Private Practice Profits: 3 Business Strategies They Don't Teach at Medical School

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Private Practice Profits

3 Business Strategies They Don’t Teach At Medical School

This is a sneak peak into how I’m
marketing my private practice,
commanding premium pricing
and NEVER relying on insurance
reimbursements ever again.
In order to become one of the highest paid private practice owners - you
must believe marketing works. If you do not, go no further -- this isn’t for

Marketing is so much more than advertising in your local newspaper or bus

bench. Marketing is the process of getting consumers interested in your
company’s product or service.
This happens through market research, analysis, and a solid understanding
of your ideal consumers needs and wants.

Marketing pertains to all aspects of a business, including offer and solution

development, service fulfillment, sales, and advertising.

Marketing effectively is what will separate the private practices that make
6-figures from those that make 7-figures.

Because at the end of the day, despite being masters at our craft we only
have so many hours to work with. Working more cannot be the answer. And
besides who wants to work 6-7 days a week? What kind of life is that?

In order to grow to 7-figures and beyond, in order to maximize profits and

not just revenue, we need to command premium pricing.

But how without being a ripoff? That’s what you will learn in this guide.

You’ll learn how to get more leads in the door without losing your shirt in
FB ads.

You’ll learn how to raise perceived value, increase authority and trust, so
patients are open to your premium priced offers.

Finally you’ll learn how to communicate effectively when it really counts -

the offer pitch.

Let’s Get Started!

Dr. TJ Ahn
PILLAR #1 - They Find You
You must be adept at online advertising and search marketing.
If you plan on commanding premium pricing you need enough high-quality
leads to make offers to. There are some key considerations if you are going
to be using digital marketing for your private practice.

Key Consideration - People don’t search for medical solutions when they
aren’t sick.

This means we can’t just market our services blindly, in 99% of the cases the
person who sees your ad won’t have any interest. Unfortunately Facebook
doesn’t have medical problem targeting...yet. We can’t advertise based on
interests for medical issues, so we have to focus on search.

Key Consideration - There is a big difference if you sell painkillers vs

vitamins (are your solutions critical or a nice-to-have?).

Think root canal vs teeth whitening.

Breast cancer exam vs augmentation.
Painful bunion removal vs laser treatment for toenail fungus.

The nature of your business will define your digital marketing strategy.

Priority #1 - Show up when they need you the most

If people don’t search for medical solutions when they aren’t sick then we
better ensure that when they are sick we are the ones they find.

We will use a combination of organic search marketing and paid search


Ensure your website has multiple pages/articles discussing your solutions

that are optimized for search engines. It’s that simple. Google will rank you
because if you are a niche local provider and you shouldn’t have too much
competition. But if you do...
Run a Customer Acquisition Campaign: Spend $500-1500/mo on Google
Adwords for people in your local area searching for solutions to their
problems. is the world’s more visited website for a reason. People are
now trained to use google to find answers to their problems.

Some keys when setting up your Google Adwords Campaigns:

Keywords - exact match or broad match?

Make sure you understand the ramifications of using broad match search
terms for your campaigns. Broad match can lead to a lot of non-relevant
search terms being included in your campaign leading to a higher cost-per-

Negative Keywords are critical in removing unwanted queries with the

wrong search intent. This saves you a lot of money.

It’s a good idea to include the primary keyword you are targeting directly
in your ad copy and on your landing page. This congruency improves
conversion rates.

Remember using data to make your decisions is a very wise thing to

do. But data cannot tell you anything, you need to use data to answer a
question. ie. Where do most of my leads come from? How many people
use mobile devices?

Priority #2 - Build local awareness so if they ever need you,

they’ll remember you.
Run a Brand Awareness Campaign: Run $300-500/mo in facebook ads in
your local area. Do not sell anything. Simply build awareness using a short
video ad.

Facebook is a critical social platform. It has over 2 billion users.

You are going to need a FB Business Page.

There is a lot that can be done with targeting.

Location, income, gender, maritial status, fans of a specific facebook page

or company, much more.

