G14 Test 3 Idiscover 2

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Mid-term Test 2

Teacher: Book: I-Discover2 Time:

Name: Class:

I. Vocabulary: 20pts
A. Fill in: display, boiling, season, map, stalls, freezing, athletic shoes,
flea, drop, traditional .
1. There is a …………………. market in the city square every Saturday.
2. The best …………………. to visit is the spring because it isn’t too hot.
3. You can buy a …………………. of the city from the souvenir shop.
4. I wear …………………. for playing tennis.
5. At the end of the festival there is a fireworks …………………. with music .
6. The weather in Canada can be …………………. cold in the winter.
7.My little sister is wearing a ……………. Mexican costume.
8. During the night, temperatures always …………………. and it gets very cold.
9.They are staying in the hotel today because it’s …………………. hot outside.
10.On Saturdays, there are a lot of fruit and vegetable …………………. in the
center of town .
II. Grammar: 15pts
B. Choose the correct item.
1. Today I ………. black pants and a green sweatshirt
A wear B ‘m wearing C be wearing
2. Can I have some more pineapple juice, please? I love ………. .
A they B it C them
3. Penny always ………. her birthday with a costume party.
A celebrating B‘s celebrating C celebrates
4. Andrew ………. to watch the parade with us today.
A isn’t come B isn’t coming C not coming
5. You ………. buy drinks and snacks in the food court.
A can B must C do
6. The shopping mall ………. at eight o’clock every day.
A is closing B close C closes
7. Good morning. What ………. I get you?

A can’t B must C can

8. Tom often ………. on holiday to South America.
A goes B is going C go
9. Sorry, he can’t talk at the moment. He ………. his lunch.
A ‘s eating B eats C eat
10. Look at my new sunglasses. Do you like ……….?
A they B it C them
11.It ………. right now. It’s sunny.
A ‘s not raining B doesn’t rain C rains
12. You ………. take photos in the museum. It’s not allowed.
A can’t B mustn’t C must
13. Look out the window! I ………. it’s starting to snow.
A ‘m thinking B think C thinking
14. We ………. a fantastic time in Thailand.
A ‘re having B have C ‘re have
15. The children ………. to go shopping for souvenirs in the market now.
A are wanting B want C wants

III. Everyday English: 15pts

C. Choose the correct response.
1. A: I lived in a small village when I was a child.
B: a. No, I didn't. b. Did you like it?
2. A: Do you like playing music?
B: a. Yes, I do. What about you? b. I miss all that.
3. A: I watched Avatar on TV last night.
B: a. No, not at all b. Did you like it?

4. A: Do you help your parents with chores?

B: a. Yes, it is! b. Yes, sometimes I do.
5. A: What type of movies do you like?
B: a. I like comedies because they are fun. b. I don't like thrillers at all.

IV. Reading: 15pts

D. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or
Family Life in Ancient China
People in ancient China thought family was very important.The ideal home
had five generations under one roof. This meant that sometimes more than 100
relatives lived together in the same house! In every home, the oldest male
ruled the family, and it was very important for the young people in the house
to respect and obey the old people. Parents arranged their children's marriages.
Many brides and grooms did not see or know each other until their wedding
day. When women got married they went to live in their husband's house with
his family. However, men stayed in the same house their entire life.

1. People in ancient China had lots of children …………………

2. The oldest person in a house was the person in charge. . ………………
3. Children never argued with their parents. ………………
4. Boys and girls didn't choose who they married ……………….
5. After they married, boys and girls still lived with their parents ………………

V. Listening: 15pts
E. Listen and circle the correct response.
1. a. I didn’t like it.

VI. Writing: 20pts

F. You are at a festival in your country. Write a postcard to your English
pen friend (60-80 words).
Incldue : where you are, what the weather is like, and what is happening there.

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