BOOK. Activity - Identifying A Moral Dilemma

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Activity: Identifying a Moral Dilemma

Instructions: From the list of actions given below, classify which ones are moral dilemmas and
which ones are not. Write M for Moral Dilemma and N if not. Cite your reason for your

Action Classification Reason

To cheat during an Moral One is aware of what he is

examination or not doing and is free whether
to cheat or not

Worksheet for Activity 1

Action Classification Reason

To sell illegal drugs or not M One is always aware that

selling illegal drugs is a
crime, but he or she is free
to sell or not, and what he
or she chooses to do
determines the
consequences of the action.
He or she is also aware of
the potential ramifications
of his or her actions. It is a
moral dilemma because it is
a difficult situation with the
potential to cause moral

To clean the toilet or not N There is no moral value

attached to whether or not
one cleans the toilet. He or
she is not required to clean
the toilet, but he or she may
do so if he or she wishes.
However, it is not a genuine
moral dilemma because the
person is not confronted
with a conflicting situation,
nor is he or she forced to
choose between two or
more moral (ethical) values.

To eat “humba” or not N There is no genuine moral

dilemma here because, once
again, the person is not
actually faced with a
conflicting situation in which
he or she may cause moral
harm. Neither does he or
she have to choose between
two or more moral (ethical)

To worship God or not N A person is free to choose

whether or not to worship
God. It is part of our human
freedom to decide whether
or not to have a relationship
with God and have a certain
religious belief. Although it
is common or that a
majority of people worship
God, it is still up to the
individual to believe in what
he or she believes in and to
follow what he or she
believes to be the proper
course of action.

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