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Prepare Complex Corporate Financial Reports

Assessment Task 2 (Part B)

 Write a brief description of Austin Engineering Ltd (AE 2011 annual

report from the internet) the parent company
 Write a brief description of Hastie Ltd the subsidiary ltd (Hastie 2011
Annual report from the internet )
 Explain the financial situation of Hastie Ltd (use the information used
Assesment Task 2 Part A) and Austin Ltd (Refer page 25 and 26 of the
annual report of Austin Ltd), write about performance and growth
(Refer annual report)
 AASB standards followed (Use the same information used in
Assessment 2)
 Legislation followed (example: corporations act 2001, use the same
information assessment task 2)
 Consolidated balance sheet and Consolidated Income statement-
(Refer page 25 and 26 of the annual report of Austin Ltd) Copy the
“statement of comprehensive income” and “Statement of financial
position” in excel and word.
 Copy the graph done in excel to word
 Write headings of the Notes (page 29-60 annual report of Austin Ltd)
o Note 1- Statement of compliance and significant accounting
o Note 2-Revenue and other income
o Note 3-Profit for the year
o Note 4- Income tax expense
o Note 5- Key management personal disclosures
o Note 6- Auditors remuneration
o Note7 – Dividends
o Note 8- Earnings per share
o Note 9- Cash and cash equivalents
o Note 10- Trade and other receivables
o Note 11- Inventories
o Note 12- Other assets
o Note 13- Property, plant and equipment
o Note-14 -Other financial assets
o Note-15 -Intangible assets
o Note 16- Trade and other payables
o Note 17- Financial liabilities
o Note 18 – Other current tax liabilities
o Note 19- Deferred tax
o Note 20- Provisions
o Note 21- Contributed equity
o Note 22- Reserves
o Note 23- Capital and leasing communities
o Note 24- Contingent liabilities

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