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Evaluating Multimodal Messages and/or Images of different

type of texts reflecting different culture

Pre Assessment
- I believe the picture is racist. The only child who is white is searching.
with an ugly expression at the black kid. the white child's expression toward the black
Racism is evident in the child's display of hatred for African Americans. Despite the
white the white youngster is making fun of the black child, who I believe is unconcerned
and really showing it that he is a kind-hearted individual.

1. What are your observations or generalizations on how texts and/or images are
- It affects how good the presentation was done by the presentor.

2. In what ways should media present texts/images about various culture?

The media, a key channel for the dissemination of information, is used. Since the
dawn of our species, people have used stories to inform, amuse, and possibly persuade
the whole public given their capacity for amazing things like influencing our culture.
People can discover information on others from around the world cultural exchange via

A people's manner of life is their culture. Writings and images on various

cultures should be treated with respect and be given good coverage by the media. It's
essential to positively portray the cultures of other individuals. It's awful to think poorly
of other people societal cultures. Others who don't understand the culture could lose
hope a consequence.

In conclusion, it's necessary to acknowledge how essential the media is to shape

our culture. As a result of the media's advocacy for globalization, people from many
Ethnicities and cultures can now exchange concepts and viewpoints that can advance
their lives.

John Lycos G. Villalobos BSA-2C

Guide question in media text analysis
What is the message of the text?
The major message of the book is to persuade you to feel good about what
you're doing, and to take pride in it. The video proves the parent, because Think about
what others could say about his customized jacket. He simply ponders his goal of using
that channel to speak to his son custom-made clothing
The Levis TV commercials show the father's undying love for his child
commercial. The most crucial factor is how you demonstrate your affection for your
child and that you attend to their needs, showing that you love a child with a loving a
child with a visual disability is the same as loving a child without a visual impairment.

How effectively does it represent reality?

Our parents are without a doubt the most important people in our lives. Here is
true not only because they created and brought into the world us, but also because they
because they have consistently demonstrated their love and care for us years. They
never fail to remind us of their affection through the little things. for us.

How is the message constructed?

The concept is presented through a video presentation. It shows a man entering
selecting a denim jacket at a Levi's store. He swiveled to look around and saw that
clients were having their coats modified in accordance with their desired styles. He went
to the tailor after deciding to have the jacket customized. and instructed him on the
methods he wanted the garment to be finished with beads. As he describes it, the man
seems satisfied with how the jacket turned out. at home on his son. wherever you go,
His child strokes him and says, "Papa is always with you." It turns out the beads are
braille, and his son is blind. Additionally, they tapped into a sentiment sparked by a tale
of kind holiday gift-giving.

Who or what is missing?

The mother

John Lycos G. Villalobos BSA-2C

What is the message do you perceive from the text?
I learned through watching the commercial's video that a father's love is
unshakable and that a simple yet kind gift is all that is required.
instead of an expensive one.

How might others understand it differently why?

Others might have interpreted the message differently than I did.
because everyone has a unique perspective on things, but one thing is for certain
It will undoubtedly affect them.

Who is the target audience of the text?

Consumers and shoppers are the advertisement's target demographic.
especially those who like to buy customized things.

Who created the text and why?

The man who was able to create a notion that made people cry was
whoever created this viral advertisement must truly care about families.
and those with disabilities.

What technique are used and why?

The commercial used an emotional marketing approach that certainly
viewers were affected and relocated.

How effective are the technique in supporting the message or themes of the text?
The technique used successfully bolsters the advertisement's message in
In a way, the TV advertisement turned out to have more heart—not just for the
promoting products, but also boosting special ones.

John Lycos G. Villalobos BSA-2C

What are the other ways of presenting the message?
The TV commercial hit me so deeply that I didn't know what else to say.
communicating the message through a quick but powerful video served as a reminder to
always do right, to cherish and love my parents, even in little ways.

With the proliferation of fake news and information all over social media, what do you think
is the most important key concept of media literacy be given attention by millennial like you?

Understanding communications being communicated to people is made

possible, which is vital, by media literacy. In light of the wealth of knowledge media
literacy can help in sorting through the noise to locate the most reliable sources
available today. Determine the truth and reliable sources.
responsible producers and consumers of media. In a same vein, honing our
analytical Media literacy education facilitates thinking. because it fosters creativity For
us as students, information literacy is essential for problem-solving and critical thinking.
Utilizing new literacies allows students like me to learn in a vibrant, interactive
setting with participation. We have resources and technologies at our disposal that can
foster a sense of a connection that goes much beyond the walls of our schools. As well
use a variety of tools and techniques to learn about a certain topic. It inspires. instilling
greater accountability in us as learners while equipping them to They confidently pursue
their talents and hobbies. hence, for us pupils to obtain and improve their reading
abilities in order to succeed in both their daily and academic activities lives.

Think of a cause-oriented event that will address an issue in your locality.
Prepare a multimodal advertisement for that event. You may use a ¼ cartolina then take
a picture of your work, copy and paste that in MS Word and write your explanation

John Lycos G. Villalobos BSA-2C

This event aimed to help through a fun run that basically helps the organization
of childrens financially speaking . In addition it brings joy and enlightment to the
attenders due to physical excercis the event will make.

John Lycos G. Villalobos BSA-2C

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