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MODULE 1: ○ Tax payments made during occupations of

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TAXATION foreign enemies are valid,

○ Not penal in nature (although violation may lead
I. Definition of Taxation to prosecution) because they do not define crime
○ BOOK DEFINITION: ○ Penalty provisions are merely intended to secure
■ Process by which the sovereign (artificial taxpayers’ compliance
being) through its law-making body III. Nature of the Power of Taxation
(legislative) raises income to defray the ○ Inherent in sovereignty
expenses of the government ■ 1987 constitution granted the local
○ Refers to either the power to tax or the process government the power to tax
by which the power is exercised or both. ■ State’s power to tax - inherent, local
○ The inherent power of the sovereign to impose government power to tax - granted,
burdens upon subjects and objects within its constitutional
jurisdiction to raise revenues. ○ Essentially a legislative function
○ Taxation may be defined as a State power ■ It’s only the congress who can pass tax
(inherent power of the State to enforce laws
proportional contributions from its subjects), a ○ Subject to constitutional and inherent
legislative process (legislature’s responsibility limitations
of levying taxes from its subjects for public IV. Purpose of Taxation
purpose), and a mode of government cost ○ PRIMARY PURPOSE: to raise revenue for public
distribution (allocation of the State’s costs to spending
subjects who benefited from its spending) ○ Lifeblood doctrine
II. Nature and Internal Revenue Laws ■ taxation is the lifeblood of the
○ Civil and not political in nature government, indispensable to state’s
■ Tax laws must be made for the benefit of existence to support its operations
the taxpayers and not a single political ■ early tax settlement > late tax settlement
alliance ■ Large tax base > small tax base
○ Effective even during periods of enemy ○ SECONDARY PURPOSE: non-revenue purposes
occupation ■ regulatory/sumptuary
○ Laws of the occupied territory and not by the ● Strengthen anemic enterprises
occupying enemy or provide incentive to greater
production through grant of tax RA. No. 5447) or to improve the
exemptions or the creation of efficiency of local police forces in
conditions conducive to their the maintenance of peace and
growth. order through grant of subsidy
● Protect local industries against ● Be an implement of the police
foreign competition by imposing power to promote the general
additional taxes on imported welfare.
goods, or encourage foreign trade ● Help low-income individuals pay
by providing tax incentives on little to no taxes through tax
imported goods. provisions
● Be a bargaining tool by setting ● Provide incentives for certain
tariff rates first at a relatively desirable activities
high level before trade - If the purpose of the tax is purely
negotiations are entered into with regulatory, is it a tax? For example, to
another country. support a particular industry?
● Halt inflation in periods of - For the exaction to be considered
prosperity to curb spending to be a tax, revenue must be a
power; ward off depression in PRINCIPAL (real and substantive)
periods of slump to expand or at least ONE OF THE
business. SIGNIFICANT purposes
● Reduce inequalities in wealth - If purely regulatory, license only
and incomes, as for instance, the and cannot afford ____ plenary
estate, donor's and income something??
taxes, their payers being the - Licenses have more limitations
recipients of unearned wealth or than taxes
mostly in the higher income - Commissioner vs. Pineda (21
brackets. SCRA 105)
- Ex. estate tax ● “Taxes are the lifeblood of
● Taxes may be levied to promote the Government and their
science and invention or to prompt and certain
finance educational activities (see
availability are an enhance their moral and
imperious need.” material values. This
- Vera v. Fernandez symbiotic relationship is
● Upon taxation depends the rationale of taxation
the Government’s ability and should dispel the
to serve the people erroneous notion that it
whose benefit taxes are is an arbitrary method
collected. of exaction by those in
- Commissioner vs. Algue the seat of power. But
- It is said that taxes are even as we concede the
what we pay for civilized inevitability and
society. Without taxes, the indispensability of
government would be taxation, it is a
paralyzed for lack of the requirement in all
motive power to activate democratic regimes that it
and operate it. Hence, be exercised reasonably
despite the natural and in accordance with
reluctance to surrender the prescribed procedure.
part of one's hard earned -
income to the taxing a. Compensatory (provide incentives and
authorities, every person disincentives)
who is able to must - Key instrument of social control
contribute his share in the ● Check inflations
running of the - Reduces inequities in wealth distributions
government. The ● Tools on international bargains
government, for its part, is - Strengthens anemic enterprises
expected to respond in the ● Promotes science and inventions
form of tangible and - Provides incentives
intangible benefits - Uses as implement in the exercise of
intended to improve the police power to promote general welfare
lives of the people and V. Scope of Taxation (CPUS)
○ The extent of the power of the state is that: ● The government cannot tax the
■ Comprehensive - covers all persons, income and properties of other
activities, businesses, professions, rights states and must prioritize the
and privileges. fulfillment of treaty obligations
■ Unlimited - the only limitation is the over local tax laws
responsibility of the legislature which ■ Public purpose
imposes tax to the constituents who pay ● Intended for the common good
it. and cannot be used to further any
■ Plenary - it in not incomplete. The private interest
government may avail of valid remedies ■ Exemptions of the government
to make sure that tax is collected. ● Government properties and
■ Supreme - whatever subject may be income from essential public
selected to pay the tax. functions are not subject to
● The principal check on its abuse taxation
rests only on the responsibility of ■ Non-delegation of taxing power
the members of the legislature to ● Taxing power is inherently
their constituents. legislative and is non-delegatable
■ Territoriality of Taxation ■ Due process of law
● Tax obligations can only be ● Tax Laws should not be
demanded upon subjects within a oppressive to a person’s life, or
state’s territorial jurisdiction property
● The State has no basis for taxing ● Tax must be imposed only for
foreigners abroad as they do not public purposes and collected
benefit from the government under the authority of a valid law,
■ International Comity otherwise, it is a violation of the
● Mutual courtesy among countries substantive due process of law
to respect each other’s policies ● There should also be no
regardless of race, religion, arbitrariness in assessments and
culture, economic condition, or the courts shall respect the
military power
citizen's right to notice and ● Exemptions granted under
hearing contracts should still be honored
■ Equal protection of the Laws by th government
● Taxpayers with the same ■ Prohibition against infringement of
circumstances should be treated religious freedom
equally with the regard to their ● Exercise of religion is not taxed
rights and obligations except for income earned from
■ Uniformity and Equity in taxation commercial properties or
● Taxation shall be equitable in such activities
a way that the classifications ■ Prohibition against appropriation for
should be made according to religious purposes (free worship rule)
common attributes ● To support and highlight the
● Same circumstances and separation of religion and the
differences should be considered State (not to favor one religion
in tax classifications over another)
■ Progressive system ■ Prohibition against taxation of religious,
● Tax rates increase as tax base charitable, educational entities
increases to be consistent with ● Exemption from property taxes on
taxpayer’s ability to pay properties actually, directly, and
● This is equitable as the rich, who exclusively used for the R,C,E
have more to pay are taxed more purposes
than the poor. ■ Prohibition against taxation of non-stock,
■ Prohibition against imprisonment for non-profit, educational institutions
non-payment of poll tax ● Recognition of education as a
● Applies only to debts acquired in necessity in state building
good faith and basic community ■ Tax exemptions
tax ● Exemptions must proceed only
■ Prohibition against the impairment of upon a valid basis and an absolute
obligations and contracts majority of all the members of the
■ Non-impairment of the jurisdiction of the reciprocal duties of protection and support
Supreme Court between the State and its inhabitants (benefits-
● All tax cases can be raised to and protection theory)
decided by the Supreme Court ○ General protection afforded and provided by
without prejudice to the Court of government - the enjoyment of living in an
Tax Appeals organized and civilized society
■ Grant of power to LGUs ■ If B is a tax evader, can the government
● LGUs have the power to create deny him the opportunity to get
their own sources of revenue vaccinated? NO, because the state has a
through taxes, fees, & charges duty to protect all of its citizens, so the
subject to guidelines set by the protection and privileges can be enjoyed
Congress by those who pay and those who do not.
