Avaya One-X Communicator Getting Started

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Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

August 2010

2010 Avaya Inc.

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Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started R6

August 2010

Trademarks Avaya, the Avaya logo, one-X Communicator, one-X Portal, Avaya Communication Manager, Application Enablement Services, Avaya Video Telephony Solution, Modular Messaging, and Conferencing are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Avaya Inc. in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Downloading documents For the most current versions of documentation, see the Avaya Support Web site: http://www.avaya.com/support Contact Avaya Support Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problems or to ask questions about your product. The support telephone number is 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://www.avaya.com/ support

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started R6

August 2010

Table of contents:
About this guide ............................................................................................................................... 5 Installation methods......................................................................................................................... 5 Preparing for installation.................................................................................................................. 6 Gathering site-specific data......................................................................................................... 6 Gathering personal data.............................................................................................................. 6 Installing Avaya one-X Communicator ............................................................................................ 8 Downloading software ................................................................................................................. 8 Installing software........................................................................................................................ 8 Auto-configuration.......................................................................................................................... 10 Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window ........ 11 Configuring General Settings using the Auto-configure button................................................. 11 Configuring General Settings manually..................................................................................... 12 Phone screen........................................................................................................................ 12 Account screen ..................................................................................................................... 13 Audio screen ......................................................................................................................... 13 Dialing Rules screen ............................................................................................................. 14 Public Directory screen ......................................................................................................... 15 IM and Presence screen ....................................................................................................... 15 Desktop Integration screen ................................................................................................... 16 Preferences screen............................................................................................................... 16 Message Access screen ....................................................................................................... 17 Emergency screen (H.323 mode)......................................................................................... 18 Advanced screen .................................................................................................................. 18 Upgrading from a previous Avaya one-X Communicator release ................................................. 20 Uninstalling Avaya IP Softphone or Avaya one-X Desktop Edition ............................................ 20 Modifying virus scan settings......................................................................................................... 20 Uninstalling Avaya one-X Communicator...................................................................................... 22 Uninstalling Click-to-Dial for Mozilla Firefox .................................................................................. 23 Index .............................................................................................................................................. 24

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

About this guide

About this guide

This Getting Started guide describes how to install and configure Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0.

Installation methods
There are two methods to install Avaya one-X Communicator: Silent installation Manual installation Silent installation: In the silent installation method, your system administrator plans for deployment, installs, and then configures the Avaya one-X Communicator software on your computer. For more information, see Chapter 6 "Deployment Planning," in Overview and Planning for Avaya one-X Communicator guide on the Avaya Support Web site http://www.avaya.com/support. Manual installation: In the manual installation method, you install the software yourself. You gather the required information from your system administrator and then follow the procedures given in this guide for downloading, installing, and configuring Avaya one-X Communicator on your computer.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Preparing for installation

Preparing for installation

Make sure that your computer meets all the hardware, software, and connectivity requirements. For more information, see End user requirements in Chapter 6, Deployment Planning, in Overview and Planning for Avaya one-X Communicator on the Avaya Support Web site http://www.avaya.com/support.

Gathering site-specific data

Gather the following site-specific information from the system administrator: Avaya one-X Communicator protocol - whether SIP or H.323 Product integrations required For more information about product integrations and the corresponding configuration data, see Chapter 2, Integrations between Avaya one-X Communicator and other applications chapter, in Overview and Planning for Avaya one-X Communicator on the Avaya Support Web site http://www.avaya.com/support.

