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Moving from Biblical times to the early church, and up to contemporary

church, so much has been said concerning the role, functions and responsibility of

the person whom God had designated as the one to take care of the flocks, as their

shepherd. One of the offices, which has served as the connecting link through these

major historic periods is the office of the clergy, the clerical office.

Indeed, the clerical office from the Old and New Testament periods have

operated under different names, functions and responsibilities, such as Priest, with its

various branches – the Chief Priest, the High Priest and the Priest, who is in-charge

of the day-to-day assignments in either the tabernacle or the temple or the

synagogue, as the case may be.

The same could be said of the historic period of the church. For example,

coming to the era of the emergence and establishment of Churches as reflected in the

history of the early church till today, we have come to associate this category of

servants of God functioning in different roles in responds to the needs of the times,

depending on the church denomination. For the Roman Catholic Church, the

following appear to be some of the names, which have come into use:

For the Episcopalians: Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, the following

names or offices are well known: For the denomination Assemblies of God (AG) we

have the following:

Even as Christianity moved from the shores of Europe to Africa, under the

different Western Missionary organisations, who started the work of evangelization

in the name of Missions and evangelization, it can equally be said that the clerical

offices were still in use, since after the mission bodies evangelise and converts are

made, what followed naturally was the establishment of congregations, where the

new converse were shepherded, and nurtured until they become strong in the faith. It

is worth mentioning that these various western missionary bodies came to engage the

Africans with the word of God came at different times, but they were committed to

one thing, reaching out to the unreached people of Northern Nigeria with the saving

message of the gospel.

Under the missionary organisations, those who were taking responsibilities

for the care of the new converts had names, with which they were often called. The

most common at this time was the Teacher/Evangelist. Later, however, the name

Pastor came into use. This study does not intend to delve into the details if such

names, other than to say that each of the missionary organisations had their peculiar

ways of referring to this category of church workers.

This investigative study identifies one of the Western Missionary

organisations, Sudan United Mission (SUM), which upon the transfer of the structure

of leadership and administration, had its name changed from Sudan United Mission

to Ekkilisiyar Krista a Sudan, (EKAS). It was later changed from EKAS to

Ekkilisiyar Krista a Nigeria, EKAN. All these two were in Hausa language. Later as

the use of the English language became more in use by the greater number of the

Nigerian Christian converts, the name was again changed to Church of Christ in

Nigeria (COCIN). As the posture of the works of Missions and Evangelism arm of

the church changed, or extended to places outside of Nigeria, there was the need to

change the name to reflect the scope where the activities of the Church had extended

to. It was to give the church its new global image that the name Church of Christ in

nations came into being in 20… -

It is within the denomination, Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), which

initiated the use of the name Associate Reverend (AR) to refer to its ordained clergy,

who were not holding direct congregational responsibilities, and it is this, which has

attracted the attention of this investigative study.


The researcher happens to be someone who grew within the tradition of the

Church of Christ in Nations, (COCIN). It is in this denomination that name Associate

Pastor is in vogue. The name Associate Pastor has come to be used to refer to all

ordained COCIN ministers, who are not having direct parish responsibilities. They

have other responsibilities, either in the office at the Headquarters of the church, or

working in any of its Departments, such as Education, Health and Social Services,

Evangelism and Mission, or those who may be ordained but working in Government

institutions on second-men or under any other arrangement. By this arrangement,

they work as Junior pastors under the pastor or is the accounting officer in the parish,

or the Local Church Council (LCC). The issue at stake is the fact that when such

ordained ministers are attached to assist the other ordained ministers who are directly

in charge of congregations or parishes, the relationship between the two pastors is

often very frosty, the pastor who is the accounting officer at the local Church

Council, (LCC).

It is often in the course of exercising their roles and functions, that the

relationship between the two – leading Pastor and the associate pastor soon become

unhealthy. It is such unease, which have been identified in the relationship between

the Leading Pastors and Associate Pastors that have generated a lot of talks, and have

raised issues. Often times, the relationship could degenerate into open confrontation

and disagreements, even at the expense of their services to the people. A lot of time,

this has causes divisions between them directly and indirectly among their members.

In this case he leading Pastors and the Associate Pastors, rather than working for the

spread of the gospel, have worked for its downfall, which is most unfortunate. Since

as a result of this disaffection those who often fall victims immediately are the Elders

in Council, leaders of church groups and other workers in the church.


The purpose of this research is to make a critical investigation concerning the

practice of the office of Associate Pastor, or Associate Reverend or Attached Pastor

in COCIN and to study the functions, responsibilities and expectation of the Pastor in

charge or leading Reverend and the function and responsibilities of an Associate

Pastor in COCIN and critical investigate on their relationship, whether the

relationship is good or bad and to state out the challenges facing the office of an

Associate Pastor in COCIN.


The aim of this research is:

i. To call the attention of the church to review the practice of the office of the

Associate Pastor considering some of the conflicting issues.

ii. To encourage the leading Pastors and Reverends in COCIN to see

themselves as partners in the same vine yard and therefore to regard and

with the Associate reverend.

iii. To critically examine the relationship between the leading Pastor and the

Associate Pastor in COCIN this is to be able to establish whether the

relationship is good or bad and whether the relationship is cordial or not .

iv. To encourage COCIN Pastors to promote unity and love among themselves

in the Pastoral ministry. This is because they are models and light of the

world. And as leaders of their congregations, they must be seen exhibiting

love and unity among themselves.

v. To call the COCIN Pastors to discourage the current unhealthy competition

among themselves and work as co-workers in the ministry.

vi. To further call on COCIN’s Pastors to work in healthy relationships as

leaders who will lead their congregation to the promised land. Since this is a

heaven road journey.

vii. To also call upon the Pastors to demonstrate competence and key godly

character in order to encourage unity, confidence among their followers.


The research is significant because:

i. It will help the Church to consider the challenge of the office of Associates

Pastor for proper amendment.

ii. It will help the Church to review the used of Term Associate Pastor, or

Attached Pastor for proper amendment if possible.

iii. The research will help the COCIN Pastors to embrace love between

Associates Pastors and the leading Pastors.

iv. The research is significant because it will point out the understanding of

some Pastors on the practice of Associate Pastor in COCIN.

v. The research may reduce unhealthy competition in the Pastoral Ministry.

vi. The research will help the Church and promote the unity and oneness of the



This research is based on field research therefore the researcher will conduct

oral interviews among both the Associate Pastors and the leading Pastors and also

consult other books and literature concerning the work of the pastor and the

functions and roles of the office of Associate Pastor in COCIN. To utilize the official

office documents and other communications, the researcher will also spell out the

origin and functions of the office. The researcher also intends to interview lay

members on the matter of relationship and the practice of Associate Pastor in



This study is a critical investigation concerning the practice of the office of

the Associate Pastor in COCIN, and since COCIN is a very large denomination that

has gone into nations with a many of RCC’s, it will be impossible to cover all.

Therefore the study will be restricted to RCC Gombe.


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines the word Associates as a

person who has a rank just below the rank of a senior, or a person who has an

Associate’s degree, one that is given after completing two years of study at a junior

college. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary also defines ‘Associates’ as to join as a

partner, friend or companion or a person with limited or subordinate membership of

an organization.

Furthermore, Dictionary.Com Defines Associates, mean to connect in the

mind of imagination or as someone who is at a more junior level in an organization.

From the three definitions, describing the word ‘Associate’ we can say that an

‘Associate’ is an officer who is of a lower rank, who serve under the one whose

station is higher. It is in this regard that this research questions the appropriateness of

the name as used in COCIN.


The following research questions are posing

i. When the practice of the office of Associate Pastor, started in COCIN?

ii. What are challenges facing the office of Associate Pastor in COCIN?

iii. What is your own view on the practice of an Associate Pastor in COCIN?


God has placed associate pastors and leading pastors over His flocks to feed

them so that when he returns, He will have profit to show for his investment. (Tede

32). God has given pastors the trust of the flocks.the Bible says, keep watch over

yourselves and all the flock of which the holy spirit has made you overseers, be

shepherds of the church of God which he bought with his own blood. (Acts 20:28).


A call to pastoral work is a spiritual call that person had received, is a task to

serve in the vine yard of God. The task of leading a gathering of believers in the

church is on the pastors, God call on the people filled with the Holy Spirit to work

among believers, either as members, or shepherd or pastors who are committed to

service in his vine yard, the associate pastor and the leading pastor needs the

assistant of one another to perform pastoral administrative responsibilities (Thiessen.


The pastoral work is not a luxury or Ruling work, but it is a service that

teachess and leads people to acquire the moral and discipline for Salvation. He is a

shepherd who is responsible for Spiritual need of the people (Yamsat. 15). The

pastoral work is not a call to an exalted position, but he is called to serve God’s

people and even risk his life for the sake of the people (Yamsat 51).

Pastors who received the call from God. Actually, perform well than those who

engage into thinking it is a professional work, or a job to earn their living, because

the pastor who received the call from God has the tender concern and heart of God in

his pastoral Ministry (Yamset 34).

Isaiah heard a call from God Saying. Who shall I send? Who will go for us?

