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Date: September 14, 2022

Group Number : 9
Group Members : Falsis, Hannah Ishbel
Ganuhay, Charmy
Magallanes, Rhyanne
Nacionales, Lexi Evonne
Parcon, Jazmine Angela

Module Number and Title : Module 2 pH and Buffer Solutions

Results and Discussion

Part A laboratory simulator

record all the solutions used in the lab simulator/video

Solution pH Discussion

Chicken soup has a pH level between 6-7 which means that this solution is acidic.
When mixed with 5 drops of water, the solution becomes diluted, changing its
5.80 chemical and physical properties, as well as making it less acidic. As observed in
the simulation, as the solution dulutes, the pH level increases, along with OH-
which is indirectly proportional to the decreasing number of H3O+.

With a volume of 0.50L, Battery Acid has a pH level of 1.00 pH. Adding 5 drops of
water to the solution brought its pH level to 1.18 which is still acidic. Sulfuric acid
Battery Acid 1.00 hydrates itself in a very exothermic process. Concentrated sulfuric acid can boil
and spit violently if water is added to it. That is why it is usually preferable to add
acid to water rather than water to acid.

Hand Soap is a basic solution. It has a pH level of 10 pH generally. Adding drops

of water to this solution made changes in the levels of its H3O+ and OH-. With
Hand Soap 10.00
increasing, H3O+ and decreasing OH-. As I add 5 drops of water, our hand soap's
color lightens and its pH level falls to 9.82.
The Orange juice which has a volume of 0.50L in the container and a pH of 3.50
which is considered acidic. As I add 5 drops of water to its volume, its pH level falls
to 3.68pH. To add, we observed that its acidity decreases a little bit and its color
Orange Juice 3.50 lightens. Citric acid can be found in citrus fruits like oranges. When this juice is
mixed with pure water, the acid will dissociate and release H+ ions, lowering the
pH from 7 as the acidity rises. Water can assist in reducing the acidity of orange

Blood has a pH level of 7.40 which is slightly close to neutrality. When 5 drops of
water were added, physical changes were seen as its color lightened. Together
Blood 7.40
with it was its pH level which fell to 7.30 pH lowering its OH- levels and increasing
it H3O+ level. Since blood is naturally slightly basic, adding water lowers the pH.

Vomit had a volume of 0.50L in the container and an acidic pH value of 2.00,
according to the pH meter I used to measure it. The pH level rises to 2.10 when I
Vomit 2.00
add 5 drops of water into the vomit, trying to dilute the acid. After how acid
operate, it's still quite low

The milk has a pH of 6.50 and 0.50L volume on the container making it a positively
acidic condition. 5 drops of water was added to the milk, after dropping the water
Milk 6.50
the solution pH increased to 6.54 ,which is closer to neutral or leaning towards

we utilized a drain cleaning solution, which according to the pH meter I used to

Drain cleaner 13.00 measure It has a volume of 0.50L and a pH of 13 (Basic). As I added 10 drops of
water, approximately 0.87L ,the Drain Cleaner’s color faded and its pH fell to 12.76

The pH of the solution is 2.50 when we added 0.50 liters of water, which was
deemed acidic. After that, we added 5 drops of water, resulting in 0.77 liters of
solution. The solution's acidity reached 2.69.
Soda pop 2.50
Due to the powerful acids in sodas, the solution's acidity did not decrease. Never
add water to acid; always the opposite. A concentrated solution is created when
you mix a little amount of water with a large amount of concentrated acid.

The Spit solution we used had a 0.50L bottle capacity. It has a measured pH of
Spit 7.40 7.40, which is slightly basic, as determined by the pH meter I used to measure it.
The pH of the spit decreases at 7.30 while we add water up to 5 drops.
The coffee solution that we have used has a pH level of 5.00 and a volume of
0.50L making it an acidic solution in nature. After adding 7 drops of water, making
Coffee 5.00 the solution have a 0.87L of total volume, the pH level of the coffee solution and
water increased to 5.24 making it less acidic. This is due to the fact that adding
some water to coffee will reduce the number of hydrogen ions that are present.