Gathering personal data

Gather the following personal data from your system administrator: URL of Avaya one-X Portal and your login ID and password if you want to integrate Avaya one-X Communicator with Avaya one-X Portal Your extension and password registered on Avaya Aura Communication Manager 6.0 Your extension and password on the server running Avaya Aura Communication Manager 6.0 as Feature Server and the IP address assigned to the asset card of that server IM and Presence server IP address if you want to use the native Instant Messaging features

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Preparing for installation

Installing a Web camera

If you want to make and receive video calls with Avaya one-X Communicator, you must install your Web camera and its drivers on your computer. Follow the instructions provided with your camera.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Installing Avaya one-X Communicator

Installing Avaya one-X Communicator

If you want to integrate Avaya one-X Communicator with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or 2007, you need to first download and install the Microsoft Redistributable Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) for the appropriate Office product. Avaya one-X Portal integration and video calls feature are installed by default. However, these are not enabled. You can enable these features by modifying the settings after installation.

Downloading software
Perform the following steps to download Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0 software: 1. Using your Web browser, go to http://www.avaya.com/support. 2. Go to the Software Downloads section, and navigate to the Avaya one-X Communicator page. 3. If you have not registered as a PLDS user, complete a one time registration. 4. Download the windows installer. 5. Unzip the contents of the zip file. The zip file contains four files: R6_GA_Rel_Letter.pdf onexc_setup_6.0.0.26.msi vcredist_x86.exe readme.txt.

6. Extract the .exe and .msi files.

Installing software
Perform the following steps to install the Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0 software: 1. Close all currently running applications before installing Avaya one-X Communicator software. 2. Run the vcredist_x86.exe file to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update. 3. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=ab9 9342f-5d1a-413d-8319-81da479ab0d7 to download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. 4. Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. 5. Run the onexc_setup_6.0.0.26.msi file to start installing Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0. The installation wizard displays the Welcome to the Avaya one-X Communicator Installation Wizard window.
Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Installing Avaya one-X Communicator

6. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the License Agreement window. 7. Select the I accept the license agreement option and click Next. The installation wizard displays the Program Shortcuts window. 8. (Optional)Select the check box for each shortcut you want to create. Note: 9. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the User Information window. 10. Enter your information in the Full Name and Organization fields. 11. Select one of the following options for the Avaya one-X Communicator installation settings on your computer: Anyone who uses this computer You must have administration rights for using this setting. Only for me

12. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the Destination Folder window. By default, Avaya one-X Communicator is installed in C:\Program Files\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator location for 32-bit Windows directory and C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator location for 64-bit Windows directory. 13. (Optional)For changing the installation location, click Browse, specify a new location, and then click OK. 14. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the Protocol and Feature selection window. 15. Select one of the following protocols: H.323 SIP

16. (Optional)You can include additional integration features if these have been installed on your computer. If you want to include these features, perform the following steps: a. Click Options. b. Click the appropriate check boxes. c. Click OK. 17. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the Ready to Install the Application window. 18. Click Next. The installation wizard displays the Updating System message box showing the status of the installation. 19. Once the installation is complete, the installation wizard displays the Setup Complete window. 20. Click Finish. The Avaya one-X Communicator Login dialog box appears.
Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started


Your system administrator can set certain parameters in the 46xxsettings.txt file. This file is hosted on a Web server. Avaya one-X Communicator uses this file for automatically retrieving its various settings at the first startup. Contact your system administrator for more information. If your system administrator has set the parameters, a message appears indicating the progress of Auto-configure operation. If the retrieval is successful, the message disappears, and the Avaya one-X Communicator Login dialog box appears. If the retrieval is unsuccessful, a message appears indicating that you must configure Avaya one-X Communicator before you can log in. After you click OK, the General Settings window appears.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window
If the retrieval is unsuccessful, you can use one of the following two methods to configure general settings. Configuring general settings by clicking Auto-configure on the General Settings window Configuring general settings by manually entering information in each of the screens on the General Settings window.

