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A Research Paper
Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of
STI College Sta. Cruz

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion,
General Chemistry 2, and
Work Immersion-Capstone Project

Allones, Jhomel C.
Bernardino, John Albert E.
Cuaresma, Joizel Marie B.
Mia, Dane Christopher D.
Serrano, Jan Kizzy M.
Silva, Marjorie Mae
Tan, Anna Denesse V.
Verania, Jiana P.
Villocillo, Rom Lenard C.

The success of this research project required the help of various

individuals. Without them, this research would not have met the objectives of

the study. The researchers wish to give gratitude to the following people for

their love and support.

First and foremost, praises and glory to God, the Almighty for the

spiritual enlightenment, the wisdom, and constant flow of ideas which help a

great deal. For all these graces, our prayer of thanks.

To Mr. Fredie Cadacio, Ms. Precious Ann Condino, and Mrs.

Jennalyn Bernabe the researcher’s General Chemistry 2, Inquiries,

Investigations, and Immersion, and Work Immersion-Capstone Project

instructors for their patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense

knowledge in making this output a better one.

To the researcher’s parents for their constant love, guidance,

understanding, and for extending their moral and financial support.

Above all, the researchers would like to take this opportunity to thank

all the respondents for exerting efforts and giving their time in this study.


Striving for success without hardwork is

like trying to harvest where you

haven’t planted.

To my friends, classmates, and instructor who

always there to motivate and support me

in every single thing.

And to our Almighty God

who guides us

every day.



A special feeling of gratitude to my parents

who have been my source of happiness.

Without their will and support,

this study would not be


To our friends and classmates, for their words

of encouragement and their prayers

that made us persistent

throughout the


Above all, the Almighty God, the author of

knowledge and wisdom for his

countless love.



With all the gratitude I dedicate this study

to my co researcher, parents, friends,

and to myself.

Thank you for your never ending support

who gave me strength and inspiration

to keep striving me

for the best.

And to Almighty God who gave me guidance,blessing,

and protection throughout my academic

activities.To all of you

thank you.



This research is lovingly dedicated to my parents,

who have been my constant

source of insipiration.

They have given me the drive and discipline

to tackle and task with enthusiast

and determination.

Without their love and support this project

would not have made




I dedicate this study to all of my friends for their consistent

appreciation and support. My group of friends who became

the closest ones to me fulfilled many emptiness inside me

and helped me get through a lot of challenges.

Also for my churchmates that are also my family for all the

prayers and love that only God can describe

for it is from Him. They never failed to charge

me up spiritually and look at my life as a life that

is for the Lord and not for the people around

me. Every single relationship I have with

people is important because

without it I will not make

it this far.



This research is lovingly dedicated to my parents, who have been

my source of happiness and inspiration. Who continually

provide their moral, spiritual, emotional and financial

support. Without their will and support, this study

would not be possible.

To my friends, classmates, and teachers, who shared their

words of advice and encouragement to finish this study.

And lastly, to our Almighty God,

who guides us everyday.



I dedicate this Study to our Almighty God our creator, our source

of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

To my loving parents who give us support and

Encouragement throughout the study.

Along with all hard working and

Respected teacher.



I am dedicating this research to my family who persuaded me

to keep on striving for success. They have come through a lot

of rejections and pain but they never forget to remind me

of being humble in every achievements I make. The love

that they give will never be compared to anything else in this

world. To my father who always believes that I have something

that will make me a successful person someday. To my mother who

never putted me into judgement whenever I failed but keeps on

cheering me up and help me stand up on my knees. To my brother

who taught me to treasure every single details that I learn in

school. He who understands my youthful being

and laughs at my jokes but acts serious if needed.

They are my special ones that I want to see standing in

every decision I make. They deserve to be dedicated of all of

these efforts and time because they are all part of it.



I dedicate this research first and foremost to God Almighty,

my creator, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge

and understanding. To my ever loving parents, for their love and

support throughout the process. And to the rest of my family.

I also dedicate this research to my benevolent classmates for

handing over an overflowing amount of

motivation and support.



TITLE PAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II
DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .XII

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Background of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Scope and Limitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Theoretical Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Conceptual Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11


2.1. Related Literature
Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Oregano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Peppermint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Asthma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Method of Research Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Research Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Research Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Research Population and Sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Sampling Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Data Collection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Statistical Treatment of Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Breathing the surrounding air is the most fundamental thing a man can

do to keep living. Regardless of its components, the air which cannot be seen

is bound to be inhaled. This generation of keeping the world at its higher state

of advancement and discoveries made it easier for contaminants to produce

that triggers different respiratory illnesses. Due to these circumstances, our

respiration is indeed at its suffering state so in accordance to advancements

and innovations, researchers are on the way of providing remedies. Not just

to aid the need of fresh air but the need for respiratory relaxation; and this

study happens to have it all.

