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Ofelia (HOST) : Good Morning Pilipinas ! Welcome to everyone's favorite game show of FACT or BLUFF.

I am
your host Ofelia , and today we have the players of Team Red and Team Blue to win the show.Please welcome
our contestants, of Team Red Kate and Chichi.And for Team Blue we
have Leajane and Jamaica.There are also 2 person called The Bluffers they are Chrisley and Nedilyn. They will
either help or wile the players/teams by providing diverse answers or clues to the question.

I'm going to give you guys a quick overview of the

game.The game shall have 2 rounds namely :
Believe me or not and Jackpot Round.

Host ACELYN :In round 1 entitled Believe me or not , five questions shall be called on for respective
answers.Each of the Bluffers , will provide possible answers after each question/statement is given. The players
shall have to choose which
Bluffer they feel to be telling the true answer.

Ofelia(HOST): In the second round entitled Jackpot Round the team shall strive to answer five more questions ,
if it's a Fact or a Bluff.One correct answer is equivalent to 5 points.

The Team with the highest score will be annouced

as Winner.

So without further a do let the game begin.


Ofelia (HOST) :Let's start in Round 1.

1.According to Anaximander the philosopher sketch of the genesis of the world (cosmogony) , the evolution of
the world begins with the generation of opposites in a certain region of nature

BLUFFER 1 : Well it's obviously a Fact , because he was the first to develop a cosmology or systematic
philosophical view of the world.
BLUFFER 2 : It's a Bluff for me , because it should be Phythagoras statement.

Ofelia (HOST) : Players who do you think the answer is correct? Is it a fact or a bluff.

Team Red : we would go for Bluffer 1.It's a Fact.

Team Blue : It's a Bluff for us.

Ofelia(HOST):Okayy is that your final answer?Allright.Acelyn please reveal the answer.

HOST ACELYN : Well , the correct answer is

Fact. Anaximander held an evolutionary view of living things. The first creatures originated from the moist
element by evaporation. Man originated from some other kind of animal, such as fish, since man needs a long
period of nurture and could not have survived if he had always been what he is now.So
Team Red, got 5 points for the correct answer. While Team blue got wrong answer.
Ofelia (HOST) : 2.Now lets proceed to another question. What
theory is this , for this
theory, ecological crisis results from authoritarian social structures. Destroying nature is a reflection wherein few
people overpower others while
exploiting the environment for profit or self-interest.

BLUFFER 1:It's Ecofeminism

BLUFFER 2:It is Social ecology

Ofelia(HOST) : Players who do you think the answer is correct?

Team Red:We choose Bluffer 1

Team Blue:We would go for Bluffer 2 .

HOST ACELYN:The correct answer is Social ecology,it is Conceptualize as a critique of current

social,political,and anti ecological trends,it espouses a reconstructive,ecological,communitarian and ethical
approach to society. Team Blue got the correct answer with that you got 5 points. Team Red got the wrong

Ofelia (HOST) : Now players let's proceed to another question.3 : For this theory, ecological crisis is an outcome
of anthropocentrism.The controlling attitude of
humankind is extended to nature, when in fact, humanity is part of nature.The ecologist encourage humanity to
shift away from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism.What theory is this?

BLUFFER 1:Deep ecology because the living environment as a whole has the same right as humans do to
BLUFFER 2:That is Shallow ecology , because nature should be conserved for the sake of human

Ofelia(HOST):Players what do you think?Which answer is correct?

Team Red:Bluffer 2
Team Blue:Bluffer 1

Ofelia(HOST):Acelyn,please reveal the answer.

ACELYN HOST :The correct answer is Deep

ecology,an environmental and philosophy which
regards human life as just one of many equal
components of a global ecosystem stating that the
environment should be protected for it's own sake
due to it's intrinsic value.For that Team Blue got the
correct answer so you got 5 points.While Team red got the wrong answer.

Ofelia(HOST):This is a critical statement.Are you all

ready?Well then for question 4.George Herbert Mead believed that citizens have both rights and duties while
living.Is it a fact or a bluff?
-what do you think bluffers?

BLUFFER 1:It is a Bluff.It was not George Herbert

Mead but Herbert Mercuse issued the statement
He also believed that humanity had really
dominated the nature.
BLUFFER 2:It is a Fact.It was indeed George Herbert Mead as he then believed that citizens are not only part of
the community but are major
contributors because as citizens every reaction has
an impact to it.