■ Veto power on appropriation, tariff and ■ Non-payment of tax cannot be a basis for
revenue bills you to be denied of protection
● Constitutional power of the ■ Protection by the government is owed by
President to veto any particular the state to every citizen
item on these kinds of bills ■ You cannot demand the government for
VI. Theory of Taxation special protection
○ Taxation stems from the government’s need for ■ If unsatisfied with the protection
funding and the people’s need for a civilized provided - the solution is a legislative
society procedure or in the electoral process
○ Taxes are the lifeblood of the government and, VII. Basis of Taxation
because of its significance, should be collected
without unnecessary hindrance. (lifeblood
○ The existence of the government cannot continue
without means to pay so it has the right to
compel all its citizens and property within its ○
limits to contribute (necessity theory) ○ The mutuality of support between the public and
○ There is a symbiotic relationship between the the government is the basis of taxation
people and its government, thus resulting to
○ The citizens provide the government with funds for the taxpayers and minimal
through taxes and the government will provide disturbance to business activity
the citizens with public services for their comfort ○ THEORETICAL JUSTICE
and safety. ■ Taxation should not be unjust and
VIII. Aspects of Taxation oppressive and should consider the
○ Levy or imposition – involves enactment of a tax ability to pay.
law by Congress (HoR and the Senate). Tax bills ■ Taxation must be a proportional burden
should originate from HoR not Senate to the taxpayer’s ability to pay. This is the
○ Assessment and Collection – implementation basis of the progressive tax rates
involves assessment of tax liabilities and increases as tax bases increase.
collection ● Regressive tax system is not
- Tax laws are implemented by the administrative unconstitutional, progressive tax
branch system is only a moral obligation
- Referred to as incidence of taxation or the ● There is an attempt to be
administrative act of taxation progressive - income tax.
IX. Principles of a sound tax system - satisfies all purposes ● No country adopts a 100%
of taxation progressive tax system
■ Sufficiency of government funds to cover > Note: The non-observance of the above principles will not
government costs necessarily render the tax imposed invalid except to the
■ The sources of revenue must approximate extent those specific constitutional limitations are violated. (De
and supply the needs of the people, and Leon)
must be able to expand or contract in - Based on your experience, is the current tax system in
relation to the circumstances of the State the Philippines sound? It’s not sound, but not so much
■ Encouragement of compliance through - Fiscal adequacy - we are in a budgetary deficit, so
capability for efficient and effective we do not have sufficient revenue from taxes
administration alone to cover our expenses so we resorted to
■ This encourages compliance as taxation local and ?? loans
will be enforced with less inconvenience - Equality or theoretical justice - congress shall
evolve a progressive system of taxation
- Only a moral obligation. If current
congress won’t push for a progressive
system, then the only remedy is to elect Definition Power of the Power of the Power of the
new representatives that will create a State to State to enact State to
progressive system demand laws about convert
X. Comparison with Police Power and Eminent Domain enforced public health, private
(other inherent powers of the State) contributions safety, morals facilities for
○ Taxation power - the power of the State to for public and general public use
enforce proportional contributions from its purposes welfare upon
subjects to sustain itself. It is the strongest of all compensation
powers, because without it, the State will be of the owner
○ Police Power - general power of the State to Purpose Contribution Regulation of Property
enact laws to protect the well-being of the people. demanded to property and taken for
■ “the power of promoting the public support the the public use
welfare by restraining and regulating the Government promotion of
use of liberty and property” general
■ Broad but subject to limitations such as welfare
due process
Effect Tax Restrain on Transfer of
○ Eminent Domain - the power of the State to take
contributed the injurious ownership or
private property for public use after paying just
becomes part use of a lesser right
of public property of property
■ Regalian Doctrine; 'the highest and most
exact idea of property remaining in the
government' that may be acquired for Relationship Subject to Relatively Subject to
some public purpose through a method in to the certain free; Superior certain
the nature of a forced purchase by the Constitution Constitutiona to the non- Constitutiona
State. l Limitations impairment l Limitations
Taxation Police Power Eminent
XI. Taxes
○ Definition
Tax Debt
■ Enforced proportional contributions
from persons and property levied by the Arises from law Arises from
law-making body of the State by virtue private contracts
of its sovereignty for the support of the
government and public needs. Non-payment Non-payment does
○ Essential Characteristics of Taxes constitutes tax not lead to
■ An enforced contribution evasion, a criminal imprisonment,
● Not voluntary payment or offense, w/c leads except when it
donation to imprisonment, arises from a
■ It is levied on persons, property, rights, except of poll tax crime (civil case)
acts, privileges, or transactions. It must
Generally cannot assignable
be uniform and equitable, not unjust,
be assigned
excessive, oppressive confiscatory, or
discriminatory Not subject to set- Can be subject to
■ Must be levied by the taxing power off set-off
having jurisdiction over the object of
taxation Generally payable Can be paid in
■ Must not violate Constitutional and in money kind (dacion en
Inherent Limitations pago)
■ Levied by the State
■ Levied by the law making body of the Draws interest Draws interest
state only when the when it is so
■ Must be proportionate in character taxpayer is stipulated by the
● Progressive system; based on the delinquent contracting
taxpayer’s ability to pay parties or when
■ Must be for public purpose the debtor incurs
■ Is generally payable in money legal delay
○ Taxes distinguished from
Imposed only by Can be imposed by
public authority private individual

Governed by the Governed by the

special ordinary periods Tax License Fee
prescriptive of prescription
periods provided Emanates from Emanates from
for in the NIRC taxation power police power and
Dacion en pago is the delivery and transmission of
and imposed upon is imposed to
ownership of a thing by the debtor to the creditor as an any object such as regulate the
accepted equivalent of the performance of an existing persons, exercise of a
obligation. It is a special mode of payment where the debtor properties, or privilege such as
offers another thing to the creditor who accepts it as privileges to raise the
4 revenue commencement of
equivalent to the payment of an outstanding debt. For
a business or a
dacion en pago to exist, the following elements must concur:
(a) existence of a money obligation; (b) the alienation to the profession
creditor of a property by the debtor with the consent of the
Failure to pay Failure to pay