Chapter I


This chapter will talk about the background of the study, statement of

the problem, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and

definition of terms that can help you understand the study.

Background of the Study

In the whole world, the number of people who are experiencing

respiratory diseases is increasing. Due to this, it is recognized as the primary

reason for the ―death and disability‖ of people throughout the world. It is

estimated that asthma, one of the respiratory diseases, attacks 334 million

people in the world. Also, children are usually the commonly seen victims of

these diseases having the rate of 14% of children affected in the whole world.

Humidifiers are ―used to relieve respiratory symptoms such as

shortness of breath associated with bronchitis. The moisture supplied by the

humidifier is also used to alleviate dry skin and help cold sufferers to feel

better by reducing dryness and irritation to the nose and throat. Using

humidifiers to keep the relative humidity in the comfort range of 40%-60% has

been shown to decrease survival of influenza viruses‖ (Sahai, 2017). And to

give more effect to the users, the use of essential oil is frequently

incorporated with this device.

Essential oils, on the other hand, are oils extracted from a different

plant that produces scent. In terms of aromatherapy, aromatherapists believe

that ―breathing in essential oils might allow them to enter the lungs and

bloodstream, where some of the potentially helpful compounds may benefit

the body‖ (Cobb, 2019). Some of the few popular essential oils honey,

oregano, and peppermint.

First, honey essential oil is found to be an aid in improving the health of

the heart, has the potential to cure cancer, provides pain relief, helps in

stimulating the function of the brain, and lessens the stress, anxiety, and

depression of an individual. Second, oregano essential oils have a long list of

benefits too. One of these is that it improves one’s immunity system to protect

against any infection commonly found during cold seasons. Lastly,

peppermint essential oil is considered one of the oldest medicines in the

whole world. Because of its component, menthol, peppermint is a helpful

scent to relieve any respiratory ailments. The anti-inflammatory and pain-

relieving properties of peppermint oil also make this healing oil an ideal

treatment for illnesses and infections plaguing the respiratory tract.

Because of this, the researchers are aiming to create an essential oil

that can ease the respiratory problems of many people. Its main component

will be honey, oregano, and peppermint. This essential oil can also be used

with a humidifier to be able to disperse the scent and benefits of these

essential oils throughout the air evenly.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the acceptability of Honey-Oregano

Peppermint Essential Oil. It seeks answers for the following problems:
1. What is the demographic profile of the residents in Laguna based on:
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3. Usage of natural ingredients for pharmaceutical needs
2. What is the mean level of acceptability of Honey-Oregano Essential Oil
based on the response of the residents in Laguna for the following aspects:
2.1. Price
2.2. Scent
2.3. Texture
3. Are there any significant relationships present between the level of
acceptability of Honey – Oregano Peppermint Essential Oil for an air
humidifier and the profiles of the residents in Laguna?

There is no significant relationship between the profile of the
respondents and the acceptability of Honey – Oregano Peppermint Essential
Oil for an air humidifier.

Significance of the Study

This part of the study is going to provide a brief description on the

various significances of the study given. The beneficiaries of this study are as


Children. The study will be beneficial to the children as they can also use the

product in improving their respiratory system, they can use this product to

battle asthma as well as dry skin because of its main ingredients.

Consumers. The consumer, who will read this, will learn, especially with

regards to price and quality of the product that determine the ability to satisfy

their needs as a consumer.

Future Researchers. This can serve as first-hand information and as

guideline if they are going to conduct the same study. By this, it would be

simple for them to do a research study.

Parents. It can help the parents who are looking for a better or alternative

way to improve their lung condition, to provide them a proper definition of

what are the benefits of Honey Oregano Peppermint Essential Oil to their


Scientists. Scientist can easily determine the advantages that the ingredients

have and to whom they can recommend the product.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on the feasibility of Honey Oregano Peppermint

Essential Oil. This is only limited to the production of an essential oil using

Oregano and Peppermint, with the addition of honey. This product is suitable

to the residents in Brgy. Palasan, as skin irritations occur to anyone anywhere

and Oregano, Peppermint, and Honey is accessible in the entire country.

Even with those terms said, the research is conducted in Sta. Cruz, Laguna

since it is the most accessible location to the researchers.