Team Red:We are for bluffer 2

Team Blue:We will choose bluffer 1 answer.

HOST ACELYN:The correct answer is Fact.

George Herbert Mead believed that people develop self-images through interactions with other people. He
argued that the self, which is the part of a person's personality consisting of self-awareness and self-image, is a
product of social experience.
Team Red got the correct answer , so you got 5

Ofelia(HOST):Now moving on to the last question for round 1.They have granted the rights to the
indigenous peoples and promotes their full and
effective participation in all matters that concern
them.Who are they? Bluffers.

BLUFFER 1:They are the National Human Rights

BLUFFER 2:They are the United Nation's Declation.

Team Red:We feel bluffer 2 is telling the right

Team Blue: Bluffer 1 has the correct answer.

HOST ACELYN:The correct answer is The

United Nation's Declation.The relationship of the
indigenous people with the environment is,thus,
spiritually and materially strengthened.So Team Blue got the right answer,for that you guys got
5 points.


Ofelia(HOST):Now let's move on to the next Round

In this round 2 , the teams shall strive to answer 5
more remaining questions, if it's a fact or a bluff.
Mag papaunahan kayong sumagot kung ito ba ay
Fact or Bluff.After non ipapaliwanag nyo kung bakit
Fact or kung bakit Bluff.As i said earlier the team
with the highest score will be announced as winner.
So are you guys ready for the second round?alright then.

1.Immanuel Kant believes that the orderliness of

nature and the harmony of nature with our faculties guide us toward a deeper religious
perspective.Is it a fact or bluff?

Team Blue:That is a Fact because for modern thinker Immanuel Kant beauty is ultimately a symbol of morality
or (goodness).

ACELYN HOST:Team Blue your answer is

Correct that is a fact.For that you got 5 points.

Ofelia(HOST): 2.Herbert Marcuse described the universe as living embodiment of nature's order ,
harmony , and beauty.Is this a fact or a bluff?

Team Red:That is Bluff because Herbert Marcuse the philosopher says humanity had dominated nature. There
can only be change if we will change our attitude towards our perception of the environment.

ACELYN HOST:Team Red's answer was correct.

For that you guys got 5 points.

Ofelia(HOST):3Enrich Fromm,He argues that as humans, it is also inherent in us to escape the prison cell of
selfishness.Fact or Bluff?

Team Blue: That is oviously a fact.The human desire to experience union with others is one of the strongest
motivators of human behavior. In order not to feel utterly isolated, we need to find a new unity: with our fellow
beings and nature.

ACELYN HOST:Team Blue your answer was

correct , with that you guys got 5 points.

Ofelia(HOST):Question number 4. Antropocentric

Model is believed that humans are superior and central to the universe, thus it is human centered.
Fact or Bluff.

Team Red:Bluff,anthropocentric axiologies are hazardous to the environment because they intrinsically value
humanity but only instrumentally value nonhumanity.

ACELYN HOST:Sorry Team Red but your answer

is wrong.The correct answer is Fact because antropocentric is valuing nature because of material or physical
benefits it can provide for humans.
Ofelia(HOST):Now for your last question number 5.
Not deceiving others,but not also being deceived by others ,one may be called innocent , but not
naive .This function is came from Enrich Fromm's
envisioned society.Is it a fact or a bluff?

Team Blue:The answer is Fact.For Erich Fromm, everybody’s main goal in life is to become stronger, freer,
more noble – essentially, the person you were meant to be. This is representative of his humanistic perspective,
which was revolutionary for such an important figure in psychology at the time.

ACELYN HOST:Team blue your answer is correct

For that you got 5 points.

Ofelia(HOST):There you have it.In a matter of

seconds Acelyn will hand us over the result.As i
said earlier the team with the highest score will be
announce as winner.

ACELYN HOST:So the team who got the highest score is....... Team Blue.Congratulations
Team blue the prize is all yours! And for our team red , kate and chichi, thank you for joining us today we really
appreciate you guys.

I would like to thank our team for helping us on

creating this game show and of course you our
audience today.Once agian I am Ofelia and we'll
see you again for another episode of FACT or BLUFF.

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