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Bulai Corina-Florentina

Clasa xD

Are people good or evil by nature?

During a human life,people came across different types of individuals which are
characterized as good or bad ones.These qualities have always been the significant ones for
our human evolution.Even so,now the question arises as to whether they were born like
that.In my opinion people are not evil by nature,but they have been changed by some
To begin with,babies are born with no knowledge about good and bad,so we are not able
to know that they were born evil.The personality of a human being is changing throughout
the years which means that their all moral laws could be different in some periods of life.For
example,a child of five years old would have other beliefs after a while. Also,if we were to
analysis the religous laws,we would find out that babies were always seen like a pure being
who can harm nobody.
Secondly,the children must develop in a healthy and peaceful environment,thus,if these
conditions are not assured they will have problems in integration into a fair society.For
instance, the space where they were raise may have a great influence on a child’s
behavior.In addition,the group of friends in which is integrated could contribute to his
behavioral issues.
In contrast,it is true that their personality might be inhereted from their family.From a
psychological point of view children do not take only the pshysical characteristics from his
parents,but they also take their qualities or their defects.In instance if the family is formed
from evil people,their children will be the same.
In conclusion,even though the malice can be taken from some relatives,the activities and
the people have bigger impact on our comportament,which demonstrates that people are
not evil by nature.

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