0 - Assignments (BT Hoa Ly 1) - Part 1

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Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Bài tập Hoá lý 1 (Physical Chemistry 1 - Homework)

Chương 1 Các khái niệm và tính chất chung của các chất

1.11. The relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the
pressure of water vapor at equilibrium with the liquid at the same temperature. The equilibrium
pressure of water vapor at 25 oC is 23.756 torr. If the relative humidity is 49%, estimate the amount
of water vapor in moles contained in a room that is 8.0 m by 8.0 m and 3.0 m in height. Calculate
the mass of the water.
n (H2O) = 120.2 mol, m (H2O) = 2.165 kg

a. Find the fractional change in the volume of a sample of liquid water if its temperature is changed
from 20 oC to 30 oC and its pressure is changed from 1 bar to 26 bar.
b. Estimate the percent change in volume of a sample of benzene if it is heated from 0 oC to 45 oC
at 1 atm.
c. Estimate the percent change in volume of a sample of benzene if it is pressurized at 55 oC from
1 atm to 50 atm
a. ∆V/V ≈ 0.93 × 10−3, b. ∆V/V ≈ 0.05567, c. ∆V/V ≈ 0.00480

1.23. Assuming that the coefficient of thermal expansion of gasolines roughly equal to that of
benzene, estimate the fraction of your gasoline expense that could be saved by purchasing gasoline
in the morning instead of in the afternoon, assuming a temperature difference of 5 oC.
∆V/V = 0.006

1.25. The coefficient of thermal expansion of ethanol equals 1.12×10−3K−1 at 20 oC and 1 atm. The
density at 20 oC is equal to 0.7893 g cm−3
a. Find the volume of 1 mol of ethanol at 10 oC and 1 atm.
b. Find the volume of 1mol of ethanol at 30 oC and 1 atm.
a. V(10 oC) = 57.72 cm3, b. V(30 oC) = 59.02 cm3

a. By differentiation, find an expression for the coefficient of thermal expansion of a gas obeying
the van der Waals equation of state.
b. Find the value of the coefficient of thermal expansion of nitrogen gas at 298.15 K and Vm = 24.4
L mol−1.
b. α = 3.363 × 10−3 K−1
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

1.37. The experimental value of the compression factor Z = PVm/RT for hydrogen gas at T =
273.15 K and Vm = 0.1497 L/mol−1 is 1.1336. Find the values of Z predicted by the van der Waals,
Dieterici, and Redlich–Kwong equations of state for these conditions. Calculate the percent error
for each.
Van der Waals: Z = 1.1434 (0.86% error)
Dieterici: Z = 1.1255 (0.71% error)
Redlich–Kwong: Z = 1.1153 (1.6% error)

1.39 Find the value of the isothermal compressibility of carbon dioxide gas at 298.15 K and a
molar volume of 24.4 Lmol−1,
a. According to the ideal gas law.
b. According to the truncated virial equation of state:
𝑃𝑉# 𝐵+
= 1 +
For carbon dioxide at 298.15 K, B2 = −12.5 × 10−5 m3/mol.
a. κT = 9.843 × 10−6 Pa−1, b. κT = 9.945 × 10−6 Pa−1

1.41 a. Use the van der Waals equation of state in terms of reduced variables, Eq. (1.4-15), to
calculate the pressure of 1.000 mol of CO2 in a volume of 1.000 L at 100.0 oC. The critical
constants are in Table A.5 in Appendix A. Since the critical compression factor of carbon dioxide
does not conform to the van der Waals value, Zc = 0.375, you must replace the experimental critical
molar volume by 𝑉#, = (0.375)RTc/Pc.
b. Repeat the calculation using the ordinary form of the van der Waals equation of state
a. P = 28.8 bar, b. P = 28.8 bar

1.43. The critical temperature of xenon is 289.73 K, and its critical pressure is 5.840 MPa.
a. Find the values of the van der Waals constants a and b for xenon.
b. Find the value of the compression factor, Z, for xenon at a reduced temperature of 1.35 and a
reduced pressure of 1.75.
a. a = 0.4192 Pa m6 mol−2, b = 5.192 × 10−5 m3 mol−1, b. Z = 0.7305
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Chương 2 Nguyên lý thứ nhất nhiệt động - Cân bằng năng lượng của hệ thống

2.1. Calculate the work done on the surroundings if 1 mol of neon (assumed ideal) is heated
from 0 oC to 250 oC at a constant pressure of 1 atm.
wsurr = 2079 J

