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Bachelor of Elementary Education

1st Semester, AY 2022-2023


Building and Enhancing New

Literacies across Curriculum

College of Education

This material has been prepared and communicated to you by or on behalf of

Palawan State University - CCRD Narra for educational purposes only.

Prepared by; Kimberly Joyce Ardais PSU – CCRD Narra

Bachelor of Elementary Education
1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

Module 1: New Literacies in the 21st Century as an Evolving Social

Phenomena and Shared Cultural Practices across Learning Areas


This module tackles the different literacies in 21st Century which

reflect technology use and the abilities needed to problem-solve, collaborate, and
present information through multimedia. As the concepts of literacy change, this course
paves the way to learning 21st century skills particularly the importance of technology
use across discipline.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. determine the different literacies in the 21st Century,

2. relate the importance of new literacies in different discipline, and
3. identify and discuss the 21st century skills and its impact to 21st century

Let Us Explore
Let Us Explore
Directions: Based on the given diagram below, read and answer the following
questions. Write answers in not less than 20 words per question.
1. How will you integrate in your future career the latest technology at hand
without sacrificing quality of knowledge from quantity?
2. In a latest issues and concerns about ways of teaching pedagogy, how will
you expand your comprehension about the latest literacies in technology?

This material has been prepared and communicated to you by or on behalf of

Palawan State University - CCRD Narra for educational purposes only.

Prepared by; Kimberly Joyce Ardais PSU – CCRD Narra

Bachelor of Elementary Education
1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

What are these new literacies?
New literacies refer to new forms of literacy made possible by digital technology
developments. Commonly recognized examples include instant messaging, blogging,
social networking, podcasting, photo sharing, digital storytelling, and conducting online
searches. (>dictionary)
The new literacies encompass much more than basic literacy but also teach the
learners to think critically. The utility lies in online reading comprehension and learning
skills, or 21st century skills, required by the Internet and other information and
communication technologies (ICTs), including content found on wikis, blogs, video sites,
audio sites, and in e-mail. (>article-newliteracies)
Further, literacy skills increasingly reflect technology use and the abilities necessary
to problem-solve, collaborate, and present information through multi-media. As
technology becomes more readily available to all students, concepts of literacy change.

Definition of Terms

Ethical Literacy includes the capacity to understand our own and others style, and
being flexible and responsive in any context we move through. It means self-reflection,
agility and empathy in our responses, asking questions and the capacity to walk in
others' shoes. Oct 2, 2014 (www.igi-global.cori>literacy-integral.definition)
The 21st Century citizenship refers to children who are civically literate, globally
competent and digitally literate. As primary characteristic of 21st century learning,
global citizenship is a must to be aware of other cultures, contribute and work towards
community improvements. (
Basic literacy is a form of abilities to read, write, and do basic arithmetic or
numeracy. Barton (2006) asserts that the notion of basic literacy is used for the initial
learning of reading and writing which adults who have never been to school need to go
through. (
Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access, critically
evaluate, and create or manipulate media. Media literacy is not restricted to one
medium. (>wiki> Potter (2004) specifies seven skills of media literacy:
analysis, evaluation, grouping, induction, deduction, synthesis, and abstracting. Potter
This material has been prepared and communicated to you by or on behalf of
Palawan State University - CCRD Narra for educational purposes only.

Prepared by; Kimberly Joyce Ardais PSU – CCRD Narra

Bachelor of Elementary Education
1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

(2010) further asserts that these skills, when used together and in the context of
foundational knowledge, are useful for meaning construction in learning.
Information literacy is the ability to articulate one's information need. The ability
to identify, locate and access appropriate sources of information to meet the
information need.
Intercultural literacy is defined as the understandings, attitudes, competencies
and identities which enable effective participation in a cross-cultural setting.
Network Literacy. According to Dudeney, Hockly and Pegrum (2014: 29) network
literacy is “the ability to deploy online social and professional networks to filter and
obtain information; to communicate with and inform others; to build collaboration and
support; and to develop a reputation and spread influence”.
- The term 21st century skills refer to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits,
and character traits that are believed to be critically important to success in today’s
world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces.
Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas, and
in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student’s life.
The following list provides a brief illustrative overview of the knowledge,
skills, work habits, and character traits commonly associated with 21st
century skills:
 Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing
• Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning
• Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression
• Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative
• Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening
• Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual
• Information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, media and internet
literacy, data interpretation and analysis, computer programming
• Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy
This material has been prepared and communicated to you by or on behalf of
Palawan State University - CCRD Narra for educational purposes only.

Prepared by; Kimberly Joyce Ardais PSU – CCRD Narra

Bachelor of Elementary Education
1st Semester, AY 2022-2023

• Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism

• Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism
• Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method
• Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding
• Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and

Let Us Wrap Up
1.Give examples of each 21st century literacy.
2. What 21st century skills do you possess? How will it/these help you as future

Let Us Assess

Instructions: Answer the questions below in a yellow pad. Take note of points
given. The higher the points the more comprehensive the discussion must be.
1.Discuss comprehensively the importance and impacts of 21st century literacy
to you as student and as future professional. (35 pts)
2. With the advent of 21st century skills, how will you cope with it to be 21st
century learner? (15 pts)


The Importance of New Literacy Skills in the 21st Century Classroom The Importance of
New Literacy Skills in the 21st Century Classroom. (2020). Retrieved 19 October 2020,

This material has been prepared and communicated to you by or on behalf of

Palawan State University - CCRD Narra for educational purposes only.

Prepared by; Kimberly Joyce Ardais PSU – CCRD Narra

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