Theology 11 5-6

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Theology 11

“Salvation History”
Module 5 & 6
Mr. Paolo Angelo C. Guibani
Jericho Damo

Prepare an 8-15 sentences of Reflection paper about God’s

 God, we see, is a God who makes, keeps, and fulfills covenants.
We can understand the expansion of God’s kingdom by looking
at these covenant connections, which serve as the foundation for
God’s promise to redeem his people. From Genesis to
Revelation, this book guides us through six covenants, allowing
us to grasp the overall story of Scripture and see salvation God
has prepared for us since the beginning of time, strengthening
our faith and giving us hope for the future. Covenants have been
used by God throughput the Bible to relate to his people. We can
understand the expansion of God’s kingdom by looking at these
covenant connections, which serve as the foundation for God’s
promise to redeem his people. Why do I believe it is critical to
comprehend covenant? It’s because the covenants serve as the
skeleton on which the rest of the Bible is built. The goal of
God’s covenant is for people to develop a relationship with him.
God’s covenant establishes a relationship between himself and
his people. It essentially states that we are not alone. We are
surrounded by the creator by the creator. He gives us the choice
of following him in loving the entire world or being selfish.
Sometimes have to sit in the gutter for a while before we decide
to get up, look around at what others are going through, and
realize we can help. We discover our own gifts by assisting
others. I have the ability to make a difference. The simple key is
the covenant’s words; I will be your God, and you will be my
people. We are inextricably linked.
Explain in simple words, what is “The Patriarchs”? (Make
at least 6-9 sentences)
 The word “ PATRIARCH” comes from the Greek word
“PATRIARKHS” which means “father or chief.” Patriarch is
defined by the words “patria” which means lineage and arkh,
which means domination, authority, and sovereignty. Patriarch
is a system or philosophy that grants men the title of “Head of
authority over women.” As a result, patriarch promotes male
dominance as natural and moral. It empowers men to dominate
while obliging women to serve and procreate. “By nature, the
male is superior to the female, the male is the ruler and the
female is the subject”. Patriarch is connected with collection of
views, a partriarchal ideology, that aims to explain and justify
male domination by blaming it on innate male-female
differences. Whether patriarch is a social product or the result of
the fundamental gender distinctions is a point of contention
among sociologists. Patriarch is a social system in which men
dominate responsibilities such as political leadership, moral
authority, social privilege, and property control.


Identify and describe at least two (2) of the “The Patriarchs”

(What did you learn about them?) and connect it into your life.
(10-15 sentences only)
 The two of the “The Patriarchs” that I choose to identify and
describe and connect it into my life are Abraham and his son
 Abraham was from Chaldea, an ancient civilization in modern-
day Iraq, according to the bible, and the god spoke to him one
day and urged him to leave his homeland and wander in the
wilderness. He became quite wealthy somewhere along the road.
Along the way, he had many experiences, but god eventually
came to him and informed him that he would make his
descendants into a great nation and that they would have a
special relationship with him
 Isaac is the prodigal son. He also has a son named Jacob’s name
was changed to Israel, and his 12 son’s names became the names
of the 12 tribes of Israel that still exist today.
 When everyone you know identities your name or picture with
kindness, goodness, warmth, and love, you’ve lived a good life.
Consider how valuable the time you have with your family or
loved ones is, and how each minute should be cherished.

Prepare a diagram by explaining “God’s Covenant” and “The

Patriarchs” in simple terms.







Make a short essay (7 – 12 sentences only) by answering the

questions below:
As you learn about the lesson about God’s covenant, how
can you prove that the Covenant still exists?
 Theirs is no need for anyone to provide you with any additional
proofs. Take one of the proofs, i.e., any living around you, and
find out how it is designed and made, and you will be left with
the only conclusion that only god has the supreme intelligence to
design it, and only god has the supreme power to bring it( yes,
this work is entirely yours and yours alone). You have the God-
given free will to refuse God and jesus, perish, and not have
eternal life, which is fortunate for some people. Everyone comes
out on top.
How can you show your love to God, as faithful like the
 Show love and kindness to everyone, including those who aren’t
always nice to you. Take time to praise God for everything he
has done for you and have a grateful heart. Then approach God
with a humble heart. Let him know you recognize him as the
one who is in charge of giving and maintaining your life. Talk to

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