There is so much that can be done with video ads as well. You can show a
secondary ad to anyone who watches over 50% of the primary ad. A very
cost-effective way of getting your facebook audience to self identify and
never pitch to cold audiences.


With these two campaigns running year-round you should see consistent
leads flowing in your door for as little as $2000/mo self-managed and
about $5000/mo managed.

Your first marketing goal is to get a baseline figure for your cost-per-lead

How much does it cost you to get a patient in the door to hear your

Obviously we are seeking to lower this figure. But we can’t lower it, until we
have some benchmarks.

After our first 2-3 months of running advertisements on Google and

Facebook we will have our baseline data.

The second goal is to improve your conversion rate.

To do this...we need two things: patient trust and the ability to close on
premium offers.
PILLAR #2 - They Trust You
You must have an authoritative online presence.
Your ads are running and traffic is coming to your website and Facebook

What is your patient’s first reaction when they arrive there?

Are they first satisfied that your company’s branding appears that of a

Are they quickly made aware of who you are and what you offer?

Can they tell that other people have used your services and been left

These are the key questions to answer with our marketing hat’s on.
The number one thing that builds instant authority is a
powerful patient testimonial.
In this modern era, social proof is everything. People love to rely on reviews
and recommendations no matter what we buy. Medical procedures are no

Get your satisfied patients on video talking about their pain, their
procedure and the solution they chose that you played a key role in.

Make them the hero! Tell their story in 60-90 seconds.

Upload it to your business website or social profiles.
It doesn’t matter how many qualifications you have, how many seminars
you hold, how many books you’ve written, people want to know they are in
good hands and the only way they can often be convinced is by hearing an
authentic experience from another human.

Imagine two doctors, equal qualifications and experience, except one has a
full-blown social presence filled with social proof. Who would YOU choose?

If you had to make a single change in your marketing

operations, it should be this.
Having testimonials on your website is going to be the number one way to
increase the number of leads you generate and convert.

PLEASE NOTE: As you create your campaigns ensure that all of your
marketing is HIPAA compliant. There are many regulations involving patient
health information (PHI).
PILLAR #3 - They Pay You
You must be able to communicate and ethically influence your prospective
Ads are running and you are showing up in search engines when they need

You have been developing your social proof, your patient testimonials and
your authority.

Now, imagine your patient comes in for their consultation. They need help.

You are finished assessing their situation and it’s time to talk price.

Suddenly, your brain starts talking to you...

Uh oh, can they afford my premium pricing? Are they going to balk when
they see the number. Will they simply choose my cheaper competitor?
Should I offer a discount?

Now if you are like me, over the past few years you have moved away from
the insurance-based model and focused on the patient-pay model. We
both know we can no longer rely on those dwindling reimbursements - sad
but true.

And since you are a private practice owner and are looking to build to
7-figures and beyond, you must be a master at making your premium
priced offers in a way that you are still their logical choice.

By logical choice I mean that they conclude that it would be foolish of them
to go anywhere else even in spite of your premium price! This is a great

Now, if you built some authority and trust in the previous step this will be
10x easier. But it certainly won’t be an automatic sale.

You see, no matter what skill you have, selling is hard. It takes practice. It
takes experience. But there is a very clear method to it all. A very simple
way to ethically influence your patients. In fact, when done right the patient
closes themselves!
Is this news to you? I hope it isn’t. Because if you can’t close them when
they are right in front of you, then this is all for nothing.

Remember our goal is to be the logical choice for our patients. Even
better, “the only logical choice” for our patients.

That even though they know there are cheaper options they want you.
That even though they could hold off for 6 more months they take action
That even though they might struggle to pay, they will make the necessary
sacrifices and cutbacks because they want to receive services from You.

How do we make this all happen?

Now, commanding premium pricing for your solutions could be an entire

course on its own. So I’ll just share 3 simple, actionable techniques that
you can start doing tomorrow in your patient consultations to improve your
conversion rate.
1. Stop talking so much.

The secret to selling is not talking, but listening.

