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LOGO Depending of way of energy transmission from hydraulic

MONOGRAFIJE motors to wheels there are following solution variants of

82,5 x 50 mm transmission executive parts [1][2][4]:

 shaft of hydraulic motor (4) (Fig.1a) is connected dire-

ctly to the wheel hub,
 hydraulic motor (4) (Fig.1b) is indirectly connected to
the wheel hub, through reducing gearbox (5),
 hydraulic motor (4) (Fig.1,c), is connection to the
wheels through gearbox (5), universal shafts (6) and
driving axles (7).

Abstract: Solution concept of hydrostatic transmision for
movement of mobile machines on wheels. Integral
hydrostatic drive of wheels. Parameters and characterri- 4
stics of hydrostatic transmisions. Electric systems of mo- 8
vement regulations and controls on mobile machines. a) 8
Defining and calculation procedure of hydraulic tra-
nsmissions for movement of mobile machines on wheels.

Key words: hydrostatic transsmisions

8 3.1 8
During developing time of mobile machines on wheels
the hydrostatic systems were used first only for power 1
supply of working attachments-manipulator. However in
latest decade, on same types of machines more and more
hydrostatic transmissions are used for movement system. 4 5
Leading manufactures of hydraulic components have 8
already developed hydrostatic transmissions for move- b) 8
ment of mobile machines on wheels in range of weight 5
from 3000 to 30000 kg, that corresponds the power 30 to
300 kW. Solutions of hydraulic transmitssions are mostly
with modular design and contain integrated within,
following elements:
 elementary components for energy transformation and
energy transmission (hydraulic pumps and hydraulic 10
9 8
 hydrostatic systems for movement control,
 hydrostatic system for braking, 9
 hydrostatic systems for regulation, control and stabile 3
maintaing of moving characteristics of mobile machines.
9 7
1 5
As a rule, hydrostatic transmissions on the mobile ma- c)
chines on wheels are in form of closed hydraulic circuit
system, most frequently with axial piston hydraulic
motors with constant or variable specific flow. Operating Fig.1. Mobile machines on wheels with hydrostatic transmission
pressure in systems is in range of 35 to 45 MPa. for movement [3].
As power producing members of transmissions are used 7
most frequently diesel engines whose mechanical pa-
rameters of power Nh hydraulic pumps transform into
hydraulic form of power, defined by appropriate pressure
p and by flow Q. 4
Hidraulic motors with executive part of transmission the
parameters of hydraulic form of power transform into 6
appropriate drawing force F and movement velocity v of 5
mobile machine.
General and elementary criterion for regulation of 7
drawing characteristics of mobile machine can be
expressed by equation:

N h  p  Q  F  v  const (1)
In contemporary solutions of hydraulic transmission for im1 im2
movement of mobile construction machines assumed 2
criteria of requlation (equation 1) are realized by means of
digital electronic system. 1
By appropriate sensors (9) (Fig.1c) [1][2] measured are 3
parameters of driving, transforming and transmitting, 6
transmissin components.
In microcontroller (10) monitored parameters are pro-
cessed according to appropriate software that in fact
represents previously assigned regulating criteria. 8
Deviations of real (measured) and previously assigned
parameters are transformed inside microcontroller into the
signals that act on the characteristics of transmission
Fig. 2. General model of hydrostatic transmission for movement
components. of construction mobile machines
By this way of regulation are achieved the following
capabilities of hydrostatic transmissions:
 automatic regulation of drawing characteristics by Upon the basis of assigned parameters En needed is to
changing of specific flow of hydraulic pumps and hydra- define the sizes of transmission components expressed by
ulic motors beside great fuel savings and noise de- the following set of values:
creasing, even in higher movement velocities.
 continual decreasing of movement velocity (by inch pe- En  pmax ,q p max ,qm max ,qm min ,im1 ,im2 ,io  (3)
dal), for reason of directing more power for needs of
working attachments - manipulators on machine. where is:
 regulation of Limiting Load of driving engine.
 prevention of drive wheels skidding.
pmax - maximal pressure of the hydrostatic system; qp max-
maximal specific flow of hydraulic pump; qm max-
maximal specific flow of hydraulic motor; qm min- minimal
3. CALCULATION specific flow of hydraulic motor; im1 - gearbox
transmission ratio in operating velocity of machine; im2 -
General conceptual solution of transmission for mo-
gearbox transmission ratio in transporting velocities of
vement on construction mobile machines for which is
machine; io- transmission ratio of driving axles.
calculation is preformed consist of following: diesel
Maximal pressure pmax is the main parameter of hydrosta-
engine (1) [3] (Fig.2), cunpling (2), hydraulic pump (3)
tic system. Value of this pressure prescribes the choice of
with variable specific flow, hydraulic motor (4) with
transmission concept in other terms, the choice of types of
variable specific flow, transmission gearbox (5), cardan
hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor.
shaft (6), driving axle (7) and wheel (8).
Starting parameters that are assigned when the tra- Size of hydraulic pump is defined according to input
nsmission calculation is preformed belong to the follo- hydraulic power Nh. For the hyperbolic form of regulation
wing set of valutes [3][4]: of pump parameters (pressure and flow) (Fig.3) can be
written equation:
Ph  Nh , nen , Fmax , vr max , vt max , rd  (2) pmaxQmin p Q pQ
Nh   min max  (4)
60 pv pm 60 pv pm 60 pv pm
where is: Nh- maximal power that diesel engine transfers
to the hydraulic pump; nen - number of revolutions of die- where is: pmin,Qmax- pressure and flow of start of pump
sel engine power; Fmax- needed maximal drawing force of regulation; pmax,Qmin- pressure and flow of end of pump
machine; vrmax - maximal operating velocity of machine; regulation; p,Q- pressure and flow inside the range of
vtmax - maximal transporting velocity of machine; rd - pump regulation; ηpv, pm - volumetric and mechanical
dynamic radius of wheel. pump efficiency ratio.
p Calculated is needed maximal specific flow of hydraulic
pmax K 2 M max
qm max  (10)
( pmax - po ) im1 io mm m o
where is:

p qm max [cm3], MmaxNm], po[MPa] - pressure value in return

Nh=const line of hydraulic motor; mm- mechanical efficiency ratio
of hydraulic motor; m,o- efficiency ratio of gearbox and
driving axles.
pmin P
On the basis of calculated value qm max , selected is from
the manufacturers cataloque the size of hydraulic motor.
Needed minimal specific flow qm min of hydraulic motor is
Q calculated from the condition that mobile machine
Q min Q Q max achieves wanted transport velocity vtmax at:

Fig. 3. Regulating diagram of pump  maximal flow of pump Q max ,

 minimal specific flow qm min of hydraulic motor,
 transmission ratio of gearbox im2, that is used at tra-
By introducing the range of regulation as ratio: nsport velocities of mobile machine.
pmax For maximal flow of pump and maximal velocity of the
e (5)
qm minnm max
can be calculated maximal pump flow: Q p max  (11)
1000 mv
60  Nh  e
Qmax   pv pm (6) Hydraulic motor will have maximal specific flow:
1000  Q p max
according which is calculated pump maximal specific qm max   mv (12)
where is:
1000  Qmax
q p max  (7)
 pv pm nmmax- maximal revolution number of hydraulic motor.
Maximal revolution number of hydraulic motor nmmax
where is: appears when mobile machine reaches maximal tra-
nsporting velocity:
Qmax [l/min],qpmax [cm3], np- pump number of revolutions
for the first step of calculation can be taken np=nen. vt max 30
nm max  i i  nmd (13)
On the basis of calculated value selected is from the rd  m2 o
manufacturers cataloque the size of hydraulic pump.
Size of hydraulic motor is defined from defined from where is:
condition that maximal drawing force Fmax of machine is
achieved at: nm max [min-1],vt max [m/s], rr[m], nmd - maximal permitted
revolutions number of hydraulic motor that is given in
 maximal pressure pmax of pump, motor manufacturer cataloque.
 maximal specific flow qm max of hydraulic motor,
 transmission ratio of gearbox im1, that is used in Transmission gearbox and driving axles are produced by
operating velocities. the specialized manufacturers. These components are
Needed maximal torque Mmax on wheels at maximal selected according to maximal input torque. However, for
drawing force: driving axles selection must be precribed also maximal
static and dynamic load on each axle. For all components
M max  rd Fmax (8) manufacturers offers available transmission ratios.
When transmission ratio of gearbox and driving axles are
selected must be satisfied the following ratio:
On the basis of maximal torque of hydraulic motor:

