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Golden rules

 Provide menus from the right

 Take order from the right
 Remove menus from the right
 Serve Guests from the right
 Remove items from the right
 Serve dressings, sauces and condiments from the left
 Ladies first and serve clockwise
 Prior to delivery of each item verify that it is the correct order
 Checking the guests satisfaction by saying “How’s your food, is it the way your liking
Sir/Madam? “
 Fish fork and knife with fish entrées
 steak knives and forks (with steaks, lamb, and veal chop)
 Dinner Forks and Dinner spoons for pasta
 Desserts with spoon ( ice cream/ puddings, flan, jell-o ), fork and a knife ( cheese and fruit
plate) fork and spoon ( pie and cake and any soft layered desserts )

1. Welcoming and greeting the guests

 Both Waiter and Assistant waiter greet with warm welcome “ Smile & Welcome “
 Approach guests by stepping forward,Use guest name ( if you know )
 You may say “ good afternoon/evening madam/sir, welcome to……, how may I
assist you ?
 Show proper body language ,Eye contact
 Check if there is any reservation,If yes check the guests name or room number and escort to
 You may say : do you have any reservation ?
 If NO ask for preferable table
 You may say : would you like (a) table(s) by the window ?

2. Checking Reservation
at the reservation table :
 ask the reservation name. you may say :
 may I know your reservation name please madam/sir ?
 after checking into the system and you have found the reservation. You acknowledge the
guest. You may say :
 mr/mrs…….. I have checked the reservation list and you have reserved a table for 4 people at
07.30 pm. Our waiter/ss will escort you the your table.
 Ask one of your waiter/ss to escort the guest

3. Escorting the guests

 Ask the guests to follow you
 You may say : would you like to follow me please ?
 Adjust your speed so guests are not left behind

4. Pulling the chairs

 You may say :
 Madam/sir….would you like to have a seat please ?
 Pull out the chair and assist Guest to sit by pushing the chair closer to the table (Ladies First)
5. Unfolding the guest napkin
 Take the napkin and using both hands fold the napkin into TRIANGLE behind your guest and
place onto your Guest’s lap
 When placing the napkin you may say:
“Your napkin, please excuse my reach”
 Leave the table and say “Ill be right back with your menu, please”
6. Introduction
 The proper introduction is:
Good afternoon/evening Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the ………………Dining Room,
please allow me to introduce my self, My name is … and I will be your waiter at this table and he/she
is ……… the Assistant waiter, and he/she is our wine waiter/ess.Today Our chef suggestion is
Chicken grill…it is ( explanation of the chicken grill ) and if you have any special dietary needed or
allergic please do not be hesitate to let me know.. ladies and gentlemen please take your time and
I’ll be right back with you in the moment

7.removing extra set-up

This means that you have to remove extra set up from the table
Example : you have only 3 guests for table of 4, means you have to remove 1 extra set up from the
Using underlined round tray, you may say :
Excuse madam/sir, may I remove this extra set up, please ?

8. taking beverage order ( beverage menu is already on the table )

you may start with :
excuse me madam/sir , may I take your beverage order please ?
excuse me madam/sir, may I offer you some beverages please ?

9.serving beverages
You may say :
Excuse madam/sir, this is your pinacolada please
Excuse me madam/sir, here is your margarita please
Please remember to wish the guest to enjoy their drinks
You may say :
Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy your drinks

10. Presenting the menu

 Menus are presented from the Guest’s right side Use right hand and in open position
 You may say : excuse me, your menu please
 Parents are asked whether to present their children with a children’s menu or regular menu

11. offering iced water

 Start with ladies first and from the right side of the guest
 You may say : madam , would you like some ice water please ?

12. Offering bread and butter

 bread and butter are served “French Style” from the left side of the guest using round tray
underlined with folded napkin ( butter may be already on the table so you don’t have to
serve the butter )
 you may use service spoon and fork to serve bread
 you may say : excuse me mam/sir, would you like some bread please ?
 Bread basket and butter bowl will be placed on the table after serving if still have extra ones
otherwise don’t place them on the table

13. Taking Food Order

 Take the order from the right side of the guest start with Ladies first and repeat the guest
 You may say : excuse me madam/sir , may I take your order please ?
 Excuse me madam/sir , have you decided to order please ?
 Guide the guests by suggest the food and Beverage to avoid slow order
 Say thank you after the orders have been taken
 To repeat :
 Excuse mam/sir, may I repeat your order please ? you ordered ……………as the appetizer,
…………….as the soup …repeat it until main course
 Take the menu right away after you finished taking the order
 Enter accurate order to the system for ordering and billing (include additional side dish )
 Captain order is distributed : white goes to kitchen, yellow goes to cashier, red goes to
 Sometimes, guests wish to order wine after they order food to have a good wine and food
pairing. In this case you may have to present the wine list after finish taking the food order
and take the wine order from the guest.