The usual pH range for groundwater systems is 6 to 8.5 and 6.5 to 8.5 for surface
water systems. Observing through the Laboratory simulation, water alone does not
Water 7.00
have an acidic or basic qualities. By adding the water to the solution, it simply
increases the volume and nothing more.

*Attach screenshot/photo of the simulation

Part A Video Experiment
Determination of pH of various solutions using pH paper
Materials: (1) Test tubes, (2) Test tube stand, (3) Dropper, (4) White glazed tile (5) pH paper (6)
Distilled water (7) Solutions of the given
1. Prepare 6 test tubes, it should be dry and clean.
2. Label the 6 test tubes using letters A-F and use the test tube stand to place it properly.
3. Take 10 mL of each given solution and put it in the test tubes.
4. Place a piece of pH paper (about 2 cm) on a white glazed tile.
5. Use a dropper to transfer 1 to 2 drops of each given solution into the pH paper.
6. Compare the color produced and take note of the pH.
7. Repeat the same procedure using the remaining solutions.
Solution Color of the litmus Approximate pH Inference
paper produced

Dilute (HCl) Red 1 Acidic

Dilute solution of NaOh Purple 14 Basic

Dilute solution of acidic Yellow 6 Acidic

(ethanoic acid)

Lemon Juice Orange 2 Acidic

Water Green 7 Neutral

Dilute solution of sodium Blue 9 Basic


Determination of pH of various solutions using pH paper

Materials: (1) Test tubes, (2) Test tube stand, (3) Dropper, (4) White glazed tile (5) Universal
indicator solution (6) Distilled water (7) Solutions of the given
1. Prepare 6 test tubes, it should be dry and clean.
2. Label the 6 test tubes using letters A-F and use the test tube stand to place it
3. Take 10 mL of each given solution and put it in the test tubes.
4. Use a dropper to add two drops of British Drug House (BDH) universal indicator to
each test tube.
5. Compare the color produced to the 15 color shades given in the universal
indicator bottle and take note of the pH.
6. Repeat the same procedure using the remaining solutions.

Solution Color produced Approximate pH Inference

Dilute (HCl) Red 1 Acidic

Dilute solution of NaOh Purple 14 Basic

Dilute solution of acidic Yellow 6 Acidic

(ethanoic acid)

Lemon Juice Orange 2 Acidic

Water Green 7 Neutral

Dilute solution of sodium Blue 9 Basic

Part B
Solution Observation Discussion

When a few drops of HCl solution are

The change of color in the litmus solution
HCl in blue litmus added to the blue litmus solution, the
indicates that HCl is an acidic solution having
solution color of the litmus solution changes from
a pH value below 7.
blue to red.

Adding a few drops of NaOH solution to

NaOH in red litmus the red litmus solution results in a The change of color signifies that NaOH is an
solution change of color of the litmus solution alkali having a pH value of more than 7.
from red to blue.

Transfer a small amount of zinc metal

from the dish to the test tube using A piece of zinc metal immersed in a
spatula. Next, add a few drops of HCl hydrochloric acid solution interacts quickly
solution using a dropper to the test tube with the acid to produce hydrogen gas when
holding zinc metals. Place the whole the test tube is positioned downward and
HCl + Zn metal thing on the stand, cover it with a cork, heated over a bunsen burner. zinc metal
and insert the jet tube. Heat it over the displaces hydrogen to create hydrogen gas in
bunsen burner. Put a lit matchstick close a single displacement process. Exothermic
to the jet tube’s mouth. With a little reactions like Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) + ZNCl2(aq) +
explosion and a faint sound, you can H2 generate a lot of heat(g).
watch the fire explode before lying down.

using a spatula, take some zinc metal

The hydrogen gas was used in the heating
from the dish and place it in a test tube.
process when the zinc metal and NaOH were
Then, using a dropper, add a few drops
heated. Let's say our metal is zinc and our
of the NaOH solution into the test tube
strong acid is HCl. Zn + 2HCl H2 and ZnCl2
containing the zinc metals. Insert the jet
tube into the hole of the cork and heat it
NaOH + Zn metal over the bunsen burner after setting it on
Now that the match is blazing, the combustible
H2 burns with oxygen from the air, which
stand. Putting the lit matchstick close to
results in the reaction 2H2 + O2 ——> 2H2O
the jet tube’s mouth will start the fire. We
+ energy. The "squeaky pop test" is a
can observe how the fire explodes
standard method for determining whether
before dying down with a gentle
hydrogen gas is present.
explosion and a faint sound