2.3. Calculate the work done on 100.0 g of benzene if it is pressurized reversibly from 1.00 atm
to 50 atm at a constant temperature of 293.15 K.
w = 4.79 J

a. Obtain a formula for the work done in reversibly and isothermally compressing 1 mol of a vander
Waals gas from a volume V1 to a volume V2.
b. Using the formula from part a, find the work done in reversibly compressing 1 mol of carbon
dioxide from 10 L to 5 L at 298.15 K. Compare with the result obtained by assuming that the gas
is ideal.
c. Using the formula from part a, calculate the work done on the surroundings if 1 mol of carbon
dioxide expands isothermally but irreversibly from 5 L to 10 L at an external pressure of 1 atm.
Compare with the result obtained by assuming that the gas is ideal.
b. w = 1765 J, c. wsurr = 507 J

a. If a sample of 2 mol of helium gas is isothermally and reversibly expanded at 298.15 K from a
pressure of 2.5 atm to a pressure of 1 atm, find w and q.
b. If the sample of helium from part a is isothermally and irreversibly expanded from the same
initial state to the same final state with Pext =1 atm, find w and q.
a. q = −w = 4543 J, b. q = −w = 2975 J

2.15. The normal boiling temperature of ethanol is 78.5 oC, and its molar enthalpy change of
vaporization at this temperature is 40.3 kJ mol−1. Find q and w if 3 mol of ethanol are reversibly
vaporized at 78.5 oC and a constant pressure of 1 atm. Neglect the volume of the liquid compared
with that of the vapor.
q = 120.9 kJ, w = −8.771 kJ

2.19. Calculate q, w, and ∆U for melting 100 g of ice at 0 oC and a constant pressure of 1 atm.
The density of ice is 0.916 g mL−1.
q = 33.35 kJ, w = 0.92 J, ∆U = 33.35 kJ
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

2.21.* Consider the following three processes:

(1) A sample of 2 mol of helium gas is isothermally and reversibly expanded from a volume of 10
L and a temperature of 400 K to a volume of 40 L.
(2) The same sample is reversibly cooled at a constant volume of 10 L from 400 K to a temperature
of 300 K, then expanded reversibly and isothermally to a volume of 40 L, and then heated
reversibly from 300 K to 400 K at a constant volume of 40 L.
(3) The same sample is expanded irreversibly and isothermally at a temperature of 400 K from a
volume of 10 L to a volume of 40 L with a constant external pressure of 1 atm. Calculate ∆U, q,
and w for each process.
(1) q = −w = 9221 J, ∆U = 0, (2) q = −w = 6916 J, (3) q = −w = 3040 J

2.25. Find the final pressure if 2 mol of nitrogen is expanded adiabatically and reversibly from a
volume of 20 L to a volume of 40 L, beginning at a pressure of 2.5 atm. Assume nitrogen to be
ideal with CV,m = 5R/2.
P2 = 0.947 atm

2.27. Find the final temperature and the final volume if 2 mol of nitrogen is expanded adiabatically
and reversibly from STP to a pressure of 0.6 atm. Assume nitrogen to be ideal with CV,m = 5R/2.
a. T2 = 25.7 K, b. V2 = 0.0705 m−3

2.41. A sample of 3.00 mol of argon is heated from 25.00 oC to 100.00 oC, beginning at a
pressure of 1 atm (101,325 Pa).
a. Find q, w, ∆U, and ∆H if the heating is done at constant volume.
b. Find q, w, ∆U, and ∆H if the heating is done at constant pressure.
a. w = 0, q = ∆U = 2806 J, b. ∆U = 2806 J, q = 4677 J, w = −1871 J

a. Find q, w, ∆U, and ∆H for heating 1 mol of neon gas from 273.15 K to 373.15 K at a constant
pressure of 1 atm. State any approximations and assumptions.
b. Find q, w, ∆U, and ∆H for heating 1 mol of neon gas from 273.15 K to 373.15 K at a constant
volume of 22.4 L. State any approximations and assumptions.
a. q = ∆H = 2079 J, w = −831.45 J, ∆U = 1248 J
b. q = ∆U = 1247 J, w = 0, ∆H = 2079 J
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

2.45. The enthalpy change of fusion of mercury is 2331 J mol−1. Find ∆H for converting 100.0 g
of solid mercury at−75.0 oC to liquid mercury at 25.0 oC at a constant pressure of 1.000 atm.
Assume that the heat capacities are constant and equal to their values in Table A.6 of the appendix.
∆H = 5745 J

2.47. Find the value of q and the value of ∆H if 2 mol of solid water (ice) at −10 oC is turned into
liquid water at 80 oC, with the process at a constant pressure of 1 atm. Assume that the heat
capacities are constant and equal to their values in Table A.6 of the appendix.
q = ∆H = 24.80 kJ
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Chương 3 Nguyên lý thứ 2 của nhiệt động - Entropy

Section 3.1: The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Carnot Heat Engine

a. A Carnot engine contains 0.250 mol of a monatomic ideal gas as its working fluid. Assume CV
to be constant and equal to 3nR/2. If Th = 473 K, Tc = 373 K, V1 = 0.600 L, and if the compression
ratio (the ratio V3/V1) equals 6.00, find the efficiency and the values of V2 and V4.
b. Calculate w for each of the steps in the cycle of part a.
a. η = 0.211, V2 = 2.52 L, V4 = 0.857 L
b. w1 = −1411 J, w2 = −312 J, w3 = 1113 J, w4 = 312 J