Isaiah responded by saying. Here I am, send me. (Isaiah 6:8) Isaiah fulfilled the

purpose of his mission because he received the divine call and was willing to be

God’s spokesman.

God call men to shepherd over his flock and care for their wellbeing on how

they should live worthy of their saviour (Derek, 14). Pastoral work is different from

other secular service that people look for the highest authority to be as commander.

But it is a call to be as a servant not the master, whom he had chosen for the

ministry, so that when the call comes the person responds to it. (Derek, 16)

Yamsat, in his book, an exposition of Paul’s letter to Titus for pastors today,

He states that, the calling possible and self-sacrificing service that only does who are

call can be successful in it (Yamsat. 4). In the letter to Titus the writer raises several

issues that every pastor today must pay closer attention to, if he is to succeed in the

work God had call him into.

To succeed, he must in the first place know the purpose of his call, and why he

is where he is posted to where he now works. A purposeless pastor is a disaster to the

local church he part, for it means that he does not know why he is in ministry and is

not his tune with the vision and mission for his denomination such a pastor as a

disaster because he sees his purpose in the church of God to be no more than

occupying a position and getting something for his livelihood. (Yamsat. 5).

One of the things that stand on the way from the pastor from succeeding in the

pastoral work is his looking down on the nobility at his work. Not only must he

know that it is a noble work. But he must know his purpose, in other to pursuit it and

make a success of it (Yamsat. 17). One of the reasons for the lack of success of many

pastors in their work is their failure to know why in the first place they are in the

ministry of our lord Jesus.

A pastor who thinks and behaves as if he is the number one pastor, or man of

God he is doomed to fail, because he will not seek nor accept support from fellow

servants of God, since no pastor or member of the church has all the spiritual gift to

build him up and make him to stand, One needs to benefit from the gift of others

meant for his nourishment. He needs to know he is one out of many and that he has

not got it all. He needs others to succeed in his calling as a man of God, (Yamsat: 19)

pastors needs one another to succeed in their pastoral ministry, but in COCIN RCC

Gombe, the case is different between the associate pastor and the leading pastors,

God call pastors to work together in his vineyard as brothers, to build their

relationship in love, and to build the spirituality of their members but they forgotten

the purpose of their calling (Rev. Malam.12)


Every work has to have a purpose or else it is not worth doing, No one can

function effectively in the pastoral ministry without a distinct calling from the Lord

(Tede. 51). God called Associate Pastors and the leading Pastors with a purpose, he

calls pastors to leads the sheep and provides for all their needs, A truly church and in

God’s time (Taylor. 20).

Well Bang. In his book. The pastor as a counsellor, states that, it is the

responsibility of the pastor to teach the congregation of the Lord the Pastor are to do

more than all God’s people (Bang W. Eli,134). The Associate Pastor and the leading

pastor should know the reason why God call them to work together because lack of

understanding of the purpose let some leading pastors maltreat their Associate

Pastors. When an associate Pastor is impatient, he struggles for recognition and

freedom in the ministry, in the process he commits errors that destroy relationship.

(Tede, 110).

It takes patience and humility to know that an associate pastor does not know

much as he thinks he is fragile as well as his ministry. It requires the patience of the

leading pastor to put the pieces of the associate wants to be popular but he has

forgotten that kind of thinking is displeasing to the leading pastors, when would not

sanction it, infect the associate loses the sympathy of the leading pastor when he tries

to topple limit.

The presence of the twin power of humility and patience is the only remedy

for interpersonal relationship the leading pastor may not need to be humble to his

associate. But he can be patience with his short comings. He can tolerate the pride

and ignorance of the associate pastor on the bases of God’s grace. Which he himself

enjoys coupled with his experience in the ministry. Job description must be clearly

defined to avoid duplication of effort.

The associate needs to be humbled and patience enough to appreciate the step

by step progression that comes in the mentoring process. Because their relationship

matters a lot as they work together. (Tende. 99).

Hamptom, is right when he says, relationship between Associate and leading

pastor could make or break ministry. He added that essentially associate pastors with

their leading pastors would be more affirming of whom they are, and what they do

rather than regarding them as second-class staffers.

Associates wish to be seen as peers with the leading Pastors in ministry rather

than the current situation where they are treated as mere paid baby sitters for the

leading pastors. To avoid breakdown in relationship the associate pastor must be

humbled in order to see the leading pastors, to which they have been assigned to

work together as partners and mentors in their own right, and not their rivals. They

need not see the Leading Pastors as mentors, but as colleagues and therefore friends,

and co-labourers for the same master, as much having something to offer and

themselves as mentees. (Tede.112)

The Human Reasons for Pastors Call

These are reasons base on human desires, sometimes it could be finally

influence, individual ambition or preferred service.

2.2.1 Family or parental influence

There are instances where parent could have the desire to engage their child

into pastoral work in other to have an outstanding person in the society from their

family. The son may have no qualifications for the high office, (Thiessen 19).

Samuel was said to be the last of the judges and first of the prophets of Israel. He

was dedicated to the Lord. After Samuel and revealed his intension to Israel because

of the evils of Eli, God later called Samuel was assisting and helping Eli the Priest as

he (Samuel) was a Priest-in-training. It was his faithfulness in service that God used

him in many ways during his life time. His parents initiated the idea of having a child

and give it to God in return to serve in His temple. ``Unquestionably Hannah’s

prayer and vow had much to do with Samuel’s becoming the man he was (Thiessen

19). He because a judge and prophet in Israel throughout the rest of his life.


These are the basic and relevant reasons in the call of a pastor to work in the

vineyard of God. These reasons include:

2.3.1 It is a spiritual ministry

Pastoral work is different from other secular service that people look for the

highest authority to be as commanders. But, it is a call to be as a servant not the

master. ``God always gives a clear call to those whom he has chosen for the ministry

so that when the call comes the person respond to it’’ (Derek 16). A pastor who is

truly call by god makes great impact in the life of his congregation and the

community he is serving. He does not take compromise in discharging his duties.

Apostle Paul challenged Timothy to present himself to God as one approved a

workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of

truth (II Timothy 2:15) because God will examine workers who have been for him.

These workers are expected to build their lives of God’s word. Consistent and

diligent study of the Bible is vital to a pastor otherwise he will lull into neglecting the

right way of feeding God’s flocks.

2.3.2 It is a ministry which links men with God.

The Devine call to man creates a relationship between him and God. This

enables man to work towards living a holy life. ``The call to shepherd God’s people

and to teach them his word is a special calling because of its strategic and unique

importance for the spiritual well-being of God’s flocks’’ (Derek 16). It is a service

that yields an everlasting result. God’s call is not uncertain that someone may claim

he had heard it to be a shepherd but absolutely not. For in his kindness God calls his

servants to his eternal glory through Jesus Christ. After they have suffered a little

while God will restore, support and strengthen them, he will also place them on a

form foundation (1 Peter 5:10).


These are the basic and relevant reasons in the call of a work in the vineyard of

God. These reasons include:

2.4.1 It is a spiritual ministry

Pastoral work is different from other secular service that people look for

the highest authority to be as commanders. But it is a call to be as a servant not the

master. God always gives a clear call to those whom the he has chosen for the

ministry so that when the call comes the person respond to it (Derek 16). A pastor

who is truly call by god makes great impact in the life of this congregation and the

community he is serving. He does not take compromise in discharging his duties.

Apostle Paul challenged Timothy to present himself to God as one approved a

workman who does not need to be ashamed and how correctly handles the word of

truth (II Timothy 2:15) because God will examine workers who have been for him.

These workers are expected to build their lives on God’s word. Consistent and

diligent study of the Bible is vital to a pastor otherwise he will lull into neglecting the

right way of feeding God’s flocks.

2.4.2 It is a ministry which links men with God

The Devine call to man creates a relationship between him and God. This

enables man to work towards living a holy life. The call to shepherd God’s people

and to teach them his word is a special calling because of its strategic and unique

importance for the spiritual well-being of God’s flock (Derek 16). It is a service that

yields an everlasting result. God’s call is not uncertain that someone may claim he

had heard it to be a shepherd but absolutely not. For in his kindness God calls his

servants to his eternal glory through Jesus Christ. After they have suffered a little

while God will restore, support and strengthen them, he will also place them on a

form foundation (1 Peter 5:10).

2.4.3 It conserves all true values of a believer.

The major task of a pastor is to give people the message of salvation.

Sometimes a member may encounter a problem consciously or unconsciously that he

can be threaten before the disciplinary authority, or a false accusation may be level

against a believer and the pastor can be call upon to testify about the conduct of the

person for discharge or punish.


The duty of a pastor is to feed the people with the spiritual food which is the

word of God. He leads them to the right direction towards salvation. He also cares

for them when they are sick or hurt and seek them when they go astray (still I). the

pastor should constantly pray for and with his people in all situation whether in pain

or in joy. He is also to counsel those with challenges to put their hope on God for

their needs. Some pastors do focus on prosperity preaching and teaching instead of

giving the spiritual message. These pastors only used their members are sources of

generating money and other materials for self-satisfaction. ‘Shepherd careth for the

sheep even up to death that he may present them to God without blemish (still 2). He

stands firm to see that his listeners resist any trial from the devil and work towards

fulfilling righteousness. Christ said I know my sheep and any sheep know me, John

10:14. The Pastors must know their faithful, feeling, anxieties and problems and try

to help them where they can.

