Important Questions For CBSE Class 8 Science Chapter 8

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Important Questions for Class 8

Chapter 8 – The Cell Structures and Functions

Very Short Answer Questions 1 Mark

1. Which one of the following is NOT a part of the nucleus?

A. ribosome
B. nucleolus
C. chromosome
D. gene
Ans: A. ribosome

2. Which one of the following is unicellular organism?

A. amoeba and paramecium
B. human
C. mouse
D. fish
Ans: A. amoeba and paramecium

3. The basic structural and functional unit of an organ is ________.

A. red blood corpuscle (RBC)
B. cell
C. kidney
D. renal tubule
Ans: B. cell

4. The green colour of leaves is due to the presence of the pigment _______.
A. chlorophyll
B. ribosomes
C. mitochondria
D. chloroplast
Ans: A. chlorophyll

5. Who among the following discovered cell?

A. Robert Hooke
B. Matthias Schleiden
C. Theodor Schwann
D. Rudolf Virchow
Class 8 Science 1
Ans: A. Robert Hooke

6. All the multicellular organisms start their life as a ___________.

A. single cell
B. double cell
C. triple cell
D. without a cell
Ans: A. single cell

7. Give any two examples of multicellular organisms.

Ans: Human, elephant, etc.

8. Name any two cell organelles.

Ans: Nucleus, ribosome

9. What is the substance used to see a cell under the microscope?

Ans: Stain or dye

10. What does amoeba use for locomotion?

Ans: Pseudopodia

Short Answer Question 3 Marks

1. Define gene and its function.

Ans: The basic physical and functional unit of heredity is the gene. They aid in
character inheritance or transfer from parents to offspring.

2. What is a tissue?
Ans: Tissue is a collection of related cells that perform a specific job. Muscle
tissue, for example, is made up of muscle cells.

3. What is nucleus? State the importance of the nucleus.

Ans: The nucleus is the primary dense circular body at the centre. The transport
of materials into and out of the cell is regulated by the nucleus. It also regulates
the cell's metabolic activity.

4. What is the function of the nuclear membrane?

Ans: The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane. It
also allows materials to flow between the cytoplasm and the nucleus' interior.

Class 8 Science 2

5. Why is cell wall present in plant cells and not in animal cells?
Ans: Plant cells have a cell wall, but animal cells do not, since plants require
protection. Plant cells require protection against extremes in temperature, strong
wind speeds, and atmospheric moisture, among other things. Because humans
are unable to migrate like animals for protection, they are subjected to these

6. What is chloroplast? Define the functions of the chloroplast.

Ans: Chloroplasts are plastids that are green in colour. They give the leaves a
bluish-green hue. Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll in the chloroplasts of

7. Draw a diagram of Onion peel, as observed under a microscope, and

label its basic components.
Ans: Diagram of onion peel

8. Draw a labelled diagram of an animal cell.


Class 8 Science 3

9. Why is a cell membrane important to a cell?
Ans: The cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are the three basic
components of a cell. The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane,
encloses the cytoplasm and nucleus. Cells are separated from one another by
membranes, which also separate the cell from the surrounding liquid. The
plasma membrane is permeable, allowing substances or materials to pass across
it both inward and outward.

10. Draw a labelled diagram of human cheek cell.

Ans: Diagram of human cheek cell

11. Define Plastids.

Ans: Plastids are coloured bodies found in a plant's cytoplasm. They come in a
variety of colours.

Long Answer Question 5 Marks

1. Define cell. Explain the variety in cell number, shape and size.
Ans: A cell is an organism's structural and functional unit.
Cell number: Multicellular organisms are organisms made up of more than one
cell. The fact that smaller creatures have fewer cells has no bearing on the
organisms' ability to operate. Unicellular organisms are organisms with only
one cell. A single-celled creature can carry out all of the functions that
multicellular organisms can.
Shape of cells: Cells can have an irregular shape, such as an amoeba, or a well-
defined shape, such as an RBC. Cells that may change their form include
amoeba and WBC. The form of cells might be circular, spherical, or elongated.
Some cells are lengthy and have two pointed ends. They have a spindle form to
them. Cells can be pretty lengthy at times. Some, like a nerve cell or a neuron,
are branching.

Class 8 Science 4

Size of cells: Living creatures' cells can be as little as a millionth of a metre
(micrometre or micron) or as large as a few centimetres. The majority of the
cells, however, are minute and invisible to the naked eye. A microscope is
required to enlarge or magnify them. In bacteria, the smallest cell measures 0.1
to 0.5 micrometres. The ostrich egg is the biggest cell, measuring 170 mm by
130 mm. The size of the cells has no bearing on the size of the animal or plant's
body. The function of a cell is related to its size. For example, nerve cells of the
elephant and rat, are lengthy and branching. They both do the same thing: they
send and receive messages.

2. Write short notes on the following:

a. Cytoplasm
Ans: The cytoplasm is a jelly-like material that exists between the cell and
the nucleus. The cytoplasm contains a variety of cell organelles.
Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, ribosomes, lysosomes, chloroplast, and other
cell organelles are examples.

b. Nucleus
Ans: This is a spherical structure found inside the cell, usually near the cell's
centre. Nuclear membrane is a double membrane that surrounds the nucleus.
Inside the nucleus is a dot-like structure known as the nucleolus.
Chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus. The transport
of materials into and out of the cell is regulated by the nucleus. It also
regulates the cell's metabolic activity.

3. State any three differences between plant and animal cell.

Ans: The difference between plant and animal cell is as given below,

Plant cell Animal cell

There is a cell wall. There is no cell wall.
There are plastids present. There are no plastids.
Instead of Golgi body, they have They have Golgi equipment.
There are no centrosomes or There are centrosomes and
centrioles. centrioles present.
The size of vacuoles is bigger. The size of vacuoles is smaller.
Due to the creation of the cell plate, Daughter cells become separated
daughter cells detach from one from each other as a result of
another. contrition or the formation of

Class 8 Science 5

Class 8 Science 6

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