former; and (c) satisfaction of the money obligation of the
does not makes the act or
(G.R. No. 155716 October 2, 2009 necessarily make business illegal
the act or business
Generally Should not
vs. unlimited as to unreasonably
Respondents) expenses of
issuing the license
■ LICENSE FEES - charge imposed under and of supervision
the police power for purposes of
regulation (this in turn, gives the payor Post-activity Pre-activity
the right to exercise a profession or imposition - imposition -
engage in a business endeavor)
imposed after the imposed before imprisonment become a personal
commencement of engagement in obligation of the
a business or a activities land owner so
profession non-payment will
not result to
imprisonment of
the owner
private properties to meet the cost of
public improvements that enhance the For the support of For the
value of the land the government construction of the
Tax Special improvement
It has general Exceptional both
Levied not only on Levied only on application both as to time and
land land as to time and locality
Imposed upon Levied by the
persons, government on
■ TOLLS - the sum of money for the use of
properties, or lands adjacent to a
something, generally applied to the
privileges public
consideration which is paid for the use of
a road, bridge or the like, of a public
Levied without Basis is the benefit nature
expectation of a in terms of the
direct proximate appreciation in Tax Tolls
benefit (regardless land value caused
of public by the public Paid for the Paid for the use of
improvements) improvement support of the another’s property
Non-payment Attaches to the
results to land. It will not Demand of Demand of
sovereignty- levy ownership - wealth, services, and financial
of government charge for the use sales, etc transactions
of other’s property

Amount depends Amount is ○ Classification of Taxes

upon the needs of dependent upon ■ AS TO SUBJECT MATTER:
the government; the value of the ● Capitaltion (capital) or Poll
generally no limit property leased, Taxes
on the amount cost of ○ also called Personal tax -
collected as long construction or tax of a fixed amount
as not excessive, maintenance of imposed on persons
unreasonable, or the public residing within a specified
confiscatory improvement used territory, whether citizens
or not, without regard to
Private entities Both government their property or the
cannot impose and private occupation or business in
taxes entities impose which they may be
tolls engaged, i.e. community
● Property taxes
■ CUSTOM DUTIES - used interchangeably
○ a tax on properties, real or
with tariff in the Tariff and Customs Code
personal, in proportion to
or PD No. 1464
its value or in accordance
with some other
Tax Custom Duties reasonable method of
Broad in scope Taxes imposed on ■ Real property -
goods exported immovable
from or imported ■ Personal property
into a country - movable
Levied on income, Levied on goods
○ The obligation to pay the ● Direct taxes
tax is absolute and ○ A direct tax is demanded
unavoidable and is not from the person who also
based upon the voluntary shoulders the burden of
action of the person the tax. It is a tax which
assessed. the taxpayer is directly or
○ primarily liable and which
● Excise/privilege/license taxes he or she cannot shift to
○ also called privilege tax, a another.
tax imposed upon the ● Indirect Taxes
performance of an act, ○ An indirect tax is
enjoyment of a privilege demanded from a person
or engagement in an in the expectation and
occupation intention that he or she
○ E.g. income tax, VAT, shall indemnify himself or
privilege tax on business herself at the expense of
or occupation, estate tax, another, falling finally
donor’s tax upon the ultimate
○ any tax which does not fall purchaser or consumer.
within the classification of ○ A tax which the taxpayer
a poll tax or a property can shift to another.
tax. ○ Ex: tax that shifts from
○ The obligation to pay the businesses to consumers
tax is based on the ■ AS TO DETERMINATION OF AMOUNT
voluntary action of the ● Specific taxes
person taxed in ○ a tax of a fixed amount
performing the act or imposed on a per unit
engaging in the activity basis or by some other
which is subject to the standard of weight or
excise. (?) measurement such as per
■ AS TO INCIDENCE OR BURDEN: kilo, liter or meter, etc.
○ It requires no assessment secondarily only for the
other than the listing or purpose of raising public
classification of the funds.
objects to be taxed. ■ AS TO SCOPE:
● Ad valorem taxes ● National taxes
○ a tax of a fixed proportion ○ Tax imposed by the
imposed upon the value of national government.
the tax object. ○ Examples:
○ It requires the ■ Income Tax - tax
intervention of assessors on annual income,
or appraisers to estimate gains or profits
the value of such property ■ Estate tax - tax on
before the amount due gratuitous transfer
from each taxpayer can be of properties by a
determined. (ex. 5% of the decedent upon
FMV) death
■ AS TO PURPOSE ■ Donor’s tax - tax
● General or fiscal on gratuitous
○ also called revenue tax. A transfer of
tax imposed for a general properties by a
purpose/for the purpose living donor
of raising public funds for ■ Value Added Tax
the service of the (VAT) -
government. consumption tax
● Special, regulatory or collected by VAT
sumptuary business payers
○ A special or regulatory tax ■ Other percentage
is imposed primarily for tax - consumption
the regulation of useful or tax collected by
non-useful occupation or non-VAT business
enterprises and taxpayers
■ Excise tax - tax on ○ Professional tax - tax
sin products and paid yearly by
non-essential professionals in the
commodities such Philippines
as alcohol, ○ Business taxes, fees, and
cigarettes and charges
metallic minerals. ○ Community tax - imposed
(This should be on all the inhabitants of
differentiated with the community who are
the privilege tax eighteen years old and
which is also above as well as to
called excise tax) juridical persons, like
■ Documentary corporations, doing
stamp tax - a tax business in the community
on documents, or whose office or
instruments, loan establishment is located in
agreements, and the community.
papers evidencing ○ Tax on banks and other
the acceptance, financial institutions
assignment, sale or ■ AS TO GRADUATION OR RATE
transfer of an ● Progressive
obligation, right of ○ also called graduated; tax
property incident the rate of which increases
thereto as the tax base or bracket
● Local taxes increases. Example:
○ imposed by municipal income tax.
corporations or local ○ The use of progressive tax
government units (LGUs). rates results in equitable
○ Examples: taxation because it gets
○ Real property tax - tax more tax to those who are
paid if you own a property more capable. It aids in
lessening the gap between other basis to be taxed.
the rich and the poor Example: real estate tax
● Regressive XII. Doctrines of Taxation
○ this tax imposes ○ Prospectivity of Tax Laws
decreasing tax rates as the ■ Tax laws are generally prospective in
tax base increase. This is operation (pertains to the future)
the total reverse of the ■ An ex post facto law or a law that
progressive tax. retroacts is prohibited by the
Regressive tax is regarded Constitution.
as anti-poor. It directly ■ Exceptionally, income tax laws may
violates the Constitutional operate retrospectively if so intended by
guarantee of progressive Congress under certain justifiable
taxation. conditions.