Configuring General Settings using the Auto-configure button

You can either use Auto-configure to configure settings on all the screens or one screen at a time. If you click Auto-configure, it pre-populates data in some of the fields on the Phone, Account, Dialing Rules, Public Directory, IM and Presence, Preferences, and Message Access screens. These fields are: Phone screen Server List Fields listed below are only for SIP protocol. Domain Mode Avaya Environment Failback Policy Registration Policy Emergency Number (it appears only when your administrator defined this parameter in the settings file) Enable Video Calls

Account screen (only when you integrate Avaya one-X Communicator with Avaya one-X Portal) URL

Dialing Rules screen Number to dial to access an outside line Your country code Your area/city code PBX Main Prefix Number to dial for long distance calls Number to dial for international calls

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

Extension length for internal extension calls Length of national phone numbers (including area/city code)

Public Directory screen (only when Public Directory check box is selected in the Desktop Integration screen) Directory Type Server Address Search Root Server Port

IM and Presence Server

Message Access Dial this number

Configuring General Settings manually

If you want to configure the settings manually, perform the following steps:

Phone screen
1. Click Phone on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Phone settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. This pane displays different fields depending on whether you selected H.323 or SIP protocol during installation. H.323 protocol 1. Enter the following information: a. Extension: enter your extension on the Avaya server. b. Password: enter your password. 2. To specify the IP address of your server, click Add below the Server List field. The Add Server dialog box appears. 3. In the Server field, enter the IP address of the server. 4. Click OK. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each server address you want to specify. 6. If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to try to establish video sharing, your system administrator must have configured your extension on the server for video calls to work. If it is configured, make sure that the Enable Video Calls check box is selected. SIP protocol 1. Enter the following information: a. Extension: enter your extension on the Avaya server. b. Password: enter your password.
Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

2. To specify the IP address of your server, click Add below the Server List field. The Add Server dialog box appears. 3. In the Proxy Server field, enter the IP address of the proxy server. 4. (Optional) In the Port field, enter the port number of the server. If you do not enter the port number, Avaya one-X Communicator uses the default 5061 port. 5. Click OK. 6. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 for each server address you want to specify. 7. If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to try to establish video sharing, your system administrator must have configured your extension on the server for video calls to work. If it is configured, make sure that the Enable Video Calls check box is selected 8. Enter the following information: a. In the Domain field, enter the domain of your Avaya Aura Session Manager. b. In the Failback Policy field, click Auto to make Avaya one-X Communicator automatically recover after failback. Click Admin if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to use the failback policy defined by your system administrator. c. In the Registration Policy field, click a registration policy to specify how your extension manages proxies. Note: Mode, Avaya Environment, and Emergency Number fields are read only.

Account screen
Changing the account settings affect Avaya one-X Communicator only if you selected H.323 protocol during installation. 1. Click Account. The Account settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Make sure the Use Avaya one-X Portal account check box is selected. 3. In the URL field, enter the fully-qualified domain name for the Avaya one-X Portal server. 4. In the Username field, enter your user name for Avaya one-X Portal. 5. In the Password field, enter your password for Avaya one-X Portal.

Audio screen
1. Click Audio on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Audio settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Select the Basic tab and perform the following steps: Drag the Playback slider to control the volume for playback. Drag the Record slider to control the volume for the record.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

Select the Mute ringing for incoming calls check box to turn off the ringing for all incoming calls. Click the Audio Tuning Wizard button to configure the optimal audio settings for calls. Note: For more information on setting the audio tuning wizard, see Avaya one-X Communicator User Reference on the Avaya Support Web site http://www.avaya.com/support.