Apposite Paul encourage Timothy to preach the word of God in all season,

rebuking, convincing and exhorting through preaching. The pastor is to preach the

word of life to the people. When a person is fed with the word of God, he become

spiritually stronger, this will help him to overcome the trials of the devil. “People

need the word of God not only when the going is good but also in difficult times.

Since it all depends on the giver of the message and when he demands that the

message be given” (Yamsat Pastor’s work 56).

Another important role of a Pastor is to engage in teaching to his members to

have wider knowledge of the Bible through this effort, they will reject any other

teaching that is contrary to that of the Bible. The scripture says, “My people are

destroyed for lack of knowledge Hosea 4:6. “If a pastor does not persevere to be an

expert in teaching, who will come to be taught these deep truths about God’s word?

(Yamsat Pastor’s work 57). People in this generation want to hear new ideas and

facts as the world changes on daily bases. These new ideas are revealed through

teaching. The more we teach to the people, the more sensitive we will be to the

necessary requirement in every message” (Derek 105). Teaching stimulates the

listener to learn as he is being impacted with new ideas, a lot of knowledge is expose

during teaching. It consists of informing, explaining, stimulating, directing and

guiding the learner to identify what to learn. The disciples of Jesus kept on teaching

and preaching going from house to house everyday Acts 5:42


The Old Testament revealed the life of a shepherd of God’s flock named

Moses who received the divine call and also had the formal education. God called

Moses in a mysterious flame of a burning bush and had a conversation with him.

Moses then acquired his education simultaneously and became a figure in the Jewish


According to history, education for the Jews was influenced by religious

piety. It was said to commenced by parents to children at home. The home was the

primary education institution of the society during the early history of Israel. There

were no formal schools for children to attend. Parent taught their children God’s law

as written in the scripture Deuteronomy 6:4-9. They (parent) took the responsibility

of teaching and considered it an honour to trained their children in the fear of the


Meanwhile, based on the account of Moses life given in the Pentateuch he

grew up in the palace of Pharaoh and was given the formal education in wisdom of

the Egyptians. Acts 7:22 NIV. Moses was privilege to have acquired his education in

a formal institution that consist of various traditional practices, he started his

education at home and was able to reached up to the tertiary level. He was trained in

the court of the eighteenth dynasties, one of the most powerful and advanced

dynasties in Egyptians history and in the midst of people with different cultures

(Herbert 60).

This made his education program to be broad and higher. He had teachers

from different fields who were able to impact a lot of knowledge and skills that

brought him up to learn many things. He focused on God during his training

programme. His training experience as a young man in the royal court of Egypt

eminently qualified him for the task of writing (Davis 46). This gave him the

advantage to explain the accounts of his ancestors recorded in Genesis 37-50.

Without education, reading and writing will be difficult. Moses used his wealth of

knowledge and put down in scripture the early life time after creation. God inspired

his words through Moses who wrote them for people to see the nature and supremacy

of God. In an era when uneducated Semitic slaves were writing on the walls of the

Egyptian turquoise mines in Serabit Elkhadim surely Moses was able to write very

well (Herbert 60). He became a man with versa knowledge in different field of

services because of the education he received in Egypt as he was considered to be

part of pharaoh’s family. The education Moses received in the early laid a foundation

for God fearing living in the lives of many people because there were oppositions

from the political and religious powers a that time. Moses was powerful in speech

and action as he became a political and a religious leader of Israel (Herbert 61).

Because of his determination and commitment, he led the children of Israel in their

wilderness journey to the promised land. Moses challenged the children of Israel in

his speeches to obey God faithfully. He also warned them of the dangers that were

before them if they failed to obey God. If anyone was concerned that the Israelites

should not forget her roots of commitment to God, it was Moses because he

encouraged them prayed for them, preached to them and blessed them’’ (Herbert 61).

It was the advantage of the knowledge he acquired that made him write the

Pentateuch. He led the Israelites in the fear of God that a covenant at Sinai was made

by God to the Israelites through Moses. Moses had forty years being a shepherd of

Israel’’ (Loise 6). He played a great role in the wilderness with the Israelites right

from his call and confrontation with pharaoh to released God’s people. It was

education that equipped Moses with the good skills and methods of leading his

people very well. He also chose some well-respected men from each tribe who are

known for their wisdom and understanding and appointed them to serve as leaders

Deuteronomy 1:13. The life of Moses is the life of the greatest leader of the people’’

(Sters 3).


Paul was Jew from Tarsus, a city close to the south east corner of Asia minor.

He was against Christianity as he struggled to wipe away the church from the Jewish

community thinking that Christianity will over power Judaism. Paul thought he was

persecuting heretics, not knowing he was persecuting Jesus. It was during his

conversion that he realized that he was persecuting Christ. He then submitted himself

into full gospel preaching to all people. According to acts 9:1ff, God revealed

himself to Paul on the road to Damascus to persecute the church his call was not only

to be a follower of Christ, but also to be an apostle to the Gentiles. (John 27).

Before his conversation, Paul had studied under a leading Pharisee Gamaliel,

acts 22:3, according to his account in acts 5:33-39, Gamaliel spoke well in favour of

Christianity. In fact, he did not teach Paul to live an evil life as a good teacher

expected his student to be like him as he trained him to have good moral behaviour

in the society but Paul did not therefore God changed the career of Paul from a

prosecutor to an apostle (John 9). Paul then reached out to many churches with the

gospel of Jesus. Being a theologian, Paul did a lot of teachings that were recorded in

his epistles, he laid a foundation on which the theology of other Christians was built

upon. Paul was call to serve God and also to accomplish the responsibility of and

apostle as he converted the gentiles into Christianity. With the advantage of the

education he had, Paul laid a good foundation of Christian theology as he explained

the purpose of god lows and the relationship between the law, God’s promise and

Christ as head of the Church. “Paul wrote some letters with his hand, Galatians 6:11

and others were edited by his scribe Roman 16-22 and were published (Lander 10).

Paul with his education advantage was also a man with skills in doing things

as he made tents which was a source of earning his living Acts 18:3. This prevented

him from idle and lazy living, an educated person is expected to have a skill service

that yields income to sustains him. Having enough to eat enables one to discharge his

duties effectively. “He was also a good administrator during his mission work

because he knew how to organize and plan very well” (Slander 11). He was able to

strategize on his mission which he re-visited places he went with the gospel. In his

theology “Paul writes pastorally rather than systematically” (John 3). Apostle Paul

took teaching and preaching the gospel a mandatory duty in the early church. Paul’s

education in the early church was in eagerness to render obedience to the great

commission Jesus gave to his disciples. The church which started as a predominantly

Jewish movement became more and more gentile. Many people who became

Christians had some basic training with regards to their newly found faith. Paul kept

a good legacy worthy of emulation as a shepherd of God’s flocks.


The training which Pastors receives in seminaries equips them with the deep

Bible knowledge, proper administration and management, in regard to wholistic

development and other relevant fields. This training enables the Pastors to be

educated in various field of studies to prepare for the task on him. It was influence of

education that the 16th century reformers used to opposed some wrong doctrines

practiced in the early (Roman catholic) church. ‘’to critical observes such as Martin

Luther at Wittenberg and Calvin at Geneva, the church had lost sight of it intellectual

heritage, it was time to reclaim the ideas of the intellectual heritages, it was time to

reclaim the ideas of the Golden Age of the Christian Church. (MCGRATH 3). These

people were not Pastors but they had the theological ideas that led them to criticized

some errors going on in the church. They were able to convert many people from

ignorant worship God. Martin Luther was regarded as a religious, social and political

reform movement leader in Europe (MCGRATH 7). The reformers ideas brought a

positive change to the Christian faith because the Christians at that time were abiding

by the doctrines of their leaders rather than abiding in God.

Richard Bazter was a pastor who had the formal education at Dowington free

school. He was able to reformed the people positively as many were converted from

ignorant living into Christianity. In his pastoral teaching, he emphasized on faith,

love, holiness and unity (Bazter 13). Education as a secondary issue in pastoral work

plays a significant role in church growth and development. Many people have

succeeded in planting churches after receiving the call and went to schools to acquire

more knowledge.

Herodutus and Bullinger said I am not interested in abstract events about the

past, but rather drawing attention to the present dangers implied in the impact of

structuralism in contemporary church of today and in the future generations

(OBERMAN 174-175).

However, pastoral work in the 21th century has become more challenging

than it was in the past centuries. The church and its leadership are wrestling with

problems and complicated issues that has led so many people moved from one

dissemination to another. It is when the pastor is educated else he become a setback

to the church instead of being a solution to it. Now we are in the computer age which

has made the word a modern society. Many pastors are facing these challenge very

rough because of their inability to be educated for instance, if a pastor is computer

illiterate how can he operate a handset to browse current information? Benjamin

Pokol in his book title church leadership and the challenges of change said “No

wander, Yamsat rightly observed that many pastors especially order ones in the

village see computers new models of television” (Poko1 71). Today there are

instances where people go to theological schools to acquire the biblical knowledge

not to become Pastors but to compete with their pastors in theological knowledge.

