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Nama Kelompok :

4. Muhammad Chassan Najib (23).

Client (Bahtiar): Excuse me sir, I want to get a permission to make a web design, and I want to place
an order for the web.

Company Boss (Adnan): Yes, so What kind of web design do you want to order?

Client (Bahtiar): So i want to make a web design about the typical food in central java , namely
Jenang Kudus

Company Boss (Adnan): Ok, so What are the features in this web design?

Client (Bakhtiar): so our most important features are home Button, Testimonials, and Footer. when
will the Web Design be finished?

Company Boss (Adnan): So first we will try to make a sketch. If the sketch has been approved, you
can proceed with the payment and then we will continue the work. The whole process usually takes
3 weeks to complete.

Client (Bakhtiar): Ok sir, I agree with your requirements. Can it be done faster?

Company Boss (Adnan): That can be discussed with our web designers. But of course, there are
additional costs. Here's one of our web design workers.
Web Design (Najib): For this theme, if you want to shorten the deadline, maybe we can finish it in 5
days but it takes extra work, so what do you think?

Client (Ahmad): For the fee, how much does it take?

Web Design (Umam): So The additional cost can be around 20% of the original price. For this theme,
the initial price is around 10,700,000 IDR.

Client (Ahmad): Can I bid it?

Web Design (Ibrahim): Oh yes, there is currently a promotion for our anniversary Web design with a
10% discount.

Client (Ahmad): Ok, fine then. I'll be waiting for the sketch.

Company Boss (Adnan): Alright We will send it to the Web Designer as soon as possible, Thank you.

Company Boss (Adnan): Okay team, today we have a web design commision with the theme of the
typical food of the Central Java, namely Jenang Kudus. Requested deadline Initially 3 Weeks to 2
Weeks, Is there anything to ask? . if not, please discuss with the specified theme

Web Design (Najib): So there are several steps that we will Finished.

Home, Testimonials and Footer will be done by one person each.

Web Design (Umam): That means I will handle Web Design in coloring, and finishing.

Company Boss (Adnan): I can help with Font, we have a short deadline so I hope the team has the
right contradictions.

All Web Designers (Najib, Umam, Ibrahim): Alright Boss, thanks for your Information.

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