Definition of Terms

This study contains key concepts and constructs. Although this

constructs are discussed in detail in Chapter 2, they are briefly introduced in

this early Chapter of the thesis to allow the reader to make sense of what is

presented in the subsequent Chapters.

Asthma. It is an inflammatory condition that affects the lungs' airways.

Breathing becomes difficult, and certain physical tasks become difficult or


Coconut Oil. It is the carrier oil that was used by the researchers. It has a

mild odor that may not affect the aroma of the product.

Essential Oil. Essential oils are often used in aromatherapy, a form of

alternative medicine that utilize plant extracts to support health and well-


Honey. It is one of the main ingredients that was used by the researchers and

it helps to improve the aroma of the product. Humidifier- Humidifier therapy

adds dampness to the air to prevent dryness that can cause irritation in many

parts of the body. Humidifiers can be specifically effective for treating dryness

of the skin, nose, throat, and lips. They can also alleviate some of the

symptoms caused by the flu or common cold.

Oregano. This is one of the researcher's main ingredient in making the

essential oil for humidifier. The flavor and scent of the oregano leaf came

from the antioxidants thymol, carvacrol, limonene, terpinene, ocimene, and


Peppermint leaves. It is consists of fresh or dry leaves used in food or as a

tea. Peppermint essential oil is used in tinctures, chest rubs, and creams.

Theoretical Framework

Honey is not food stuff only but a combination of many medicinally

important chemicals either from plants or honeybees. The combined effect of

honey and plant extracts has opened a door for developing a safe and highly

potent natural drug against contagious diseases like tuberculosis, tetanus,

influenza, hepatitis, and human immune deficiency syndrome. Beside these

all, it will also overcome the serious problem of microbial resistance to

synthetic antimicrobial drugs. Honey is a supersaturated solution or semi-

solid natural product synthesized from nectar of flowers by honeybees (Aljadi

and Kamaruddin, 2004, Dashora et al., 2011, Hilary et al., 2017).

Peppermint (Mentha piperita L), is a medicinal plant that has received

more attention from both food and pharmaceutical industries because of its

health benefits for human society. Herein the therapeutic application of

volatile oil of peppermint is discussed and also chemical descriptors are

calculated to determine the electron parameters of peppermint active

constituents to search for biological activities of these compounds. Medicinal

plants have received more attention because of their health benefits, such as

anti-infectious properties since ancient times. The term of medical plants is

referred to the natural remedies that have used for treatment of human

diseases (Masomeh L. et al., 2017).

Origanum vulgare L. has traditionally been used in food industry and

cooking as a condiment, but also as a digestive and circulatory stimulant. The

essential oil from this plant is also used in aromatherapy and perfumery,

including soaps. Some other traditional uses include the preparation as an

infusion to treat digestive disorders, headaches, sore throats, or colds due to

the antispasmodic, calmative, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant,

stomachic and tonic effects. (De Torre M. et al., 2020).

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been traditionally used as moisturizer

since centuries by people in the tropical region. Clinical studies have revealed

that VCO improves the symptoms of skin disorders by moisturizing and

soothing the skin. Recently skin therapies highlighted on combinational

treatment like use of moisturizer, antibiotics, anti-histamine and

corticosteroids for the treatment of skin inflammation in order to repair altered

skin barrier function and reducing itch. (Varma S., 2018).

Essential oils are mixtures, sometimes containing almost 300

substances, said Gerhard Buchbauer, a professor of pharmaceutical

chemistry at the University of Vienna in Austria, who has researched and

written about the chemical compounds used in aromatherapy. The oils

contain both simple and complex chemicals, he said. Pure essential oils are

free of aromatic compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),

which may be linked with cancer, but they do contain volatile organic

compounds (VOCs) — otherwise, they could not be smelled, Buchbauer said.

(Nierenberg C., 2015).

All in all, in these theories, proved that the ingredients used in making

this product are suitable components in making essential oil. Honey as a

supersaturated solution, is used to overcome serious microbial resistance to

synthetic antimicrobial drug and cure against contagious diseases.

Peppermint is a medicinal plant that is used for both food and pharmaceutical

industries which has a therapeutic ability by the application of its volatile oil.

Oregano is widely known plant used in aromatherapy and as a cure for

headaches and other disorders. Coconut oil has been used as moisturizer

since centuries by people and recently highlighted as a skin therapy. Lastly,

Essential oils contain both simple and complex chemicals and also free of

aromatic compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Conceptual Framework

This study has independent and dependent variables in order to find

out about the significant difference between the profile of the Citizens of the

4th District of Laguna and the acceptability of Honey-Oregano-Peppermint

Essential Oil based on the smell, appearance, and texture.

