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Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

Kumbang Kertas

Mawar Cantik

Sage Divine
Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

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Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

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Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

Kumbang Kertas Mawar Cantik

Birth date: 1997-09-28 07:00:00 local Birth date: 1987-06-12 21:05:00 local
Design date: 28.6.1997 14:06:00 UTC Design date: 14.3.1987 05:05:21 UTC
Single Definition
Synastry Manifestor
Single Definition

8 - 1 Theme
Manifesting Generator
Single Definition

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Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

Synastry Connection Kumbang Kertas

Birth date: 1997-09-28 07:00:00 local
8 - 1 Theme (Have Some Fun) Design date: 28.6.1997 14:06:00 UTC
Manifesting Generator Single Definition
Single Definition
Mawar Cantik
Birth date: 1987-06-12 21:05:00 local
Design date: 14.3.1987 05:05:21 UTC
Single Definition

Dominance Channels
Channel 20-10 - Channel of Awakening

Channel 26-44 - Channel of Surrender

Channel 45-21 - Channel of The Money Line

Electromagnetic Channels
Channel 11-56 - Channel of Curiosity

Channel 2-14 - Channel of The Beat

Channel 20-34 - Channel of Charisma

Channel 25-51 - Channel of Initiation

Channel 30-41 - Channel of Recognition

Channel 34-10 - Channel of Exploration

Compromised Channels
Channel 49-19 - Channel of Synthesis

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New Defined Ajna center

The Ajna Center is how you think. A defined Ajna center has a fixed and reliable way in which it
processes information.

It can seem and feel certain of its opinions, concepts, and theories. It has a consistent way of
conceptualizing, and sees information through the same patterns.

New Defined Throat center

The Throat Center is about communication. The Throat is the point towards which all the energy in
the body is moving to find expression. It is through this center that manifestation, metamorphosis,
and transformation take place.

The defined Throat speaks in a fixed way, with a consistent expression from whatever energy
center it is connected to.

New Defined G-Self center

The G Center is the identity of the self. This center is about love, behavior, and direction.

The defined G center represents a fixed self that behaves and expresses love in a consistent way,
and is moving in a fixed trajectory in this life. It is a reliable expression of the self.

New Defined Heart/Ego center

The Ego center is about willpower. This is where the will to do something or not is expressed as an

The defined Ego can make commitments and promises that are healthy for it. It can feel stubborn
and often pushy, especially to those with no defined willpower.

New Defined Sacral center

The Sacral Center is the source of life force. It is reproductive, life sustaining energy.

The defined Sacral has the capacity to sustain work and create in the world. The Sacral is a
response motor and regenerates itself through the correct application of its energy. However, the
opposite is also true: it can degenerate into frustration when forced to do work that is not satisfying.

Dominance Channels

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Channel 20-10 - Channel of Awakening

A design of commitment to higher principles.

The Channel of Awakening, 10 - 20, links the Self Center through the 10, the Gate of personal
behavior patterns, to the 20, the Gate of Now in the throat. This channel is the empowerment of
SELF awakening.

It is not a channel to empower others to become awake. It is the channel that says, "I'm awake and I
don't care if you are". As a vocally projected channel, it expresses "I am myself, now!"

Typically, a person with this channel defined is constantly awakening (becoming aware of oneself in
the moment) in a variety of ways - sort of a life of epiphanies. It's also referred to as the Channel of
Higher Principles, implying that a commitment to Higher Principles is only possible by consistently
being oneself in the moment.

But the main thing to keep in mind the channel is about self awakening - not about awakening
others or even empowering them to awaken. It is also important to always remember the duality of
Design. These people can spend a lifetime asleep!

Channel 26-44 - Channel of Surrender

A design of a transmitter. The art of enterprise. Awareness stream of instinct.

The Channel of Surrender 44/26 links the Spleenic Center through the 44, the Gate of Coming to
Meet, to the 26, the Gate of The Taming Power of the Great in the Heart Center. This is the channel
of the transmitter.

The 44 is our oldest instinctual memory and resides in the bones, while the 26 has the ability to
manipulate memory in the interests of improvement. Surrender is the result of combining fear of the
old past (44) with a willingness for improvement (26).