3.3 Carbon monoxide is used as the fuel for a Carnot engine with a high temperature of 450 oC
and a cool temperature of 100 oC. Determine how high the combustion of 1.000 mol of CO could
lift a 1.00 kg mass near the surface of the earth. Assume that all of the heat from the combustion
is transferred to the engine and assume that the combustion takes place at 450 oC.
h = 14.1 km

3.5 a. A steam engine operates with its boiler at 200 oC and a pressure of 15.34 atm, and with its
exhaust at a temperature of 100 oC and a pressure of 1.000 atm. Find the Carnot efficiency for
these temperatures. What can you say about the efficiency of the steam engine?
b. The boiler is reinforced to operate at 360 oC and a pressure of 184 atm. If the exhaust remains
at 100 oC, find the percentage improvement in the Carnot efficiency.
c. If the coal that the steam engine in part b burns is assumed to be pure graphite (not a good
assumption) find the mass of coal required to produce 10.00 horsepower for 1.000 hour, assuming
the Carnot efficiency. 1 horsepower = 746 watt = 746 J s−1.
a. ηc = 0.2114, b. ηc = 0.4107, percentage improvement = 94.3%, c. m = 1.996 kg

3.11 It has been proposed that a heat engine might economically operate using the temperature
difference between sea water near the surface and at a depth of several hundred feet.
a. Assume that such a heat engine has 50% of the efficiency of a Carnot engine and operates
between 30 oC and 20 oC. Find the efficiency of the engine.
b. Assume that the heat engine drives an electric generator that produces 100 Mwatt (100
megawatts). Find the volume of sea water that must pass through the high-temperature heat
exchanger per second if the heat exchanger lowers the temperature of the sea water from 30 oC to
20 oC. Assume that the sea water has the same heat capacity as pure water at 298.15 K, 75.351 J
K−1 mol−1, and density equal to 1.00 × 103 kg m−3.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

a. ηc = 0.01649, b. dV/dt = 1.45 × 103 m3 s−1

Section 3.3: The Calculation of Entropy Changes

3.13 a. Calculate ∆S for each step of the following cycle and sum the results to obtain ∆S for the
Step 1: 1.000 mol of helium is expanded reversibly and isothermally at 298.15 K from 10.0 L to
20.0 L.
Step 2: The gas is heated reversibly at a constant volume from 298.15 K and 20.0 L to a temperature
of 473.15 K.
Step 3: The gas is compressed reversibly and isothermally at 473.15 K from 20.0 L to 15.0 L.
Step 4: The gas is cooled reversibly at a constant volume of 15.0 L from 473.15 K to 373.15 K.
Step 5: The gas is compressed reversibly and isothermally at 373.15 K from a volume of 15.0 L to
a volume of 10.0 L.
Step 6: The gas is cooled reversibly at a constant volume of 10.0 L from 373.15 K to 298.15 K.
b. Repeat the calculation with all steps the same as in part a except that step 1 is carried out
isothermally and irreversibly with a constant external pressure of 1.000 atm.
a. ∆S1 = 5.7632 J K−1, ∆S2 = 5.7587 J K−1, ∆S3 = −2.3919 J K−1, ∆S4 = −2.9612 J K−1, ∆S5 =
−3.3712 J K−1, ∆S6 = −2.7985 J K−1
b. All values are the same

3.15 A sample of 1.000 mol of helium gas (assumed ideal with CV,m = 3R/2) expands adiabatically
and irreversibly from a volume of 3.000 L and a temperature of 500. K to a volume of 10.00 L
against a constant external pressure of 1.000 atm. Find the final temperature, ∆U, q, w, and ∆S for
this process.
w = −1227J, q = 0, ∆U = −1227 J, Tf = 401.6 K, ∆S = 7.278 J K−1, ∆Srev = 0, qrev = 0, ∆Urev =
−3441 J, wrev = −3441 J

a. Find the change in entropy for the vaporization of 2.000 mol of liquid water at 100 oC and a
constant pressure of 1.000 atm.
b. Find the entropy change for the heating of 2.000 mol of water vapor at a constant pressure of
1.000 atm from 100 oC to 200 oC. Use the polynomial representation in Table A.6 for the heat
capacity of water vapor.
a. ∆S = 217.98 J K−1, b. ∆S = 16.54 J K−1
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