( pmax  po )qm max M max im1 vt max

M m max   mm  (9)  (14)
2 im1 io m o im2 vr max
4. DRAWING FORCE DIAGRAM movement transmission on the mobile machines on
wheels. In paper is presented procedure for the calculation
Drawing force diagram presents mutual dependence of of the elementary transmission parameters, on the basis of
drawing force machine movement velocity (Fig.4) assigned parameters for the needed values prescribed for
Movement velocity vi and drawing force Fi for any machines movements.
working conditions in the pump regulation range and for
any transmission ratio of gearbox can be calculated with
equation: REFERENCE:

[1] MOBILE 2003, International Mobile Hydraulic

nm 
vi  rd (15) Conference, Rexroth Bosch Group, Ulm, 2003.
imiio 30 [2] MOBILE 2006, International Mobile Hydraulic
Conference, Rexroth Bosch Group, Ulm, 2006.
1 [3] JANOŠEVIĆ D.: Projektovanje mobilnih mašina,
Fi  M i i   (16)
rd m mi o mm m o Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, 2006.
In that case revolutions number of hydraulic motor nm for Hydrostatic transsmisions for movement of mobile
any value of the specific flow of hydraulic motor machines on wheels, The Sixth Triennial International
qm=[qmax,qmin] has value: Conference HEAVY MACHINERY HM 2008,
1000 Q Mataruška Banja 2008., Proceedings, Faculty of
nm   mv (17) Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo, 2008., pp. A.45
[5] JANOŠEVIĆ D., SAVIĆ I.: Proračun hidrostatičkih
and torque Mm of hydraulic motor for any of the specific transmisija guseničnih vozila, XXXI kongres sa
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Banja, Zbornik radova, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta
( p  po )qm u Nišu i savey mašinskih i elektrotehničkih inđenjera i
Mm   mm (18)
2 tehničara Srbije, Vrnjačka Banja 2008., str. 71  76.
[6] JANOŠEVIĆ D.: Iženjerski dizajn mobilnih mašina,
F im1>im2 časopis IMK-14 Istraživanja i razvoj, Institut IMK “14.
Fmax I (qmmax,qpmin) Oktobar” Kruševac, godina XIV, broj (28 - 29) 1-
2/2008., str. 119  126.
im1 Transmissions for the movement of mobile track
machines with differential control, international
III (qmmax,qpmin) coference POWER TRANSMISSIONS 2003, Varna,
Fi Bugarska.
II (qmmin,qpmax)
(qmmin,qpmax) Dragoslav JANOŠEVIĆ, prof. dr
IV Univerzitet u Nišu
Mašinski fakultet
ul. A. Medvedeva 14
vi vmax v 18000 Niš, Srbija
Fig. 4. Drawing force diagram
Goran PETROVIĆ, asistent, mr
By pressure changing in the interval p=[pmin,pmax], along
Univerzitet u Nišu
the calculation of appropriate pump flow (equation 4):
Mašinski fakultet
ul. A. Medvedeva 14
60  Nh 18000 Niš, Srbija
Q  pv pm (19)

can be completely defined the drawing force diagram

(Fig.4) of construction mobile machine. Nikola PETROVIĆ, asistent
Univerzitet u Nišu
Mašinski fakultet
5. CONCLUSION ul. A. Medvedeva 14
18000 Niš, Srbija
Last decade is time of very dynamic development of
hydrostatic components and hydrostatic system used for

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