B, C and D never saw X again. Later X was arrested. b) By altering the quality, fitness, or weight of
What are the crimes committed by X? anything pertaining to his art or business.

: A, B, C and D can ile two cases against X. Estafa under

A ■ A gives B, a jeweler, a diamond to be made
article 315 (2)(a) and Illegal Recruitment in Large Scale into a ring. B changed the stone with one of
under the Labor Code. These two cases are cumulative and lower quality.
not exclusive to each other, hence, the offender can be
charged with these two crimes at the same time. ■ The vendor put on the scale one apple
which is already one kilo. The crime
Estafa under 315 (2) (a) is committed because X committed estafa by altering the quality,
misrepresented to them that he has the quali ication and the fitness or weight of anything pertaining to
agency to bring them to work in another country when in his art or business. He alters the weight of
fact, he does not have such quali ication and agency. Where it the apple which pertains to his business
not for the said misrepresentation by X, the offended parties and therefore he can be held liable for
A, B, C and D would not have parted with the said 100 estafa under 315 (2)(b).
Thousand pesos in cash.
c) By pretending to have bribed a Government
The other crime committed by X is Illegal Recruitment in employee
Large Scale. In Labor Code, if Illegal Recruitment is
committed against three or more persons, individually or as d) By postdating a check or issuing a check in
a whole, it is considered as Illegal Recruitment in Large payment of an obligation when the offender had
Scale. On the other hand, if it is committed by ive or more no funds in the bank OR his funds deposited
persons, it is considered as Syndicated Illegal Recruitment. therein were not sufficient to cover the amount
Both crimes are considered crimes involving economic of the check.
sabotage under the Labor Code and is the reason why it is a
non-bailable offense. ■ For this kind of estafa to arise, it is
necessary that the issuance of the check
Salcedo v. CA (1985) must be in concomitance with the
defraudation (act of defrauding) because
Salcedo was the local branch manager of Manhattan note that Art 315 says that estafa by means
Guarantee. When he signed and issued the policy and of false pretenses or fraudulent acts exerted
collected the premium thereof, he had knowledge that prior to or simultaneously with the
his company was no longer authorized to conduct commission of fraud. Therefore, it is
insurance business. This knowledge makes him liable necessary that the issuance of the check is
under paragraph 2(a) of Article 315 of the RPC. in concomitance with the defraudation, that
is, the offender would not have parted with
To secure a conviction for estafa under paragraph 2(a) of his property were it not for the promise that
Article 315 of the RPC, the following requisites must the check would be funded.
concur: (1) that the accused made false pretenses or
fraudulent representations as to his power, influence, ■ The issuance of a check is NOT for a
qualifications, property, credit, agency, business or preexisting obligation. It MUST be for an
imaginary; and (2) that such false premises or fraudulent obligation contracted at the time of the
representations constitute the very cause which induced issuance or delivery of the check.
the offended party to part with his money or property,
and that as result thereof, the offended party suffered ■ The offender is given a period of three days
damage. to make good of the check. If the offender
failed to make good the check, it is said to
All these requisites are present in this case. The be prima facie evidence of deceit
deliberate concealment by Salcedo of the fact that his constituting the fraudulent act or false
company was no longer authorized to engage in the pretenses.
business of insurance when he signed and issued the
fire insurance policy and collected the premium ■ Estafa and BP 22 are separate crimes —
payment constitutes false representations or false Estafa under Article 315(2)(d) of the Revised

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Penal Code and violation of BP 22 are ake arrangement with the bank in order to cover the
separate and distinct from each other amount of the check. What case, if any, can B ile against
because they pertain to different causes of A? May B ile a case of estafa under Art 315 (2)(d)
action. against A or can B ile a case of violation of BP 22 against
The Supreme Court has held that, among
other differences, damage and deceit are : B can only ile a case of violation of BP 22 against A. B
essential elements for estafa under Article cannot ile a case of estafa under Art 315 (2) (d) because B
315 2(d) of the RPC, but are not for a has already boarded the construction materials and A has
violation of BP 22. Under the latter law, already taken the construction materials. A week later, B
mere issuance of a check that is dishonored went to A asking for the payment and it was only at the time
gives rise to the presumption of knowledge that A gave the check that bounced. Therefore the issuance of
on the part of the drawer that he issued the the check was in payment of an obligation which already
same without sufficient funds and hence exists at the time. Estafa under 315 (2)(d) cannot be
punishable unlike the RPC. committed if the check was issued in payment of a
pre-existing obligation because for estafa under Art 315
(2)(d) to arise, it is necessary that the issuance of the check
is in concomitance with the defraudation.
Damage and deceit are Damage and deceit
: A is in need of construction materials, he went to B. A
necessary elements are not necessary
said he needed construction materials. B said he can
get it if he had money. A said he didn’t have any money
at the moment but was issuing a postdated check
The circumstance of A drawer of a instead dated on the thirtieth day of the month. He
the check being issued dishonored check may guaranteed B that the check will be funded on the
for a pre-existing be convicted under BP thirtieth day of the month. B received the check and
obligation negates 22 even if he had boarded the construction materials needed by A inside
criminal liability issued the same for a the truck of A. On the thirtieth day of the month, B
preexisting obligation deposited the check but the check was dishonored by
the bank for insuf iciency of funds. Notice of dishonor
Crime against property Principally a crime was sent to A. However, despite a lapse of three days, A
against public interest failed to make good of the check or at least made
as it does injury to the arrangement with the bank in order to cover the full
entire banking system amount of the check. May B ile a case of estafa under
Art 315 (2) (d) against A? May B ile a case of violation of
Mala in se Mala prohibita BP 22 against A?

: B can ile both Estafa under Art 315 (2) (d) and violation
of BP 22 against A. Estafa was committed by A because the
: A was constructing his vacation house. He suddenly
Q check was issued, it was only received by B at the time of the
run out of materials so A went to B. A told B that he is in construction of materials was delivered. The check was
need of the construction materials. B said, “okay, you received by B upon guarantee given by A that on the thirtieth
can get your construction materials.” A said “I don’t day of the month, the check will be funded. Therefore, the
have money at the moment. I will pay next week.” So B issuance of the check was in concomitance with the
gave the needed construction materials, boarded them defraudation. Estafa under Art 315(2)(d) is committed.
in A’s truck and A went. A week after, B went to A, asking
for the payment of the construction materials. A said “B, Likewise, violation against BP 22 is committed because
I have no money at the moment. B, I am issuing you a violation of BP 22 will arise whenever a check had been
check, post-dated, on the thirtieth day of the month. B, I issued and the said check was dishonored upon presentment
guarantee you, on the thirtieth day of the month, this to the drawee bank. There immediately arises violation of BP
check will be funded. I will have money deposited here 22. (The essence of the crime of BP 22 is the issuance of a
because it is my payday.” B received the check. On the worthless check)
thirtieth day of the month, the date stated on the check,
B deposited the check, however the check was A can be prosecuted for two crimes – Estafa under Article
dishonored due to insuf iciency of funds. B sent a notice 315 (2)(d) and violation of BP 22 – at the same time. These
of dishonor to A. However, A, despite receipt of the said remedies are committed not exclusively of each other
notice of dishonor, failed to make good of the check or

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

therefore A can be prosecuted at the same time of both cases. account to cover them.

Juaquico v. People (2018) Also, there is no merit to Batac's contention that, at

most, she can only be held liable for violation of B.P.
The Supreme Court held that to be guilty of Estafa Blg. 22. While sourced from the same act, i.e., the
under paragraph (2)(d) of the RPC, there must be issuance of a check subsequently dishonored, estafa
knowledge that the drawer had no funds. and violation of B.P. Blg. 22 are separate and distinct
from each other because they pertain to different
The elements of the offense are: (i) postdating or causes of action.20 The Court has held that, among
issuance of a check in payment of an obligation other differences, damage and deceit are essential
contracted at the time the check was issued; (ii) lack of elements for estafa under Article 315 2(d) of the RPC,
or insufficiency of funds to cover the check; and (iii) the but are not so for violation under B.P. Blg. 22, which
payee was not informed by the offender and the payee punishes the mere issuance of a bouncing check.
did not know that the offender had no funds or
insufficient funds. Nierras v. Dacuycuy (1990)

As to the third element, the Court held in Ilagan v. No double jeopardy as they are separate offenses.
People that the prosecution must prove that the Estafa needs deceit and damage, not for pre-existing
accused had guilty knowledge of the fact that the obligations, crime against property and is mala in se. In
drawer of the check had no funds in the bank at the B.P. Blg. 22, deceit and damage not required because
time the accused indorsed the same. mere issuance gives presumption of guilt, can be for a
pre-existing debt, crime against public order and is mala
In the present case, the prosecution failed to prove the prohibitum.
same. There is no showing whatsoever that petitioner
had knowledge of the insufficiency of funds of the check
he endorsed to private complainant. Admittedly, the
checks received by private complainant were checks e) by obtaining food or accommodation at a hotel,
issued and paid to petitioner by a certain Ham. Upon etc.
notice that the subject checks were dishonored,
petitioner immediately searched for Ham but the same ■ The offender went to a hotel or inn to obtain
proved to be futile considering that the latter already left food, refreshment or accommodation, he
the country. did not pay. Or he obtained credit, he did
not pay. Or his goods are inside the hotel,
Moreover, in Lim v. People, the Court reiterated that in he abandons his goods, he abandons his
the crime of estafa by postdating or issuing a bad valuables, he surreptitiously removes parts
check, deceit and damage are essential elements of the of his baggage therein.
offense and have to be established with satisfactory
proof to warrant conviction. ■ R.A. 10951 decriminalized the former Article
315 par 2(e).
Batac v. People (2018)
■ It is no longer a crime by virtue of the new
It has been settled in jurisprudence that in the law.
above-defined form of estafa (Art. 315, par. 2[d]), it is
not the nonpayment of a debt which is made ESTAFA THROUGH FRAUDULENT MEANS
punishable, but the criminal fraud or deceit in the (paragraph 3)
issuance of a check. Deceit has been defined as "the
false representation of a matter of fact, whether by
Three punishable acts:
words or conduct by false or misleading allegations or
by concealment of that which should have been
a) By inducing another, by means of deceit, to sign
disclosed which deceives or is intended to deceive
any document.
another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.”
■ There must be inducement:
The prosecution sufficiently demonstrated Batac's
deceit when it established that the latter induced Frias
○ If the offended party was willing to
into buying the checks at a rediscounted rate by
sign although there was deceit as to
representing to him that she had enough funds in her
the character or contents of the

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document (because the contents ➢ If there is no deceit and no abuse of confidence,

are different from those which the there is no estafa, even if there is damage.
offended party told the accused to There is only civil liability.
state in the document) → crime is
falsification ➢ There CAN be a complex crime of theft and
estafa, when the former is a necessary means
■ Accused should make statements tending to commit the latter. Example: C, with intent to
to mislead the complainant as to the gain, took the pawnshop tickets without the
character of the document executed by him. consent of A (Theft). By redeeming the jewels by
means of the tickets, C also committed estafa,
■ Intestate Estate of Manolita Gonzales using a fictitious name.
Vda. De Carungcong v. People — In this
case, the Japanese son-in-law asks the ➢ The basis of the penalty for estafa is the amount
mother-in-law to sign a document. He or value of the property misappropriated
induced her to sign a document saying that BEFORE the institution of the criminal action.
it was about taxes but in truth and in fact, it Hence, partial payment made subsequent to the
is a SPA for the sale of the property in commission of estafa does not reduce the
Tagaytay and by reason thereof, the amount misappropriated which is the basis of
mother-in-law, who was already blind, signs the penalty.
the document therefore Sato, the Japanese
son-in-law, was able to sell the said ➢ A private person who procures a loan by means
property. This is the kind of Estafa by of deceit through a falsified public document of
inducing another by means of deceit to sign mortgage, but who effects full settlement of the
a document. loan within the period agreed upon, does not
commit the crime of Estafa, there being no
b) By resorting to some fraudulent practice to disturbance of proprietary rights and no person
insure success in a gambling game. defrauded thereby. The crime committed is only
falsification of public document.
c) By removing, concealing, or destroying, in whole
or in part, any court record, office files, ➢ The demand need not be formal; it can be an
document, or any other papers. oral demand. Merely asking where the money
was is tantamount to a demand. It should be
■ If no intent to defraud, the act of destroying noted that demand is not an element of estafa
a court record will be malicious mischief. and not a condition precedent for filing a
complaint. (Lee v. People)
■ Examples:
➢ Novation not a mode of extinguishing criminal
Concealing document: A person who liability for estafa; Criminal liability for estafa not
concealed a document evidencing a deposit affected by compromise or novation of contract.
of P2,600 which came into his possession (Metrobank v. Reynado)
when he offered to collect the deposit is
guilty of estafa. ARTICLE 320 – DESTRUCTIVE ARSON

Destroying documents: Destruction of a PN

given back to the maker to be replaced with HOW COMMITTED:
a new one to renew the loan, without
making a new promissory note is estafa 1. One (1) or more buildings or edifices,
because by destroying the old one, the consequent to one single act of burning, or as
offended party was dispossessed of the result of simultaneous burnings, or
evidence of a debt. committed on several or different occasions.

Final notes on estafa: 2. Any building of public or private ownership,

devoted to the use of the public in general, or
➢ The accused CANNOT be convicted of estafa where people usually gather or congregate for
with abuse of confidence under an information a definite purpose such as but not limited to
alleging estafa by means of deceit. official governmental function or business,

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

the main objective is to kill a particular person who may

private transaction, commerce, trade,
be in a building or edifice, when fire is resorted to as the
worship, meetings and conferences, or merely
means to accomplish such goal the crime committed is
incidental to a definite purpose such as but
murder only; lastly, (c) if the objective is, likewise, to kill
not limited to hotels, motels, transient
a particular person, and in fact the offender has already
dwellings, public conveyance or stops or
done so, but fire is resorted to as a means to cover up
terminals, regardless of whether the offender
the killing, then there are two separate and distinct
had knowledge that there are persons in said
crimes committed -homicide/murder and arson.
building or edifice at the time it is set on fire,
and regardless also of whether the building is
actually inhabited or not. ARTICLE 332 — PERSONS EXEMPT FROM
3. Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel,
airship or airplane, devoted to transportation
or convenience, or public use, entertainment CRIMES INVOLVED IN THE EXEMPTION
or leisure.
1. Theft
4. Any building, factory, warehouse installation 2. Swindling (estafa)
and any appurtenances thereto, which are 3. Malicious mischief
devoted to the service of public utilities.
5. Any building, the burning of which is for the LIABILITY (ONLY LIABLE CIVILLY)
purpose of concealing or destroying evidence
of another violation of law, or for the purpose 1. Spouses, ascendants and descendants, or
of concealing bankruptcy or defrauding relatives by affinity in the same line.
creditors or to collect from insurance.
2. Widowed spouse with respect to the property
6. Any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or military which belonged to the deceased spouse before
powder or fireworks factory, ordnance the same passed into the possession of
storehouse, archives or general museum of another.
the government.
3. Brothers and sisters and brothers and
7. In an inhabited place, any storehouse or sister-in-law IF LIVING TOGETHER.
factory of inflammable or explosive materials.
■ Article 332 only applies when BOTH the
What if in the course of the commission of offender and offended party are relatives as
Destructive Arson, someone died. The airplane was enumerated in the provision.
burned. The purpose was to burn the said airplane.
Unknown to the offender, someone was inside the ■ The exemption established by this article shall
said airplane and the said person died. What crime is not be applicable to strangers participating in
committed by the offender? the commission of the crime. This exempting
circumstance will not apply to strangers. If the
The offender is liable for Destructive Arson under Article strangers connived with any of the persons
320. The fact that someone died will not give rise to a mentioned in Article 332, so in that case, the
complex crime. The crime committed is only Arson. stranger is liable, only the enumerated persons
There is no such thing as Arson with Homicide. are not criminally liable.

■ Stepfather, adopted child, paramours, common

People v. Sota (2017)
law spouses are INCLUDED.
In cases where both burning and death occur, in order
to determine what crime/crimes was/were perpetrated Intestate Estate of Manolita Gonzales Vda. De
whether arson, murder or arson and homicide/murder, it Carungcong v. People
is de rigueur to ascertain the main objective of the
malefactor: (a) if the main objective is the burning of the This absolutory cause or exempting circumstance under
building or edifice, but death results by reason or on the Article 332 applies exclusively to simple crimes of theft,
occasion of arson, the crime is simply arson, and the swindling (or estafa) and malicious mischief. The
resulting homicide is absorbed; (b) if, on the other hand, exemption under Article 332 will not arise and will not

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

absorb the offender if the crime committed is already a conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual
complex crime. intercourse, under scandalous circumstances,
with a woman who is not his wife, or shall
Carungcong v. People cohabit with her in any other place, shall be
punished by prision correccional in its minimum
Carungcong, administratrix of the estate of her mother and medium periods.
filed a complaint-affidavit for estafa against her
brother-in-law, Sato, for executing a fictitious SPA and The concubine shall suffer the penalty of
selling the properties of her mother. The RTC dismissed destierro.
the case because Sato is covered by the exemption
under Article 332 of the RPC. ■ Concubinage is a private crime.