a. 1.000 mol of helium is compressed reversibly and isothermally from a volume of 100.00 L and
a temperature of 298.15 K to a volume of 50.00 L. Calculate ∆S, q, w, and ∆U for the process.
Calculate ∆Ssurr and ∆Suniv.
b. Calculate the final temperature, ∆S, q, w, ∆U, ∆Ssurr, and ∆Suniv if the gas is compressed
adiabatically and reversibly from the same initial state to a final volume of 50.00 L.
c. The gas is compressed adiabatically and irreversibly from the same initial state to the same final
volume with Pext = 1.000 atm. What can you say about the final temperature, ∆S, q, w, ∆U, ∆Ssurr,
and ∆Suniv?
d. The gas is compressed isothermally and irreversibly from the same initial state to the same final
volume with Pext = 1.000 atm. What can you say about ∆S, q, w, ∆U, ∆Ssurr, and ∆Suniv?
a. ∆S = −5.7632 J K−1, ∆U = 0, q = −1718.3 J, w = 1718.3 J, ∆Suniv = 0, ∆Ssurr = 5.7632 J K−1
b. q = 0, ∆S = 0, ∆Ssurr = 0, ∆Suniv = 0, T2 = 473.3 K, ∆U = 2184.4 J, w = 2184.4 J
c. T2 > 473.3 K, ∆U > 2184.4 K, w > 2184.4 K, q = 0, ∆S > 0, ∆Ssurr = 0, ∆Suniv > 0
d. ∆S = −5.7632 J K−1, ∆U = 0, w < 5066 J, q > −5066 J, ∆Suniv > 0, ∆Ssurr > 5.7632 J K−1

3.21 a. Calculate the entropy change for the following reversible process: 2.000 mol of neon
(assume ideal with CV,m = 3R/2) is expanded isothermally at 298.15 K from 2.000 atm pressure to
1.000 atm pressure and is then heated from 298.15 K to 398.15 K at a constant pressure of 1.000
atm. Integrate on the path representing the actual process.
b. Calculate the entropy change for the reversible process with the same initial and final states as
in part a, but in which the gas is first heated at constant pressure and then expanded isothermally.
Again, integrate on the path representing the actual process. Compare your result with that of part
c. Calculate the entropy change of the surroundings in each of the parts a and b.
d. Calculate the entropy changes of the system and the surroundings if the initial and final states
are the same as in parts a and b, but if the gas is expanded irreversibly and isothermally against an
external pressure of 1.000 atm and then heated irreversibly with the surroundings remaining
essentially at equilibrium at 400 K.
a. ∆S = 23.55 J K−1, b. ∆S = 23.55 J K−1, c. ∆Ssurr = −23.55 J K−1
d. ∆S = 23.55 J K−1, ∆Ssurr = −18.71 J K−1, ∆Suniv = 4.84 J K−1
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

3.23 a. A sample of 2.000 mol of neon is expanded reversibly and adiabatically from a volume of
10.00 L and a temperature of 500.0 K to a volume of 25.00 L. Find the final temperature, q, w,
∆U, ∆S, and ∆Suniv for the process. State any assumptions or approximations.
b. The same sample is restored to its original state and is first expanded adiabatically and
irreversibly at a constant external pressure of 1.000 atm to a volume of 25.00 L, then cooled
reversibly to the same final temperature as in part a at a constant volume of 25.00 L. Find the final
temperature for the irreversible step, and find q, w, ∆U, and ∆S for this entire two-step process.
What can you say about ∆Suniv for each step of this two-step process?
a. T2 = 271.4 K, q = 0, ∆U = −5702 J, w = −5702 J, ∆S = 0, ∆Suniv = 0
b. T2 = 439.1 K, ∆S = 0, w = −1520 J, q = −4183 J, ∆U = −5703 J, ∆Suniv = 12.00 J K−1

3.25 A sample of 2.000 mol of a monatomic ideal gas is expanded and heated. Its initial
temperature is 300.0 K and its final temperature is 400.0 K. Its initial volume is 20.00 L and its
final volume is 40.00 L. Calculate ∆S. Does the choice of path between the initial and final states
affect the result?
∆S = 18.71 J K−1

6–15 A steam power plant receives heat from a furnace at a rate of 280 GJ/h. Heat losses to the
surrounding air from the steam as it passes through the pipes and other components are estimated
to be about 8 GJ/h. If the waste heat is transferred to the cooling water at a rate of 145 GJ/h,
determine (a) net power output and (b) the thermal efficiency of this power plant.
Answers: (a) 35.3 MW, (b) 45.4 percent

6–18 The thermal efficiency of a general heat engine is 35 percent, and it produces 60 Hp. At what
rate is heat transferred to this engine, in kJ/s?
128 kJ/s

6–19 A 600-MW steam power plant, which is cooled by a nearby river, has a thermal efficiency
of 40 percent. Determine the rate of heat transfer to the river water. Will the actual heat transfer
rate be higher or lower than this value? Why?
900 MW
In reality the amount of heat rejected to the river will be lower since part of the heat will be lost
to the surrounding air from the working fluid as it passes through the pipes and other components.

6–21 A heat engine with a thermal efficiency of 45 percent rejects 500 kJ/kg of heat. How much
heat does it receive?
Answer: 909 kJ/kg
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

6–22 A steam power plant with a power output of 150 MW consumes coal at a rate of 60 tons/h.
If the heating value of the coal is 30,000 kJ/kg, determine the overall efficiency of this plant.
Answer: 30.0 percent

6–23 An automobile engine consumes fuel at a rate of 22 L/h and delivers 55 kW of power to the
wheels. If the fuel has a heating value of 44,000 kJ/kg and a density of 0.8 g/cm3, determine the
efficiency of this engine.
Answer: 25.6 percent

6–24 In 2001, the United States produced 51 percent of its electricity in the amount of 1.878 x 1012
kWh from coalfired power plants. Taking the average thermal efficiency to be 34 percent,
determine the amount of thermal energy rejected by the coal-fired power plants in the United States
that year.