For better understanding regarding the relevance of the variables, a

research paradigm is drawn below.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Age  Smell
 Gender  Appearance
 Health Condition  Texture

Figure 1. The Paradigm of the Study

Chapter II


This study focuses on the oregano and peppermint leaves extract as

an essential oil for humidifier. This chapter includes the ideas, finished theses,

generalizations or conclusions, methodologies and others. Those that were

included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and

similar to the present study.


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends honey as a

natural cough treatment. Honey is also recommended by the American

Academy of Pediatrics as a cough remedy. Honey, on the other hand, is not

recommended for children under the age of one year. According to a Penn

State College of Medicine report published in 2007, honey decreased

nighttime coughing and improved sleep quality in children with upper

respiratory infections rather than dextromethorphan, a cough drug. (Medical

News Today, 2018).

Nonetheless, coughing is a frequent symptom of upper respiratory

infections in infants. These diseases may have an effect on both children's

and parents' sleep and quality of life. However, conventional cough medicines

are not necessarily successful and can cause side effects. Interestingly,

honey could be a safer option, and research suggests that it is highly

successful. Another research discovered that it increased sleep and reduced

cough symptoms better than cough syrup. However, due to the possibility of

botulism, honey can never be offered to children under the age of one year.

(Gunnars, 2018).

In addition, Tosh (2020) claims that honey alone can be an effective

cough suppressant. In one study, children aged 1 to 5 with upper respiratory

tract infections were given up to 2 teaspoons (10 milliliters) of honey before

going to bed. The honey seemed to increase sleep and suppress night-time

coughing. In particular, honey seemed to be as effective as a popular cough

suppressant ingredient, dextromethorphan, in the research, in normal over-

the-counter doses. Also, honey is inexpensive and readily available, so it's

worth a try.

Furthermore, in a study of therapies for night-time coughing in infants,

dark honey was linked to the cough suppressant drug dextromethorphan and

to no treatment. According to the researchers, honey offered the most

important relief from coughing, followed by dextromethorphan. Despite the

fact that the effects of honey over dextromethorphan were minor, parents

ranked honey the most favorably of the three treatments. (Leonard, 2020).

Meanwhile, honey for asthma is a safer cure than most costly

traditional medicines. You're still curious if honey will help you stop asthma

attacks. Honey's antioxidant compounds improve the immune system,

protecting it against common colds and flu, which can cause asthma attacks.

Moreover, honey also relieves lung congestion. Honey's ethereal oil and

alcohol gradually clear the mucus in the mouth. Honey's mineral and vitamin

content, such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and amino acids, thus, it

helps in clearing the blockage from the lungs' airway. Also, honey helps in the

relaxation of the bronchial tube membranes. In the event of a serious problem

one must consult a doctor. (Dabur honey, 2017).

On the other hand, honey has a long tradition of use. Honey has been

used for centuries due to its medicinal and healing properties. Furthermore,

honey has been consumed in a variety of forms, including as a sweetener

and flavoring agent. All around the world, honey is made. Honey's most

essential nutrient is carbohydrates, which come in the form of

monosaccharides, fructose, and glucose. Honey acts as an antioxidant, anti-

inflammatory, and anti-bacterial agent, and it improves the adherence to skin

grafts and the wound healing process. Honey's position in the science

literature has been noted, and there is compelling data in favor of its

antioxidant and antibacterial properties, cough protection, fertility, and wound

healing properties.

But, according to Samarghamdian S., Farkhondeh T., and Samini F.

(2017), honey is one of the most appreciated and valued natural products

introduced to humankind since ancient times. Honey is used not only as a

nutritional product but also in health described in traditional medicine and as

an alternative treatment for clinical conditions ranging from wound healing to

cancer treatment. Traditionally, honey is used in the treatment of eye

diseases, bronchial asthma, throat infections, tuberculosis, thirst, hiccups,

fatigue, dizziness, hepatitis, constipation, worm infestation, piles, eczema,

healing of ulcers, and wounds and used as a nutritious supplement. The

ingredients of honey have been reported to exert antioxidant, antimicrobial,

anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, anticancer, and antimetastatic effects.

Many evidences suggest the use of honey in the control and treatment of

wounds, diabetes mellitus, cancer, asthma, and also cardiovascular,

neurological, and gastrointestinal diseases. Honey has a potential therapeutic

role in the treatment of disease by phytochemical, anti-inflammatory,

antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.