HELD: Sato is covered by the exemption from criminal ○ The wife must initiate the filing of the
liability provided under Article 332. The death of Sato’s complaint because it is a private crime.
wife did not dissolve the relationship by affinity between
Sato and Carungcong. However, a complex crime ○ Without the complaint, the state cannot,
would negate the exemption under Article 332 because on its own, file the case of concubinage.
said provision addresses specific crimes. Thus, all other
crimes are not affected by the absolutory cause. Thus, ○ The wife must file the case against both
for falsifying a public document and unlawfully selling the husband and the concubine and is
properties, Sato committed a complex crime which married.
takes him out of the absolutory clause under Article 332
of the RPC. ■ A married man is NOT liable for concubinage for
mere sexual relations with a woman not his wife.
J. Crimes against chastity
■ What if the concubine does not know that
the husband is married? It is a matter of
ARTICLE 334 – CONCUBINAGE defense on the part of the concubine that she
was also deceived. She did not know that the
ACTS PUNISHABLE man was married. But she also must be
1. Keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling;
■ “Conjugal dwelling” – the home of the husband
2. Having sexual intercourse, under scandalous and wife even if the wife happens to be
circumstances; temporarily absent on any account.

3. Cohabiting with her in any other place. ■ The people in the vicinity are the best witnesses
to prove scandalous circumstances. (The best
ELEMENTS: witnesses are the neighbors. It must be in such
a manner that the neighbors are shocked.)
1) The man is married;

2) He is either — ■ What if a married man who had sexual

intercourse with a woman inside a motel. Is
a) Keeping a mistress in the conjugal the man liable for concubinage? NO, because
dwelling; it was done in secrecy. In order for the husband
to be liable for concubinage by having sexual
b) Having sexual intercourse under intercourse with a woman who is not his wife, it
scandalous circumstances with a is necessary that the sexual intercourse was
woman who is not his wife; or committed under scandalous circumstances.
Their sexual congress must set a bad example,
c) Cohabiting with a woman who is not misconduct among the people in the
his wife in any other place; neighborhood.
3) As regards the woman, she knows that the
■ Cohabitation means that the husband and the
man is married.
concubine were living together as if they were
husband and wife without the benefit of
■ Any husband who shall keep a mistress in the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

marriage. rape.

ARTICLE 336 — ACTS OF LASCIVIOUSNESS : In a school, the woman after unbuttoning the pants
of the said man, the woman forcibly entered the penis
of the man inside her mouth. Is the crime committed
ELEMENTS: rape by sexual assault?

1) Offender commits any act of lasciviousness or : No, but it is acts of lasciviousness. If you look at rape by
lewdness; sexual assault, it is committed by “the man inserting his
penis into another persons’ mouth or ori ice.” It is the
2) The act is committed against a person of offender who must insert his penis into the mouth or ori ice.
either sex; In the problem, it is not the man who inserted his penis. It
was the woman who forcibly inserted the penis of the man
3) It is done under any of the following
inside her mouth. Therefore, crime committed is only acts of
lasciviousness, because in rape by sexual assault, it is the
a) By using force or intimidation; or offender who has the penis and inserted it forcibly to
b) When the offended party is deprived
or reason of otherwise unconscious;
c) By means of fraudulent machination
Means of committing the crime are the same.
or grave abuse of authority; or

d) When the offended party is under 12 The offended party in both crimes is a person of
years of age or is demented. either sex.

The performance of acts of lascivious character is

■ Motive of lascivious acts is not important common to both crimes.
because the essence of lewdness is in the very
act itself. Acts performed do NOT Acts performed clearly
indicate that the accused indicate that the
■ Embracing, kissing and holding a girl’s breast is was to lie with the accused’s purpose was
an act of lasciviousness, if the act was done offended party. to lie with the offended
with lewd designs. woman.

Example: if the kissing etc. was done inside Lascivious acts are Lascivious acts are
church, absence of lewd designs may be themselves the final preparatory to the
proven, and the crime is unjust vexation only. objective sought by the commission of rape.
But if the kissing was done in the house of a offender.
woman when she was alone, the circumstances
may prove the accused’s lewd designs.

■ There is no frustrated crime of acts of People v. Famularcano (1962)

The accused cannot be convicted of frustrated acts of
: Offender is the woman while the offended party is a
Q lasciviousness for under the very terms of the law such
man. The man was being held by 2 other men when the frustration can never take place. In cases of acts of
woman undressed the man, touched the private parts lasciviousness, as in all cases of crimes against chastity
of the man. What crime is committed? like adultery and rape, from the moment the offender
performs all the elements necessary for the existence of
: Acts of Lasciviousness under circumstances of rape under
A the felony, he actually attains his purpose, and from that
Art. 336. Under Art. 336, the offender and the offended party moment, all the essential elements of the offense have
may be any person. The man was held by two other men and also been accomplished. Motive of revenge is of no
the act of the woman was prompted by lust or lewd design. consequence since the essence of lewdness is in the
Therefore it is acts of lasciviousness under circumstances of very act itself. He was convicted of consummated acts
of lasciviousness.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Cruz v. People (2014)

b. Ascendant who seduced his
The intent of the offender to lie with the female defines
the distinction between attempted rape and acts of
lasciviousness. The felony of attempted rape requires ■ Deceit is not an element of qualified seduction.
such intent; the felony of acts of lasciviousness does Abuse of confidence is the necessary element.
not. Only the direct overt acts of the offender establish
the intent to lie with the female. However, merely ■ The fact that the girl gave her consent to the
climbing on top of a naked female does not constitute sexual intercourse is not a defense, because
attempted rape without proof of his erectile penis being lack of consent is not an element of the offense.
in a position to penetrate the female's vagina.
■ Distinguished from rape: if any of the
circumstances in the crime of rape is present,
the crime is not to be punished under this
■ In case of a teacher, it is not necessary that he
1. Seduction of a virgin over 12 years and under be the teacher of the offended party, as long as
18 years of age by certain persons, such as a he is a teacher in the same school.
person in authority, priest, teacher; and
■ Qualified seduction of a sister or descendant is
2. Seduction of a sister by her brother, or punished by a penalty next higher in degree.
descendant by her ascendant, regardless of The age or reputation of the sister or
her age or reputation. descendant is irrelevant.

ELEMENTS: ■ An accused charged with rape cannot be

convicted of qualified seduction under the same
1) Offended party is a virgin, which is presumed
if she is unmarried and of good reputation;

2) She is over 12 and under 18 years of age; People v. Fontanilla (1968)

3) Offender has sexual intercourse with her; It was qualified seduction. Anent the said marital
promise, Fontanilla also claims that there is no evidence
4) There is abuse of authority, confidence or on record supporting its veracity. Granting this to be
relationship on the part of the offender. correct, it is nevertheless settled that deceit, although
an essential element of ordinary or simple seduction,
does not need to be proved or established in a charge
1. Those who abused their authority — of qualified seduction. It is replaced by abuse of
confidence. When the offender is a public officer, a
a. Person in public authority; priest or minister, a servant, domestic, tutor, teacher, or
b. Guardian; under any title is in charge of the education or keeping
c. Teacher; of the offended woman, as in the present case, the act
d. Person who, in any capacity, is is punishable although fraud or deceit may not have
entrusted with the education or been used or, if employed, has not been proved. The
custody of the woman seduced; seduction of a virgin over twelve and under 18 years of
age, committed by any of the persons enumerated in
2. Those who abused confidence reposed in Article 337 "is constitutive of the crime of qualified
them — seduction . . . even though no deceit intervenes or even
when such carnal knowledge were voluntary on the part
a. Priest; of the virgin, because in such a case, the law takes for
b. House servant; granted the existence of the deceit as an integral
c. Domestic; element of the said crime and punishes it with greater
severity than it does the simple seduction . . . taking into
3. Those who abused their relationship —
account the abuse of confidence on the part of the
a. Brother who seduced his sister; agent (culprit), an abuse of confidence which implies

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deceit or fraud." promise.

Babanto v. Zosa (1983) ■ The woman committed sexual congress with

a married man because the man promised
The complaint alleged that the accused abused his that he will marry the woman. — The SC said
position as policeman by having carnal knowledge of a that there is no seduction. The fact that the
13 year old girl. However, there is no allegation that the woman knows that the man is married, the man
complainant was a virgin. Though it is true that virginity cannot marry her. There is no deceit.
is presumed if the girl is over 12 but under 18,
unmarried and of good reputation, virginity is still an ARTICLE 342 – FORCIBLE ABDUCTION
essential element of the crime of qualified seduction and
must be alleged in the complaint. A conviction of the
crime of qualified seduction without the allegation of ELEMENTS:
virginity would violate the petitioner’s right to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation 1) The person abducted is any woman,
against him. regardless or her age, civil status, or
Perez v. CA (1988)
2) The abduction is against her will;
There are similar elements between Consented
3) The abduction is with lewd designs.
Abduction and Qualified Seduction, namely: (1) the
offended party is a virgin, and (2) over 12 but under 18
years of age. However, there are other elements which ■ Abduction — the taking away of a woman from
differentiate the two crimes. For example, consented her house or the place where she may be for the
abduction requires the taking away of the victim with purpose of carrying her to another place with
her consent, while qualified seduction requires that intent to marry or corrupt her (People v.
there be abuse of authority, confidence or relationship. Crisostomo)
Thus, an acquittal for Consented Abduction will not
preclude the filing of a charge for Qualified Seduction, ■ The taking away of the woman may be
because the elements of the two crimes are different. accomplished by means of deceit first and then
by means of violence and intimidation.
■ If the female abducted is under 12 years of age,
the crime is forcible abduction, even if she
ELEMENTS: voluntarily goes with her abductor.

1) Offended party is over 12 and under 18 years ■ Sexual intercourse is NOT an element.
of age;
○ If by reason of or on the occasion of
2) She is of good reputation, single or widow; forcible abduction, the man had sexual
intercourse with the woman, it may
3) Offender has sexual intercourse with her; result in a COMPLEX CRIME OF RAPE
4) It is committed by means of deceit.
○ Only 1 rape is necessary to bring about
■ In case of simple seduction, the offended party complex crime of forcible abduction
must be a WOMAN who is single or a widow of with rape.
good reputation, over 12 but must be under 18
years of age. ○ Attempt to rape is absorbed in the
crime of forcible abduction, thus there is
■ Virginity of the offended party is not required, no complex crime of forcible abduction
good reputation is sufficient. with attempted rape (the attempt is
evidence of the lewd designs).
■ DECEIT — the offended party gave herself to
the man because of the latter’s promise. It may ■ When there is deprivation of liberty and no lewd
come in the form of inducement, a false designs, the crime is kidnapping and serious

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illegal detention. declared that the said spouse is presumptively

People v. Alburo (1990)
■ Nullity of the first marriage is not a defense in a
They are guilty of the complex crime of FORCIBLE bigamy charge. There must be a judicial
ABDUCTION WITH RAPE. In reviewing the evidence declaration of the nullity of a previous marriage
adduced by the prosecution for this crime of Rape, we before contracting the second marriage.
have likewise been guided by three well-known
principles, namely, (1) that an accusation of rape can be ■ The second marriage must have all the
made with facility, is difficult to prove, but more difficult requisites for validity were it not for the
for the person accused, though innocent, to disprove; existence of the first marriage.
(2) that in view of the intrinsic nature of the crime of rape
where only two persons are usually involved, the ■ The second spouse is not necessarily liable for
testimony of the complainant must be scrutinized with the bigamy. If the second husband or wife knew
extreme caution; and (3) that the evidence for the of the first marriage, he/she is an accomplice in
prosecution must stand or fall on its own merits, and the crime of bigamy.
cannot be allowed to draw strength from the
weaknesses of the evidence for the defense. ■ Bigamy is not a private crime. It is an offense
against the State, not against the second wife.
K. Crimes against the civil status of persons ■ A person convicted of bigamy may still be
prosecuted for concubinage.
People v. Aragon (1957)
Aragon contracted a 2nd marriage while the first
1) Offender has been legally married; marriage was still subsisting. Eventually the first wife
died. He contracted a third marriage. Aragon was
2) The marriage has not been legally dissolved charged of bigamy.
or, in case his or her spouse is absent, the
absent spouse could not yet be presumed A subsequent marriage contracted by any person during
dead by means of a judgment rendered in a the lifetime of his first spouse is illegal and void from its
proper proceedings, according to the Civil performance, and no judicial decree is necessary to
Code; establish its invalidity as distinguished from mere
annullable marriages. The second marriage is void,
3) He contracts a second or subsequent hence the third marriage is valid.
marriage; and
Capili v. People (2013)
4) The second or subsequent marriage has all the
essential requisites for validity. All the elements of the crime of bigamy were present in
this case when the Information was filed on 28 June
■ Bigamy shall be committed by any person who 2004. It is undisputed that a second marriage between
shall contracts a second or subsequent petitioner and private respondent was contracted on 8
marriage before the former marriage has been December 1999 during the subsistence of a valid first
legally dissolved, or who shall contract a marriage between petitioner and Karla Y. Medina-Capili
subsequent or second marriage before the contracted on 3 September 1999. Notably, the RTC of
absent spouse has been declared Antipolo City itself declared the bigamous nature of the
presumptively dead, meaning in a decision second marriage between petitioner and private
made in an appropriate proceedings. respondent. Thus, the subsequent judicial declaration of
the second marriage for being bigamous in nature does
■ The offender is a married person, but he not bar the prosecution of petitioner for the crime of
contracted a second or subsequent marriage, bigamy.
his previous marriage has not yet been declared
null and void by the court, or her spouse is Capili may still be charged with the crime of bigamy,
absent and he or she contracts a second or even if there is a subsequent declaration of the nullity of
subsequent marriage before the court has the second marriage, so long as the first marriage was

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still subsisting when the second marriage was indispensable for the purposes of remarriage. Prudencio
celebrated. cannot claim to have been in good faith in assuming
that there was no legal impediment for him to remarry
What makes a person criminally liable for bigamy is based merely on the National Statistics Office's
when he contracts a second or subsequent marriage issuance of a Certificate of No Marriage Record.
during the subsistence of a valid first arriage. Parties to
the marriage should not be permitted to judge for Based on Prudencio and Arlene's Marriage Certificate,
themselves its nullity, for the same must be submitted along with the photos of the wedding ceremony, they
to the judgment of competent courts and only when the were married on April 8, 1994. Consequently, the
nullity of the marriage is so declared can it be held as Certificate of No Marriage Record is not enough for
void, and so long as there is no such declaration the Prudencio to assume that his previous marriage with
presumption that the marriage exists. Arlene has been voided. Thus, his subsequent
remarriage to Basan rendered him liable for Bigamy.
Santiago v. People (2015)
L. Crimes against honor
A person who knowingly consents or agrees to be
married to another already bound in lawful wedlock is
guilty as an accomplice in the crime of bigamy. In this ARTICLE 353 — LIBEL
case, the affidavit they executed was falsified.
Therefore, the marriage between Leonila and Nicanor is ELEMENTS:
null and void. However, their conduct which is
inequitable, unfair, dishonest, fraudulent and deceitful 1) There must be an imputation of a crime, or of
will not avail them of the defense. a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act,
omission, condition, status, or circumstance;
Vitangcol v. People (2016) (imputation)

Norberto should be held liable for bigamy. For an 2) The imputation must be made publicly;
accused to be convicted of Bigamy, the prosecution (publication)
must prove that: (1) the offender has been legally
married; (2) the first marriage has not been legally 3) It must be malicious; (malice)
dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is absent, the
absent spouse could not yet be presumed dead 4) The imputation must be directed at a natural
according to the Civil Code; (3) he contracts a second or or juridical person, or one who is dead;
subsequent marriage; and (4) the second or subsequent (identification)
marriage has all the essential requisites for validity.
5) The imputation must tend to cause the
dishonor, discredit or contempt of the person
The Certification from the Office of the Civil Registrar of
Imus, Cavite, which states that “no record could be
found on the alleged issuance of this office of Marriage
License No. 8683519 in favor of MR. NORBERTO A. ■ Libel is a public and malicious imputation of a
VITANGCOL and MS. GINA M. GAERLAN dated July 17, crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary,
1987,” does not prove that Norberto’s first marriage was or any act, omission, condition, status, or
solemnized without a marriage license. It does not circumstances tending to cause the dishonor,
categorically state that Marriage License No. 8683519 discredit, or contempt of a natural or juridical
does not exist. person, or to blacken the memory of one who is
Assuming that Norberto’s first marriage was solemnized
without a marriage license, petitioner remains liable for ■ The meaning of the writer is immaterial. It is not
bigamy. Norberto’s first marriage was not judicially the intention of the writer or speaker, or the
declared void. Nor was his first wife Gina judicially understanding of the plaintiff or of any hearer or
declared presumptively dead under the Civil Code. reader by which the actionable quality of the
Norberto was still legally married to Gina when he words is to be determined, but the meaning that
married Alice. the words in fact conveyed on the minds of
persons of reasonable understanding, discretion
De Guzman v. People (2019) and candor, taking into consideration the
surrounding circumstances which were known
The law provides that a judicial declaration of nullity is

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to the hearer or reader. similar means.