14. Picking up the food

 Make sure you pick up the correct food only ( clean and presentable ) and from the correct
 Make sure the food is complete as shown and presented on the menu

15. Serving the food

 the appetizer
 served from right side, when serving mention the name of dish
 you may say : excuse me,madam/sir, your Shrimp Tempura, please”
 after finish serving all the appetizers, wish the guests to enjoy their appetizers by
 “ ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy your appetizers ( standing next to the table and
with a smile )
 Offer fresh cracked pepper from the left side of the guest
 Clear the dishes from the table by saying :
 Excuse me mam/sir , have you finished please? ( if you are not certain either the
guests have finished or not )
 Excuse me mam/sir, may I take your plate please ? ( if you are certain that the guests
have already finished with their meal )
 The soup
 Soup bowl , Soup saucer and paper doily on Dessert plate are used to serve soup
 Place the soup in front of the guest and make sure the soup bowl is presented in
correct position ( both soup bowls handles are left right straight )
 place the soup spoon on the saucer ( right side ) and do not forget to mention the
name of the soup
 You may say : excuse mam/sir , your mushroom soup please !
 Offer fresh cracked pepper from the left side of the guest
 When you Clear up the soup please remember to put the soup spoon inside the
soup bowl to avoid sliding
 To clear up soup bowl, please use serving technique
 Salad
 Serve the salad from the right side of the guest and do not forget to serve the
 Salad dressing may be served using sauce boat from left side of the guest
 Prepare a sauce boat, b&b plate, soup spoon and a paper doily
 Verify the amount of the dressing
 You may say : would you like some salad ( Italian, blue cheese etc ) dressing please ?
 Offer fresh cracked pepper from the left side of the guest
 Wish the guests to enjoy their salad
 You may say : ladies and gentlemen please enjoy your salad !
 Clear up salad from right side of the guests

 Main course
Adjusting cutlery ( using round tray underlined with napkin )
 Before you pick up the food , you have to make sure only proper silverware are on
the table.
 Adjust the cutlery according to the guest’s order
 Adjusting cutleries using round tray underlined with napkin
 Steak knife & fork for beef, lamb and pork
 Fish knife and fork for fish
 Dinner spoon and fork for noodles, spaghetti, fettucine and tagliatelle ( sometimes
you need to provide dinner knife if meat are present on spaghetti dish )
 Do not forget to set up fork on the right side and spoon on the left side ( noodles
dishes )
 Dinner knife and dinner fork for chicken and duck dishes
 You may say : excuse me madam/sir, may I adjust your cutleries please ?
 All the extra cutlery that you have taken from the table go to dirty silver rack

 Make sure the main courses you pick up are correct, complete and presentable ( this
means all the accompaniments, sidings are present just like on the menu )
 Cover the main courses using food cover and walk carefully
 Slowly land the tray on clean side of your station
 Serve the main course from right side and make sure the logo is on top
 The plate is put 2 cm from the table’s rim and not hanging over the Guest lap
 Wish the guests to enjoy their meal
 You may say : ladies and gentlemen please enjoy your meal “ or you may add “ bon
appetite “ to enhance the exotic atmosphere of their dining experience
 Bon appetite ( in french ) means “ please enjoy your meal “
 Offer fresh cracked pepper from the left side of the guest
 When serving cracked pepper, only put the pepper on the meat, poultry and fish. No
pepper to be added to vegetables and starches unless specifically requested to do so
 if the guest order pasta automatically Grated cheese is served from the left side in
sauce boat with a spoon
 Conduct “ 3 minutes check “
 You may say : excuse me ladies and gentlemen, is everything up to your liking ?
 Do not forget to always refill the iced water
 you may say “ would you like some more iced water please ?
 if the Guest is away, Place the napkin on the back seat of the Guest’s chair
 Plate covers are to be placed on top of dishes in the case that the Guest is absent
 Clear up main courses from the right side of the guest
16. Clearing up bread & butter plates
 Clearing up b&b plates are from the left side of the guests and move anti clock wise ( pay
attention to the b & b knives as they are small so very easy to get slipped from your hand )