● Mixed ■ Ex: Congress can levy tax on income
○ this tax manifest tax rates earned during periods of foreign
which is a combination of occupation even after the war.
any of the other types of ○ Imprescriptibility of Taxes
tax ■ Prescription is the lapsing of a right due
● Proportionate to the passage of time. When one sleeps
○ This is a flat or fixed rate on his right over an unreasonable period
tax. The use of of time, he is presumed to be waiving his
proportional tax right.
emphasizes equality as it ■ The government’s right to collect taxes
subjects all taxpayers with does not prescribe unless the law itself
the same rate without provides for such a prescription.
regard to their ability to ■ Provisions in NIRC regarding this
pay. exemption:
○ Tax based on a fixed ● Tax prescribes if not collected
percentage of the amount within 5 years from the date of its
of the property receipts or assessment.
● In the absence of an assessment, direct double taxation is discouraged
tax prescribes if not collected by because it is oppressive and burdensome
judicial action within 3 years from to taxpayers. It is also believed to counter
the date the return is required to the rule of equal protection and
be filed. uniformity in the Constitution.
● Taxes due from taxpayers who did ○ Tax Avoidance vs Tax Evasion
not file a return or those who filed ■ Tax avoidance (tax minimization) - any
fraudulent returns do not act or trick that reduces or totally escapes
prescribe. taxes by any legally permissible means
○ Double Taxation ● Examples: selection and execution
■ Occurs when the same taxpayer is taxed of transaction that would expose
twice by the same tax jurisdiction for the taxpayer to lower taxes;
same thing maximizing tax options, tax carry-
■ Elements of double taxation: overs or tax credits; careful tax
● Primary element: same object planning
● Secondary elements: ■ Tax evasion (tax dodging) - any act or
○ Same type of tax trick that tends to illegally reduce or
○ Same purpose of tax avoid the payment of tax
○ Same taxing jurisdiction ● Examples: gross understatement
○ Same tax period of income, non-declaration of
■ Types of double taxation: income, overstatement of
● Direct double taxation - all expenses or tax credit;
elements exists for both misrepresenting the nature or
impositions amount of transaction to take
● Indirect double taxation - at least advantage of lower taxes
one of the secondary elements of
double taxation is not common for 8. Mandatory and directory provisions of tax statutes
both impositions ● Directory provisions are those designed merely for
■ Nothing in our law expressly prohibits the information or direction of officers or to secure
double taxation. In fact, indirect double methodical and systematic modes of proceedings.
taxation is prevalent in practice, however,
● Mandatory provisions are those intended for the ● Local
security of the citizens or which are designed to ensure ○ Book II, The Local
equality of taxation or certainty as to the nature and Government Code of 1991
amount of each person’s tax. (R.A. No. 7160)
● The omission to follow mandatory provisions renders ■ govern the power
invalid the act or proceeding to which it relates while of provinces, cities,
the omission to follow directory provisions does not municipalities and
involve such consequence. [Roxas v. Rafferty, 37 Phil Barangays to
958] impose taxes and
○ create their own
XIII. Sources of Tax Laws sources of
○ Statutes revenue.
■ Existing tax laws: ● Other special laws
● National ○ Bases Conversion and
○ The National Internal Development Act of 1992
Revenue Code of 1997 (RA 7227)
(Pres. Decree No. 1158, as ■ created the Bases
amended particularly by Conversion
R.A. No. 8424) Development
■ the main statutory Authority (BCDA)
law on internal ■ registered
revenue taxes enterprises under
○ The Tariff and Customs BCDA are entitled
Code of 1978 (Pres. to fiscal incentives
Decree No. 1464 as ○ Special Economic Zone Act
amended) of 1995 (RA 7916)
■ covers the ■ Philippine
provisions on tariff Economic Zone
duties that are Authority (PEZA)
imposed on ■ PEZA-registered
imported goods. enterprises are
granted tax ○ Revenue Regulations
exemptions and ■ formal pronouncements of the
other benefits Department of Finance that specify,
● preferentia prescribe, or define rules and regulations
l final tax in order to ensure that the provisions of
of gross the Tax Code and related statutes are
income in enforced effectively
lieu of all ■ signed by the Secretary of Finance upon
national the recommendation of the Commissioner
and local of Internal Revenue (CIR)
taxes ■ have the force and effect of law once if
● tax they are not contrary to law and the
holidays Constitution
for certain ■ Must be published in the Official Gazette
years ○ BIR Issuances
○ Omnibus Investment Code ■ Revenue Memorandum Orders (RMOs)
of 1987 (EO 226) ● issuances that provide directives
■ Under EO 226, the or instructions; prescribe
Board of guidelines; and outline processes,
Investments (BOI) operations, activities, workflows,
is the agency methods and procedures
responsible for necessary in the implementation
providing tax of stated policies, goals,
breaks and other objectives, plans and programs of
incentives for the Bureau in all areas of
registered operations, except auditing
companies ■ Revenue Memorandum Rulings (RMRs)
involved in ● Rulings, opinions, and
strategic interpretations of the
investment Commissioner of Internal
projects. Revenue with respect to the
provisions of the Tax Code and ■ BIR Rulings
other tax laws as applied to ● Official positions of the Bureau to
specific set of facts queries raised by taxpayers and
● The Commissioner of Internal other stakeholders relative to
Revenue may issue RMRs from clarification and interpretation of
time to time for the purpose of tax laws
providing taxpayers guidance on ● Rulings are issued by the
the consequences in specific Commissioner of Internal
situations. Revenue but they may be revoked
● BIR Rulings cannot contravene by the Secretary of Finance if they
duly issued RMRs; otherwise the are not in accordance with the
Rulings are null and void ab initio law.
■ Revenue Memorandum Circulars (RMCs) ● Rulings are merely advisory or a
● issuances that publish pertinent sort of information service to the
and applicable portions, as well as taxpayer such that none of them is
amplifications, of laws, rules, binding except to the addressee
regulations and precedents issued and may be reversed by the BIR at
by the BIR and other anytime.
agencies/offices. ○ Court Decisions
■ Revenue Bulletins (RB) ■ Based on the Constitution or existing laws
● Periodic issuances, notices, and ■ Judicial decision are not laws but
official announcements of the evidence of what the law means
Commissioner of Internal ■ The interpretation of the laws or the
Revenue that consolidate the Constitution forms part of the legal
Bureau of Internal Revenue’s system of the Philippines
position on certain specific issues XIV. Construction of Tax Laws
of law or administration in ○ General Rules of construction of tax laws
relation to the provisions of the ■ Legislative intention must be considered.
