2 - General and Engineering Data (GW, SW, Dam Design, Irrigation and Drainage, Project Cost)

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A. General and Engineering Data/Information

Profiling and Pre-FS Data Requirement

General Profile:

● name of NIS, location (municipality, province, region), date completed, name of IAs, source of
water, service area, FUSA (operational and non-operational), type of diversion structure, capacity
(cms), etc.

Groundwater Levels and Use: (PLEASE CHECK GILMAR)

● information on the average depth and other characteristics of the groundwater table within the sub-
project service area

● number of farmers using pumps with sources from Shallow Tube Wells (STW) or dug wells with
location plotted on the layout plan above showing ground spot elevation and depth of well water

● main uses of the groundwater source in the area

● accomplish the Form for Groundwater (Attachment 2)


● Daily rainfall data from PAGASA stations and other rainfall stations proximate to the irrigation

● Climatological Normals (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, cloudiness/sunshine hours)

from PAGASA stations proximate to the irrigation system

● Rainfall-Intensity-Duration-Frequency (RIDF) data from PAGASA stations proximate to the irrigation


● Monthly evaporation data from PAGASA station (if any) and/or agro-meteorological stations
proximate to the irrigation system

● River discharges (daily and ten-day), gauge heights and peak discharges of applicable river
gauging stations from the Bureau of Design-DPWH (BOD-DPWH)

● Discharge measurements and corresponding gauge heights (if any) along the proposed river
source and nearby existing irrigation systems.

● Water rights on the water source of the irrigation system

● Efficiency of existing irrigation systems and current design water duty

● Climate change projection scenario in the area

● accomplish the Form for Surface Water (Attachment 3).

Dam Information: (PLEASE CHECK FRANZ)

● Design and Analysis Report of the Dam

● History of rehabilitation/restoration/improvement of Pump, Dam/Weir and other appurtenant

structures (Provisions on scheming of weirs, resizing/restoration of sluice and intake gates, etc.)

● As built Drawing Plans of Pump, Dam/Weir and appurtenant structures. If no as-built plans, provide
Actual Configuration Plan of Structure on site. (General Layout, Plan and Profile, Cross section,

Area Drainage Information: (PLEASE CHECK JEM)

● latest inundation area delineated within the service area, inundation period, inundation depth, and
frequency of inundation including the latest recorded flood events (dates), extent of flooding, flood
susceptibility map and assessment reports.

● drainage requirements, existing drainage system, natural waterways, etc.

Irrigation and Drainage Network/Layout/Plan: (digitized maps) (PLEASE CHECK JEM)

● general topography (topographic map) of both the catchment area above the diversion structure and over
the command area, including the extended rice cultivation areas as well as areas to be assigned to diversified
cash crops

● lay-out overlaid on topo map reflecting the following: dam site (water source), delineated existing
and proposed irrigable area, flood inundation area, non-irrigable area (high ground), existing and
proposed irrigation canal alignment for rice and diversified crops (MC, Laterals, Sub-Laterals, pipe
system) with design discharge, terminal facilities with location of turn-outs, drainage canal
alignment, natural waterways, location and type of irrigation and drainage structures, road
networks, and other important features

Inventory of Irrigation and Drainage Facilities and Service/Access Roads: (PLEASE CHECK

● length of lined and earth canals (MC, Laterals, Sub-Laterals, Drainage Canals), length and type of
service/access roads, number and type of irrigation, drainage, and road structures; current status of
these facilities

● Please refer to Sample Irrigation Layout (Attachment 4)


● Derivation of Cost from As-built Drawing Plans of the Dam and Appurtenant Structures.
● Program of Works (POW) for Rehabilitation/Restoration.

● Detailed Cost Derivation for proposed and previous (for the past 10 years) rehabilitation/
restoration/ improvement of Pump, and Dam/ Weir & its Appurtenances.

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