Dialing Rules screen

1. Click Dialing Rules on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Dialing Rules settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. In the Number to dial to access an outside line field, enter the digit(s) you must dial to access an outside line. 3. In the Your country code field, enter the code for your country. 4. In the Your area/city code field, enter the area code or the city code where your phone server is located. You can enter multiple codes and separate them with commas. For example, 406, 208. If you enter this code, Avaya one-X Communicator treats every call made to a region matching with either 406 or 208 as a local call. 5. In the PBX Main Prefix field, enter the main prefix of your PBX. 6. In the Number to dial for long distance calls field, enter the digit(s) you must dial to make a long distance call. 7. In the Number to dial for international calls field, enter the digit(s) you must dial to make an international call. 8. In the Extension length for internal extensions calls field, enter the number of digits that comprise an internal extension. For example, if your internal extensions consist of five digits, you would enter 5. In this example, any number that consists of five digits or less would be treated as an internal extension. If your company supports internal extensions of varying lengths (for example, three-digit, five-digit, and seven-digit extensions), you must separate these lengths by commas and enter 3, 5, 7. Note: If you specify multiple extension lengths, Avaya one-X Communicator performs exact matches. For example, if you specify 3, 5, 7, Avaya one-X Communicator treats three-digit numbers, five-digit numbers, and seven-digit numbers as internal extensions. In this example, if you dial a one-digit, two-digit, or four-digit number, Avaya one-X Communicator does not recognize the numbers to be internal extensions. 9. In the Length of national phone numbers (including area/city code) field, Enter the number of digits you must dial (including area/city code) for a call within your country.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

For countries with multiple phone number lengths, enter all supported phone number lengths separated by a comma.

10. If you entered an area or city code in Step 4, select the Include area/city code when making a local call check box if you are required to prefix the area or city code while making a local call. For example, for Lincroft area in the U.S., entering an area code is mandatory. Therefore, you must select the check box. However, for Basking Ridge area in the U.S., entering an area code is not mandatory, and you need not select the check box. 11. If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to display a confirmation window before it dials a number, select the Display confirmation window before dialing a number check box. This ensures that you can check whether the number to be dialed conforms to the dialing rules you set. If not, you can update the number. Avaya one-X Communicator then uses the updated number to make calls.

Public Directory screen

Before you can access a public directory, you need to select the Public Directory check box in the Desktop Integration window. For the procedure, see Desktop Integration screen. 1. If you want to configure Avaya one-X Communicator to access a public directory, click Public Directory on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Public Directory settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. In the Directory Type field, click the type of directory (Active Directory, Domino, or Novell). 3. In the Directory Name field, enter the name for the directory. 4. In the Server Address field, enter the IP address of the server for this directory. 5. In the User name field, enter the user name, if required. 6. In the Password field, enter the password, if required. 7. In the Search Root field, enter the search root. An example is ou=people, o=company. 8. In the Server Port field, enter the port number. The default is 389. 9. In the Time out field, enter the timeout interval. The default is 100 seconds. 10. In the Max Entries field, enter the maximum number of matching entries that you want Avaya one-X Communicator to display. The default is 50. 11. Select the Use Active Directory GSS Bind check box, if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to use the current users login and password to bind with the Active Directory LDAP server.

IM and Presence screen

IM and Presence appears on the left pane only if you selected SIP protocol during this protocol. Using this window, you can activate the native Avaya one-X Communicator Instant Messaging functionality.
Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

1. Click IM and Presence on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Instant Messaging settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Select the Enable Instant Messaging and Presence check box. 3. In the Server field, enter the IP address of IM and Presence Server. 4. Select the Enable Local Message Archiving check box to store instant messages on your hard disk drive.

Desktop Integration screen

Using Desktop integration settings, you can specify the directories Avaya one-X Communicator searches when you use the Name Look-Up feature and set whether you want to enable wipe-to-dial feature. 1. Click Desktop Integration on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Desktop Integration settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Perform one of the following steps in the Name Look-Up area: Select the Microsoft Outlook Contacts check box if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to search contacts from Microsoft Outlook when you use the Name Look-Up feature. Microsoft Outlook must be installed and running on your computer. Select the IBM Lotus Notes Contacts check box if you want Avaya oneX Communicator to search contacts from Lotus Notes Address Book when you use the Name Look-Up feature. Lotus Notes Address Book must be installed and running on your computer. Select the Public Directory check box if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to search contacts in a public directory when you use the Name Look-Up feature. Public Directory must be configured using the Public Directory settings.