The pastors should be deep in knowledge to avoid embarrassment from these


Byang Kato was a Christian leader whom God used him in many ways. He

attended many schools including theological seminaries. He was able to write so

many theological books and paper presentation before his demised.

He was a theologian first and then an administrator. His main interest was in

the promotion of better theological training for his African brethren (Haye 100).

Today COCIN and other churches came through the work of Karl Kumm a

German missionary who came to Nigeria and other African Countries under the

Sudan United Mission. He was educated after which he engaged in mission work to

Africa. As a result of Karl Kumm and other missionaries effort there was a great

development in the gospel propagation, the church multiplied and expanded the

Government allowed them to evangelise as the people seemed to be just thirsting for

the word of God (Tett 44).

If a pastor is educated, he will be able to carry out his work base on plan.

This will give him the picture of his vision and mission to the church for a period of

time. All the above mentioned shepherds, pastors and missionaries worked with the

plan that enabled them succeeded in carrying out their responsibilities.

Another challenging issues is the inability to read, write speak English, being

the official language use in Nigeria today. Pastors who did not attend any school

finds it difficult to either write or speak in English as they are considered to be

illiterates. This is most common with pastors serving in the villages because they

only use their tribal and Hausa Language to reach their congregation writing has

consistently been one of the most problematic areas in the use of English in Nigeria

(Oluikpe iv). A pastor is expected to know how to read, write and speak English very

well because the church needs pastors who are trained as theologians that can bring

the good news (gospel) and mission of the church into practical reality through their

good performance. The qualification of leaders of the Church should be observed

right from the selection for training, in the case of ordained and non-ordained

ministers’ ministration. If the pastor and elders are educated, definitely the

congregation will be fed very well.


The word church is translation of the Greek word Ecclesia. In its secular

meaning it has a long history before it came to denote a theological meaning. The

word is derived from the root “ek” (out) and “kaleo” (call), meaning to call out.

However, the real sense of the word ekklessia is “gathering” assembly, (Nden

Seth.24) in the Greek New Testament, “God’s people” are addressed as ecclesia

theou. It seems by this the early Christians were claiming to be the true people of

God, that is the gathering of God’s people. That is, gathering of God’s people for

political ekklesia of the city or polis in the same town. The Hebrew word gabal in the

Old Testament can be used generally of people assembled for any purpose and in any

number. (Gen. 29:6, Exo. 16:1.)

In the light of the New Testament the church has come to mean an assembly

or a gathering of those who congregate in the name of Jesus Christ and around Christ

for Christ, Jesus Christ used the word ecclesia in (matt. 16:18). The word is used in

the New Testament to denote;

i. Community of those called out by Christ and for Christ.

ii. Community of faith in Christ.

iii. Gathering of redeemed in Christ.

iv. Assembly of believers in Christ.

v. Community of those that are called and set apart by Christ.

vi. Community of those that are obedient to God in Christ.

vii. Congregation of the people of the way.

viii. Community of the children of light.

ix. The called sons, children, saints of God, God’s elected race (.( Nden .16)

Since, the church is a community of those called out, a community of faith

in Christ. A community of those that are called and set apart by Christ, a

gathering of the redeemed in Christ. If that is the definition and the meaning of

the church, all those who have the grace to pasturing the church of God should

remember that the church is not a place of authority, or place for unhealthy

competition. But a place where love and unity will be seen.



2.10.1 Pastoral Ministry: Pastoral ministry is a ministry of searching for lost, when

the Bible praises God as the “Shepherd” of Israel, he’s praised for saving Israel from

Egypt and leading them into the promised Land which is parallel with saving us and

leading us into His heavenly kingdom, According to Tom Hicks. He states that. In

Pastoral Ministry These five things must be done!

i. A Pastor watches Himself: He said: True Pastoring always begins with

personal holiness (1Timothy 4:16). Paul tells Timothy keep a close watch on

yours elf “ the word” watch” means “to be vigilant” or “to pay close attention a

Pastor needs to give careful attention to his own soul because he is called to be

a holy man. A Pastor also watches himself by being a Faithfull to his Children.

Loving them and served them just as Christ has served him. He loves and

Teaches his Wife and Children the word of God

ii. A Pastor Watches His Teaches: Paul tells Timothy, “keep a close watch on the

teaching” there is a heresy made for every one of us. Heresy is a form of false

teaching that undermines the gospel. Sadly, there is a heresy made for every

Pastor Heresies tell us that we can have our idols, and we can have very careful

too. A Pastor must be very careful to teach what the Bible says is true, not what

he want the Bible. The Bible to say is true. Is responsible to repeat what God

says in his word. A Pastor simply delivers what he has received, adding

nothing, subtracting nothing. That means a Pastor studies the Bible carefully

and holds fast the word of live for his own soul and for the soul of others by

faith. Gods beloved people are only fed when Pastors proclaim sound doctrine

u early and consist earthly, even though it will cost them their idols. And it

may cost them their very lives.

iii. A Pastor preaches Jesus Christ. Pastors must never tire of preaching Jesus.

Pastors do not preach the word of man. They do not reach themselves. They do

not preach their own wisdom or manmade techniques.

iv. A Pastor does personal work. Pastors are to love Gods people personally.

Personal work includes conversations with people at church pastoral

counseling, visiting hospitals, performing funerals, officiating. Living among

people in the community, and being generally available some popular

preachers and teachers today say that pastors shouldn’t waste their time doing

personal Work they say a pastor’s job is to pray, study, preach the word, and

nothing else.

A pastor’s work is public, not private, consider the many places in scripture

that show example of personal work in personal ministry, Jesus ministered

personally, He ministered personally to Nicodemus, to the woman at the well,

to Zaccheus, to the Roman centurion, to Marry and Martha, and to many

others, He ministered at funerals, weddings, visited the sick, Jesus also ate with

his disciples, fished with them, slept with them, and lived life with them. (Acts

20:27) in pastoral ministry personal work is important because much of a

pastor’s power in public teaching and preaching depends on the good will and

the relationship he has with the people. People are willing to listen to a man

when they know he care for their souls, His preaching will become more and

more useful to the people the more he learns who they are so that he can apply

the work to them wisely. Some parts of pastoral ministry absolutely require

personal work. When people lose loved ones, or are going through severe tries,

they need a pastor to help them think clearly and to set their minds on the Lord

Jesus. When people are struggling with personal sin or temptation or marriage

difficulties, they need pastoral counsel about how to handle their sin wisely

when people have specific questions about the Bible or doctrine, or personal

decisions that they are making in their lives they need to feed free to approach

their pastor to ask him personally mush of the power of true pastor al ministry

depends greatly on a pastor’s faithfulness to do personal work.

v. A Pastor ministers to the community: a faithful pastor is not merely concerned

with his own church. He thinks of the lost people in the community as in

Adam, under the condemnation of the covenant of works, they need the mercy

of Christ in the covenant of grace. He also thinks of the other believes in the

community as part of the one covenant of grace and he sees himself and his

church as joined together with them in Christ in the kingdom of God.

Practically, what does ministry to the community look like? It looks like

participating in community events it means being available for funerals and

counseling for people in the community when asked, Getting to know people

though regular business dealing with them. And getting to know other pastors

and working with other pastor and working with other churches where ever

that is possible. In conclusion: pastoral ministry is both public and private it’s

based on sound doctrine, rooted in personal holiness, and centered on the Lord

Jesus Christ pastoral work is both formal and informal, involving a whole man

who seeks to minister to whole men, pastors who are faithful and called of God

have the most joyful and sanctifying calling in this world may God give the

church more faithful pastors for his great glory (Tom Hicks 2021 pg 36).

2.10.2 Work of the Pastor: Harold Taylor in his book tend my sheep he defines

the work of the pastor as follows.

i. He searches for any sheep that strays or gets lost, until he fine it.

ii. He guards his flock and protects it from wild animals or thieves, or other


iii. He knows and name each sheep individually.

iv. He feeds the sheep and provides for all their needs.

v. He carefully tends any sheep that are sick or weakly. He says the work of the

pastor in the early church was modeled on this pattern it included feeding the

new Christians with the truth. Protecting them against error and false teaching

caring for the needy and distressed encouraging those who had become haft-

heart in their faith keeping order and discipline, giving guidance and spiritual

direction, as God says in the book of Ezekiel 34:13-16 that he will care for his

flock by finding good pasture to feed his flock, locating safe place to make them

lie down and rest, and binding up (healing) the wounds of injured sheep. God

was promising that his pastor ministry would include the spiritual equivalent of

feeding, resting and healing people. Since that is the definition of the work of the

pastor. There is need for COCIN pastor to concentrate on their pastoral work,

ministry and practical demonstration of love in their pastoral work according to

the COIN week teaching 2021 page Nine (9) says one’s call to a particular

vocation and profession is from God who is the author of all human enterprise

and Endeavour. Therefore, living in love in your career vocation/ profession is

very key and essential to being productive. Every career one finds himself is a

place of divine assignment, engagement and a plat from to touch lives positively

COCIN week PP.9

The pastor‘s own relationship with the people is also something he needs to

understand. Although he must recognize the defences which people put us to protect

themselves from painful situation he must not allow this knowledge to give him a

feeding of pride, or think of himself as superior to those he is trying to help. He must

always try to treat people as persons and not as thing. Taylor PP: 50.