The creativity of this channel is in its ability to replace old standards with new ones. It brings an
improvement to old concepts, particularly on the material level. Often we see products advertised as
being "new and improved", this is an example of how this channel operates.

The 44/26 is also referred to as the Channel of the Entrepreneur because of its ability to recognize
what will appeal to the tribe. With support being the dominant theme of the Ego Circuit, however,
transmitters can only replace the old with the new if they have the support. Likewise, it is a projected
channel that needs to be recognized and invited to transmit their talent.

Useful tip to give people with this channel: Tell them to pay close attention to smell. If they don't like
the smell of someone they need to stay away from them. People with this channel can smell
something fishy, smell of rat, smell success...

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Channel 45-21 - Channel of The Money Line

A design of a materialist. Awareness of sensitivity.

The Channel of Materialism links the Throat Center through the 45, the Gate of Gathering Together,
to the 21, the Gate of Biting Through in the Heart Center. For all of the power and influence of the
Tribe over human affairs, it's interesting to note that it only has one direct connection to the Throat
only one voice. The voice of the tribe is, "I have or I don't have" (as heard in the 45).

The tribe wants two things: money and a secure and reliable commitment from everyone to be tribal
together. The 45 is the King/Queen and the 21 is the Hunter/Huntress. It is the responsibility of the
two working together to make sure the tribe has these two things.

Materialism is the way of the 21-45, and what really satisfies it is putting money to work. This is the
channel that has developed the simple business model of barter or village trade into the complex
business models we have today. People with this channel have the education (45) and the control
(21) to understand and direct financial dealings on a more complex level - the stock market, banks,
speculation, the kinds of business venture that return dividends on investment over time.

For those kinds of money-making enterprises to succeed requires the support of many and it
requires that each person involved be knowledgeable and trustworthy in keeping their part of the
deal. This is the apex of the Tribal qualities. But no matter how complex the structure, at its core are
the same basic two things: money and the community that uses it.

Electromagnetic Channels

Channel 11-56 - Channel of Curiosity

A design of the seeker. Awareness stream of sensing.

The Channel of Curiosity - 11-56, links the Ajna Center through the 11, the Gate of Peace, to the
56, the Gate of The Wanderer in the Throat Center. The 11/56 never stops looking, thus it is also
referred to as the design of the seeker and the searcher.

What must be understood about the 11-56 is that it is the seeking that moves them - not the finding.
No matter what or how much they find they just have to keep on searching for something else.

As part of the Collective Sensing circuit, of course, the 11-56 also has a need to share its
interpretation of history - the past. And they have the ability to make up an interpretation of the past
and share it with the rest of us. For the 11-56, the Aha! comes when it sparks an idea. It's important
for them that while the idea is to be shared it's not necessarily a call to action. In the Collective logic
circuitry we can share a common pattern that we're all sure of - but with the past that can't be done.

It's simply the fact that everyone's experience of an event is different so there are many
interpretations many pasts, and thus many ideas. This is another projector channel, so whether or
not anyone else will resonate the sense of things or the ideas the 11-56 has depends upon whether
or not they've been recognized or invited to share them.

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Channel 2-14 - Channel of The Beat

A design of the keeper of keys. Tantric channel.

The Channel of the Beat, 2-14, links the sacral Center through the 14, the Gate of Possession in
Great Measure, to the 2, the Gate of The Receptive in the G Center. This channel is known as The
Keeper of the Keys. The channel feeds the sacral power of the 14th up to the 2nd gate which is the
gate of the driver, as in it drives our body through space.

This channel is one of the "Tantric" Channels, (along with the 5-15,29 - 46 & 34 -10) that potentially
transforms Sacral, Sex, Life Force Energy into an expression of Higher Self through Love. The 14 is
the Gate of power skills, particularly in material resources, and the 2 is the Gate of Receptivity to
direction and purpose. Combined, they give this channel the potential to empower the direction of

The 2nd gate is receptive and is the most Yin (female) gate in terms of the foundation of direction in
the G center. The Beat is an Individual channel, therefore mutative and works in a timing that isn't
regular and fixed in Logical or Abstract terms. The individual always empowers others by the
example of what they do. In any kind of disaster a person with this channel would stand up, get
everyone's attention and say, "I know the way. If you want, you can follow me". And then off they
would go, regardless of whether anyone follows them.