When the bottle containing hcl solution is Sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid react
poured on the flat bottom flask with solid to produce carbon dioxide gas and turn lime
sodium carbonate and some distilled water milky. Therefore, the reaction of
HCl + Na2CO3
water. Gasses evolved which are passed Na2CO3(aq) +, HCl(aq) is an acid-base
through the lime water using the delivery reaction. More carbonate is converted to
tube. The lime water in the beaker carbon dioxide gas as a result of the CO2(g)
turned milky. The gas of CO2 which leaving the solution and shifting the
turns the lime water milky. equilibrium to the right.

The NaOH solution is added to the test

tube containing sodium carbonate using Both Na2CO3 and NaOH are alkalis so they
a dropper. A few drops of do not react but only form an alkaline solution.
NaOH + Na2CO3
phenolphthalein are also added to the Phenolphthalein produces pink in alkaline
test tube after shaking it. As a result, The medium.
solution's color changed to pink.
Part C

pH before pH after
Solution addition of addition of Discussion
0.1M NaOH 0.1M NaOH

Methyl Red was added to a test beaker

containing a 250 mL buffer solution of Acetic
Acid and Sodium Acetate as a chemical
change indicator. To provide a strong basicity in
the reactive agent, a sodium hydroxide solution
The pH The pH after
3.40 g NaC is made. The buffer solution was initially mixed
before the adding 0.1 M
𝐻3𝐶𝑂𝑂•3𝐻2𝑂 in The with 10 drops, or roughly half a milliliter, of the
addition of NaOH is 4.73,
difference NaOH solution. The reaction is then furthered
250 mL 0.1 M 0.1 M NaOH it indicates
of the pH is by combining the solutions. Since buffer
Acetic Acid is 4.70 which that the
0.03. solutions have the capacity to neutralize pH
(buffer solution) is considered solution is still
state changes, nothing happens as a result.
as acidic. acidic.
Weak bases with their conjugate acid, or weak
acids with their conjugate base, make up buffer
solutions. Acetic Acid in this situation
neutralized the basic NaOH, maintaining the
pH level because of its high buffer capacity.

A 250 mL solution of 4.7 pH hydrochloric acid

was made in a beaker. Then, stir the solution a
bit after adding the Methyl Red indicator to give
The pH it color. The pH of the hydrochloric acid must
The pH after
−5 before the The rise as a result of the addition of 10 drops of
1. 7 𝑥 10 𝑀 HCl the addition of
addition of difference sodium oxide, a strong base. The color of the
250 mL (acid 0.1 M NaOH
0.1 M NaOH of the two hydrochloric acid changes after adding the
solution) is 9.89 which
is 4.70 which pH is 5.19 Sodium Hydroxide and stirring the mixture, and
is basic.
is acidic. the pH of the hydrochloric acid solution rises to
9.89 pH. Hence, the acid solution did not
resist the change of pH due to the added
strong base.
Conclusion: (relate to the Learning Outcomes)

The acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution can be determined by looking at its pH,
which is determined by how many hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxyl ions (OH-) are present in the
solution relative to one another. While alkaline solutions have a larger relative amount of OH-
ions, acidic solutions have a higher relative amount of hydrogen ions. The pH has the power to
influence chemical behavior, microbial activity, biological processes, and nutrient availability. In
light of this, it's crucial for a range of applications to monitor or adjust the pH of the soil, water,
and food and beverage items. pH measurement is used in a variety of applications, including
agriculture, wastewater treatment, industrial processes, environmental monitoring, and research
and development. pH measurements are also used to evaluate product quality or to monitor
chemical processes. Additionally, there are two ways to measure pH: colorimetric method using
indicator fluids or papers, or electrochemical, which is more accurate, using electrodes and a
millivoltmeter (pH meter). It is measured on a negative logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. Acidic
solutions have a pH value lower than 7, with 0 being the most acidic. Above pH 7, basic
solutions can be found, with pH 14 being the most basic. Having a pH of 7 is regarded as