6–26 A coal-burning steam power plant produces a net power of 300 MW with an overall thermal
efficiency of 32 percent. The actual gravimetric air–fuel ratio in the furnace is calculated to be 12
kg air/kg fuel. The heating value of the coal is 28,000 kJ/kg. Determine (a) the amount of coal
consumed during a 24-hour period and (b) the rate of air flowing through the furnace.
Answers: (a) 2.89 3 106 kg, (b) 402 kg/s

6–34C A heat pump that is used to heat a house has a COP of 2.5. That is, the heat pump delivers
2.5 kWh of energy to the house for each 1 kWh of electricity it consumes. Is this a violation of the
first law of thermodynamics? Explain.
No. The heat pump captures energy from a cold medium and carries it to a warm medium. It does
not create it.

6–35C A refrigerator has a COP of 1.5. That is, the refrigerator removes 1.5 kWh of energy from
the refrigerated space for each 1 kWh of electricity it consumes. Is this a violation of the first law
of thermodynamics? Explain.
No. The refrigerator captures energy from a cold medium and carries it to a warm medium. It does
not create it.

6–39 Determine the COP of a heat pump that supplies energy to a house at a rate of 8000 kJ/h for
each kW of electric power it draws. Also, determine the rate of energy absorption from the outdoor
Answers: 2.22, 4400 kJ/h
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

6–42 An air conditioner removes heat steadily from a house at a rate of 750 kJ/min while drawing
electric power at a rate of 6 kW. Determine (a) the COP of this air conditioner and (b) the rate of
heat transfer to the outside air.
Answers: (a) 2.08, (b) 1110 kJ/min

6–43 A food department is kept at -12 oC by a refrigerator in an environment at 30 oC. The total
heat gain to the food department is estimated to be 3300 kJ/h and the heat rejection in the condenser
is 4800 kJ/h. Determine the power input to the compressor, in kW and the COP of the refrigerator.
0.417kW, 2.2

6–44 A household refrigerator that has a power input of 450 W and a COP of 1.5 is to cool 5 large
watermelons, 10 kg each, to 8 oC. If the watermelons are initially at 28 oC, determine how long it
will take for the refrigerator to cool them. The watermelons can be treated as water whose specific
heat is 4.2 kJ/kg·oC. Is your answer realistic or optimistic? Explain.
Answer: 104 min
This answer is optimistic since the refrigerated space will gain some heat during this process from
the surrounding air, which will increase the work load. Thus, in reality, it will take longer to cool
the watermelons.

6–45 When a man returns to his well-sealed house on a summer day, he finds that the house is at
35 oC. He turns on the air conditioner, which cools the entire
house to 20 oC in 30 min. If the COP of the air-conditioning
system is 2.8, determine the power drawn by the air
conditioner. Assume the entire mass within the house is
equivalent to 800 kg of air for which cv = 0.72 kJ/kg·oC and cp
= 1.0 kJ/kg·oC.
1.71 kW

6–48 Bananas are to be cooled from 24 to 13 oC at a rate of 215 kg/h by a refrigeration system.
The power input to the refrigerator is 1.4 kW. Determine the rate of cooling, in kJ/min, and the
COP of the refrigerator. The specific heat of banana above freezing is 3.35 kJ/kg·oC.
132 kJ/min, 1.57

6–49 A heat pump is used to maintain a house at a constant temperature of 23 oC. The house is
losing heat to the outside air through the walls and the windows at a rate of 85,000 kJ/h while the
energy generated within the house from people, lights, and appliances amounts to 4000 kJ/h. For
a COP of 3.2, determine the required power input to the heat pump.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Answer: 7.03 kW

6–51 A household refrigerator runs one-fourth of the time and removes heat from the food
compartment at an average rate of 800 kJ/h. If the COP of the refrigerator is 2.2, determine the
power the refrigerator draws when running.
0.40 kW

6–54 Consider a building whose annual air-conditioning

load is estimated to be 40,000 kWh in an area where the
unit cost of electricity is $0.10/kWh. Two air conditioners
are considered for the building. Air conditioner A has a
seasonal average COP of 2.3 and costs $5500 to purchase
and install. Air conditioner B has a seasonal average COP of 3.6 and costs $7000 to purchase and
install. All else being equal, determine which air conditioner is a better buy.
Energy savings = 6280 kWh/year, cost savings = $628/year, cost difference = $1500
Discussion A cost conscious consumer will have no difficulty in deciding that the more expensive
but more efficient airconditioner B is clearly the better buy in this case since air conditioners last
at least 15 years. But the decision would not be so easy if the unit cost of electricity at that location
was much less than $0.10/kWh, or if the annual air-conditioning load of the house was much less
than 40,000 kWh.

