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1. Student can use common conversation in culture.
2. Student can explore information about the local and national culture
3. Student can describe their culture and favourite art.
Please, read the text down below and answer the questions”.

Borobudur Temple
Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is
situated in central Java. Borobudur temple is one of the Seven Wonders of the World
which needs to be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world know
that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century.
It needed more than two million river stones. It is the biggest temple in the world.
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited by more and more
tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur temple
because of its beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, while foreign tourists
like to join travel bureau because they don’t need to think of the transportation,
accommodation, and itinerary. There are some money changers around the location. It
makes them easier to change their money. But some of them like to bring credit cards
and checks.
1. Who build the Borobudur temple?
 Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the
eighth century.
2. Where is Borobudur temple located?
 Borobudur temple It is situated in central Java
3. Why foreign tourists like to join travel bureau instead of driving their own
 because they don’t need to think of the transportation,
accommodation, and itinerary
Please match the picture of traditional ceremonies and performing arts in the left column and the
description in the right column !

Debus is another mystique attraction in Indonesia,

this attraction originally comes from Banten, West
java. This traditional attraction is kind of sadistic
attraction, because this performance performs the
endurance of performer by using knife, fire, and
other dangerous objects.

1. Debus

Tabuik is a traditional attraction from West

Sumatera. This attraction is a paraded ceremony.
They paraded the attractions like dance and offering
to the sea, after arriving at the beach, they float the
offering to the sea in the symbol to float the bad
2. Tabuik

The traditional festival of cow racing in Indonesia,

or known as Karapan Sapi this attraction can also
called as the cow race and usually performed on the
area of Madura as a traditional culture of this place.
So, this cow racing traditional festival is a kind of
3. Karapan sapi ancient tradition which still held on some specific
areas at Madura. The cows are always having the
opportunity to participate into this racing, and soon
the race will begin

Reog is a traditional attraction comes from

Ponorogo, East Java. Reog has been the traditional
landmark of Ponorogo. Reog is a traditional
attraction which is popular with mystique
atmosphere in it. Reog is a man’s dance using a
huge mask symbolize evil face.

4. Reog
Kasada is a traditional ceremony attraction which is
held in East java. This traditional attraction is held
by the Tengger ethnic in Bromo Mountain. This
ceremony purpose is to raise the shaman of certain
village in Tengger. This is an offering attraction to
the Bromo Mountain by the Tengger ethnic to
introduce the new shaman.
5. Kasada
Ondel-ondel is a traditional attraction came from
Betawi, the origin ethnic of Jakarta, the capital city
of Indonesia. Ondel-ondel is a big doll costume with
man inside in it. Ondel-ondel is usually performed in
traditional festival. The purpose of Ondel-ondel is to
remind people with their ancestors and their own
6. Ondel-ondel
Bali is famous by the numbers of Hindu traditional
ceremony, and this becomes the one kind of
attraction for the local and foreign tourist. The one
of the traditional ceremony is Ngaben, Ngaben is a
ceremony in honor for the corpse by the cremation.
This ritual purpose is to give the new live in the
future life for the corpse.

7. Ngaben

Pasola Sumba is traditional ceremony from

Sumbawa; this is held by Sumba ethnic. Pasola
Sumba is a fight role ceremony by riding horse by
Sumba man to request to the God for the success
harvest. This ceremony is followed by 100 young
Sumba man with wood sword.

8. Pasola Sumba
Rambu solo is a traditional ceremony from Toraja
ethnic in North Toraja. This ritual is started with the
offering hundreds of buffalos and pigs, then share
them to the Toraja people. This tradition only held
by the rich family in Toraja as the family status.

9. Rambu Solo

Jathilan is a Central Java’s traditional attraction, just

like the common traditional attraction in Central
Java and another region in Indonesia, Jathilan also
has the mystique atmosphere in it. This is a man’s
dance rides on the horse doll with possessed
condition, so unconsciously they dance and eat
dangerous thing like porcelain.
10. Jathilan


In this part, please scan the barcode to play the audio and answer some question down below!

1. Who designed the Eiffel Tower?

a. Alexander Graham Bell
b. Gustave Eiffel
c. Thomas Alva Edison
d. Albert Einstein
e. Isaac Newton

2. “... the tower was build as the entrance arch to the 1889
World’s Fair.” The underline word similar with...
a. Authority
b. Autonomy
c. Entry
d. Separate
e. Exit
3. How tall is Eiffel Tower?
a. 450 meters
b. 500 meters
c. 300 meters
d. 350 meters
e. 550 meters

4. How was the idea for the Eiffel Tower taken?

a. Because International Exposition.
b. Festival in France.
c. Government wishes.
d. Suggestion from German.
e. A Present from another country

5. Which level is the restaurant on?

a. Level 1
b. Level 2
c. Level 3
d. A and C is right
e. A and B is right


Choose one of the following art picture and describe it in a paragraph using
simple present tense !

Batik is one of the great haritage of the original

ancestors of indonesian culture. Not surprisingly, in the
end, the united nations agency for education, science,
and culture or know as UNESCO confirmed batik as a
human haritage. Batik was classified as an oral and
non-material culture on october 2, 2009.
Interestingly, batik owned by Indonesia is very diverse.
In fact, each region has its own characteristic batik
motifs with different backgrunds. Each stroke of the
batik motif also has a certain symbol and philosophy.


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