Moreover, a buffer is a substance that can withstand the addition of acidic or basic
substances without changing its pH. It can keep the pH of the solution largely constant by
neutralizing modest amounts of added acid or base. This is crucial for procedures and/or
reactions that call for narrow pH ranges that are stable. A buffer solution's operating pH range
and capacity determine how much acid or base can be neutralized before pH changes and how
much pH will change as a result. Buffers maintain a moderate pH by neutralizing any added acid
(H+ ions) or base (OH- ions), making them a weaker acid or base. For example, if a strong base
is added to a buffer, the weak acid will give up its H+ to allow the base (OH-) to be converted
into water (H2O) and the conjugate base. If a strong acid is added to a buffer, the weak base will
react with the strong acid's H+ to form the weak acid.

1) Discuss how the following buffer systems work in the human body:
a) Carbonate buffer system - This is the most important buffer in relation to plasma. It
contains 65% buffering capacity in plasma and 40% in the whole body. The base part of this
buffer is usually regulated by the kidney. On the other hand, the acid component is regulated by
the respiratory system. As we all know, respiratory system is usually responsible for controlling
the plasma concentration (pH) by using or adjusting C𝑂2.
Specific example:
The base component of this buffer system is bicarbonate and the acid is the carbonic acid or
carbon dioxide. This is an extracellular buffer. For better explanation, here’s an equation and
explanation about this buffer system.
This equation can be reversed.

If there’s more Hydrogen ions (𝐻 ) added, the reaction will shift towards the left. This will result
for more Carbon dioxide (C𝑂2) to be released and will eventually be eliminated by the lungs.
The lowering of C𝑂2 will lessen the 𝐻 , and because of this the pH will be back to its normal
If a base is added it will bind into the 𝐻 resulting to more carbonic acids used, and it will
increase the consumption of C𝑂2. The lowering of the C𝑂2 will inhibit the respiratory centers
which increases the C𝑂2; this will result to increasing the 𝐻 causing the pH to be normal.

b) Phosphate buffer system - Because they aid in preserving a steady pH level in a particular
environment, phosphate buffers are frequently utilized. The dihydrogen phosphate ion is the one
responsible for neutralizing the enter of more hydroxide ions in the cellular fluid.

These are minor buffers that can be inorganic or organic. Inorganic buffers are also extracellular
buffers but they are more a urinary buffer.

Specific example:
The kidney is responsible for secreting hydrogen ions, but the urine itself has a limiting pH.
There’s a specific limit on how much pH can be secreted. If there’s more 𝐻 secreted compared
to bicarbonate in the tubular lumen from the glomerular filtrate, 𝐻 will be sneaked out by
phosphate buffers as titratable acids. On the other hand, organic phosphates are more
intracellular buffers like ATP and ADP.

c) Proteins -The vast majority of proteins can be viewed as buffers. Protein-building amino
acids include positively charged amino groups and negatively charged carboxyl ions; this
combination will operate as a buffer because it can bind hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. This is
responsible for maintaining the internal and external acidity of the cells. The most important
component of this buffer is the hemoglobin. This is an intracellular buffer.

Specific example:
Going back to the equation earlier, here’s another explanation:

As you can see, the combination of C𝑂2 and 𝐻2𝑂 formed Carbonic acid which will separate in
Hydrogen ion and Bicarbonate ion. As shown in the diagram above, the Bicarbonate ion will be
− +
exchanged into Chloride ion. Considering the exchange of 𝐶𝑙 and 𝐻𝐶𝑂 − if the 𝐻 stays the
same this will result in an acidic environment. This is why the 𝐻 will bind to the hemoglobin and
the hemoglobin will be the one responsible for buffering it. It will be then transported in the lung
and identify whether the reaction reverses and the carbon dioxide will be released.
2) A sodium hydroxide solution has a pH of 11.40, what is the [OH –] in this solution?
Show your solution

3). An HCl solution has a pH of 3.10, what is the [H 3O+] in this solution? Show your

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