At the very moment that the mutation is ready (the pulse is on), they have the potential to empower
others. Bear in mind, this empowerment is not rooted in support or sharing as the channel is not
collective or tribal. In a purely mechanical way, the channel says "I can help you survive but you're
going to be on your own. I'm not going to carry you. I'm just letting you know what I'm going to do -
I'm going to go this way." As a generator channel, it responds to give direction to a higher level of
Self. It is constantly mutating our direction, which if it happens in response, is always the right
direction. A mutated individual "knowing" of direction at the 2, can usefully empower others provided
the 14-2 waits as a Generator to respond.

Channel 20-34 - Channel of Charisma

A design where thougths must become deeds. Manifesting generated channel.

The Channel of Charisma, 34 - 20, links the Sacral Center through the 34, the Gate of Power, to the
20, the Gate of Now in the throat. Here we have the "classic" Manifesting Generator.

We have to be clear in our understanding that a Manifesting Generator can manifest but only in
response. Even in response they have to wait for the clarity that only comes after they start their
response. They don't really know if they have the uh-huh response until they begin to respond.

Since this is one of the Integration Channels people with this channel defined are simply being busy
for themselves and about themselves. Without a sense of what it is doing, the channel often needs
guidance from others from time to time. Yet as part of the Individual Circuitry (it shares the 20), the
20-34 is attuned to an acoustic harmony, and tends to be deaf to input from outside sources.

People with this channel may think they have to stay busy and can appear to the outside observer
as amazing in the scope of accomplishment. But without a clear response mechanism, the 20 - 34
can easily wind up frustrated in their personal sense of achievement and utterly exhausted.

Good advice to give people with this channel: Unless you want to end up trapped into being a work
horse for somebody else's gain, don't do or say anything unless you are responding. The business

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has to happen out of response. Only then will you make sure you are busy for yourself, otherwise
life will be depressing.

Channel 25-51 - Channel of Initiation

A design of needing to be first. The art of joy.

The Channel of Initiation - 51-25, links the Heart Center through the 51, the Gate of The Arousing,
to the 25, the Gate of Innocence in the G Center. It is simply the nature of this Individual channel to
be competitive. And so, of course, it empowers competitiveness in the other. This spirit of
competitiveness moves us to win, to be first, and humans would be nowhere near as successful as
we are without this competitiveness that moves us.

In the other Centering channel, the 34/10, we have a generated channel and your behavior is
empowered by the sacral, which allows for following your convictions. In order for a generator to be
awake they have only to wait to be asked. The behavior that emerges will always be perfect.

However, here in the projected 51/25, you have to be invited to initiation. Again, the whole magic of
what individuality is all about is that you are invited to respond to life, to be yourself, to not interfere.
If you touch the heart of any individual and ask them what they really care about philosophically,
they will tell you: non-interference so they can be themselves.

This is the art of initiation; to be yourself. Anybody who is walking around living out their definition,
type and authority is being themselves. On the mystical level this channel is called the
Shaman/Priestess because they initiate others into finding themselves.

Channel 30-41 - Channel of Recognition

A design of focused energy / feelings. Awareness stream of feeling.

The Channel of Recognition 41-30 links the Root through the 41, the Gate of Decrease, to the 30,
the Gate of The Clinging Fire in the Emotional Center. The keynotes that apply here are Sharing
Abstract, Sensing and Experience.

This channel is the pressure for these keynotes coming from the root. The 41 is the pressure of
Decrease a lack, and that lack gives rise to the imagination of what could be. The emotional center
heats up that pressure, that fuel and the result is an intense need to get in motion toward some

It's a bit like those little whirlwinds we see in the desert. The hot air combines with a low pressure
area and you have this whirling vortex that races across the landscape. The center is hollow. but it's
not really empty, it fuels the energy of the hot air with its lower pressure and sets it in motion. This is
the pressure to Experience something (usually something emotional).

The 41/30 is a strong pressure being recognized by an intense feeling. This ultimately leads to the
ability to leap from lack of experience into experience running full bore. And, of course it wants to
share all of that with others. This can launch some pretty wild rides in experience and occasion
some deep reflection after the fact. It is called the Channel of Recognition. That new experience
allows them to recognise an emotion within them that they can then share.