■ There are as many offenses as there are What if A, in the same incident, using a microphone,
persons defamed. When the alleged slanderous using an amplifier sound system, called B “isa kang
utterances were committed on the same date estafadora”. Is the crime committed libel or is it oral
and at the same place, but against two different defamation?
persons, the situation has given rise to two
separate and individual causes for prosecution, The crime committed is Oral Defamation or Slander. The
with respect to each of the persons defamed. use of the microphone or the amplifier is not within the
means provided for Art. 355.
Second element: Publication
Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. v. Domingo (2017)
■ Publication is the communication of the
defamatory matter to some third person or For an imputation to be libelous under Art. 353 of the
persons. Hence, sending a letter in a sealed Revised Penal Code (RPC), the following requisites must
envelope through a messenger is not be present: (a) it must be defamatory; (b) it must be
publication. But sending to the wife, a letter malicious; (c) it must be given publicity; and (d) the
defamatory of her husband, is sufficient victim must be identifiable.
publication (the person defamed is the husband
and the wife is already considered a 3rd person) An allegation is considered defamatory if it ascribes to a
person the commission of a crime, the possession of a
Third element: Malice vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission,
condition, status or circumstance which tends to
■ Malice is used to indicate that the offender is dishonor or discredit or put him in contempt, or which
prompted by personal ill-will or spite and tends to blacken the memory of one who is dead.
speaks merely to injure the reputation of the
person defamed. In determining whether a statement is defamatory, the
words used are to be construed in their entirety and
■ Malice may be in-fact or in-law. As a general should be taken in their plain, natural, and ordinary
rule, malice in law is presumed from a meaning as they would naturally be understood by
defamatory imputation. But where privileged persons reading them, unless it appears that they were
communication is involved, malice (in law) is used and understood in another sense.
NOT presumed; the plaintiff must prove malice
in fact. In either case, where malice in fact is Moreover, a charge is sufficient if the words are
present, justifiable motives cannot exist and the calculated to induce the hearers to suppose and
imputations become actionable. understand that the person or persons against whom
they were uttered were guilty of certain offenses or are
Fourth element: Identification sufficient to impeach the honesty, virtue or reputation or
to hold the person or persons up to public ridicule.
■ Identity of the person must be identified. It is
not necessary that the person must be named There is publication if the material is communicated to a
or described. It suffices that any reader or a third person. It is not required that the person defamed
person who heard would know that he is the has read or heard about the libelous remark. What is
person being referred to. material is that a third person has read or heard the
libelous statement, for "a man's reputation is the
■ The moment a third party has recognized or has estimate in which others hold him, not the good opinion
known that he is the one being referred to in the which he has of himself."
defamatory statement, the identity of the
offended party is already present. Simply put, in libel, publication means making the
defamatory matter, after it is written, known to someone
What if A, on national television said, “ikaw B, isa other than the person against whom it has been written.
kang estafadora”. A accused B of the crime of "The reason for this is that [a] communication of the
estafa. Is the crime committed libel or oral defamatory matter to the person defamed cannot injure
defamation (slander)? his reputation though it may wound his self-esteem. A
man's reputation is not the good opinion he has of
The crime committed is LIBEL. According to the
Supreme Court, Television is within the phrase any

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himself, but the estimation in which others hold him. publication of the same libel constitutes a distinct
offense. Stated more succinctly for purposes of
To satisfy the element of identifiability, it must be shown ascertaining jurisdiction under Art. 360 of the Revised
that at least a third person or a stranger was able to Penal Code, as amended, every time the same written
identify him as the object of the defamatory statement. matter is communicated such communication is
It is enough if by intrinsic reference the allusion is considered a distinct and separate publication of the
apparent or if the publication contains matters of libel.
description or reference to facts and circumstances
from which others reading the article may know the
person alluded to; or if the latter is pointed out by
extraneous circumstances so that those knowing such
person could and did understand that he was the ELEMENTS:
person referred to.
1) there must be an imputation of a crime, or of a
Belen v. People (2017) vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any act,
omission, status or circumstances;
Publication in libel means making the defamatory
matter, after it has been written, known to someone 2) made orally;
other than the person to whom it has been written.
3) publicly;
A communication of the defamatory matter to the
4) and maliciously;
person defamed alone cannot injure his reputation
though it may wound his self-esteem, for a man's 5) directed to a natural or juridical person, or
reputation is not the good opinion he has of himself, but one who is dead;
the estimation in which other hold him.
6) which tends to cause dishonor, discredit or
In the same vein, a defamatory letter contained in a contempt of the person defamed.
closed envelope addressed to another constitutes
sufficient publication if the offender parted with its
possession in such a way that it can be read by person ■ Slander is oral defamation. There are two kinds
other than the offended party. of oral defamation: Simple slander; and Grave
If a sender of a libelous communication knows or has
good reasons to believe that it will be intercepted before ■ The slander need not be heard by the offended
reaching the person defamed, there is sufficient party, because a man’s reputation is the
publication. estimate in which other hold him, not the good
opinion which he has of himself.
The publication of a libel, however, should not be
presumed from the fact that the immediate control ■ Illustration of simple slander: An accusation that
thereof is parted with unless it appears that there is the offended party has been living successively
reasonable probability that it is hereby exposed to be and with several men uttered before several
read or seen by third persons. persons, when intended to correct an improper
conduct of the offended party, a kin of the
Brillante v. Court Of Appeals (2004) accused, is only simple slander.

A single defamatory statement, if published several ■ Illustration of Grave Slander: “You sold the
times, gives rise to as many offenses as there are union. You swindled the money of the members
publications. and received bribe money in the amount of
This is the "multiple publication rule" which is followed
in our jurisdiction, as explained in Soriano v. ■ Slander is oral defamation while libel is
Intermediate Appellate Court: defamation in writing. In both, there is a public
and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice
We follow the "multiple publication" rule in the or defect, real or imaginary, or an act, omission,
Philippines. Thus, in the cases of Montinola D. Montalvo status, or circumstance tending to cause the
(34 Phil. 662, [1916]) and United States v. Sotto (36 Phil. dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a natural or
389 [1917]), this Court ruled that each and every juridical person, or to blacken the memory of

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

one who is dead. [Gonzales v. Arcilla, (1991)] employment or occupation, degree of

intelligence, physical condition and other
Pader v. People circumstances regarding persons, time, and
There was a drunk man who passed by the house of a
political candidate. Their families are enemies. A told to ■ SIMPLE IMPRUDENCE — consists in the lack
the family of B, “putang ina mo B, magnanakaw ka sa of precaution displayed in those cases in which
bayan”. So because of this, B filed a case of oral the damage impending to be caused is not
defamation or slander. immediate nor the danger clearly manifest.

The Supreme Court said that phrase is not considered ■ Criminal negligence presupposes lack of
as a defamatory statement. It is a mere expression on intention to commit the wrong done, but that it
the part of the Filipino People. The crime committed by came about due to imprudence on the part of
the offender is only SIMPLE ORAL DEFAMATION or the offender.
SIMPLE SLANDER, not grave. Although the offended
party is running for a political position. The Court has ■ There must be injury to person or damage to
taken into consideration the antecedent facts of the property as a consequence of reckless or
case, their families are enemies of each other. simple imprudence.

Ramos v. People (2017) Ivler v. Hon. Modesto (2010)

Digna Ramos uttered the words "ukininam, puta, awan There was this vehicular accident and the husband,
ad-adal mo," which means "vulva of your mother, Ponce, died. The wife suffered only slight physical
prostitute, illiterate," against Patrocinia Dumaua and was injuries. Two charges were filed in the court (1) Reckless
charged with Grave Oral Defamation. The Supreme Imprudence Resulting to Slight Physical Injuries and (2)
Court held that Ramos indeed said defamatory words Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Homicide and
against Dumaua, but the utterances were made in the Damage to Property. In the case of Reckless
heat of anger and were with some sort of provocation Imprudence Resulting to Slight Physical, Jason Ivler
on the part of the latter. As such, it held Ramos is only immediately pleaded guilty to the crime charged. The
guilty of the crime of Slight Oral Defamation. judgment became final and executory. During the
arraignment of Reckless Imprudence Resulting to
M. Quasi-offenses Homicide and Damage to Property, the council of Jason
Ivler filed a motion to quash claiming that he can no
longer be prosecuted for Reckless Imprudence
ARTICLE 365 – IMPRUDENCE AND NEGLIGENCE Resulting to Homicide and Damage to Property because
he has already been convicted of Reckless Imprudence
ELEMENTS OF RECKLESS IMPRUDENCE Resulting to Slight Physical Injuries. He cannot be
prosecuted based on the same offense otherwise; the
1) that the offender does or failed to do an act accused will be placed in double jeopardy. This was
denied so it went up to the SC by a petition for
2) that the doing of or the failure to do that act is certiorari.
HELD: The SC ruled that Jason Ivler and his counsel are
3) that it be without malice correct. A person can no longer be prosecuted for
Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Homicide and
4) that material damage results Damage to Property after he is convicted of Reckless
Imprudence Resulting to Slight Physical Injuries. SC
5) that there is inexcusable lack of precaution on
said, what is being punished is the reckless
the part of the offender.
imprudence. Since what is punished is reckless
imprudence the damage to property and slight physical
■ RECKLESS IMPRUDENCE — Consists in injuries or homicide are only resulting felonies. Since
voluntarily, but without malice, doing or failing they are only resulting felonies, since the crime being
to do an act from which material damage results punished is the imprudence or negligence, one can no
by reason of inexcusable lack of precaution on longer be prosecuted or convicted after he has already
the part of the person performing or failing to been convicted and prosecuted of the same offense.
perform such act, taking into consideration his Reckless imprudence and simple negligence are crimes

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by themselves. THEY ARE QUASI-OFFENSES. or foresight, a single mental attitude regardless of the
Therefore, to prosecute a person after he has been resulting consequences. Thus, Article 365 was crafted
convicted of simple negligence, will result to double as one quasi-crime resulting in one or more
jeopardy. consequences. Article 48 is incongruent to the notion of
quasi-crime resulting in one or more consequences.
More complete ruling:
Article 48 is incongruent to the notion of quasi-crimes
1) Reckless Imprudence is a Single Crime; its under Article 365. It is conceptually impossible for a
Consequences on Persons and Property are Material quasi-offense to stand for (1) a single act constituting
Only to Determine the Penalty two or more grave or less grave felonies; or (2) an
offense which is a necessary means for committing
Quasi-offenses penalize “the mental attitude or another.
condition behind the act, the dangerous recklessness,
lack of care or foresight, the imprudencia punible,” Prosecutions under Article 365 should proceed from a
unlike willful offenses which punish the intentional single charge regardless of the number or severity of the
criminal act. These structural and conceptual features of consequences. In imposing penalties, the judge will do
quasi-offenses set them apart from the mass of no more than apply the penalties under Article 365 for
intentional crimes. each consequence alleged and proven. In short, there
shall be no splitting of charges under Article 365, and
2) Prior Conviction or Acquittal of Reckless Imprudence only one information shall be filed in the same first level
Bars Subsequent Prosecution for the Same court.
Take note of the case of Ivler v. Hon Modesto
Once convicted or acquitted of a specific act of reckless
imprudence, the accused may not be prosecuted again Reckless imprudence or negligence is the crime itself.
for that same act. For the essence of the quasi-offense Hence, once committed or acquitted of a specific act of
of criminal negligence under Article 365 of the Revised reckless imprudence, the accused may not be
Penal Code lies in the execution of an imprudent or prosecuted again for that same act. For the essence of
negligent act that, if intentionally done, would be the quasi offense of criminal negligence under Art 365
punishable as a felony. The law penalizes thus the of the RPC lies in the execution of an imprudent or
negligent or careless act, not the result thereof. negligent act that if intentionally done, would be
punishable as a felony. The law penalizes thus the
The gravity of the consequence is only taken into negligent or careless act, not the result thereof. The
account to determine the penalty, it does not qualify the gravity of the consequence is only taken into account to
substance of the offense. And, as the careless act is determine the penalty; it does not qualify the substance
single, whether the injurious result should affect one of the offense. And, as the careless act is single,
person or several persons, the offense (criminal whether the injurious result should affect one person or
negligence) remains one and the same, and cannot be several persons, the offense (criminal negligence)
split into different crimes and prosecutions. remains one and the same, and cannot be split into
different crimes and prosecutions.
3) Article 48 Does Not Apply to Acts Penalized Under
Article 365 of the Revised Penal Code

Article 48 is a procedural device allowing single

prosecution of multiple felonies falling under either of
two categories: (1) when a single act constitutes two or
more grave or less grave felonies (thus excluding from
its operation light felonies); and (2) when an offense is a
necessary means for committing the other. The
legislature crafted this procedural tool to benefit the
accused who, in lieu of serving multiple penalties, will
only serve the maximum of the penalty for the most
serious crime.

In contrast, Article 365 is a substantive rule penalizing

not an act defined as a felony but the mental attitude
behind the act, the dangerous recklessness, lack of care

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

III. SPECIAL PENAL LAWS unlawful for any person:

A. Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 (Secs. a) To hire, employ, use, persuade, induce or
coerce a child to perform in the creation or
3[a-c], 4 and 5, R.A. No. 9775)
production of any form of child pornography;

b) To produce, direct, manufacture or create any

Section 3. Definition of Terms. –
form of child pornography;
(a) “Child” refers to a person below eighteen (18) c) To publish offer, transmit, sell, distribute,
years of age or over, but is unable to fully take care of broadcast, advertise, promote, export or
himself/herself from abuse, neglect, cruelty, import any form of child pornography;
exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or
mental disability or condition. d) To possess any form of child pornography
with the intent to sell, distribute, publish, or
For the purpose of this Act, a child shall also refer to: broadcast: Provided. That possession of three
(3) or more articles of child pornography of
1) a person regardless of age who is presented, the same form shall be prima facie evidence of
depicted or portrayed as a child as defined the intent to sell, distribute, publish or
herein; and broadcast;

2) computer-generated, digitally or manually e) To knowingly, willfully and intentionally

crafted images or graphics of a person who is provide a venue for the commission of
represented or who is made to appear to be a prohibited acts as, but not limited to, dens,
child as defined herein. private rooms, cubicles, cinemas, houses or in
establishments purporting to be a legitimate
(b) “Child pornography” refers to any representation, business;
whether visual, audio, or written combination thereof,
by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or f) For film distributors, theaters and
any other means, of child engaged or involved in real telecommunication companies, by themselves
or simulated explicit sexual activities. or in cooperation with other entities, to
distribute any form of child pornography;
(c) “Explicit Sexual Activity” includes actual or
simulated – g) For a parent, legal guardian or person having
custody or control of a child to knowingly
1) As to form: permit the child to engage, participate or
assist in any form of child pornography;
i) sexual intercourse or lascivious act
including, but not limited to, contact h) To engage in the luring or grooming of a
involving genital to genital, oral to child;
genital, anal to genital, or oral to anal,
i) To engage in pandering of any form of child
whether between persons of the same
or opposite sex;
j) To willfully access any form of child
2) bestiality;
3) masturbation;
k) To conspire to commit any of the prohibited
4) sadistic or masochistic abuse; acts stated in this section. Conspiracy to
commit any form of child pornography shall
5) lascivious exhibition of the genitals, buttocks, be committed when two (2) or more persons
breasts, pubic area and/or anus; or come to an agreement concerning the
commission of any of the said prohibited acts
6) use of any object or instrument for lascivious and decide to commit it; and
l) To possess any form of child pornography.
Section 4. Unlawful or Prohibited Acts. – It shall be