Tax Code, relevant tax laws, and ● Tax statutes are to receive a
other issuances for the guidance reasonable construction or
of the public. interpretation with a view to
carrying out their purpose and ● Taxes, being burdens, are not to
intent. be presumed beyond what the
● They should not be construed as statute expressly and clearly
to permit the taxpayer easily to declares.
evade the payment of tax. ● Thus, a tax payable by
● Thus, the good faith of the “individuals” does not apply to
taxpayer is not a sufficient “corporations.”
justification for exemption from ■ Where language is plain
the payment of surcharges ● The rule of strict construction as
imposed by the law for failing to against the government is not
pay tax within the period required applicable where the language of
by law. the tax statute is plain and there is
● It is easy for a taxpayer to claim no doubt as to the legislative
good faith but difficult for the intent. In such case, the words
government to prove that he employed are to be given their
acted in bad faith in not paying a ordinary meaning.
tax. The disastrous effect on tax ● Where, for instance, the word
collection is not difficult to “individual” was changed by the
discern if such a defense were law to “person.” This clearly
available. A tax statute should be indicates that the tax applies to
construed to avoid the both natural and juridical persons
possibilities of tax evasion. such as corporations and
■ Where there is doubt. partnerships, unless otherwise
● No person or property is subject expressly provided.
to taxation unless within the ○ Construction of Tax Exemptions
terms or plain import of a taxing ■ Tax exemptions must be shown to exist
statute. clearly and categorically, and supported
● In every case of doubt, tax by clear legal provisions.
statutes are construed strictly ■ General rule: In the construction of tax
against the government and statutes, exemptions are not favored and
liberally in favor of the taxpayer. are construed strictissimi juris (by the
most strict right or law) against the purview of the exemption by clear
taxpayer. legislative intent, the rule on strict
■ Exemption provisions are construed construction does not apply.
strictly not against the government but ○ Construction of Tax Refunds
against the one who asserts the claim of ■ Tax refunds are in the nature of tax
exemption. exemptions and are, therefore, strictly
■ Tax exemption can only be given effect construed against the claimant who has
when the grant of the law is clear. Any the burden of proving the factual basis of
doubt is reserved in favor of taxation. The his claim for refund.
reason is that taxation is the rule, and ■ Requisites for tax refund:
exemption from tax is the exception. ● The claim for refund or credit
■ Exceptions: (In the following cases, tax must be in writing
exemption statutes are liberally ● It must be filed with the
construed) Commissioner of Internal
● When the law itself expressly Revenue within 2 years after the
provides for a liberal payment of the tax or penalty
construction, that is, in case of ● It (a) should clearly state the
doubt, it shall be resolved in favor amount being claimed and the
of exemption; ground or grounds relied upon;
● When the exemption is in favor of and (b) should be accompanied
the government itself or its with all pertinent papers (ex.
agencies, or of religious, Xerox copies of official receipt
charitable, and educational evidencing payment) in support of
institutions because the general the claim, so as to appraise the
rule is that they are exempt from Commissioner accordingly.
tax. ■ A mere objection to the payment of a tax
● When the exemption is granted or payment under protest does not
under special circumstances to amount to a request for refund or tax
special classes of persons. credit. But a return filed showing an
● If there is an express mention or if overpayment shall be considered as a
the taxpayer falls within the written claim for tax refund or credit.
XV. QUIZ c. Statutes
1. Which of the following is not an essential characteristic of d. BIR Rulings
taxes? Explanation: Revenue regulations are formal pronouncements
a. Uniform and equitable that specify rules and regulations so that the provisions of the
b. Generally payable in any kind Tax Code will be properly enforced.
c. Proportional in character 6. True or False. The good faith of the taxpayer is not a sufficient
d. Does not violate Constitutional limitations justification for exemption from the payment of surcharges
2. Which of the following is an example of tax avoidance or tax imposed by the law for failing to pay tax within the period
dodging? required by law.
a. Maximizing tax options, carry-overs or tax credits True. Taxation is the general rule and tax statutes should be
b. Gross understatement of income interpreted to avoid the possibility of tax evasion.
c. Misrepresenting amount of transaction 7. This type of tax is demanded from the person who also
d. Non-declaration of income shoulders the burden of the tax. It is a tax which the taxpayer is
3. The following are doctrines in taxation except for: directly or primarily liable and which he or she cannot shift to
a. Tax laws operate prospectively another.
b. Courts are allowed to issue an injunction against the a. General or fiscal tax
government’s pursuit to collect tax b. National taxes
c. The government’s right to collect taxes does not prescribe c. Proportionate
d. Nothing in our law prohibits double taxation d. Direct taxes
4. True or False. In every case of doubt, tax statutes are 8. A tax of a fixed proportion imposed upon the value of the tax
construed strictly against the taxpayer. object. It requires the intervention of assessors or appraisers to
False. Tax statutes are construed strictly against the government estimate the value of such property before the amount due from
and liberally in favor of the taxpayer when there is doubt. No one each taxpayer can be determined.
is subject to taxation unless it’s clearly expressed in the a. Ad valorem taxes
provisions of a tax law. b. Specific taxes
5. Which of the following pertains to the formal pronouncements c. Local taxes
intended to clarify or explain the tax law and carry into effect its d. Property taxes
general provisions by providing details of administration and 9. Tax imposed on personal or real property in proportion to its
procedure? value or some other reasonable method of appointment.
a. Court decision a. Property
b. Revenue regulations b. Personal, poll or capitation tax
c. Excise tax
d. Regressive
10. Principle of a sound tax system which refers to the
sufficiency of funds to cover government expenses
a. Administrative Feasibility
b. Theoretical Justice
c. Eminent Domain
d. Fiscal Adequacy
11. Constitutional Limitation of taxation restraining taxation
from being oppressive to taxpayers
a. Progressive System
b. Due Process of Law
d. Equal Protection Summary:
12. True or False: The theory of taxation stems from the A. Inherent Limitations
mutuality of support between the public and the government. a. For a public purpose
True. b. Taxing power is inherently legislative
i. In general - delegata potestas non potest
Ma’am ‘s lecture: delegari
Tax pyramiding: tax on tax ii. Exceptions:
All laws have their own implementing rules and regulation (IRR) 1. LGUs
Revenue regulations should be published in the Official Gazette 2. Delegation to President
issued by DOF and with collaboration of the BIR commissioner 3. Administrative Rate fixing
c. Territoriality or Situs of Taxation
Highest: revenue regulation i. Meaning and Scope of limitation
RMCs and RMOs ii. Situs of Taxation
Least: BIR Rulings iii. Meaning
iv. Situs of subjects of Taxation
1. Persons
a. Community tax -
individuals and corporate
b. Lex Situs or Lex Rei Sitae -
Personal Property
c. Mobilia Sequuntur
Personam - Personal
2. Income
3. Business, occupation, transaction
4. Transfer of property by death or
d. International Comity (in par parem, non habet
imperium - An equal has no power over an equal)
B. Constitutional Limitations A. Inherent Limitations
a. Due process Clause - Not enumerated in the constitution
b. Equal protection Clause - Restrictions arising from the very nature of tax
c. Rule of Taxation shall be Uniform and Equitable itself
d. Non-impairment of Contracts 1. Public Purpose
e. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax ● tax is imposed is for a public purpose,
f. Prohibition against taxation of real property of and not for a private purpose.
charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or ● Otherwise, it will be declared as invalid.
convents, mosques, and non- profit cemeteries ● For a public purpose: the purpose of the
g. Prohibition against taxation of non-stock non- tax should affect the inhabitants as a
profit educational institutions community and not merely as inhabitants
h. Passage of tax bills or individuals
i. Granting of tax exemption ● The proceeds of the tax must be used:
j. Veto power of the president i. for the support of the State; or
k. Judicial Power to Review legality of tax ii. for some recognized objects of
government or directly to promote the
welfare of the community.
● Tests in Determining Public Purpose:
○ Duty Test – Whether the thing to
be furthered by the appropriation
of public revenue is something determines the public
which is the duty of the State as a character of the tax law,
government to provide. not the number of persons
○ Promotion of General Welfare benefited. [Dimaampao,
Test – Whether the proceeds of Tax Principles and
the tax will directly promote the Remedies (2015)]
welfare of the community in equal ● Effect of incidental benefit to private
measure. interest
○ Character of the Direct Object of ○ The purposes to be accomplished
the Expenditure – It is the by taxation need not be
essential character of the direct exclusively public. Although
object of the expenditure which private individuals are directly
must determine its validity as benefited, the tax would still be
justifying a tax and not the valid provided such benefit is only
magnitude of the interests to be incidental. Additionally, the public
affected nor the degree to which purpose of a tax may legally exist
the general advantage of the even if the motive which impelled
community, and thus the public the legislature to impose the tax
welfare, may be ultimately was to favor one industry over
benefited by their promotion. another. [Tio v. Videogram,
[Pascual v. Sec. of Public Works, G.R.No. L-75697 (1987)]
supra] ○ The appropriation of public
■ The test is not as to who money to construct a road on
receives the money, but private land is not a public
the character of the purpose. [Pascual v. Secretary of
purpose for which it is Public Works, 110 Phil. 331]
expended; not the ● Legislative Prerogative
immediate result of the ○ It is within the power of the
expenditure, but rather CONGRESS to determine whether
the ultimate results. It is the purpose is public or private.
the purpose that
○ Questions can be raised before government concerned. [VITUG
courts as to the validity of the and ACOSTA]
appropriation on the ground that b. Exceptions: (ENUMERATED)
it is not for public purpose. i. Local Government Units
However, once its validity is ■ Article X, Section 5 of the
established, it can no longer be a 1987 Constitution- LGUs
subject of inquiry. are given the power to
2. Taxing power is inherently legislative create their own sources
a. In general – Delegata potestas non potest of revenues, levy taxes,
delegari fees and charges. The
● General Rule: Delegata potestas delegation of taxation
non potest delegari. (No delegated powers in LGUs stems
powers can be further delegated.) from the power of the
● Taxation may exceptionally be Congress to create
delegated, subject to such well- municipal corporations or
settled limitations as: LGUs for their local self-
a. The delegation shall not government. (Congress,
contravene any constitutional therefore, has control over
provision or the inherent local government units.)
limitations of taxation; If Congress can grant a
b. The delegation is effected either municipal corporation the
by: the Constitution; or by validly power to tax certain
enacted legislative measures or matters, it can also
statute; and provide for exemptions or
c. The delegated levy power, even to take back the
except when the delegation is by power.
an express provision of the ii. Delegation to President
Constitution itself, should only be ■ Congress may authorize,
in favor of the local legislative by law, the President to
body of the local or municipal fix, within specified limits
and subject to such
limitations and to Senate
restrictions as it may concurrence.
impose: iii. Administrative Rate Fixing
1. tariff rates; ■ Delegation of legislative
2. import and export powers has become the
quotas; rule and non-delegation
3. tonnage and wharfage the exception, because the
dues; and legislation may not have
4. other duties or imposts enough time and
within the national resources to perform all
development program of these undertakings. The
the government. · legislature could not be
This authorization is expected to state all the
embodied in Section 401 detailed situations
of the Tariff and Customs wherein the tax exemption
Code which is also called privilege would be
the flexible tariff clause restored. The task may be
■ Additional powers that assigned to an
may delegated by the administrative body like
Congress to the president the Fiscal Incentives
include: Review Board (FIRB).
1. Emergency [Maceda v. Macaraig, 196
Powers [Sec. SCRA 771]
23(2), Art. VI, ■ For delegation to be
1987 Constitution. constitutionally valid, the
2. To enter into law must be complete in
Executive itself and must set forth
agreements; and sufficient standards.
3. To ratify treaties ■ Certain aspects of the
which grant tax taxing process that are not
exemption subject really legislative in nature
can be vested to protection for which a tax is supposed to be
administrative agencies. compensation.
These aspects include: - Note: Where privity of relationship exists. It does not
a) power to value property; (for mean, however, that a person outside of the state is no
the purposes of taxation pursuant longer subject to its taxing powers. A person may be
to fixed rules) taxed where there is between him and the taxing state, a
b) power to assess and collect privity of the relationship justifying the levy. Thus, the
taxes; and citizen’s income may be taxed even if he resides abroad
c) power to perform details of as the personal jurisdiction of his government over him
computation, appraisement or remains. In this case, the basis of the power to tax is not
adjustment; among others. dependent on the source of the income nor upon the
❖ The exercise of the above powers location of the property nor upon the residence of the
is really not an exception to the taxpayer but upon his relation as a citizen to the state.
rule as no delegation of the b. Situs of Taxation
strictly legislative power to tax is c. Meaning
involved. The powers which - Literally, situs of taxation means “place” of taxation. It is
cannot be delegated include: the State or political unit which has jurisdiction to
➢ The determination of the impose a particular tax.
subjects to be taxed; - Basically, the state where the subject to be taxed has a
➢ The purpose of the tax, the situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax.
amount or rate of the tax; - The determination of the situs of taxation will depend
➢ The manner, means, and upon various factors including the:
agencies of collection; and - Nature of the tax and the
➢ The prescribing of the - Subject matter thereof (which may be person,
necessary rules with property, or activity),
respect thereto. - Possible protection and benefit that may accrue
3. Territoriality or Situs of Taxation both to the government and the taxpayer,
a. Meaning and scope of limitation - Citizenship or residence of the taxpayer and
- Tax laws cannot operate beyond a country’s territorial - Source of income
limits. Property that is wholly and exclusively within the d. Situs of subjects of taxation
jurisdiction of another state receives none of the i. Persons
1. Community Tax – for owner resides in another
individuals and corporate jurisdiction.