Find out exactly what your lead is suffering from. Find out why it’s important
for them find a solution soon. Find out what else is going on in their lives.
Connect the dots.

If you can pinpoint the patients internal needs you will have a far easier
time helping them make the right decision.

2. After you tell them the price, do not say anything.

Just sit there. Let them make the first reaction.

It is very likely that you may project your beliefs on them without even
hearing their answer, that’s why you need to be quiet and again listen to
their response.

If they agree to the price then you sign them up.

If they don’t agree, then you listen very closely to their objection.

Do they have an alternative option?

Do they lack the funds to pay?
Are they concerned you are the right one for the job?

3. Objection Navigation

The basics of objection handling is simple.

First, do not resist if they want to walk away. Encourage them to explore,
but make sure they know they are walking away from the best.

You don’t need to “sell”. You also don’t need to feel pressure to sell.
Stay relaxed and be happy to help the patient make the right choice FOR
THEM, not you.
There is no need to “sell” but rather remind patients of their own needs
and desires that they shared at the beginning of your consult.

Let’s look at 3 common objections:

They say: I can’t afford it....

You say: Ms. Jones, have you thought about whether you can afford the
consequences of not fixing the problem now? You came here because you
have been suffering from this problem for 3 years, you’ve tried different
options and your life has been miserable. You are not happy with where
you are and this problem has been affecting your business life as well as
personal life. Your physical and emotional health is critical to keep you
more productive and efficient. You will love your work more when you
don’t have pain and when you feel good about yourself.

They say: Do you have any cheaper solutions?

You say: Is this question about the money or value? If you are looking
for a cheaper solution… sure there are many out there. Would any of
those cheaper solutions work and fix your problem? It’s unlikely. As a
matter of fact, you have done your homework already and tried many
other treatments. I can offer you a payment plan but there is no cheaper

They say: I can’t take time off my work

You say: Tell me if your work is more important than your life and your
health. If your work is more important, I can’t help you any more. However,
if your life, your family, and your health is more important, I would say
“YES, you can take time off your work”. You need to fix your problem now.
You will talk to your work and claim that you are determined to get back
your health. They will arrange your schedule or time-off with you.

These are the basics of ethically influencing your patients to make the
right choice for them and ultimately a huge component of commanding
premium prices.

Do not over complicate your marketing. Start with these 3 core areas.

1. Proper digital marketing campaigns

2. Social proof development via patient testimonials
3. Ethical influencing and communication skills

What’s next
Now, I know what you are thinking,

“Dr. TJ, I don’t have the time or knowledge to effectively execute these
ideas or strategies.”

No worries. Your best choice is to invest in some help to get you up to

1. Hybrid-Concierge Practice Builder
This program is designed to help you build your own hybrid-concierge
practice. This program comes with 3 full courses:

You will shift your current mindset to more abundant, 7-figure, 8-figure

You will learn how to build your own testimonial engine. Unfortunately you
cannot outsource this. These are not just theories but actual hands-on
action plans.

You’ll also learn advanced communication techniques for ethical influencing

far beyond what we have discussed here. This program comes with an
online course, weekly live group coaching calls, and a private membership

2. A Done-For-You marketing service to setup all your ads

and optimize them on a monthly basis.
This done-for-you marketing service has one goal in mind. It is to bring you
qualified leads to your practice.

We use a special proprietary software to target patients who are actively

pursuing your service based on behavioral targeting data.

This is not just generic social media marketing, but a multi-channel

targeting and retargeting system to maximize your ROI.

Now let me ask you a question...

You are reading this because you want to build a wildly successful private
practice correct?
Shouldn’t you learn from someone who has been there and done that? You
don’t have to reinvent the wheel by yourself. You don’t have to go through
all the trials and errors that I have gone through.

Come join many other satisfied physicians who have learned from us and
quickly implement our techniques and strategies.

Book a free discovery call with our team to see if our solutions for
private practices owners are right for you.

I promise you that there will be no obligations. Nothing to lose but

everything to gain for you. My team and I will set up to 30 minutes for this

Click here to book now.

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