6–55 Refrigerant-134a enters the condenser of a residential heat pump at 800 kPa and 35 oC at a
rate of 0.018 kg/s and leaves at 800 kPa as a saturated liquid. If the compressor consumes 1.2 kW
of power, determine (a) the COP of the heat pump and (b) the rate of heat absorption from the
outside air.
2.64, 1.96 kW

6–76 A Carnot heat engine receives 650 kJ of heat from a source of unknown temperature and
rejects 250 kJ of it to a sink at 24 oC. Determine (a) the temperature of the source and (b) the
thermal efficiency of the heat engine.
772.2 K, 61.5%

6–77 A Carnot heat engine operates between a source at 1000 K and a sink at 300 K. If the heat
engine is supplied with heat at a rate of 800 kJ/min, determine (a) the thermal efficiency and (b)
the power output of this heat engine.
Answers: (a) 70 percent, (b) 9.33 kW
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

6–82 In tropical climates, the water near the surface of the ocean remains warm throughout the
year as a result of solar energy absorption. In the deeper parts of the ocean, however, the water
remains at a relatively low temperature since the sun’s
rays cannot penetrate very far. It is proposed to take
advantage of this temperature difference and construct a
power plant that will absorb heat from the warm water
near the surface and reject the waste heat to the cold water
a few hundred meters below. Determine the maximum
thermal efficiency of such a plant if the water
temperatures at the two respective locations are 24 and 3 oC.

6–83 A well-established way of power generation involves the utilization of geothermal energy—
the energy of hot water that exists naturally underground—as the heat source. If a supply of hot
water at 140 oC is discovered at a location where the environmental temperature is 20 oC, determine
the maximum thermal efficiency a geothermal power plant built at that location can have.
Answer: 29.1%

6–84C A homeowner buys a new refrigerator and a new air conditioner. Which one of these
devices would you expect to have a higher COP? Why?
The difference between the temperature limits is typically much higher for a refrigerator than it is
for an air conditioner. The smaller the difference between the temperature limits a refrigerator
operates on, the higher is the COP. Therefore, an air-conditioner should have a higher COP.

6–92 An air-conditioning system operating on the reversed Carnot cycle is required to transfer heat
from a house at a rate of 750 kJ/min to maintain its temperature at 24 oC. If the outdoor air
temperature is 358C, determine the power required to operate this air-conditioning system.
Answer: 0.46 kW

6–93 An inventor claims to have developed a heat pump that produces a 200-kW heating effect
for a 293 K heated zone while only using 75 kW of power and a heat source at 273 K. Justify the
validity of this claim.
Since the actual COP (2.67) is less than the maximum COP (14.7), the claim is valid.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

6–95 A refrigerator is to remove heat from the cooled space at a rate of 300 kJ/min to maintain its
temperature at -8 oC. If the air surrounding the refrigerator is at 25 oC, determine the minimum
power input required for this refrigerator.
Answer: 0.623 kW

6–100 A refrigerator operating on the reversed Carnot cycle has a measured work input of 200 kW
and heat rejection of 2000 kW to a heat reservoir at 27 oC. Determine the cooling load supplied to
the refrigerator, in kW, and the temperature of the heat source, in oC.
Answers: 1800 kW, -3 °C

6–104 A Carnot heat pump is to be used to heat a house and maintain it at 25 oC in winter. On a
day when the average outdoor temperature remains at about 2 oC, the house is estimated to lose
heat at a rate of 55,000 kJ/h. If the heat pump consumes 4.8 kW of power while operating,
determine (a) how long the heat pump ran on that day; (b) the total heating costs, assuming an
average price of 11¢/kWh for electricity; and (c) the heating cost for the same day if resistance
heating is used instead of a heat pump.
Answers: (a) 5.90 h, (b) $3.11, (c) $40.3 (1 USD = 100 cent)

6–107 The structure of a house is such that it loses heat at a rate of 3800 kJ/h per oC difference
between the indoors and outdoors. A heat pump that requires a power input of 4 kW is used to
maintain this house at 24 oC. Determine the lowest outdoor temperature for which the heat pump
can meet the heating requirements of this house.
Answer: -9.5 oC
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Chương 4 Phần 1 - Chất thuần khiết

3–20, 21, 23 Complete this table for H2O:

3–26 Complete this table for refrigerant-134a:

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

3–28 A 1.8-m3 rigid tank contains steam at 220 oC. One-third of the
volume is in the liquid phase and the rest is in the vapor form.
Determine (a) the pressure of the steam, (b) the quality of the saturated
mixture, and (c) the density of the mixture.
P = 2320 kPa, x = 0.0269, d = 287.8 kg/m3

3–29 A piston–cylinder device contains 0.85 kg of refrigerant-134a at -

10 oC. The piston that is free to move has a mass of 12 kg and a diameter
of 25 cm. The local atmospheric pressure is 88 kPa. Now, heat is
transferred to refrigerant-134a until the temperature is 15 oC. Determine
(a) the final pressure, (b) the change in the volume of the cylinder, and
(c) the change in the enthalpy of the refrigerant-134a.
P2 = 90.4 kPa, DV = 0.0205 m3, DH = 17.4 kJ/kg