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

paragraph shall be imposed in its maximum period,

Section 5. Syndicated Child Pornography – The adding one year for each additional 10,000 pesos; but the
crime of child pornography is deemed committed by a total penalty which may be imposed shall not exceed
syndicate if carried out by a group of three (3) or more twenty years. In such cases, the penalty shall be termed
persons conspiring or confederating with one another reclusion temporal and the accessory penalty pertaining
and shall be punished under Section 15(a) of this Act. thereto provided in the Revised Penal Code shall also be
Elements of child pornography
(b) The penalty of prision correccional in its
1) There is a written, visual, and/or audio material; medium and maximum periods, if the value of the
property robbed or stolen is more than 6,000 pesos but
2) The content of the material involves a real or not exceeding 12,000 pesos.
simulated explicit sexual activity; and
(c) The penalty of prision correccional in its
3) The one engaged in the sexual activity, whether minimum and medium periods, if the value of the
a natural person, a graphical representation of a property involved is more than 200 pesos but not
person, or a computer generated image of a exceeding 6,000 pesos.
person, is a child or is presented, depicted, or
portrayed as a child. (d) The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium
period to prision correccional in its minimum period, if
In short, any material that shows a child (natural, or an the value of the property involved is over 50 pesos but
adult portrayed as a child, animated or computer not exceeding 200 pesos.
generated) engaging in a real or simulated sexual
activity is considered child pornography. (e) The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium
period if such value is over five (5) pesos but not
Sexual grooming of a child is criminalized and is defined exceeding 50 pesos.
as “the act of preparing a child, or someone who the
offender believes to be a child, for sexual activity or a (f) The penalty of arresto mayor in its minimum
sexual relationship by communicating any form of child period if such value does not exceed 5 pesos.
pornography. It includes online enticement or
Section 4. Liability of Officials of Juridical Persons. If
enticement through any other means.”
the fence is a partnership, firm, corporation or
association, the president or the manager or any officer
B. Anti-Fencing Law of 1979 (Secs. 2 to 6, P.D.
thereof who knows or should have known the
No. 1612)
commission of the offense shall be liable.
Section 2. Definition of Terms. The following terms Section 5. Presumption of Fencing. Mere possession of
shall mean as follows: any good, article, item, object, or anything of value
which has been the subject of robbery or thievery shall
(a) "Fencing" is the act of any person who, with
be prima facie evidence of fencing.
intent to gain for himself or for another, shall buy,
receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell or dispose Section 6. Clearance/Permit to Sell/Used Second Hand
of, or shall buy and sell, or in any other manner deal in Articles. For purposes of this Act, all stores,
any article, item, object or anything of value which he establishments or entities dealing in the buy and sell of
knows, or should be known to him, to have been any good, article item, object of anything of value
derived from the proceeds of the crime of robbery or obtained from an unlicensed dealer or supplier thereof,
theft. shall before offering the same for sale to the public,
secure the necessary clearance or permit from the station
(b) "Fence" includes any person, firm,
commander of the Integrated National Police in the
association corporation or partnership or other
town or city where such store, establishment or entity is
organization who/which commits the act of fencing.
located. The Chief of Constabulary/Director General,
Section 3. Penalties. Any person guilty of fencing shall Integrated National Police shall promulgate such rules
be punished as hereunder indicated: and regulations to carry out the provisions of this
section. Any person who fails to secure the clearance or
(a) The penalty of prision mayor, if the value of permit required by this section or who violates any of
the property involved is more than 12,000 pesos but not the provisions of the rules and regulations promulgated
exceeding 22,000 pesos; if the value of such property thereunder shall upon conviction be punished as a fence.
exceeds the latter sum, the penalty provided in this

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

The Anti-Fencing Law of 1979 (PD 1612) defines and said that he bought the heavy equipment from Petronilo
punishes “fencing” or the act of any person who, with Banosing who showed him a certificate of ownership
intent to gain for himself or for another, shall buy, that stated that the heavy equipment was his.
receive, possess, keep, acquire, conceal, sell, or shall
buy and sell, an item which he knows, or should be The High Court ruled that the first and elements were
known to him, to have been derived from the proceeds not established because the DPWH did not present
of robbery or theft. satisfactory evidence to prove its ownership of the
equipment and the fact that it had been stolen.
Section 5 of PD 1612 provides a presumption that mere
possession of any good, article, item, object, or The third element is also absent. The presumption under
anything of value, which has been the subject of Section 5 of the law was overcome by the certificate of
robbery or thievery, shall be prima facie evidence of ownership presented by Banosing to the accused.
fencing. In other words, a person found in possession Being a duly notarized document which, by virtue of its
of stolen property has the burden to show that he did notarization, it enjoys a presumption of regularity. The
not know or could not have known that the property accused need not obtain a police clearance first
was stolen, and there is no intent to gain on his part. because it is only required if several conditions are met:
first, that the person, store, establishment or entity is in
Given this presumption, how does a legitimate the business of buying and selling of any good, articles
businessman protect himself and his customers? Under item object, or anything of value; second, that such
the law, all stores, establishments or entities dealing in thing of value was obtained from an unlicensed dealer
the buy and sell of any good, article, item, object of or supplier thereof; and third, that such thing of value is
anything of value obtained from an unlicensed dealer or to be offered for sale to the public. Here, the accused
supplier thereof, shall secure the necessary clearance or did not appear to be engaged in the business of buying
permit from the station commander of the police and selling, neither did it appear that he had intended to
authority in the town or city where such store, sell the equipment to the public.
establishment or entity is located — before offering the
same for sale to the public. Any person who fails to C. Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (R.A.
secure the clearance or permit required by this section No. 3019, as amended by R.A. No. 3047, P.D.
or who violates any of the provisions of the rules and No. 677, P.D. No. 1288, B.P. Blg. 195 and
regulations promulgated thereunder shall upon
R.A. No. 10910)
conviction be punished as a fence.

Elements of fencing under PD 1612 Where do you file the complaint?

1) A crime of robbery or theft has been committed; It must be in the Office of the Ombudsman. In cases of
RA 3019, it is the Ombudsman that acts as the
2) The accused, who is not a principal or prosecution, it is the representative of the State as well
accomplice in the commission of the crime of as in the case of Plunder.
robbery or theft, buys, receives, possesses,
keeps, acquires, conceals, sells or disposes, or The moment the Ombudsman found probable cause,
buys and sells, or in any manner deals in any the case is filed either before the Sandiganbayan or
article, item, object or anything of value, which before the RTC.
has been derived from the proceeds of the said
crime; If the public officer charged is of Salary Grade “27” or
above, the case must be filed before the
3) The accused knows or should have known that Sandiganbayan. But if the public officer is of Salary
the said article, item, object or anything of value Grade of below “27”, the case is to be filed before the
has been derived from the proceeds of the proper trial court.
crime of robbery or theft; and:
Prescription of offenses
4) There is on the part of the accused intent to
gain for himself or for another.
Violation for RA 3019 shall prescribe after 20 years.
Therefore, the State has 20 years within which to
Mariano Lim vs People (2016)
prosecute the said public officer. After 20 years, the
A heavy equipment stolen from the Department of State loses the right to prosecute the offender.
Public Works and Highways (DPWH) was found in the
possession of the accused. In his defense, the accused However, the right of the government to forfeit or to

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

recover ill-gotten wealth does not prescribe. So there Information filed by the Office of Ombudsman
are no latches and estoppel insofar as the right of the sufficient in form and substance as to bring about
government to recover ill-gotten wealth is concerned. the conviction?
There is no time limit.
A: If it is, then there is probable cause. The moment the
Preventive Suspension SB found probable cause, it is now
mandatory/ministerial on the part of the SB to place the
As early as the case of Bayot vs. Sandiganbayan, the said public officer under preventive suspension.
Supreme Court has already upheld the constitutionality
of Sec. 13 of RA 3019 which provides for preventive Section 3 (e) — Causing any undue injury to any party,
suspension. It is constitutional because preventive including the Government, or giving any private party
suspension is not a penalty imposed after trial of the any unwarranted benefits, advantage or preference in
merits. It is only a preventive measure. Its purpose is to the discharge of his official administrative or judicial
prevent the said accused public officer from hampering functions through manifest partiality, evident bad faith
or frustrating his prosecution by influencing or coercing or gross inexcusable negligence. This provision shall
witnesses or by tampering pieces of evidence or by apply to officers and employees of offices or government
committing further criminal acts. Since the purpose of a corporations charged with the grant of licenses or
preventive suspen sionis merely for a preventive permits or other concessions;
measure and not a form of penalty, the Supreme Court
ruled it is constitutional.
Elements of Sec. 3(e), RA No. 3019, as amended:
: X is a public of icer and he was charged before the
1) The accused must be a public officer
Of ice of the Ombudsman in a contract or transaction,
discharging administrative, judicial or official
he receives gifts/presents in the said contract or
transaction where he has to intervene. He was charged
with violation of Sec. 3(b) of RA 3019 before the Of ice 2) He must have acted with manifest partiality,
of the Ombudsman. The Of ice of the Ombudsman evident bad faith or gross inexcusable
found probable cause, it iled the Information before negligence; and
the Sandiganbayan because X have the Salary Grade of
beyond “27”. The Sandiganbayan upon review of the 3) His action caused any undue injury to any party,
case found also probable cause and so the including the government, or gave any private
Sandiganbayan immediately issued a warrant of arrest. party unwarranted benefits, advantage or
The Sandiganbayan also placed X under preventive preference in the discharge of his functions
suspension. The counsel of X did not question the said (Lihaylihay v. People, G.R. No. 191219, 31 July
warrant of arrest and immediately posted bail. 2013).
However, they questioned the act of the Sandiganbayan
in placing him under preventive suspension. Is the Sison v. People, 2010
Sandiganbayan correct in placing the X under
preventive suspension? Petitioner was held liable for violation of Sec. 3(e) of RA
3019. He was grossly negligent in all the purchases that
: Yes. Because based on the facts, the SB placed X under
A were made under his watch, and which caused undue
preventive suspension after the SB has found probable cause. damage to the Municipality. The purchase of the
supplies were conducted without public bidding.
Placing a public officer under preventive suspension is Petitioner’s admission that the canvass sheets sent out
considered as mandatory but not automatic. It is to the suppliers already contained his signatures
mandatory because it is the duty of the SB to place him because he pre-signed these forms only proved his
under preventive suspension because the law used the utter disregard of the consequences of his actions. He
word “shall”. However, before it may become mandatory also admitted that he knew the provisions of RA 7160
on the part of the SB, it is necessary that there must on personal canvass but he did not follow the law
first be a finding of probable cause. Hence, it is not because he was merely following the practice of his
automatic. predecessors. This was an admission of a mindless
disregard for the law in a tradition of illegality.
The finding of probable cause of the Ombudsman will
not suffice. There must also be a probable cause Abubakar v. People, 2018
determined by the Sandiganbayan in itself.
Accused were found guilty of violation of Sec. 3(e) of RA
How is the probable cause determined? Is the No. 3019, as amended. Sec. 3(e) thereof punishes a

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

public officer who causes “any undue injury to any Any person charged under this Act shall not be entitled
party, including the Government” or gives “any private to the mitigating circumstances that there was no
party any unwarranted benefits, advantage or intention to commit so grave a wrong.
preference in the discharge of his official administrative
or judicial functions through manifest partiality, evident This section shall apply to the president, manager,
bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence.” director, or other responsible officer of businesses or
corporations engaged in hazing as a requirement for
The audit of the infrastructure projects showed that: (a) employment in the manner provided herein.
there had been an overpayment amounting to P17.6M;
(b) there were advance payments totaling P14.4M given Any conviction by final judgment shall be reflected on
contractors for the procurement of aggregate sub-base the scholastic record, personal, or employment record of
courses. the person convicted, regardless of when the judgment
conviction has become final.
Accused’s acts of identifying certain contractors ahead
of the scheduled public bidding and of allowing the RSE: This is a rebuttable presumption. The only way to
advanced deployment of their equipment through the rebut this is by proving that you did something to
issuance of certificates of mobilization are glaring prevent the act of hazing.
irregularities in the bidding procedure that engender
suspicion of favoritism and partiality towards the Important Points (Section 14):
contractors. These irregularities create a reasonable, if
not conclusive presumption that the concerned public ■ The presence of any person during the hazing,
officials had no intention of complying with the rules on even if such person is not a member of the
public bidding and that the results were already fraternity, sorority, or organization, is prima facie
predetermined. evidence of participation therein as a principal
unless such person or persons prevented the
Tupaz v. Ombudsman, 2019 commission of the acts punishable herein or
promptly reported the same to the law
Atty. Abella, the Register of Deeds of Northern Samar, enforcement authorities if they can do so
should be held criminally liable for violation of Sec. 3(e), without peril, to their person or their family
RA No. 3019, as amended. His official acts of canceling
OCT No. 15609 registered in the name of Hubahib, ■ The incumbent officers of the fraternity, sorority,
tupaz’s mother, and issuing transfer certificates of title in or organization concerned shall be jointly liable
the name of Genaro, appear to be attended, at the very with those members who actually participated
least, by gross inexcusable negligence. Abella’s actions in the hazing.
fell miserably short of the standards apropos to his
office. He relied on manifestly defective and tellingly ■ Any person charged under R.A. No. 11053 shall
suspicious documents that Macrina (attorney-in-fact of not be entitled to the mitigating circumstances
Genaro) or persons acting under and for her presented. that there was no intention to commit so grave a
D. Anti-Hazing Act of 2018 (R.A. No. 8049, as
E. Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (R.A. No.
amended by R.A. No. 11053)
Mere presence at the place of hazing:
What is a money laundering offense?
The presence of any person, even if such person is not a
member of the fraternity, sorority, or organization, It is committed by any person who, knowing that any
during the hazing is prima facie evidence of monetary instrument or property represents, involves, or
participation therein as a principal unless such person or relates to the proceeds of any unlawful activity:
persons prevented the commission of the acts
punishable herein or promptly reported the same to the a) Transacts said monetary instrument or property;
law enforcement authorities if they can do so without
peril, to their person or their family. b) converts , transfers, disposes of, moves,
acquires, possesses, or uses said monetary
The incumbent officers of the fraternity, sorority, or instrument or property;
organization concerned shall be jointly liable with those
members who actually participated in the hazing. c) Conceals or disguises the true nature, source,
location, disposition, movement, or ownership

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

of or rights with respect to said monetary of sexual act or any similar activity with or
instrument or property; without consideration;

d) Attempts or conspires to commit money c) To sell or distribute, or cause to be sold or

laundering offenses referred to in pars. (a), (b), distributed, such photo or video or recording of
or (c); sexual act, whether it be the original copy or
reproduction thereof; or
e) Aids, abets, assists in or conceals the
commission of the money laundering offenses d) To publish or broadcast, or cause to be
referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) above; published or broadcast, whether in print or
and broadcast media, or show or exhibit the photo
or video coverage or recordings of such sexual
f) performs or fails to perform any act as a result act or any similar activity through VCD/DVD,
of which he facilitates the offense of money internet, cellular phones and other similar
laundering referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) means or device.
Take note that if the photo or video was taken with the
person’s consent, then he or she cannot complain that
Money laundering is also committed by any covered
his photo or video was taken since there is no
person who, knowing that a covered or suspicious
reasonable expectation of privacy. Under the said law,
transaction is required under this Act to be reported to
the phrase “under circumstances in which a person has
the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC), fails to do
a reasonable expectation of privacy” means belief that
so. (Sec. 4)
he/she could disrobe in privacy, without being
concerned that an image or a private area of the person
F. Anti-Photo and Video Voyeurism Act of 2009 was being captured; or circumstances in which a
(Secs. 3 and 4, R.A. No. 9995) reasonable person would believe that a private area of
the person would not be visible to the public, regardless
Under Sec. 3 of RA 9995, photo or video voyeurism of whether that person is in a public or private place.
means the act of taking photo or video coverage of a
person or group of persons performing sexual act or any G. Anti-Plunder Act (Secs. 1, 2 and 6, R.A. No.
similar activity or of capturing an image of the private 7080, as amended by R.A. No. 7659)
area of a person or persons without the latter’s consent,
under circumstances in which such person/s has/have a
What is the crime of Plunder?
reasonable expectation of privacy. It also includes the
act of selling, copying, reproducing, broadcasting,
Any public officer who, by himself or in connivance with
sharing, showing or exhibiting the photo or video
members of his family, relatives by affinity or
coverage or recordings of such sexual act or similar
consanguinity, business associates, subordinates or
activity through VCD/DVD, internet, cellular phones and
other persons, amasses, accumulates or acquires
similar means or device without the written consent of
ill-gotten wealth through a combination or series of
the person/s involved, notwithstanding that consent to
overt or criminal acts as described in Sec.1(d) hereof, in
record or take photo or video coverage of same was
the aggregate amount or total value of at least
given by such persons.
P50,000,000.00, shall be guilty of the crime of plunder
The following acts are punishable under Section 4 of and shall be punished by life imprisonment with
RA 9995: perpetual absolute disqualification from holding any
public office. Any person who participated with said
a) To take photo or video coverage of a person or public officer in the commission of plunder shall likewise
group of persons performing sexual act or any be punished. In the imposition of penalties, the degree
similar activity or to capture an image of the of participation and the attendance of mitigating and
private area of a person/s such as the naked or extenuating circumstances shall be considered by the
undergarment clad genitals, public area, court. The court shall declare any and all ill-gotten
buttocks or female breast without the consent wealth and their interests and other incomes and assets
of the person/s involved and under including the properties and shares of stock derived
circumstances in which the person/s has/have a from the deposit or investment thereof forfeited in favor
reasonable expectation of privacy; of the State.