2.10.2 The Associate Pastor and his Role: An associate pastor is a church employer

who assists the senior pastor with church’s daily operations. His tasks include

managing events for church ministries, supervising church volunteers, and assisting

with all church service and ceremonies. Associate pastor job description involves

playing a critical role in supporting and nurturing the goals of the church, although

you are not the primary person responsible to articulate that vision, you can lead

other to affirm it and add the strategy to accomplish it. For example, if your leading

pastor is trying to get more people involved in small group bible studies, you should

be the first person to sign up to lead by example. Determine which initiatives would

most help your members grow in faith and identify how to best endorse and

participate in them. In COCIN church, congregation traditionally expect associate

pastor to be able to stand in for the leading pastor in any of his core responsibilities.

He may share in preaching, or visitation, especially if your leading pastor is on

vacation, sick, or extremely busy. The associate pastor might be asked to conduct

ministries outside the church, such as attending ministerial meeting, conducting

funerals and perfuming weddings. (Trade,6 . the associate pastor is the primary

support person for the leading pastor and lay ministers to alongside clergy and lay

ministers to carry out this mission as a member of a team. Here are some of the

responsibilities of an associate pastor;

i. An Associate pastor manages and provides oversight for the administration of all

ministry are as within the organization.

ii. An Associate pastor develop and facilitated prayer ministry groups assist

children’s outreach including bible studies.

iii. Provide counsel to congregation, and help to counsel members of the

congregation of every age group to help the pastoral staff in congregational care.

iv. Defend the leading pastor and the ministry from all negative talk like gossip,

slander and anything that would undermine God’s work. Anything that would

hinder or cast a aspersion on the ministry will adversely will adversely affect the

work of the holy spirit. As an associate pastor it is your role to defend the

ministry when you hear anything even slightly negative about the pastor or about

the ministry, intervene, correct it, and stop it.

v. As an associate pastor never gossip is a sin that most pastors feel they are not

guilty of, gossip may be defined as saying anything negative, whether true or not

to anyone about pastor or about the ministry, as an associate pastor if there are

things wrong take it to the lord in prayer, tell absolutely no one including your

spouse. Do not respect anything that would cast aspersion on the ministry in any

way, Doing so dishonors the church and pastoral ministry.

vi. As an associate pastor in the leading pastor’s absence run things exactly as he

were there, because people are like sheep they frighten easily, they get upset

easily they are skittish and jittery. The time to make changes in routines is never

when the pastor is away. As an associate pastor make sure that is absence, make

everything go exactly according to the routine. Keep detail of the worship

service exactly as the people are used to.

vii. Have a servant’s heart: as an associate pastor you must have a servant’s heart,

viii. And encouraging word, helpful ideas, to be helpful means to be useful in the

details of the ministry. ( Falack. Victor ,32).

2.10.3 The Leading Pastor and his Role: The leading Pastor serves as a leader of

other Pastors of the congregation, so that it might fulfill the vision and the mission

of the Church, as the body of Christ. The leading Pastor will preach, Teach, provide

counseling and give primary leadership in the various Church Ministries. The

COCIN equipment to serve as Pastor include:

i. He must love God and love people math 22:37-40

ii. He must be called by God Jeremiah 4:1-9

iii. Lifestyle above reproach. Timothy 3:1-7

iv. Capable to preach the word in and out of season, 2 Timothy 4:1-2

Another responsible of the leading Pastor includes:

i. Provides leadership and direction to the Executive Pastor, Associate Pastor

ii. He must be visionary, always asking, what is next? Thinking strategically

about the Church and how to continue to move forward in our vision, Mission

and calling, Relate to a diverse group of people include new believers,

visitors from various places, A leader who is collaborative and gives others

freedom to build and lead ministry teams in their functional areas.

iii. Authentic with a humble and transparent spirit.

2.10.4 Significance of Team Work in the Pastoral Ministry: Several persons

working together for a common goal is called Team work, teamwork is one of the

keys to organizational growth and success ,we need each other to reach a desired

goals, Jesus needed the twelve disciples as much as Elijah needed Elisha and the fifty

prophets, if team work is not properly managed, it will give birth to every and

unhealthy competition, the two great enemies of team work the secular world today

is ruled by the spirit, each person trying to outclass the other unfortunately. This

spirit has gradually found its way into the Church as a result of this, some Pastors are

no longer competing to win souls which is a healthy competition and the

fundamental reason for the Church, but to build the biggest Church auditorium, own

the largest Church congregation, have the biggest financial base, drive the best car in

tow preach than other Pastors, although having all these is good but if the motive is

godly but the truth is very far from some Pastors now a days. The spirit of unhealthy

competition is gradually affecting the Pastoral teamwork in COCIN. The competition

of who is:

2.10.5 The Pastor and Team Work: Team work is essential, because it maintains

an enjoyable work environment. teamwork builds strong employees work close to

know each other, The more they get to know each other, and develop a liking for

each other, The more they work together, the more they learn and learn to live with

each other’, likes and dislike strengths and weaknesses when they work together

when they work together for a long time the team naturally becomes more

collaborative, and this leads to a more enjoyable work,

i. Another importance of working together is that it increases work efficiency.

ii. Statistics shows that, employees who work as a team accomplish tasks faster

and much more efficiently than those who work individually.

iii. Working as a team on different assignments minimizer’s workloads for all

employees by sharing ideas and responsibilities.

iv. Since team work is important in pastoral ministry the leading pastor and

associate pastor in COCIN must embrace love and team work in their pastoral

ministry. (Tende.49).

2.10.6 The Theology of the Church: Robert w. Godfrey, in His Book, Theology

and the church. He states that, theology of the church is the truth that is from God,

and about God. Is for the life of the church, Jesus build His church by making

disciples who follow Him confessing the truth that He is the Christ, the son of the

living God (Matt 16:16) Disciples are those to whom Jesus gives life so that they will

walk in this way according to His Truth. As Jesus said, if you abide in my word, you

are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free

(John 8:31-32) in the great commission, Jesus sends His disciples to make disciples

and build His church throughout the world.

We see in this commission that the making of disciples has two parts:

bringing them in and building them up. Since pastors are called to build the church

spiritually, we need to work as an example. In addition to commanding baptism

Jesus direct us to teaching to build up the live of God’s people throughout His

earthly ministry, Jesus taught the truth as to what His Disciples should know and

how they should live for him. His apostles were gathered and preserved for His

church in the Holy Scriptures. The church that follows Christ faithfully teaches His

theology from the bible so that Christian will know the truth and live it.

The word of God is the repository of truth for the church and the leading

pastors and associate pastors must teach it they must resist the pressure to become

entertainers or pop psychologists. The people of God especially in a democratic

culture also have a very serious duty. They must encourage the ministers to teach the

whole counsel of God and eagerly seek and support such teaching. Otherwise, the

church will remain seriously immature, Paul wrote warning the Corinthians: “But I

Brother, could not address you as Spiritual people but as people of the flesh, as

infants in Christ. I fed you with milk not solid food, immature churches and

immature Christians are still caught up in the flesh and so have become dull of

hearing the church need theology to make disciples both those who are build up in

the truth. Jesus great commission to make disciples will not be fulfilled completely

until all God’s elect have been brought into the church. Pastors, we have much to do

in different circumstances, but we have the great promise of Jesus to sustain us in our

calling. Jesus made it clear that “Behold I am with you always to the end of the age.

(Matts 28:20).

2.10.7 Local Church and Earthly Assembly: Yet a Christians heavenly

membership in the universal church need to show up on earth just like a Christian

imputed righteousness in Christ should show up in works of righteousness (James

2:14-26) membership in the universal church describes a “positional” reality, it’s a

heavenly position or status in God’s courtroom. It is therefore as real as anything else

in or beyond the universe. Yet Christians must put themselves on or live out that

universal membership concretely, just like Paul says we must “put on” our positional

righteousness Eph. 4:24 Col 3:10 – 14.

In other words, our membership in Christ’s Universal and heavenly body cannot

remain an abstract idea. If it is real, it will show up on earth in real time and space

with real people we don’t get to choose but who step on our toes and disappoint us

an encourage us and help us to follow Jesus. Membership in the universal church

must become visible in a local gathering of Christians.

To summarize the relationship, the universal church creates local churches, while

local churches prove, gives evidence for display, even protect the universal church,

like this: consider what this means: if a person says nothing to do with a church, one

might rightly to wonder if he really does belong to the church but he has nothing to

do with a church, one might rightly to wonder if he really does belong to the church,

just as we wonder about a person who claims to have faith but has no deeds.

More specifically the universal church becomes visible though:

i. A regular gathering or assembly of people

ii. Who mutually affirm one another as Christians

iii. Through preaching the gospel

iv. And participating in baptism and the Lord’s supper.