On the contrary, Kuropatnicki A. K., Klosek M., and Kucharzewski M.

(2018), stated that the use of honey as an internal and external health agent

is much older than the history of medicine itself. The earliest recorded

medical prescription including honey is from Sumer. Honey was used as a

remedy against a variety of illnesses in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

There are frequent references to honey in sacred texts. Besides, honey has a

long tradition, not only in Western medicine but also in traditional Chinese

medicine and Ayurveda. Honey was not commonly used by medical

practitioners after the fall of the Roman Empire. In medieval times honey was

not a popular subject of medical texts and very little was written on its use in

that period. In addition, in the nineteenth century honey was neglected due to

the development of modern synthetic medicine. Its comeback has, however,

been observable as early as the beginnings of the twentieth century, and

honey has been used again as a remedy for a variety of health problems and

an excellent wound healer.


Oregano is an herb that is commonly used in cooking. Oil extracted

from its leaves has a long history of medicinal uses. Over the centuries, it has

been used to treat a variety of ailments, including snake and spider bites,

respiratory troubles, and menstruation problems. Today, it is marketed for the

treatment of a long list of health conditions. In addition, oregano oil has also

been used to treat a condition that some alternative medicine practitioners

refer to as yeast hypersensitivity syndrome. In this condition, an excess of the

yeast candida albicans is thought to cause symptoms, such as sinus

congestion, headache, fatigue, and depression. It is not a condition that is

recognized by conventional medicine. (Ratini, 2019)

While, on the authority of Nelz, J., (2017). Oregano is a flowering plant,

which is a native of Mediterranean region. It is widely cultivated all around the

world because of its extreme health benefits to the body. It can both use for

culinary and medicinal purposes. During the ancient days, Oregano has been

already used in treating different types of diseases. Oregano leaves can be

consumed both fresh or dried. Also, this herb can treat and prevent several

types of diseases such as heartburn, heart diseases, allergies, asthma,

bronchitis, cough, cold, acne, dandruff, toothache, bloating, muscle pain,

digestive disorder, earache, fatigue, urinary tract infection, menstrual cramps,

cancer, intestinal parasites, rheumatism, infections, and other diseases.

On the other hand, oregano is an herb with olive-green leaves and

purple flowers. It grows 1-3 feet tall and is closely related to mint, thyme,

marjoram, basil, sage, and lavender. It is native to warm western and

southwestern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Turkey is one of the

largest exporters of oregano. It now grows on most continents and under a

variety of conditions. Countries known for producing high-quality oregano

essential oils include Greece, Israel, and Turkey. Outside of the U.S. and

Europe, plants referred to as "oregano" may be other species of Origanum, or

other members of the Lamiaceae family. Furthermore, oregano oil is also

applied to the skin as an insect repellent. In foods and beverages, oregano is

used as a culinary spice and a food preservative. (Rxlist, 2019).

For instance, based on Nutrition Today (n,d), oregano is an herb that

has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean area, although it now

can be found on most continents. Medicinal uses for oregano date back to the

ancient Greek and Roman empires where applications of the leaves were

used to treat such maladies as skin sores and relieve aching muscles and as

an antiseptic. Oregano also has been used in traditional medicines for such

ailments as asthma, cramping, diarrhea, and indigestion. In Greece, an

oregano infusion is still used as a folk remedy against colds and upset

stomach and to maintain general health.

In contrast, oregano is a great source of fiber and Vitamin A, E, C and

K. Vitamin A helps to maintain immune system as well as assist vision health.

Vitamin C and E acts antioxidants which protects cells. Vitamin K assists in

clotting of blood. Oregano contains high content of folate, iron, calcium,

magnesium and Vitamin B6. These nutrients assist in formation of DNA and

RNA building blocks, metabolizing bones, prevention of anemia and optimal

brain function. Besides this, it also contains potassium, manganese and

copper. It has high content of antioxidants which helps to neutralize free

radicals. It has lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin as carotenoids.

Medicinally it is effective for treating colds, flu, indigestion and regulation of

menstrual cycle. As a poultice, it is used as an aid for sore muscles and

eczema. Leaves and flowers are mild stimulant which enhance flow of bile

from gall bladder to intestines and also aids digestion and prevent gas.

(Health Benefits Times, 2021)


Peppermint essential oil provides a familiar, recognizable scent,

nevertheless, peppermint is so much more than simply a nostalgic, fresh

aroma. This oil can be diffused to create a stimulating, focused atmosphere

for daily tasks. You can also apply it topically to create a cool, tingling

sensation on the skin, which can be very soothing after hard physical activity.