b) To copy or reproduce, or to cause to be copied ELEMENTS:

or reproduced, such photo or video or recording

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

1) That the offender is a public officer who acts For purposes of establishing the crime of plunder, it
by himself or in connivance with members of his shall not be necessary to prove each and every criminal
family, relatives by affinity or consanguinity, act done by the accused in furtherance of the scheme
business associates, subordinates or other or conspiracy to amass, accumulate or acquire ill-gotten
persons; wealth, it being sufficient to establish beyond
reasonable doubt a pattern of overt or criminal acts
2) That he amassed, accumulated or acquired indicative of the overall unlawful scheme or conspiracy.
ill-gotten wealth through a combination or
series of the following overt or criminal acts: The crime punishable under R.A. 7080 prescribes in
(predicate offenses) twenty (20) years. However, the right of the State to
recover properties unlawfully acquired by public officers
a) through misappropriation, conversion, from them or from their nominees or transferees shall
misuse, or malversation of public funds not be barred by prescription, laches, or estoppel.
or raids on the public treasury;
Enrile v. People, 2015
b) by receiving, directly or indirectly, any
commission, gift, share, percentage,
Since the crime of plunder may be done in
kickback or any other form of pecuniary
connivance or in conspiracy with other persons, and
benefits from any person and/or entity
the information filed alleged that Enrile and Reyes
in connection with any government
conspired with one another and with Napoles, Lim
contract or project or by reason of the
and De Asis unnecessary to specify, as an essential
office or position of the public officer;
element of the offense, whether the ill-gotten wealth
amounting to at least P172M had been acquired by
c) by the illegal or fraudulent conveyance
one, by two or by all of the accused. In the crime of
or disposition of assets belonging to the
plunder, the amount of ill-gotten wealth acquired
National Government or any of its
by each accused in a conspiracy is immaterial for
subdivisions, agencies or
as long as the total amount amassed, acquired or
instrumentalities of Government owned
accumulated is at least P50 million. The Court,
or controlled corporations or their
however, directed the prosecution to file a Bill of
Particulars identifying the acts, breakdown of
kickbacks and description of projects, among others,
d) by obtaining, receiving or accepting
sought by petitioner Enrile.
directly or indirectly any shares of stock,
equity or any other form of interest or
participation including the promise of H. Anti-Torture Act of 2009 (Secs. 3 [a, b], 4 and
future employment in any business 5, R.A. No. 9745)
enterprise or undertaking;

e) by establishing agricultural, industrial or Section 3. Definitions.

commercial monopolies or other
(a) "Torture" refers to an act by which severe pain or
combinations and/or implementation of
suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally
decrees and orders intended to benefit
inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining
particular persons or special interests;
from him/her or a third person information or a
confession; punishing him/her for an act he/she or a
third person has committed or is suspected of having
f) by taking advantage of official position,
committed; or intimidating or coercing him/her or a
authority, relationship, connection or
third person; or for any reason based on
influence to unjustly enrich himself or
discrimination of any kind, when such pain or
themselves at the expense and to the
suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with
damage and prejudice of the Filipino
the consent or acquiescence of a person in authority or
people and the Republic of the
agent of a person in authority. It does not include pain
or Buffering arising only from, inherent in or
incidental to lawful sanctions.
3) That the aggregate amount or total value of the
ill-gotten wealth amassed, accumulated or (b) "Other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
acquired is at least P50,000,000.00. or punishment" refers to a deliberate and aggravated

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

treatment or punishment not enumerated under asphyxiation;

Section 4 of this Act, inflicted by a person in authority
or agent of a person in authority against a person 13) The use of psychoactive drugs to change the
under his/her custody, which attains a level of perception, memory. alertness or will of a
severity causing suffering, gross humiliation or person, such as:
debasement to the latter.
i) The administration or drugs to induce
Section 4. Acts of Torture. confession and/or reduce mental
competency; or
(a) Physical torture is a form of treatment or
punishment inflicted by a person in authority or agent ii) The use of drugs to induce extreme
of a person in authority upon another in his/her pain or certain symptoms of a disease;
custody that causes severe pain, exhaustion, disability and
or dysfunction of one or more parts of the body, such
as: 14) Other analogous acts of physical torture; and

1) Systematic beating, headbanging, punching, (b) "Mental/Psychological Torture" refers to acts

kicking, striking with truncheon or rifle butt committed by a person in authority or agent of a
or other similar objects, and jumping on the person in authority which are calculated to affect or
stomach; confuse the mind and/or undermine a person's
dignity and morale, such as:
2) Food deprivation or forcible feeding with
spoiled food, animal or human excreta and 1) Blindfolding;
other stuff or substances not normally eaten;
2) Threatening a person(s) or his/fher relative(s)
3) Electric shock; with bodily harm, execution or other
wrongful acts;
4) Cigarette burning; burning by electrically
heated rods, hot oil, acid; by the rubbing of 3) Confinement in solitary cells or secret
pepper or other chemical substances on detention places;
mucous membranes, or acids or spices
4) Prolonged interrogation;
directly on the wound(s);
5) Preparing a prisoner for a "show trial", public
5) The submersion of the head in water or water
display or public humiliation of a detainee or
polluted with excrement, urine, vomit and/or
blood until the brink of suffocation;
6) Causing unscheduled transfer of a person
6) Being tied or forced to assume fixed and
deprived of liberty from one place to another,
stressful bodily position;
creating the belief that he/she shall be
7) Rape and sexual abuse, including the summarily executed;
insertion of foreign objects into the sex organ
7) Maltreating a member/s of a person's family;
or rectum, or electrical torture of the genitals;
8) Causing the torture sessions to be witnessed
8) Mutilation or amputation of the essential
by the person's family, relatives or any third
parts of the body such as the genitalia, ear,
tongue, etc.;
9) Denial of sleep/rest;
9) Dental torture or the forced extraction of the
teeth; 10) Shame infliction such as stripping the person
naked, parading him/her in public places,
10) Pulling out of fingernails;
shaving the victim's head or putting marks on
11) Harmful exposure to the elements such as his/her body against his/her will;
sunlight and extreme cold;
11) Deliberately prohibiting the victim to
12) The use of plastic bag and other materials communicate with any member of his/her
placed over the head to the point of family; and

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

12) Other analogous acts of mental/psychological pornography, sexual exploitation, forced

torture. labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt
Section 5. Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading
Treatment or Punishment. - Other cruel, inhuman or c) When the crime is committed by a syndicate
degrading treatment or punishment refers to a or in large scale. Trafficking is deemed
deliberate and aggravated treatment or punishment committed by a syndicate if carried out by a
not enumerated under Section 4 of this Act, inflicted group of three (3) or more persons conspiring
by a person in authority or agent of a person in or confederating with one another. It is
authority against another person in custody, which deemed committed in large scale if
attains a level of severity sufficient to cause suffering, committed against three (3) or more persons,
gross humiliation or debasement to the latter. The individually or as a group;
assessment of the level of severity shall depend on all
the circumstances of the case, including the duration d) When the offender is a spouse, an ascendant,
of the treatment or punishment, its physical and parent, sibling, guardian or a person who
mental effects and, in some cases, the sex, religion, age exercises authority over the trafficked person
and state of health of the victim. or when the offense is committed by a public
officer or employee;

I. Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (Secs. e) When the trafficked person is recruited to
3 to 12, R.A. No. 9208) engage in prostitution with any member of the
military or law enforcement agencies (Sec.

It is the recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing, f) When the offender is a member of the military
offering, transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring, or law enforcement agencies;
or receipt of persons with or without the victim’s
consent or knowledge, within or across national borders g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of
by means of threat, or use of force, or other forms of trafficking in persons, the offended party dies,
coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is
or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus
the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or (HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency
benefits to achieve the consent of a person having Syndrome (AIDS);
control over another person for the purpose of
exploitation which includes at a minimum, the h) When the offender commits one or more
exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms violations of Section 4 over a period of sixty
of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, (60) or more days, whether those days are
servitude or the removal or sale of organs. (Sec 3(a)) continuous or not; and

The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, i) When the offender directs or through another
adoption or receipt of a child for the purpose of manages the trafficking victim in carrying out
exploitation or when the adoption is induced by any the exploitative purpose of trafficking.
form of consideration for exploitative purposes shall
also be considered as ‘trafficking in persons’ even if it
does not involve any of the means set forth in the J. Anti-Violence Against Women and their
preceding paragraph. Children Act of 2004 (Secs. 3, 5 and 26, R.A.
No. 9262)
a) When the trafficked person is a child;
1) The offender has or had a sexual or dating
b) When the adoption is effected through R.A. relationship with the offended woman;
No. 8043, otherwise known as the
“Inter-country Adoption Act” and said 2) The offender, by himself or through another,
adoption is for the purpose of prostitution, commits an act or series of acts of harassment

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

against the woman; and 4) Sexual violence or acts which are sexual in
nature (Sec 3(a), R.A. No. 9262).
3) The harassment alarms or causes substantial
emotional or psychological distress to her (Sec. a) Causing physical harm to the woman or
3(a), R.A. 9262; Ang v. Sagud, G.R. No. 182835, her child (Sec. 5(a), R.A. No. 9262);
20 April 2010)
b) Threatening to cause the woman or her
A single act of harassment is enough to commit an child physical harm (Sec. 5(b), R.A. No.
offense 9262);

Sec. 3(a) of R.A. No. 9262 punishes “any act or series of c) Attempting to cause the woman or her
acts” that constitutes violence against women. This child physical harm (Sec. 5(c), R.A. No.
means that a single act of harassment which translates 9262);
into violence, would be enough. The object of the law is
to protect women and children. Punishing only violence d) Placing the woman or her child in fear
that is repeatedly committed would license isolated of imminent physical harm (Sec. 5(d),
ones (Ang v. Sagud, supra). R.A. No. 9262);

It is not indispensable that the act of violence be a Araza v. People, 2020

consequence of the dating or sexual relationship
Supreme Court affirms that marital infidelity is a form of
While it is required that the offender has or had a sexual psychological violence and may be punishable under
or dating relationship with the offended woman, for R.A. the Anti-Violence Against Women and Children Act.
9262 to be applicable, it is not indispensable that the
act of violence be a consequence of such relationship The Court explained that psychological violence is an
(Dabalos v. Quiambao, G.R. No. 193960, 7 January indispensable element of violation of Section 5(i) of the
2013). Anti-VAWC Act. Equally essential is the element of
emotional anguish and mental suffering, which are
It is immaterial whether the relationship had ceased for personal to the complainant. Psychological violence is
as long as there is sufficient evidence of such the means employed by the perpetrator, while emotional
relationship between the offender and the victim when anguish and mental suffering are the effects caused to
the physical harm was committed. or the damage sustained by the offending party. The law
does not require proof that the victim became
ACTS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR psychologically ill due to the physical violence done by
CHILDREN her abuser. Rather, the law only requires emotional
anguish or mental suffering.
1) Physical violence or acts that include bodily or
physical harm; In this case, the Court found that marital infidelity, which
is a form of psychological violence, is the proximate
2) Economic abuse or acts that make or attempt
cause of the offended party’s emotional anguish and
to make a woman financially dependent;
mental suffering, to the point that even her health
■ “Economic Abuse” may include the condition was adversely affected.
deprivation of support of a common
Finding that the prosecution has established beyond
child of the man-accused and the
reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crime
woman-victim, whether such common
of psychological violence through his acts of marital
child is legitimate or not. Under this
infidelity which caused mental or emotional suffering on
provision, the deprivation or denial of
the part of AAA, the Supreme Court convicted him for
financial support to the child is
violating section 5(i) of the Anti-VAWC Act.
considered an act of violence against
women and children. Notably, case law
instructs that the act of denying support ■ RSE: The marital infidelity does not simply
to a child is a continuing offense. cause psychological violence and for which the
(Melgar v People, 2018) husband may be held liable, there must also be
a showing that the wife or victim suffered
3) Psychological violence or acts or omissions emotionally and psychologically because of the
causing or likely to cause mental or emotional marital infidelity.
suffering of the victim; and
Q: X and Y were married and they were married here. X

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

ent to a foreign country (Singapore) to work. After one

year of working in the said foreign country, Y, the wife in
the Philippines learned that X was having a The accused was found liable for parricide for having
relationship with another woman in Singapore. Y was killed her husband while the husband was asleep.
sent with pieces of evidence showing that her husband Though in her defense, she was a battered woman
X was maintaining an extra-marital relationship in suffering from this syndrome.
Singapore. She was always crying every night until she
decided to ile a case of violation of RA 9262 against the If the accused can prove that she indeed was a
said husband. The moment the said husband arrived battered wife, this may be raised as a valid defense as
here in the Philippines, she iled a case of violation of a species of self-defense. Having been proven to be a
RA 9262 against her husband X. Will the case prosper? victim of domestic violence by the husband, this can
be self-defense because since the wife already
: The case will prosper as held by the Supreme Court in the
A always assumes correctly that the husband would
case of AAA vs. BBB and in Araza vs. People, what is being beat her up again, she may be justified in taking steps
punished is not only physical violence but also to protect herself.
psychological violence. It is the act of in licting mental,
psychological harm, suffering on the part of the said
offended party. The Supreme Court said what is being
punished is not the marital in idelity, what is being punished K. Anti-Wire Tapping Act (Secs. 1 to 4, R.A. No.
is the psychological violence being in licted by the said 4200)
husband on the said wife, when he had that extramarital
affair even in Singapore. The marital in idelity occurred in IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL:
the foreign country however, another element is that of
psychological violence, the in liction of mental, emotional a) for any person, not being authorized by all the
suffering on the said woman and that is being felt by the parties to any private communication or spoken
woman here in the Philippines. word, to tap any wire or cable, or by using any
other device or arrangement, to secretly
Therefore, the RTC of Pasig has jurisdiction, the RTC of the overhear, intercept, or record such
Philippines has jurisdiction because the said psychological communication or spoken word by using a
pain, mental pain, suffering was felt by the woman who is device commonly known as a dictaphone or
here in the Philippines. The Supreme Court said that this is a dictagraph or dictaphone or walkie-talkie or
akin to the so-called continuing or transitory offense. tape recorder, or however otherwise described;

The offender can be prosecuted before the courts of that b) for any person, be he a participant or not in the
place where any of the elements of the crime happened and act or acts penalized in the next preceding
that element of emotional, psychological, mental pain and sentence, (1) to knowingly possess any tape
suffering was happening here in the Philippines because it record, wire record, disc record, or any other
was being felt by the wife here in the Philippines, although such record, or copies thereof, of any
the said relationship occurred in a foreign country. communication or spoken word secured either
Therefore, in both cases of AAA vs. BBB and in Araza vs. before or after the effective date of this Act in
People, the husband is criminally liable for violation of RA the manner prohibited by this law; or (2) to
9262. replay the same for any other person or
persons; or (3) to communicate the contents
BATTERED WOMAN SYNDROME thereof, either verbally or in writing, or (4) to
furnish transcriptions thereof, whether complete
It is a scientifically defined pattern of psychological and or partial, to any other person. Provided, That
behavioral symptoms found in women living in bettering the use of such record or any copies thereof as
relationships as a result of cumulative abuse. (Sec. 3(c)) evidence in any civil, criminal investigation or
trial of offenses, shall not be covered by this
Battered Woman Syndrome as a Defense
Victim-survivors who are found by the courts to be
c) for any person who willfully or knowingly does
suffering from battered woman syndrome do not incur
or who shall aid, permit, or cause to be done
any criminal and civil liability notwithstanding the
any of the acts declared to be unlawful or who
absence of any of the elements for justifying
violates the provisions of the following section
circumstances of self-defense under the Revised Penal
or of any order issued thereunder, or aids,