17. Clearing up salt and pepper shakers, pepper mill, bread basket and butter bowl
 Using a round tray underlined with napkin, take the salt and pepper shakers and pepper mill
( hold the body/bottom not their top/lid )

18. Crumbing down

 Get your crumber ( if any ) or you may use a rolled napkin and a dessert plate to do
crumbing down
 From the left side of the guests ( ladies first )
 You may say : excuse me madam/sir, may I clean the crumbs please ?
 Wipe the front side of each guest and move down the fork , crumb the front side of your left
side guest and move down the knife, move anti clock wise and make sure do this to every
guests at your tables

19. Presenting dessert menu

 Present dessert menus from right side and in an open position
 Take the dessert order start with ladies first and you may take their coffee and tea order
 Adjust the cutleries after finished taking the dessert order using round tray underlined with

20. Picking up desserts

 Pick up the correct items and make sure they are complete and presentable

21. Serving dessert

 Serve from right side, ladies first and mention the name of the item
 Wish the guests to enjoy their dessert
 You may say : ladies and gentlemen please enjoy your desserts “
 If the guests order Cheese plates , serve the cheese plate with breads and a variety of
crackers, serve them French style ( from left side of the guest )

22. Serving coffee and tea

 Make sure all the equipment needed are ready at your station
 Serving tea
 Sugar bowl , cream jug filled with milk ( milk is usually served when tea is served but
sometimes cream may be served upon guest request )
 Tea cup and saucer
 Tea pot ( china or silver ) filled with hot water , 1 tea pot per guest
 Tea chest or tea box ( selection of teas in a display box )
 B&B plate and Paper doily
 Show tea chest or tea box to your guest so they can choose their tea
 Dip tea bag into the tea pot at your station
 Put tea pot on dessert plate underlined with paper doily
 Put tea pot onto a round tray as well the tea cup
 Put the cup from right side of the guests ( ladies first ) and move down the
tea/coffee spoon, put it on the saucer
 Serve the tea from right side of the guest
 Make sure tea bag is dipped in the tea pot long enough before you serve them or
you may advise the guest that you will come back to pour the tea
 Serving coffee
 Sugar bowl , cream jug filled with cream( cream is usually served when coffee is
served but sometimes milk may be served upon guest request )
 Coffee cup, coffee saucer and coffee pot
 Depend on the order, cappuccino, latte, espresso, mocha may already come in a
coffee cup from the bar
 Dessert plate
 Napkin
 Put the cup on napkin underlined round tray, put the coffee cup on the right side of
the guest ( ladies first ) and move down the coffee spoon, put it on the coffee saucer
 Take the coffee pot from your station ( underlined with dessert plate and napkin )
 Serve the coffee from right side, make sure no drip spill when you pour the coffee
 Wish the guest to enjoy their coffee

23. Clearing up dessert

 Take the plates from right side of the guest move clockwise
 Move the coffee/tea cup onto front of the guest

24. Refilling coffee or tea

 After 5 minutes ( approximately ) offer your guest second cup of coffee or tea
 You may say : excuse me madam/sir, would you like some more coffee or tea ?
 excuse me madam/sir ,May I offered you another cup of coffee/tea please ?
 If they refuse and you see the cup is empty , you may clear up the cups
 Excuse me mam/sir, may I take your coffee/tea cup please ?

25. Presenting the guest’s bill

 When the guests ask for their bill, you may :
 Get the bill from the cashier
 Put it in a bill folder / bill cover
 Present it to the host and do not forget to provide a pen
 If you receive cash, do not forget to count it before you leave the table to avoid insufficient
amount of cash
 Bring it to cashier
 Return the change to the guest

26. Farewelling the guest

 Help the guest by pulling their chair ( ladies first )
 Wish them to have a good day
 You may say : Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for visiting our restaurant/dining
room, it’s been a great pleasure. looking forward to serving you again in a near future and
please have a good afternoon/evening

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