Let’s back up and explain every nation and kingdom possess some way of saying

who their citizens are. Today, countries use passports and borders. Ancient Israel

used both circumcision and Sabbath – keeping signs of the Abrahamic and Mosaic

covenant, respectively the church is not presently a land possessing earthly kingdom,

yet this heavenly needs some way of affirming it citizens on earth, how can these

heavenly citizens know who “They” are, both for their own sake and for the sake of


To answer that question Jesus provided covenant sign for members of the new

covenant: the entrance sign of baptism, whereby people are baptized into his name

(math 28:19) and the ongoing sign of the Lord’s supper, whereby they affirm one

another as members of his body (1 Cor 10:17).

Not only that, he gave local churches the authority to publicly affirm their

members as citizens of his kingdom to affix these covenant sign on people, almost

like a coach passing out team jersey. To that end, he gave churches the keys of the

kingdom to bind and loose on earth what’s bound and loosed in heaven. (Matt. 16:19

18:18) what does that mean? It means churches possess the authority to render

judgment on the what and the who of the gospel confessions and confessors. With

the keys he authorized churches to say “Yes, this is the gospel confession. We

believe in and what you must believe in to be a member” to say: “Yes, this is a true

confessor. We will baptize her into membership” or we will remove him from

membership. Since that is the theology of the church. The researcher want to call the

COCIN Pastors both the leading and the associate to emphasize the unity among the

church members since the church it is an expression of the body of Christ, the family

of God and the temple of the Spirit.


This section shall briefly discourse the Birth and the expansion of COCIN,

methodology, research sample, method of data analysis, it will help us understand

the vision and the mission of COCIN and the relationship of our past leaders in

pastoral Ministry.


What is known today as Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) is a brain work

of the burning seal, which the Lord laid on the heart of Dr. Karl Kum. A German by

Nationality and Baptist by denomination. Immediately following the evangelical

revivals in Europe in the 19thand 20thcenturies the wind of revival caught many

evangelical, including Dr. Karl Kumm. The Lord put a burning desire into his heart

to take the gospel to the part of Africa, known then as Sudan, which was a vast land

across Central Africa (Mollie, Tett 2004).

The map of this part of Africa then, to the eyes of the world had nothing of

light, but darkness and pictures of scorpions and dangerous animals (Maxwell,

century of Grace, 1906- 1908).

Karl Kumm made arrangement to be a participant in bringing light to this dark

part of the world called Africa, so he made effort to form a missionary party with

people of similar vision and calling, to bring the light of the gospel to the Sudan; He

got them and formed the first mission party, known as Sudan Pioneer Mission

(SPM), in Germany.

The above mission party could not achieve its aim because of differences in interest

and Opinions which divided them. As if this would quench the zeal which Kumm

had. Karl Kumm kept the calling to the Sudan, so he took another step to see that his

calling becomes a reality. Dr. Karl Kum’ left for Britain in search of partners, who

would be willing to share in his mission for the Sudan. God rewarded his zeal, and so

gave him success in forming a missionary, body known as Sudan United Mission


The name Sudan means “black”, referring to the people and the Condition of the

people who lived in this dark part of Africa. The United party implies that the people

who made up the group were from various denominations in Britain and other parts

of Europe. The COCIN Constitution (1995; 1) states that:

“The church of Christ in Nigerian (COCIN) came into existence as a result

of the work of the Sudan United Mission (British Branch) which came to Nigerian in

1904. The first four missionaries were: Dr. Karl Kumm, Dr. Ambrose H. Bateman,

Mr. John E, Burt and Mr. J. Lowry Maxwell. These arrived in WASE town in

Plateau State of Nigeria on the 8 October, 1904. What started as a small beginning in

WASE led to the foundation of the fellowship of Churches of Christ in Nigeria

(Tarayyar Ekkilisiyoyin Kristi a Nigeria) (TEKAN), of which COCIN is a member.

Pauline. (1996:27) also says, “The Sudan United Mission was born on 1 5th June

1904, the first team of the party set sail to Sudan”. She further stated; “their attention

was drawn by Mr. C.L. temple to the Northern part of Nigeria. Mr. J. E Burt and Mr.

J. L. Maxwell set sail for an expedition into the Sudan on “Akabo”, ship. Pauline

noted further that “at WASE a place half way between Benue River and the Bauchi

Plateau, they established their first missionary station in 1904”. Similarly, Crompton

(1976:46) noted that; Early in 1904, Kumm went to Tripoli to learn Hausa. There he

met Mr. C. L. Temple who was resident of Bauchi province which at the time

included the Jos Plateau. It included large members of pagans and temple invited

Kumm to come and work among them. Later in that year the S.U.M. decided to send

a party to investigate the possibilities of work in the Benue valley and the highlands

further north. It consisted of Doctor Kumm. Doctor Beteman, Mr. Burt and Mr.

Maxwell. They arrived at Lokoja in August and Kumm went to Zungeru to discuss

matters with Lugard who recommended them to start work at WASE... the party

went there... 5 (E.P. Crompton 1976:46-47).

Polycarp (1994) said in Hausa Language “S.U.M din Suka wuce zuwa WASE, sun

iso wurin ran 8th October, 1904”. From these observations, one reasonably state that

COCIN was founded by SUM (Sudan United Mission) who arrived in WASE in

1904. This station was Moved in 1907 to Langtang because of the opposition by the

Emir of WASE at that time. The SUM later moved Northwards to Berom land and

established a station at Foron around Jos; In line with the above, the COCIN RCC

Panyarn handbook states that “the CMS (Church Missionary Society) arrived in

Panyam in 1904 for the purpose of investigation”. (COCIN RCC Panyam

Handbook). In an interview, Polycarp noted that “the CMS first arrived in Panyam in

1904. The programme for foundation laying ceremony of COCIN secretariat states

that “in 1904 an Anglican group brought the gospel to Panyam area”.

Pauline) 1996: 33) says “Rev. Lloyd first arrived on 15th December 1907. He was

first taken to the chief (Mishkaham) of Panyam”. She added that the ft recoded

service at the Panyam missionary station was on the 25th December, 1907 on a

Christmas day.” The COCIN constitution confirms the above for it states that;

Members of the Cambridge University Mission (CUMP), who were Anglican by

tradition, brought the gospel to Panyam in 1907 and later to Kabwir in 1910 among

the Ngas people. By mutual agreement, their work was later handed over to the

Sudan United Mission (British branch). This handing over commenced in 1930 and

was completed in 1934. (COCIN constitution 1995). Miss Webster who was nick-

named by Mwaghavul people “Nakam” meaning “lady teacher” was among these

Cambridge University students. From the above, one can see that the historical facts

present WASE, Foron Panyam and Kabwir as the areas where COCIN first started

her growth. Bitrus Pam (1995:5) noted in Hausa language that “An kafa wuraren

nan: Langtang, Panyam, Kabwir, da Foron. Wadannan wuraren sujada hudu sune

suka zama harsashin ginin da COCIN ta Kafa. Su hudu din sun zama Kusurwa na

gini sakamakon aikin da kwazo ne sun yadu da sauri”. Meaning “they founded these

places Langtang, Panyam, Kabwir and Foron. These four stations became like four

corner stones of foundation of a building. It was as a result of hard work that they

spread quickly”. Also, from the above quotations and explanations, one can conclude

that COCIN was founded by the Sudan United Mission and Church Missionary

Society. The people who made up the group were from various denominations in

Britain and other parts of Europe.

The missionary party was not formed in Britain alone, but in some other places like

Denmark, South Africa, Netherlands, Switzerland, America, France, Australia and

other places. Dr. Karl Kumm, Dr. Ambrose Bateman, Mr. Lowry Maxwell and Mr.

John Burt left Britain for Nigeria on 23rd July 1904 and then arrived Nigeria

(WASE) on 8th October, 1904.


The group of four arrived Nigeria through River Niger, in October 8th 1904,

and built their first mission house in WASE, Plateau State, Nigeria. While in WASE,

they started facing some ecological problems like unfamiliar weather, diseases,

hostility from the Muslim settlers and communication. Because of the above

problems, particularly the hostility of the Muslim settlers, the missionaries moved to

Langtang in 1907. Prior to the movement, the Muslims in WASE destroyed the

house of the missionaries. Thus, it became necessary for them to migrate to a new

station. At this time, more missionaries had come from Britain at the request of

Kumm. Some of them settled at Gyel and Foron in 1907. The WASE mission station

was finally closed down in 1909 because of the Muslim hostility against them.

It is to be understood that the Sudan United Mission in Langtang and Foron were

from Baptist by background, while those in Panyam and Kabwir were Anglican by

background. The working relationship between them was friendly. This cordial

relationship is clearly seen in the following steps;

a. The Anglican missionaries handed over a freed slave; Tom Liyana to the SUM

around Lokoja to be baptized (century document p. 10).

b. Again, they handed over their work in Panyam and Kabwir to the SUM in 1930

(Century document p. 11).

Now, having taken over Panyam and Kabwir from CMS, SUM had four major

areas to look after, which are Langtang, Foron, Panyam and Kabwir. These formed

what we know today as the first four districts of COC1N, also known then as

“Ekklisiyar Kristi” a Sudan (EKAS) Plato da Bauchi Yamma. When the four

Disciples were merged together in 1948, Mr. W. M. Bristow was the Chairman, with

Mr. Arthur Burrough as the Secretary; both of them were white men. Baba Rev.