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

permits, or causes such violation. FACTS: Atty. Pinto filed a complaint for direct assault
against Atty. Laconico. Pintor, through phone, offered to
IT IS NOT UNLAWFUL: withdraw the complaint for consideration. Atty. Gaanan
was able to overhear this conversation through a
a) for any peace officer, who is authorized by a telephone extension. Pinto was arrested for extortion.
written order of the Court, to execute any of the But Gaanan and Laconico were charged with violation
acts declared to be unlawful in cases involving of R.A. No. 4200 and found guilty by the lower court.
the crimes of treason, espionage, provoking war
and disloyalty in case of war, piracy, mutiny in HELD: The phrase “any other device or arrangement” in
the high seas, rebellion, conspiracy and the Anti-Wiretapping Law doesn’t cover an extension
proposal to commit rebellion, inciting to line. The law refers to a tap of a wire or cable or the use
rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to commit of a device or arrangement for the purpose of secretly
sedition, inciting to sedition, kidnapping as overhearing, intercepting or recording the
defined by the RPC, and violations of C.A. No. communication. There must be the physical interruption
616, punishing espionage and other offenses through a wiretap or the deliberate installation of a
against national security: Provided, That such device or arrangement in order to overhear, intercept or
written order shall only be issued or granted record the spoken words. The extension here was not
upon written application and the examination installed for the purpose but for ordinary office use.
under oath or affirmation of the applicant and Also, an extension phone is an instrument which is very
the witnesses he may produce and a showing: common, not what the law refers to in which the
presence of such devices cannot be presumed by the
1) that there are reasonable grounds to party being overheard.
believe that any of the crimes
enumerated hereinabove has been
It is not only the actual wiretapper that is liable
committed or is being committed or is
under the law. Section 2 of the law states: “Any person
about to be committed: Provided,
who willfully or knowingly does or who shall aid, permit,
however, That in cases involving the
or cause to be done any of the acts declared to be
offenses of rebellion, conspiracy and
unlawful… or aids, permits, or causes such violation
proposal to commit rebellion, inciting to
shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by
rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to
imprisonment for not less than six months or more than
commit sedition, and inciting to
six years and with the accessory penalty of perpetual
sedition, such authority shall be granted
absolute disqualification from public office if the
only upon prior proof that a rebellion or
offender be a public official at the time of the
acts of sedition, as the case may be,
commission of the offense, and, if the offender is an
have actually been or are being
alien he shall be subject to deportation proceedings.
The law understandably provides for an exception. A
2) that there are reasonable grounds to
police officer can secure a written order from the Court
believe that evidence will be obtained
to commit any of the acts that would otherwise be
essential to the conviction of any
considered wiretapping “in cases involving the crimes of
person for, or to the solution of, or to
treason, espionage, provoking war and disloyalty in
the prevention of, any of such crimes;
case of war, piracy, mutiny in the high seas, rebellion,
conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion, inciting to
3) that there are no other means readily rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to commit sedition,
available for obtaining such evidence. inciting to sedition, kidnapping as defined by the
Revised Penal Code, and violations of Commonwealth
Effect of violation of the law: Any communication or Act 616, punishing espionage and other offenses
spoken word, or the existence, contents, substance, against national security.” (Section 3, RA 4200).
purport, effect, or meaning of the same or any part
thereof, or any information therein contained obtained or L. Bouncing Checks Law (B.P. Blg. 22)
secured by any person in violation of this Act shall NOT
be admissible in evidence in any judicial,
quasi-judicial, legislative or administrative hearing or
I. Making or drawing and issuance of a check
knowing at the time of issue that the offender does
not have sufficient funds in the bank.
Gaanan v. IAC (1986)

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

■ The drawer of the check knew that at the time cover the check.
of the issuing of the check, he had no funds in
the bank. At the making, drawing, issuance, the Five banking days is important.
drawer knows he has no funds.
: What if A issued a check to B in favor of an obligation,
II. The failing to give sufficient funds or credit with B was however a businessman who was too busy so he
the drawee bank such that when the check was able to deposit the check 120 days from the date
presented within the period of 90 days from the date appearing on the check (beyond the 90-day period).
appearing on the check, it was dishonored by the The check presented was dishonored. Notice of
drawee bank. dishonor was sent to A and A failed to make good the
check within 5 banking days. Can B still ile a case for
■ At the time of the issuance of the check, the violation of BP 22 against A?
drawer has funds in the bank, however, the
crime will arise because he failed to make good : Yes, B can ile a case for violation of BP 22 against A. This
the check or he failed to keep funds to the said is because for as long as a check is not yet a stale check, if
drawee bank within the period of 90 days such the check was deposited and it was dishonored, violation of
that when the check was deposited within 90 BP 22 is committed. Here, the check was deposited 120 days
days, it was dishonored by the drawee bank. from the date appearing on the check. The fact that it was
deposited beyond the 90-day period would only mean that
SECTION 2 – PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF there is no longer prima facie presumption of knowledge of
KNOWLEDGE OF INSUFFICIENCY OF FUNDS insuf iciency of funds. However, such prima facie
presumption knowledge of insuf iciency of funds can be
The making, drawing and issuance of a check payment proven through other evidence, so still, violation of BP 22 is
of which is refused by the drawee because of committed.
insufficient funds in or credit with such bank, when
presented within ninety (90) days from the date of the The 90-day period in the second act is only important in
check shall constitute prima facie knowledge of order to determine prima facie knowledge of insuf iciency of
insufficiency of funds. funds. In the irst act, at the outset, at the time of the issuance
of the check, the drawer has already prima facie knowledge
This prima facie knowledge of insufficiency of funds, that he has no funds in the bank. In the second act, the fact
however, will not arise if the drawer of the check that the offender has kept funds in the bank for 90 days and
deposited the amount necessary to cover the check thereafter the depositor deposited the check beyond 90 days,
within five (5) banking days from the date of receipt of what is only erased is the act of prima facie knowledge of
notice thereof. insuf iciency of funds by the drawer of the check but this
knowledge can still be proven by other facts, hence, 90- day
Therefore, for the prima facie of knowledge of period does not mean that there is no case of BP 22.
insufficiency of funds to arise, the following are the
elements are the requisites: : X was charged with violation by BP22. The
investigating commissioner is looking at the evidence
1) The check must be deposited within 90 days and noticed that no evidence of notice of dishonor was
from the date appearing on the check. sent and received.
2) That the drawer of the check received a notice : It will result to the dismissal of the case. Upon the
of dishonor either from the bank or from the receipt of the notice of dishonor he is informed that the
payee or holder of the check checks bounced and that he is given by the law 5 days
to make good on his checks. If he made good within 5
3) The drawer of the check failed to make good of
days, he will not be charged and it will be a dismissal of
the check within 5 banking days.
the case. Note that postdating a check under BP 22, the
No prima facie knowledge of insufficiency of funds: demand letter must be in writing and must be received. A
mere statement that the checks were received will amount to
1) The drawer of the check received a notice of acquittal. We have to present the mailman and his af idavit
dishonor within five days, he deposited the that he sent the notice and it was received by the offender.
amount in the bank to cover the check, there
will arise no prima facie evidence of knowledge When is BP 22 not committed?
of insufficiency of funds.
In this case, the check was deposited 157 days after the
2) Within 5 banking days, he went to the bank and date appearing on the check. The SC said that it is not
made arrangement for the amount necessary to yet a stale check. A check becomes stale when it is

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

deposited after six months or after 180 days. (Wong v. M. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
CA) 2002 (R.A. No. 9165 as amended by R.A. No.
: B was so busy, he deposited the check on the 181st
day from the date appearing on the check. The check
KEY PUNISHABLE ACTS (Sec. 5, 11, and 15)
was dishonored. Can he ile a case of violation of BP 22
against A?
1) Sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery,
: No, B cannot ile a case of violation of BP 22 against A.
A distribution and transportation of dangerous drugs
This is because the check has no more value since it is and/or controlled precursors and essential
already a stale check under the Negotiable Instruments Law. chemicals (Sec 5);
It is no longer the fault of the drawer that he has no funds in
the bank. It is the fault of the holder or the payee of the check ■ In the crime of illegal sale of dangerous
that he failed to deliver or deposited the check within the drugs, the delivery of the illicit drug to the
period required by law. poseur-buyer and the receipt by the seller of
the marked money consummate the illegal
PENALTY transaction. What matters is the proof that
the transaction or sale actually took place,
Under Section 1 of BP 22, the penalty for violation of BP coupled with the presentation in court of the
22 is imprisonment of 30 days to 1 year or a fine not prohibited drug, the corpus delicti as
less than but not more than double the value of the evidence (People v. Catubay, 2016).
check or in no case to exceed 200, 000 pesos, or both
fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. ■ In actions involving the illegal sale of
dangerous drugs, the following elements
Are these still the penalties or have they been must first be established: (1) proof that the
amended by the SC by SC A.C. No. 12-2000 and SC transaction or sale took place and (2) the
A.C. No. 13-2001? presentation in court of the corpus delicti or
the illicit drug as evidence (Lescano v.
The penalty of 30 days to 1 year and the fine are still the
penalty prescribed by law. Even if the SC issued these
two circulars, the SC cannot amend the law. The SC
■ There is no rule of law which requires that in
does not have that power; only congress has that
buy-bust operations there must be a
simultaneous exchange of the marked
money and the prohibited drug between the
Lim v. People
poseur-buyer and the pusher. Sec. 5
Even if the offender makes good of the check beyond punishes not only the sale but also the mere
five-banking days allotted by law, still the fiscal, upon act of delivery of prohibited drugs after the
learning that the offender had already made good the offer to buy by the entrapping officer has
check before the filing of the case before the court, the been accepted by the seller. In the
fiscal should not have filed a case of BP 22 against the distribution of prohibited drugs, the
offender. Unlike estafa, violation of BP 22 is a crime payment of any consideration is immaterial.
against public interest and the moment the value of the (People v. Conception)
check had been paid, public interest is no longer
damaged. 2) Possession of dangerous drug (Sec 11);

The SC said, in the bottom of decision, that the ruling is ■ When a person is charged with illegal
only applicable in violation of BP 22 and not in Estafa by possession or transportation of prohibited
postdating a check because in the latter, even if the drugs, the ownership thereof is immaterial.
offender made good of the check after the case has Proof of ownership of the confiscated
been filed, such act would not relieve the person from marijuana is not necessary. Accused’s
criminal liability because what is being punished in alleged lack of knowledge does not
estafa is the presence of false pretense, the presence of constitute a valid defense. Lack of criminal
fraud therefore, in estafa by postdating a check, the intent and good faith are not exempting
offender is only given 3 days to make good the check circumstances where the crime charged is
and if he failed, he is already liable for estafa and no malum prohibitum, as in this case People v.
amount of payment would free him from criminal liability. Mariaocos, 2010.

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

3) Use of dangerous drugs (Sec 15). t ransporting dangerous drugs because the said drugs
were not delivered. They do not know on whom the
■ Even though a person, who was arrested for drugs were to be delivered. Therefore, if ever they
possession of cocaine, was found positive should be held liable, it should only be for illegal
for opium, he shall not be held additionally possession and not transportation of dangerous drugs.
liable for use of dangerous drugs under
Sec. 15 of RA 9165. Under this provision, : The SC said they are liable for transporting dangerous
where a person tested positive for drugs. According to the SC, transportation of dangerous drugs
dangerous drugs is also found to have in his only means to carry or to convey dangerous drugs from one
possession of any dangerous drugs, he place to another. The essential element is the movement of
shall be held liable for possession of the dangerous drugs from one place to another. There is no
dangerous drugs under Section 11 thereof. need to prove on whom the dangerous drugs will be
This means that the offender may not be transported. All that is required is the movement of the
charged separately of illegal possession of dangerous drugs from one place to another. Since under
dangerous drugs and use of dangerous Section 26 of RA 9165 there is conspiracy in transportation
drugs since it is clear from Section 15 that of dangerous drugs, X and Y can be held liable for conspiracy
the provision of Section 11 shall apply. in transporting dangerous drugs.
Illegal possession of dangerous drugs
absorbs the use of dangerous drugs. ELEMENTS OF ILLEGAL SALE OF DANGEROUS
(People v. Galicia) DRUGS:

SECTION 5 of RA 9165 - Sale, trading, 1) The buyer and seller are clearly identified.
administration, dispensation, delivery, distribution
2) The corpus delicti and the price must be
and transportation of dangerous drugs and/or
controlled precursors and essential chemicals
3) The corpus delicti must be transferred from the
: X and Y were on board a motorcycle. At a distance,
Q hands of the seller to the hands of the buyer.
they immediately saw the checkpoint of the police so
they made a U-turn; they do not want to pass by the In every criminal prosecution for dangerous drugs, the
checkpoint. However, there is no other way but to pass corpus delicti is always the drugs.
through the checkpoint. So they decided to pass
through the checkpoint. X, the driver passed through Usually, a person is charged for illegal sale of dangerous
the checkpoint and in doing so he deliberately slide his drugs based on a buy-bust operation. A buy bust
motorcycle so both of them (X and Y) fell and the operation is an entrapment procedure which is
motorcycle fell. The police of icers went towards them, approved by both the law and the courts because it is a
as he was being lifted up, the police of icers saw device used by police officers in order to trap and
something on his waist. The police of icer asked “is that capture drug pushers or drug peddlers in the actual act
a pistol? Hand the pistol to us.” X had no recourse but to of selling dangerous drugs.
hand over the pistol. They could not produce any
license, so the police arrested them. Their : The police of icers planned a buy-bust operation
constitutional rights were read to him. against W. The police used one of their informants by
the name of X to be the poseur buyer. They gave X
ince they were caught in the act of committing a crime,
S 200-peso marked bills. 7 police of icers accompanied X
the police searched his body. Nothing was found except during the buy-bust operation. The police were in
for the gun. The police then searched the motorcycle, hiding of course. X went to the place of W and told the
and the police found a little box in the compartment. latter that he will buy shabu worth P2000. W handed
When the police of icer looked inside the box, he found to X several plastic sachets of shabu. Before X was able
several plastic sachets of shabu. All the sachets were to give the money to W, the police of icers suddenly
marked and thereafter brought to the PNP crime lab, arrived and arrested W. W was charged with illegal sale
where it was tested. It was found positive for of dangerous drugs. Subpoena was sent to X but he
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. failed to appear. W was convicted of illegal sale of
dangerous drugs based on the testimonies of the police
and Y were charged with transportation of dangerous
X of icers.
drugs – violation of Sec. 5 of the Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165). Their appealed. His grounds on appeal are as follows: (1)
argument was that they cannot be held liable for he did not receive the marked money, and (2) there was

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

o sale transaction. In fact, the prosecution failed to

n defense that can bring about an acquittal.
present the person who allegedly acted as a poseur
buyer (X). Are his arguments meritorious? In this case, based on the facts, the said vendor lacks
knowledge that the said bag contains dangerous drugs.
: The irst argument has no merit. Even if the P2000 pesos
A Therefore, is a valid defense that can bring about an acquittal
was not handed to him, the price was established when X for violation of Sec. 5 of RA 9165.
told W that he is buying P2,000 worth of shabu.
: The police of icers learned that this person is
However, the second argument of W has merit. In this case, engaged in selling dangerous drugs. By means of phone,
since the prosecution failed to present the poseur buyer, they transacted that he is going to buy this amount of
there is no evidence for the said sale transaction and that the dangerous drugs. The transaction was inside a room.
drugs allegedly con iscated from W were indeed taken from The police of icer acting as a poseur buyer entered
him. Only X the poseur buyer can testify to that effect inside the said room and bought the said dangerous
because the police of icers were far from the said place. The drugs. He gave the money, there was (inaudible). The
police of icers, being several meters away from the place, said peddler was arrested. When the said allegedly
their testimony as to the said sale transaction would be shabu was brought to the PNP crime lab, it was
considered only as hearsay evidence. discovered that it was not shabu but ephedrine. The
accused was charged with violation of Section 5 of RA
As a rule, the testimony of the poseur buyer is not necessary 9165 – illegal sale of dangerous drugs. His argument
to convict one of illegal sale of dangerous drugs if there are was that he cannot be held liable for violation of section
other pieces of evidence to prove the said transaction. If 5 because what was stated in the information was that
however in this case, the police of icers were so far away as the police of icers bought and transacted to buy
to witness the said exchange of drugs, only the poseur buyer methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu. However,
can testify as to that effect. His absence would create a hiatus after testing at the crime lab, it was found that it was
on the evidence of the prosecution. It would be an acquittal. not methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu but
ephedrine. Is his argument meritorious?
: X was driving and then he parked his car. He called
the cigarette vendor on the sidewalk and told the latter : NO, the argument has no merit. The SC said that what
“Come here! Do you want to earn money today?”. The Section 5 punishes is the sale of dangerous drugs. Whether it
vendor said “Of course!”. X said “Ok. Do you see that is methamphetamine hydrochloride/shabu or ephedrine,
man waiting near the electric post? Could you give this still they are considered as dangerous drugs. Still, section 5
bag to him?”. The vendor said “I can give that bag but applies. The information need not state the particular drugs
why can’t you give it yourself?”. X said “No more for as long as they are within the meaning of dangerous
questions! Do you want to do the job or not?”. The drugs under RA 9165.
vendor said “Of course I want to do it, I have no money”.
X gave the vendor the bag and the Php 1,000 as SECTION 11 of RA 9165 - ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF
payment. The vendor was walking towards the said DANGEROUS DRUGS
man. However, when he was about to deliver the said
drugs, suddenly the man disappeared because there
were already police of icers behind the vendor. The
police con iscated the said bag and they found therein
dried marijuana leaves. The vendor was charged with
1) The offender is found in possession of any item
delivering dangerous drugs, a violation of Section 5 of
or object identified to be drugs.
RA 9165. The vendor’s defense was that he has no
knowledge that the bag he is delivering contained 2) He is not authorized by law to possess the
dangerous drugs. Therefore, according to the vendor, he same.
could not be held liable for delivering dangerous drugs.
Is his argument meritorious? 3) That he freely and consciously possesses the
said dangerous drugs – animus possidendi
: YES, his argument is meritorious. Under RA 9165, TO
DELIVER means to transfer dangerous drugs from one The prosecution must prove the first element. The
person to another personally or otherwise, with or without prosecution must prove that when the said offender
consideration. It is the act of knowingly transferring, was found in possession of dangerous drugs, he was
knowingly passing dangerous drugs. Since the law used the freely and consciously possessing it. There is intent to
word “knowingly”, it means the courier knows that what he possess or animus possidendi on his part.
is transferring/giving/delivering is dangerous drugs. Absent
such knowledge on the part of the courier, it could be a valid

