Forms of Fiction (Lesson Plan)

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Michael’s College
9200 Iligan City, Philippines
Tel Nos. (063) 222-1990 ; 221-2810 - President’s Office (063) 221-3812 (Registrar’s Office) connecting to all offices (063) 225-3610 (HRM Laboratory)
Telefax (063) 223-8109 (President’s Office) Telefax (063) 221-5325 (Finance Office) Telephone (063) 221-7134 (Basic Education Department)

St. Michael’s College

San Miguel, Iligan City
Senior High School Department


Subject/Level : 21st Century Literature/Grade 11 Date: October 09, 2022

Quarter: Second

I. Preliminaries

Review - Kinds of Fiction

Focus - Forms of Fiction

Motivation: Sample Picture Processing

Learners will then be asked the following:

What do you observe from the Pictures?

What do you think is our topic for today based on your answers?

II. Lesson Development

A. Presentation of Concepts

Learners will be able to define and identify the types of fiction.

Learners will be able to appreciate and recognize how difficult it is to become an overseas
Learners will be able to create their own fiction story through chain story telling.


Activity #1: 4 Pics 1 Word

Guess the forms of fiction based on the four images provided. Each student who gets the
correct answer will be exempted from the quiz later and will immediately get a perfect
score of 10/10.
St. Michael’s College
9200 Iligan City, Philippines
Tel Nos. (063) 222-1990 ; 221-2810 - President’s Office (063) 221-3812 (Registrar’s Office) connecting to all offices (063) 225-3610 (HRM Laboratory)
Telefax (063) 223-8109 (President’s Office) Telefax (063) 221-5325 (Finance Office) Telephone (063) 221-7134 (Basic Education Department )

Activity #2: Chain Story Telling

Create a fictional story of any form in a group using a chain story telling method. Every member of the
group must tell for about 30 seconds. Every member in each group will have two turns.

Characterization – 10
Facial Expression – 10
Content – 15
Organization - 15

B. Broadening of Concepts (meaning)

(Asking of leading, exploring, connecting and essential questions. Drawing out of the
EU from the students)
Fiction has a power that no other form of communication does: the power to insert you fully and
completely in someone else’s mind. It is a meld between the mind of the reader and the writer,
and the minds of reader and character. When you read fiction, you’re seeing the world through
a character’s eyes.

A list of the forms of books included in the list and may be used as search criteria to find books
of interest in the list.

Novel fable
Short story Folk Tale
Legend Novella
Fairy Tale Epic

1. From what has been discussed so far, what are your favorite forms of fiction and why?
2. What do you think is the purpose of writing a fictional literary Work?

B. Integration

a. Ignacian/ Related Values - Excellence

Why is it important to inspire people from our stories?

b. Social Orientation - Appreciation of the Overseas Workers

In every country around the world, you can see a Filipino
worker. In what way are you going to show your appreci-
ation to them?

c. Lesson Across Discipline - Social Studies

By reading the different Folklores of your community, in
St. Michael’s College
9200 Iligan City, Philippines
Tel Nos. (063) 222-1990 ; 221-2810 - President’s Office (063) 221-3812 (Registrar’s Office) connecting to all offices (063) 225-3610 (HRM Laboratory)
Telefax (063) 223-8109 (President’s Office) Telefax (063) 221-5325 (Finance Office) Telephone (063) 221-7134 (Basic Education Department)

what way are you going to promote and appreciate your

community’s Stories?

d. Faith/Biblical Reflection - Romans 1:11-12

"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—
that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith."

Learners will be asked:

How can you incorporate our lesson to the message from this passage?

III. Evaluation/Assessment (via Google Forms)

TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement
provides an incorrect statement.

1 Novel, an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that
deals imaginatively with human experience.
2. Short story, brief fictional prose narrative that is shorter than a novel and that usually
deals with only a few characters. A brief story usually 5-20 pages long. only has 1-2 main
characters and one main setting.
3, A fable is a very brief story in prose or in verse that teaches a moral or a practical lesson
about how to succeed in life. A fable is a very brief story in prose or in verse that teaches a
moral or a practical lesson about how to succeed in life.
4. Fairy Tale is a Story, sometimes of a national or folk hero, which has a basis in fact but
also includes imaginative material.
5. Legend Often based in part on historical events, that reveals human behavior and natural
phenomena by its symbolism; often pertaining to the actions of the gods.
6. Folk tale folk tale is a story with no known author.
7. Folk tales are passed down from one generation to another by word of mouth. • They
teach lessons & teach you about the consequences of certain kinds of behaviors or attitude.
8. Novella is a Story between 20-100 pages; can also be a collection of short stories.
9. Epic are Stories and songs emerged as an oral means of communication and preserving
the past.
1o. Fairy tale is a Story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children.
IV. Purposive Assignment

Read the Drama entitled “The Dog Eaters” By Leoncio P. Deriada. Write a two paragraph Re-
flection in a 1 whole intermediate paper.

I. Content
10pts: Content is able to substantially discuss the necessary inputs.
7pts: Content is satisfactory but needs more elaboration
5pts: Content is insufficient but effort was prevalent
2pts: There is no apparent effort in the content.
St. Michael’s College
9200 Iligan City, Philippines
Tel Nos. (063) 222-1990 ; 221-2810 - President’s Office (063) 221-3812 (Registrar’s Office) connecting to all offices (063) 225-3610 (HRM Laboratory)
Telefax (063) 223-8109 (President’s Office) Telefax (063) 221-5325 (Finance Office) Telephone (063) 221-7134 (Basic Education Department)

II. Organization
10pts: Coherence is prevalent and ideas are organized in a highly satisfactory manner.
7pts: Coherence is prevalent and ideas are organized in a satisfactory manner
5pts: Coherence needs work and ideas need more organization
2pts: There was no apparent effort in organization
III. Grammar
10pts: Proper use of punctuation, capitalization and grammar is completely applied.
7pts: There are minimal errors in grammar.
5pts: There are a lot of grammar errors.
2pts: There is no apparent effort in grammar.

References/Instructional Materials

PowerPoint presentation

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

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