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Add some ideas under each pou of the Sir Mason Durie’s

Te Whare Tapa Wha model below, which enhance your hauora.

To me my mental and emo onal health is cul vated by mee ng goals, being true to myself, and nding
acceptance for myself. I see my therapist every few weeks and that helps a lot. I constantly examine my
feelings and make steps towards improvement, even if they’re really slow. It is me nding a way to push
through when things get hard. I have been betrayed in the past and I trust far too easily, so I have been
nding ways to protect myself.



My physical health is deeply ed to my sense of dysphoria, I really struggle with this, I try my best to
stay healthy but to be honest I don’t always do that great of a job due to the aliena on I feel from my


My close blood family are incredibly important to me, I would set my life aside for them. My found
family are also incredibly important to me, we meet up almost every weekend and hang out together,
they’re my rock. I can know that no ma er what they’ll be with me.

A large part of my spiritual health is oddly wrapped up in communist theory. I truly believe that we can
make the world a be er place and strive towards that, my religious views are in ux. I go between
atheist, agnos c, and pagan as I try to nd where I sit. But for the most part, the lens through which I
focus my soul has been science based, people based, theory.


Descended from tainui, as much as I complain about it’s swampyness Waikato is my place. I’ve been
here my whole life, and although I’ve travelled my world isn’t the road.

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