We recommend using Peppermint aromatically or topically any time you want

to add a pleasant variety to your routine. (Anonymous, n.d.)

Furthermore, peppermint is a plant in the mint family. The leaf and oil

are used as medicine. Peppermint oil is used for a long-term disorder of the

large intestines that causes stomach pain (irritable bowel syndrome or IBS). It

is also used for indigestion (dyspepsia), spasms in the bowel, hard, painful

breasts in breast-feeding women, bed sores (pressure ulcers), and tension

headache. It is also used for many other conditions, but there is no good

scientific evidence to support many of these uses. In foods and beverages,

peppermint is a common flavoring agent. In manufacturing, peppermint oil is

used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics, and as a flavoring agent in

pharmaceuticals. (Anonymous, n.d.)

Meanwhile, Seladi-Schulman (2019) claiming that peppermint is an

aromatic herb in the mint family. It’s a hybrid mint that’s a cross between

spearmint and water mint. It can be found naturally in North America and

Europe. Peppermint essential oil can be extracted from the leaves of the

peppermint plant and is used for a variety of different purposes. Besides,

peppermint oil has a sharp odor that’s cool and refreshing. Its taste is similar.

You may be familiar with the coolness in your mouth after you consume

something with a peppermint flavor. The main chemical components of

peppermint oil are menthol and menthone. However, there are many more as


Moreover, peppermint oil appears to be safe when taken orally (by

mouth) or applied topically in the doses commonly used. Peppermint oil has

been safely used in many clinical trials. Both peppermint leaves and the

essential oil from peppermint have been used for health purposes.

Peppermint oil is the essential oil taken from the flowering parts and leaves of

the peppermint plant. (Essential oils are very concentrated oils containing

substances that give a plant its characteristic odor or flavor.) Peppermint is a

common flavoring agent in foods and beverages, and peppermint oil is used

as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. (Anonymous n.d.)

But, according to Britannica (n.d.), Peppermint is a strong aromatic

perennial herb of the mint family. Peppermint has a strong sweetish odor and

a warm pungent taste with a cooling aftertaste. The leaves are typically used

fresh as a culinary herb, and the flowers are dried and used to flavor candy,

desserts, beverages, salads, and other foods. Therefore, its essential oil is

also widely used as a flavoring. The plant is a hybrid between water mint and


However, Loolaie M., Moasefi N., Rasouli H., and Adibi H. (2017), said

that Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.), is a medicinal plant that has received

more attention from both food and pharmaceutical industries because of its

health benefits for human society. Herein, the chemical structure of

peppermint compounds evaluated using theoretical studies. Indeed, the

health benefits of peppermint were reviewed. Our molecular docking showed

that among peppermaint compounds, cineol and menthyl acetate apparently

bound to the active site of arylamine N-acetyltransferase enzyme. This type of

interaction indicates the inhibitory effects of these compounds against this

enzyme. Quantum studies revealed that menthol and pulegone are stable and

unstable compounds in this plant.

In contrast, Alammar N., Wang L., Saberi B., Navati J., Holtmann G., &

Shinohara R. T. (2019), stated that peppermint oil (PO) (Mentha Piperita) is a

naturally-occurring carminative herb containing monoterpene compounds that

target the pathophysiology of IBS. PO contains L-menthol, which blocks

calcium channels in smooth muscle, thus producing antispasmodic effects on

the gastrointestinal tract. PO possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,

antioxidant, immunomodulating, and anesthetic activities, all of which may be

relevant for the treatment of IBS. Several case reports, observational studies,

and randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with methodological inconsistencies and

heterogeneous outcomes have been reported since the research conducted

by Rees et al. in 1979.

Lastly, peppermint (Mentha × piperita L) is a perennial, glabrous and

strongly scented herb belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is cultivated in a

temperate region of Europe, Asia, United States, India and Mediterranean

countries due to their commercial value and distinct aroma. In addition to

traditional food flavouring uses, M. × piperita is well recognized for their

traditional use to treat fever, cold, digestive, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and oral

mucosa and throat inflammation. The scientific studies provide awareness on

the use of M. piperita for biological effects such as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial,

anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, biopesticidal, larvicidal, anti-cancer,

radioprotective effect, genotoxicity, and anti-diabetic activity have beem

ascribed. A wide spectrum of bioactive phytochemicals such as flavonoids,

phenolics lignans and stilbenes and essential oils are expected to be

responsible for the aroma effects. (Mahendran G., Rahman L. U. 2020)