Special note on the Root Center and the Emotional System - Spirituality

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The relationship between the root center and the emotional system represents some aspect of our

Tribal 19/49: The laws of tribal or monotheistic gods. Individuality 39/55: The language of spirituality
- songs, chants, praise, liturgy.

Collective 41/30: The universal forces that are recognized differently amongst different tribes.

Although this might not help you directly during a reading it gives some insight into the frequencies
of each Circuit.

Channel 34-10 - Channel of Exploration

A design of following one's convictions. The way of the individual.

The Channel of Exploration - 10/34, links the G Center through the 10, the Gate of Treading, to the
34, the Gate of Power in the Sacral Center. Here we have a channel that strongly empowers

The 10th gate is the gate of behavior, and the 34th, the gate of power. This is therefore the
empowerment of behavior, or the behavior of empowerment. Remember that Human Design is a
dualistic system, and these terms can always be inverted.

This is a generated channel. What this means is that as long as these people are responding, their
power is behaving correctly and their behavior is always perfect. This is what it means to follow
one's convictions.

The 10th gate is the gate of the love of self. When you follow your natural responses, you become
centered in your convictions, no matter how unusual they are. Out of this behavior, comes the love
of oneself.

People with activations in the Centering Circuit have an aura that creates a kind of vortex around
them. It is this power of Centering that can draw so much attention to themselves. Whether this
attention is positive or negative always depends upon whether they are waiting to respond.

People with this definition have a very fixed behavioral pattern, meaning they are comfortable and
solid within themselves (if they live their design). This channel is part of the Individual circuit so
10/34's have a tremendous capacity of being able to empower others to also feel comfortable and
solid within themselves. In other words, they empower others to follow their own behavior -
whatever it happens to be.

This channel beautifully expresses the core of what individuals would like in the world. Every
individual would really like to be able to live their own behavior without interference. At the same
time, of course, they would like to empower everybody else to live their own behavior without
suffering the interference of others.

The upshot of it is that these 10/34 people play a vital role by re-empowering in others their own
sense of uniqueness. The not-self of this channel would be a bit rigid about this. Something like:

"I'm going to be like this whether you like it or not. I'm just going to be like this, this is my behavior.
However, I think it would be really healthy for you if you are always like that. Yes. And if you stay
like that and I stay like this, we're not going to have a problem."

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Compromised Channels

Channel 49-19 - Channel of Synthesis

A design of sensitivity. Awareness stream of sensitivity.

The 19-49 links the Root Center through the 19, the Gate of Approach, to the 49, the Gate of
Revolution in the Emotional Center. On the emotional side we leave the realm of money and enter
the realm of belonging.

The 19-49 has the sensitivity to know who belongs to the tribe and who doesn't. The support of the
tribe is so deep that every member owes their life to every other member. There is nothing
democratic or abstract about this.

Most of human history has been lived in tribes. In the tribe it is a very simple arrangement of love,
honor and obedience that holds it all together. The basic needs of the tribe are security shelter,
food, protection for their young.

The 19 - 49 Channel is part of the stream of physical sensitivity in the Tribal Ego circuitry. It
negotiates the world through the sense of touch, bringing people together, deciding who's in, who's
out and who gets what.

It's also very sensitive to its own position, wanting to be needed (to give support) and needing to be
wanted (to be supported). When we look at the channel from this perspective and remember that it
is a projected channel we see that for the 49-19 waiting to be invited is the critical first step. Their
emotional response, over time, to being invited is critical to their happiness.

The pressure of the 19 to be connected can draw them into associations that are joyful - if they
adhere to their Type and emotional clarity. Absent an invitation or lacking emotional clarity they can
wind up in relationships that are characterized by constant rejection, of self and others.

New Defined Gates

Gate 45 - Gate of Gatherer A

The Gatherer energy is about having control of things and allowing others to use those things for a
price. Whether it is physical, emotional, or mental this energy seeks reward for allowing others to
use what is yours.

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Gate 10 - Gate of Behavior of the Self B

The Gate of the Behavior of Self carries energy about understanding behavior within the norms of
your human society. How it is expressed may take on flavors of complete acceptance of norms,
challenging norms when appropriate or complete defiance. Your expression will remain consistent
within your theme or style of expression. This is the energy of self-love. This is also the consistent
energy to love others.