Damina Bawado was elected the first indigenous President of the Church in 1951, to

replace W. M. Bristow, while Da Bitrus Pam was elected as the indigenous Secretary

of the Church in 1960 to replace Mr. Arthur Burrough. The Church was formally

registered with Nigerian Ministry of Cooperate Affairs in 1959. In the area of local

spread, exploding from the first four districts of the church the following directions

were followed a. Langtang- The Langtang District took the gospel to Kwalla in 1946.

The gospel got established in Kwalla, so that it became a District in 1974. Today,

Kwalla has grown marvelously.

a. Foron: - The Foron District took the gospel to Fobur in 1925. The Fobur people

accepted the gospel and became a District in 1973. Today, Fabur has also

grown largely.

b. Panyam:- The Panyam District took the gospel to Daffo in 1935 and Daffo

became a District in 1937. Today Daffo has grown largely.

c. Kabwir:- Kabwir District took the gospel to Tafawa Balewa in 1927 and

Tafawa Balewa became a District in 1970.

Vision: A matured church committed to the work of the gospel of Jesus Christ and

impacting the world till His return

Mission: To glorify God by edifying and equipping the church of Jesus Christ for

global missions

Core Values of COCIN: Self-propagating, self-sustaining and self-governing; unity,

accountability, transparency, team work, prayer and revival and love.

Aims and Objectives

i. To worship God, the father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ spirit and truth.

ii. To preach and teach the gospel of salvation to all nations.

iii. To promote unity and fellowship among her members and the society,

irrespective of race, ethnic and social affiliations.

iv. To be good stewards of God’s creation and all



It is a known fact that in practical terms, when the relationship between the

clergy and Church members is frosty, it would ultimately not only the daily running

of the affairs of the Local Church Council, but it would also affect the main purpose

of the church, which is Missions and Evangelism. If missions and Evangelism are

affected, then the church loses content and a sense of purpose, direction and mission.

Under this air of division and animosity the growth of the Church and spiritual

functionality and advancement of the members is at great risk. It is this ugly

development, which has stirred up the spirit of the researcher to embark on this

study. It is to seek for the trueness or otherwise of the aforementioned fears, and

concerns, which have driven the desire in the heart of this researcher to look deeper

at the issues, with the hope to establishing the correctness, and for the study to

advance suggested solutions to some of the observed anomalies if found to be true.

The investigative study intends to look closely at the philosophy behind the original

desire to introduce the office of the Associate Pastor (Reverend), and the possible

reasons, which have often led some leading Pastor and Reverends to treat their

colleagues, Associate Pastors as if they are under some curse of punishment.

Sometimes they are even treated as if they are second class Pastors in COCIN, the

same church and authority, which ordained them and assigned them roles, functions

and responsibilities.

In COCIN Churches today, some members sees the leading Reverends as first class

Pastors and Associate or Attach Pastors as second class Pastors, because of these

reasons, the office of the leading Pastor is in conflict with the office of the Associate

Pastors. From experience, the researcher have personally met some Associate Pastors

who have left their Pastoral Ministry because of the challenges face the office of

Associate Pastor in COCIN, some treated like second class in Ministry. This research

is aimed at making a critical investigation concerning the practice of the office of the

Associate Pastor in COCIN, and the problem stated above in order to proffer solution

to the problem.



As maintained elsewhere the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN) as a

denomination owe its existence through the relentless work of missionaries, who

were part of the effort by various Western Missionary bodies, who in the early 20 th

century, had the conviction that the gospel message of Jesus Christ needed to be

taken to the unreached areas of Africa, and coming to Africa, Nigeria, and even,

within Nigeria, their focus was on the people, who were living within the hilly areas

of Northern Nigeria, especially those whose who were living within the Middle Belt

area, or central Nigeria. (COCIN history.78)

The practice of the office of Associate Pastor in COCIN are serious questions

that deserve serious consideration. When the practice of the office of Associate

Pastor stated in COCIN? The used of a term “Associate” or “Attached” deserve

serious consideration oxford dictionary defined. An Associate is a person with

limited or subordinate membership of organization. The philosophy behind the used

of Associate among some COCIN Pastors is very wrong because research shows that

some Associate Pastors and attached Reverends were under the bondage of some

leading Pastors and leading Referenda, they treated them as semi-qualified Pastors.,

when an Associate Pastor posted to work with the leading pastor, the congregation

sees him as unqualified. And this spirit is now gradually growing in the mind of

some COCIN’s Pastors and some leading Reverends. In other Churches, they treated

them as second-class Pastors. Lack of understanding of the term Associate is now

gradually changing the Pastoral ministry in COCIN, between the leading Pastor and

the Associate Pastor.

The practice of the office of Associate Pastor in COCIN are serious questions

that deserve serious consideration. When the practice of the office of Associate

Pastor stated in COCIN? The used of a term “Associate” or “Attached” deserve

serious consideration, the oxford dictionary defined. An Associate is a person with

limited or subordinate membership of organization. The philosophy behind the used

of Associate among some COCIN Pastors need attention of church leaders, because

research shows that in RCC Gombe some Associate Pastors and attached Reverends

were under the bondage of some leading Pastors and leading Reverends, they treated

them as semi-qualified Pastors. when an Associate Pastor is posted the congregation

sees him as unqualified. And this spirit is now gradually growing in the mind of

some COCIN’s Pastors and some leading Reverends. In other Churches, they treated

them as second-class Pastors. Lack of understanding of the term Associate is now

gradually changing the Pastoral ministry in COCIN, between the leading Pastor and

the Associate Pastor.

The Church of Christ in Nigeria which is now known as Church of Christ in

Nations (COCIN) have the practice of the office of Associate Pastor or Attach

Reverend. This practice is now gradually becoming a house of war and hatred

between some COCIN’s leading Pastors and Associate Pastors. In RCC Gombe, the

philosophy behind the practice of the office of Associate is wrongly define by some

COCIN pastors. Research shows that some Associate Pastors and Attach Reverends

were under the bondage of some leading Pastors and Reverends. They treated them

as second-class Pastors. The researcher wanted to crucially investigate the use of the

term “Associate” Pastor or Attached Reverend, because in qualification there is

Associate degree, a person with Associate degree is not equal with a person with

degree. When the used of the term Associate stated? Is there any seminary of

Associate Pastor and Reverend in COCIN? Or college for Associate Pastors?

The research wishes to critically investigate when the practice of the office of

Associate pastor started and the implication in Pastoral Ministry and COCIN today.


This section deal with method to be employed by the researcher in the

collection of data it is very important to derive factors from the specific group of

people who received the divine call into pastoral service. Some as Associate Pastors

while some serve as leading Pastors. Only a few of them were able to relate in peace

with one another sometime their relationship is bad, their relationship in the Church

is not cordial. This is the focus of this thesis when a Associate pastor and leading

pastor related good will one another. It is very important because this will help them

to care of their congregation and deliver good and powerful preaching, teaching,

counselling and planning Church programme together it is expected that the

interview questionnaire to pastors, the Church leaders and members will answer in

this thesis will give the true information on some of the challenges facing the office

of the associate in RCC Gombe.

This research make use of only some COCIN pastors in RCC Gombe to give

researcher the basic probability of sampling approach. Furthermore, this thesis tends

to duel on the written method to collect it data. The interview questionnaire is here

used to reach out pastors views in regard to the relevance of relationship between the

associate pastor and the leading pastor. In RCC Gombe. The questionnaire is design

into three section A B and C in which Section A consist of five questions to the

members, while section B consist to the Associate pastor’s section C consist seven

questions to the leading pastors. This will be able to give a picture of the research


The researcher also made a careful study of the population that consist of

only pastors in RCC Gombe any pastors outside COCIN is not part of the population

about one hundred pastors, including COCIN members are expected to represent the

total population of the case study, RCC Gombe. The researcher uses table and graphs

received from respondent to analyzed while all the interview questions were also

analysed in narrative discussion order.


This chapter is all about analysis of data from the questionnaires and ministered. The

results collected from the respondents were put in a tabular form.

Table 1: Shows whether there is bad relationship between the leading pastor
and Associate Pastor in COCIN


Yes 37 92.5%
No 3 7.5%
Total 40 100%
The table shows that 37 people said yes, there is division between the Leading Pastor

and Associate Pastor in COCIN today. There is not no love among themselves

representing 92.5%, 3 people say no representing 7.5%. This therefore goes to tell us

that there is hatred and lack of love between the leading Pastors and Associate

Pastors in COCIN which is contrary to the teaching of the Bible on the need for unity

among believers.

Table 2: Showing whether Pastors farm, position and selfish interest is one of
the reasons of hatred between the leading pastors and Associate Pastors in


Yes 33 82.5%
No 5 12.5%
Non 2 5%
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 33 people said yes that Pastors farm, position, and selfish

interest is one of the reason of bad relationship between the Leading Pastor and

Associate Pastor in COCIN representing 82.5%, 5 people said no, representing

12.5% and 2 people are not sure representing 5%. Therefore, it means that Pastors

farm, position and selfish interest among Pastor are the reason of bad relationship

between the leading pastor and the Associate Pastor in COCIN. Which is not

supposed to be so, because in Christ we are under one umbrella. This Bible says, a

Hausa divided against itself cannot stand (Luke. 11:17).

