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bacon,banana peppers,feta

day is today
now lets have a party today
yu r good
have a nice day
today is tomorrow
the day is nice
this is a day

/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -n 's/day/text/gp' file2.txt

text is totext
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text

/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -i -n 's/day/text/gip' file2.txt

/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
totext is awesome
text is text
text is the good text
text is text is text is text
/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -n 's/day/text/gip' file2.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
totext is awesome
text is text
text is the good text
text is text is text is text
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat > file2.txt
today is memorable Day
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
today is memorable Day
/disk2/home/avasundh> echo "good day" file2.txt
good day file2.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> echo "good day" > file2.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
good day

/disk2/home/avasundh> echo "good nice day" >> file2.txt

/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
good day
good nice day
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat >>file2.txt
text is today
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
good day
good nice day
text is today
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat >>file2.txt
today is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
day is day is day is day
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
good day
good nice day
text is today
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
today is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
day is day is day is day

DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
nice is nice is nice is nice
nice is nice is nice is nice
/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -i 's/day/nice/gp' file2.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> sed 's/day/nice/gp' file2.txt
good nice
good nice
good nice nice
good nice nice
text is tonice
text is tonice
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
tonice is awesome
tonice is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
nice is nice is nice is nice
nice is nice is nice is nice
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file2.txt
good nice
good nice
good nice nice
good nice nice
text is tonice
text is tonice
now lets have a party totext
have a nice text
totext is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
tonice is awesome
tonice is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
nice is nice is nice is nice
nice is nice is nice is nice
/disk2/home/avasundh> cp file2.txt file3.txt

/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -n 's/text/day/gp' file3.txt

day is tomorrow
the day is nice
this is a day

/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file3.txt

text is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
tonice is awesome
tonice is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY

/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -i -n 's/text/day/gp' file3.txt

/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file3.txt
day is tomorrow
the day is nice
this is a day

/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file3.txt

text is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
tonice is awesome
tonice is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
nice is nice is nice is nice
nice is nice is nice is nice
/disk2/home/avasundh> sed -i -n 's/text/day/g' file3.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat file3.txt
/disk2/home/avasundh> cat >>file3.txt
text is tomorrow
the text is nice
this is a text
tonice is awesome
tonice is awesome
DAY is DAy
Day is the good DAY
nice is nice is nice is nice
nice is nice is nice is nice

When we run a graph there is a log file gets created from backend.

Select all log files and from that log files select common pattern for the log

How many log files created by the user

Generate a report that how many times the graph runs

Eg: at what time the graph runs 1st time, at what time it finished

At what time the graph runs 2nd time. At what time it finished etc..

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