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10/2/2021 Signal Operation

MATLAB Assignment#2
1. Introduction :
In this assignment we will use MATLAB techniques for signal and systems that how we can plot
different signals and apply signal operation techniques in MATLAB by loading data and then
observe its behavior . Assignment is divided into Four parts first is signal generation using
different commands tripulse , rectpulse and second part using time shifting , amplitude ,scaling
etc , then plotting the even and odd part of the signal and find signal period & periodicity. In the
task below we will plot the signals for better analysis.

2. Objectives:
The core objective of this assignment to understand the basic concept of signals using MATLAB
other aims are stated below :

 To, generate a signal using MATLAB by using commands like tripulse , rectpulse.
 Plot scaled and shifted signal.
 To, plot the even and odd part of the generated signal.
 Plot a signal by first finding its period and periodicity .

3. Tasks :
MATLAB code of tasks are given in a sequence below :

Question 1 : Signal plotting

Task 1 : Signal plotting

Question 2 : Signal plotting ,Shifting ,Scaling

Question 3 : Generate a Signal and plot even and odd signal

Even and Odd Signal

Question 4 : Contractions expansion and Periodicity
4.1 Contraction and expansion and periodicity— Consider the periodic signal 𝑥(𝑡) =
cos(𝜋𝑡) of period 𝑇0 = 2 sec

1. The time scaling expresses or compress the input signal

Take c=1/2 =0.5
Signal is periodic as it repeats itself after a time t

Fundamental period =To=2𝜋/𝜋/2


2. X(ct)=x(2t)=cos(2𝜋t)

Signal is periodic as it repeats itself after a time t

Fundamental period =To=2𝜋/2𝜋


4. Results :

Signal 1.1

Signal 1.2

Signal 1.3

Signal 2.1

Signals :2.2

Signal 3.1


Even and odd Signal

Signals 4.1

Signals 4.2

The frequencies of the signal are not clear so we take the derivative and the signal noise removed and
overall response improved


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