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Domalandan, Center Lingayen, Pangasinan


GRADE 8 LEARNER’S MODULE – 1st Quarter, Weeks 1- 2


II. Learning objectives:

1. Definition of Prophets
2. List of prophets in the Old Testament
3. What are the various figures of the Jesus as prophesized by the prophets
of old?

III. Time allotment

Activities Time Allotment

Review/introduction /motivation 5 minutes
Instruction /delivery 20mintues
Practice 15mintues
Enrichment 15 minutes
Evaluation 5 minutes

IV. Review/Lesson Preview:

Prophets were Called by God and filled with God’s Spirit, a prophet spoke God’s word
to people who had in one way or another distanced themselves from God. In one
sense, a prophet is a preacher. The Old Testament prophets spoke to Israel in times
of historical and moral crisis. They saw themselves as being part of a story that God
was weaving throughout history—a story of repentance, encouragement, and a
coming Messiah. In this updated introductory book, each major and minor prophet and
his writing is clustered with the major historical events of his time.
V. A. Definition:
Definition of a Prophet?
Prophets were called by God to speak His words to the people. Or someone
gives declaration of God, they don’t exist for self-glory but for the glory of God.

B. List of prophets in the Old Testament

Major Prophets – 1. Isaiah 2. Jeremiah 3. Lamentations 4. Baruch 5. Ezekiel

6. Daniel

Minor Prophets - Hosea 2 Joel 3 Amos 4 Obadiah 5 Jonah 6 Micah7 Nahum 8

Habakkuk 9.Zephaniah 10 Haggai11 Zachariah 12 Malachi

C. What are the various figures of the Jesus as prophesized by the prophets
of old?


Prince of

Priest King of
1|Page Son of man
VI. Developmental Activity:

Have you ever experienced being in a difficult and seemingly hopeless situations in
life, then discovered in the end God’s presence through those people who care so
much? Narrate your experience.

Guided practice: the Prophets had played a great role in bringing God’s message to
the chosen people so let us know how much we have learned about them by writing
the right answer.

What are the various figures of the Jesus as prophesized by the prophets of



Independent Practice:

Prophetism the purpose was to call the chosen people to coastally align
themselves with the will of Yahweh.
Prophet 2.they were young men chosen by god to bring His message to the
The Old Testament contains the fulfilment of the prophesies of the Old Testament.

New testament contains God’s promise about a saviour and was foretold by the
prophets of the olden times.
Messiah 5.he is going to usher the great day of salvation.
Immanuel 6. It means “God with us”
Matthew 7.he served the roman government as tax collector.
Bethlehem is the place where the saviour was born.
New Moses 9.the image of Jesus as presented by Matthew to the reader.
Isaiah 10.he said that the messiah would be born from a virgin.

VII. Enrichment Activity: Everyone is called to be a Prophet who is called by God so

whom do you consider to be a prophet. s


Explore activity:
Do you consider Pope Francis is a Prophet? If you say ‘yes’ write
your view points. If you say ‘No’ also you will write your opinion in
a given space

Activity #2 God calls his people to be a prophet.

Direction: The world needs prophets to help everyone be on the right path and to
know the truth of their faith.
On the picture of the person below put a check ( ) inside the circle whom you think
consider as a prophet.

1. Why did you choose that picture?

2. Can the remaining two be considered as prophets, too why?

3. Can you be a prophet as well? Why? How?

Consider the following 3C’s in assessing your essay.

Content –10 pts.

Coherence –5 pts.
Clarity of Ideas – 5 pts.
Total -20 pts.

Direction: Compare the Old Testament and discover how Jesus fulfils the
Fill in the blacks with the correct answer.

1. Messiah would be born in ____________

2. Messiah would be born of ______________
3. Messiah would bring _______________ to Galilee.
4. Messiah would be called_____________
5. Messiah would Rise from the ____________
6. _______________is the greatest and the last prophet.
7. Messiah would be seated at the right hand of ________________
8. Messiah would ascend to ______________
9. __________________ brought salvation to all.
10. ________________ created us in his own image and likeness.

Other activities:
1. Write in your note book three things that you learned from this lesson.
a) _______________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________

Activity #3

See the page number 16 and answer the activity

1. Why is it important for us to know that Matthew was a tax collector?

2. How did Matthew present Jesus in his writings?

3. Why is the Old Testament necessary in understanding Matthew’s Gospel?


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