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Human capital plays a very strategic role in supporting the competitiveness of a country
or region. Foreign investment into Southeast Asia led to the assimilation of new
technologies and at the same time increased productivity. The increase in productivity
took place because it was partly supported by the condition of the need to compete
with imported goods. Competition leads to improvements in domestic technology, and
therefore increases productivity. Improvements in productivity occurred mainly in
business sectors with high growth rates, such as the textile and apparel, leather, and
machinery and equipment industries (Choudhri and Hakura 2000). Foreign direct
investment in Southeast Asia began with a joint-venture system with more limited
spillovers or technology transfer, before allowing stand-alone operations of foreign
multinational subsidiaries. Foreign direct investment also results in capital imports, in
which new technologies are usually realized. Initially, importers on world markets
offered exporters from developing countries to provide products with detailed
engineering, managerial instructions and specifications, as well as to facilitate the
assimilation of new technologies. Then, competitive pressures in foreign markets
require greater efficiency and growth in Total Factor Productivity. Exportation, thus, is
not a way for Asean members to exploit their comparative advantage, but also an only
important learning vehicle and mechanism for achieving technology transfer. The ability
of countries in the region to assimilate new technologies depends on the quantity and
technical capabilities of local engineers. Engineers are sent overseas to identify the
advanced technology needed to compete in world markets. Technology adoption then
leads to a learning by doing process for engineers and skilled workers, resulting in
spillover effects within and between industries.

2. Managing Human Resources as the basic capital for activities in organizations or

companies that require special strategies to grow and develop according to their needs.
Various forms of organization, whether profit-oriented or not, must be supported by
qualified human resources. In particular, management for the millennial generation
requires distinctive patterns in shaping their attitudes and behavior because the
environment has changed a lot, both in terms of ongoing science and technology.
Generation grouping in the world of work will follow the development of human
resources owned by the company concerned. The generation of human resources is a
construction or form that can describe the social values that exist in community groups
with various criteria possessed by the individuals concerned, age, education, life
experience and family background. It can be said that the generation of human
resources is an aggregate of a group of individuals who have similarities in identity at a
certain time in their era. The growth phase of human resources will follow the
development of the existing environment and is greatly influenced by human civilization
in the era concerned. At this time, the Millennial generation is being discussed as being
expected to be able to grow and benefit the previous generation for higher growth for
the growth of the nation's organization and will not be left behind in the face of global
changes that occur.
Many opinions classify the millennial generation as someone who was born between
1983 and 2001, for that it is very important how to manage their growth so that they
become a productive generation and have adequate intellectual foundations to develop
their careers as human beings. independent in all the problems they face.
The demands of change in the global world are so fast and run simultaneously affect the
pattern of life of the world's people everywhere (formerly human needs were met by a
process that took a relatively long time now can be fulfilled instantly). The climate of
the human environment will greatly affect the behavior patterns of human resources in
the community, for example global culture, global technology and the existence of an
open soft system (OSS) which is applied to the business world. At this time the business
world can make transactions through cyberspace without bothering to meet face-to-
face to conduct business transactions. In connection with the fulfillment of all the
elements needed by human resources quickly and easily, it creates a tendency to reduce
the difficulties of human activity, causing a very high dependence on software. The
resilience of the millennial generation to deal with problems that arise from global
changes is starting to be doubted because of their dependence on the software that can
help solve problems that arise. Not all millennial generations have low enthusiasm and
work effort with the help of software, this depends on the personality and attitude of
each individual as well as the vision and mission of life in the future.

Millennial Generation Era

Judging from the range of years of birth of the millennial generation, of course, this
generation is currently involved in many organizations, both profit-oriented and non-
profit-oriented. Based on the reality that exists in the general public when compared to
the previous generation, the millennial generation has a unique character based on the
geography where they are located, especially the social and economic climate of their
environment. The aspect that stands out about the existence of the millennial
generation is its proximity to communication systems, the presence of media and the
sophistication of digital information technology. Given these conveniences, they have
the ability to manage information simultaneously and accelerate their activities to be
creative and innovative to create ideas that can be sold or promoted according to their
fashion. The ability to create new opportunities in business ventures is increasingly
wide open, for example, transportation and purchasing goods via online are new things
that have not been thought of by previous generations.
The opening of online job opportunities can increasingly help the government to cope
with or reduce the increase in unemployment which increases every year and even
opens employment opportunities for housewives to help their husbands without leaving
their status as a wife, namely having to take care of the house and their children.
The behavioral tendencies of the millennial generation can be exemplified as follows:
a. Develop greater knowledge through a tool called smartpohe because there will
be many choices of knowledge that will be pursued to improve his career, both
formally and informally.
b. The need for social media accounts as a communication tool is a fast alternative
to building a network.
c. Seeking freedom to improvise in his life according to his fashion.
d. Requires certain communities to be able to channel their hobbies and thoughts.
From these several aspects, they have the opportunity to compete with fellow
millennials to find opportunities that can benefit themselves in the future.
The implications of the factors owned by the Millennial generation
If we compare it with the previous generation, there are several aspects that distinguish
it, for example, Generation X is a generation between the baby boomer generation and
the millennial generation so that what is owned by the conservative baby boomer
generation is still attached to itself, for example its idealistic character, beliefs about life
processes. Which is passed down from generation to generation.

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