Gate 39 - Gate of The Provocateur CE

The Provocateur is the energy to provoke into action. It is an energetic burst to create change from
the emotional stillness or sadness.

Gate 20 - Gate of The Now D

The Gate of the Now is the energy of contemplation and recognition of what deeds should be
brought into form.

Gate 42 - Gate of Growth F

Growth is the energy of maximizing the potential then bringing it to closure. Closure or completion of
growth is necessary to allow the next step to be taken.

Gate 26 - Gate of The Egoist OGG

The Egoist is the gate of the deal maker or the salesman. From this energy can come manipulation
and lies, or truth.

Gate 11 - Gate of Ideas HH

The Gate of Ideas is the bringing together of ideas in the formation of the story. It is sensing energy
and is not logical. It is the sorting and piecing of images to create the bigger picture or story.

Gate 58 - Gate of Aliveness II

Aliveness is the energy for the zest or joy in life. It is the insatiable desire to make it better and to
challenge the norm to find a better way.

Gate 28 - Gate of The Game Player J

The Game Player energy is the struggle for the meaning of life, the struggle to find your divine
connection. Through the struggle you become incredibly wise about the meaning of life. The
shadow side is the fear that life has no meaning.

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Gate 17 - Gate of Opinions L

In logic there is the question, the hypothesis and then opinions about that hypothesis. This energy
of the Gate of Opinions is here to offer its opinions about what will work and what will not. Opinions
are necessary to find the best and most logical solution, but they are not always welcome as they
often feel personal by nature.

Gate 18 - Gate of Correction M

Correction is logical energy to bring about a better way of doing things. This is the guy who invented
the bread slicer. This energy is trying to bring joy to life, to save time or avoid mistakes. But
correction can feel personal so express it with prudence.

Gate 36 - Gate of Crisis A

The Gate of Crisis moves for change through the pain and confusion of experience. This energy is
driven to express a change, a next step on the journey to bring light to a cloudy and darkened
scene. The cycle works in continuous fashion: crisis, reflection, and expression of change followed
by relief and then building crisis and round again you go.

Gate 40 - Gate of Aloneness B

Aloneness energy is part of the channel of community, yet this is the lonely side. This is the energy
of being separate from the group or the family.

Gate 30 - Gate of Recognition of Feelings C

Recognition of Feelings is the energy to recognize feelings that are pushing for change. Once
recognized, the emotion to change is conceptualized into action that will relieve the pain or sadness
and create real change.

Gate 19 - Gate of Wanting D

The Gate of Wanting is the energy that wants and needs community. It wants unrestricted access to
community. People with this energy may also appear to be overly sensitive or easily disturbed and

Gate 2 - Gate of Higher Knowledge E

Higher Knowledge is the energy of the driver of the self and moves your soul forward. The irony with
this energy is that while you may have little awareness of your own direction, you are a great guide
to others.

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Gate 25 - Gate of The Spirit of the Self F

The Spirit of the Self is the love of the spirit of the soul within you. This is also the love of the greater
Spirit, as in God or the Divine or whatever definition you choose.

Gate 44 - Gate of Alertness J

Alertness is the energy to look at past patterns, assess current supply and determine proper action
to take. The outcome is awareness about what needs to occur to ensure that material needs will be

Gate 21 - Gate of The Hunter/Huntress L

It is the Hunter/Huntress who controls where you live, what you want and what you eat. This energy
has the drive to create or gather material things and wealth.

Gate 48 - Gate of Depth M

With the Gate of Depth, you tend to do or analyze things in great depth. You look at the size and
scope of it all and work it in great detail. You may on occasion struggle with feelings that your work
is inadequate due to this drive to do things deeply.

Gate 6 - Gate of Friction O

The Gate of Friction is the energy of sexual reproduction and influences when to reproduce, or not.
On another level, this energy controls who is allowed in your inner circle and who is an outsider.

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Human Divination Matrix - Kumbang Kertas & Mawar Cantik

Kumbang Kertas

Kumbang Kertas

Kumbang Kertas

Kumbang Kertas

Sage Divine
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