3–31 10-kg of R-134a fill a 1.348-m3 rigid container at an initial temperature of -40 oC. The
container is then heated until the pressure is 200 kPa. Determine the final temperature and the
initial pressure.
Answers: 66.3 °C, 51.25 kPa

3–39 Water is to be boiled at sea level in a 30-cm-diameter

stainless steel pan placed on top of a 3-kW electric burner.
If 60 percent of the heat generated by the burner is
transferred to the water during boiling, determine the rate
of evaporation of water.
mevaporation = 0.80 x10-3 kg/s = 2.872 kg/h
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

3–51 A piston–cylinder device contains 0.005 m3 of liquid water and 0.9 m3 of water vapor in
equilibrium at 600 kPa. Heat is transferred at constant pressure until the temperature reaches 200
(a) What is the initial temperature of the water?
(b) Determine the total mass of the water.
(c) Calculate the final volume.
(d) Show the process on a P-v diagram with respect to saturation
T = 158.8 oC, mt = 7.395 kg, V2 = 2.604 m3

3–58 A rigid tank contains water vapor at 250 oC and an unknown pressure. When the tank is
cooled to 124 oC, the vapor starts condensing. Estimate the initial pressure in the tank.
Answer: 0.30 MPa

3–61 100 grams of R-134a initially fill a weighted pistoncylinder device at 60 kPa and -20 oC. The
device is then heated until the temperature is 100 oC. Determine the change in the device’s volume
as a result of the heating.
Answer: 0.0168 m3

3–64 A piston-cylinder device initially contains 50 L of liquid water at 40 oC and 200 kPa. Heat is
transferred to the water at constant pressure until the entire liquid is vaporized.
(a) What is the mass of the water?
(b) What is the final temperature?
(c) Determine the total enthalpy change.
(d) Show the process on a T-v diagram with respect to saturation
Answers: (a) 49.61 kg, (b) 120.21 °C, (c) 125,950 kJ
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

Chương 4 Phần 2 - Các chu trình nhiệt động cơ bản

10–3 A steady-flow Carnot cycle uses water as the working fluid. Water changes from saturated
liquid to saturated vapor as heat is transferred to it from
a source at 250 oC. Heat rejection takes place at a
pressure of 20 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram
relative to the saturation lines, and determine (a) the
thermal efficiency, (b) the amount of heat rejected, and
(c) the net work output.
Answers: (a) 36.3%, (b) 1092.3 kJ/kg, (c) 623.0 kJ/kg

10–5 Consider a steady-flow Carnot cycle with water as the working fluid. The maximum and
minimum temperatures in the cycle are 350 and 60 oC.
The quality of water is 0.891 at the beginning of the heat-
rejection process and 0.1 at the end. Show the cycle on a
T-s diagram relative to the saturation lines, and
determine (a) the thermal efficiency, (b) the pressure at
the turbine inlet, and (c) the net work output.
Answers: (a) 0.465, (b) 1.40 MPa, (c) 1623 kJ/kg

10–6C Consider a simple ideal Rankine cycle with fixed turbine inlet conditions. What is the effect
of lowering the condenser pressure on

Heat rejected decreases; everything else increases.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

10–7C Consider a simple ideal Rankine cycle with fixed turbine inlet temperature and condenser
pressure. What is the effect of increasing the boiler pressure on

Heat rejected decreases; everything else increases.

10–8C Consider a simple ideal Rankine cycle with fixed boiler and condenser pressures. What is
the effect of superheating the steam to a higher temperature on

The pump work remains the same, the moisture content decreases, everything else increases.

10–12 A steam power plant operates on a simple ideal Rankine cycle between the pressure limits
of 3 MPa and 50 kPa. The temperature of the steam at the
turbine inlet is 300 oC, and the mass flow rate of steam
through the cycle is 35 kg/s. Show the cycle on a T-s
diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine (a)
the thermal efficiency of the cycle and (b) the net power
output of the power plant.
27.1%, 25.2 MW
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

10–13 Refrigerant-134a is used as the working fluid in a

simple ideal Rankine cycle which operates the boiler at 2000 kPa
and the condenser at 24 oC. The mixture at the exit of the
turbine has a quality of 93 percent. Determine the turbine inlet
temperature, the cycle thermal efficiency, and the back-work ratio
of this cycle.
67.5 oC, 10.7%, rbw = wP,in/wT,out = 0.0530

10–14 A simple ideal Rankine cycle which uses water as the working fluid operates its condenser
at 40 oC and its boiler at 300 oC. Calculate the work produced by the turbine, the heat supplied in
the boiler, and the thermal efficiency of this cycle when the steam enters the turbine without any
974.5 kJ/kg, 2573.4 kJ/kg, 0.375