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

The second element requires that the offender was not the word “crime” does not refer to any crime. The word
authorized by law to possess the said dangerous drugs. “crime” refers only to crimes under Article 2 of RA
The 2nd element need not be proven by the state or the 9165. Therefore, it only refers to crimes involving
prosecution because the 2nd element is presumed by violations of RA 9165.
law. Dangerous drugs are per se contraband. Since they
are illegal per se, any person found in possession of the A person can only be found liable for illegal use of
same is presumed by law not to have been authorized dangerous drugs if he was found positive after he was
because no one will be authorized by law to possess an apprehended for the commission of a crime punished
unlawful illegal or contraband item. Therefore, the law under RA 9165.
presumes that his possession of the same is without
authority. The burden is on the defense to prove that he : X was arrested by the police for selling and
is authorized by law to possess the said dangerous possessing dangerous drugs. He was brought to the
drugs. crime lab. He was told to produce his urine and after
the urine test, he was found positive for use of
When you say POSSESSION OF DANGEROUS DRUGS, dangerous drugs. Can he be charged for illegal use of
it includes both physical or actual possession and dangerous drugs?
constructive possession of dangerous drugs.
: NO. Although the police of icers are correct in subjecting
PHYSICAL POSSESSION – the dangerous him to a drug test, in this case, such positive inding for use
drugs were in the hand, body, or clothing of the of dangerous drugs under Sec. 25 of RA 9165 shall be
offender. considered as a qualifying aggravating circumstance. He can
no longer be charged for illegal use of dangerous drugs, but
CONSTRUCTIVE POSSESSION – the instead the fact that he was found positive for use of
dangerous drugs were found in a place where dangerous drugs, taking into consideration Sec.25, it will be
the offender has direct control and custody of a qualifying aggravating circumstance. Therefore, the fact
the same. that a positive inding for use of dangerous drugs shall be
considered as a qualifying aggravating circumstance will
: Police of icers raided the house of X by virtue of a
Q only apply if the said offender has been apprehended or
search warrant for illegal possession of dangerous arrested for the commission of a crime under RA 9165.
drugs. The drugs were found in X’s room under his
pillow. Can X be held liable for illegal possession of Among the requirements before enrollment is that
dangerous drugs? the student shall be subjected to a drug test. He was
found positive for use of dangerous drugs. Can he
: Yes, X is liable for illegal possession of dangerous drugs
A be charged for illegal use of dangerous drugs?
because he has constructive possession over the same. That
is his house, that is his room. Therefore, the law presumes A: First, is this random drug testing allowed? YES,
that he has direct control and custody of all the things inside under Section 36. Section 36’s constitutionality has long
the house. Therefore, he can be held liable for such been upheld in the case of Social Justice Society v.
constructive possession of dangerous drugs. Dangerous Drugs Board. The SC said that mandatory,
random, suspicionless drug testing is allowed. The SC
SECTION 15 of RA 9165 - ILLEGAL USE OF said that this is to ensure that all those in the said office
DANGEROUS DRUGS are not involved in the use of dangerous drugs.

The question now is if a person was found positive

during the said mandatory, random, suspicionless
drug testing, can he be prosecuted for violation of
Section 15 - illegal use of dangerous drugs?
1) That the offender has been apprehended or
arrested for the commission of a crime.
A: The SC said in the case of People v. Sullano, NO.
2) The said offender is subjected to a drug test. According to the SC, Section 15 is unambiguous. A
person apprehended or arrested for a crime and he was
3) After a confirmatory test, he was found positive found positive for use of dangerous drugs. The SC said
for use of dangerous drugs. a person can only be charged under Sec.15 if he has
been apprehended or arrested, and then thereafter
The SC said that the first element that the offender is subjected to a random drug test, and after a
apprehended or arrested for the commission of a crime, confirmatory test he was found positive for use of
dangerous drugs. In all these instances, the police, the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

employee, the student who were subjected to chemist to the court.

mandatory, random, suspicionless drug testing they
were not apprehended, they were not arrested for the First link:
commission of a crime. They were just subjected to a
mandatory, random, suspicionless drug testing because ■ Sec. 21 of R.A. No. 9165 requires the
of the rules and regulation of the AFP, of the PNP, of the apprehending team, after seizure and
office or the school. Therefore, they cannot be held confiscation, to immediately conduct a
liable for violation of Section 15. physical inventory of, and photograph, the
seized drugs in the presence of:
(a) the accused or the persons from whom
such items were confiscated and/or
DRUG (RA 10460)
seized, or his/her representative or
The law provides for a procedure that the apprehending
team must follow upon arrest and seizure of dangerous (b) a representative from the media OR a
drugs. representative from the DOJ; and

The apprehending team having initial custody of the (c) an elected public official.
dangerous drugs seized or confiscated must physically
inventory the same and photograph the same in the These 3 witnesses should be present at the time
presence of the person from whom the dangerous drug of the apprehension of the accused and must all
was taken or confiscated, or his representative or his sign the copies of the inventory and obtain a
counsel or any representative from the DOJ, or from the copy thereof.
media, and any elected public official.
What does the word “immediately” mean?
CHAIN OF CUSTODY According to the SC, it means that the marking or the
inventory must be done in the place where the accused
Chain of custody is defined as the duly recorded was arrested or where the drugs were confiscated
authorized movements and custody of seized drugs at EXCEPT when there are valid reasons, then it should be
each stage, from the time of seizure/confiscation to in the PNP station.
receipts in the forensic laboratory, to safekeeping and to
presentation in court for destruction. : Based on a tip, the police of icers arrested 2 muslims.
Allegedly, they were found in possession of dangerous
Such record of movements and custody of seized item drugs. Thereafter, they were brought to the police
shall include the identity and signature of the person station. There at the police station, there was the
who held temporary custody of the seized item, the date marking of the dangerous drugs, the inventory, and the
and time when such transfer of custody were made in taking of photographs of the said dangerous drugs. RTC
the course of safekeeping and use in court as evidence, convicted them. The CA af irmed.
and the final disposition.
: The SC acquitted the 2 muslims. The SC said that the said
Links in the chain of custody: act of inventory, marking, and taking of photographs of the
said dangerous drugs must be done in the place where the
1. First, the seizure and marking, if practicable, of said accused was arrested. Here, from the said place, it is a
the illegal drug recovered from the accused by distance to the police station. Therefore, the said act of
the apprehending officer; taking photographs, the said act of making inventory, the said
act of marking was not done immediately. The argument of
2. Second, the turnover of the illegal drug seized the police of icers was that it was a muslim area and since it
by the apprehending officer to the investigating was a muslim area, they were afraid, they do not feel that it is
officer; a safe place for them to do the marking. The SC said NO.
Being anti-muslim (Justice Leonen called it islamophobia) is
3. Third, the turnover by the investigating officer of not suf icient reason for not marking the evidence in the
the illegal drug to the forensic chemist for muslim area. You are police of icers, there were many of you
laboratory examination; and there, you were armed, how come you are afraid of the
people in the area. The SC said that it was not a suf icient
4. Fourth, the turnover and submission of the justi ication. The said act of marking and inventory was not
marked illegal drug seized from the forensic

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done immediately. Therefore, it is an acquittal. the sachet to the laboratory for testing only on
the following day, without explaining how he
The SC said although failure to comply with the provisions of preserved his exclusive custody thereof
Section 21 does not necessarily mean an acquittal if there is overnight. All those facts cast serious doubt
a justi iable ground for noncompliance if the apprehending that the integrity and evidentiary value of the
public of icers were able to preserve the integrity and seized item were not fatally compromised.
evidentiary value of the dangerous drugs. If these 2 elements Hence, the accused therein was acquitted.
are present, then even if Section 21 was not complied with, it
will still be a conviction. (People v. Abdullah) Fourth link:
Second link: ■ In People v. Gutierrez, there were inadequate
stipulations as to the testimony of the forensic
■ The investigating officer shall conduct the chemist. In that case, no explanation was given
proper investigation and prepare the necessary regarding the chemist's custody in the interim -
documents for the proper transfer of the from the time it was turned over to the
evidence to the police crime laboratory for investigator to its turnover for laboratory
testing. Thus, the investigating officer's examination. The records also failed to show
possession of the seized drugs must be what happened to the allegedly seized shabu
documented and established. between the turnover by the chemist to the
investigator and its presentation in court. Thus,
■ When the apprehending officer is unable to since no precautions were taken to ensure that
identify the investigating officer to whom he there was no change in the condition of the
turned over the seized items, the Court has held object and no opportunity for someone not in
that such circumstance, when taken in light of the chain to have possession thereof, the
the several other lapses in the chain of custody accused therein was acquitted.
that attend the case, raises doubts as to
whether the integrity and evidentiary value of ■ “it is of paramount necessity that the forensic
the seized illegal drugs had been preserved. chemist testifies on the details pertaining to the
(People v. Del Rosario) handling and analysis of the dangerous drugs
submitted for examination, i.e,. when and from
Third link: whom the dangerous drug was received; what
identifying labels or other things accompanied
■ In this case, SPO1 Basang testified that he was it; description of the specimen; and the
the one who personally delivered the seized container it was in. Further, the forensic
items to PCI Libres. However, the evidence chemist must also identify the name and
presented by the prosecution does not actually method of analysis used in determining the
identify who received the drug from SPO1 chemical composition of the subject specimen.”
Basang. In the request for laboratory
examination, there was no name indicated
therein as to who received the confiscated PEOPLE V. ROMY LIM, 2018
drugs from SPO1 Basang. There was likewise
an absence of description as to the condition of Accused Romy Lim was charged with sale of illegal
the seized drugs when PCI Libres received it, or drugs (shabu) after a buy bust operation. He was,
the way it was handled while the drugs were in however, acquitted because of noncompliance with
her possession. This leaves the Court to the requirements of Sec. 21 of RA 9165, as amended.
conclude that there are serious doubts on the There was a violation of the Chain of Custody Rule,
integrity and evidentiary value of the seized i.e., there was an absence of an elected public official
evidence against the appellant in the third link. and representatives of the DOJ and the media to
(People v. Bangcola) witness the physical inventory and photograph of the
seized items. In fact, their signatures do not appear in
■ In People v. Beran, there was also an irregularity the Inventory Receipt.
in the third link. The police officer, who both
served as the apprehending and investigating The Supreme Court also ruled that so as to “weed out
officer, claimed that he personally took the drug early on from the courts’ already congested docket
to the laboratory for testing, but there was no any orchestrated or poorly built up drug-related
showing of who received the drug from him. The cases,” the following should be enforced as a
records therein also showed that he submitted mandatory policy in connection with arrests and

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seizures related to illegal drugs: Facts:

1. In the sworn statements/affidavits, the Edwin Reafor was charged with violating Section 5 of
apprehending/seizing officers must state their R.A. No. 9165 for allegedly selling two (2) heat-sealed
compliance with the requirements of Section transparent sachets containing shabu. He proposed
21 (1) of RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous to plead guilty to the lesser offense of possession of
Drugs Act of 2002), and its Implementing illegal drug paraphernalia under Section 12 of R.A.
Rules and Regulations (IRR); No. 9165.

2. In case of non-observance of the provision, The prosecution objected to the plea bargaining
the apprehending/seizing officers must state proposal invoking DOJ Circular No. 27.
the justification or explanation therefor as well
as the steps they have taken in order to Nonetheless, despite the objection, the trial court
preserve the integrity and evidentiary value of gave due course to the plea bargaining proposal. It
the seized/confiscated items; opined that since it is only the Supreme Court that
has the power to promulgate rules of procedure, A.M.
3. If there is no justification or explanation No. 18-03-16-SC must prevail over the said DOJ
expressly declared in the sworn Circular [No.] 27. Thereafter, judgment was
statements/affidavits, the investigating fiscal promulgated convicting Reafor for violation of Section
must not immediately file the case before the 12 of R.A. No. 9165.
court. Instead, he or she must refer the case
for further preliminary investigation in order to Thus, petitioner filed a petition for certiorari under
determine the (non) existence of probable Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before the CA. However,
cause; and the CA dismissed the petition on purely procedural
4. If the investigating fiscal filed the case despite
such absence, the court may exercise its Ruling:
discretion to either refuse to issue a
commitment order (or warrant of arrest) or No. The judgment is void ab initio.
dismiss the case outright for lack of probable
cause in accordance with Section 5, Rule A defendant has no constitutional right to plea
112, Rules of Court. bargain. No basic rights are infringed by trying him
rather than accepting a plea of guilty; the prosecutor
need not do so if he prefers to go to trial. Under the
PLEA-BARGAINING FRAMEWORK IN DRUGS CASE present Rules, the acceptance of an offer to plead
(A.M. No. 18-03-16-SC) guilty is not a demandable right but depends on the
consent of the offended party and the prosecutor,
In view of the case of Estipona, Jr. v. Lobrigo, a revised which is a condition precedent to a valid plea of guilty
plea bargaining framework for drug cases was adopted: to a lesser offense that is necessarily included in the
offense charged.
■ Where the imposable penalty is life
imprisonment or life imprisonment to death, The basic requisites of plea bargaining are (a) consent
plea bargaining is not allowed. of the offended party (b) consent of the prosecutor, (c)
plea of guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily
■ Plea bargaining is also not allowed under Sec. 5 included in the offense charged, and (d) approval of
(Sale, Trading etc. of Dangerous Drugs) the court.
involving all other kinds of dangerous drugs
except shabu and marijuana. In the case of Sayre v. Dax Xenos, the Court
concluded that the continuing objection on the
PEOPLE v. REAFOR, 2020 part of the prosecution based on DOJ Circular No.
27 will necessarily result in the parties' failure to
Doctrine: The accused cannot enter into a plea arrive at a mutually satisfactory disposition of the
bargaining agreement without the consent of the case that may be submitted for the trial court's
prosecution. approval. In light of the absence of a mutual
agreement to plea bargain, the proper course of
action would be the continuation of the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

proceedings. CA wherein the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC.

In this case, the RTC gravely abused its discretion in Ruling:

granting respondent's motion to plea bargain
notwithstanding the prosecution's opposition to the In A.M. No. 18-03-16-SC, the Court enumerated, in
same which is grounded on DOJ Circular No. 27. table format, several violations of RA 9165 which
Effectively, the respondent's plea of guilty to a could be subject to plea-bargaining. Included
lesser offense was made without the consent of therein is violation of Section 5, Article II thereof,
the prosecution. Since Reafor’s plea of guilt and particularly for the sale, trading, etc. of shabu
subsequent conviction for a lesser offense clearly lack weighing less than 1.00 gram.
one of the requisites of a valid plea bargain, the plea
bargaining is void. Resultantly, the judgment A.M. No. 18-03-16-SC also provides, among others,
rendered by the trial court which was based on a void that "if accused applies for probation in offenses
plea bargaining is also void ab initio and cannot be punishable under R.A. No. 9165, other than for illegal
considered to have attained finality for the simple drug trafficking or pushing under Section 5 in relation
reason that a void judgment has no legality from its to [Section] 24 thereof, then the law on probation
inception. applies."

The case is remanded to the trial court for the It is clear from both Section 24, Article II of RA 9165
resumption of trial. and the provisions of the Probation Law that in
applying for probation, what is essential is not the
offense charged but the offense to which the accused
PASCUA v. PEOPLE, 2020 is ultimately found guilty of.