Meth M. (2020), said that asthma is an inflammatory disease of the

airways to the lungs. Consequently, it makes breathing difficult and can make

some physical activities challenging or even impossible. According to the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 25 million

AmericansTrusted Source have asthma. It’s the most common chronic

condition among American children has asthma. There are lots of small air

passages in your lungs that help deliver oxygen from the air into your

bloodstream. However, asthma symptoms occur when the lining of your

airways swell and the muscles around them tighten. Mucus then fills the

airways, further reducing the amount of air that can pass through. In addition,

these conditions can then bring on an asthma ―attack,‖ the coughing and

tightness in your chest that’s typical of asthma.

Additionally, asthma is a long-term disease of the lungs. It causes

your airways to get inflamed and narrow, and it makes it hard to breathe.

Severe asthma can cause trouble talking or being active. You might hear your

doctor call it a chronic respiratory disease. Some people refer to asthma as

bronchial asthma. Asthma is a serious disease that affects about 25 million

Americans and causes nearly 2 million emergency room visits every year.

(Grabiela Pichardo, 2019).

Like with the authority of Yang I. V., Lozupone C. A., & Schwartz D. A.

(2017). Asthma prevalence has been on the increase, especially in North

America compared with other continents. However, the prevalence of asthma

differs worldwide, and in many countries the prevalence is stable or

decreasing. This highlights the influence of environmental exposures, such as

allergens, air pollution, and the environmental microbiome , on disease

etiology and pathogenesis. The epigenome might provide the unifying

mechanism that translates the influence of environmental exposures to

changes in gene expression, respiratory epithelial function, and immune cell

skewing that are hallmarks of asthma.

Yet, Shiel W. C. (2019), said that asthma is a chronic lung disorder that

can make breathing difficult. It features narrow, inflamed airways (bronchial

tubes). "Asthma" is an ancient Greek word meaning "short breath," and as the

name implies, it can leave you gasping for air. One of the telltale signs of an

asthma attacks is wheezing with difficulty breathing. Moreover, other asthma

symptoms include chest tightness, coughing, and shortness of breath.

Therefore, when the breathing tubes of the lungs become chronically inflamed,

they can become sensitive to inhaled environmental allergens and irritants

that can trigger asthma. These environmental triggers include pollen, pollution,

and tobacco smoke. Exercise can also be an asthma trigger for some.

Meanwhile, allergic asthma is the most common asthma phenotype. It

usually is defined by the presence of sensitization to environmental allergens,

although a clinical correlation between exposure and symptoms further

supports the diagnosis. The average age of onset of allergic asthma is

younger than that of nonallergic asthma. Although the spectrum of allergic

asthma may vary from mild to severe, studies have reported that allergic

versus nonallergic asthma is less severe. There is an increased prevalence of

allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic dermatitis in patients with allergic

asthma. (Schatz M., 2016)

Chapter III


This chapter presents the methods to be used in the study. It also

describes the subject of the study. The instruments used, the procedure of

data gathering, and statistical treatment of the data.

Method of Research Used

The research method used by the researchers is quantitative research.

Quantitative research involves about numerical data being used in gathering

information to conduct research. The research design used is correlation

design which uses the scientific method to establish relationship among a

group of variables in a research study. The effects of the independent

variable on the dependent variable are collected and analyzed for a


Research Design

The study uses correlation design as a method of research. It was

used to determine the acceptability of Om Aromatherapy Oil to the consumers

as an option for Humidifier to the residents of Brgy. Palasan, Sta. Cruz,


The researcher’s product aims to bring ease in breathing, relaxation

and moisture to the skin of each user, specially, to those people who are

suffering from asthma. This oil is meant be used with humidifier for an

increase in benefits and even disposal of the formula in the air.

Research Instrument

The researchers utilized the 4-point Likert Scale Questionnaire to test

the acceptability of the respondents to the product being presented. The scale

ranges from poor, fair, good, and excellent. It helped the researchers to

gather data to test the relationship between the citizen’s age and gender to

the acceptability of the product.

Research Population and Sample

In terms of the number of respondents of this study, the researchers

decided to identify the acceptability of the Honey Oregano Peppermint

Essential Oil of the residents of Brgy. Palasan, Sta. Cruz, Laguna that has the

population of 3,597 according to the 2015 census.

However, due to the large population the research locale has,

the researchers decided to only get the 100 residents of Brgy. Palasan to be

part of this study.