10–16 Consider a 210-MW steam power plant that operates on a simple ideal Rankine cycle. Steam
enters the turbine at 10 MPa and 500 oC and is cooled in the
condenser at a pressure of 10 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s
diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine (a) the
quality of the steam at the turbine exit, (b) the thermal efficiency
of the cycle, and (c) the mass flow rate of the steam.
Answers: (a) 0.793, (b) 40.2 percent, (c) 165 kg/s

11–3 A steady-flow Carnot refrigeration cycle uses refrigerant- 134a as the working fluid. The
refrigerant changes from saturated vapor to saturated liquid at 60
C in the condenser as it rejects heat. The evaporator pressure is
140 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram relative to saturation
lines, and determine (a) the coefficient of performance, (b) the
amount of heat absorbed from the refrigerated space, and (c) the
net work input.
Answers: (a) 3.23, (b) 106 kJ/kg, (c) 32.9 kJ/kg

11–7C In a refrigeration system, would you recommend condensing the refrigerant-134a at a

pressure of 0.7 or 1.0 MPa if heat is to be rejected to a cooling medium at 15 oC? Why?
Allowing a temperature difference of 10 oC for effective heat transfer, the condensation
temperature of the refrigerant should be 25 oC. The saturation pressure corresponding to 25 oC is
0.67 MPa. Therefore, the recommended pressure would be 0.7 MPa.
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

11–9C Consider two vapor-compression refrigeration cycles. The refrigerant enters the throttling
valve as a saturated liquid at 30 oC in one cycle and as subcooled liquid at 30 8C in the other one.
The evaporator pressure for both cycles is the same. Which cycle do you think will have a higher
The cycle that involves saturated liquid at 30 oC will have a higher COP because, judging from
the T-s diagram, it will require a smaller work input for the same refrigeration capacity.

11–13 An ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle that uses refrigerant-134a as its working
fluid maintains a condenser at 800 kPa and the evaporator at -12 oC. Determine this system’s COP
and the amount of power required to service a 150 kW cooling load.
Answers: 4.87, 30.8 kW

11–14 Consider a 300 kJ/min refrigeration system that operates on an ideal vapor-compression
refrigeration cycle with refrigerant-134a as the working fluid. The
refrigerant enters the compressor as saturated vapor at 140 kPa
and is compressed to 800 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram
with respect to saturation lines, and determine (a) the quality of
the refrigerant at the end of the throttling process, (b) the
coefficient of performance, and (c) the power input to the
Answers: (a) 0.3225, (b) 3.969, (c) 1.260 kW

11–27 A space is kept at -15 oC by a vapor-compression refrigeration system in an ambient at 25

C. The space gains heat steadily at a rate of 3500 kJ/h and the rate of heat rejection in the
condenser is 5500 kJ/h. Determine the power input, in kW, the COP of the cycle and the second-
law efficiency of the system.
0.5556 kW, 1.75, hII = COPR/COPCarnot = 1.75/6.45 = 27.1%

11–28 Bananas are to be cooled from -8 oC to 12 oC at a rate of 1140 kg/h by a refrigerator that
operates on a vaporcompression refrigeration cycle. The power input to the refrigerator is 8.6 kW.
Determine (a) the rate of heat absorbed from the bananas, in kJ/h, and the COP, (b) the minimum
power input to the refrigerator, and (c) the second-law efficiency for the cycle. The specific heat
of bananas above freezing is 3.35 kJ/kg·oC.
Answers: (a) 61,100 kJ/h, 1.97, (b) 0.463 kW, (c) 5.4 percent
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Department of Physicochemical & Analytical Technologies

11–39 A heat pump that operates on the ideal vapor compression cycle with refrigerant-134a is
used to heat a house and maintain it at 26 oC by using underground water at 14 oC as the heat
source. Select reasonable pressures for the evaporator and the condenser, and explain why you
chose those values.
Assumptions: 1/ Steady operating conditions exist. 2/ Kinetic and potential energy changes are
Analysis: Allowing a temperature difference of 10 oC for effective heat transfer, the evaporation
and condensation temperatures of the refrigerant should be 4 oC and 36 oC, respectively. The
saturation pressures corresponding to these temperatures are 338 kPa and 912 kPa. Therefore,
the recommended evaporator and condenser pressures are 338 kPa and 912 kPa, respectively.

11–42 A heat pump that operates on the ideal vaporcompression cycle with refrigerant-134a is
used to heat water from 15 to 45 oC at a rate of 0.12 kg/s. The condenser and evaporator pressures
are 1.4 and 0.32 MPa, respectively. Determine the power input to the heat pump.
Answers: 2.97 kW

11–69 An ideal gas refrigeration cycle using air as the working fluid is to maintain a refrigerated
space at -23 oC while rejecting heat to the surrounding medium at 27 oC. If the pressure ratio of
the compressor is 3, determine (a) the maximum and minimum temperatures in the cycle, (b) the
coefficient of performance, and (c) the rate of refrigeration for a mass flow rate of 0.08 kg/s.
Answers: (a) 342.2 K, 219.0 K, (b) 2.74, (c) 2.49 kJ/s

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