3. Select the Enable wipe-to-dial (clipboard dialing) check box to enable the wipe-to-dial feature. In any application, if you click a number that can be dialed, you can dial that number from the Avaya one-X Communicator icon in the system tray.

Preferences screen
1. Click Preferences on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Preferences settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Select the Display alerts for incoming calls check box if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to display alerts when you receive incoming calls. 3. Select the Automatically login if possible when application restarts check box if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to automatically login when the application restarts.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

4. Select the Run Avaya one-X Communicator automatically when I log on to Windows check box if you want Avaya one-X Communicator to automatically run Avaya one-X Communicator when you log in to your system.

Message Access screen

If you want to set Avaya one-X Communicator to access your messaging system when you click the Message Waiting Indicator in the Avaya one-X Communicator window, perform the following steps: 1. Click Message Access on the left pane of the General Settings window. The Message Access settings appear on the right pane of the General Settings window. 2. Select the Enable Message Access check box. 3. Perform one of the following steps: If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to dial the access number of the messaging system, select the Dial this number option. Enter the telephone number you want to dial to access the messaging system. If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to open another application to access the messaging system, select the Start This Application option. Click Browse to select the application you want to run. If you want Avaya one-X Communicator to open a Web browser and go to the Web page for the messaging system, select the Open Webpage option. Enter the Web URL for the messaging system.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

Emergency screen (H.323 mode)

This screen appears only if you selected H.323 protocol during installation. To enable the emergency call handling feature, perform the following steps: 1. Click Emergency. 2. Select the Enable Emergency Call Handling feature to enable the emergency call handling feature. Select Your Extension <extension number> if you want the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) to identify your location from your extension number. When you dial the emergency number, the PSAP locates you from the telephone number used to dial the emergency number, in this case your extension number. For example, in the United States, you can dial 911 as the emergency number. Select Telephone Number if you want the PSAP to identify your location from the telephone number you specify here.

Note: The emergency call setting on Avaya one-X Communicator must be same as on the Communication Manager server for this extension to login. If the settings are different, Avaya one-X Communicator does not allow the user to login. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Advanced screen
You need to change the default settings in this screen only if you experience problems logging in to the server in a VPN and/or firewall environment. To change the default settings, perform the following steps: 1. If you installed Avaya one-X Communicator in H.323 mode, select the Specify local UDP/TCP port range preference check box if you want to configure Avaya one-X Communicator for use with a firewall using UDP port restrictions. 2. If you selected the check box in Step 1, perform the following: a. In the Low field, enter the number of the lowest port you want Avaya oneX Communicator to use. This number must be greater than 1023 and less than 65472. b. In the High field, enter the number of the highest port you want Avaya one-X Communicator to use. This number must be less than 65536. 3. Click Diagnostic Logging if you want to send the log files of any issue you faced to the Avaya one-X Communicator technical support team. The Diagnostic Logging window appears. For the procedure, see Diagnostic Logging. Diagnostic Logging Diagnostic logging enables you to report an issue you are facing and send the log files to the Avaya one-X Communicator technical support team. The technical support team uses these log files to find the cause of the problem faced by you. 1. Select the Enable Diagnostic Logging check box. 2. Select an option that relates to the issue you are facing from the drop-down list.
Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Configuring Avaya one-X Communicator general settings in the General Settings window

3. Execute the scenario where you have observed the problem and try to reproduce it. 4. Click Send log files now. Your default e-mail client opens. The log files are embedded in the mail as an attachment. Note: If the default e-mail client has not been sent, you can find the log files in zipped format in the application data folder. 5. Enter the e-mail address of the support team and fill in the following details in the e-mail message body: Description of the problem Steps to reproduce the issue Frequency of the problem

6. Click OK.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Upgrading from a previous Avaya one-X Communicator release