- Poll tax may be properly - This is so because the
levied upon persons who taxing authority has
are inhabitants or control over the property
residents of the State, which is of a fixed and
whether or not they are stationary character. ·
citizens. - The place where the real
- Included here are property is located gives
juridical persons like protection to the real
corporations, doing property, hence, the
business in the owner must support the
community or whose government of that place
office or establishment is - With respect to property
located in the community. taxes, real property is
2. Lex Situs or Lex Rei Sitae subject to taxation in the
- Real Property State where it is located
(immovables) whether the owner is a
- Lex rei sitae – THE LAW resident or non-resident,
OF THE PLACE WHERE and is taxable only there.
THE PROPERTY IS - Also applies to tangible
SITUATED personal property ( Lex
- Is the principle followed in rei sitae has also been
fixing the situs of taxation adopted for tangible
of a property. personal property under
- This means that the Article 16 of the Civil
property is taxable in the Code.)
State where it has its - Situs of tangible personal
actual situs, specifically in property
the place where it is - The rule is that it is
located, even though the taxable in the State where
it has actual situs – where - 1. When it is
it is physically located - inconsistent with
although the owner the express
resides in another provisions of the
jurisdiction. statute
- Art 16 of our Civil Code - 2. When the
says that: Real property as property has
well as personal property acquired a
is subject to the law of the business situs in
country where it is another
situated. jurisdiction
3. Mobilia Sequuntur - Thus, shares of stock in a
Personam - Personal domestic corporation of a
Property (Intangible) non-resident foreigner are
- Intangible personal taxable in the Philippines.
property such as credits, The reason is that said
bills receivable, bank shares receive the
deposits, bonds, protection and benefit of
promissory notes, our laws
mortgage loans, and ii. Income
corporate stocks, does not - Income tax may be properly
admit of actual location, exacted from persons who are
and as to such property, residents or citizens in the
- Mobilia sequuntur taxing jurisdiction and even from
personam- movables those who are neither residents
follow the law of the nor citizens provided the
person income is derived from sources
- General rule: Situs is the within the taxing state.
domicile of the owner - Theories re: situs of income tax
- Exceptions: - Domiciliary theory - The
location where the
income-earner resides is residence of the borrower who
the situs of taxation. This pays the interest, irrespective of
is where he is given the place where the obligation
protection, hence, he must was contracted. If the borrower is
support it a resident of the Philippines, the
- Nationality theory - The interest payment paid by him can
country of citizenship is have no other source than within
the situs of taxation. This the Philippines.
is so because a citizen is iii. Business, Occupation,
given protection by his Transaction
country no matter where - The general rule is that the power
he is found or no matter to levy an excise tax depends
where he earns his upon the place where the business
income. is done, the occupation is engaged
- Source law - The country in, or the transaction took place
which is the source of the iv. Transfer of property by death
income or where the or gift
activity that produced - The transmission of property
the income is the situs of from a donor to a donee or from a
taxation decedent to his heirs may be
- In accordance with the 3 Theories, subject to taxation in the state
Income tax may be properly where the transferor is (was) a
exacted from persons who are citizen or resident, or where the
residents or citizens in the taxing property is located
jurisdiction and even from those e. Multiplicity of Situs
who are neither residents nor i. The multiplicity of situs, or the
citizens provided the income is taxation of the same income or
derived from sources within the intangible subject in several
taxing state. taxing jurisdictions, arises from
- For interest income, the Situs of various factors:
tax on interest income is the
1. The variance in the to the taxation of another State, under the
concept of domicile for tax foreign law. Tax laws can only be imposed
purposes; within the State. This is the basis of
2. Multiple distinct Article II, Section 2.
relationships that may b. The rationale for this is the concept of In
arise with respect to par in parem non habet imperium.– An
intangible personal equal has no power over an equal. As
property; or between equals there is no sovereign
3. The use to which the (Doctrine of Sovereign Equality among
property may have been states under international law). One state
devoted all of which may cannot exercise its sovereign powers over
receive the protection of another.
the laws of jurisdictions c. Additionally, international law provides
other than the domicile of immunity from suits to foreign states,
the owner thereto. unless there is consent. Lastly, it is
ii. The remedy to avoid or reduce understood that when one state enters
the consequent burden in case of the territory of another, the former has no
multiplicity of situs is either to: intention to denigrate its dignity by
1. Provide exemptions or placing itself under the jurisdiction of the
allowance of deduction or other State.
tax credit for foreign B. Constitutional Limitations
taxes; or - Provisions can either be directly or indirectly
2. Enter into tax treaties written in the constitution
with other States. 1. Due process Clause
4. International Comity (in par parem, non habet - Provision indirectly affecting taxation
imperium – An equal has no power over an - “No person shall be deprived of life,
equal) liberty or property without due process of
a. The international comity refers to the law, nor shall any person be denied the
courteous and mutual agreement equal protection of the laws.”
between nations which states that the - Sec 1, Art 3, 1987 Constitution
properties of a foreign State is not subject - Two categories of due process
1. Substantive due process - the constitutional limitation is violated if
● the deprivation is done a tax law denies a taxpayer a fair
under the authority of a opportunity to assert his substantial right
valid law or the before the court.
Constitution - “due process of law” does not necessarily
2. Procedural due process mean that the amount of tax that will be
- done after complying with paid by a taxpayer has to be determined by
fair and reasonable judicial inquiry
methods prescribed by - what this limitation ensures is that the
law. procedures prescribed in law must be
- Requirements of due process in taxation both reasonable and just.
1. Public purpose 2. Equal Protection Clause
2. Imposed within the territorial - Provision indirectly affecting taxation
jurisdiction - Sec 1, Art 3, 1987 Constitution
3. Assessment is not arbitrary or - All persons must be treated as equal
oppressive under similar circumstances and
● If not met, tax law is VOID conditions
- If the tax law has been declared invalid - Prohibits class legislation in which some
but the tax has already been paid, the are discriminated against, while some are
payment should be refunded to the favored.
taxpayer. This is based on the general rule - Congress may group persons or
that no one shall unjustly enrich himself properties to be taxed
at the expense of another. - All members of the same class must
- Due process of law - also known as the be subject to the same rate
right to notice and hearing - No violation
- Nonpayment of taxes: the law 1. Different incomes, different rates
provides that a taxpayer must be 2. Compensation income is subject
notified of his tax liability and of to a lower tax rate than business
the sale of his property, if and professional income
applicable, in payment of such 3. Certain corporations are subject
liability. to lower taxes
- Test of Valid Classification: progressive.