Doctrine: In applying for probation, what is essential In this regard, it is worth emphasizing that upon
is not the offense charged but the offense to which acceptance of a plea bargain, the accused is actually
the accused is ultimately found guilty of. found guilty of the lesser offense subject of the plea.
According to jurisprudence, "[p]lea bargaining in
Thus, regardless of what the original charge was in criminal cases is a process whereby the accused and
the Information, the judgment would be for the lesser the prosecution work out a mutually satisfactory
offense to which the accused plead guilty. This means disposition of the case subject to court approval. It
that the penalty to be meted out, as well as all the usually involves the defendant pleading guilty to a
attendant accessory penalties, and other lesser offense or to only one or some of the counts of
consequences under the law, including eligibility for a multi-count indictment in return for a lighter
probation and parole, would be based on such lesser sentence than that for the graver charge."
Thus, regardless of what the original charge was in
Facts: the Information, the judgment would be for the lesser
offense to which the accused plead guilty. This means
Pascua was charged with violations of Section 5 and that the penalty to be meted out, as well as all the
11 of Article 2 of RA 9165 for selling and possessing attendant accessory penalties, and other
shabu. Upon arraignment, Pascua pleaded not guilty, consequences under the law, including eligibility for
however he later filed a motion to allow the accused probation and parole, would be based on such lesser
to enter into a plea bargaining agreement wherein he offense. Necessarily, even if Pascua was originally
offered to enter into a plea of guilty to the lesser charged with violation of Section 5, Article II of RA
offense. Prosecution opposed and stated that per 9165 in Criminal Case No. 18805, he was ultimately
DOJ circular no. 027-18, the state’s consent is convicted of the lower offense of violation of Section
necessary before the accused can plead to a lesser 12, Article II of the same law. Since the foregoing
offense. The RTC allowed Pascua to enter into a plea effectively removed Pascua's case from the coverage
of guilty for the lesser offense however it was also of Section 24, Article II of RA 9165, he should, at the
stated that was ineligible for probation for criminal very least, be allowed to apply for probation.
case no. 18805 where he then applied for probation
for criminal case no 18806. He then moved for a The foregoing notwithstanding, it is well to clarify that
reconsideration for the previous order that made him this ruling does not, per se make Pascua eligible for
ineligible for probation for criminal case no. 18805 probation. This ruling is limited to the deletion of the
which was denied. The case was then moved to the RTC's pronouncement that Pascua is "ineligible to

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apply for probation", thereby allowing him to file such

O. New Anti-Carnapping Act of 2016 (Secs. 3 to
application. If he files for the same, the grant or denial 4, R.A. No. 10883)
thereof will then lie in the sound discretion of the RTC
Carnapping is the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor
after due consideration of the criteria laid down in the
vehicle belonging to another without the latter’s
Probation Law, e.g., Section 844 thereof.
consent, or by means of violence against or intimidation
of persons, or by using force upon things.

N. Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (R.A. No. SECTION 2(e) - Motor vehicle refers to any vehicle
10175) propelled by any power other than muscular power
using the public highways, except road rollers, trolley
cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers,
SEC. 4. Cybercrime Offenses.
bulldozers, graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks, and
cranes if not used on public highways; vehicles which
(a) Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and
run only on rains or tracks; and tractors, trailers and
availability of computer data and systems:
traction engines of all kinds used exclusively for
agricultural purposes. Trailers having any number of
(6) Cybersquatting. – The acquisition of a
wheels, when propelled or intended to be propelled by
domain name over the internet in bad faith to
attachment to a motor vehicle, shall be classified as a
profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and
separate motor vehicle with no power rating.
deprive others from registering the same, if
such a domain name is: SECTION 3. Carnapping; Penalties. — Carnapping is
the taking, with intent to gain, of a motor vehicle
(i) Similar, identical, or confusingly similar to belonging to another without the latter’s consent, or by
an existing trademark registered with the means of violence against or intimidation of persons, or
appropriate government agency at the time of by using force upon things.
the domain name registration:
Any person who is found guilty of carnapping shall,
(ii) Identical or in any way similar with the regardless of the value of the motor vehicle taken, be
name of a person other than the registrant, in punished by imprisonment for not less than 20 years and
case of a personal name; and 1 day but not more than 30 years, when the carnapping
is committed without violence against or intimidation of
(iii) Acquired without right or with persons, or force upon things; and by imprisonment for
intellectual property interests in it. not less than 30 years and 1 day but not more than 40
years, when the carnapping is committed by means of
(c) Content-related Offenses: violence against or intimidation of persons, or force
upon things; and the penalty of life imprisonment shall
(4) Libel. — The unlawful or prohibited acts be imposed when the owner, driver, or occupant of the
of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised carnapped motor vehicle is killed or raped in the
Penal Code, as amended, committed through commission of the carnapping.
a computer system or any other similar means
which may be devised in the future. Any person charged with carnapping or when the crime
of carnapping is committed by criminal groups, gangs or
NOTE: A libel is a public and malicious imputation of a syndicates or by means of violence or intimidation of
crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or any any person or persons or forced upon things; or when
act, omission, condition, status, or circumstance the owner, driver, passenger or occupant of the
tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of carnapped vehicle is killed or raped in the course of the
a natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory carnapping shall be denied bail when the evidence of
of one who is dead. (Art. 355, RPC) guilt is strong.

Section 4(c)(4) that penalizes online libel was SECTION 4. Concealment of Carnapping. — Any
declared as valid and constitutional with respect to the person who conceals carnapping shall be punished with
original author of the post; but void and unconstitutional imprisonment of 6 years up to 12 years and a fine equal
with respect to others who simply receive the post and to the amount of the acquisition cost of the motor
react to it (Disini v. Secretary of Justice). vehicle, motor vehicle engine, or any other part involved
in the violation; Provided, That if the person violating
any provision of this Act is a juridical person, the

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

penalty herein provided shall be imposed on its

Children, whether male or female, who for money,
president, secretary, and/or members of the board of
profit, or any other consideration or due to the
directors or any of its officers and employees who may
coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or group,
have directly participated in the violation.
indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct,
are deemed to be children exploited in prostitution
Any public official or employee who directly commits
and other sexual abuse.
the unlawful acts defined in this Act or is guilty of gross
negligence of duty or connives with or permits the
The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium
commission of any of the said unlawful acts shall, in
period to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon
addition to the penalty prescribed in the preceding
the following:
paragraph, be dismissed from the service, and his/her
benefits forfeited and shall be permanently disqualified
a) Those who engage in or promote, facilitate or
from holding public office.
induce child prostitution which include, but
are not limited to, the following:
1) Acting as a procurer of a child
■ Without violence against or intimidation of prostitute;
persons, the penalty is 20 years and one day to
30 years. 2) Inducing a person to be a client of a
child prostitute by means of written
■ If committed by employing force and violence, or oral advertisements or other
the penalty is 30 years and one day to 40 years. similar means;
■ If in the course of the commission of the 3) Taking advantage of influence or
carnapping, the owner, the driver, or the relationship to procure a child as
occupant of the carnapped motor vehicle is prostitute;
killed or died as a consequence of the said
carnapping, the penalty now is LIFE 4) Threatening or using violence
IMPRISONMENT. towards a child to engage him as a
prostitute; or
○ Note that it is necessary the person who
is killed is the owner, driver or occupant 5) Giving monetary consideration goods
of the carnapped motor vehicle. The law or other pecuniary benefit to a child
says the carnapped motor vehicle. with intent to engage such child in
Therefore, if the one who is killed, if the prostitution.
one who is raped, is not the owner, the
driver or the occupant the carnapped b) Those who commit the act of sexual
motor vehicle, it will give rise to a intercourse of lascivious conduct with a child
separate and distinct charge. You exploited in prostitution or subject to other
cannot just simply be considered as sexual abuse; Provided, That when the
carnapping. victims is under twelve (12) years of age, the
perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article
P. Special Protection of Children Against 335, paragraph 3, for rape and Article 336 of
Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination Act Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal
(Secs. 3(a), 5 and 10, R.A. No. 7610) Code, for rape or lascivious conduct, as the
case may be: Provided, That the penalty for
lascivious conduct when the victim is under
Sec. 3. Definition of Terms. – twelve (12) years of age shall be reclusion
temporal in its medium period; and
(a) “Children” refers to person below eighteen (18)
years of age or those over but are unable to fully take c) Those who derive profit or advantage
care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, therefrom, whether as manager or owner of
neglect, cruelty, exploitation or discrimination the establishment where the prostitution takes
because of a physical or mental disability or condition; place, or of the sauna, disco, bar, resort, place
xxx of entertainment or establishment serving as a
cover or which engages in prostitution in
Sec. 5. Child Prostitution and Other Sexual Abuse. – addition to the activity for which the license

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has been issued to said establishment. intimidate a street child or any other child to:

Sec. 10. Other Acts of Neglect, Abuse, Cruelty or (1) Beg or use begging as a means of living;
Exploitation and Other Conditions Prejudicial to the
Child’s Development. – (2) Act as conduit or middlemen in drug
trafficking or pushing; or
(a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of
child abuse, cruelty or exploitation or to be (3) Conduct any illegal activities, shall suffer
responsible for other conditions prejudicial to the the penalty of prision correccional in its
child’s development including those covered by medium period to reclusion perpetua.
Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended,
but not covered by the Revised Penal Code, as For purposes of this Act, the penalty for the
amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in commission of acts punishable under Articles 248, 249,
its minimum period. 262, paragraph 2, and 263, paragraph 1 of Act No.
3815, as amended, the Revised Penal Code, for the
(b) Any person who shall keep or have in his crimes of murder, homicide, other intentional
company a minor, twelve (12) years or under or who mutilation, and serious physical injuries, respectively,
in ten (10) years or more his junior in any public or shall be reclusion perpetua when the victim is under
private place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, twelve (12) years of age. The penalty for the
cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage parlor, commission of acts punishable under Articles 337, 339,
beach and/or other tourist resort or similar places 340 and 341 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Revised
shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its Penal Code, for the crimes of qualified seduction, acts
maximum period and a fine of not less than Fifty of lasciviousness with the consent of the offended
thousand pesos (P50,000.00): Provided, That this party, corruption of minors, and white slave trade,
provision shall not apply to any person who is related respectively, shall be one (1) degree higher than that
within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity imposed by law when the victim is under twelve (12)
or any bond recognized by law, local custom and years age.
tradition or acts in the performance of a social, moral
or legal duty. The victim of the acts committed under this section
shall be entrusted to the care of the Department of
(c) Any person who shall induce, deliver or offer a Social Welfare and Development.
minor to any one prohibited by this Act to keep or
have in his company a minor as provided in the
preceding paragraph shall suffer the penalty of
prision mayor in its medium period and a fine of not
less than Forty thousand pesos (P40,000.00); Provided, PEOPLE v. TULAGAN, 2019
however, That should the perpetrator be an
ascendant, stepparent or guardian of the minor, the The Court pronounced that if the victim is 12 years
penalty to be imposed shall be prision mayor in its old or above but under 18 years old, or at least 18
maximum period, a fine of not less than Fifty years old under special circumstances, "the
thousand pesos (P50,000.00), and the loss of parental nomenclature of the crime should be 'Lascivious
authority over the minor. Conduct under Section 5(b) of RA 7610' with the
imposable penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium
(d) Any person, owner, manager or one entrusted period to reclusion perpetua, but it should not make
with the operation of any public or private place of any reference to the RPC." The crime shall be called
accommodation, whether for occupancy, food, drink "Sexual Assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of
or otherwise, including residential places, who allows the RPC" with the imposable penalty of prision mayor
any person to take along with him to such place or only when the victim of the sexual assault is 18 years
places any minor herein described shall be imposed a old or above and not demented.
penalty of prision mayor in its medium period and a
Discussion on the nomenclature of the crime
fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00),
and the loss of the license to operate such a place or Considering the development of the crime of sexual
establishment. assault from a mere "crime against chastity" in the
form of acts of lasciviousness to a "crime against
(e) Any person who shall use, coerce, force or persons" akin to rape, as well as the rulings in

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

Dimakuta and Caoili, We hold that if the acts is death.

constituting sexual assault are committed against
a victim under 12 years of age or is demented, the Note that the second proviso of Section 5(b) of R.A.
nomenclature of the offense should now be "Sexual No. 7610 will not apply because it clearly has
Assault under paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the RPC nothing to do with sexual intercourse, and it only
in relation to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610" and no deals with "lascivious conduct when the victim is
longer "Acts of Lasciviousness under Article 336 of under 12 years of age." While the terms "lascivious
the RPC in relation to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610," conduct" and "sexual intercourse" are included in the
because sexual assault as a form of acts of definition of "sexual abuse" under Section 2(g) of the
lasciviousness is no longer covered by Article 336 but Rules and Regulations on the Reporting and
by Article 266-A(2) of the RPC, as amended by R.A. Investigation of Child Abuse Cases, note that the
No. 8353. Nevertheless, the imposable penalty is definition of "lascivious conduct" does not include
still reclusion temporal in its medium period, and sexual intercourse. Be it stressed that the purpose
not prision mayor. of indicating the phrase "under twelve (12) years of
age" is to provide for statutory lascivious conduct or
Whereas if the victim is 12 years old and under 18 statutory rape, whereby evidence of force, threat or
years old, or 18 years old and above under special intimidation is immaterial because the offended party,
circumstances, the nomenclature of the crime who is under 12 years old or is demented, is
should be "Lascivious Conduct under Section 5(b) of presumed incapable of giving rational consent.
R.A. No. 7610" with the imposable penalty of
reclusion temporal in its medium period to
reclusion perpetua, but it should not make any
Q. Swindling by Syndicate (P.D. No. 1689)
reference to the provisions of the RPC.
It is only when the victim of the sexual assault is 18
years old and above, and not demented, that the 1) Commission of any act of Estafa under Article
crime should be called as "Sexual Assault under 315 or 316.
paragraph 2, Article 266-A of the RPC" with the
imposable penalty of prision mayor. 2) It is committed by a group of five persons acting
as a syndicate.
Sexual intercourse with a victim who is under 12 years
old or is demented is statutory rape 3) The defraudation consists in the
misappropriation of money contributed by the
Under Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610, the proper stockholders or members of the corporation,
penalty when sexual intercourse is committed with a rural banks, cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)",
victim who is under 12 years of age or is demented is or farmers' associations, or of funds solicited by
reclusion perpetua, pursuant to paragraph l(d), Article corporations/associations from the general
266-A in relation to Article 266-B of the RPC, as public.
amended by R.A. No. 8353, which amended Article
335 of the RPC. What is considered as a syndicate?

Applying by analogy the foregoing discussion in In order to commit the crime of syndicated estafa, the
Quimvel to the act of sexual intercourse with a child estafa must be committed by a “syndicate” as
exploited in prostitution or subject to other sexual contemplated by the law. In PD No. 1689, the term
abuse, We rule that when the offended party is syndicate is described as “consisting of five or more
under 12 years of age or is demented, only the first persons formed with the intention of carrying out the
proviso of Section 5(b), Article III of R.A. No. 7610 will unlawful or illegal act, transaction, enterprise or scheme
apply, to wit: "when the victim is under twelve (12) x x x.”
years of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted
under Article 335, paragraph 3, for rape xxx." The In order to be considered as a syndicate under PD No.
penalty for statutory rape under Article 335 is 1689, the perpetrators of an estafa must not only be
reclusion perpetua, which is still the same as in the comprised of at least five individuals but must have
current rape law, i.e., paragraph I (d), Article 266-A in also used the association that they formed or
relation to Article 266-B of the RPC, as amended by managed to defraud its own stockholders, members
R.A. No. 8353, except in cases where the victim is or depositors. Only those who formed or manage
below 7 years of age where the imposable penalty associations that receive contributions from the general
public who misappropriated the contributions can

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“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

commit syndicated estafa. this case, the money was solicited by ABCDE from the
general public.
The Court was able to come up with the following
standards by which a group of purported swindlers
may be considered as a syndicate under PD No.

1) They must be at least five (5) in number;

2) They must have formed or managed a rural

bank, cooperative, “samahang nayon,” farmer’s
association or any other corporation or
association that solicits funds from the general

3) They formed or managed such association with

the intention of carrying out an unlawful or
illegal act, transaction, enterprise or scheme,
i.e., they used the very association that they
formed or managed as the means to defraud its
own stockholders, members and depositors.


Syndicated estafa, however, is punishable by life

imprisonment to death regardless of the value of the
damage or prejudice caused.

: ABCDE formed an investment corporation and looked

for a place where they could induce people to invest in
their corporation. And then, they saw a barangay where
there are many retirees and went there. He told clients
that they will earn plus interest guaranteed. 25 people
were induced and gave money to ABCDE corporation.
ABCDE corporation gave them certi icates of investment
plus 5 postdated checks representing interests for 5
months. On the irst maturity date, the 25 people
deposited the check and they bounced. It is a closed
account. Sent letters of demand which were ignored
and they went to the houses of ABCDE and found no
people inside their houses. What are crimes

: ABCDE is liable under PD 1689. Under PD 1689, the

following elements are: that the offender any acts of estafa
under 315 and 316. The elements are in this case, they
committed violation of estafa under 315 2A through means
of false pretenses or fraudulent acts executed prior to or
simultaneously with the commission of the fraud. By such
acts, they were able to induce the persons to part with their
money and such pretense are concomitant with defraudation.
It is syndicated estafa because syndicated estafa is
committed when 5 or more people committed the act. The
third element is when there is defraudation of money,
contributed by stockholders, rural banks, cooperatives,
samahang nayon, farmer’s association or solicited by
corporations and associations from the general public. In

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