Table 3: Showing whether quest for power, position and materialism are some
of the cause of the problem between the leading pastors and Associate Pastors in
Strongly agreed 20 50
Agreed 13 32.5
Partially agreed 7 17.5
Disagreed 0 0
Strongly Disagreed 0 0
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 13 people agreed that quest for power, position and materialism

are some of the causes of bad relationship between the Leading Pastor and the

Associate Pastor in COCIN today. Representing 32.5%, 20 people strongly agreed

representing 50%, 7 people partially 0%, 0 people strongly disagreed representing

0%. This therefore tells us that, most people strongly agreed that quest for power

position and materialism are some of the causes of bad relationship between the

Leading Pastor and the Associate Pastor in COCIN today.

Table 4: Shows whether election into leadership position like that of chairman
and other EC members is one of the causes of bad relationship between a
leading Pastor and the Associate Pastor in COCIN today
Strongly agreed 8 20
Agreed 14 35
Partially agreed 11 27.5
Disagreed 6 16
Not sure 1 2.5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 14 people agreed that election into leadership position like that

of chairman and other EC members is one of the reasons of hatred between the

Leading Pastor and Associate Pastor in COCIN.

Representing 35%, 8 people strongly agreed representing 20% ,11 people partially

agreed representing 27.5%, 6 people disagreed representing 15%, 1 person is not

sure representing 2.5%. pastors should therefore know that they are representing

Christ and Love their Associate Pastors and work together in unity.

Table 5: Shows that Tribalism is one of the causes of disunity or hatred between

the Leading Pastor and the Associate Pastor in COCIN today


Yes 20 50
No 13 32
Not sure 7 17.5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 20 people said yes that some leading pastors treated their

Associate Pastors who are not their tribe badly, some Associate Pastors suffer

discrimination in the way they are treated representing 50%, 13 people said no,

representing 32.5%, 7 people are not sure representing 17.5%. This tell us that some

pastors threatening strictly base on tribe through somehow, there is tribal influenced

in some places, the church should try her best to stop tribalism among the COCIN


Table 6: Shows whether pride, educational background has influence in

relationship between Associate and Leading Pastor in COCIN Today


Strongly agreed 6 15
Disagreed 15 37
Partially agreed 7 17
Disagreed 2 5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 6 people strongly agreed that pride educational background and

seniority is one of the cases of conflict between the leading Pastor and the Associate

Pastor in COCIN. Representing 15%, 15 people agreed representing 37.5%, 7 people

partially agreed representing 17.5%, 2 people strongly disagreed representing 5%, 10

people disagreed representing 25%. The church is the household of God, we are

there to preach the gospel of Christ not for educational competition.

Table 7: Shows whether lack of good relationship, or division among the leading
Pastor and the Associate Pastor affects the unity and progress of the church


Yes 4 100
No 0 0
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 40 people said yes that division among the Associate Pastor and

the Leading Pastor cause setback and disunity among the members representing

100% while nobody say no representing 0%. This therefore, means that lack of good

relationship between the leading Pastor and Associate Pastor has caused a lot of

disunity in the church because division is the enemy of unity. Since the church have

good reason for the practice of the office of the Associate Pastor. The Leading

Pastors should relate good with their Associate Pastors.

Table 8: Shows whether a leading Pastor or Associate Pastor has a role to play
in putting one another under church discipline
Yes 10 25
No 27 67.5
Not sure 3 7.5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 10 people said Yes that Associate Pastor or a leading Pastor has

a role to play in putting each other under church disciple, representing 25%, 27

people said no representing 67.5%, 3 people are not sure representing 7.5% .

Therefore, majority of the respondent did not agree that anyone of them has nothing

to do with putting some one under church discipline, but in other way one play a role

whether direct or indirect.

Table 9: Shows whether the practice of the office of Associate Pastor has the
impact in the growth of the spiritual life of the members.
Yes 30 97.5
No 1 2.5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 39 people said Yes that the practice of the office of the

Associate Pastor has impact in the Spiritual growth of COCIN members represented

97.5%, 1 person said no representing 2.5%. This respond left only one with doubt

that, the practice of the office of the Associate has no impact in the life of COCIN

members: The response made it clear that the practice of the office of the Associate

Pastor is good but because of the selfishness of some COCIN Pastors, the church

gradually turn a house of enmity of which is contrary to what God expects of us.

Table 10: Shows that whether COCIN should stop the practice of the office of
the Associate Pastor
Yes 39 97.5
No 1 2.5
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 39 people said no that COCIN should not stop the practice of

the office of Associate Pastor representing 97.5%, 1 person said COCIN should not

stop the practice of the office of Associate Pastor representing 97.5%, 1 person said

COCIN should stop the practice of the office of the Associate Pastor representing

2.5%. This response shows that the practice of the office of the Associate Pastor in

COCIN impact the spiritual growth of COCIN members. But because of the selfish

interest of some pastors, they caused confusion in the church in time of pastoral


Table 11: Shows whether a leading Pastor or Associate Pastor has a role to play
in putting one another under church discipline
Strongly agreed 16 40
Agree 16 40
Partially agree 8 20
Disagreed 0 0
Total 40 100%

The table shows that 16 people agreed that, most of the problem in the church is the

result of unhealthy relationship between pastors and the world at large representing

40%, 16 people strongly agreed representing 40%, 8 people partially agreed

representing 20%. Majority of the people strongly agree that most of the problems

and suffering in our churches and the world at large is as a result of unhealthy

relationship between the pastors. They were busy computing with one another

instead of teaching the truth of the Gospel of Christ to the world. Competition of

flashing cars, competition of standard churches, competition for leadership position

for selfish interest and materialism etc.


This chapter seeks to conclude the research work with a summary of the wide thesis.

This the researcher did by summarizing each chapter and its findings in a paragraph

for charity work. After which he concluded the research work in his own inward base

on the finding from the same. And lastly, he made some recommendations for a

better understanding of the research topic and for further studies or research.


In order one the researcher made a general introduction to the research this

includes: statement of problems, limitations, significance of study, aim and objective

among others. These were necessary to introduce the reader into having a general

background to what the researcher seeks to address.

In chapter two, the researcher reviewed related literatures which gives

information on the topic. The practice of the office of Associate Pastor in social and

its implication in pastoral ministry. Chapter three seeks to use qualitative and

quantitative method of research and was able to reach a conclusion on the practice of

the office of Associate Pastor in COCIN and its implication in Pastoral ministry.

Chapter four, the researcher basically presented the analysis of data the

researcher issued. This has to do with presenting the views of many regarding the

subject matter in the questionnaire provided. This gave to a large extent the opinion

of many who could lay hold of the questionnaire whereas, chapter summarizes the

whole researcher and few recommendations which if put in practice to a better

appreciation and understanding subject matter.


Without doubt the practice of the office of Associate Pastor, or Associate

clergy in COCIN was stated good, and with a purpose to propagate the Gospel of

Christ. Here on earth. COCIN as an Evangelical Church that accept the infallibility

and of scriptures (both old and new) and uses same in matters of faith. The

researcher after his finding conclude that it is right for COCIN Associate Pastors and

the Leading Clergy, Associate Reverend and the Leading Prevents to show love to

one another. Because they are the light of the world to stop unhealthy relationship.

Because we are call by the grace to serve in God’s vineyard.

I am of the opinion that the use of a terms Associate Pastor in COCIN or

Associate Clergy should amend if possible. The leading Reverend should understand

that the Associate Pastor or Associate Clergy is a Co-worker, and respect one another

ministry by the grace of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

In order to understanding the importance of the practice of the Associate Pastor in

Cocin. There is need to adjust from our primitive ideas of how we looked at office of

Associate Pastor in the Past and how it has now contributed to the strengthening of

the gospel propagation. Associate ship is the secondary aim that can help the pastors

to perform effectively in their pastoral ministry.

Today the Church is existing in the world that competition, unhealthy practice of the

day, everyone is struggling for the position. Which cause division amount the people

of world. I wish to mention here that based on my research and views of other

pastors the Church especially RCC Gombe should open doors for good relationship,

and accept one another as co-worker in the same vineyard.


At the end of a research work as this it is expected of a researcher to make

some recommendations based on his/her findings in the thesis, these lofty

recommendations often end in library shelves at home, field which is why the

researcher was hesitant at first to make any. I do hope this one’s will be different.

These are my recommendation as follows

i. No research topic is exhaustible, I therefore recommend that the research

topic be further researched by the reader to explore thing the researcher gave

little or no attention to

ii. The leading clergy should respect the Associate clergy in Pastoral ministry.

iii. The Associate pastors should be respect as well as leading pastors.

iv. Proper orientation from the seminaries, theological calluses, bible school

should be given on the relation of between the Associate pastor and the

leading Pastor in COCIN.

v. If possible, a course to this effect be introduce. It will go a long in addressing

these issues.


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