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Ampayon, Butuan City

Critique Paper on Theoretical Analysis #1

The Effectiveness of Hybrid Learning in Improving of Teacher-

Criteria Student Relationship in Terms of Learning Motivation
(Authors: Ayu Aristika, Darhim, Dadang Juandi, Kusnandi, 2021 )

 The study aimed to answer the following research questions:

(1) How effective is the hybrid learning in improving students'
advanced mathematical thinking?
(2) Is there a significant difference between the hybrid
Objectives / Aims learning group and the conventional group on Advanced
Mathematical Thinking?
(3) Is there a significant difference between the high
motivation group and the low motivation group on
advanced mathematical thinking?
 The research variables of the study were the effects if hybrid
learning in improving students’ AMT, the significant differences
Research Variables
between the hybrid learning group and conventional group;
motivational group and low motivational group on AMT.
 The subjects of this study were students of a mathematics
education study program at a university in Bandung who
attended lectures for the multi-variable calculus course.
 The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Many
variable calculus classes consisting of 2 classes were chosen as
the experiment group and the other class as the control group.
 The sample consists of 40 people for each group. The
experimental group was given treatment using hybrid learning,
while the control group did not get treatment, namely only using
conventional learning. Before implementing treatment, students
of each class are given a pretest to see the fundamental abilities
that students have before the treatment takes place.
 I suggest that the Teacher-student relationship emphasized on
the title presented should be given more focus aside from the
AMT. On the other hand, the title should be changed that is
more concern on the AMT of the students. It is basically
elaborating the mathematical skills of the students but less on
how this will help student-teacher relationship in terms of
learning motivation.
Statistical Tools  This study used a quasi-experimental design. This type of
research examines the effect of the hybrid learning model and
learning motivation on AMT.
 The design of this study was a non-equivalent control group
design. This study did not use a random assignment but used an
experimental class and a control class defined. The hybrid
learning model was given to the experimental group, while the
control group used conventional learning.
and Research Design  An instrumented test is used to measure the students' initial
(1) Test Prerequisite
(2) Hypothesis Test
 I suggest that there should be a specified topic in Calculus that
should be focused on this research for clearer view on the
effects of hybrid learning for the Advanced Mathematical
 Data analysis in this study used descriptive statistical analysis
and MANOVA based on a factorial design. This technique helps
Data Collection analyze the dependent variable with interval and ratio scales. In
Methods this study, the dependent variable is AMT. MANOVA analysis
technique with a significance level of a = 0.05.
 Before conducting the MANOVA test, the researcher carried out
requirements test to detect whether the data obtained met the
requirements for analysis using an analysis technique that was
planned following the research objectives.
 The basic assumptions that must be met before data analysis
using the MANOVA analysis technique are (1) the data
distribution is normal, and (2) the data is homogeneous.
(1) Test Prerequisite Analysis
 The normality test was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test
method, and the variance homogeneity test was carried out by
the Levane test method. The normality test was performed
using the Shapiro-Wilk test method, and the variance
homogeneity test was carried out by the Levane test method.
(2) Hypothesis Test
 The first hypothesis is that the MANOVA test results based on
the learning model factor of AMT obtained an F value of
12.343 with a significance of 0.000.
 The second hypothesis is that the MANOVA test results based
on the motivation factor for AMT obtained an F test value of
14.533 and a significance of 0.000.
 The third hypothesis is that the MANOVA test results based on
the interaction of learning model factors and motivation
factors on AMT obtained an F test value of 17.723 and a
significance of 0.000.
 In my view, the methods used show that many learning models
and approaches can improve student learning outcomes, but
not all learning models and approaches can design learning so
that knowledge is constructed. The researcher uses a syntax
consisting of three stages in the hybrid learning model: seeking
information, acquiring information, and synthesizing
knowledge. These stages have been modified and adjusted to
the needs of future teachers who will get treatment.

 In the data analysis, there is a table presented for the

Dimensions and Indicators of Learning motivation. The results of
the AMT description based on the learning model factor
obtained an average AMT value in the hybrid learning class and
the conventional class. The results of the AMT description based
Data Analysis
on the interaction of learning model factors and motivational
factors obtained an average AMT value in the hybrid learning
 There is a clear elaboration of the values presented and the level
of significance of the results.

Submitted by:



Submitted to:


Course Professor
Methods of Research
CEd, Caraga State University

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