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JK Entertainment Venue

Marketing Plan

By: Justin Kontos

December 13th, 2020
Executive Summary

This summary is going to be about our new venue opening up in the city of Virginia

Beach, Virginia. Our venue will be here to have concerts, as well as hosting sporting

events. So first, I used the SWOT analysis to analyze everything. While thinking about

strengths, I thought the use of technology would be a very big strength because it gives

us the potential to separate ourselves from our competition in different cities. It will also

make the experience very easy for the customers and everything will be able to be

accessed easily. When thinking about weaknesses, I feel like it is going to be a little

rough for us entering the market. Not everyone will know about our venue and it will be

hard to get people to find out about our venue because other ones have been around

for a longer time. When we looked at new opportunities for the venue, I felt like there

was a bigger opportunity to make a name for our venue, and become one of the popular

stops on tours. Once that happens I feel like business will really start to pick up. I didn’t

really think of too many threats. The main threats I can think of are our current

competitors, and covid-19 as the pandemic will make it hard to get artists to come

perform, and it will limit sporting events. I then talk about our target markets and how we

really have 2 different markets depending on the event. For concerts I said we target

teenagers and young adults ages 15-22 that are still in school. For sporting events, we

target people of all ages that are fans of the home sports team, and if they have

families. I then talk about how age is an important demographic because age has limits

on certain activities, and then I talk about the psychographics and how people have

different motives. After that I talked about how I am going to implement everything and

put everything together.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction… 1

2. Situational Analysis… 2-3

3. Marketing Planning… 3-4

4. Implementation and Control

of the Marketing Plan… 5

The name of my organization is The JK Entertainment Venue and we are

currently located in the Virginia Beach Area. We plan to have a facility where patrons

can attend sporting events and concerts, as well as enjoying our facility and having a

memorable and unforgettable experience. Our target market really depends on the

event that we are hosting. For concerts, I would say our target market is

teenagers/young adults because the artists that will be performing will fit that crowd the

best. For sporting events, our target market will mostly be fans of the home sports team,

no matter what age they are. We will try to have an equal balance of concerts and

sporting events so that our 2 different target markets stay consistent. In the Virginia

Beach area there is no venue that holds concerts and sporting events so I think that we

will do well. I really believe that we will set ourselves apart from other venues in

neighboring cities just because of the type of technology we will be using. The use of

technology will help out a lot because it will prevent lines and crowding, and it will really

be convenient for the patrons and add on to their experience at our facility.
Situational Analysis


I feel as if the use of technology will be a major strength because it helps to separate us

from other venues in cities nearby. It will make things easier for all of the people

attending sporting events and concerts, and it will really add onto the experience while

they are visiting the venue. I also believe that the staff we have on hand will work

efficiently and effectively and they will really enhance the experience for the customers.


I think that the biggest weakness is getting out of towners to come to events at our

venue rather than another venue they would have to travel to. Not all cities have venues

like ours so they may have to travel to go to a concert. Other venues have a reputation

and I think we may struggle with competitors because they may come off as “more



I think that the JK Entertainment Venue has the opportunity to potentially bring an

indoor professional sports team to the area, such as basketball or hockey. I also think

that our venue has the potential to be a national stop for big tours. When artists go on

tour they stop at some of the same cities everytime, and I think we can become one of

those cities.

The only threats that I think will really affect us are our competitors, and covid-19. The

pandemic will make it harder to have events and book artists so that could really take a

toll on the venue.

Marketing Planning

Target Market:

As I stated before, our target market really depends on what type of event is going on

that day. For concerts we are catering to the younger crowd starting at around 15 for

teenagers and ending around 22 for the younger adults. So for concerts the main target

market is teenagers and young adults ages 15-22 that are still in school and looking to

have fun. For sporting events, we are targeting pretty much fans of all ages with



The main demographic we focus on is age. With different ages come different motives

and that is what really drives people to participate in certain activities. Age also lets you

group people together on what they can attend and participate in because everything is

not appropriate for all age groups. Focusing on occupation and education are also

important for demographics because depending on what education they’re getting or

where they work, they might have different schedules and what not.

For the first demographic I think that younger people in school like to go to concerts and

have fun and enjoy themselves because it gives them a break from school and it lets

them get their minds off school and other responsibilities. For the sporting events I think

families are more motivated to go together because it allows time for family bonding and

everyone can have fun together while watching the game.


For our first promotions, we plan to get radio advertisements to get our first few concerts

out there, and then we will turn to social media. We plan to have the artists that are

performing to post that they are performing at our venue, as well as the sports teams.

Here is a table or some of our planned promotions as well

Social Media Public Transportation Streaming Services/Radio

Instagram posts introducing Promo images on buses and Radio shoutouts

our new venue taxis

Tweets that involve us Ads promoting upcoming Apple Music/Spotify ads that
interacting with the artists Ex- concerts on public train/metro come up whenever you are
@travisscott are you ready to in the area listening to an artist that is
pack this place up?? performing at our venue
(location based)
Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan

To measure our success, I would look at the number of tickets we are selling and if our

events sell out or not. Sold out events show that people are coming back and they are

enjoying themselves when they come to our venue. I also plan on having our marketing

team get on social media, and to be active so that we can make a name for ourselves.

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