Sampling Method

The researchers used convenience random sampling to choose the

respondents of this study to observe non-bias results. The researchers

randomly sent the online questionnaire formulated with the help of Google

Forms to the residents of Brgy. Palasan since face-to-face survey was not

possible at the moment the researchers conducted this study.

According to Lauren T. (2020), random sampling means is a randomly

selected subset of a population. In this sampling method, each member of the

population has an exactly equal chance of being selected. This method is the

most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods, since it only

involves a single random selection and requires little advance knowledge

about the population.

Data Collection Procedure

To obtain reliable data, which will be the foundation of this study, the

researchers first had a pre-survey with the citizens of the province of Laguna

by utilizing Google Forms. The face-to-face survey was hindered by the strict

quarantine protocol being implemented when the researchers made their pre-

survey. Within this survey, they were asked questions like the common health

condition present in their community, what they could recommend solving the

issue, and such.

After doing the pre-survey, the researchers undergo extensive reading

and searching of the different kinds of literature that have been studied and

related in this paper. Through these previous studies, the researchers

concluded what could be the possible ingredients to be used in making the

essentials oils that can solve the common health problem obtained from the

pre-survey; these were honey, oregano, and peppermint.

After obtaining this information, the researchers were able to

formulate a questionnaire that would satisfy this study's objectives. The

questions are all based on the related literature. This questionnaire contained

the questions determining the demographic profile of the residents of Laguna

and the mean level of acceptability of honey-oregano peppermint essential

oil. After gaining the responses here, the researchers will now determine the

relationship between the students' demographic profile and the mean level of

acceptability of the said product. The researchers assure the data protection

of the respondents and keep its confidentiality.

Statistical Treatment of Data

1. Percentage Distribution is a frequency distribution in which the

individual class frequencies are expressed as a percentage of the

total frequency equated to 100. Frequency and percentage

distribution are used to determine the profile of the people in Laguna

in terms of age, gender, and health condition.



P = Percent

F =Frequency

N =Total population

2. The Mean is the average or the most common value in a collection of

numbers. It is also referred to as an expected value. The Mean

formula is used in the research to determine the average of the result

of the survey. The formula for Mean is:



̅ = Mean

= each value of population

= number of individuals in the population

3. The standard deviation is a statistic that measures the dispersion of

a data set relative to its mean and is calculated as the square root of

the variance. If the data points have lots of difference from the Mean,

there is a higher deviation within the data set. This is used to

determine the closeness of the numbers to the average value. The

formula for standard deviation is:

∑ ̅


s = Standard deviation

∑= Summation

x= each value of population

̅ = Population means

n = Total number of populations

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Leonard, J. (2020). 12 natural cough remedies. Retrieved March 06, 2021,
from natural-
Medicalnewstoday. (2018). Honey: Benefits, uses, and properties. Retrieved
March 06, 2021, from
Peppermint. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2021, from
Peppermint essential oil. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2021, from
Peppermint oil. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2021, from https://www.ncci
Peppermint: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing
and reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2021, from https://www.w
Seladi-Schulman, J. (2019, April 25). Benefits of peppermint oil: Uses, side
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Tosh, P. K. (2020). Honey: An effective cough remedy? Retrieved March 06,
2021, from answers/honey/fa

Group 2

Introduction Silva, Marjorie Mae
Background of the Study Silva, Marjorie Mae
Statement of the Problem Tan, Anna Denesse
Hypothesis Tan, Anna Denesse
Significance of the Study Silva, Marjorie Mae
Scope and Limitations of the Study Verania, Jiana
Definition of Terms Cuaresma, Joizel Marie
Theoretical Framework Mia, Dane Christopher
Conceptual Framework Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Revisions Verania, Jiana
Compiler Verania, Jiana
Review of Related Literature
Honey Allones, Jhomel
Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Oregano Tan, Anna Denesse
Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Peppermint Allones, Jhomel
Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Asthma Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Review of Related Studies
Honey Tan, Anna Denesse
Oregano Bernardino, John Albert
Peppermint Silva, Marjorie Mae
Bibliography Verania, Jiana
Revisions Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Compiler Cuaresma, Joizel Marie
Research Design Mia, Dane Christopher
Population and Sample Cuaresma, Joizel Marie
Sampling Method Serrano, Jan Kizzy
Data Collection Procedure Cuaresma, Joizel Marie
Statistical Treatment of Data Verania, Jiana
Revisions Cuaresma, Joizel Marie
Compiler Allones, Jhomel

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