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Department of Education

Division of Pampanga

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
SY 2021 – 2022

Name: _________________________________ Score: ____________________

Direction: Carefully read the statements below. Write your answer before each number.

1. As human persons, we are free in making choices and performing actions and are accountable to these
choices and actions. Among the statements below, what is NOT freedom?
A. An intrinsic and essential property of the person.
B. To do everything I wanted to do including things that is against my will.
C. The power to be what you want to be and the ability to decide and create yourself.
D. It is rooted in the human person’s self-determination and the exercise of intellect and free will.
2. You are standing in the hallway of the school with your friend when a classmate of yours who is carrying a
heavy load of books along the hallway when he suddenly loses his balance and dropped all the books. In this
kind of situation, what will you do?
A. I will do “Deadma Lang” moves.
B. I will ask my friend to help our classmate.
C. I will call the janitor to help pick up the books.
D. I will immediately help my classmate by pick up the books.
3. My freedom to swing my fist ends where your nose begins. What is the meaning of this saying?
A. Whenever I swing my fist, I am free to hurt anyone.
B. A human person is free to hit anyone he wanted to hit.
C. It only shows that with this freedom, I can do everything I want.
D. This statement points to the fact that even though freedom is essential, it is not absolute.
4. It refers to the person being accountable for his/her actions and their consequences.
A. Free will C. Transcendence
B. Responsibility D. Voluntaries
5. An organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
A. Barangay C. Philosophers
B. Family D. Society
6. Death is the end of bodily functions which signals the end of a person’s life. It also refers to the separation of
the body and the soul. As a teenager, what will be your attitude towards death?
A. Every human person will die.
B. My happiness is my focus. If I die, I die.
C. Be merry and dance. Tomorrow, die. There is nothing can be done.
D. Reflect and ask the question: what is the meaning of my life in the face of the uncertainty of what happens
after death.
7. If we do not reflect on our deaths, chances are, we are not living an authentic life. This view believes that
A. Death is a fact
B. Human person needs to run away from the face of death
C. Human person needs to reflect on his being-unto-death.
D. The appreciation of natural beauty brings about concern for life.
8. Read the statement:
My death is my own and my own alone. No one can die on my behalf; proxy is impossible. I cannot invite my
enemies to die for me. No one can be with me either. My death is non-relational; I must face it alone. My death,
too, cannot be stripped; I cannot escape it. No amount of prayers and elixirs can help me escape my death.
Science and healthy lifestyle may prolong my life, but there is no way I can hold it forever. Death will certainly
come though indefinite as to when.
After reading the statement, what, then, is NOT the meaning of death?
A. A final event. C. End of bodily function.
B. Cessation of life. D. Rooted in the human person’s self-determination.
9. It’s Sunday. You are walking towards the church to attend mass. You saw an old woman asking for your help
because she slipped. You ran towards her and helped her stand and guided her to sit. What kind of freedom is
your action?
A. Human freedom C. Physical freedom
B. Moral freedom D. Psychological freedom
10. According to this German philosopher, death is a possibility of not being able to be there in the world. Who is
this philosopher?
A. Bertrand Russell C. Martin Heidegger
B. Karl Marx D. Rene Descartes
11. Because of our freedom, how we choose to live our lives is entirely up to us. Against the backdrop of death, we
are now called to use our freedom in the best way possible to bring us closer to our happiness and bring
happiness to others as well. As a student of philosophy, why do you think freedom is essential to the topic of
A. Life is free. Therefore, death is free.
B. One can choose the kind of death he/she wants.
C. Freedom is a choice to every person in front of death.
D. Life is a gift to each person, and it is important to turn this life into a gift for others.
12. Which of the following statements is an example of intersubjectivity?
A. You sat in a corner because you had a problem.
B. You started talking to your dog when you are lonely.
C. You begin talking to your classmate telling him or her about a funny experience you had while riding a
D. You are with your family. Your dad is using his laptop. Mom is reading a book. You and your sister are
using your gadgets.
13. What do you call where an individual presents himself or herself in a certain way when dealing with others? It is
also considered as an unconscious, natural act on the part of humans.
A. Dialogue C. Intersubjectivity
B. Freedom D. Seeming
14. It is rooted in the human person’s self-determination and the exercise of intellect and free will. It is experienced
through the act of making choices.
A. Ethics C. Freedom
B. Finance D. Responsibility
15. In the statements below, what is NOT intersubjectivity?
A. An interaction with the self and the other.
B. A unique relationship between distinct subjects.
C. An awareness of the self because of loneliness.
D. A person allowing to become closer to others in many ways.
16. This is recognized as the simplest and earliest form of society. The human person spend most of their time
searching for food and have no permanent territory. What form of society is this?
A. Agricultural society C. hunting and gathering society
B. Horticultural society D. Pastoral society
17. This arises when a person ceases to view the other as distinct and authentic person and merely considers the
other person as a mere object or a means to satisfy personal interests.
A. Acceptance C. Diversity
B. Alienation D. Ethics of care
18. All statements below come together to define our identity not only as persons, but as members of a society
A. A society can make a man like God.
B. Society influences our development as persons in various ways.
C. Society also transforms human relations which leads to the transformation of its members.
D. The person and the society have a very dynamic relationship in which one cannot exist without the
19. What is NOT a practical use of Philosophy in our lives?
A. Philosophy will teach us to “mamilosopo” to other people.
B. Philosophy improves problem-solving and decision making.
C. Knowledge of Philosophy can contribute to self-development.
D. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions,
arguments, and problems
20. For Karl Jaspers, death, sufferings, conflicts, tragedy, sickness, failures, struggles, and guilt are situations that
lead human being to a deeper consciousness and experience of his/her limitations and finitude. Human
reflection is no longer in the peripheral level of existence but a greater horizon of human realities. This means
A. Karl Jaspers is a good thinker.
B. Human reflection created these situations.
C. The situations are not common in everyday human experiences.
D. These situations are fundamental bases in asking oneself “why is these happening to me?”
21. The famous statement “An unexamined life is not worth living” is attributed to _____.
A. Aristotle C. Plato
B. John Locke D. Socrates
22. “The human person is an embodied spirit”. What statement is false?
A. The body is separated from the spirit.
B. The body and spirit come together to form a whole.
C. Both the human body and the spirit define human nature and experience.
D. As an embodied spirit, our mind is an important tool that allows us to go beyond our physical limits.
23. It refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and
A. Free will C. Self-determination
B. Self-awareness D. Transcendence
24. He believed that water could not simply explain the hot, the cold, and the dry so he claimed that the answer
must be the boundless.
A. Anaximander C. Socrates
B. Anaximenes D. Thales
25. “An unexamined life is not worth living”. This means
A. It is good to test life occasionally.
B. One who reflects will be worthy to live life to the fullest.
C. When one knows how to reflect will be a worthy philosopher.
D. This means that anyone who reflect will have an abundant life.

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