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Determinants of PED

Proportion of income spent on

good - the higher the
proportion of income spent on
good, the higher the PED.

Why? —> The higher the

proportion of income spent, it
means that consumers would
have increased opportunity
cost associated with that
spending. Hence, they would
be more price sensitive since
they will be foregoing more of
other goods if they commit to
the buying the good.
Availability of Substitutes
(number and closeness)

The larger the number and

closeness of substitutes, the
higher the PED.

Coffee and Tea Vs Pepsi and
Number of substitutes
depends on the broadness of

Food Vs Rice
N - Necessity Factor

Staples or Addiction

The higher the necessity

factor, the lower the PED.

T - Time Period

The longer the time period

under consideration, the
higher the PED. Why?

Petrol prices are rising —>

PED < 1 (SR)

Switch to electric car or hybrid

car or more fuel efficient cars.
The PED will increase.

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