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Software Testing:

Testing the functionality of the application in order to find the defect according to the customer

Manual Testing:
Testing the functionality of the application repeatedly or again and again manually in order to find
the defect in the software according to the customer requirement is called as Manual Testing.


(i). In order to give quality software to the customer, we perform manual testing.

(ii). Automation testing, we should perform only if the software is stable and also stability of the
application can be checked only from manual testing.

(iii). By using automation testing it is not possible to cover all the random/negative scenarios of the


(i). It takes time to test the application/Software manually i.e. it is time-consuming.

(ii). It is a tedious job since we test the software again and again.

(iii). Manual testing requires the presence of the tester but automation testing doesn't require a
person to be present.

Block Box Testing:

Verifying the functionalities of an application against the requirement is called as Black Box Testing.

Black box testing is performed by test engineers.

Levels of Testing:
1.Unit Testing.

2.Integration Testing.

3.System Testing.

4.Acceptance Testing.

Component Testing:
Testing each and every component of an application or software thoroughly and rigorously against
the requirement specification is called as Component testing.

It is also called as functional testing and module testing.

Types of Components testing: -

1.Over Testing

Testing the functionalities of an application by entering the same scenarios in different ways is called
as Over Testing.

The other name for over testing is Exhaustive testing.

Eg: There is one text field in which you just need to find whether it is accepting decimal value or not.
so you started testing it for the input9.6 and it is accepting then to make yourself sure you are
performing it for multiple values like 9.6,9.66,9.666,9.06,0.22,0.00075 So basically you are testing
the same scenario in different ways is called as over testing.

2.Under Testing

Testing the functionalities of an application by entering an insufficient set of values is called as Under

Eg: There is one text field which accepts only alphabets so you started testing it for the input

LAKHAN ->accepting

then you tried for alphanumeric

LAKHAN1710->not accepting and later you said testing is done for that component.

but in reality, you missed checking what will happen if you give black value and do submit, what will
happen if you give alphanumeric with special characters,only special characters, only numeric digit
because of which it is called as Under Testing.

3. Optimized Testing

Testing the functionalities of an application by entering data or scenarios which make sense is called
as Optimize testing.

Here we will do both positive testing and negative testing, we will not miss any scenarios or data, we
will not do the repetitive work and time wastage will not be there.

There are two types of Optimized testing: -

a) Positive Testing

Testing the functionalities of an application by entering expected data or valid data according to the
requirements is called as Positive testing.

b) Negative Testing

Testing the functionalities of an application by entering unexpected data or invalid data which is
not according to the requirement is called as Negative testing.

Integration Testing:
Testing the data flow or interface between two or more modules is called as Integration testing.
Types of Integration Testing: -

(i). Incremental Integration Testing

(ii). Non-Incremental Integration Testing

(i). Incremental Integration Testing

Incrementally adding the modules and testing the data flow between the modules is called as
Incremental Integration Testing.

These are of two types-

(i). Top-down incremental integration testing

Incrementally adding the modules and testing the data flow between the modules and ensure that
the module which we are adding is the child of the previous module is called as top-down
incremental integration testing.

(ii). Bottom-up incremental integration testing

Incrementally adding the modules and testing the data flow between the modules and ensure that
the module which we are adding is the parent of the previous module is called as bottom-up
incremental integration testing.

Sandwich Testing:

Combination of Top-down incremental integration testing and bottom-up incremental integration

testing is called as sandwich testing.

(ii). Non-Incremental Integration Testing

Combining all the modules in one shot and testing the data flow between the modules are called as
Non-Incremental Integration Testing. It is also called as Big Bang method.

When we don't know which is the parent module and which is the child module and when the data
flow between the modules is difficult to find that time we go for Non-Incremental Integration

System Testing:
It is an end to end testing wherein a testing server is similar to a production server is called as
System Testing.

End to end testing: Navigating through all the modules/features and check whether end feature or
last feature is working expected or not.
Acceptance Testing:
It is an end to end testing done by end user or customer wherein they use the software for real-time
business for a particular period of time and they check whether the software is able to handle real
time business scenarios and situation.

 It is also called as User acceptance testing(UAT) and also final acceptance testing(FAT).
 Since it is also the final stage of testing, it is also called as Red box testing.

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