Upgrading from a previous Avaya one-X Communicator release

Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0 supports upgrades for previous releases. If you have Avaya one-X Communicator installed on your system and want to upgrade it to Release 6.0, follow the same steps as for installing Avaya one-X Communicator software. You do not need to uninstall your current release. However, if you are upgrading from Avaya one-X Communicator installed in H.323 protocol mode to SIP mode, you need to clear all the H.323 protocol-related settings. Similarly, if you are upgrading from Avaya one-X Communicator installed in SIP protocol mode to H.323 mode, you need to clear all the SIP protocol-related settings. If you want to continue to make video calls, you must select the Enable Video Calls check box is selected on the Phone screen.

Uninstalling Avaya IP Softphone or Avaya one-X Desktop Edition

If you want to only have Avaya one-X Communicator on your computer, record the following information before you start uninstalling: Your Avaya IP Softphone call server address Your Avaya IP Softphone extension and password Perform the following steps to uninstall Avaya IP Softphone or Avaya one-X Desktop Edition: 1. Uninstall the application to be upgraded. 2. Restart the computer, if required. 3. Follow the same steps as for installing Avaya one-X Communicator software.

Modifying virus scan settings

If you modified your virus scan settings when you installed a previous version of Avaya one-X Communicator, you do not need to modify your virus scan settings when you upgrade to Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0. After installing Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0, configure your virus scan program so that it does not scan the folder in which you installed Avaya one-X Communicator or the folder where log files are stored. The default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator for Windows XP and C:\Program Files (x86)\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator for64-bit Windows. For Windows XP, the log files are kept in C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator. For Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008, the log files are kept in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Avaya\Avaya one-X Communicator.

To modify the virus scan settings, perform the following steps:

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Modifying virus scan settings

1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel. 2. Double-click Windows Firewall. The Windows Firewall window appears. 3. Click the Exceptions tab. This tab lists all the programs and services that are not scanned by the virus scan. 4. Click Add Program and select Avaya one-X Communicator from the list of programs, and then click OK. 5. Click OK to close the Windows Firewall window.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Uninstalling Avaya one-X Communicator

Uninstalling Avaya one-X Communicator

Perform the following steps to uninstall the Avaya one-X Communicator Release 6.0 software: 1. Make sure Avaya one-X Communicator is not running. 2. Click Start, and select Control Panel. The system displays the Control Panel window. 3. Click Add or Remove Programs. The system displays the Add or Remove Programs window. 4. Select Avaya one-X Communicator. 5. Click Remove. The system prompts you seeking your confirmation to remove Avaya one-X Communicator. 6. Click Yes. A message box appears showing the status of the uninstall operation. After the software is uninstalled, the message box closes, and Avaya one-X Communicator no longer appears in the Add or Remove Programs window.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

Uninstalling Click-to-Dial for Mozilla Firefox

Uninstalling Click-to-Dial for Mozilla Firefox

When you uninstall Avaya one-X Communicator, the Click-to-Dial feature for Mozilla Firefox is not uninstalled. If you want to uninstall this feature, perform the following steps: 1. Start Mozilla Firefox. 2. Select Tools > Add-ons. The Add-ons dialog box appears. 3. Click Uninstall for Avaya Extension. A confirmation dialog box appears. 4. Click Uninstall. 5. Restart Firefox.

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started


Account screen, 13 Advanced screen, 18 Auto-configure, 11 Avaya one-X Portal integration, 8 Desktop Integration screen, 16 Diagnostic Logging, 18 Dialing Rules screen, 14 Emergency screen, 18 General Settings window, 11 IM, 11, 12, 15, 16 Installation manual, 5 silent, 5 Message Access screen, 17 Avaya one-X Communicator configuring, 11 installing, 8 uninstalling, 22 Phone screen, 12 Preferences screen, 16 Presence, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16 Public Directory screen, 15 video calls, 8

Avaya one-X Communicator Getting Started

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