1. It is based upon the substantial - Equity
distinctions which make real - Equity =/= Equality of tax payable
differences; - the most important factor is the
2. These are germane to the purpose taxpayer’s ability to pay the tax.
of the legislation or ordinance; - tax burden is usually measured in
3. The classification applies not only terms of the size of wealth or
to present conditions but also to property and income
future conditions substantially - Equitable = fair, just, reasonable,
identical to those of the present; and proportionate to the
and taxpayer’s ability to pay
4. The classification applies equally - While equal protection refers more to
to all those who belong to the like treatment of persons in like
same class circumstances, uniformity and equity
3. Rule of Taxation shall be Uniform and refer to the proper relative treatment
Equitable for tax purposes of persons in, unlike
- Provision directly affecting taxation circumstances.
- Sec. 28 (1), Art 6, 1987 Constitution 4. Non-Impairment of Contracts
- “all taxable articles or properties of the - Provision indirectly affecting taxation
same class shall be subject to the same tax - Sec 10, Art 3, 1987 Constitution
rate” -> no need for ABSOLUTE identity or - “no law impairing the obligation of
equality under all circumstances. contracts shall be passed.”
- Uniformity (without discrimination in - prohibits the law or a party of a
every place where the subject is found) contract to change its terms and
- Uniformity of operation conditions, without the consent of
throughout tax unit the other party.
- Equality in burden - Impairment: when the terms of a contract
- uniformity does not imply that are changed by law or by a party without
taxes have to be directly the consent of the other
proportional to the relative value - Example: Tax exemption
of the subject since taxes may be - a taxing statute eventually
revoked a tax exemption that was property, not the ownership.
previously granted to specific - Exemption on real property tax only
persons. Unless it is stated that - Also extends to facilities incidental to and
such exemption is subject to reasonably necessary for their purposes
amendment, the doctrine of non- - Example:
impairment is violated by the act. - For example, Foundation A has
5. Non-imprisonment for non-payment of poll land used by it for its charitable
tax institution. Generally, Foundation
- Sec. 20, Art 3, 1987 Constitution A is exempted from paying
- “no person shall be imprisoned for debt property taxes. However, should
or non-payment of a poll tax.” Foundation A lease a portion of
- community/poll tax - a tax of fixed the land to a commercial
amount imposed on residents within a establishment, that leased portion
specific territory regardless of citizenship, is now subject to property tax.
business, or profession. Instead of 7. Prohibition against taxation of non-stock non-
imprisonment, there should only be a profit educational institutions
penalty for delinquency which is a - Article 14, Sec. 4(3)
payment of a surcharge in the form of - Requisite: actually, directly and
interest. exclusively used for educational
- Non-payment of the poll tax must be purposes
punishable only by a surcharge - They shall still be subject to internal
- This does not apply to other violations revenue tax on income from trade,
6. Prohibition against taxation of real property business or other activity unrelated to the
of charitable institutions, churches, exercise or performance of the
parsonages or convents, mosques and non- institution’s educational purposes or
profit cemeteries functions
- Article 6, Sec. 28(3) - Taxation of proprietary educational
- Requisite: actually, directly and institutions (non-profit private schools)
exclusively used for religious, charitable, - May be entitled to such
or educational purposes exemptions subject to limitations
- the basis of this provision is the use of the provided by law including
restrictions on dividends and - No law granting any tax exemption shall
provisions for investment be passed without the concurrence of a
- Shall pay for 10% of their taxable majority of all Members of Congress
income except for passive 10. Veto power of the President
incomes which are subject to - Article 6, Sec. 28(4)
different tax rates - The President shall have the power to
8. Passage of tax bills veto any particular item or items in an
- Article 4, Sec. 24 appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but
- Revenue bills or tax bills shall originate the veto shall not affect the item or items
exclusively in the House of to which he does not object.
Representatives, but the Senate may - House of Representatives may overturn a
propose or concur with amendments presidential veto by garnering a 2/3rds
- Initiative for filing of bills must come vote. If the President does not act on a
from the House of Representatives proposed law submitted by Congress, it
- They are expected to be more will lapse into law after 30 days of receipt
sensitive to local needs and 11. Judicial Power to review legality of tax
problems - Article 8, Sec. 5(2) (b)
- Example: - This provision states that the Congress
- In simpler terms, Senator A cannot draft a cannot take away the power of the
tax bill without any Representative’s Supreme Court as the final arbiter of tax
initiation. If Representative B is drafting a cases.
tax bill, Senator A can now draft a similar - The Supreme Court shall have the power
bill even if Representative B is not yet to review, revise, reverse, modify, or
done with it. The important thing is that it affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the law
is the House of Representatives who or the Rules of Court may provide, final
initiated the creation of revenue or tax judgments and orders of lower courts in:
bills. - all cases involving the legality of
9. Granting of tax exemption any tax, impost, assessment, or
- Article 4, Sec. 28(4) toll, or any penalty imposed in
relation thereto.
1. It tests whether the proceeds of the tax will directly 7. Non-profit private schools generally pay a tax of _% on
promote the welfare of the community in equal measure. their taxable income, which is lower than the corporate
a. Duty test tax of 30%.
b. Promotion of general welfare test a. 5%
c. Public purpose test b. 10%
d. Character of the direct object of the expenditure c. 15%
2. True or False. The purposes to be accomplished by d. 20%
taxation need not be exclusively public. 8. It refers to when the terms of a contract are changed by
3. That a property is taxable where it has its actual situs law or by a party without the consent of the other
although the owner resides in another jurisdiction is in a. Impairment
accordance with which principle? b. Non-impairment
a. Mobilia Sequuntur Personam c. Due process
b. Delegata potestas no potest delegari d. Uniformity
c. Lex Rei Sitae 9. True or False. The president’s power to exercise line-
d. In par parem, non habet imperium item veto can affect all items of the bill.
4. “The country which is the source of income or where the 10. True or False. If the House of Representatives is drafting
activity that produced the income is the situs of taxation” a tax bill, a Senator can draft a similar bill even if the
is under which theory regarding situs of income tax? House of Representatives is not yet done with it.
a. Mobilia Sequuntur Personam
b. Domiciliary Theory
c. Nationality theory
d. Source law
5. Which of the following constitutional limitations is based
on a provision directly affecting taxation?
a. Due process clause
b. Equal protection clause
c. Rule of taxation shall be uniform and equitable
d. Non-impairment of contracts
6. True or False. Falsification of the tax certificate or any
other violation of community or poll tax will not warrant

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