Hotelogix - Frontdesk and Housekeeping Module - HSP - Assignment On Frontdesk (MCQ) 1

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 Frontdesk and Housekeeping module (https://training.hlxpms.


You completed this test on 15/05/2022, 14:15
Your score is 80.00%


AF17.2. A maximum of how many cots is allowed per unit.

a. 1

b. 3

c. 5

 d. Depending on property policy


AF8.2. Counters can be created as per.

a. Shift

b. Employee name

c. Department

 d. All the above


AF9.3. A reservation can be moved to a different unit type.

 a. True

b. False

AF3.3. Special instructions received from AA in the booking will also show up under which tab?

 a. Preference option on the view details screen.

b. Notes option on the view details screen.

c. Message option on the view details screen.


AF1.3 Notes & preferences can be seen under which report.

 a. Check-in list under Room Operations

b. Check-out list under Room Operations

c. Reservation list under Room Operations

d. All the above


AF4.3. A check-in card can be printed using which of the following options?

a. Checkout list under Room Operations

 b. Guest list under Room Operations

c. Check-in list under Room Operations


AF14.1. What steps will you follow to do an early check-out?

a. Right-click > early check-out

 b. Right-click > view details > enable editing > click on the reservation/unit>early check-out

c. Right-click > view details > early check-out


AF7.2. Hotelogix can record a message for primary guest only.

a. True

 b. False


AF20.3. After performing the check-in for a guest, you want to print the Reservation Check-in card. But the
check-in card does not open. What will you do?

a. Cancel check-in

b. Check if pop ups are blocked

 c. Room operations > check in list > print

d. Contact AA


AF5.2. What is the current tab used for on the reservation screen?

a. Navigate through the system

b. To view the calendar date

 c. To view the current night audit date


AF13.2. Which option will you use to search for a guest profile in the entire system database?

a. Search on the front desk screen.

b. Search all the front desk screen

 c. Guest look up under Room Operation


AF12.2. Which of the following reports under room operations will give you baby cot count/ information?

a. Check Out List

b. Check In List
 c. Both


AF2.2. Hotelogix lets you add how many IDs in a guest profile?

a. 3

b. 5

 c. As per property requirement


AF15.3. Can we manage group units/reservations with different check-in & check-out dates in Hotelogix?

 a. Yes

b. No


AF11.3. ‘i’ icon inside the reservation shows the selected features on which the unit is assigned

 a. True

b. False


AF6.1. Property layout cannot be seen in Hotelogix?

a. True

 b. False


AF19.3. A cancelled reservation cannot be reinstated.

a. True

 b. False

AF18.1. Property details can be accessed by clicking on which of the following options.

a. Click on the Unit Type on the tape chart

b. Click on the Unit on the tape chart

 c. Click on the Property Logo on the tape chart


AF10.2. Guest nationality cannot be recorded in the system.

a. True

 b. False


AF16.3. Which method will you use to upgrade a guest to a higher category?

a. Contact AA

 b. Right click the reservation > move special to different unit category >Move

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